STS-56 Space Shuttle Mission Report

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(NASA-C9-195740) STS-56 SPACE

Engineering dnd Sciences Co.
52 p
Unc 1 as

JULY 1993


LlB!?ll!?Y I!AM
IlhT.;?TO:!, VIRGll!lA

National Aeronautics and
Space Administration

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas

LESC/Flight valuation and

Engineering Office
Approved by

STS-56 Lead Mission Evaluation Room Manager


Manager, Flight ~ngineeringOffice

Manager, 0rbit e r w k Projects


/ (1 Brewster H: Shaw
~irect';;r,Space Shuttle Operations

Prepared by
Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Company
Flight Engineering Office


July 1993
STS-56 Table of Contents

Title Page

INTRODUCTION ....................... 1
MISSION SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
PAYLOADS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ATLAS-2 ........................
Atmos~hericScience ................
Solar Science ...............
Shuttle Pointed Autonomous Research Tool for
Astronomy-201 ............
r .
Solar Ultraviolet Ex~eriment
Hand-~eld ~ ath-0rik fed. Real.Time.
User.Friendly. Location-Targeting and
Environmental System
Radiation Monitoring Equipment-I11 ........
Cosmic Radiation Effects and Activation Monitor ... .
. . . . ............

Air Force Maui O~ticalSite

. . . . . ~ ~ ~- . . .

Shuttle Amateur Radio Equipment-I1

Commercial Materials Dispersion Apparatus ITA
Experiments ................
S ~ a c eTissue Loss Ex~eriment ...........
~ h ~ s i o l o ~ i cand
a l ~natomicalRodent Experiment
EXTERNALTANK ....................
Main Propulsion System .............
Reaction Control Subsystem ...........
Orbital Maneuvering Subsvstem .........
Power Reactant Storane and Distribution Subsystern
Fuel Cell Powerplant Subsystem .........
Auxiliary Power Unit Subsystem .........
Hydraulics/Water Spray Boiler Subsystem ....
Electrical Power Distribution and Control Subsvst
Environmental Control and Life S u ~ ~ o rSubsvstem
t ..
Smoke Detection and Fire Suppression Subsystem ...
Airlock Support System ...............
Avionics~andSoftwareSubsystems ..........
Communications and Tracking Subsystems .......
Structures and Mechanical Subsystems ........
Aerodynamics. Heating. and Thermal Interfaces ...
Thermal Control Subsystem .............
Aerothermodynamics .................
Thermal Protection Subsystem ............
INTEGRATION ....................... ..

STS-56 T a b l e of C o n t e n t s ( C o n c l u d e d )


