Dr. Shoeb Mujawar
Dr. Shoeb Mujawar
Dr. Shoeb Mujawar
Dr. Shoeb A. V. Mujawar completed his B.D.S degree from A.C.P.M. Dental College, Dhule & M.D.S in Pedodontics
and Preventive Dentistry from M.A. Rangoonwala Dental College and Research Center, Pune. Currently, he is
working as an Assistant Professor in A.C.P.M. Dental College, Dhule. He is been actively performing extensive
clinical researches on various topics like pulp therapies, laser treatment in pediatric patients, etc. He is one amongst
few Pedontist who had performed successful research study on C.B.C.T Scan on primary teeth and his article was
published in an European journal. He has many national and international publications in reputed journals to his
credit. He is proprietor of “Kids Dental Clinic” at Dhule, Pune and Mumbai. Under the banner “Pedo Skills”, he Dr. Meena Syed Dr. Shoeb AV
conducts 2 days course on Pulpectomy, S.S. crowns, Pedodontic Restorations and emergency in Pediatric Dentistry Mujawar
with live demonstration and hands-on. He has been invited as guest speaker for Pediatric Emergency in Dental Practice several times. Dr. Shoeb has been
Dr. Meena Syed
Abstract lasting, retentive and esthetic restoration. The primary teeth have a life
Due to the demand for more esthetically acceptable crowns, the use of span of 6-8 years so a restoration should last for this much time without
stainless steel crowns for anterior teeth is taking a backseat in pediatric much upholding.
dentistry. Various esthetic pediatric crowns which are available can be In 1950’s stainless steel crown were the most reliable restoration of
divided into two groups based on their mode of adhesion. Zirconium choice for full coverage in both anterior and posterior teeth as they
dioxide ceramics can be used as an alternative option for stainless steel were competent for mastication.3 However, parents nowadays are more
crowns in posterior primary teeth. The aim of this study was to report concerned about esthetics even in posterior teeth and hence attention
zirconia restoration for primary posterior teeth. The patients and their is now shifted to zirconia crowns that are the only available alternative
caregivers had verbal information about the procedure and signed an option for esthetic rehabilitation of posterior primary teeth as compared
informed consent form. The intraoral and radiographic assessment was to anterior teeth for which a number of esthetic durable crowns are
done for evaluating the pre-operative status. The tooth was prepared available in the market.
and zirconia crown was adapted with self-etching adhesive cement.
Zirconia crowns were introduced by John P Hansen & Jeffery P in 2010.4
These clinical trials of very young patients provide successful results of
It is a form of crystalline dioxide of zirconium. These are metal free
esthetic rehabilitative treatment of posterior primary teeth with deep
crowns with mechanical properties similar to stainless steel crowns and
proximal caries. The findings after 6 and 12 months follow up could be
the translucency of Zirconia ceramic provides excellent esthetics.5 Apart
useful for improving the clinical approaches in subsequent studies. In the
from the achieved dental benefits, esthetic rehabilitation also contributes
results, the patients and their caregivers were satisfied with zirconia crown
towards the improvement of general as well as psychological well being
as a posterior tooth restoration.
of the patient.
Hence, the following clinical trials of young patients provides successful
In the past, the importance of esthetics was ignored in favor of concepts
results of esthetic rehabilitative treatment of a posterior primary tooth
such as function, structure and biology. However, esthetics has become a
affected by caries after 6 months and 12 months follow up which could
respectable concept in dentistry today.
be useful for the betterment of clinical approaches in subsequent cases
Esthetic restoration of primary teeth can be challenging due to the small in future as well.
size of the teeth, close proximity of pulp to tooth surface, relatively thin
The purpose of these case reports was to describe the clinical application
enamel and surface area for bonding, child behavior management
and the rehabilitation of decayed mandibular primary posterior teeth in
problems and cost of treatment.1 Apart from compromising esthetics,
3 and 5-year-old children using esthetic ready-made primary zirconia
dental destruction may also lead to parafunctional habits like tongue
crowns (ZIRKIZ, HASS Corp; Korea).
