Mariner 1964 Press Kit

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WC) l-f,97 ;


October 29, 1964

Mariner C: No earlier than Nov. 4
Mariner D: Two days to one month


S Title



S .


Power .............. . . 9
Communications .......... . .
Midcourse Motor ......... . . 2
Attitude Control ......... . . 17
Central Computer and Sequencer . . . . 20
Temperature Control ....... . . 21

Data Automation System ...... . . 24

K ............ 25
Television . .
Occultation Experiment ...... . . 29
Solar Plasma Probe ........ . . 31
Ionization Chamber Experiment . . . . 34
Trapped Radiation Detector .... . . 35

Helium Vector Magnetometer .... . . 36
COSMIC Ray Telescope (CRT) .... . .
Cosmic Dust Detector ....... . . $2

LAUNCHVEHICLE ........... . .

Countdown Milestones ....... . . 44


Title Page

THE MISSION . . . . . . . . . . l . . .
Atlas-Agena Separation . . . . . . . . g
Coast Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
First Spacecraft Events . . . . . . . 47
Sun-Canopus Acquisition . . . . . . . 48
Midcourse Maneuver . . . . . . . . . . 50
Encounter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Trajectory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
DEEP SPACE NETWORK. . . . . . . . . . . 60
MARINER PROJECTTEAM . . . . . . . . . . 65
CONTRACTORS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 69


- Extreme demands will be placed on the accuracy

and performance of the Atlas-Agena D launch vehicle.
This will be the first NASA use of the improved Agena D
second stage on an Atlas D booster.

Because of the difficulty of the mission, new engineering

applications required for this mission include use of an
improved propellant system for the Agena D launch vehicle
second stage, a new spacecraft radio system, the first use
of the star Canopus for spacecraft attitude reference, and a
midcourse motor capable of firing twice.

Despite their complexity, these missions are being under-

taken because Mars is of physical and geological interest
and offers the best opportunity in our solar system for shedding
light on the possibility of extraterrestrial life. These
first, pioneering missions, however, are not designed to
provide answers to the question of life on Mars.

The Mariners will be mated to the Atlas-Agenas on Launch

Complexes 12 and 13 at Cape Kennedy. A third back-up flight
spacecraft has been checked out and could be substituted if re-
quired. The first Mariner launched will be designated Mariner C.
The second, which will be launched no earlier than two days but
within four weeks of the first, will be Mariner D.





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If launched successfully, they will be designated

Mariner III and Mariner IV. Because of their trajectories,
the two spacecraft will arrive at Mars about two to four days
apart in mid-July of' next year.

Mission objectives are to provide engineering experience

on the operation of spacecraft during long-duration flights
away from the Sun and to perform scientific measurements in
interplanetary space between the orbits of Earth and Mars and
in the vicinity of Nars.

Eight scientific investigations can be performed by

each spacecraft.

Six are designed to measure radiation, magnetic fields

and micrometeorites in interplanetary space and near Mars.

If all goes well, two additional experiments could

be conducted by each Mariner in the vicinity of Mars. A
single television camera could take up to 22 still photographs
of Mars, and an occultation experiment to determine character-
istics of the Martian atmospheric pressure is planned.

The resolution of the television pictures of Mars and

the area of the planet they will cover are difficult to predict
because they depend on the fly-by distance from the planet.















OUT TO 50,000 MI.

If planned trajectories are achieved, however, the pictures

should be comparable in detail with photographs of the Moon
taken by the best Earth-based telescopes.

If desired accuracies are obtained at launch and during

midcourse maneuver, the spacecraft will fly by Mars inside a
roughly oblong zone some 7,000 miles wide and 10,000 miles
long centered 8,600 miles from the Martian surface. If on
the desired trajectory, the spacecraft will pass Mars between
the Martian equator and the South Pole on the trailing edge
of the planet as viewed from Earth.

Useful planetary data could be obtained, however, within

54,000 miles of the planet.

Physically, the Mars Mariner spacecraft have evolved

from the familiar Mariner II. Each will weigh 575 pounds in-
cluding about 60 pounds of scientific instruments with a Data
Automation System. Because the spacecraft will be traveling
away from the Sun, each will have four solar panels instead of
the two carried by Mariner II.

The Mariner program is directed by NASA’s Office of Space

Science and Applications. It has assigned project management
to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., operated
by the California Institute of Technology. JPL designed, built


and tested the Mariner spacecraft. NASA's Lewis Research

Center, Cleveland, is responsible for the Atlas-Agena launch
vehicle and Goddard Space Flight Center's Launch Operations
will supervise the launch at Cape Kennedy.

Tracking and communication with the Mars Mariners will

be by the NASA/JPL Deep Space Network (DSN). In addition to
permanent DSN stations at Goldstone, Calif.; Woomera, Australia;
and Johannesburg, South Africa, two new stations at Madrid,
Spain; and Canberra, Australia, are under construction and
may be activated during this mission. All data will flow from DSN
stations to JPL's Space Flight Operations Facility in Pasadena
which will control the mission.

Scientific investigations aboard the Mariners are pro-

vided by scientists representing eight universities and two
NASA laboratories.



An opportunity for a mission to Mars comes only once

every 25 months. Because opportunities are rare and the
mission is difficult, it was determined to launch two
identical Mariner spacecraft to Mars during the 1964 opportunity.

The following spacecraft and mission description is equally

applicable to Mariner C or Mariner D.


The Mariner Mars fly-by spacecraft were designed and

built by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.
Industrial contractors provided subsystems and components.

Mariner's basic structure is a 30-pound eight-sided mag-

nesium frame-work with seven electronics compartments. The
midcourse rocket propulsion system takes up the eighth
compartment. The compartments themselves provide structural
support to the spacecraft.

Four solar panels, each 71$- inches long and 35$ inches
wide, are attached to the top or sunward side of the octagon.
Solar pressure vanes which will act as an auxiliary attitude
control system during Mariner's flight, are located at the
ends of each panel.











The interior of the octagon contains gas bottles and

regulators for Mariner's dual attitude control gas system.
Propellant tank for the liquid-fuel midcourse motor is
supported by a cantilever arrangement inside the octagonal
cavity, with the rocket nozzle protruding through one of the
eight sides of the spacecraft.

Two sets of attitude control jets consisting of six

jets each, which control the spacecraft on three axes, are
mounted on the ends of the solar panels near the pressure
vane actuators.

The high-gain antenna is attached to the spacecraft by

an eight-legged superstructure atop the octagon. Its honey-
comb dish reflector is an ellipse, 46 inches by 21 inches, and
is parabolic in cross-section. The antenna, which weighs only
4 l/2 pounds, is in a fixed position so that it will be pointed
toward the Earth during the latter half of the Mariner flight
including planet encounter and post-encounter phases.

The low-gain omni antenna is mounted on the end of a

circular aluminum tube, 3.88 inches in diameter and extending
88 inches from the top of the octagonal structure. The tube
acts as a waveguide for the low-gain antenna.


The Canopus star tracker assembly is located in the

shade of the spacecraft on the lower ring structure of the
octagon for a clear field of view. Sun sensors are located
on both the top and bottom surfaces of the spacecraft body
in order to provide spherical coverage.

The eight compartments girdling the spacecraft house the

following: Bay 1, power supply and synchronizer, battery
charger and squib firing assembly; Bay 2, midcourse maneuver
rocket engine; Bay 3, science equipment and Data Automation
System; Bay 11, data encoder (telemetry) and command subsystems;
Bays 5 and 6, radio y‘c)c-eiver, transmitters and video tape
recorder; Bay 7, Central Computer and Sequencer and attitude
control subsyster ; Bay 8, power booster regulator and spacecraft

Six of the electronics compartments are temperature controlled

by light-weight louver assemblies on the outer surfaces. The
octagon's interior is insulated by multi-layer fabric thermal
shields at both top and bottom of the structure.

The Mariners will carry scientific instrumentation for

seven interplanetary and planetary experiments. The eighth
experiment, occultation, requires only the spacecraft communica-
tions system. The ion chamber and helium vapor magnetometer are


mounted on the low-gain antenna support boom above the

spacecraft. The trapped radiation detector and plasma probe
are attached to the upper octagonal ring. The cosmic ray telescope
looks through the lower ring of the octagon from one of the
compartments. The cosmic dust detector is attached to the
superstructure holding i:he high-gain antenna. The television
camera and two planetary sensors are mounted on a scan platform
below and to the center of the octagon.

Each Mariner weighs 575 pounds and measures 9 l/2 feet to

the top of the low-gain antenna. With solar panels extended
ad solar pressure vanes in up position, the spacecraft spans
22 feet, 7 l/2 inches across. The octagonal structure is 50
inches across.


Primary power source for the Mariner spacecraft is an

arrangement of 28,224 photovoltaic solar cells mounted on four
panels which will face the Sun during most of the flight to Mars.
The cells, covering 70 square feet, will collect energy from the
Sun and convert it into electrical power.

A rechargeable silver-zinc battery will provide spacecraft

power during launch, midcourse maneuver and whenever the panels
are turned away from the Sun. The battery will be kept in a


Primary form of power distributed to other spacecraft

systems is 2400 cycles-per-second square wave. The gyro motors
use 400 cps three-phase current and the video tape recorder
motor and science scan motor are supplied with 400 cps single-
phase current.

Telemetry measurements have been selected to provide

the necessary information for the management of spacecraft power
loads by ground command if necessary.