OBJECTIVES ...................... 31

List of Tables


TABLE I1 .STS-56 PROBLEM TRACKING L I S T . . . . . . . . . 39


A .DOCUMENT SOURCES ................... A-1

B .ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1


The STS-56 Space Shuttle Program Mission Report provides a summary of the
Payloads, as well as the Orbiter, External Tank (ET), Solid Rocket Booster
(SRB), Redesigned Solid Rocket Motor (RSRM), and the Space Shuttle main engine
(SSME) systems performance during the fifty-fourth flight of the Space Shuttle
Program and sixteenth flight of the Orbiter vehicle Discovery (OV-103). In
addition to the Orbiter, the flight vehicle consisted of an ET (ET-54); three
SSMEfs,which were designated as serial numbers 2024, 2033, and 2018 in
positions 1, 2, and 3, respectively; and two SRBfs which were designated BI-058.
The lightweight RSRMfs that were installed in each SRB were designated as
360L031A for the left SRB and 360L031B for the right SRB.
The STS-56 Space Shuttle Program Mission Report fulfills the Space Shuttle
Program requirement, as documented in NSTS 07700, Volume VIII, Appendix E. That
document states that each major organizational element supporting the Program
will report the results of their hardware evaluation and mission performance
plus identify all related in-flight anomalies.
The primary objective of this flight was to successfully perform the planned
operations of the ATLAS-2 payload. The secondary objectives of this flight were
to perform the operations of the Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet
(SSBW)/A experiment; deploy and retrieve the Shuttle Pointed Autonomous
Research Tool for Astronomy-201 (SPARTAN-201) payload; and perform the
operations of the Solar Ultraviolet Experiment (SWE); the Commercial Materials
Dispersions Apparatus Assembly (CMIX) experiment; the Physiological and
Anatomical Rodent Experiment (PARE); the Space Tissue Loss (STL) experiment; the
Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment-I1 (SAREX-11); the Hand-Held, Earth-Oriented,
Real-time, Cooperative, User-Friendly, Location-Targeting and Environmental
System (HERCULES) experiment; the Air Force Maui Optical Site Calibration Test
(AMOS); the Cosmic Ray Effects and Activation Monitor (CREAM) experiment; and
the Radiation Monitoring Equipment-I11 (RME-111). In addition to the primary
and secondary objectives assigned to STS-56, 13 Development Test Objectives
(DTOfs) and 15 Detailed Supplementary Objectives (DSOfs) were assigned to the
The sequence of events for the STS-56 mission is shown in Table I, the official
Orbiter and GFE Projects Problem Tracking List is shown in Table 11, and the
official MSFC In-flight Anomaly List is shown in Table 111. In addition, the
Integration and Payload in-flight anomalies are referenced in the applicable
sections of the report. Appendix A lists the sources of data, both formal and
informal, that were used in the preparation of this document. Appendix B
provides the definition of acronyms and abbreviations used in this document.
All times given in this report are in Greenwich mean time (G.m.t.) as well as
mission elapsed time (MET).
The STS-56 mission was planned as an 8-day mission with an additional day being
highly desirable. This additional day capability was determined in real-time
based on consumables with mission planning accommodating the longer duration
wherever appropriate. A large number of experiments were completed during the
mission by the five-member crew that was divided into two teams, red and blue,
so that scientific operations were performed around the clock.
In addition to presenting a summary of subsystem performance, this report also
discusses the payload operations and results, as well as each in-flight anomaly
that was assigned to each major element (Orbiter, SSME, ET, SRB, and RSRM).
Listed in the discussion of each anomaly in the applicable subsection of the
report is the officially assigned tracking number as published by each
respective Project Office in their respective Problem Tracking List.
The crew for this fifty-fourth flight of the Space Shuttle was Kenneth D.
Cameron, Col., USMC, Commander; Stephen S. Oswald, Civilian, Pilot; Michael
Foale, Ph.D., Civilian, Mission Specialist 1; Kenneth D. Cockrell, Civilian,
Mission Specialist 2; Ellen Ochoa, Ph.D., Civilian, Mission Specialist 3.
STS-56 was be the second space flight for the Commander, Pilot, and Mission
Specialist 1, and the first space flight for Mission Specialist 2 and Mission
Specialist 3.


The first launch attempt of STS-56 was aborted on April 6, 1993, at T-11 seconds
in the countdown. The countdown had proceeded satisfactorily until the
T-9 minute hold. At that time, the discussions of the higher than previously
experienced temperature on the SSME 1 anti-flood valve had not been completed
and the countdown was held for 60 minutes while these discussions were
satisfactorily completed. The countdown was picked up at 096:06:23:00 G.m.t.,
and the countdown continued until the abort was called at T-11 seconds. The -.

