New Delhi, the 12 February 2016
G.S.R. Infra/ T4S/ P&PPPL/01 /2014 - In exercise of the powers conferred by section 61 of
the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Act, 2006 (19 of 2006), the Petroleum and Natural Gas
Regulatory Board hereby makes the following regulations, namely:-
(1) These regulations may be called the Petroleum and Natural Gas
Regulatory Board (Technical Standards and Specifications including Safety Standards for
Petroleum and Petroleum Products Pipelines) Regulations, 2016.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official
2. Definitions.
(a) “Act” means the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board Act, 2006;
(b) “ASME B 31.4” means standard covering Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid
Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids referred to in Annexure IV;
(c) “Board” means the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board established under sub-
section (1) of section 3 of the Act;
(d) “pumping station” means an installation on the pipeline having pumping units to
boost petroleum and petroleum products pressure;
(e) “intermediate pigging station” means an installation having facility for receiving and
launching of pigs for pigging operations;
(f) “onshore” means areas other than offshore which shall form the scope of these
regulations. Feeder lines from / to jetty or other storage points shall also form a part
of the onshore pipelines;
(h) "petroleum" means any liquid hydrocarbon or mixture of hydrocarbons, and any
inflammable mixture (liquid, viscous or solid) containing any liquid hydrocarbon,
including crude oil and liquefied petroleum gas, and the expression 'petroleum
product' shall mean any product manufactured from petroleum;
(i) “petroleum and petroleum products pipeline” means any pipeline including branch
or spur lines for transport of petroleum and petroleum products and includes all
connected infrastructure such as pumps, metering units, storage facilities at
originating, delivery, tap off points or terminal stations including line balancing tanks
and tankage required for unabsorbed interface essential for operating a pipeline
(j) “right of use or right of way” means the area or portion of land within which the
pipeline operator or entity has acquired the right through the Petroleum and Minerals
Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in land) Act, 1962 or in accordance with the
agreement with the land owner or agency having jurisdiction over the land to lay,
operate and maintain the petroleum and petroleum products pipelines.
(2) Words and expressions used and not defined in these regulations, but defined in the Act or in
the rules or regulations made thereunder, shall have the meanings respectively assigned to
them in the Act or in the rules or regulations, as the case may be.
3. Application.
(1) These regulations shall apply to all the entities authorized by the Board to
lay, build, operate or expand petroleum and petroleum products pipelines under the
Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (Authorizing Entities to Lay, Build, Operate or
Expand Petroleum and Petroleum Products Pipelines) Regulations, 2010 and any other
petroleum and petroleum products pipelines including dedicated pipelines.
4. Scope.
(1) Requirements of these regulations shall apply to all existing and new petroleum and
petroleum products pipelines.
(2) These regulations shall cover pipeline design, materials and equipment, piping system
components and fabrication, installation, testing, corrosion control, operation and
maintenance and safety of petroleum and petroleum products pipelines. The pipelines
include dedicated pipelines for specific consumers but excludes offshore crude pipelines,
onshore well flow, feeder and collector pipelines.
5. Objective.
These standards are intended to ensure uniform application of design principles and to
guide in selection and application of materials and components, equipment and systems
and uniform operation and maintenance of the petroleum and petroleum products pipelines
system and shall primarily focus on safety aspects of the employees, public and facilities
associated with petroleum and petroleum products pipelines.
6. The standard.
(1) The Board shall monitor the compliance to these regulations either
directly or through an accredited third party as per separate regulations on third party
conformity assessment.
(2) If an entity has laid, built, constructed or expanded the petroleum and
petroleum products pipelines network based on some other standard or is not meeting the
requirements specified in these regulations, the entity shall carry out a detailed Quantitative
Risk Analysis (QRA) of its infrastructure. The entity shall thereafter take approval from its
Board or highest decision making body for non-conformities and mitigation measures.
Approval of the Board or highest decision making body of entity along with the compliance
report, mitigation measures and implementation schedule shall be submitted to the Board
within six months from the date of notification of these regulations.
(i) The petroleum and petroleum products pipelines system shall have been tested
initially at the time of commissioning in accordance with ASME B 31.4. The entity
shall have proper records of the same. Such test record shall have been valid for
the current operation. Alternatively, if such a record is not available, the entity
shall produce in service test record of the petroleum and petroleum products
pipelines network having been tested as per ASME B 31.4 or carry out intelligent
pigging survey alongwith fitness for purpose report:
Provided that-
(a) the entity shall submit self-certification in support of meeting the above
requirements within a month but not later than three months of notification of
these regulations;
(b) certifications referred to in para (a) shall be done for petroleum and petroleum
products pipelines in construction and commissioning, operation and
maintenance. The self certification shall be submitted to the Board with mitigation
plan and implementation schedule;
(c) the critical components of the system as identified by the Board for such
existing networks shall be complied with these regulations within a period
specified at Appendix from the date of coming into force of these regulations
and the authorized entity shall maintain the integrity of the existing petroleum
and petroleum products pipelines system at all times in accordance with
separate regulations on Integrity Management System; and
(1) The entity shall provide a system for ensuring compliance to the provision
of these regulations through conduct of technical and safety audits during the construction,
commissioning and operation phase.
(2) In the event of any default in sub-regulation (1), the entity shall qualify as
defaulting entity under the regulation 16 of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory
Board (Authorizing Entities to Lay, Build, Operate or Expand Petroleum and Petroleum
Products Pipelines) Regulations, 2010.
(3) In case of any deviation or shortfall including any of the following defaults,
the entity shall be given time limit for rectification of such deviation, shortfall, default and in
case of non-compliance, the entity shall be liable for any penal action under the provisions
of the Act or termination of operation or termination of authorization, namely:-
(a) if an entity fails to comply within the specified time limit of critical activities at
(b) the entity defaults three times under regulation 16 of the Petroleum and Natural
Gas Regulatory Board (Authorizing Entities to Lay, Build, Operate or Expand
Petroleum and Petroleum Products Pipelines), Regulations, 2010;
(c) the entity is found operating the pipelines beyond the maximum allowable
operating pressure (MAOP) conditions (either the original or de-rated pressure);
(d) the entity is found operating the pipeline system without conducting the hydro test
as mentioned in these regulations; and
(e) in the event the installation is found unsafe to be operated as per the third party
periodic inspection assessment and compliance is not achieved within the notice
period by the Board.
It shall be necessary to comply with all statutory rules, regulations and Acts in force as
applicable and requisite approvals shall be obtained from the relevant competent authorities
for the petroleum and petroleum products pipelines system.
10. Miscellaneous.
(2) The Board may issue guidelines consistent with the Act to meet the
objective of these regulations as deemed fit.
HAZOP shall be done for all the HAZOP to be carried out and
pipeline facilities mitigation plan to be implemented
No te : F o r S r . N o . 1 , 2 a n d 4 , i f d o c u m e n t s a r e n o t a v a i l a b l e o r m a i n t a i n e d ,
c e r t i fi c a t i o n b y t h e P i p e l i n e H e a d t o b e s u b m i tt e d .
S c h e d u le 1
S ch edu le - 1 A D E S IG N
S ch edu le - 1B M AT E RI AL AN D EQ UI PM ENT
S ch edu le - 1 E CO RRO S IO N CO NT RO L
S ch edu le - 1F O P ER AT IO N AN D M AI NT EN AN C E
S ch edu le - 1H M I S CE LL AN E O US
Schedule 1A
F = Design factor
1) Higher thickness may be used if required to reduce stresses or for providing stability
during installation and/or service. The selected wall thickness shall also i. Loadings caused by scour, erosion,
be checked to ensure that the diameter to soil movement and landslides,
thickness (D/t) ratio does not exceed 100 in installation forces, wind loading,
order to avoid damage to pipe during handling earthquake loading etc.
and transportation. ii. Weight of water during hydrostatic
testing and weight of product during Other loadings shall be considered and operation shall also be considered.
provided for in accordance with sound iii. Consideration shall be given to the
engineering practices, such as: use of lower allowable design stress if
there is likelihood of repeated stress
changes giving rise to fatigue scenarios under which a surge may occur in
conditions. the pipeline. The set pressure of surge relief
valve shall be such that in any case the
1.4.4 Pre-operational Stresses overpressure in the pipeline or connected
Consideration shall be given to but not piping system does not exceed the internal
restricted to the effect of the following pre- design pressure by more than 10%.
operational loads:
1.4.6 Anti-buoyancy Measure
i. Transportation and stockpiling of the Pipeline crossing water bodies, marshy areas,
pipe swamps and areas with high water table, etc.