The battery, regulators and power distribution equipment

are housed in two adjacent electronics compartments on Mariner's
octagonal base.


Two-way communications with the Mariner will be accomplished

with a radio link between Earth tracking stations and a dual
transmitter-single receiver radio system aboard the spacecraft.

The on-board communications system also includes a telemetry

subsystem, command subsystem, video tape recorder and high and
low-gain antennas.

Communications will be in digital form. Radio command

signals transmitted to Mariner will be decoded -- translated
from a binary form into electrical impulses -- in the command
subsystem and routed to their proper destination. Mariner is


capable of accepting 29 direct commands and one stored

command. The latter is a three-segment command for
midcourse trajectory correction and is held in the Central
Computer and Sequencer until required.

Data telemetered from the spacecraft will consist of engineer-

ing and scient?.fic measurements prepared for transmission by
the data encoder. T?;e encoded information will indicate voltages,
pressures, temperatures. louver and solar pressure vane positio-7
and other values measured by the spacecraft telemetry sensors
and scientific instruments.

The loo-channel telemetry subsystem is capable of sampling

90 engineering and science measurements and can operate in four
sequences in which the data transmitted are (1) engineering
only during ::::::;F;i-x’e?S; (2) a mix of science data and engineering
during cruise; science data and television engineering data
at planet * 1 .Cr (5.
encoL?- J ;;nd (4) stored science data from the video
tape recorder after i3ars encounter with occasional insertions
of engineering measurements.

All engineering data and all science data, except TV

pictures, will be transmitted in real time. Science data
transmitted in real-time at encounter are also recorded with
the pictures on tape to be re-transmitted with pictures.


state of full charge and will be available during planet

encounter as an emergency power backup source.

Two power regulators will divide the power load and

provide redundancy. In the event of a failure in one, it
will be removed automatically from the line and the second
will be switched in to assume the full load.

The solar panels will be folded in a near vertical position

above the spacecraft during launch and will be deployed after
separation from the launch vehicle. Each panel weighs 18.7
pounds, including the weight of 7056 solar cells and protective
glass filters that reduce the amount of solar heat absorbed
wit‘notiinterfering with the energy conversion. Lightweight
panel structures that support the cells are made of thin-gauge
aluminum approximating the thickness of kitchen foil. Panels
are constructed of .0035-inch aluminum sheet formed into a
corrugation that is bonded to the cell-mounting surface made of
.OOJ-inch sheet.

Nominal power from the panels is expected to be 640 watts

at maximum power voltage for cruise conditions in space near
Earth. This power capability decreases to about 310 watts
at Mars encouter. Total power demands during the mission range
r'rom about 140 watts during post-encounber playback of television
data ;;o 255 watts during a midcourse maneuver.


The battey.1 is a sealed unit containing 18 silver-zinc

cells. Its minimum capacity ranges from 1200 watt hours at
launch to about 900 watt hours at planet encounter. Load
requirement on the battery may vary between zero amps and
9.5 amps with battery voltages expected to vary from 25.8 and
33.3 volts. The battery weighs 33 pounds.

The battery will be capable of delivering its required

capacity and meeting all electrical requirements within an
operational temperature range of 50’ to 120' F. At temperatures
beyond these limits, it will still function although its
capability will be reduced.

To ensure maximum reliability, the power subsystem was

designed to limit the need for battery power after initial
Sun acquisition. Except during maneuvers, the battery will re-
main idle and fully charged.

Under normal flight conditions the primary power booster-

regulator will handle all cruise and encounter loads. A second
regulator will support power loads during maneuvers. Should
an out-of-tolerance voltage condition exist in the cruise
regulator for 3.5 seconds or longer, the maneuver regulator
will take its place on the line.


The purpose of the four-sequence operation of Mariner's

telemetry system is to obtain the maximum available sampling
rate on measurements required during a particular phase of
the mission by not transmitting less useful information during
that period.

Mariner can transmit information to Earth at two rates --

9 l/3 bits per second and 33 l/3 bits per second. The greater
rate will be used for as long as the signal level from the
spacecraft is high enough to allow good data recovery. As
communication distance increases, a decision will be made to
command the data encoder to operate at the lesser rate. The
on-board Central Computer and Sequencer will back up the data rate
switchover by ground command, which probably will occur sometime
after the first 10 per cent of the mission is completed.

Synchronizing pulses will be spaced at regular intervals

between the data signals from Mariner. Ground-based receiving
equipment will generate identical pulses and match them with
the pulses from the spacecraft. This will provide a reference to
determine the location of the data signals, allowing receiving
equipment to separate data signals from noise.

The spacecraft S-band receiver will operate continuously

during the mission at 2113 megacyales. It will receive Earth
commands through either the low-gain antenna or the fixed Ngh-
gain antenna.


The low-gain antenna, providing essentially uniform

coverage in the forward hemisphere of the spacecraft, will
provide the primary path for the Earth-to-spacecraft link.
Switchover to the high-gain antenna and back to the low-gain,
if desired, may be commanded from Earth.

The transmitting subsystem consists of two redundant

radio frequency power amplifiers and two redundant radio
frequenoy exciters of which any combination is possible.
Only one exciter-amplifier combination will operate at any
one time. Selection of the combination will be by on-board
logic with ground command backup.

Both power amplifiers will operate at a nominal output

of 10 watts. Transmitter frequenfy is 2295 megacycles.

The operating transmitter can be connected to either

antenna. Switchover will occur on command from the Central
Computer and Sequencer with ground command backup. Transmission
via the high-gain antenna will be required for approximately
the last half of the mission. Attitude of the spacecraft will
be such that the high-gain antenna is pointed at Earth during this
portion of the mission.


Weight of Mariner's radio subsystem, including receiver,

both transmitters, cabling and both antennas, is 42.5 pounds.

Midcourse Motor

Mariner's midcourse rocket motor is a liquid monopropellant

engine capable of firing twice during the Mars mission. Its
function is to compensate for divergences from the planned
launch injection conditions. The engine burns anhydrous hydrazine
fuel and uses nitrogen tetroxide as the starting fluid.

The rocket nozzle protrudes from one of the eight sides

of Mariner's octagonal base below and between two of the solar
panels. The engine's direction of thrust is nearly parallel
to the panels, hence perpendicular to the longitudinal or
roll axis of the spacecraft.

Hydrazine is held in a rubber bladder contained inside a

spherical pressure vessel. The fuel is forced into the combustion
chamber by means of a pressurized cartridge. Burning is
maintained by a catalyst stored in the chamber.

Firing of the engine is controlled by the Central Computer

and Sequencer, which receives the time, direction and duration
of firing through the ground-to-spacecraft oommunication link.
At the command signal from the CC&S, explosively-actuated valves
allow pressure-regulated nitrogen gas to enter the fuel tank.

A timer shutoff mechanism in the Cc&S actuates another set of
valves which stops propellant flow and fuel tank pressurization.
During rocket engine firing, spacecraft attitude is maintained
by autopilot-controlled jet vanes positioned in the rocket

Re-start capability and redundancy are provided by second

sets of explosive start and shutoff valves. The second
midcourse maneuver may or may not be required.

The midcourse motor can burn for as little as 50 milliseconds

and can Liter velocity in any direction from less than 1/8 mile
per hour to 188 miles per hour. Maximum burn time is 100 seconds.
Thrust is continuous at 50.7 pounds.

Weight of the midcourse propulsion system, including

fuel and gas pressurization system, is 47.5 pounds.

Attitude Control

Stabilization of the spacecraft during the cruise and

encounter portions of the Marfner Mars mission is provided by i2
cold gas jets mounted at the outer ends of the four solar panels.
They are fed by two bottles made of titanium each holding 2.5
pounds of nitrogen gas pressurized at 2270 pounds per square


The jets are linked by logic circuitry to three

gyroscopes, to the Canopus star sensor and to the primary
and secondary Sun sensors.

There are two identical sets ol six jets and one bottle
in each set. Normally both sets r.lil.1 operate during the
mission. Either system can handle the entire mission in the
event the other falls.

The primary Sun sensor is mounted atop Mariner's octagonal

structure on the Sunlit side and the secondary sensors are
located in the shade of the spacecraft. These are light-
sensitive diodes which inform the attitude control system when they
see the Sun. The attitude control system responds to these signals
by turning the spacecraft and pointing the solar panels toward
the Sun. The nitrogen gas escapes through the appropriate jet
nozzle, imparting a reaction to the spacecraft to correct its
angular position.

It is planned to use the star Canopus for pointing the

high-gain antenna back to Earth and to provide a celestial reference
upon which to base the midcourse maneuver. The Canopus sensor
will activate the gas jets to roll the spacecraft about the
already fixed longitudinal or roll axis until it is "locked" in
cruise position. Brightness of the Canopus sensoP's target will
be telemetered to the ground to verify the correct star has


been acquired. An Earth detector aboard the Mariner also will

provide engineers with verification of Canopus acquisition.
This detector cannot see Earth if Canopus has not been acquired
and is effective only near Earth.

During firing of the midcourse motor, stabilization will be

affected by the use of rudder-like deflecting vanes in the rocket
engine Is exhaust stream. The Mariner's autopilot controls
spacecraft attitude during engine firing by using the three
gyros to sense motion about Mariner's three axes for positioning
the jet vanes.