abort was called because the hydrogen high-point bleed valve close indication
was not on when polled at the T-21 second point in the countdown, and the lack
of the indication is a violation of the Launch Commit Criteria (LCC). Analysis
of the data showed that the valve had actually closed; however, the closed
indication failed to register. Because the valve worked properly during the
first countdown as well as during a leak check of the valve after the abort, a
decision was made to launch the vehicle on April 8, 1993, with the valve
indication masked in the ground launch sequencer (GLS). A confidence check of
the valve operation was also performed during the second countdown and the valve
again worked properly. After SSME ignition at T-3.5 seconds during the second
launch attempt, the high-point bleed valve close indication returned.
The second launch attempt was completed satisfactorily after an exemplary
countdown with no unplanned holds. Lift-off occurred on-time at
098:05:28:59.986 G.m.t. (12:29:00 a.m. c.d.t.) on April 8, 1993. All subsystems
performed satisfactorily throughout the ascent phase except the flash evaporator
system (FES) which shut down at 98:05:33:16 G.m.t. (00:04:16 MET) while
operating on the A controller. The crew manually restarted the FES on the
primary A controller, and it operated satisfactorily thereafter. The OV-103 FES
experienced shutdowns on previous missions because of the mid-point sensor block
design, and.this occurrence was not unexpected.
A determination of the overall vehicle propulsion performance during ascent was
made using vehicle acceleration and preflight propulsion prediction data. First
stage ascent performance was satisfactory in all respects. Performance of the
SSMErs, ET, and the main propulsion system was normal. The average .-
flight-derived SSME specific impulse (Isp) that was determined for the time
period between SRB separation and the start of 3g throttling was 452.5 seconds
as compared to an average value for that period of 452.83 seconds.
The orbital maneuvering subsystem (OMS) 2 maneuver was satisfactorily performed
with ignition at 98:06:06:07.7 G.m.t. (00:00:37:07 MET). The maneuver was
150.63 seconds in duration with a differential velocity (AV) of 253.8 ft/sec.
The resulting orbit was 160 by 159 nmi.
At 98:06:46:51 G.m.t. (00:01:17:51 MET), the fuel cell 1 oxygen reactant valve
indication showed the valve to be closed; however, the fuel cell continued to
operate properly, confirming an instrumentation-only failure. Because of this
indication, the crew tied busses A and B together. Subsequently, busses A and B
were untied and busses A and C were tied to more evenly distribute the
electrical loads. This same indication was received on a previous flight of
this vehicle (STS-48). Fuel cell 1 will be shut down on the next OV-103 mission
(STS-51) as a part of a DTO, because a false close indication would affect the
performance of this DTO. The valve has been replaced in preparation for the
STS-51 mission.
The payload bay doors were opened as planned with both doors in the open
position at 098:07:04:13 G.m.t. (00:01:35:13 MET).
At 098:14:30 G.m.t. (00:09:01 MET), the thermal impulse printer system (TIPS)
- [(developed to replace both the Text and Graphics System (TAGS) and teleprinter]
was not producing an output when the ground was transmitting via the graphics
mode (Ku-band). An in-flight maintenance (IFM) procedure to troubleshoot
problems with the TIPS was performed. The light indicator showing whether the
clock signal was being received by TIPS from the Ku-band signal processor (KUSP)
was initially off and then illuminated later. TIPS must receive a clock signal
from the KUSP to operate properly. A subsequent TIPS test via Ku-band was
Initially, the Ku-band mode 1 [phase modulation (PM)] channel 3 return link data
quality was degraded. Preliminary troubleshooting indicated that mode 1
operated on low-data-rate high-rate multiplexer (HRM) data, but did not operate
on high-rate HRM data (Flight Problem STS-56-1-01), The operational data are
satisfactory regardless of the data rate being transmitted. Also, the frequency
modulation (FM) mode was functioning properly. Much of the equipment in the