ii. Stringing, coating and wrapping and shall be checked for buoyancy and if required
laying suitable anti-buoyancy measures such as
iii. Backfilling continuous concrete weight coating or
iv. Loads imparted by construction traffic concrete block, gravel filled geotextile bags,
v. Field bending anchors, increased pipeline cover, select
vi. Pulling load during horizontal direction backfill, etc. shall be provided. The specific
drilling gravity of the same under empty or installation
vii. Frictional load during jacking and conditions shall be minimum 1.1.
viii. Hydrostatic test pressure loads 1.4.7 Corrosion
(particularly when the pipeline is All underground pipes and its components
constructed as an above ground shall be protected against corrosion using
installation or is buried in unstable suitable external anti-corrosion coating or
soils) painting and cathodic protection system. All
above ground piping and its components shall
1.4.5 Surge Analysis be protected against corrosion by providing A detailed surge analysis shall be suitable anti-corrosion painting or coating.
carried out during design stage considering the
following condition: 1.5 Location And Layout of Pipeline
i. Closure of sectionalizing motor
operated valve (MOV) or ROV or 1.5.1 Location
Actuator valves on the mainline Originating, intermediate and terminal
ii. Closure of inlet MOV or ROV or facilities of cross country pipeline such as
Actuator valves of the storage tanks Originating Pump Station or Originating
during receipt Station, Intermediate pump or pigging Station,
iii. Closure of any MOV or ROV or Tap-off Station and Sectionalizing Valve
Actuator valves in the delivery pipeline Stations etc. shall be located considering
iv. Stoppage of pump(s) at originating or following aspects:
intermediate pump station
v. Closure of valves during emergency i. Functional and pipeline hydraulic
shut down requirements.
vi. Combination of the above ii. Environmental consideration based on
vii. Any other condition which can Environmental Impact Assessment
generate surge pressure (EIA) and Risk Analysis (RA) study for
the pipeline and stations. In order to protect the pipeline against iii. The Hazard and Operability (HAZOP)
surge pressure, surge relief valve or equivalent study and Hazard Analysis (HAZAN).
measures such as suitable interlocks to trip the iv. The availability of space for future
mainline pump through SCADA or station augmentation of facilities.
control system shall be provided. The required v. Approachability, water table and flood
capacity needed to be relieved through surge level and natural drainage.
relief valve shall be determined by carrying out vi. Availability of electric power and
the surge analysis for above different water.
vii. Habitation. 1.5.3 Piping Layout Station piping may be installed above In addition to above, pipeline ground or buried. Buried piping inside the
installations should be located so as to terminal area shall have a minimum cover of 1
minimize the hazard of communication of fire m from top of pipe to finished ground or grade
to the pump station from structures on level.
adjacent property. At internal storm water drains
1.5.2 Layout underground piping shall be provided with a The following aspects shall be minimum cover of 300 mm with additional
considered while establishing station layout concrete slab extending at least 500 mm on
either side of the edge of the drain and pipe.
i. Station equipments and their
specifications including sump tanks(s), Where buried pipes come above
surge tanks etc. ground, the anti-corrosion coating on the
ii. P&I diagram for the station. buried pipe will continue for a length of at least
iii. Utility requirement including other 300 mm above ground.
storage tanks like High Speed Diesel
(HSD) for power generation etc. Minimum head room should be kept as
iv. Storm water drainage system. 2.2 m.
v. Operation & maintenance philosophy
of station equipments. Piping Layout should be designed for
vi. Fire station and allied facility wherever reducing the piping loads on the nozzles of
required. critical equipments.
vii. Proximity to over head power lines. Platforms and crossovers with
Overhead power lines should not be
appropriate handrails shall be provided for
allowed directly above station
accessibility, ease of operation and
equipment or buildings.
maintenance of above ground piping and
viii. High Tension (HT) Pole structure,
equipment where required.
Transformers, Breaker and Master
Control Centre (MCC) room etc. to be All the above ground piping should be
located maintaining minimum inter properly supported to withstand operational
distance requirement as per Annexure safety requirements.
ix. Requirement of space and access 1.6 Protection of Facilities
around the pump (including engine or
motor) house or shed or building and 1.6.1 Properly laid out roads around various
other equipments to permit the free facilities shall be provided within the
movement of firefighting equipment, installation area for smooth access of fire
emergency evacuation. tenders etc in case of emergency.
x. Blow down facilities or buried drum
should be located at one corner of the 1.6.2 “Proper industry type boundary masonry
plant farthest from any fired wall at least three (3) meters high with an
Equipment and on the downward side additional 0.6 meters barbed wire or
of the station. concertina coil on the top shall be provided all
xi. For LPG pipeline facilities, Pipeline around the installation i.e. pump station,
installation shall be located upwind of booster station, Delivery, Dispatch and
LPG bulk storage facilities. Receiving Terminals with petroleum storage
and other installations identified as vital under Minimum Inter-distances between Category-A based on the Risk Assessment
various station facilities and utilities shall be as carried out from time to time in line with
per Annexure I. Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) guidelines and
1.6.3 For other installations like Intermediate Acquisition (SCADA) or equivalent monitoring
Pigging (IP) stations, Sectionalizing Valve (SV) and control system to ensure effective and
stations etc. identified as vital under Category reliable control, management and supervision
B and C, either proper industry type boundary of the pipeline.
masonry wall or chain link fencing at least
three (3) meters high including 0.6 meters 1.7.2 Originating Pump Stations, Intermediate
barbed wire or concertina coil on top may be Pump Station, Intermediate Pigging Stations,
provided. However, Category B and C Intermediate Delivery Station and Receiving or
installations having chain Link Fencing shall be terminal Stations, Sectionalizing Valve stations
required to carry out Risk Assessment at least with remote operation capabilities as well as
once every year for review of categorization of Telecom Repeater Stations including voice
installation in line with MHA guidelines or communication facilities or Cathodic Protection
recommendations. The fencing shall be Stations (in case located independent of other
suitably earthed distinctly at minimum two facilities) should have suitable field signals‟
places and locked or attended for the connectivity with the control system.
protection of the property and the public.
1.7.3 Application software modules or
1.6.4 Emergency exit (to a safe place) with functions shall be based on the requirement of
proper gate(s) shall be provided at all pipeline operating company to enable as a
installations such as pump station, minimum to detect the leak in the pipeline and
intermediate pump stations, pump stations also enhance safety of the pipeline and
with tank farm, delivery or terminal stations. personnel.
Emergency exit gate shall be away from main
1.7.4 It is also recommended that in the
gate and always be available for use of
Application Software (APPS) modules or
personnel evacuation during emergency.
functions, the following may be provided:
1.6.5 At critical locations like tank farm area,
i. Leak Detection and leak location
pump house, manifold or metering area, ii. Inventory Analysis.
intermediate pigging station etc., Close Circuit iii. Batch Tracking
Television (CCTV) camera and/ or intrusion iv. Survival Time Analysis.
alarm system having SCADA facility may be v. Pipeline transportation efficiency and
provided. Cross country pipeline system shall scrapper tracking module.
be equipped with following: vi. Contingency Analysis.
vii. Planning Module.
i. Supervisory Control and Data viii. Predictive Module.
ix. Pump driver power Optimization.
Acquisition (SCADA) System for
x. On line network simulation.
pipeline length of 50 km and above or xi. Flow management system.
line fill of 5000 kl and above except
jetty pipelines. 1.7.5 The SCADA system should be adequate
ii. Leak detection system with provision (without adding any hardware to the system at
for identification or location of leak and Master Station and remote workstations) to
isolation of affected section from accommodate future expansion (w.r.t.
remote operation for pipeline length of additional Programmable Logic Controllers
50 km and above or line fill of 5000 kl (PLCs) and consequent pipeline length and
and above. facilities, communication channels, additional
iii. Communication facilities. remote workstations or stations etc.) without
iv. Emergency Response and Disaster any limitations and without affecting the
Management Plans (ERDMP). various system performance parameters.
For LPG Pipeline facilities, API SPEC 6D Mainline or Sectionalizing Valves
valves suitable for LPG services shall be (i) Sectionalizing valves shall be installed
provided. All valves shall be fire safe where required for operation and maintenance
conforming to API 607/6FA. and control of emergencies. Factors such as
topography of the location, ease of operation Station Block Valves and maintenance including requirements for
Block valves with remote shut off provision section line fill shall be taken into consideration
from the control room shall be provided at the in deciding the location of the valves.
inlet (downstream of Tee) and outlet (up However, in any case the distance between
stream of Tee) of the pump or intermediate two consecutive sectionalizing valves shall not
pigging or terminal or delivery station piping to be more than 50 km.
isolate the pipeline from station facilities in
case of emergency at station. (ii) For LPG pipeline facilities, mainline
sectionalizing or block valves shall be installed
In addition, Block valves shall be considered at maximum spacing of 12 km in industrial,
as under: commercial and residential areas.
a) At entry and exit of pipeline stations (iii) For LPG installations, Remotely Operated
boundary Sectionalizing or Mainline block valve(s) shall
b) On each lateral takeoff from a trunk be provided with blow down connection to
line isolate and evacuate the pipeline section in
case of emergency and repair. All blow down Station By-pass
piping shall have double valve segregation.
