FoSTaC Brochure 12 06 2017
FoSTaC Brochure 12 06 2017
FoSTaC Brochure 12 06 2017
R Packaged water
Nutrition Quotient
Storage and Transport
For the initiatives under “Safe and Nutritious Food (SNF) – A shared responsibility”, health
and wellness coordinators, who would be required to bring about social and behavioural change
amongst the citizens whether at home, school, work and when eat out, also require training.
FoSTaC program is to ensure that the above training programmes are delivered to target
groups in food businesses and under SNF umbrella.
The FOSTAC portal would host online “SNF Resources” for capacity building on each of these, in addition
to hosting a Nutrition Quotient (NQ) module. Persons successfully completing these modules would be
designated as “Health and Wellness Coordinators” in their respective domains.
(Food Safety Supervisor)
6 courses of 4 to 8
hours each, to address
niche requirements of
ADVANCE specialized
4 courses of 8 hours manufacturing sectors
each, which would including Milk and
build on the
The content for FOSTAC has been BASIC foundation
Milk products; Meat
and Poultry; Fish and
created by domain experts to 5 courses of short imparted at level 1 seafood; Packaged
duration (4 to 6 hour Industry Focus:
address the specific needs of programs spread
water; Bakery and oil.
each of these identified groups. over 1-2 days). Manufacturing;
In addition to the online SNF Industry Focus: Storage and
resources, the training modules Street Food vending; Transport; Retail
are :- Catering; and Distribution.
• Level 1 (Basic) Storage and
Transport; Retail and
• Level 2 (Advanced) Distribution.
• Level 3 (Special)
*More courses would be added
based on emerging requirements.
The training programs for the Food Safety Supervisors at all 3 levels (viz. Basic, Advanced and Special)
would be conducted through the classroom, options for classroom training will also be available for
SNF programs.
The upper limit of fees to be charged by training partners is as under: -
1. NQ and SNF Courses: Free.
2. Level 1 (Basic) courses*: Rs 100/- per hour per trainee.
3. Level 2(Advance) courses & Level 3 (Special) courses - Rs 200 per hour per trainee.
*It is expected that the corporates, as a socially responsible Training Partner of FSSAI, will not charge
any fees from the Trainees for Basic Courses.
1.4 Level 1 (Basic) Food Safety 6 hours/ Registered food businesses in storage and Any individual intending to
Supervisor - Storage & Transport 1-2 Days transport sector. enter the storage and
Example: direct sellers, small godowns, transport sector at small
specialized transport vehicles like scale, students &
insulated vans professionals.
1.5 Level 1 (Basic) Food Safety 6 hours/ Registered food businesses in retail and Any individual intending to
Supervisor - Retail & Distribution 1-2 Days distribution sector. enter the small retail and
Example: Kirana Shops, small depart- distribution, students &
mental stores, etc. professionals.
Course Course Name Duration Target FBO Other Target Group
2.1 Level 2 (Advanced) Food 8 hours/ Licensed food businesses in catering Any individual intending to enter
Safety Supervisor - Catering 1-2 Days sector. Examples: Restaurants, hotels, the catering industry, students &
QSRs, places of worship, canteens, professionals.
caterers, flight catering, rail catering.
2.2 Level 2 (Advanced) Food 8 hours/ Licensed food businesses in manu- Any individual intending to enter
Safety Supervisor - 1-2 Days facturing/ processing sector. Examples: the manufacturing sector,
Manufacturing Bakery, dairy units, vegetable oil students & professionals.
processing units, slaughtering units, meat
processing units, other food processing
units including relabellers & repackers.
2.3 Level 2 (Advanced) Food 8 hours/ Licensed food businesses in storage and Any individual intending to enter
Safety Supervisor- Storage & 1-2 Days transport. Examples : Warehouse, cold/ the storage and transport sector
Transport refrigerated stores, specialized transport at large scale, students&
vehicles like insulated vans. professionals.
2.4 Level 2 (Advanced) Food 8 hours/ Licensed food businesses into retail and Any individual intending to enter
Safety Supervisor - Retail & 1-2 Days distribution. the retail and distribution,
Distribution Examples: Big retail chains, super- students & professionals.
markets, hypermarkets, wholesalers.
Curriculum of Empanelment
National/State of Training
creation Resource Person
FDA Bhavan, Kotla Road, New Delhi - 110 002 Tele.: +91 011 2322 0995