Supply Chain Management - Backbone of E Retailing: Case of Flipkart
Supply Chain Management - Backbone of E Retailing: Case of Flipkart
Supply Chain Management - Backbone of E Retailing: Case of Flipkart
There has been a swift growth in India’s online cost. A key challenge for a retailing firm is to
retail industry in the last 5 years from around Rs manage this chain, especially with the realization
16 billion revenues in 2007-08 to Rs 140 billion that the decrease in time of the supply chain
in 2012-13, which has translated into a channel not only decreases costs but also
compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of over provides a competitive advantage .Technology
57 per cent. The main reasons for the growth is and information are key fundamentals for
due to the increase in internet penetration and successful operation of the supply chain. Keenan
change in the lifestyles of the consumers who and Ante (2002) noted that during the next 5
prefer buying products online .This market is years, collaboration by supply chain partners
excepted to boom and grow at a healthy 55-60 % over the Internet can potentially save $223
CAGR to Rs 510 billion by 2015-16. billion with the reduction in transaction,
In terms of size, India’s online retail industry is production, and inventory costs.
very small compared with both organized and
overall (organised + unorganised) retail in the
country which has a lot of potential. The founded in 2007 by two IIT Delhi
industry’s revenues are expected to more than graduates, Sachin & Binny Bansal is today
double to around 18 per cent of organized retail India’s largest online shopping website. The
by 2016 from around 8 per cent in 2013. company was started with the prime objective
back of making books easily available to
Role of SCM in Online Retailing consumers who has access to internet. Today, it
With an increased competition in the is present across product categories including
marketplace, one can observe an increase in movies, music, games, mobiles, cameras,
product offerings in the market. It has therefore computers, healthcare and personal products,
become essential for online retail firms to better home appliances and electronics, stationery,
manage their supply chain process so that they perfumes, toys, apparels, shoes and a lot
can well control the supply and demand aspects more. The company has raised a total $360
of their product portfolio. The aim for retailers million in its fifth round of funding, the largest
and their supply partners is to manage this chain investment raised by an Internet company in
to create value for the customer at an acceptable India. It is a strategy that has enabled them to
ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-5, ISSUE-5, 2018
gain lion’s share of the online retail market but C) Logistics
their operations need to be studied in greater Flipkart ships more than 1Lakh products a day
detail to understand if the company really has a and the company itself bars all the cost of
sustainable future. delivery .This makes management of the
logistics a cumbersome task and a financially
Flipkart & its Supply Chain Management complex issue for the company.For this purpose
The company structure of Flipkart is has 3 broad Flipkart, in April 2013 introduced its in-house
categories. logistics known as eKart(EKL) which currently
i. Product and Technology which deals reaches consumers in about 150 cities. eKart
with Website Management ERP System , currently offers services such as delivery
ii. Business Development which deals with logistics, reverse logistics ,pay on delivery,
sales and customer support and technology integration for
iii. Operations which deals with the supply order tracking, customer notifications, reporting
chain management of the company and analysis, billing etc. While more than 90%
which includes Procurement, of the Cash on delivery (COD) shipments and
Warehouse, Logistics and Customer about 60-70% of the overall shipments are
Support delivered by the EKL the rest of shipments are
The research paper concentrates on third aspect. catered by 3PL service providers.
Concluding Remarks
Supply chain management plays a significant
role in the digital economy. E Retailers have to
manage the supply chains both strategically and
operationally. But it’s an ongoing transformation
and substantial challenges remain and can be
anticipated in the future.
For the development of sustainable supply chain
management it is essential for every E retailing
firm to maintain an information system of the
utmost quality which should be maintained
operated by employees who are well skilled and
In Indian online retail industry, its amazing
supply chain management that proves to be the
game-changer and that’s what Flipkart has done.
Firms snubbing this challenge are fated to fall
behind their rivals.
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ISSN (PRINT): 2393-8374, (ONLINE): 2394-0697, VOLUME-5, ISSUE-5, 2018