Station by-pass system shall be provided to
facilitate flow of liquid hydrocarbon in the (iv) Mainline block valves shall be installed on
pipeline bypassing the pumping facilities inside both sides of the major river crossings and
the station premises. public water supply reservoirs. The valves
shall be as close as possible near the (x) All joints between the mainline pipe and the
upstream and downstream bank of the river first valve on the branch, including the inlet to
and public water supply reservoirs for isolation first valve, should be welded in order to restrict
of these portions of the pipeline and these possible leakage which cannot be isolated by
valves must be remote operated. the closure of the valve. Smoke or multi sensor detectors shall Shut off valves and accessory
be provided in control room, Motor Control equipment shall be constructed of material
Center (MCC) room and utility rooms, cable suitable for operating pressure and
trenches etc. with provision of indication, alarm temperature extremes to which they are
and annunciation. subjected. Break glass type fire alarm system The insulation shall contain a vapour
shall be installed at all strategic locations of barrier and shall be weather proofed.
the stations and shall be integrated to the Fire Insulation and weather proofing shall be fire
Alarm Panel in the control room and the same retardant. Steel surfaces covered by insulation
shall be extended to the marketing control shall be properly coated to prevent corrosion.
room in delivery or terminal stations. Manual When cold piping is routed below
call point with talk back facilities shall be
ground provision like trenches, casing and
installed in the strategic locations of large size
other means shall be made to permit
tank farm and to be hooked up with station fire
expansion and contraction of the pipeline.
alarm panel. When storage facility handles more Environmental friendly fire
than one type of product, dedicated loading
extinguishing system shall be considered for
and unloading pipelines shall be considered
control rooms, switch gear and battery room,
for each type of product.
computer rooms of pump station, terminal
station, delivery or tap off stations. The vapour load resulting from
refrigeration shall be handled by one or a Fire water network with fire hydrants,
combination of the following method.
long range monitors and fire water storage
shall be provided at all stations except (a) Recovery by a liquefaction system
scrapper stations and sectionalizing valve
stations. (b) Disposal by flaring
1.9.5 Piping Requirement for Refrigerated Provision shall be made for emergency
LPG Transfer alarm to signal excess pressure build up in the Piping system shall be designed as per pipeline because of a failure of cooling
ASME B 31.3. The refrigeration system shall medium.
S ch edu le 1B
S ch edu le 1 C
3.1.1 This section covers the requirements for 3.3.2 Procedures for off-loading, storage,
fabrication, installation and testing of piping receipt, control, traceability and inspection of
systems components for process and utility piping material supplied for fabrication and
piping of the terminals forming an integral part of installation shall be prepared and implemented.
liquid pipelines systems.
3.3.3 Once delivered to site for the fabrication or
3.1.2 In general, all the piping system construction, the storage and preservation
components for respective terminals or stations procedures shall be prepared and implemented
shall be designed, fabricated, erected, tested in until the system is commissioned, as applicable.
accordance with the binding requirement of
applicable code (ASME B31.3 or 31.4). Unless 3.3.4 Storage of piping and piping components
otherwise specified, the requirements specified in and equipment shall be under cover and
this section will supplement the requirements protected against environmental degradation
specified in the respective piping codes and and /or corrosion.
project specifications.
3.3.5 The Carbon steel and stainless steel
3.2 References components shall be segregated to avoid any
cross contamination.
3.2.1 Reference shall be made to following
standards, as applicable:- 3.3.6 All fittings and equipment shall be
protected against damage during handling.
ASME B31.3 : Process Piping Special attention shall be given to the sealing
surfaces and bevelled areas.
ASME B31.4: Pipeline Transportation Systems for
Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids 3.4 Fabrication
ASME VIII : Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code 3.4.1 General Requirements
OISD-STD-141 :Design and Construction The fabrication yard shall be set-up for
Requirements for Cross Country Hydrocarbon work with relevant materials and equipment.
Pipelines All welded attachments to piping,
3.2.2 The specifications for piping material used including pads etc. shall be of a material
in the petroleum and petroleum products pipeline compatible with the piping material.
shall be as per Annexure-II. Bending and forming of pipe shall be
3.3 Materials carried out in accordance with ASME B31.4 and
shall be performed in accordance with
3.3.1 The piping materials shall be procured documented procedures.
strictly in accordance with the applicable Piping
Material Specification (PMS) or Valve Material 3.4.2 Welding and NDT
Specification (VMS) or material specifications
prepared for the purpose duly complying with the All welding and non destructive testing
requirements specified in applicable codes and (NDT) shall be in accordance with applicable
design or fabrication codes. Accordingly, the reinforcement pad connections shall be provided
project specifications shall be developed to include as applicable for the branch connections.
for type of materials, applicable welding
compatibility of consumables and welding Reinforcement pads or saddles required by
procedures, Welding procedures, Pre-qualification specifications and drawings shall be of the same
test (PQT), evaluation and acceptance of material as the main pipe (unless specified
qualification, frequency of production testing, otherwise) and shall be formed to provide a good
acceptance and rejection criteria including heat- fit to both main and branch pipe.
treatment requirements, as applicable. Branch reinforcement pads or each All butt welded golden joints, which are not segment thereof shall be provided with a minimum
subjected to hydrostatic testing, shall be 100% 3.0 mm drilled and tapped hole prior to fitting to
radiographically tested as well as 100% the pipe, to ensure leak detection, venting and
examination by ultrasonic technique. Socket testing facilities. Whenever possible, pad should
welded golden joints shall be examined by using be made in one piece before fitting onto pipe. After
Liquid Penetration Inspection or wet Magnetic welding and testing the hole shall be permanently
Particle Inspection technique. plugged, e.g. welded or metal plug in piping
3.4.3 Welds and Threads
3.5 Installation of Piping Internals of in-line valves and equipment
that could be damaged due to heat transfer shall 3.5.1 General
be protected or removed prior to welding and/or
heat treatment. Manufacturer‟s recommendations All pipes shall be inspected before erection to
shall be clearly defined and followed during ensure that they are free from loose
welding of such items. contamination. Dimensional control of prefabricated piping Pipe-work shall be fitted in place without
spools shall be performed in a systematic manner, springing or forcing to avoid undue stressing of the
assuring that the final installation will be correct. line or strain being placed on a vessel or item of
The applicable tolerances shall be specified in equipment, etc.
Piping General Arrangement (GA) drawings,
fabrication drawings and/or isometrics as prepared All temporary pipe spools and supports
specifically for the fabrication works. that are an aid to erection, testing or flushing,
fastening, etc. are to be specially marked for Prefabricated pipe spools shall be cleaned removal identification.
and applied with protective coatings (as required)
and preserved prior to installation. All valves shall be protected against
ingress of dirt, chemicals and moisture during any Internal cleaning of pipe spools may be temporary storage.
done by hydro flushing or hydro jetting.
3.5.3 Flanged Joints
3.4.5 Branch Connections Before assembly, flanges shall be Tees, weldolets, nippolets, sockolets, and adequately inspected and shall not have any
damage that may interfere with the integrity of the The gaskets shall be supplied, stored and installed
joint. in accordance with manufacturers‟ instructions.
