This document defines key terms related to pressure equipment regulations in South Africa. It summarizes standards for identifying dangerous goods, installing water heaters, and operating inspection bodies. It also outlines the scope of the pressure equipment regulations and general requirements for manufacturers, importers, suppliers, and users of pressure equipment. Approved inspection authorities must be accredited and hold an approval certificate from the chief inspector.
This document defines key terms related to pressure equipment regulations in South Africa. It summarizes standards for identifying dangerous goods, installing water heaters, and operating inspection bodies. It also outlines the scope of the pressure equipment regulations and general requirements for manufacturers, importers, suppliers, and users of pressure equipment. Approved inspection authorities must be accredited and hold an approval certificate from the chief inspector.
This document defines key terms related to pressure equipment regulations in South Africa. It summarizes standards for identifying dangerous goods, installing water heaters, and operating inspection bodies. It also outlines the scope of the pressure equipment regulations and general requirements for manufacturers, importers, suppliers, and users of pressure equipment. Approved inspection authorities must be accredited and hold an approval certificate from the chief inspector.
This document defines key terms related to pressure equipment regulations in South Africa. It summarizes standards for identifying dangerous goods, installing water heaters, and operating inspection bodies. It also outlines the scope of the pressure equipment regulations and general requirements for manufacturers, importers, suppliers, and users of pressure equipment. Approved inspection authorities must be accredited and hold an approval certificate from the chief inspector.
"SANS 10228" means the Standard Specification for the identification and classification of dangerous goods for transport, SANS 10228, published by the South African Bureau of Standards; "SANS 10254" means the Standard Specification for the installation, maintenance, replacement and repair of fixed electric storage water heating systems. S,t\NS 10254. published by the South African Bureau of Standards; SANS/ISO 17020" means the Standard Specification for general criteria for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection, SANS 17020, published by the South African Bureau of Standards: "steam generator" means any apparatus to convert water continuously into steam at a pressure higher than that due to the atmosphere and where the heat ;s derived from a source other than steam, and includes any super heater or economiser which is an integral part of a steam generator or is separately fired there from, fired steam and hot-water boilers, waste-heat boilers, waste-incineration boilers, and electrode or immersion-type electrically heated boilers; "the Act" means the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993); "transportable gas container" means any refillable vessel for the storage and conveyance of liquefied, dissolved or compressed gases, of water capacity from 0,5 litres to 3000 litres; "unique mark" means the mark and accreditation reference number of the approved inspection authority_ 7 STAATSKOERANT, 15JULIE2009 NO.32395 Scope of application 2. (1) These Regulations shall apply to the design, manufacture, operation, repair, modification, maintenance, inspection and testing of pressureequipmentwithadesignpressureequaltoorgreaterthan 50kPa, in terms of the relevant health and safety standard incorporated into these Regulationsundersection44oftheAct. (2) Regulations 3, 4, 5, 9(1), 9(2) and 9(3) shall not apply to pressure equipment in use oron order prior to the publication ofthese Regulations, which equipment shall be designed and constructed according to the requirementsapplicableatthetimeoforder. (3) The following pressure equipment shall be excluded from these Regulations: (a) Piping forthe supply, distribution and discharge ofwater below its boiling point at atmospheric pressure and associated pressure equipment and headraces such as penstocks, pressuretunnels, pressure shafts for hydro-electric installations andtheirrelated specificpressureaccessories; (b) aerosoldispensers; (c) pressure equipmentintendedforthefunctioning ofroad and rail vehicles, excludingafuelgassystem; (d) pressureequipmentcomprising casings ormachinerywherethe dimensioning, choice of material and manufacturing rules are based primarily on requirements for sufficient strength, rigidity and stability to meetthe static and dynamicoperational effects orotheroperationalcharacteristicsandforwhich pressure is not a significant design factor, and such pressure equipment may include- (i) engines, including turbines and internal combustion engines; (ii) reciprocating steam engines, gas turbines, steam turbines, turbo-generators, compressor engines, pumps