thrusting, psychological problems, reduced masticatory efficiency and
loss of vertical dimension of occlusion.2 Hence it is essential to restore CASE REPORTS
the teeth destroyed by caries until the eruption of permanent teeth. Here, we describe two cases of a chief complaint of decayed primary
lower posterior teeth. The children were referred to the private clinic at
The greatest challenge to the clinician is to re-establish teeth with a long
Case Report 1
A three year old girl who was suffering from food lodgment in the
lower left first molar tooth visited a private dental clinic at Pune. On
clinical examination, the tooth had proximal caries on the distal side.
A periapical radiograph revealed that tooth #74 had caries in the
proximal area approaching the pulp. Local infiltration was given and
rubber dam application was done. During excavation of caries, 1 mm
healthy dentin remained and hence, proximal restoration was planned
with composite restoration (Dentisply A2 shade) and bonding with self-
etch adhesive (Fig. 1). After restoration was completed, the tooth was
prepared for Zirconia crown with a diamond coated bur. For Zirconia
crown preparation, the occlusal surface was reduced by 1.5 mm and at
the same time, the cuspal anatomy was maintained. The bucco-lingual
reduction of 1 mm was done and then the proximal contact was broken.
Next the sub gingival preparation was done which was extended 1 mm
from the free gingival margin and extended till the proximal area. The
Fig. 2 After crown pre-paration.
bleeding was controlled using ferric sulphate. The gingival margin of
the tooth was shaped into a feather-edged finish line which was then
evaluated using a thin probe. After the preparation was completed, the
depth of sub gingival preparation (which should be 1mm) was checked
using a periodontal probe. The finish line was then polished using a
bur. Finally the bleeding was controlled and the tooth irrigated with 2
percent chlorhexidine (Vishal). After that, the pink crown (trial crown)
was selected. The crown selection was done by checking the mesio-
distal width by using vernier calipers in the same way as stainless steel
crown selection is done. Once crown selection was done, the number
size 4 crown (NU SMILE) was found to fit properly. After that, proper
isolation was done and permanent crown was checked and evaluated
for occlusion. The selected crown was then cemented with resin modified
glass inomer cement (GC). The extra cement was then removed from the
subgingival margin with a floss and an explorer (Fig. 2). Fig. 3 Post-operative crown cementation.
Case Report 2
A five year old girl who had suffered from painful symptoms in the lower
right first molar tooth reported to the private dental clinic at Pune. On
clinical examination, the tooth had proximal caries on the distal side. A
periapical radiograph revealed that tooth #84 had caries in the proximal
area involving the pulp and a peri-radicular radiolucency around the
tooth. Based on the clinical examination and investigation, pulpectomy
of #84 tooth and rehabilitation using zirconia crowns was performed
under local infiltration and rubber dam. The single sitting pulpectomy was
performed using Sx file rotary (Dentsply) for biomechanical preparation
of canals. Irrigation was done using chlorhexidine and normal saline.
The working length was determined using an apex locator (Root Zx J
morita). The smear layer was removed using EDTA. The canals were then
dried with paper points and obturated with metapex. After obturation,
Fig. 1 Pre-operative before crown preparation (proximal filing the tooth was restored with dual core cement (Laxacore) (Fig. 3) and
done pre-operative vital tooth). tooth was prepared for zirconia crown in the same way as before. Once
When restoring badly broken down primary molars, Pediatric Dentists had
many options that were in use before the advent of zirconia crowns such
as stainless steel crowns. Although Croll reported that these crowns were
easy to place, resistant to fracture and wear and bonded firmly to the
tooth,7 their main disadvantage was the unsightly metallic appearance.
As the population has become more conscious about appearance, SSC’s
have now become less desirable for parents.