Gaskets shall not be reused. Gaskets shall not The flanges shall be clean and free from protrude into the bore of pipe.
any rust, dirt or other contamination. The joints
shall be brought up flush and square without 3.5.6 Bolting
forcing so that the entire mating surfaces bear
uniformly on the gasket and then mated-up with Bolting shall be in accordance with
uniform bolt tension. applicable piping specification for the project. With the piping flange fitted and prior to Manually torqued flange bolts and stud
bolting-up the joint, it shall be maintained that (i) bolts shall extend fully through their nuts with
the bolting shall move freely through minimum one and maximum five threads.
accompanying bolt-holes at right angle to the
flange faces (ii) there shall be a clear gap between The flange bolts, stud bolts threads as well
two flange faces before gasket installation (iii) as nut spot faces shall be thoroughly lubricated
there shall be sufficient flexibility to install and prior to fitting.
replace gaskets. All bolted flange connections shall have The flange covers shall be retained on all controlled tightening by means of manual torque
flange connections to valve or equipment, until wrenches or hydraulic bolt tightening.
ready to connect the mating piping. If required, the bolts shall have extra over- The equipment shall be blanked, either by length in order to accommodate tensioning tool.
pressure test blanks, spades or blinds, to stop the
ingress of internal pipe debris. 3.5.7 Pipe Supports The flange joint shall be made using Pipe supports shall be in accordance with
either spiral wound metallic gaskets or metallic the valid pipe support detail drawings developed
ring type gaskets. Plain asbestos sheet or for the project and/or piping support guide
reinforced gaskets shall not be used. developed for the project. Fittings and flanges made of cast iron and .For lines subject to stress analysis, it shall
ductile iron shall not be used in petroleum and be ensured that the stress isometric drawings fully
petroleum products Pipelines. comply with the installed system with regard to
pipe routing, pipe support locations and support
3.5.4 Strain Sensitive Equipment for Flanged functionality.
Connections Piping shall not be forced to fit with support When the flanges are to be connected to locations in such a manner that additional stress is
strain sensitive mechanical equipment (e.g. introduced. Pipes shall not be supported by other
pumps, compressors, turbines, etc.), then in such pipes, i.e. individual supporting is required.
cases, the connecting flanges shall be fitted-up in
close parallel and lateral alignment prior to All stud bolts and nuts used in
tightening the bolting. petroleum and petroleum products pipelines
should be hot dipped galvanized as per ASTM A In general, flange connections to strain 153.
sensitive equipment shall be the last connection
made on completion of a line or interconnecting
system of lines. The connections to strain 3.5.8 Installation Tolerances
sensitive equipment shall be subject to stress
analysis. Installation tolerances of piping components shall
be as required by the individual service of the
3.5.5 Gaskets piping component including requirements for
maintenance access, position relative to
surrounding steelwork, equipment, cable tray and using high pressure jet-flushing equipment. The
heating, ventilation and air-conditioning duct piping system shall be hydro flushed to ensure
routings, positioning of pipe supports relative to that weld deposits are removed.
the structural steel, pipe stress. The flushing medium shall be fresh water.
3.5.9 Expansion and Flexibility Requirement The flushing water chloride-ion content shall be
less than 50 ppm and the pH value shall be in the Piping shall be designed to have sufficient range of 6.5 to 7.5.
flexibility to prevent excessive stresses in the
piping material caused from expansion or After flushing, the piping systems shall be
contraction, excessive bending moments at joints, completely drained and protected against
or excessive forces or moments at points of corrosion.
connection to equipment or at anchorage or guide
point. 3.6.3 Pressurized Air Blowing Maximum temperature for design of above The pressurized air blowing may be used as an
ground section of pipeline or piping shall be the initial cleaning method for instrument air, plant air
maximum expected liquid temperature during and as an alternative method for initial cleaning of
operation or maximum ambient temperature small bore pipe (typical less than 2 in). This
whichever is higher. When maximum method may also be used when there are
temperature expected during operation is below problems removing trapped liquid in the circuit, or
65°C, thermal expansion and stresses in the to verify cleanness of small bore pipe or where the
above ground piping shall be evaluated inspection is inadequate due to pipe shape and
considering pipe skin temperature of 65°C. configuration. Safety precautions will be taken
when using this method to avoid injuries.
3.6 Preparation of Piping for Testing
3.6.4 Soft Pigging
3.6.1 General If required, the soft pig may be propelled The initial flushing shall be carried out prior using compressed air, vacuum, or water. Pressure
to pressure testing. The piping shall be free from shall not exceed design pressure of the system.
all foreign materials (e.g. dirt, grease, oxide scale, When using compressed air, a procedure covering
weld deposits and temporary protective coating) all safety aspects shall be established. The
which could cause operational disturbances. All procedure shall describe in detail the arrangement
flushing shall be performed according to a for catching or receiving the pig in a safe manner.
documented procedure. Items which can be sensitive to damage during
soft pigging shall be removed. All items that can be damaged during
cleaning shall be removed or blocked prior to All systems shall be internal visual
cleaning, e.g. pressure gauges, flow meters, inspected for acceptable cleanness by spot check
signal sensors, relief valves, permanent strainers, during construction.
check or globe or control valves having reduced
cross sectional areas, rupture discs, instrument 3.7 Pressure Tests
probes, thermo wells, connection to vessels or
pumps level instruments, etc. The test pressure shall, unless otherwise
specified, be in accordance with ASME B31.4. The The orifice plates shall be installed after test pressure shall be calculated based on the
flushing and pressure testing. maximum design pressure of the piping class (not
the design pressure of the individual line). Suitable
3.6.2 Hydro-flushing temperature adjustments shall be made while
calculating the test pressure. Items which would be sensitive to damage
during hydro flushing shall be removed, blocked 3.7.1 Test Preparation
off or isolated. Ball valves shall be flushed in fully
open position. All piping systems shall be flushed Pressure, temperature and time recorders
shall be used for all pressure tests. The pressure soon as possible after testing. Carbon Steel
shall be shown in barg. Pressure gauges and systems shall be tested with an acceptable
recorders used to indicate and record test preservation fluid to prevent rust. The anti-freezing
pressure shall be dead weight tested for accuracy compounds may be added if it is anticipated that
according to a procedure, dependent on type of the ambient temperature may fall down below the
equipment. Pressure and temperature gauges and permissible value.
recorders shall be calibrated in accordance with
recognized calibration standards. For pneumatic testing, the test media shall
be oil free, dry air or any inert gas. The use of air Piping joints, welds (including those used for testing shall be limited to a maximum pressure
in the manufacturing of welded pipe and fitting, of 0.7 MPa overpressure. Above this pressure
and structural attachment welds to pressure- nitrogen shall be used. The extent of pneumatic
containing components), and bonds shall not be testing shall be approved. All safety aspects using
insulated or physically covered until satisfactory compressible test media shall be evaluated.
completion of testing. For instrument or utility air systems, All piping shall be adequately supported where the introduction of water is undesirable, test
before the pressure test. Spring or other variable media shall be oil free dry air or any inert gas.
type supports shall be blocked to prevent
movement. 3.7.3 Hydrostatic Testing Unless otherwise noted, all valves are to The test pressure shall be maintained for
be through body tested. If valves are included in a sufficient length of time to permit visual
the pressure test, the following applies: ball, plug, examination to be made of all surfaces, welds and
connections. Over-pressuring due to static head
slab gate valves and other valves where the cavity
shall be avoided.
pressure may differ from the bore pressure, shall
be pressure tested in the half open position. All Hydrostatic testing of station piping shall
be carried out separately from main pipeline and
other valves shall be tested in the fully open
same shall be tested at minimum test pressure of
position. When check valves are included in 1.25 times the design pressure. The test pressure
pressure test they shall be jacked open or have shall be maintained for a minimum period of 4
their internals removed. (four) hours.
3.7.4 Pneumatic Testing Where the test pressure to be applied to
the piping is greater than the maximum allowable 2 Pressure of 0.5 kg/cm shall be introduced
test pressure for valves, the valves shall be
in the system and a leak test performed. The
blinded off on the side to be tested, or removed
pressure shall gradually be increased to 50 % of
and replaced by dummy spools. Turbines, pumps,
the specified test pressure and kept for minimum
compressors and vessels shall be blinded off prior
10 min to equalize strain. The pressure shall then
to pressure testing.
be increased in steps of 10 % of the specified test
pressure, until the specified test pressure is A list shall be prepared for sensitive
reached. At each step, the pressure shall be kept
equipment (i.e. expansion joints, relief valves,
for minimum 10 min to equalize strain. The
inline instruments, etc.) that shall be removed,
specified test pressure shall be kept for 1 hour.
blocked off or isolated during testing. This list shall
The pressure shall then be gradually released
be a part of the test procedure.
after examining for leakage. The piping systems
shall not show any sign of plastic deformation or
3.7.2 Test Media
leakage. For hydrostatic testing, the test medium All flanged joints in above ground
shall in general be fresh water, except that other
pipelines or piping, equipment and instrument
suitable liquid may be used if the piping or inline
impulse tubing etc. shall be tested by pressurizing
equipment would be adversely affected by water
the piping system or equipment with dry
and shall be subject to prior agreement.
compressed air or water at a pressure of The piping shall be properly drained as 3.0kg/cm2g and checked by means of soap
solution or suitable digital gauge for leaks as to prevent corrosion during such period.
applicable. After hydrotesting of the pipeline
sections or station piping the section shall be Reinstallation of the system shall be
dewatered immediately except when the section is performed in accordance with the test procedure.
filled with inhibitor. After dewatering the section Where permanent or temporary strainers have
shall undergo swabbing. remained in place for the hydrostatic pressure test,
they shall be removed following the test and
3.7.5 After Completion of Test thoroughly cleaned before reinstalling. Ends of
pipes and nozzles shall be fully protected against The tested systems shall be depressurised the ingress of foreign material by the use of caps,
by opening the depressurising valve in the test rig. plugs or plate blinds sealed with gaskets. These
After depressurisation, all vents and low point shall not be removed until just prior to final
drain valves shall be opened and the system shall assembly. Flange parallelism and alignment to
be thoroughly drained where the test medium is equipment shall be checked prior to reinstatement.
water. Where required, blowing by dry air or All lines or joints that fail to pass the pressure test
pressurised air shock blowing to remove any shall be re-tested to the same procedure after
trapped water shall be performed to remove any repairs.
residual or trapped water.