andactuatingdevices; (e) open metal-making potsandblastfurnaces (f) housing for electrical machinery such as switchgear, control gear, transformersand rotatingmachines; (g) tyres and flexible pressurised casings used for recreational purposes; 8 NO.32395 GOVERNMENTGAZErrE, 15JULY2009 (h) fixed electrical hot-water storage container of water capacity from 15 litres to 450 litres operating at amaximum pressure of 600kPa manufacturedtothe requirements ofSANS 151, which shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of SANS 10254. Generalrequirements 3. (1) Anyperson who manufactures, imports, sells, offers orsupplies any pressure equipment described in these Regulations for use in the RepublicshallensurethatsuchequipmentcomplieswiththeseRegulations. (2) Any person who erects or installs any pressure equipment for use in the Republicshallensure, asfarasisreasonablypracticable,thatitiserected or installed in a safe manner and without risk to health and safety when properlyused. (3) Allpressureequipmentforuseinthe Republicshall becategorized and submitted to the applicable conformance assessments of SANS 347 in addition to the requirements of the relevant health and safety standard incorporated intothese Regulationsundersection44oftheAct. Dutiesofmanufacturers 4. (1) The manufacturer shall have an obligation to ensure that all equipment designed and manufactured for use in the Republic shall be conformityassessedand subjectedtothe requirementssetoutin SANS 347. (2) Subject to the requirements set out in the relevant health and safety standard incorporated intothese Regulations undersection 44 oftheAct, the manufacturer shall ensure that the pressure equipment as manufactured, modified, inspected, tested or repaired is safe and without risks to health when properlyused. (3) Subject to the requirements of this regulation a manufacturer shall issue acertificate ofmanufacturefor all pressure equipmentsupplied, with a verificationsignaturebyanapprovedinspectionauthoritywhensorequired. (4) Subject to the requirements of this regulation a manufacturer shall comply with any other duty assigned to the manufacturer in these Regulations. (5) A manufacturerwho determinesthatpressure equipmentin use has a latentdefectshall advise the chiefinspectorin writing forthwiththereofand of measuresbeingtakentocorrectthedefect. Dutiesofimportersandsuppliers 5. (1) Importers and suppliers shall ensure that pressure equipment sold complieswiththerequirementsofthese Regulations. 9 STAATSKOERANT, 15JULIE2009 No.32395 (2) The importershall assume the liability ofthe manufacturer in terms of theseRegulations. (3) Any pressure equipment that requires a permit to be issued by an organisation approved bythe chiefinspectorshall ensurethatsuch approval isobtained bythe importerormanufacturerbeforethepressureequipmentis placed in the market: Provided that such equipment shall comply with the relevanthealthandsafetystandard incorporatedintotheseRegulations under section44 oftheAct. . Duties of users 6. (1) The usershall ensure thatthe pressure equipment is operated and maintainedwithin itsdesignandoperating parameters. (2) The user shall, subject to the relevant health and safety standard incorporatedintothese Regulationsundersection44 oftheAct- (a) provide the manufacturer, repairer or modifier with comprehensive information of the operating or intended operating conditions of the pressure equipment, including the characteristics of the fluid and operating parameters of other connected pressureequipment,wherereasonablypracticable; (b) ensure pressure equipment has a certificate, issued by the manufacturer, including a verification signature by an approved inspection authority when required, which certi'fies that the pressure equipment has been designed and manufactured in accordance with the relevant health and safety standard incorporated intotheseRegulationsundersection44oftheAct; (c) ensure pressure equipment has a certificate issued by the repairer or modifier, including a verification signature by an approved inspection authoritywhen required, which certifiesthat the pressure equipment has been modified or repaired in accordance with the relevant health and safety standard incorporatedintothese Regulationsundersection44oftheAct; (d) ensure that pressure equipment has a certificate issued by an approved inspection authority before commissioning, where applicable; and (e) ensure that a gas system has a valid certificate issued by an authorisedperson. 