signal processor is common between the PM and FM modes. As a result of this
problem, new custom test formats for formats 27, 28, 29, and 30 were developed;
however, no improvement in Ku-band operations was achieved with these formats.
Ku-band downlink was tested in format 11 (32 Mbps) on channel 3 in the PL
maximum mode data rate while equipment was powered down to perform an
electromagnetic interference test. Channel 3 data were again degraded, and the
channel 2 link was good.
A Ku-band payload maximum baseline test was performed from 106:03:00 to
106:04:10 G.m.t. (07:21:31 to 07:22:41 MET). After the Spacelab was
reactivated, further troubleshooting was performed in an attempt to narrow the
data transmittal problem to a specific payload. Results of these tests
indicated that the Ku-band was operating satisfactorily.
The SPARTAN payload was successfully deployed at 101:06:11 G.m.t.(03:00:42 MET).
The remote manipulator system (RMS) was used to deploy SPARTAN and the RMS
performed nominally. Three reaction control system (RCS) maneuvers were
performed for SPARTAN separation and the RCS also performed nominally.
Ku-band radar tracked SPARTAN from 270 feet at 101:06:22 until the system was
reconfigured to the communication mode at 101:07:05 G.m.t., when SPARTAN was at
3000 feet. There were no dropouts and the radar was still locked when the
system was switched to the communications mode.
The Laser Range and Range Rate Device DTO was performed during the SPARTAN
deployment. The Laser Technology Incorporated (LTI) component was used for
short-range tracking and performed well. The Mini Eyesafe Laser Infrared
Observation Set (MELIOS) was used for longer range (minimum range is specified
as 50 m/150 ft). The MELIOS range measurement deviated from the Ku measurement
as the Orbiter moved away from the SPARTAN.
A digital autopilot (DAP)/universal pointing discrepancy occurred during Solar
Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor (SUSIM) operations (Flight Problem
STS-56-1-02). The SUSIM experiment attempted to measure electromagnetic
activity from the Sun. After the desired pointing configuration with respect to
the Sun's limb was established with the DAP in inertial hold, the universal
pointing total error in roll started building at a rate of approximately
0.04 degree/minute. This build-up was unexpected as the universal pointing
required attitude and inertial hold attitudes should both be held constant. The
DAP attitude errors were maintained within deadbands throughout the -
inertial-hold period.
To begin rendezvous operations for retrieval of the SPARTAN payload, two
RCS firings were performed with the left OMS interconnected to the RCS. A
nominal slow rate (NSR) maneuver was performed at 102:05:50 G.m.t.
(04:00:21 MET) using -X thrusters to achieve a 3.1 ft/sec velocity change.
The nominal plane change (NPC) maneuver was performed at 102:07:28 G.m.t.
(04:01:59 MET) to achieve a 2.9 ft/sec velocity change. The right OMS was fired
to perform a nominal correction (NC1) maneuver at 102:09:40 G.m.t.
(04:04:11 MET). The maneuver lasted 8 seconds and achieved a velocity change of
7.1 ft/sec.
A dual supply and waste water dump was performed beginning at approximately
101:19:42 G.m.t. (03:14:13 MET). Thirty-five lb of supply water was dumped;
concurrently, 121 lb of waste water was dumped. The RMS wrist camera was used
to record video of the water dump from initiation until approximately 75 minutes
after dump termination. The video was recorded as an aid in troubleshooting
post-dump expulsions (burps) of water from the supply line which have been
observed on three OV-103 flights and one OV-104 flight. Data review indicates
that two supply water vburpslloccurred following the water dump within 1.5 hours
of supply water dump valve closure. A review of the video verified water
emission associated with the first occurrence, but video was terminated prior to
the second occurrence.
A successful rendezvous with the SPARTAN was completed, and the SPARTAN was
grappled with the RMS at 103:07:19:45 G.m.t. (05:01:50:45 MET). Final latching
of the SPARTAN in the payload bay was completed at 103:08:01:38 G.m.t.
(05:02:32:28 MET). Ku-band radar tracking of the SPARTAN during the rendezvous