3.7.6 Test Acceptance Criteria Systems with drying requirement shall be
dried out after hydro testing with dry oil free air. The piping systems shall not show any sign of
The dew point shall be established depending plastic deformation or leakage.
upon location or elevation and the level of dryness
required. Drying may be terminated when the dew 3.7.7 Test Documentation
point at the outlet is equal to the dew point at the
inlet. Other methods (e.g. vacuum drying) may For all pressure tests, documentation shall be fully
also be used if the same dryness can be achieved. traceable during the commissioning period of the
tested pipe. The documentation shall include, but Requirement for drying shall be defined not be limited to (i) a valid test certificate
taking into consideration the time for start up of specifying date, location, line numbers, test
system. If more than 3 months to commissioning, pressure, test medium and test duration (ii) a test
drying shall be followed by preservation with record chart fully specifying the pressure,
nitrogen to keep the pipe system completely dry temperature and time relation during the test
and to avoid condensation of moisture. Other period.
suitable preservation technique shall be adopted
Schedule 1D
Pipeline shall be buried below ground level and pipe. If required protective layer of rock-shield
unless construction above ground is found to be or rock guard or concrete coating may be
desirable for exceptional reasons. provided to prevent damage to coating or steel
pipe during installation and testing in place of
4.1 Pipeline Cover soft padding,
4.1.1 Petroleum and petroleum products 4.1.3 No dwellings or construction in any form
pipelines shall be buried with a minimum cover shall be permitted within RoU. Offenders or
as specified in Table 3 defaulters shall be liable to prosecution as
permitted under The Petroleum and Minerals
4.1.2 In rocky areas and areas with hard soils or Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in land)
gravels, minimum 150 mm thick padding of soft Act, 1962 and its amendments.
soil or sand shall be provided all around the
4.2 Excavation ROW or the top of graded working strip,
whichever is lower. The fill material in the
4.2.1 In cultivable land and other specifically working strip shall not be considered in
designated areas, the top 300 mm soil the depth of cover.
excavated from the trench shall be stored
separately. This top soil shall be replaced in (2) For river or watercourses that are prone
original position after backfilling and compacting to scour and / or erosion, the specified
of the rest of the trench. cover shall be measured from the
expected lowest bed profile after
4.2.2 The width of trench shall be such that a scouring or erosion. Where scour level
minimum clear distance of 200 mm for trench in is not known, an additional cover of at
normal soil and 300 mm for trench in rock is least 1 meter (Over and above the cover
maintained between edge of pipe and the trench mentioned as above in the Table 3) shall
wall at the bottom of the trench. be provided from the existing bed of the
river or water course except in case of
Table 3: Minimum Cover Requirements for Rocky bed.
S. Locations Minimum (3) The cover shall be measured from the top
No. Cover of road or top of rail, as the case may be.
in meters
(4) Whenever the above provisions of cover
i) Normal or rocky terrain 1.2 (normal) cannot be met due to site constraints,
additional protection in form of casing or
1.0 (rocky) concreting, soil bags, etc. shall be
ii) Drainage, ditches at 1.2
roads or railway crossing (5) When insisted by authorities, the depth
shall be maintained as per the directions
iii) Minor river crossings, 1.5 of the concerned authorities.
tidal areas and other
watercourses 4.2.3 The location of a new buried pipeline,
[2] when running parallel to an existing buried
iv) Major river crossings 2.0
pipeline, should be at a minimum clear distance
v) River with rocky bed 1.5 of 5.0 meters from the existing underground
pipeline when heavy conventional construction
vi) lined canals or drains or 1.5 equipment is expected to be utilized. This
nalas etc. distance may be reduced after careful
assessment of construction methodologies so
vii) Cased or uncased road 1.2 that it does not result in unsafe conditions during
crossing construction. In any case the minimum clear
distance shall not be less than 3.0 meters. This
viii) Cased Railways 1.7 can be permitted to be less than three meters in
crossing exceptional cases if appropriate cathodic
protection measures are implemented based on
CP interference survey results. Existing pipeline
should be clearly marked on the ground during
construction. Bi-language (local language and
Notes: Hindi or English) caution signs should be
installed while working in such areas.
(1) Cover shall be measured from the top of
coated pipe to the top of the undisturbed 4.2.4 While laying more than one new pipeline
surface of soil at a distance of 2 m or in the same trench, clear separation of minimum
more from the edge or toe of ROU or 500mm shall be maintained between adjacent
pipelines. the above mentioned clearance, special design
and construction shall be used. The existing
4.2.5 No pipeline should be located within 15.0 pipeline shall be properly supported during and
meters of any dwelling unit or any industrial after the construction activities.
building or place of public assembly in which
persons work, congregate or assemble, unless it 4.4.2 When laid parallel to any existing
is provided with at least 300 mm of cover over underground pipeline, cable, drain or other
and above minimum cover specified in Table 3 services and/or structures, the underground
or any other mitigation measure provided like pipeline shall be laid with a clear horizontal
higher pipe wall thickness or protection with distance of at least 500 mm. Where it is not
RCC Slab. No dwelling unit or permanent possible to maintain the above mentioned
structure in any form shall be permitted within clearance, special design and construction shall
the ROU or ROW. be used. API-1110 should be used as guidance After hydro testing of the pipeline sections or
for the pressure testing of the pipeline. station piping, the section shall be dewatered
immediately except when the section is filled
4.10.2 Test Pressure and Duration with inhibitor. After dewatering, the pipeline
section shall undergo swabbing and station Pipeline piping should also be blown by compressed air
to remove water.
(i) The minimum test pressure at any point along
the pipeline shall be as at least 1.25 times the 4.10.4 Geometric Survey
internal design pressure. Survey to establish pipeline geometry
(ii) The maximum test pressure shall not exceed using
the mill test pressure or pressure required to Electronic Geometric Pigs (EGP) shall be
produce a hoop stress equal to 95 percent of conducted after completion and acceptance of
Specified Minimum Yield Strength (SMYS) of following pipeline activities:
the pipe material based on minimum wall
thickness in the test section. Notwithstanding i. Gauging and cleaning
above, pipeline shall be tested at a minimum ii. Hydro testing
test pressure of 1.25 times of Design Pressure. iii. Installation of Mainline or Sectionalizing
Valve stations
(iii) The test duration shall be maintained for a iv. All tie-ins.
minimum twenty four (24) hours or as required v. Completion of all mechanical facilities
by statutory authorities. on the pipeline.
(iv) Mainline valves along with branch pipe Magnetic cleaning pigs shall be
should be pressure tested before installation propelled to ensure adequate cleanliness of
and shall be installed after successful pressure pipeline. Number of magnet cleaning pig runs
testing of the pipeline. . and the type of magnet cleaning pig for each
cleaning run shall be suitable for adequate
(v) Mainline valves should be installed after internal cleaning of pipeline. Ferrous debris
successful pressure testing of the pipeline permitted with magnetic cleaning pig should not
exceed 5 Kg/100KM. Acceptable Pressure Variations In case debris received is more than
this amount, then subsequent run(s) are
Pressure variations during testing shall be
required until the above limit is achieved.
acceptable, if caused by factors other than
leakage, like temperature variations. Maximum 4.10.5 Preservation of Pipeline
unaccounted pressure variation shall not exceed
0.3 bar. Pipelines not meeting the requirements If the pipeline commissioning after
shall be repaired and retested in accordance pressure testing is anticipated to be delayed
with the requirements of these standards. beyond six (6) months, suitable preservation
technique shall be adopted to prevent internal Above Ground Station Piping corrosion during such period.
(i) Pressure testing of station piping shall be Pipeline may be preserved using
carried out separately from pipeline. inhibited dosed water with adequate quantity of
corrosion inhibitors or by filling the line with any
(ii) Station piping shall be tested at minimum inert gas and at a positive pressure
test pressure of 1.25 times the design pressure.