An auxiliary attitude control system will position sail-

like vanes at the ends of the four solar panels to correct
solar pressure unbalance and provide control about the pitch
and yaw axes within the limit cycle of the gas jet system.

Each vane consists of seven square feet of aluminized

Mylar sheet stretched over an aluminum framework. The vanes
are latched in a furled position against the backs of the solar
panels during launch. As the panels deploy, the vane is
released and unfolds like an Oriental fan. Electromechanical
and thermomechanical actuators control the vane positions. Weight
of each solar vane, its deployment mechanism, latch, cable and
actuator, is less than 13 pounds.

Total weight of the attitude control system including

autopilot is about 62s pounds.

Central Computer and Sequencer

The Central Computer and Sequencer performs the Limins,

sequencing and computations for other subsystems aboard the
Mariner spacecraft. The CC&S initiates spacecraft events
in three di;^,'erent mission sequences -- launch, midcourse and

The launch sequence includes spacecraft events from

launch until the cruise mode is established, a maximum of
16 2/3 hours after liftoff. These events include deployment
of solar panels and activation of the attitude control subsystem,
solar pressure vanes and Canopus sensor.

The midcourse maneuver sequence controls the events necessary

to perform the midcourse maneuver in trajectory. Three of these
are commands radioed from Earth and stored in the CC&S prior
to initiation of the maneuver. They tell the spacecraft how
far and in which direction to turn on its pitch and roll axes
and how long the midcourse rocket engine must fire.

The master timer sequence controls those events that occur

during the cruising portion of flight and planet encounter.
CC&S commands during this sequence switch the spacecraft telemetry
transmission to a slower bit rate; switch the transmitter to
the high-gain antenna; set the Canopus sensor at various cone
angles relative to the predicted encounter time; turn on planetary


science equipment prior to encounter for the 14-hour encounter

sequence; and switch to the post-encounter telemetry mode
for transmission of recorded video data.

The CC&S weighs about 113 pounds.

Temperature Control

If dependent solely upon direct sunlight for heat, an

object in space would be approximately 125' F. colder at Mars
than at Earth.

For a spacecraft traveling to Mars, away from Earth and

from the Sun, the primary temperature control problem, then,
is maintaining temperatures within allowable limits despite the
decreasing solar intensity as the mission progresses. In
airless space, the temperature differential between the sunlit
side and the shaded side of an object can be several hundred

Heating by direct sunlight on the Mariner spacecraft is

minimized by the use of a thermal shield on its Sun side. The
side away from the Sun is covered with a thermal shield to pre-
vent rapid loss of heat to the cold of space.


The top of Mariner's basic octagon is insulated from

the Sun by a shield of 30 layers of aluminized Mylar mounted
to the high-gain antenna support structure. The Mylar is
sandwiched between a layer of Teflon on the bottom and black
Dacron on top. The entire assembly is sewn together to form a
space "blanket." The bottom is enclosed by a similar shield
to retain heat generated by power consumption within the

Temperature control of six of the electronics compartments

is provided by polished metal louvers actuated by coiled
bimetallic strips. The strips act as spiral-wound springs that
expand and contract as they heat and cool. This mechanical
action, which opens and closes the louvers is calibrated to
provide an operating range from fully closed at 55OF. to fully
open at 85' F. A louver assembly consists of 22 horizontal
louvers driven in pairs by 11 actuators. Each pair operates
independently on its own local temperature determined by
internal power dissipation.

Paint patterns and polished metal surfaces are used on the

Mariner for passive control of temperatures outside of the
protected octagon. These surfaces control both the amount of
heat dissipated into space and the amount of solar heat absorbed
or Peflected away, allowing the establishment of temperature
limits. The patterns were determined from testing a Temperature


Control Model (TCM) of the spacecraft. The TCM was sub-

jected to the variations of temperature anticipated in
the Mars mission in a space simulation chamber at JPL.

The high-gain antenna dish, which is dependent upon the

Sun for its surface heat, is painted green to keep it at near
room temperature during planet enoounter but within its upper
thermal. limit earlier in the mission.



Data Automation System

Seven of the eight scientific experiments aboard

Mariner are controlled and synchronized by the Data Automation
System (DAS) and the data recorded by the instruments are
converted by the DAS into a suitable digital form for trans-
mittal to Earth.

During the mission, the DAS accumulates scientific data,

reduces the data from each experiment (except the occultation
experiment) to a common digital form and common rate and then
feeds the data to the radio transmitter telemetry channel at
proper intervals.

The telemetry channel alternately carries 280 bits of

scientific data and 140 bits of engineering data except during
Mars encounter when the 140 bits provide additional science
data and information on performance of the scientific instruments.

Data from the interplanetary instruments are transmitted

as soon as received and conditioned by the DAS. The television
data, however, is recorded on a tape machine controlled by the
DAS for transmission to Earth at a later time. This is required
because the television pictures are recorded at a much higher

rate than it is possible to transmit this data. All science


data during encounter are recorded on the tape as a back-up

to the same science data being transmitted in real-time.

Performance data on the television subsystem -- filter

position, signal level, shutter time, etc. -- are continually
transmitted during the encounter sequence.

The DAS is composed of four units: real-time unit, non-

real time unit, buffer memory and power converter. The total
weight is about 12 pounds. During cruise the power requirement
is 1.35 watts ; during Mars encounter, 3.06 watts.


As the Mariner spacecraft passes Mars a single television

camera viewing Mars through a reflecting telescope will take
as many as 22 black and white, photographs of the Martian surface.
The photographs will be stored on magnetic tape in digital form
to be played back for transmission to Earth after Mariner passes

It is required to store the photographs on tape for later

playback because the radio transmission rate from the Mars
distance is 8.33 bits per second and the photographs are recorded
at a rate of 10,700 bits per second.


?:ch photo;;raph will consist of approximately 250,000 bits.

It \Vil L take 8 l/3 hours to play back each picture. If the
communication distance has not been exceeded after one playback
or all pictures, each photograph will be transmitted again to
provide a comparison L'or detection of errors in the transmission.
Playback will besin about 13 to 15 hours a.l"tcr the last picture
is taken. ;\bout 1 l/2 hours of data will be trans-
mitted between each piciure. iill data from the. other scientific
i.nstruments will be recorded with the pictures as a back-up to
the real-time transmissloil or' science data.

The camera head and two planet sensing devices are mounted
on a movable platform. This planetary scan platform will sweep
through 180 degrees until a Wide Angle Planet Sensor (50° field
of view) gives a planet-in-view signal. The platform will then
stop its slweeping motion and center the planet in the sensor's
field of vie,;J.

PliCi;Ul?Z recording begins when Mars enters the field of view

of a Narrow Angle Mars Gate sensor (1 l/2' field of view) and the
device generates a signal that is translated by the Data Automation
System into a command that turns on the tape recorder.

Photographs will be taken in groups of two with a small gap

between ir each pair. Dependin on camra djsi;ancc ?I-om the
planet, each pair of pictures may cover Son843at oveplapping
areas on the Martian surface. The number oi' pictures recorded


will be determined by the time required at encounter to

synchronize tape recorder and camera for the first picture
and by lighting conditions on Mars.

The recorder will be turned off after recording each

picture and then turned on again to record the next.

The tape is a continuous loop 330 feet long. Data will

be recorded on two tracks.

Although the camera system will be turned on six to 10 hours

prior to closest approach, pictures will not be recorded until
the command from the Narrow Angle Mars Gate turns on the tape
recorder. The camera itself will function as a backup to the
Mars Gate. When the vidicon. senses the increased illumination
of Mars, a signal will be generated to order the tape recorder
turned on.

It is anticipated that the camera system will sweep through

a large illumination range on Mars which will include photographs
near the shadow line or terminator. The camera system is equipped
to increase or decrease its sensitivity to light to compensate
for the changing lighting conditions. This is accomplished by
a sampling circuit that detects changes in the strength of the
video signal, which directly relates to the amount of light
detected by the vidicon, and orders an increase or decrease in
the amount of amplification in the television system's amplifier

A picture is formed on the vidicon target in 1/5th of

a second every 48 seconds. The scanning or readout of the 200
line picture requires 24 seconds and erasure of the image and
preparation for the next requires 24 seconds.

The exposure time or shutter speed will be one-fifth of

a second. If illumination levels are higher than expected at
Mars the exposure time will be shortened to 2/25 of a second
by an automatic switching device.

The shutter consists of a single rotating disc containing

four openings for alternating filters. Two filters will be
blue-green and two will be orange-red.

The filters will provide high contrast in the black and

white photographs received on Earth and emphasize the difference
in colors seen from Earth on Mars.

The telescope associated with the camera system is an f/8

Cassegrainian system of 12 inches equivalent focal length.
The beryllium primary mirror has a diameter of 1.62 inches and an
f-ratio of 2.47. The beryllium secondary mirror provides an
amplification of 3.0.

The television system is divided into two parts. The camera

head and a small portion of the electronic circuitry is located
on the scan platform. The balance of the electronic equipment
required for the television system is located in a compartment
on the spacecraft bus.

A removable lens cover will protect the camera optics

during the mission from micrometeorite damage.

Investigators are Professor R. B. Leighton, Prof..B. C.