sequence began intermittently at 149,000 ft with solid lock-on achieved at
130,000 ft and held until 90 ft. The LTI device was used for tracking at ranges
from 1193 ft with good results. The MELIOS device was also used during
rendezvous with satisfactory results. The crew replaced the MELIOS battery
after the SPARTAN deployment operations. Low battery voltage was a possible
cause of the inaccurate readings during the SPARTAN deployment; however, the
crew reported that they had given a low priority to the distance callouts
because of the heavy workload during deployment operations.
Following SPARTAN retrieval, the RMS was stowed for the remainder of the
mission. The RMS performed nominally throughout the flight.
The flight control system (FCS) checkout was completed satisfactorily at
104:06:55:33 G.m.t. (06:01:26:33 MET). Auxiliary power unit (APU) 1 consumed
13 lb of fuel during the 4 minutes 20 seconds of satisfactory operation. All
hydraulics functions were nominal during the checkout, and no water spray
cooling was required.
The Freon coolant loop (FCL) 2 flow proportioning valve (FPV) was returned to
the interchanger position to aid in cooling the cabin for entry. The water
coolant loop 2 temperature controller was returned to the auto position to
obtain data on the performance of the water bypass valve with one FPV in Payload
and the other in Interchanger.
All landing opportunities for Friday, April 16, were waved-off because of
.-. unacceptable weather conditions at KSC. Landing was planned for the first
opportunity at KSC on April 17.
An RCS -X orbit adjust firing was performed satisfactorily at
106:06:03:00 G.m.t. (08:00:34:00 MET) using forward thrusters F1F and F2F. The
firing duration was 56 seconds and the hV was 15 ft/sec. The purpose of the
firing was to improve the entry programmed test input (PTI) crossrange
opportunity for the second KSC landing opportunity on April 16.
The RCS hot-fire test was subsequently performed at 106:06:19:40 G.m.t.
(08:00:50:40 MET). The data review from the test showed that thruster L3L had a
low chamber pressure (16 psia) for the first 240 ms of the first 400 ms pulse.
The second pulse was nominal. Possible causes are being evaluated; however, no
concern existed for the continued operation of this thruster.
The crew reported a glob of water of about two ounces was on a portion of the
water loop 2 inlet line to the cabin heat exchanger that had no insulation. The
water was most probably the result of condensation, as there were no indications
of a leak.
The cell performance monitor (CPM) differential voltage readings for fuel cell 1
substack 3 demonstrated a trend whereby the readings increased during reactant
purging and gradually decreased between purges. The increase during purges was
a few millivolts larger with each succeeding purge. Analysis of the data
pointed to plugging of the reactant ports in one or more of the cells of
substack 3. Since the performance of the fuel cell was otherwise normal, no
additional purges of that fuel cell were made. Because of fuel cell shutdown
operations planned for fuel cell 1 on the next flight of this vehicle, the
decision was made to replace this fuel cell.
Both payload bay doors were closed nominally by 107:07:59:54 G.m.t.
(08:02:30:54 MET). The deorbit maneuver was performed at 107:10:34:25.3 G.m.t.
(09:05:05:25.3 MET). The maneuver was approximately 208.2 seconds in duration
and the AV was 378.7 ft/sec. Entry interface occurred at 107:11:05:53 G.m.t.
(09:05:36:53 MET). All programmed test inputs (PTI's) were performed as
Main landing gear touchdown occurred at the Shuttle Landing Facility on concrete
runway 33 at 107:11:37:19 G.m.t. (09:06:08:19 MET) on April 17, 1993. Nose
landing gear touchdown occurred 15 seconds after main gear touchdown with the
Orbiter drag chute being deployed satisfactorily at 107:11:37:30.8 G.m.t. The
drag chute was jettisoned at 107:11:38:00 G.m.t. with wheels stop occurring at
107:11:38:22 G.m.t. Preliminary indications are that the rollout was normal in
all respects. The flight duration was 9 days 6 hours 8 minutes 24 seconds. All
three APU's were powered down by 107:11:53:20 G.m.t. The crew completed the
required postflight reconfigurations and departed the Orbiter landing area at
107:12:48 G.m.t.