4.10.6 Commissioning
(iii) The test pressure shall be maintained for a
minimum period of four (4) hours. There shall be documented
commissioning procedure to cover all the report
activities for pipeline sections under vi. A complete pipe book.
commissioning and to ensure proper vii. Pressure test records include location of
communication while commissioning work. leaks or failures, if any, and description of
repair under taken. The commissioning operation shall be viii. As - built drawings including pipeline
controlled and supervised by authorized ix. Strength, tightness and leak test reports
personnel. x. Complete asset of each location with
identification. The local administration and other xi. NDT records of welds
statutory bodies what so ever applicable shall xii. Geometric survey reports, if applicable.
be informed and work shall be carried out under xiii. Cleaning records
an experienced person. xiv. Commissioning reports
xv. Non-conformance or deviation reports Upon completion of the commissioning xvi. Calibration records of Inspection,
process there shall be a commissioning report Measuring and Metering and Test
endorsed by the authorized person and the equipment
safety officer. xvii. Audit compliance reports
xviii. Statutory clearances Before starting commissioning xix. Approved drawings or documents
activities, following shall be ensured: xx. Relevant Standards and Guidelines
i. Commissioning Procedure in place xxi. Equipment and operations manuals.
ii. Pressure testing is completed for entire
pipeline and associated station piping
iii. Pressure leak check of the above
ground piping or flanged joints
iv. Pipeline has been cleaned and debris
etc. removed.
v. All mainline or sectionalizing valves are
installed as per requirement.
vi. All Golden joints are inspected and
vii. Geometric survey of pipeline section is
carried out, if applicable.
viii. Trained and experience personnel are
available or deployed to carry out
4.11 Documentation
CORROSION CONTROL Special conditions such as elevated Sufficient test stations shall be
temperature, coating disbondment, bacterial provided along the pipeline route to check the
attack, shielding, unusual contaminates in adequacy of cathodic protection system. This
may essentially include the locations water or installed to reduce these potentials to a
rail or road crossing, cased installations, CP tolerable level.
source locations, stray current areas etc.
(ii) When such pipelines or mains are under The electrical leads shall be connected construction, or when personnel are in
to pipeline through thermit welding or or Pin contact with the pipelines or mains, special
Brazing. When thermit welding process is used precautions shall be taken to nullify the
for electrical lead installation on pressurized possible effects of induced alternating
pipelines, precautions shall be taken to avoid current potentials.
possible failure of the pipeline during
installation due to loss of material strength at (iii) After installation of Permanent CP system,
the elevated welding temperatures. an Electrical interference survey shall be
carried out within one year to locate any
5.2.5 Electrical Interference potential interference current pick-up and
discharge location on the pipeline so that
In addition to protective measures for adequate interference mitigative measures
interference locations due to DC traction, could be installed accordingly for the pipeline.
HVDC transmission, other foreign pipeline or
metallic structure presence etc., electrical (iv) Pipelines installed parallel to or near
interference due to following shall also be cathodically protected existing foreign pipeline,
considered in cathodic protection design overhead AC electric transmission line or DC
Rail traction or adjacent to a switching yard Fault Currents shall be protected against induced stray
current. Protective measures such as metallic
(i) Fault current interference shall be taken bonding, increased protection current,
into consideration. Fault current resulting supplementary coating, electrical isolation,
from lighting or upset conditions of electrical galvanic anodes, De-coupling devices such as
facilities could result in serious damage to Polarization cell or any other suitable method
coating and pipe wall and danger to may be adopted for such interference
personnel. These adverse effects may mitigation.
occur where a pipeline or main is close to
the grounding facilities of electrical (v) Safety devices in line with NACE-RP-01-77
transmission line structures, sub-stations, shall be installed for preventing the damage to
generating stations or other facilities that the pipeline due to lightning or fault currents
have high short circuit current-carrying when the pipeline is installed near electric
grounding networks. transmission tower footings, ground cables etc.
(ii) Where a buried pipeline or main is close (vi) While laying pipeline near HT power lines,
to grounding facilities, remedial measures care should be exercised during construction
may be necessary to control the effect of to minimize possible effects of induced
these fault currents in order to reduce the alternating current potentials arising out of
resultant rise in potential gradient in the capacity couplings.
earth near the pipeline or main to an
acceptable level. (vii) The anode beds should be located remote
to pipeline such that there is minimum Induced Potential Interference interference of anode potential gradient zone
with the existing underground metallic
(i) Pipelines or mains paralleling alternating structures. Location of anode beds shall be
current electrical transmission lines are physically identifiable at the field and also
subject to induced potentials. When studies properly marked on the as built drawing.
or tests show that alternating current Adequacy of remoteness of anode bed to be
potentials will be or are being induced on a calculated and included in the cathodic
buried pipeline or main, devices shall be protection design.
appropriate mitigation or corrective action
(viii) Fault current resulting from lighting or shall be effected to remediate the condition
upset conditions of electrical facilities could which may affect the protection against
result in serious damage to coating and pipe external corrosion.
wall and danger to personnel. These adverse
effects may occur where a pipeline is close to 5.4.2 The following records may be
the grounding facilities of electrical considered for evaluating the performance
transmission line structures, sub-stations, monitoring:
generating stations or other facilities that have
high short circuit current-carrying grounding i. All the past leakages history and
networks. leak survey records for reason of
Electrical Bonding across points shall be such leakages.
installed wherever pipelines and mains are to ii. All ON or ON–OFF Pipe to Soil
be separated. Potential (PSP) records of inspection
survey of cathodic protection
(ix) It is not required to provide additional iii. Parameters of CP rectifier (CPTR or
shorting link metallic flange joint. However it CPPSM) units and current density of
shall be ensured to maintain electrical the pipeline.
continuity, before opening of any flange joint. iv. External Coating survey Pearson
Before opening of the flange joint, a flexible Survey or Direct Current Voltage
cable shall be connected across the flange by Gradient (DCVG) or Close Interval
connecting at any two points on the Potential Logging (CIPL) survey or
succeeding and preceding section of the Current Attenuation Test (CAT)
flange being opened (either through crocodile records
clips or fixing the wire with the bolts of any v. DC or AC Interference survey records
flange succeeding and preceding section of vi. Intelligent pigging record for external
the flange being opened) for avoiding any corrosion and/or coating defect
electrical spark generation during opening of indications
the flame. vii. Any repair or mitigation carried out in
(x) After installation of electrical interference viii. Evaluation of pipeline thickness
mitigation measures, interferences survey monitoring for Rate of corrosion if
shall be carried out again to determine the corrosion coupons are installed.
effectiveness of the measures.
5.4.3 Mitigation measures include based on
5.3 Existing Installations indication observed but not limited to following:
Schedule 1F Villagers or public along the right of Diversion route of water flow shall be
way shall be adequately made aware of the maintained where needed to protect against
possible consequence of hydrocarbon leaks washouts of the line and erosion of the
and this shall be included as a part of regular landowner‟s property.
6.9 Pigging Regular liaison shall be maintained
with Police stations, Panchayat and district 6.9.1 The frequency of descaling of pipelines
authorities along the right of way about the transporting crude petroleum and petroleum
possible consequence of hydrocarbon leaks products shall be as under:
and pilferage. i. Non ATF Petroleum Products
Pipelines – Once in six months.
ii. ATF pipelines also carrying other Night patrolling by line walkers or petroleum products – Once in three
alternative security surveillance system shall months
be implemented with increased frequency iii. Dedicated ATF Pipelines – Once in a
where the pipeline location is vulnerable from year
the pilferage point of view. iv. Crude Oil Pipelines – Once in three
6.8.2 Markers v. LPG Pipelines – Once in a year Markers shall be installed and 6.9.2 Record of quantity and quality of
maintained over each line on each side of deposits (pig residue) collected after descaling
road, highway, railroad, and stream crossings shall be examined to monitor condition of the
to properly locate and identify the system. Pipeline. Depending upon the outcome of the
Markers are not required for pipelines offshore. chemical analysis and review, pigging
frequency may be increased. Pipeline markers at crossings, aerial
markers when used, and other signs shall be 6.9.3 Instrumented or Intelligent Pigging
maintained so as to indicate the location of the
line. These markers shall show the name of The first inspection of cross country pipeline by
the operating company, and where possible, Instrumented or Intelligent pigging survey
an emergency telephone contact. Additional (IPS) shall be carried out at the earliest but not
pipeline markers shall be installed along the later than 10 years of commissioning. The
line in areas of development and growth to result of this inspection shall be compared with
protect the system from encroachment. API original commissioning data in order to assess
RP 1109 shall be used for guidance. the health of the pipeline and subsequent
periodicity of intelligent pigging. The interval Markers to identify the width of Right of between two Instrumented or Intelligent
Way has to be provided at visible locations pigging shall in no case exceed 10 years.
and should be so placed that it does not hinder
agricultural activity or any movement 6.10 Maintenance Procedure or Manual Smoking shall be prohibited in all 6.15.2 The maximum steady state operating
areas of a pump station, terminal, or tank farm pressure may be increased after compliance
in which the possible leakage or presence of with (a) above and one of the following
vapor constitutes a hazard of fire or explosion. provisions;
6.16 Abandoning a Piping System For operation and maintenance purposes, the
In the event of abandoning a piping system, it following records shall be properly maintained:
is required that; i. Necessary operational data;
i. Facilities to be abandoned in place ii. Pipeline patrol records;
shall be disconnected from all sources of iii. Corrosion records;
the transported liquid, such as other iv. Leak or tapping and break records;
pipeline, meter stations, control lines, and v. Records pertaining to routine or
other appurtenances; unusual inspections, such as external
ii. Facilities to be abandoned in place or internal line conditions;
shall be purged of the transported liquid vi. Pipeline repair records
Schedule 1G
Emergency lighting shall be provided for 7.8.6 Terminal station co-located in any
operating areas like generator room, diesel marketing or refinery may be exempted for fire
compressor room, PCC or MCC room and water storage, fire fighting pumps. Only fire
control room. Emergency power supply shall water network with hydrants and monitors in
also be provided to panels of all fire alarms or the network connected to the fire water
detection system or other fire fighting system. storage and pump to the co-located installation
is acceptable.