Murray and Prof. R. P. Sharp, of the California Institute of Tech-
Occultation Experiment

The purpose of the occultation experiment is to determine

some characteristics of the atmosphere of Mars by transmitting
radio signals from the Mariner spacecraft through the Martian

Performing this experiment does not require additional

weight or power on the spacecraft. It does require, however.
designing a trajectory for the spacecraft that will pass behind

As the spacecraft flies behind Mars, its radio signal will

be bent by the Martian atmosphere and will change in frequency
and strength. This is due to refraction and diffraction in the
atmosphere whose effects on the Doppler (phase shift) signal
are predictable. The strength of the telemetry carrier will also
fluctuate and will provide informative data.


Current estimates on the surface pressure vary over a

wide range and the scale height, or how the density varies
with altitude, is unknown. The surface pressure on Mars is
variously estimated to be between 10 and 100 millibars(about
one to 10 percent of the barometric pressure on the Earth's
surface) with 25 millibars accepted by some investigators.

It is essential for landing a capsule on Mars to

determine these physical characteristics. Design of an
entry capsule requires knowing the rate it will be slowed
by atmospheric drag and whether or not a parachute system is
sufficient or if some other means of slowing the capsule is

The scale height is also critical. This factor is of

importance in the design of a capsule's heat shielding and
entry shape.

The detection of the changes in the radio signal will

provide a severe test of the capabilities of the Deep Space
Network (DSN). The capability to accurately detect minute changes
in a radio signal has been developed by the DSN in earlier missions,
the Mariner II Venus mission and the Ranger VI and VII lunar
fli'ghts, and by successful radar bounce experiments on the Moon,
Venus, Mars and Mercury. These accuracies have been developed
to a point that has made the occultation experiment feasible.


Investigators are Dr. Arvydas J. Kliore, Dan L. Cain

and Gerald S. Levy of JPL, Prof. Von R. Eshelman of Stanford
Electronics Laboratory, and Prof. Frank Drake of Cornell University.

Solar Plasma Probe

The solar plasma probe will measure the density,

velocities, temperatures and direction of low energy (30
electron volts to 10,000 electron volts) protons that stream
outward from the Sun at supersonic speeds to form what has
been termed the solar wind.

Solar plasma emitted from the Sun is a boiling off of the

Sun's atmosphere. It takes three forms. The solar wind, which
appears to be emitted continuously in all directions; solar
streams which originate in relatively small regions of the Sun;
and the solar shell which is defined a? bursts of solar plasma
from solar flares.

The plasma itself is a thin, high velocity, high temperature

gas. It is composed of the same material as the Sun, nuclei
of helium and hydrogen atoms, with hydrogen nuclei (protons)
being the main constituent. The atoms in the solar plasma are
ionized (have lost their electrons) because of the very high
temperature of the outer atmosphere (corona) of the Sun.


The study of solar plasma is important to scientists

because it is the predominant and controlling factor in
interplanetary space in that it can affect magnetic fields
and cosmic rays. To understand the nature of interplanetary
space, it is essential to comprehend the nature of solar plasma.

Earlier solar plasma experiments in space -- Mariner II,

Explorer XVIII, Explorer X -- have provided about eight months
of total study tillle. The Mariner Mars mission will more than
double this amount. However, the changing characteristics of the
solar plasma are related to a cycle of solar activity that spans
11 years. Only a fraction of the desired information has been

The solar plasma probe is composed of three major parts,;

a collector cup, a high voltage power supply and circuitry to pro-
vide an output signal to the data automation system that CiJllditions

the data for transmission to Earth.

A mesh of fine tungsten wire in front of the collector is

given a negative voltage that alternates rapidly between two
limits. Thus, protons having a range of energies corresponding
to these limits are alternately repelled and passed through to
the collector, producing an intermittent current that is detected.

Lcw energy f)rotons are repelled continuously. Higher energy

protons pass through continuously but their continuous current
is not detected.
-more -

The voltage limits on the mesh are repeatedly cycled

through 32 voltage levels to allow detection of protons at
32 energy bands within a range of 30 to 10,000 electron volts.

From the measurement of current collected in each of the

32 energy ranges, the density, velocity, and temperature of the
plasma can be deduced.

Improvements in this probe over those flown on Mariner II and

on Explorer X are the greater energy range that can be detected
and detection of the direction of motion of a proton in the
solar plasma. The direction of motion is obtained by dividing
the collector into three pie-shaped sectors. If the solar plasma
enters the probe and impinges on the current collecting plates at
an angle, the sectors will not receive equal currents. One of
the sectors will receive the most current which will determine
the direction of the plasma's motion.

The plasma probe is mounted on top of the spacecraft bus at

an angle 10 degrees off the spacecraft-Sun line. It weighs 6.4
lbs. and utilizes three watts of power.

The investigators for the plasma probe are Prof. Herbert

L. Bridge, Dr. Alan Lazarus of the Masachusetts Institute of
Technology and Dr. Conway W. Snyder, JPL.


Ionization Chamber Experiment

This experiment includes an ionization chamber and

Geiger-Mueller tube to measure radiation, principally
galactic cosmic rays, in an energy range above 10 million
electron volts for protons, l/2 million electron volts for
electrons and 40 million electron volts for alpha particles.

The ionization chamber will yield a measurement related

to the average energy and amount of radiation at these levels
and the Geiger-Mueller tube will count individual particles.
Results from the two instruments will be correlated to yield
data on the density of cosmic rays and their energy levels
in interplanetary space between Earth and Mara and in the
vicinity of Mars.

The ionization chamber is a five-inch stainless steel

sphere with a wall thickness of l/lOOth of an inch. The metal
serves as a shielding that will only allow radiation above a
given level to penetrate.

The sphere is filled with argon gas. Particles that penetrate

the sphere leave a trail of ions in the gas. The ions are de-
tected and an electric pulse is produced that is proportional
to the rate of ionization in the argon gas. This pulse is pro-
cessed and telemetered to Earth.


The Geiger-Mueller tube is also shielded to allow

penetration by particles in the same range as detected by
the chamber. The tube consists of an enclosed volume of gas
with two electrodes. at a different electrical potential.

The tube generates a current pulse each time a charged

particle passes through the tube. The tube can count particles
at a maximum rate of 50,000 per second.

This experiment weighs 2.9 lbs. and is located on the

spacecraft's mast.

The investigators are Prof. H. Victor Neher of the

California Institute of Technology and Dr. Hugh R. Anderson,

Trapped Radiation Detector

The purpose of this experiment is to search for magnetically

trapped radiation in the vicinity of Mars that, if it exists,
might be similar to the Earth's Van Allen belts of trapped

The experiment consists of four detectors, three Geiger-

Mueller tubes and one solid state detector, a silicon diode
covered with thin nickel foil to exclude light.

The three GM tubes are shieldeli so that low energy particles
can only enter by passing through a window at the end of each
tube. Tubes A and B will detect protons greater than 500 thousand
electron volts and electrons greater than 40 thousand electron
volts. Tube C will detect protons greater than 900 thousand
electron volts and electrons greater than 70 thousand electron
volts. The solid state detector will measure protons in two
ranges: from 500 thousand electron volts to 8 million electron
volts and from 900 thousand electron volts to 5.5 million
electron volts.

During the cruise portion of the miSSiOn the trapped

radiation detector will measure cosmic rays and electrons.

The experiment is located on the top of the spacecraft bus

and weighs about 2$ pounds.

Investigators are Dr. James A. Van Allen, Dr. Louis A.

Frank and Stamatios M. Krimigas, of the State Unlversity of Iowa.

Helium Vector Magnetometer

The scientific objectives of the magnetometer experiment

are to determine if Mars has a magnetic field and, if so, to


map its characteristics; to investigate the interaction

between planetary and interplanetary magnetic fields and
measure the magnitude and direction of the interplanetary
magnetic field and determine its variations.

If a magnetic field around Mars is similar to Earth's,

the magnetometer should detect the transition from the
interplanetary field to that of planetary field by measuring
disturbances caused by the interaction of the solar wind and
the planetary field. This interaction causes instabilities
in the magnetic fields embedded in the solar wind and these
disturbances are detectable at considerable distances.

The magnetometer will detect a general magnetic field

around Mars if the spacecraft trajectory lies within the
hydromagnetic cavity formed by the solar wind around a planet.
In this area a planetary field is relatively undisturbed by
the solar wind.

The Mariner Mars mission will provide the first scientific

opportunity to measure magnetic fields in interplanetary space
at distances from the Sun greater than Earth’s orbit.

Knowledge of the interplanetary field is important in under-

standing the nature of solar cosmic rays, solar flareg, galactic
cosmic rays, origin of the solar wind near the Sun, solar magnetic


fields and the interaction of the solar wind with the

Earth and Moon.

A new type of magnetometer, developed specifically for

use on planetary missions, will be flown for the first time
on the Mars mission. The instrument is a low field vector
helium magnetometer that measures not only the magnitude of
the magnetic field but its direction as well.

A helium magnetometer is based on the principle that

the amount of light that can pass through helium gas, that
has been excited to a higher than normal energy level, is
dependent on the angle between the light axis and the direction
of the surrounding magnetic field. Measuring the amount of
light passed through the helium gives a measurement of the
magnetic field in magnitude and direction.

The light source is a helium lamp in the magnetometer.

The light, collimated and circularly polarized, passes through
a cell containing the excited helium gas and then impinges
onaninfrared detector that measures the amount of light
passed through the helium gas.