10 No.32395 GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, 15JULY2009 Approval and duties of approved inspection authority 7. (1) Only an organisation holding an approval certificate from the chief inspector shall perform the duties of an approved inspection authority withinthescopeofaccreditation. (2) An application for approval in terms ofsubregulation (1) shall include the applicant's proof of accreditation prescribed by paragraph (a) or (b) of subregulation(3), includingfullcontactdetailsandaddress. (3) Thechiefinspector'sapproval- (a) ofinspectionbodiesoperating in the Republicshallbesubjectto the submission of an accreditation certificate issued by the accreditation authority in accordance with the requirements of SANSIISO 17020 and SANS 10227: Provided that the chief inspector may set additional requirements before granting approval; or (b) offoreign inspectionbodiesshallbesubjecttothesubmissionof an accreditationcertificate issued byan InternationalLaboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) or an International Accreditation Forum (IAF). Mutual Recognition Arrangement signatory in accordance with the requirements of ISOIIEC 17020: Providedthat- (i) the foreign inspection bodyshall ensure compliance with all the duties assigned to an approved domestic inspection authority in terms of these Regulations and within their scope of accreditation together with the applicablehealthand safetystandards; and (ii) the chief inspector may set additional requirements beforegrantingapproval. (4) Imported pressure equipment stamped by an ASME authorised manufacturerin compliancewith the full ASME Code ofConstruction shall be deemedto meettherequirementsoftheseRegulations. (5) Intheeventofadisputeofatechnical orsafetyissue, which could not be reasonably resolved between an approved inspection authority and any interested party, including the user, modifier, repairer or manufacturer, an interested party may refer the case to the chief inspector in writing for arbitration, settingoutthefulldetailsofthedispute. (6) Upon receiving such a dispute in terms ofsubregulation (5), the chief inspector may appoint an arbitrator mutually agreed upon between the parties. (7) Acasereferredtothechiefinspectorin termsofsubregulation (5)shall be investigatedand arbitratedwithin amaximumof90days. STAATSKOERANT, 15JULIE2009 NO.32395 11 (8) An approved inspection authority shall ensure compliance with all the duties assigned to an approved inspection authority in these Regulations within itsscopeofaccreditationandtherelevanthealth and safetystandard. Registration of a steam generator 8. (1) No user may use a steam generator unless such user IS In possession ofacertificate ofregistration issued in terms ofsubregulation (3) forthatsteamgenerator. (2) Application for registration to use a steam generator shall be made prior to use to the provincial director in the form ofAnnexure 2. including copies of a certificate from the manufacturer and from the approved inspectionauthorityafterinstallation priortocommisSioning: Provided thatthis subregulation shall not apply in respect of the re-erection of a steam generatoronthesamepremises. (3) On receipt ofan application for registration in terms of subregulation (1). the provincial directorshall forward that application to an inspector who may issue a certificate ofregistration in the form ofPart C ofAnnexure 2in respect of that steam generator, subject to the conditions that may be speci'fied on thecertificate. (4) Anyuserofasteamgeneratorforwhich acertificateofregistration has been issued shall cause the certificateofregistration tobemadeavailableon requesttoan inspectororan approvedinspectionauthority. (5) A usershall. within seven days afterdiscovering thatthe certificate of registration has been lost, defaced or destroyed. apply to the provincial director in the form of Part A of Annexure 2 for the issue of a duplicate certificate, and affix the fee of R100,00 in the form ofuncancelled revenue stampstosuchanapplication. (6) On receiptofan application intermsofsubregulation (5), theprovincial director shall issue the duplicate certificate ifhe or she is satisfied that the originalcertificatehasbeen lost, defacedordestroyed. (7) A user of a steam generator shall immediately notify the provincial directorinwritingwhen- (a) suchsteamgeneratoris nolongerin use; (b) the right of control over the use of the steam generator is transferred bytheusertoanyotheruser;or (c) the usermoves the steam generatorto premises otherthanthe premisesreflected on itscertificateofregistration. (8) A certificate of registration issued in terms of subregulation (3) shall lapse- 12 No. 32395 GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, 15JULY2009 (a) uponthetransferoftherightofcontrolovertheuseofthesteam generatortoanotheruser; or (b) when asteam generatoris removed from the premisesreflected on itscertificateofregistration. Pressureequipmentmarking 9. (1) Every manufacturer of pressure equipment shall cause the pressure equipmentto be marked in accordancewith the relevanthealth and safety standard incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 ofthe Act. (2) Everymanufacturershallcause adataplateto bepermanentlyfixed in a conspicuous place to any steam generator or pressure vessel with the following minimumparticulars: (a) Nameofmanufacturer; (b) countryoforigin; (c) yearofmanufacture; (d) manufacturer'sserial number; (e) reference number, date and edition of the health and safety standard; (f) designpressurein unitsofPascal; (g) design temperatureforboth minimum and maximum in degrees Celsius; . (h) capacityin cubicmetres; (i) unique mark ofan approved inspection authority as applicable; and G) the hazard category in accordance with the requirements of SANS347. (3) In the caseofcomposite pressure equipmentthe following information shallbe included inadditiontothatreferredto insubregulation(2): (a) Theresinsystemofthecorrosionbarrierllining; (b) theresin systemofthestructuralwall; and (c) the name and specific gravity of the medium for which the vesselwasdesigned. STAATSKOERANT. 