7.7 Communication System
7.9 Design Flow Rate
i. Communication system like telephone,
walkie-talkie etc. shall be provided. 7.9.1 The fire water pumping requirement shall
ii. All intermediate stations including IP be calculated based on the following for other
stations or Repeater stations shall be than LPG pipeline installations:-
provided with proven communication
system. Security at unmanned station i. Spray rate of 10.2 liter per min per
shall be trained to deal with square meter (lpm/ m ) of area for pump
house shed based on outer foundation standards , to be followed for the design
column measurement (length x breadth). fire water requirement.
ii. Supplementary streams based on using
4 single hydrant outlets and 1 monitor 7.10 Fire Water System Design
simultaneously. Capacity of each i. The fire water pressure system shall be
hydrant outlet as 36 m3 / hr and of each designed for a minimum residual
high volume monitors as 144 m3/hr shall pressure of 7.0 kg/cm (g) at the
be considered at a pressure of 7 kg / hydraulically farthest point of fire water
cm (g). network.
ii. A fire water ring main shall be provided
Design fire water flow rate shall be maximum all around perimeter of the pump station
of flow rate calculated for (i) or (ii) above, and delivery or terminal stations facilities
whichever is higher with hydrants or monitors.
iii. There shall be minimum two (2)
7.9.2 The fire water pumping requirement shall numbers of monitors located in such a
be calculated based on the following for LPG way that it covers the pump area,
pipeline installations: scrapper area and separator filter or
strainer or flow meter area. Fire hydrant
7.9.3 The Fire water pumping requirement for
network shall be in closed loops to
medium velocity spray system shall be
ensure multidirectional flow in the
calculated based on following cooling rate:
system. Isolation valves shall be
(i) Pump Shed: Medium velocity sprinkler provided where the length of the pipe
system having remote and local operated section is more than 300 meter.
deluge valve with spray density 20.4 liters per
2 7.11 Fire Water Storage
min per meter square area (lpm/m ) of the
pump shed to be calculated considering outer
7.11.1 Water requirement for firefighting shall
foundation column distances.
be met through water storage tanks of steel or
(ii) Scraper area, Metering area or Filtering concrete or masonry. The effective capacity of
area and receipt or delivery manifold area the tanks above the level of suction point shall
Medium velocity sprinkler system with spray be minimum 4 hrs aggregate capacity of the
2 pumps. Where make up water supply system
density 10.2 lpm/m of surface area to be
considered. Pump house shall be considered is 50% or more this storage capacity may be
as single risk area. Alternatively, it can be reduced to 3 hrs of aggregate capacity of
divided into suitable number of zones with pumps.
minimum 10 meter width
7.11.2 Storage tank or reservoir shall be in two
7.9.4 The fire water system in the plant shall interconnected compartments to facilitate
be designed to meet the highest fire water flow cleaning and repairs. In case of steel tanks
requirement of a single largest area risk at a there shall be a minimum of two tanks.
time plus 288 m /Hr for operating 2 Nos. of
7.12 Fire Water Pumps
fire water monitors or supplementary hose
7.12.1 Centrifugal fire water pumps shall be
installed to meet the designed fire water flow
Note: rate and head. Pump shall have flooded
i. If the pipeline installation is having tank
farm, the design fire water requirement 7.12.2 Motor driven Jockey pump shall be
shall be calculated based on relevant installed to pressurize fire water network as
design standards. . per design requirement.
ii. If the pipeline installation is having LPG
storage facilities line, horton spheres, 7.12.3 The fire water pumps including the
bullets and mounted bullets, relevant standby pumps shall preferably be diesel
driven. Where electric supply is reliable 50% of
the pumps may be motor driven. 7.13.7 Fire Hydrants or monitors shall be
located at a minimum distance of 15 m from
7.12.4 At least one standby fire water pump the hazardous facility or equipment. In case of
shall be provided for up to 2 nos. of main buildings this distance shall not be less than 2
pumps. For main pumps 3 nos. and above, m and not more than 15 m from the face of
minimum 2 nos. standby pumps of the same building. Provisions of hydrants within the
type, capacity and head as the main pumps building shall be in accordance with IS: 3844.
shall be provided.
7.13.8 At least one hydrant post shall be
7.12.5 The fire water pumps shall be provided provided for every 30 m of external wall
with automatic starting facilities. measurement or perimeter of the battery limit.
Monitors shall be placed at 45 m interval.
7.13 Fire Hydrant Network
7.14 Medium Velocity Sprinkler System
7.13.1 Fire water ring main shall be sized for
120% of the design water flow rate. Velocity of 7.14.1 The medium velocity spray system
the water shall not exceed more than 5 m/s in provided at all critical areas shall have spray
the fire water ring main. In case of sea water nozzles directed radially to the facilities
service, the fire water main pipes shall be intended for cooling at a distance of 0.6 m
concrete or mortar lined internally or from the surface of the equipment or facility.
thermoplastic material. Only one type and size of spray nozzle shall
Fire water steel pipe ring main, when installed be used in a particular facility.
above ground shall be at a height of 300 to
7.14.2 All spray nozzles shall be inspected for
400 mm above finished ground level and
proper positioning, corrosion and cleaned if
should be adequately supported at regular
necessary at intervals not more than 12
intervals. Pipes made of composite material
months or earlier based on actual experience.
shall be laid underground. Above ground
Care shall be taken in positioning nozzles so
portion of such networks shall be of carbon
that water spray does not miss the targeted
steel and translation shall be by flanged
surface and not reduce the efficiency or
connection stand post for monitors and
calculated discharge rate.
hydrants shall be carbon steel.
7.15 Gas Monitoring System
7.13.2 Underground fire water mains shall
have minimum 1 m cover and shall be i. The Gas Monitoring system shall be
provided with suitable coating or wrapping provided for early warning on build up of
dispersed gas concentration below LFL
7.13.3 Double headed hydrants with two
(lower flammable level) limits. These
separate landing valves on 3” or 4” stand post
detectors for the gas monitoring system
shall be used. All hydrant outlets shall be 1.2
shall be located close to the potential
meter above ground level or working platform
source of leakage.
ii. The control equipment shall be able to
7.13.4 Fire water monitors shall be provided generate at least two alarms at different
with independent isolation valves. level of LEL concentration.
iii. The detectors shall be located at least
7.13.5 The deluge valve shall be located at 15 0.3 meter away from potential source of
meters from the risk being protected. A fire leakage at height not more than 0.3
wall shall be provided for the protection of the meter from the mounting level.
deluge valve and for operating personnel. iv. Detectors shall be placed in the pump
shed and near scraper or filter, cold vent
7.13.6 Hose Box with 2 Nos. of hoses and a and cold flare area.
foam making branch pipe (FB-5X) or v. Each station should have minimum 2
multipurpose branch or short branch as per the Nos. of spare detectors to facilitate
requirement shall be provided between two immediate replacement.
hydrant stand posts.