The magnetometer is located on the low gain antenna

mast to minimize the effect of the spacecraft's magnetic fields.
Electronics supporting the experiment are located in a compartment
on the spacecraft. The magnetometer weighs 1.25 pounds. The


electronics weighs six pounds. Its sensitivity is l/2

gamma per axis and the dynamic range is f 360 gamma per axis.
The experiment operates on seven watts of power.

The investigators are Dr. Edward J. Smith, JPL, Paul

J. Coleman, Jr., University of California at Los Angeles,
Prof. Leverett Davis, Jr., California Institute of Technology
and Dr. Douglas E. Jones, Brigham Young University and JPL.

Cosmic Ray Telescope (CRT)

This experiment will detect and measure cosmic rays by

type, energy levels and direction of motion. The experiment
will produce a detailed analysis of portions of the energy
range covered by the ionization chamber experiment and in
addition, will sense particles with lower energies.

The CRT will discriminate between protons in three energy

groups: .80 million to 15 million electron volts; 15 million
to 80 million electron volts; and 80 million to 190 million
electron volts. It will discriminate between alpha particles
from 2 million to 60 million electron volts; 60 million to
320 million electron volts and 320 million to infinite million
electron volts.

The CRT has three coaxial gold-silicon solid state detectors

with intermediate absorbers arranged in similar fashion to a


series of lenses in a telescope. Dependent upon their energy

and direction, particles will pass through detector 1 only
or through 1 and 2 or through detectors 1, 2 and 3. Detector
1 yields a pulse proportional to the amount of energy lost as
a particle penetrates. The type of particle is determined by
the pulse height that is recorded and evidence of coincidental
pulses in the other detectors.

The CRT is located on the underside of an electronics

compartment in the spacecraft bus and weighs 2.5 lbs.

Investigators are Dr. John A. Simpson and Joseph O'Gallagher

of the University of Chicago.

Cosmic Dust Detector

The objectives of this experiment are to make direct

measurements of the dust particle momentum and distribution near
Earth, in interplanetary space and in the vicinity of Mars.

The experiment is composed of two sensors that.measure strikes

by direct penetration and by microphonic techniques.

A square aluminum plate yields a microphone signal when

struck by a dust particle. Bonded to both sides of the plate are
layers of non-conducting material covered with a layer of


evaporated aluminum, forming penetration sensors. The

penetration sensors will specify which side of the microphone
plate was struck. The strength of the signal derived from
the microphone plate will yield data on the momentum of the

The flight paths of the two Mariner spacecraft wi'll pass

close to the orbits of four meteor streams generally believed
to be composed of particles once contained in the nuclei of a
comet. It is expected to require several days to pass through
each stream.

The streams are the Leonid, Geminid, Ursids and the Tuttle-
Giacobini-Kresak. The Leonid meteor stream will be in a period
of peak activity, which occurs approximately every 33 years,
near the time the Mariner spacecraft will encounter the stream.

The Mariner cosmic dust detector weighs two pounds and is

mounted on the upper side of the spacecraft. The plate is
approximately perpendicular to the direction the spacecraft is

Investigators are W. M. Alexander, 0. E. Berg, C. W.

McCracken and L. Secretan, of Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt,
Md., and J. L. Bohn and 0. P. Fuchs of Temple University,



Mariner Mars 64 is the first NASA mission to use the

improved Agena-D upper stage vehicle and places maximum
performance demands on the Agena and its Atlas D booster. It
is also the first U.S. space mission to require a sec0n.d burn
of the newest model Agena-D.

Under some circumstances, it might be desirable to

launch ,Lhe second Mariner two days after the first so a
special 36-hour data return plan has been developed. Experienced
Lewis engineers will be located at a downrange tracking station
during the launch. They will perform a preliminary analysis of
Agena tracking and telemetry data and report the results to
Cape Kennedy.

Thus project officials would be able to pinpoint a problem

in the first flight in time to provide a greater margin of
success for the second launch.

This model of the Agena-D -- the SS-OIB -- is an improved

performance vehicle and can carry a heavier payload than its
predecessors. Payload capability is increased by about 80

This capability is gained by the use of lighter weight

parts and by an improved propellant utilization system which
leaves less residual propellant at Agena mission completion.

d.“F., (2
L?:*&nch sequence of the Atlas-Agena D is described
at the beginning of the next section, "The Mission."


Total lif't-off weight: 280,000 pounds

Total lift-off height: 104 feet

Atlas-D Booster Agena-D Upper Stage

Weight 260,000 pounds 15,500 pounds

Height 67 feet 24 feet
Thrust about 370,000 pounds 16,000 pounds at altitude
at sea level
Propellants liquid oxygen and RP-1, unsymmetrical dimethyl-
a kerosene-type fuel hydrazine (UDMH) and in;
hibited red fuming nitric
acid (IRFNA)
Propulsion two booster engines, one one engine built by Bell
sustainer engine and two Aerosystems Company
vernier attitude and roll
control engines built by
Rocketdyne Division, North
American Aviation, Inc.
Speed about 13,000 mph at apogee about 17,500 mph after fir
for Mariner flight burn,about 25,600 mph at
spacecraft injection
Guidance General Electric radio Honeywell, Inc., inertial
command guidance equipment; guidance and Barnes horizl
Burroughs ground guidance sens.:; y
Contractor General Dynamics/Astronautics, Lockheed Missiles and
San Diego, California Space Company, Sunnyvale,


Countdown Milestones

T-395 minutes Deliver pyrotechniques t0

launch complex
T-155 minutes Start Agena UDMHtanking
T-135 minutes Complete UDMRtanking
T-130 minutes Remove gantry
T- 90 minutes Start IRFNA tanking
T- 65 minutes Complete IRFNA tanking
T- 60 minutes Scheduled hold to meet launch
T- 40 minutes Start Atlas LOX tanking
T- 7 minutes Scheduled hold to meet launch
T- 2 minutes Secure LOX tanking
T- 19 seconds Momentary hold
T- 2 seconds Engines full thrust
T- O seconds Release/lift-off



The Mariner spacecraft will be boosted into a parking

orbit at an altitude of 115 miles and a velocity of 17,500
miles an hour by the Atlas-Agena prior to its injection on
a Mars trajectory.

After lift-off, the Atlas vehicle is controlled'by a

combination of on-board autopilot and ground-based radio
commands. For the first few minutes of flight, the vehicle
attitude is controlled by gimballing the booster engine thrust

About two minutes after launch, a radio command is trans-

mitted which shuts down the booster engine (BECO or booster
engine cut off). This event is followed by staging or release
of the booster engine section. Vehicle attitude control is
then determined by the sustainer engine until the transmission
of the SEC0 command about five minutes after launch. At SECO,
the vernier engines which had provided roll control during
sustainer phase are activated to provide total vehicle attitude
control. This continues until transmission of the VECO command
less than a minute after SEC0 transmission.

Atlas-Agena Separation

Another series of radio commands is transmitted which turns

on the Agena timer, activates the Agena guidance and control


9 And 10 5 Thru 8

1. Launch
2. Booster shutoff followed
by booster separation
3. Sustainer shutoff and
shroud ejection
4. Atlas/Agena separation
Al 5. Agena pitch down
6. First Agena Ignition
7. First Agena shutoff and
start of coast
a. Second Agena Ignition
9. Second Agena shutoff
10. Spacecraft separation
11. Agena retro-maneuver
12. Spacecraft sun acquisition
13. Canopus acquisition

system, initiates separation of the Agena from the Atlas and fires
retrorockets which retard the forward motion of the Atlas.

The Agena engine ignites for the first time about six
minutes after launch on command of the Agena timer. This first
burn lasts for about two minutes and is terminated when the
Agena velocity meter determines that the correct increase in
velocity has been achieved.

Coast Period

The Agena-Mariner coasts at an altitude around 115 miles

before second burn ignition. The vehicle remains in parking
orbit for a period of time determined by the final injection
point -- a point determined by the relative position of the
planet Mars at the time and date of launch.

At the proper point in the parking orbit to ensure attaining

the interplanetary trajectory, the Agena engine is started for
the second time. Engine shutdown is again determined by the
velocity meter. The required velocity is about 25,600 miles
an hour.

On command from the Agena timer the spacecraft

separation system is activated. After the Mariner space-
craft leaves the Agena, the vehicle performs a 180 degree
turning maneuver followed by firing of the retro-rocket.

The launch vehicle has completed its part of the mission

when the spacecraft is separated from the Agena. With Agena
retrofire, the second stage decelerates and enters a solar
orbit. Agena retro-fire assures that the vehicle will not
hit Mars and that Agena's reflection will not confuse space-
craft sensors.

First Spacecraft Events

As the Mariner is separated from the Agena, a series of

spacecraft events are initiated by the separation connector:
1. Full power is applied to the spacecraft transmitter.
Until this point the transmitter power has been held at lcw

power to prevent high voltage arcing that could damage equip-

ment in the critical area between 150,000 to 250,000 feet.
2. The cruise scientific experiments are turned on.
3. The CC&S is fully activated. Up to this point it
has been inhibited from inadvertantly giving commands.
4. The tape recorder used to record television pictures
at Mars encounter is turned off. The tape recorder runs during
the launch phase to apply tension on the tape to prevent un-
winding and snarling.

5. The attitude control system is turned on and Sun

acquisition is initiated. The attitude control system
initiates a spacecraft roll for calibration of the magnetometer.
6. Pyrotechnic devices are armed. A hydraulic timing
device is activated which will give a back-up signal for arming
the pyrotechnics and a signal for deployment of the . solar panels
and to unlatch the scan platform. These signals are given with-
in a minute and 20 seconds after separation.

