Adobe Acrobat DC SDK Release Notes: Edition 1.0

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Adobe Acrobat DC SDK Release Notes

Edition 1.0 January 2016

Copyright 2016 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.

This file contains important information. Review this information before using this version of the Adobe® Acrobat®

• About this Release
• What's New
• Changes for Existing Plug-ins
• Known Issues
• Documentation

About this Release

This is Acrobat DC SDK January 2016 release for Windows and Mac OS.
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What’s New
The What's New topic in the Introduction to SDK > Overview topic of the Acrobat DC SDK Help contains details
on the new and changed features in this release.
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Changes for Existing Plug-ins

• (Mac OS X only) In earlier releases, Acrobat was a 32-bit only software. Now, Acrobat DC is a 64-bit only
software. After installing Acrobat DC on Mac OS X, all existing plug-ins will stop working. To make your
plug-ins work on Mac OS X, recompile and rebuild your plug-ins for Acrobat DC.
• (Microsoft Windows only) All the samples are ported from Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 to Microsoft
Visual Studio 2013. Now, you require Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 to build the samples.
• (Mac OS X only) All the samples are ported to Xcode 5.1.1. Now, you require Xcode 5.1.1 to run the
Document Cloud Product Tracks

The Acrobat DC product family introduces two tracks for both Acrobat and Reader which are essentially
different products:
• The Continuous track provides service-based tools as well as new features, security and platform
enhancements, and bug fixes as part of frequent (and most often) silent updates. Over time, the
Continuous track’s update cadence will be more frequent than the Classic track. Classic license program
customers do not have access to this track for Acrobat.
• The Classic track is similar to the 10.x-11.x model and does not provide new features in updates. Free services
are available, but optional. Like previous releases, a quarterly update cadence delivers security and
platform enhancements as well as bug fixes.

The default path of Acrobat depends on the selected track. After you build a plug-in, place the plug-in into the
following directory and restart the Acrobat:
• (Windows) \Program Files\Adobe\<TRACK NAME>\Acrobat\plug_ins
• (Mac OS X)
• (Plug-in installed for a single user) ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat/<TRACK
• (Plug-in installed for all the user) /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat/<TRACK NAME>/Plug-
Note: Acrobat must be restarted for the plug-in to be recognized.

For detailed information about the tracks and corresponding installation paths see, Document Cloud Product
Tracks document.

End of support for Carbon-based APIs

Adobe Acrobat DC SDK no longer supports Carbon-based APIs for Apple Mac OS. Plug-ins using the Carbon-
based APIs no longer function correctly. If you have existing plug-ins using Carbon-based APIs, rebuild the
plug-ins using the latest Acrobat DC public headers and Cocoa-based APIs

Enable plug-ins for Adobe Reader running on Microsoft Windows

On Microsoft Windows, to enable your plug-in for Adobe Reader, remove the acrocolorHFT define and add the
READER_PLUGIN define to the AcroDspOptions.rsp file. Perform the following steps to define the
READER_PLUGIN symbol in a Win32 project in Visual Studio C++:

1. Locate the AcroDspOptions.rsp file in the SDK's /PluginSupport/Samples directory.

2. Open AcroDspOptions.rsp in a text editor.

3. Remove the AcroColorHFT define by removing the following line from the file: /D

Note: This HFT is not available in Acrobat Reader install but is available in the Acrobat install. You must
revert the HFT for the Acrobat plugins.

4. Add the READER_PLUGIN define by adding the following to the file: /D READER_PLUGIN.
5. Save and close the AcroDspOptions.rsp file.

6. Open and rebuild your Visual C++ plug-in project.

Note: The change affects all SDK plug-ins built after the change is made.

Enable plug-ins for Adobe Reader running on Apple Mac OS X

Perform the following steps to enable plug-ins for Adobe Reader running on Apple Mac OS X:

1. Add the READER_PLUGIN symbol to the Xcode project-level build settings. To add the READER_PLUGIN
symbol, in the Project Navigator, select the plug-in, open the Build tab, in the GCC Preprocessing
settings, add READER_PLUGIN=1 to the Preprocessor Macros settings.

2. Build the project and certify it using SignPlugin.

3. Copy the plug-in to the /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Reader/<TRACK NAME>/Plug-ins

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Known issues

• Acrobat Plug-in Modeless Dialog Box Does Not Receive Focus

If you have created an Acrobat or Reader plug-in that pops open a dialog box with which your users will
interact, the dialog box may not receive focus and may require a double click to get focus. You can work
around this issue by modifying the plug-in code with an appropriate call to AVAppBeginModal before the
dialog box pops up. Then call AVAppEndModal immediately thereafter.

• Snippet runner samples crashes intermittently

The snippet runner sample crashes intermittently while executing the
ASFileSysGetNameFromPathAsASText API. The sample is available in the
PluginSupport\Samples\SnippetRunner\Sources\snippets\Shared directory.

• API to icon from a PDF document requires mediabox to have an origin at (0,0) co-ordinates
For the API, AVIconCreateFromPDF, to create a document icon from a PDF document the mediabox of the
input PDF document must have an origin at (0,0) co-ordinates.

• Call to the template.spawn JavaScript API closes Adobe Acrobat

Acrobat uses the template.spawn JavaScript call to copy content of a template to a new page in a PDF
Document. A call to the template.spawn JavaScript API results in closure of Adobe Acrobat.

The Acrobat DC SDK help is at To view the
documentation, you must have an Internet browser and Adobe Reader® installed on your computer.
Acrobat and PDF Library API Reference: PDWordFinderAcquireWordList sort
The description of the function PDWordFinderAcquireWordList contains an over-simplification of the sorted
results returned through the parameter xySortTable. That is, this description fails to mention how reading order
affects sort order. When the functions PDDocCreateWordFinder or PDDocCreateWordFinderUCS are
called with the WXE_XY_SORT flag set, these functions return an array of PDWords, sorted in x-y order.
The API determines sort order by splitting the input PDF text content into multiple regions (which are basically
vertical bounded areas in the input PDF text content) based on the text-blocks present and then determining the
sort order within those regions. The order in which the different regions will actually be processed in the reading
order depends on the kind of script being used because that determines whether to read from right to left (for
example Arabic) or from top to bottom or any other order.
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Adobe, Acrobat, Distiller, Flash, PostScript and Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or
other countries. JavaScript is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.
Mac OS is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the United States and other countries. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the US and other countries. All other
trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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