15 JULIE 2009 No.32395 13 (4) No person may remove a marking or data plate referred to in this regulation or wilfully damage or alter the particulars marked thereon, except as provided in this regulation. (5) A user shall ensure that any modification that changes the original design conditions is identified by affixing an additional data plate. (6) A user shall ensure that a data plate is affixed to any steam generator or pressure vessel that has been re-certified: Provided that where the manufacturer is unknown, the user responsible for the re-certification shall be deemed to be the manufacturer. Pressure and safety accessories 10. (1) No user may require or permit pressure equipment to be used unless it is provided with all the pressure and safety accessories required by the relevant health and safety standard which is incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act and used in the design, construction and manufacture of such pressure equipment: Provided that alternative safety accessories other than those required by the standard may be fitted with the written approval of an approved inspection authority. (2) In the absence of a requirement referred to in subregulation (1) in the relevant health and safety standard which is incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act and used in the design, construction and manufacture of such pressure equipment, safety accessories shall be provided by the user as required by the approved inspection authority and those safety accessories shall be so selected, arranged and installed as to be safe for the particular purpose for which the pressure equipment is to be used. (3) Every user of a steam generator or pressure vessel shall ensure that the steam generator or pressure vessel in use is fitted with at least one pressure measuring device. (4) Every user of a steam generator or pressure vessel shall ensure that the steam generator or pressure vessel in use is fitted with at least one safety valve and that safety valve is kept locked, sealed or otherwise rendered inaccessible to any unauthorised person. (5) The number and capacity of the safety valve referred to in subregulation (4) shall comply with the requirements of the design standard for the steam generator or pressure vessel or as required in terms of subregulation (2). (6) Every user shall ensure that the automatic controls and indicators of a steam generator, pressure vessel or piping are arranged, installed, maintained and operated in accordance with the relevant health and safety standard which is incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act and used in the design and manufacture of the steam generator, pressure vessel or pressurized system: Provided that in the absence of such 14 No.32395 GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, 15JULY2009 provisions, whereautomaticcontrolsand indicatorsareinstalled,theyshallbe selected, arranged and installed subject to the written approval of an approvedinspectionauthority. Inspection and test 11. (1) Subject to the requirements ofthe relevant health and safety standard incorporated intothese Regulations undersection 44 oftheAct, the usershallcause- (a) steam generatorsorpressurevessels, including pressure and safety accessories, after they are installed or re- installed and before they are commissioned, to be subjected to awitnessed internal and external inspection of a hydraulic pressure test to 1,25 times the design pressure by an approved inspection authority: Provided that Category I equipment as categorized in terms of SANS 347 may be inspected, tested and witnessed by the user: Provided further that the user may, subject to the written approval ofan approved inspection authority, dispense with the internal inspection and hydraulic pressure test where it could have an adverse effect on theoperationorintegrityofthepressureequipment; (b) piping to be inspected and tested by the manufacturer aftermanufacture, installation, modification or repair and before commissioning in accordance with the relevant health and safety standard incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act, and, where applicable, to be witnessed by an approved inspection authority: Provided that Category I equipment as categorized in terms of SANS 347 may be inspected, tested andwitnessed bytheuser; (c) every fire-tube steam generator to be subjected to an external inspection every 12 months and a witnessed