7.15.1 Material Specifications hose boxes there shall be 1 set of spare
nozzles for each category viz- Jet
All material used in fire water system using Nozzle with branch pipes, Fog Nozzle,
fresh water shall be of the type indicated Universal Nozzle, water curtain Nozzle.
below: v. Minimum 2 Nos. or 25% spare hoses
shall be stored.
i. Pipes - Carbon Steel (CS) IS: 3589 or
IS: 1239 or IS: 1978 or Composite 7.16 Records
materials as per API 15 LR or API 15
HR or its equivalent shall be used. Besides the details mentioned in the ASME B
ii. In case saline or brackish water or 31.4, petroleum and petroleum products
treated effluent water is used, the fire pipelines entity shall also maintain following
water main of steel pipes shall be records or documents:
internally cement mortar lined or glass
i. Design or specification documents
reinforced epoxy coated or made of pipe
ii. Route maps, alignment sheets,
material suitable for the quality of water.
crossings, drawings, Piping and
Alternatively, pipes made of composite
Instrumentation Diagrams, station
materials shall be used.
layouts Pipe Book or Installation
iii. Cast iron pipes shall not be used for fire
water services.
iii. Surveillance inspection and
iv. Isolation valves shall be gate valve with
maintenance reports
open and closed indication. Material
iv. Records and maps showing the location
shall be cast steel for normal water and
of CP facilities and piping
copper nickel for saline or brackish
v. CP Monitoring report
water service.
vi. Leak burst and repair records
v. Hydrant Stand post shall be Carbon
vii. History cards of equipment
Steel. Monitors –carbon steel or
viii. Pipeline Pigging Report
Stainless steel
ix. Material certification including
vi. Outlet valves or landing valves-
dimension, metallurgy, DT and NDT,
Gunmetal or Aluminum or Stainless
strength, tightness, performance and
steel or Aluminum-Zinc alloy
functional report
vii. Fire Hose- Reinforced rubber lined
x. Welding records
hoses (63 mm), 15 m standard length
xi. Procedure Qualification Record (PQR),
conforming to IS: 636 (type A) or Non
Welding Procedure Specification (WPS)
percolating synthetic hose (Type B) or
and Welder qualification records
UL or equivalent standard.
xii. Third Party technical audit report of
viii. The above ground fire water main,
infrastructure before liquid IN.
hydrant post shall be painted with
xiii. Commissioning reports
corrosion resistant “Fire Red” paints as
xiv. Non-conformance or deviation reports.
per IS: 5
xv. Calibration records of Inspection,
ix. Hose boxes, water monitors and
Measuring and Metering and Test
hydrant outlets shall be painted with
“Yellow” paint as per IS:5
Minimum Inter Distances for Various Station Facilities (Other than LPG)
S. From or To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 Booster or Mainline X 16 X 16 30 30 30 16 30 30 X X X X
Pump Shed
2 Scraper Launcher or 16 X X 16 30 16 16 16 30 16 X X X X
3 Filters or Metering X X X 16 30 16 30 16 30 16 X X X X
or Sampling point or
Sump Tanks
4 Control Room UPS 16 16 16 X 16 16 X X 30 X 16 16 16 16
or SCADA-Telecom
or Office building
5 Fire Pump House or 30 30 30 16 X 12 X 16 60 X X 30 30 30
Fire water storage
6 Compound Wall 30 16 16 16 12 X X 6 16 X 5 16 16 16
7 Elect Substation or 30 16 30 X X X X X # # 16 30 30 30
Switch Yard or
8 Motor Control 16 16 16 X 16 6 X X # # 16 16 30 30
Centre or Power
Control Centre or
Variable Frequency
9 API Oil Water 30 30 30 30 60 16 # # X # X 30 30 X
Separators (open
10 Service Building 30 16 16 X X X # # # X 16 16 16 16
(Stores or
11 Station Block Valves X X X 16 X 5 16 16 X 16 X X X X
12 Metering System X X X 16 30 16 30 16 30 16 X X X X
13 Sump Tank (U/G) X X X 16 30 16 30 30 30 16 X X X X
14 API Separator X X X 16 30 16 30 30 x 16 X X X X
(closed type)
I. All distances are in meters. All distances shall be measured between the nearest points on the
perimeter of each facility.
II. # - Safety distances as per OISD-STD-118.
III. For other station facilities not covered in the above shall be governed by OISD- STD- 118.
IV. x - Any distance suitable for constructional and operation convenience.
V. Firewater hydrant or monitors shall be installed at a minimum 15 m away from the equipment or
facilities to be protected.
VI. For the distance from compound wall, the distance mentioned in this table and the requirement of
local bylaws (if any) whichever is higher shall govern.
VII. At pipeline‟s loop line terminal location, distance between scraper barrel and compound wall shall
not be less than 5 meter.
VIII. For SV station (motor operated) distance between sectionalizing valve to premise boundary shall
be minimum 5 meter. All other safety distances at SV or CP stations to be kept as per
operational requirement and applicable local statutory authorities.
Annexure – II
List of Specifications of Piping Materials used in Petroleum and Petroleum Products Pipeline
Steel Pipe
ASTM A106 : 2014 Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon steel Pipe for High Temperature
ASTM A333 : 2013 Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low-Temperature Service and Other
Applications with Required Notch Toughness
ISO – 14313 : 2007 Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Pipeline transportation systems --
Pipeline Valve
BS EN ISO 15761 : 2002 Steel gate, globe and check valves for sizes DN 100 and smaller for the
petroleum, and natural gas industries.
ISO 17292 : 2004 Metal ball valves for petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries.
BS 1873 : 1975 Specification for Steel globe and globe stop and check valves (flanged and butt-
welding ends) for the petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries.
ASME B16.5 : 2013 Pipe flanges and flanged fittings - NPS 1/2 inch through NPS 24 Metric/Inch
MSS SP 97 : 2012 Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet Fittings - Socket Welding,
Threaded and Butt welding Ends.
IS 1239 (PART 2) : 2011 Steel Tubes, Tubular and Other Wrought Steel Fittings - Specification -part 1:
Mild Steel Tubular and other wrought steel pipe fittings.
ASTM A194 : 2014 Standard Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High
Pressure or High Temperature Service, or Both.'
ASTM A193 : 2014 Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting for High
Temperature or High Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose
ASTM A153 : 2009 Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware.
ASME B18.2.1 : 2012 Square, Hex, Heavy Hex and Askew Head Bolts and Hex, Hex Flange, Lobed
Head and Lag Screws (Inch Series).
ASME B18.2.2 : 2010 Nuts for General Applications: Machine Screw Nuts, Hex, Square, Hex
Flange, and Coupling Nuts (Inch Series)
ASME B16.20 : 2012 Metallic gaskets for pipe flanges: Ring joint, Spiral wind and Jacketed.
ASTM A269 : 2014 Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded Austenitic Stainless
BS EN 837-1 : 1998 Pressure gauges - Part 1: Bourdon tube pressure gauges; dimensions,
metrology, requirements and testing.
BS EN 837-2 : 1998 Pressure Gauges - Part 2: Selection and Installation Recommendations for
Pressure Gauges.
BS EN 837-3 : 1998 Pressure gauges - Part 3: Diaphragm and capsule pressure gauges.
Dimensions, metrology, requirements and testing.
ASME Section VIII : 2010 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code: Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels
: Filters
Annexure - III
Electric Welded pipes shall meet following Grade of Steel Min 'e' value
Reverse Bend Tests
API 5L B 0.1375
Reverse bend tests shall be performed on the
pipe piece cut from the crop end, selected from API 5L X-42 0.1375
the front end of the first length and the back end
API 5L X-46 0.1325
of the last length produced from each coil. The
specimen shall be 100 mm to 115 mm long and API 5L X-52 0.1250
shall be reverse bend tested in accordance with
procedure given below: API 5L X- 56 0.1175
API 5L X- 60 0.1125
API 5L X- 65 0.1100
API 5L X- 70 0.1025
API 5L X- 80 0.0950
Acceptance Criteria
A test specimen shall be taken across the
longitudinal weld from one length of finished
pipe from each lot of maximum 100 lengths from
the same heat manufactured from the same
Annexure - IV
ASME B31.4 : 2009 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids.
API 1110 : 2013 Recommended Practice for the Pressure Testing of Steel Pipelines for the
Transportation of Gas, Petroleum Gas, Hazardous Liquids, Highly Volatile
Liquids, or Carbon Dioxide.
API RP 500 : 2012 Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations
at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class I, Division I and Division 2(viii) API- 5L
2012, Standard Specification for Line pipes.
API SPEC 6D : 2014 Specification for Pipeline and Pipeline Valves(x) ASME Section VIII; , 2013,
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code
MSS-SP-58 : 2009 Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design, Manufacture, Selection,
Application, and Installation. NACE-SP 01-69; 2013, Control of
External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping Systems.
OISD-STD-141 : 2012 Design and Construction requirements for cross country hydrocarbon pipelines.
IS-5572 : 2009 Classification of hazardous areas (other than mines) having flammable gases
and vapours for electrical installation.
IS – 5571 : 2009 Guide for selection of Electrical Equipment for Hazardous Area (other than
IS 3043 : 1987 Code of practice for earthing
IS:2309 : 1989 Code of practice for the protection of buildings and allied structures against
lightning [ETD 20: Electrical Installation].
ISO 14313 : 2007 Petroleum and natural gas industries -Pipeline transportation systems - Pipeline
NACE SP-0177 : 2014 Mitigation of Alternating Current and Lightning Effects on Metallic Structures and
Corrosion Control System.
Upamanyu Chatterjee
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