The payloads carried on STS-56 consisted of the ATLAS-2; the SPARTAN-201; the
S W E ; the HERCULES; the RME-111; the CREAM; the AMOS; and the SAREX-11. In
addition, more than 30 investigations were flown as a part of the Commercial
Materials Dispersion Apparatus (MDA) Instrumentation Technology Associates (ITA) -.

experiments. Three in-flight anomalies were identified from the Payloads data
and these anomalies are discussed in the appropriate area of the Payloads
section of this report.

The primary payload for STS-56 was the second in NASA's series of Atmospheric
Laboratory for Applications and Science-2 (ATLAS-2) Spacelab missions, which
consisted of remote-sensing laboratory studies of the Sun's energy output and
Earth's middle-atmosphere chemical make-up, and how these factors affect levels
of ozone. Ozone depletion has been a serious environmental concern since the
1970ts, and in the mid-1980's British scientists observed significant ozone
depletion of the Antarctic. Scientists from five nations participated directly
with the U. S. in the ATLAS-2 mission, underscoring the worldwide importance of
atmospheric and solar research. In addition to the United States, investigators
represented Belgium, Germany, France, The Netherlands, and Switzerland.
The open, U-shaped pallet-type reusable Spacelab equipment provided by the
European Space Agency (ESA) in 1981 as it contribution to the Space Shuttle
Program had six instruments mounted on it in the payload bay. A seventh
instrument was mounted in two get-away special (GAS) canisters on the walls of
the payload bay. These seven instruments were divided into two major areas of
science - atmospheric and solar. A teacher's guide entitled, Atmospheric
Detectives, was developed for use with middle school students to complement and
teach science objectives of the ATLAS-2 mission.
Activation of the ATLAS-2 payload was completed at 098:09:19:00 G.m.t.
(00:03:50 MET). The ATLAS-2 provided data on the composition and chemical
processes of the middle atmosphere. It measured atmospheric constituents, solar
radiation, and total solar irradiance. The night launch provided the ATLAS-2
scientists a unique opportunity to make detailed measurements in the Arctic
stratosphere. Additionally, atmospheric data were collected over 94 percent of
the Earth. The solar observations provided scientists with information on the
solar energy that drives Earth's climate system, and the photochemistry of ozone
in the stratosphere. The data collected will ultimately be placed in the Earth
Observing System Data Information System archives at Goddard Space Flight Center
where i t will be available to atmospheric scientists around the world.
The ATLAS I1 and Spacelab were both able to take advantage of the weather-added
day in space. Five of the seven ATLAS-2 experiments were repowered to gather
data during that extra day. As a result, the final ATLAS-2 power down occurred
at 107:05:33 G.m.t. (09:00:04 MET). All Principal Investigators for the ATLAS-2
experiments considered the mission to have been very successful.
Atmospheric Science
Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy.- The Atmospheric Trace Molecule
Spectroscopy (ATMOS) experiment identified the distribution, by altitude, of
30 to 40 different gases between 6 and 85 miles (10 and 140 kilometers) above
the Earth's surface. This experiment made most of its measurements in the
Southern Hemisphere during the first mission (ATLAS-1) it was flown, and to
-. focus on the Northern Hemisphere during the ATLAS-2 mission required the night
launch. This experiment was sponsored by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the
United States.
A problem with the transmission of high-rate data initially caused some loss of
all experiment data; however, the problem was overcome with the use of a new
downlink format. This format allowed the data team to maximize the use of the
high data rate recorder (HDRR) to provide near-real-time data evaluation during
the mission. Additionally, the new ATMOS recorder that was located in the
payload bay was used to record over 100 sunrise/sunset observations, which made
the ATMOS experiment a major success. This recorder will be used on all future
ATLAS missions.
The ATMOS instrument experienced an anomaly with the loss of one phase of the
three-phase cooler compressor on flight day 3. Preliminary indications were
that ice crystal contamination in the expansion area of the compressor caused
the anomaly. The cooling capacity of the instrument was unaffected and the
instrument performed well for the remainder of the mission.
Millimeter Wave Atmospheric Sounder.- The Millimeter Wave Atmospheric Sounder
(MAS) experiment measured water vapor, ozone and chlorine monoxide (a key
compound that contributes to ozone loss), as well as temperature and pressure in
the middle atmosphere. This experiment was sponsored by the Institute for
Aeronomy of Germany.
The MAS science team was able to overcome an early-mission problem with the
....~ pointing system by modifying the onboard software. Preliminary analyses of
these data show high quality chlorine monoxide, ozone, and water vapor profile
information. Data were collected in both the northern and southern hemispheres.
Initial analysis by the MAS team shows that the MAS data are of better quality
than from the ATLAS-1 mission. These data will provide better spatial
resolution for the chlorine monoxide, ozone, and water vapor profile
Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Spectrometer.- The Shuttle Solar
Backscatter Ultraviolet (SSBW) Spectrometer experiment, mounted in two gas
canisters on the walls of the payload bay, measured ozone concentrations-by
comparing solar ultraviolet radiation with that scattered back from the Earth's
atmosphere. This experiment was sponsored by the Goddard Space Flight Center
(GSFC) of the United States.
The minimum observing requirements were exceeded by more than 100 percent.
Preliminary analysis of the data shows a decrease in northern mid-latitude
ozone. These data are consistent with recent analysis of satellite data. The
instrument also observed sulfur dioxide concentrations over urban and industrial
areas of the eastern United States, Europe, and eastern Asia. The additional
day of operations provided the instrument with the unique opportunity to measure
nitric oxide gamma bands, which will provide information of mesospheric nitric
oxide. The additional time also allowed the instrument to measure how much
ultraviolet radiation is actually reaching the Earth.
After initial data evaluation, the Principal Investigator team has reported that
all of the observational objectives for the flight were met and many were
exceeded. The instrument performance, data acquisition, and operations went
exceedingly well, and scientific observations were conducted that have never
been accomplished, such as that of tropospheric sulfur dioxide.
Solar Science
Solar Spectrum.- The Solar Spectrum (SOLSPEC) Measurement experiment studied
the distribution of solar energy by wavelength (infrared to ultraviolet). This
experiment was sponsored by the National Center for Scientific Research of
Remote operation of the SOLSPEC instrument from the Brussels, Belgium control
center was very successful. SOLSPEC collected correlative data with a similar
instrument aboard the free-flying European Carrier Satellite (EURECA). As a
result, solar variability studies were conducted because the solar activity
decreased between the ATLAS-1 and ATLAS-2 flights. The investigation team has
expressed extreme satisfaction over the operation of the instrument and the
scientific return the measurements have provided.
Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance Monitor.- The Solar Ultraviolet Irradiance Monitor
(SUSIM) experiment concentrated on the Sun's ultraviolet radiation which
undergoes wider variations than other wavelengths. This experiment was
sponsored by the Naval Research Laboratory of the United States.
The SUSIM instrument collected solar data and sunrise/sunset occultation during
each of the solar pointing orbits. This primary solar science objective was
performed to make comparisons with the SUSIM instrument on the Upper Atmosphere
Research Satellite (UARS). These comparisons will allow scientist to make the .-.