hydraulictest and crack detection ofcritical welds every 36 months, by an approved inspection authority for in- serviceinspectionappointedbytheuserinwriting; (d) every pressure vessel and steam generator, excluding those referred to in subregulation (3), to be subjected to an internaland externalinspectionand ahydraulictestto a pressure of 1,25 times the design pressure by an approved inspection authority for in-service inspection appointed by the user in writing, at intervals not exceeding 36 months: Provided that Category equipmentas categorized in terms ofSANS 347 may be inspected and tested by the user: Provided further that where the pressure equipment is not subject to I STAATSKOERANT, 15JULIE2009 No.32395 15 deterioration processes, the user may dispense with the internal inspection and hydraulic pressuretest, subjectto a maximum period ofnineyears forthat pressure vessel or steam generatorand written approval by an approved inspection authority: Provided further that the chief inspector may require a specific steam generator or pressure vessel to be inspected or tested more frequently; and (e) all piping and pipelines to be inspected and tested in accordancewith the relevant in-servicehealth and safety standard: Provided that where the health and safety standard does not prescribe in-service inspections and test intervals, such intervals shall be determined by a risk-based inspection applying sound engineering practice: Providedfurtherthatsuch inspectionandtestfor CategoryII equipmentand higherascategorized interms ofSANS 347 shall be performed by acompetent person referred to in regulation 1 of the General Machinery Regulations, 1988. (2) Where itis impracticableto use a liquid forthe hydraulicpressure test referred to in subregulation (1)(d) or (e), the test may, subject to the prior written approval of an approved inspection authority, be carried out with an inertgastoapressureof1,1 timesthedesign pressure: Providedthat, where reasonably practicable, the test shall be preceded by an internal inspection and anyconditions and precautionarymeasuresdetermined by the userand approvedbytheapproved inspectionauthority. (3) Wherean inspectionortestcarried outintermsofsubregulation (1)(c), (d) and (e) reveals any weakness or defect whereby the safety of persons maybeendangered, theweaknessordefectshall be reportedforthwith tothe user by the person carrying out the inspection or test and the user shall forthwith cease the use ofthe pressure equipment until such weakness or defect has been rectified to the satisfaction ofthe person who carried outthe inspection and the approved inspection authority concerned in cases of modifications or repairs, as the case may be, or the steam generator, pressurevessel orstorage vessel hasbeen re-rated to the satisfaction ofthe approved inspectionauthority_ Risk-based inspection 12. (1) The usermay, asan alternativetothe in-serviceinspection and testing interval requirements referred to in regulation 11(1)(d), implement a risk-based inspection management system in accordance with the relevant health and safety standard incorporated intothese Regulations undersection 44oftheAct. (2) A risk-based inspection process and implementation shall be verified byacertificationbodyaccredited bytheaccreditationauthorityintermsofISO 16 No.32395 GOVERNMENTGAZETTE. 15JULY2009 17021 specifically for risk-based inspections and approved by the chief inspector. Repairsandmodifications 13. (1) Subject to the requirement of the relevant health and safety standardincorporated intotheseRegulationsundersection44oftheAct- (a) any person who intends to modifyorrepair any pressure equipment shall cause such modification or repair to be carried out in accordance with the relevant health and safety standard, and in accordance with the assessment procedure, as specified by the relevant hazard category asdeterminedbySANS 347; (b) any modifier or repairer carrying out any modification or repair, referred to in paragraph (a), shall issue a certificate in whichtheextentofthe modification orrepair is described and certify that such work is in accordance with the relevant health and safety standard incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act: Provided that such certificate shall be countersigned by the approved inspection authority, where applicable, as evidence that the design of such modification has been verified and that it has been modified or repaired and tested under its supervision in accordance with the original health and safety standard where reasonably practicable; (c) any user requiring re-certification of any pressure equipment shall ensure that the re-certification is performed under the supervision of an approved inspectionauthority, asapplicable;and (d) whenever it appears "from any inspection or test that pressureequipmentcannotbe used safelyin accordance with its design criteria and the user chooses notto have the necessary repairs effected immediately, the user shall, subject to approval by an approved