The Central Computer and Sequencer (CC&S) gives a back-up

command, for deployment of solar panels and so!.ar pressure
vanes and for unlatching the scan platform, at liftoff plus
53 minutes. The initial commands from the hydraulic timing
.device occur 30 to 50 minutes from liftoff depending on the
length of the parking orbit which is determined by the day
and time of launch.

Sun-Canopus Acquisition

Sun acquisition will be completed in approximately 20

minutes after the first command. The time is dependent on the
attitude of the spacecraft when the process begins. Any tumbling
motion imparted to the spacecraft at separation is cancelled out
during the acquisition process.

Sun sensors, two primary and two secondary, are mounted on

the bus and will provide signals to the cold gas jets to cancel


out the tumbling motion and maneuver the spacecraft until

its four solar panels are pointed at the Sun. The spacecraft
willnow begin drawing power from the panels as they convert
sunlight to electricity. The batteries, which have supplied
power up until now, will only be used during the midcourse
maneuver and in the event that, during the mission or at
encounter, the spacecraft power demands should exceed the
*oanels' outPut.

The next spacecraft event, and the next order from the
CC&S, occurs at 16 l/2 hours after launch. The Canopus Star
Sensor is activated and the spacecraft begins a roll search,
at a different roll rate than the magnetometer calibration
roll, to allow the sensor to fix on Canopus and thus orient the
spacecraft in the roll axis.

Again, the time required for this acquisition depends on

the position of the sensor relative to the star at the time
acquisition begins. Maximum time for completion of Canopus
acquisition is 75 minutes.

It will be required during the mission to command the

Canopus sensor by CC&S or Earth command to change the angle
of its field of view to all,ow for the changing geometrical
relationship of the spacecraft's roll axis and the star Canopus.
This change will occur four times.


During the cruise portion of the mission, signals from

the primary Sun sensor and the Canopus sensor to the attitude
control system will fire the cold gas jets to maintain the
spacecraft attitude -- solar panels pointed at the Sun and
star sensor pointed at Canopus.

At the time of Canopus acquisition, a solid state sensing

device will signal that it is viewing Earth. The device cannot
view Earth if the Canopus sensor is not locked onto Canopus.
'This will provide a check on data from the star sensor indicating
it has Canopus in view. It is possible that the star sensor
could lock-on to some other celestial body. The solid state
sensing device is effective only near Earth.

Midcourse Maneuver

The spacecraft is now in its cruise mode which will

continue until the midoourse maneuver is commanded. T&is
probably will occur two to 10 days after launch. The midcourse
maneuver will alter the spacecraft's solar orbit by changing its

Trajectory calculations at JPL's Space Flight Operations

Facility will establish the actual flight path of the spacecraft
for comparison with the flight path required for a Mars fly-by.
Commands will be calculated for transmission to the spacecraft,
to alter Mariner's flight path.


These commands, for pitch, roll and duration of motor

burn, will be transmitted by a station of the Deep Space
Network to the spacecraft and stored in the CCZcSmemory.
The execute command follows and the spacecraft begins the mid-
oourse maneuver.

The cold gas jets will fire to roll the spacecraft in

the direction and through the prescribed number of degrees as
commanded by the CC&S. The pitch turn is followed by a roll
turn. The spacecraft's midcourse motor is now pointing Fn a
direction that, when fired for the proper amount of time, will
alter the spacecraft's velocity and thus its flight path
around the Sun.

The midcourse maneuver is a precision event. An error in

the duration of the motor firing that would make a difference
in the final velocity of the spacecraft of one mile per hour
will make a 9000 mile difference in the flight path at the Mars

I;lhen the maneuver is completed the spacecraft will again

acquire the Sun and Canopus on command from the CC&S.

The cold gas attitude control system is not sufficient

to stabilize the spacecraft during the motor firing period.


Movable jet vanes in the motor exhaust perform the

stabilization function at this time. They are controlled by
an autopilot that is turned on for the midcourse maneuver
and used only at this time. The autopilot accepts signals from
gyros to keep the motor thrust pointed in the right direction.

From execute command to reacquisition of Canopus, the

maneuver will take approximately .four hours. Although the
telemetry will give some indication that the maneuver has
been performed accurately, it will require a long period of
tracking to calculate the spacecraft's new flight path.

During the midcourse maneuver the spacecraft transmits

only engineering data to Earth. At completion of the maneuver
the telemetry format will revert to the cruise mode of one-third
engineering data and two-thirds science data.

If required, a second midcourse maneuver can be performed

by the Mariner. This is the first spacecraft to have this

Mariner is again in its cruise mode and with two exceptions,

will continue in this mode until encounter with Mars.

The two exceptions are concerned with communications. As

the distance from spacecraft to Earth increases it will be
necessary to slow the transmission bit rate from 33 l/3 bits


per second to 8 l/3 bits per second. This will occ'a-, on

command from the CC&S with a back-up command from Earth,
at approximately nine weeks after launch.

Later in the mission, about 12 weeks after launch, the

spacecraft's transmitters will be switched from the omni-
directional antenna to the high gain antenna. This is a CC&S
command backed-up from Earth and will be performed at the
time the omnf-directional antenna nears the limits of its
transmission distance capability.

The high gain antenna is rigidly fixed on the spacecraft,

unlike the Rangers or Mariner II which had movable high gain
antennas, because after the switchover point, Earth will be
continually in the antenna's view.

The next mission event will be Mars encounter.


The encounter sequence will begin from six to 10 hours

before the spacecraft makes its closest approach to the planet.
fit this time the CC&S, with Earth command back-up, will turn
on the television system, that portion of the Data Automation
System that functions at encounter, the scan platform, the two
Mars sensors and the tape recorder electronics. Although receiving
power, the tape recorder is not running and will not record
pictures until later.


A cover shielding the optics of the vidicon and the two

planet sensors is removed at this point by the encounter
command from the CC&S to a pyrotechnic device. The battery
charger is also turned off at this time.

The scan platform is now sweeping through 180 degrees nearly

vertical to the direction of motion of the spacecraft. The
television system is functioning but pictures are not recorded
at this point. Pictures will not be recorded until a signal
5s sent from the narrow angle Mars sensor through the DAS to
the recorder that the vidicon camera is seeing the planet.

As Mariner approaches Mars the wide angle sensor will

detect the planet, and send a signal that stops the 180 degree
sweep of the scan platform. The scan platform will not track
the planet.

Telemetry is now switched from a combination of engineering

data and science data to all science, with the exception of
engineering data on the TV system.

The next event is the acquisition of Mars by the narrow

angle sensor. The scan platform is now locked in place and
recording pf pictures begins. Starting of the tape machine
is synchronized with the sequencing of the television camera.

The spacecraft will sweep past Mars recording pictures
and transmitting other scientific data to Earth. All science
data will also be recorded on the tape. The signal being
transmitted to Earth, telemetry carrier and the Doppler signal,
will be transmitted through the Martian atmosphere as the
Mariner crosses behind the planet to perform the occultation

Transmission from the spacecraft will not be received

on Earth as Mariner passes behind Mars. When it reappears the
tracking station will begin a search to reacquire the spacecraft.

About II! hours after the CC&S or Earth command was given
to begin the encounter sequence, the CC&S will command the
encounter instruments turned off. Six hours later it will
order the tape recorder to begin the playback of the pictures

Each picture will require approximately 8 l/3 hours to

transmit to Earth. Between each picture the spacecraf will
transmit 1 l/2 hours of engineering data. The entire cape
will be played back twice if the spacecraft has not exceeded
the communication range after the first playback.

After the picture data has been transmitted and if the

Mariner is still within communication range, the scientific


instruments will be turned back and the telemetry format

switched to one-third engineering data, two-thirds science
data. The spacecraft is again in cruise mode and this will
continue until Mariner exceeds the communication range. At
that point the mission will end but the Mariner will continue
to circle the Sun in a perpetual solar orbit.


The Mariners will be launched from Cape Kennedy at a

sufficient velocity to escape Earth plus the additional velocity
required to provide an encounter with Mars.

Escape velocity, 25,ZOO mph, would only be sufficient

to place a Mariner in a solar orbit that would be near Earth's
orbit. The additional velocity is carefully calculated to
yield a solar orbit that will cross the path of Mars on a
given date with the spacecraft properly oriented to Mars, Earth
and Sun to perform its scientific experiments, communicate rglth
Earth and receive power from the Sun.

The total required velocity is imparted to the spacecraft

at the point of injection by the Agena-D second stage. The final
velocity and the injection point varies from dry to day throughout
the launch period as the relationship between the position of
Earth and Mars changes.
A typical injection velocity is 25,663 miles per hour,
relati.vle to Earth. At encounter a typical spacecraft velocity
would be 11,405 mph, relative to Mars. It is required to state
velocities in the relative sense because the velocity of a
body in the solar system is based on the position of the

To an observer on Earth the velocity of Mariner at injection

would be as stated, 25,663 mph. To an observer-on the Sun
the velocity of the spacecraft at injection would be 87,185 mph.
T!-iis is because the Earth itself is orbiting the Sun at a speed
i. n 2x c e s s of 60,000 miles per hour and this velocity plus the
injection 7JelocIQ.j is imparted to the spacecraft at injection.

