Computer Aided Manufacturing
Computer Aided Manufacturing
Computer Aided Manufacturing
Prepared by
Prof. Chirag patel
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Pacific School Of Engineering, Surat
• Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) can be defined as the use of computer
systems to plan, manage and control the operations of a manufacturing plant
through either direct or indirect computer interface with the plant’s production
Job shop
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Evolution Of CAM
• The roots of CAD/CAM trail back to the beginning of civilization, when the
engineers of the ancient civilizations such as Egyptians, Greeks and
Romans acknowledged the importance of the graphical communication.
• Later on, Leonardo Da Vinci developed technics, such as cross-hatching and
isometric views
• The invention of computers and xerography made possible the creation of
graphics and visualization (1991)
• In the early 1950s, shortly after the World War II, the need for complex
parts led to the invention of the Numerical Control (NC) that substituted the
requirements for skilled human machine operators (Chang et al. 2006)
• At the same time another invention, namely the digital computer, assisted
the development of NC and provided the means for the creation of robots,
computer aided design (CAD), computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) and
flexible manufacturing systems (FMS)
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Benefit of CAM
• The application of CAM in the production offers advantages to a company to
develop capabilities by combining traditional economies of scale with
economies of scope resulting in the desired flexibility and efficiency
Evolution of CIM
• Concept of CIM has been involved since 1970,and starting devoting as a
technology since 1980 .
• With globalization of economy ,manufacturing industries starting cometing with
each other all over the world
• This has transformed market from seller driven to buyer driven and customer
occupied in the center stage .
• The customer demanding more product variety ,better product Quality and low
cost product.
• This has to led emergence of CIM
Market Challenger - high labor cost, global computation ,buyer driven market
Customer demands – product variety ,better product Quality and law cost
CIM and CAD/CAM are very closely related but scope of CIM is Broder then
CAD/CAM covers only all Function Of factory Operation where CIM covers
Business Function in Addition .