Under The Moon: Rowena Akinyemi
Under The Moon: Rowena Akinyemi
Under The Moon: Rowena Akinyemi
The story
In 2222, three hundred years before this story starts,
the people of the planet Earth realized that the ozone
layer was breaking up. So they made the Artificial
Ozone Layer (AOL), and put it between Earth and the
sun, to protect them from the sun’s heat for the next
thousand years. But when this story begins in 2522, Commander, in charge of the whole of the planet
Kiah, a young man working on a spaceship, discovers Earth. There are other people in charge of large areas,
there are serious problems with the AOL, which like Australia, or colonies on other planets, like the
means that in ten years’ time Earth will die. He and his Moon colony, who obey Earth Commander’s orders.
friend, Rilla, tell their captain, Seru, but she is nervous We know today that the ozone layer protects Earth
of speaking to the Earth Commander, Gog, about from the heat of the sun, and we also know that the
it. Instead, Kiah and Rilla tell Zadak, Commander of ozone layer has holes in it. This story looks into the
Australia, a friend of Rilla’s father’s, but he is not very future, to see what could happen if the ozone layer
helpful. Almost everyone is afraid of Gog, because broke up completely. Scientists could make an artificial
he has his own fixed ideas and punishes people who (man-made) ozone layer, to protect us from the sun. If
do not agree with him. When Kiah and Rilla go to see that also broke up (which happens in this story), there
Gog to give him the information, he is very angry with would be no rain or water on Earth, and trees, plants,
them, saying that the AOL is good for another hundred animals and people would die.
years, and sends them to prison. Zadak discovers In our time, we are already sending spaceships into
where they are and visits them. He explains he has space, to see if we can live on other planets like the
tried to warn Gog about Earth’s problems, but Gog is moon, or Mars. This story describes a colony hanging
only interested in the planet Mars. Zadak tries to kill under the moon, where people can live very well – a
Gog, but Gog’s wife, Bel, protects her husband and is safe and beautiful place to escape to, from the dying,
shot by mistake. Gog orders his guards to kill Zadak, burning planet Earth.
and plans to leave Earth to live on Mars.
Captain Seru and her brother come to the prison Before Reading
to talk to Kiah and Rilla. Seru has phoned Adai, Here are some ways to help your students approach
Commander of the Moon colony, for help. That night the story:
they all escape from the prison and are rescued by 1 Give students the title of the book and show them
Adai (Kiah’s elder brother) in his plane. On their way the picture on the cover. Ask them to try and guess
to the beautiful colony under the Moon, they see fires what kind of the story it is.
burning all over Earth. Some day, they are going to 2 Give students a copy of the text on the back
return to help Earth. cover of the book, and of the story introduction
on the first page. When they have read the texts,
Background to the story ask them a few questions about the story, or use
This story is set in the future, in the year 2522. the Before Reading Activities in the back of each
People wear different clothes, and live in very modern Bookworm.
buildings. Even the cars and trains look different! 3 Use the pre-reading activity in this worksheet.
Everyone is interested in space and other planets, and 4 If there is a recording of this title, play the first few
many people work with satellites and in spaceships. pages and stop at an interesting point.
There are no longer countries, kings, presidents
or parliaments. There is just one person, Earth
To the teacher
Aim: To predict the setting, the characters and groups and give out worksheet. Ask students to
possible storylines discuss possible answers together. Do not tell them
Time: 20 minutes whether they are right or wrong.
Organization: Put students into pairs or small
Kiah Gog
wants to marry Rilla wants to save Earth
is going to become Earth Commander wants to kill Kiah and Rilla
is going to spend time in prison is going to live on Mars
hopes to save Earth wants a quiet life with Bel
is going to visit Zadak in Australia something different
something different
Zadak is going to buy more expensive clothes
is going to fight Gog is going to prison
wants to save Australia wants to ask Gog to kill Kiah and Rilla
is going to ask Adai for help something different
hopes to live under the Moon
is not going to help Kiah
something different
wants to see her family in Brazil
is going to return to Ship OM-45
hopes to get help from Gog
is going to phone Adai
is going to live on the Moon colony
something different
is going to a weather ship in the Antarctic
is going to eat and drink more
hopes to get a better job
wants to help Kiah and Rilla
something different
To the teacher
Where: At the end of Chapter 3 ask them to consider what could happen next to
Aim: To check understanding of the story so far, and the main characters. They should decide which
anticipate plot development statements are most likely, and give reasons for their
Time: 30 minutes choice. Then the whole class can discuss their ideas
Organization: Put students into small groups and together.
Who’s who?
To the teacher
Aim: To focus attention back on the characters occupations and actions. See how much they can do
Time: 20 minutes without referring back to the book.
Organization: Give each student or group of Key: 1: 11, 17, 23; 2: 12, 21, 25; 3: 14, 15, 26; 4: 9, 19,
students a copy of the worksheet. Ask them 27; 5: 13, 18, 28; 6: 10, 20, 22; 7: 8, 16, 24.
to match up the names, physical descriptions,