inspection authority, ensurethatthe pressureequipmentis re-rated, the amended data plate added and the pressure equipment operated within the re-rated criteria: Provided that, in the case of a steam generator, the registration certificate, together with a copy of the approved inspection authority's design verification report, shall be forwarded to the provincial director for updating of the steamgeneratorregistration. STAATSKOERANT, 15JULIE2009 NO.32395 17 Records 14. (1) Every user of pressure equipment shall keep a record, which shall be open for inspection by an inspector, in which the certificate of manufacture, and the results, after manufacturing, of a" inspections, tests, modificationsand repairsshallbe recorded. (2) When pressureequipmentissold, themanufacturershallensurethatit is accompanied, where relevant, with instructions forthe user, containing a" thenecessarysafetyinformation relatingto- (a) mounting, including the assembling of different pieces of pressureequipment; (b) puttingintoservice;and (c) maintenance, includingchecksbytheuser: Providedthatthoseinstructionsshall coverinformationaffixed tothepressure equipment in accordance with these Regulations and the relevant health and safety standard incorporated intothese Regulationsbysection 44 oftheAct, with the exception of serial identification, and be accompanied, where appropriate, by technical documents, drawings and diagrams that are necessaryforafull understanding ofthe instructions: Provided furtherthat, if appropriate, the instructions shall also refertohazardsarising from misuseof thepressureequipment. (3) The manufacturershall keep the original manufacturing records ofthe pressureequipmentforaminimumperiodof12years. Access 15. Theusershallcausepressureequipmenttobeerected and maintained in such a mannerthat access to and exitfrom any chamber, flue, manhole, inspectionopening, controloraccessoryissafeand unobstructed. Doorinterlocks 16. (1) Any user of pressure equipment shall cause such pressure equipmentwhich foroperational purposes is equipped with a quick-actuating opening, to be provided with an interlock or other effective means for preventing- (a) a rise of pressure inside the pressure equipment before the quick-actuating openings are in the fully closed and locked position; and (b) the release ofthe quick-actuating opening from the locked and closed position before the pressure inside the pressure equipment has been reduced to atmospheric pressure or the pressureacrosstheopenings hasbeenequalised. Gasreticulationequipmentandsystems 18 No. 32395 GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, 15JULY2009 17. (1) Nopersonshall- (a) handle, store or distribute any gas in any manner. which includesthe filling ofacontainer, otherthan in accordance with the relevant health and safety standard incorporated into these Regulationsundersection44oftheAct; (b) install or remove an appliance, pressure equipment or system forgasinanymannerotherthan in accordancewiththerelevant safety standard incorporated into these Regulations under section44oftheAct; (c) install or remove a gas appliance, or a gas system or a gas reticulation system, unlesssuch person isan authorised person; or (d) usepressureequipmentorsystemsforgasin anymannerother than in accordance with the relevant safety standard incorporated intotheseRegulationsundersection44oftheAct. (2) After installation or re-installation. and before commissioning a gas system. the usershall ensurethat an external inspection and a leaktest are performed by an authorised person or an approved inspection authority as applicablein termsofsubregulation(1)(c). (3) An authorised personoran approved inspection authorityshall issuea certificate of conformity after completion of a gas installation. modification. alterationorchangeofuserorownershipintheform ofAnnexure1. Transportablegascontainers 18. (1) No user shall use. require or permit a transportable gas containerto be used, and no usershall fill. place in service, handle, modify, repair, inspect or test any transportable gas container, other than in compliance with the relevant standards incorporated into these Regulations undersection44oftheAct. (2) Theinspection and testreferred to in subregulation (1) shall be carried outbyan approvedtesting station. (3) Applications for approval of a testing station shall include proof of accreditation as prescribed in subregulation (4), and shall includefull contact detailsand addressinformation. (4) The chief inspector's approval is subject to a valid accreditation certificate issued by the accreditation authority: Provided that the chief inspectormaysetadditional requirementsbeforegrantingapproval. STAATSKOERANT. 