The velocity of the spacecraft relative to Earth at injection

will slowly diminish as Mariner heads outward from Earth and
the Sarth's gravitational field pulls on the spacecraft. As
Mariner approaches Mars the velocity of Mariner will increase under
the attraction of the planet.

At launch Mars will be ahead of Earth. At encounter Mars

will be trailing Earth by approximately 150,000,000 miles.

The spacecraft will follow a long curving path around the

Sun after injection. It will pass Mars prior to encounter and,
as its velocity is still decreasing, Mars will catch up with
the Mariner and pass it. After this pass occurs, Mariner's



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direction of flight will carry it behind Mars to allow the

occultation experiment. It will be behind Mars for approximately
one hour.

Mariner's trajectory is planned to pass behind Mars on a

line between the equator and the South Pole.

In designing trajectories for the Mars mission the

trajectory engineer must satisfy numerous restrictions or con-
straints that influence the final trajectory. For example, the
flight time must not exceed certain limits imposed by the lifetime
of the spacecraft; injection velocities are prescribed by the
capability of the boost vehicle, thus affecting the transit time;
for power considerations the spacecraft must always be within
162 million miles of the Sun; neither Mars nor its two moons
can be allowed to infringe on the field of veiw of the Canopus
sensor nor shadow the spacecraft from the Sun; and encounter
must occur during the viewing period .of Goldstone, the Mojave
Desert, Calif., station of the Deep Space Network.

Other factors influencing the trajectory include the effect

of solar wind pressure on the flight path; the gravitational
attraction of Sun, Earth, Mars, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter;
and a requirement that the encounter velocity be kept as low as



In selecting an aiming zone that will determine the path

of the spacecraft as it passes Mars, the trajectory engineer
is required to assure that the Mariner will not impact Mars,
in order to prevent contamination of the planet by Earth
microorganisms. The aiming zone must also satisfy the require-
ments of the scientific experiments aboard the spacecraft, for
example, be designed to yield satisfactory television pictures.

The accuracy of the encounter with Mars will be influenced

by launch accuracy and the midcourse correction accuracy.

Calculations after launch will determine if the flight path

of the spacecraft is within the correction capability of the
midcourse motor. Mariner has the capability of performing
two midcourse corrections in the event the first does not yield
the desired accuracy for encounter.

The accuracies demanded by the launch vehicle and by

the tidcourse motor can be illustrated by the following numbers.
The injection velocity can vary only by plus or minus 30 miles
per hour or the resulting trajectory will not be within the
correction capability of the midcourse motor. At midcourse

maneuver, an error of one mile per hour will result in moving

the spacecraft at Mars by 9,000 miles.



The Deep Space Network (DSN) consists of four permanent

space communications stations, a launch tracking station at
Cape Kennedy, the Space Flight Operations Facility (SFOF) in
Pasadena, Calif., and a ground communications system linking all

The four permanent stations, located approximately 120

degrees apart around the Earth, are at Woomera, Australia;
Johannesburg, South Africa; and two at Goldstone, Calif.

Two new stations -- near Canberra, Australia, and

Madrid, Spain -- are under construction. The Canberra station
will be operational early in 1965. The Madrid station will go
on the air later in the year.

The DSN is under the technical direction of the Jet

Propulsion Laboratory for the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration. Its mission is to track, receive telemetry from
and send commands to unmanned lunar and planetary spacecraft from
the time they are injected into orbit until they complete their

Dr. Eberhardt Rechtin is JPL's Assistant Director for

Tracking and Data Acquisition. Dr. N. A. Renzetti is DSN
Systems Manager.

The Goldstone DSN stations are operated by JPL with

the assistance of the Bendix Field Engineering Corp. Walter
E. Iarkin is JPL's Engineer in Charge.

The Woomera and Canberra stations are operated by the

Australian Department of Supply, Weapons Research Establishment.
Station Manager at Woomera is William Mettyear, and JPL's
DSN resident is Richard Fahnestock. Canberra station Manager
and JPL DSN resident are Robert A. Leslie and Merideth S. Glenn,

The Johannesburg station is operated by the South African

government through the National Institute for Telecommunications
Research. Doug Hogg is station Manager and Paul Jones is DSN
resident in Johannesburg.

At Madrid, JPL will operate the newest DSN station under

an agreement with the Spanish government. Donald Meyer of JPL
is station Manager, and Phil Tardani, also of JPL, is DSN
resident in Madrid.

The 1964 Mariner mission to Mars will span a time period of'
about nine months. The Deep Space Net will monitor the Mariner
spacecraft continuously. The permanent stations provide 360
degrees coverage around the Earth so that one or more of their
85-foot antennas can always point toward the spacecraft.


Nerve center of the Net is the Space Flight Operations

Facility at JPL Headquarters in Pasadena. The overseas
stations and Goldstone are linked to the SFOF by a communications
network, allowing tracking and telemetry information to be sent
there for analysis.

All of the Deep Space titations of the DSN are equipped with
85-foot diameter antennas, transmitting, receiving, data handling,
and interstation communication equipment. Microwave frequencies
(S-band) will be used in all communications with the Mariner

The Pioneer station at Goldstone, along with Canberra,

Woomera and Johannesburg, will be primary stations for the
mission. Each has a 10,000 watt transmitter. The Venus research
and development station at Goldstone, with a 100,000 watt transmitter,
will provide command backup capability should more power be re-
quired late in the mission. Another Goldstone station -- Echo --
will be used for Hanger lunar missions which may occur during
Mariner transit to Mars.

The Madrid and Echo stations will probably assist in

monitoring the Mariner spacecraft during planet fly-by.

Tracking data obtained early during launch will be
computed both at Cape Kennedy and at the Central Computing
Facility in the SFOF so that accurate predictions can be sent
to the DSN stations giving the location of Mariner in the sky
when it appears on the horizon.

Scientific and engineering measurements and tracking data

radioed from a spacecraft are received at one of the stations,
recorded on tape and simultaneously transmitted to the SFOF
via high speed data lines, teletype or microwave radio. In-
coming information is again recorded on magnetic tape and
entered into the SFOF's computer system for processing.

At approximately halfway to Mars, the two Mariner space-

craft will both be in view of the same DSN antenna at the same
time. The station viewing both spacecraft will simultaneously
transmit to the SFOF real-time telemetry data from one space-
craft and record and store telemetry data from the other for
later transmission or transportation to JPL.

Scientists and engineers seated at consoles in the SFOF

have pushbutton control of the displayed information they re-
quire either on TV screens in the consoles or on projection
screens and automatic plotters and printers. The processed in-
formation also is stored in the computer system disc file and is
available on command.

This major command center, designed for 24-hour-a-day

functioning and equipped to handle two spaceflight missions
concurrently while monitoring a third, is manned by some 250
personnel during critical events -- launch, midcourse maneuver,
planet encounter -- of a Mariner mission.

In the SFOF's mission control area, stations are set up

for the project manager, operations director in charge of the
mission, operations manager responsible for physical operation of
the SFOF, information coordinator and for representatives from the
supporting technical teams.

Mission control personnel are supported by three technzcal

teams. Space Science Analysis is responsible for evaluation of
data from the scientific experiments aboard the spacecraft and
for generation of commands controlling the experiments.

Flight Path Analysis is responsible for evaluation of tracking

data determination of flight path and generation of commands
affecting the trajectory of the spacecraft.

Spacecraft Performance Analysis evaluates the condition of

the spacecraft from engineering data radioed to Earth and
generates commandsto the spacecraft affecting its performance,



The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's pro-

grams for unmanned investigation of space are directed by
Dr. Homer E. Newell, Associate Administrator for Space Science
and Applications. Oran W. Nicks is the Director of OSSA's
Lunar and Planetary Programs and Glenn A. Reiff is the Mariner
Program Manager. Andrew Edwards is NASA's Mariner program
engineer and James Weldon is program scientist. Joseph B. Mahon
is Agent Program Manager for 0SSAl.s Launch Vehicle and Pro-
pulsion Programs.

has assigned Mariner project management to the Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., which is operated
by the California Institute of Technology. Dr. William H.
Pickering is the Director of JPL and Assistant Director
Robert J. Parks heads JPL's lunar and planetary projects.

Jack N. James is Mariner Project Manager. His two assistant

project managers are Wilbur A. Collier and Theodore H. Parker.
In a staff capacity, Norman R. Haynes is in charge of mission
analysis and planning, and John S. Reuyl, launch constraints.

Richard K. Sloan is the Mariner Project Scientist.

The project is divided into four systems:
Spaceflight Operations
Deep Space Network
Launch Vehicle

The first three systems are assigned to the Jet Pro-

pulsion Laboratory. The fourth is assigned to NASA's Lewis
Research Center, Cleveland, for the Atlas-Agena launch vehicle.
Dr. Abe Silverstein is the Director of Lewis Research Center.
Launch operations for Lewis are directed by Goddard Space
Flight Center Launch Operations at Cape Kennedy.

A few of the many key personnel in each of the systems

are listed.

Dan Schneiderman Spacecraft System Manager

John R. Casani - Spacecraft Project Engineer
Milton T. Goldfine - Spacecraft Operations Manager
James Maclay - Environmental Requirements Engineer
Richard A. Welnick - Quality Assurance Engineer
David E, Shaw - Spacecraft Program Engineer
A. Nash Williams - Spacecraft Launch Vehicle Integration
Herbert G. Trostle - Space Science
James N. Bryden - Spacecraft Telecommunications
James D. Acord - Spacecraft Guidance and Control


James H. Wilson - Spacecraft Engineering Mechanical
Douglas S. Hess - Spacecraft Test Facilities
Bruce Schmitz - Post-injection propulsion and pyrotechnics
Wade G. Earle - Test Conductor, First flight spacecraft
Max E. Gable - Test Conductor, Second flight spacecraft
H. Holmes Weaver - Test Conductor, Test model spacecraft

Thomas S. Bilbo Spaceflight Operations Systems

David W. Douglas - Spaceflight Operation Director
Don B. Sparks - Facility Operations Manager
Frank G. Curl - Data Processing Project Engineer
Jay F. Helms - Communications

Dr. Nichols A. Renzetti Deep Space Network System Manager

Arthur T, Burke - Project Engineer
Clarence A. Holritz - DSN Operations Manager

Dr. S. Himmel Launch Vehicle System Manager

C. Conger - Assistant Launch Vehicle System Manager
R. Gedney - Project Engineer
D. E. Forney - Chief of Agena Field Engineering Branch
Robert H. Gray - Chief of Goddard Launch Operations
Harold Zweigbaum - Manager of Atlas-Agena Launch Operations



The Atlas, designed and built by General Dynamics/Astronautics

(GD/A), San Diego, Calif., is purchased through the Space
Systems Division of the U.S. Air Force Systems Commandand
Rocketdyne Division of North American Aviation, Inc., of
Canoga Park, Calif., builds the propulsion system. Radio command
guidance is by Defense Division of General Electric Co. and
ground guidance computer by the Burroughs Corp.

Some of the key General Dynamics personnel are Charles S.

Ames, vice president and project director for space launch vehicles;
Jim Von Der Wische, project engineer for Mariner; Tom O*Malley,
GD/A launch operations; Cal Fowler, launch conductor on Complex 13;
and Orion Reed, launch conductor on Complex 12.

The Agena D stage and its mission modifications are purchased

directly by the Lewis Center from Lockheed Missiles and Space
Co. (LMSC) Sunnyvale, Calif, Bell Aerosystems Co. Buffalo, N.Y.,
provides the propulsion system. Jack L. Shoenhair is manager of
medium space vehicles for LMSC, Peter J. Ward is Mariner program
manager, Malcom E. Avery is Mariner project engineer and Bud Zeller
is Mariner operations test director.

Many contractors provided components, assemblies and personnel

to the project. A list of some 61 key subcontractors to the
Jet Propulsion Laboratory who provided instruments and hardware for
Mariner Mars 64 follows. Their contracts amounted to $21.1 million.


Advanced Structures Division spacecraft hi-gain antennas

Whittaker Corp.
Las Mesa, Calif.
Airrite Products midcourse propulsion fuel
Division of Electrada Corp. tanks, ni trogen tanks
Los Angeles, Calif.
Alpha-Tronics Corp. data automation system
Monrovia, Calif. analog-to-pulse width conver-
Anadite Co. surface treatment of
Los Angeles, Calif. structural elements and
Anchor Plating Co. Gold plating
El Monte, Calif.
Applied Development Corp. ground telemetry decommu-
Monterey Park, Calif. tators, printer programmers
Astrodata Inc. time code generator/trans-
Anaheim, Calif. lators, ground command
read-write-verify equipment,
encoder simulator, and
spacecraft system test data
Barnes Engineering CO. Canopus star tracker electro-
Stamford, Conn. nics
Bendix Corp. connectors
Scintilla Division
Santa Ana, Calif.
Bergman Manufacturing Co. chassis forgings
San Rafael, Calif.
Cannon Electric CO. connectors
Los Angeles, Calif.
CBS Laboratories
Division of Columbia Broadcasting image dissector tubes for
System, Inc. Canopus star trackers
Stamford, Conn.


Computer Control Co, Inc. real time data automation

Framingham, Mass. system logic cards for
scientific instruments,
operational support equipment,
DAS voltage-to-pulse
width converters
Correlated Data Systems Corp. spacecraft external power
Glendale, Calif. source and solar panel
simulators, voltage controlled
Data-Tronix Corp. voltage controlled oscillators
King of' Prussia, Pa.
Delco Radio Division telemetry format simulators
General Motors Corp.
Kokomo, Ind.
Digital Equipment Corp. data automation system
Los Angeles, Calif. operational support data
Dunlap and Whitehead Manufacturing Co. midcourse propulsion and
Van Nuys, Calif. structural elements
Dynamics Instrumentation Co. ground telemetry consoles,
Monterey Park, Calif. assembly of planetary scan
subsystem electronics
The Electric Storage Battery Co. spacecraft batteries
Raleigh, N.C.
Electra-Optical Systems, Inc. ion chamber assemblies,
Pasadena, Calif. assembly and test of space-d
craft solar panels, modifi-
cation and test of spacecraft
power system, spacecraft
assembly cable's
Electronic Memories, Inc. magnetic counter assemblies
Los Angeles, Calif. for spacecraft central com-
puter and sequencer
Engineered Electronics Co. non-real time data automation
Santa Ana, Calif. system
Fargo Rubber Corp. midcourse propulsion fuel
Los Angeles, Calif. tank bladders


Farrand Optical television optical systems

New York, N.Y.
Franklin Electronics, Inc. ground telemetry high speed
Bridgeport, Pa. digital printers
General Dynamics Corp. assembly of television subsystems
General Dynamics/Electronics
San Diego, Calif.
General Electrodynamics Corp. vidicons and television tube
Garland, Texas test set
Grindley Manufacturing Co. midcourse propulsion jet vanes,
Los Angeles, Calif. fuel manifolds, oxidizer tank
shell, and supports
Hi-Shear Corp. squibs
Torrance, Calif.
Hughes Aircraft Co. traveling wave tubes
Microwave Tube Division
Los Angeles, Calif.
IMC Magnetics Corp. solar vane actuators
Westbury, N.Y.
International Data Systems, Inc. ground command modulation checker,
Dallas, Texas telemetry power supplies
Kearfott Division gyroscopes, jet vane actuators
General Precision, Inc.
Los Angeles, Calif.
Lawrence Industries, Inc. printed circuits
Burbank, Calif.
Lockheed Electronics Co. solar cell modules and magnetic
Division Lockheed Aircraft Corp. shift register for central computer
Los Angeles, Calif. and sequencer
Lockheed Aircraft Service Co. spacecraft low-level posl+ioners
Division Lockheed Aircraft Corp.
Ontario, Calif.
Magnamill structural elements and chassis
LOS Angeles, Calif.
Massachusetts Institute of Tech. Plasma probes
Division of Sponsored Research
Cambridge, Mass.


Metal Bellows Corp. midcourse propulsion oxidizer

Chatsworth, Calif. bellows assembly
MIlSore Co. midcourse propulsion engine
Glendale, Calif. components
Mincom Division ground telemetry tape recorders
Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing
Camarillo, Calif.
Motorcla, Inc. spacecraft transponders, command
Military Electronics Division systems and associated operational
Scottsdale, Arizona support equipment, and DSIF
equivalent op.erational support
Nortozics Development and support of attitude
A Division of Northrop Corp. control electronics
Palos Verdes Estates, Calif.
Philco Corp. integrated circuit sequence
Palo Alto, Calif. generator system, spacecraft
antenna feeds and spacecraft
antenna subsystem tests
Proto Spec chassis and subchassis
Pasadena, Calif.
Pyronetics, Inc. midcourse propulsion system
Santa Fe Springs, Calif. explosive actuated valves
Kantec Corp. S-Bzind circulator switches,
Calabasas, Calif. pre-selection and band rejection
Raymond Engineering Laboratory, spacecraft video storage tape
Inc. recorder
Ryan Aeronautical Co. spacecraft solar panel structure
Aerospace Division
San Diego, Calif.
Siemens and Halske AG RF amplifier tubes
Munich, West Germany
Space Technology Laboratories spacecraft central computer and
El Segundo, Calif. sequencer and associated opera-
tional support equipment


Sperry Utah Co. magnetometer mapping fixture

A Division of Sperry Rand Corp.
Salt Lake City, Utah
State University of Iowa trapped radiation detectors
Iowa City, Iowa
Sterer Engineering and Manufacturing valves and regulators for
co. attitude control gas system
North Hollywood, Calif.
Texas Instruments, Inc. spacecraft video storage subsystem
Apparatus Division electronics, spacecraft data
Dallas, Texas encloders and associated opera-
tional support equipment, helium
magnetometers, attitude control gyro
electronics assemblies data
Textron Electronics, Inc. silicon photovoltaic solar cells
Heliotek Division
Sylmar, Calif.
Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, Inc. thermal control louvers and
Redondo Beach, Calif. power converters
Univac spacecraft data automation
Division of Sperry Rand Corp. system buffer memory
St. Paul, Minn.
The University of Chicago spacecraft cosmic ray telescopes
Chicago, 111.
Wems, Inc. spacecraft television electronics
Hawthorne, Calif. modules, spacecraft attitude
control electronic modules
Wyman Gordon Corp. spacecraft structural forgings
Los Angeles, Calif.

In addition to these subcontractors, there were over 1,000

individual firms contributing to Mariner. These procurements
amounted to over $19 million.


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