15 JULIE 2009 No.32395 19 Fire extinguishers 19. (1) No user shall use, require or permit the use of a fire extinguisher unless designed, constructed, filled, recharged, reconditioned, modified, repaired, inspected or tested in accordance with the relevant safety standard incorporated into these Regulations under section 44 of the Act. (2) No person shall fill, recharge, recondition, modify, repair, inspect or test any fire extinguisher unless such person is an authorised person employed by a permit holder: Provided that a permit is issued by an organisation approved by the chief inspector. (3) Applications for approval shall include proof of accreditation as prescribed in subregulation (4), and shall include full contact details and address information. (4) The chief inspector's approval shall be subject to a valid accreditation certificate issued by the accreditation authority: Provided that the chief inspector may set additional requirements before granting approval. Offences and penalties 20. (1) Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the provisions of regulations 3, 4, 5,6, 7(1), 7(2), 8(1), 8(2), 8(3), 8(4), 8(5), 8(7), 9,10,11(1).11(3),12(2). 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18(1), 18(2), 19(1) and 19(2) shall be guilty of an offence and liable upon conviction to a 'fine or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 12 months and, in the case of a continuous offence, to an additional 'fine of R200,OO for each day on which the offence continues or additional imprisonment of one day for each day on which the offence continues: Provided that the period of such additional imprisonment shall not exceed 90 days. Repeal of regulations and annexures 21. The Vessels under Pressure Regulation, 1996, published under Government Notice No. R. 1591, dated 4 October 1996, is hereby repealed. Short title 22. These Regulations shall be called the Pressure Equipment Regulations. 2009, and shall come into effect on 1 October 2009: Provided that approved inspection authority for in-service inspections shall come into effect on 1 April 2011 on condition that the inspection shall be carried out by an authorised person. -------------- 20 No.32395 GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, 15JULY2009 Annexure1 CERTIFICATEOFCONFORMITYFORGASINSTALLATIONS OCCLIPATIONALHEALTHANDSAFETYACT, 1993 Regulation17(3)ofthePressureEquipmentRegulations,2009 Certificateofconformitybyanauthorised person I, ,declarethatIamanauthorised personforgasinstallationswith registration number and 10 number____ Address________________ Telephonenumber( )________ IfurtherdeclarethatIinspectedandtestedtheinstallationat- Street_________________ Stand number Nameofbuilding____________ Nameoffarm_____________ Numberoffarm --=---------- Township/Municipality/District_______ Nameofgassupplier__________-'- Typeofgas_______________ Amountofgasstoredonpremises kg and that, in terms of regulation 17(3), the installation complies with the provisionsof17(2)andthatthe installationissafe. Iam awarethatIam liable,toprosecutioninthecaseofafalsedeclaration. Signature Date ------- -------------- ___________________ _ STAATSKOERANT, 15JULIE2009 NO.32395 21 Annexure2 REGISTRATIONOFASTEAMGENERATOR OCCUPATIONALHEALTHANDSAFETYACT, 1993 Regulation 8(2)ofthe Pressure EquipmentRegulations,2009 Registration ofasteamgenerator A. APPLICATIONFORREGISTRATIONOFA STEAM GENERATOR/DUPLICATECERTIFICATE To:ProvincialDirector From:(PostalAddress) DepartmentofLabour Tel._______ Fax I (user) (legal persona) hereby apply for a registration/duplicate registrationcertificateofasteamgenerator, particularsofwhich arereflected in PartBbelow. Signatureofapplicant Date Nameofapplicant(inblockletters) Designationofapplicant B. PARTICULARSOFSTEAMGENERATOR 1. Physicaladdressofinstallation__________ 2. Typeofsteamgenerator ____________ 3. Nameofmanufacturer 4. Countryoforigin______________ 5. Yearofmanufacture:----:-___________ 6. Manufacturer'sserial number __-:---:---:----:-_____ 7. Name, numberand dateofthestandard ofdesign,____ 8. Designgaugepressurein pascal__________ 9. Maximum permissibleoperating pressurein pascal____ 10. Operatingtemperature______________ 11. Sourceofenergy(oil, coal, gas,electricityornuclear)___ 12. Steamingcapacityofsteamgenerator kg ofsteam perhourfrom and at 100degreesCelsius 13. Nameofapprovedinspectionauthority(during manufacture)____ 14. Copyofcertificatefrom manufacturerattached---:----:-__~ 15. Copyofapproved inspectionauthority'scommissioningreport ~ c h o o 22 No.32395 GOVERNMENTGAZETTE, 15JULY2009 FOROFFICIALUSEONLY C. STEAMGENERATORREGISTRATIONCERTIFICATE Thesteamgenerator,theparticularsofwhichappearin PartB, hasthisday_____ been registeredwiththeofficialnumber ___ Permissionisherebygrantedtousetheboileratamaximumpermissiblepressureof ___kPa. Signatureofinspector Official stamp Issueofduplicatesteamgeneratorregistration certificate Revenue stamps for duplicate certificate Date.______
Public Notice by The Directorate For Standards Setting and Development of Its Intention To Re-Register The Standards Generating Body (SGB) For Air Conditioning, Refrigeration & Ventilation
Public Notice by The Directorate For Standards Setting and Development of Its Intention To Re-Register The Standards Generating Body (SGB) For Air Conditioning, Refrigeration & Ventilation