necessary corrections to the UARS data that are essential for tracking subtle

changes in the atmospheric condition and the solar energy which influences them.
The SUSIM also met a secondary objective by capturing the sunrise/sunset
occultations to obtain ozone profiles.
The SUSIM investigation team considers the ATLAS-2 flight to be clearly the most
successful mission for the SUSIM instrument. The data are being used to obtain
ozone density profiles, as well as compare and validate the performance of
previous SUSIM flights.
Active Cavity Radiometer and Solar Constant.- The Active Cavity Radiometer
(ACR) and the Solar Constant (SOLCON) experiments each made direct and precise
independent measurements of the totai energy Earth receives from the sun. The
ACR experiment was sponsored by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the United
States, and the SOLCON experiment was sponsored by the Belgian Royal Institute
of Meteorology of Belgium.
The ACR experiment had two premission goals and both were met. The instrument
made correlative measurements with UARS and performed as many solar constant
measurements as the mission allowed. The ACR instrument performance was
outstanding as reported by the Principal Investigators. The investigators
believe that the quality measurements obtained will allow the most stable and
best ever calibrations with the UARS data.
The SOLCON experiment was very successfully controlled from Brussels, Belgium.
The SOLCON Principal Investigator team are presently studying their data in
-. Belgium. Preliminary solar irradiance measurements show close agreement with
data received from the EURECA. The science team also reports that very stable
calibration was achieved between the SOLCON instrument and the instruments on
the UARS.
Shuttle Pointed Autonomous Research Tool for Astronomy-201
The SPARTAN-201 was a free-flying payload that studied the velocity and
acceleration of the solar wind and observed aspects of the Sun's corona. In
measuring these phenomena, two telescopes, a White Light Coronagraph (WLC) and
an Ultraviolet Coronal Spectrometer (WCS), were used. A comparison of the data
from the two telescopes will for the first time allow scientists to measure the
temperatures and electron and proton densities in the solar corona.
The SPARTAN payload was deployed using the RMS during the third day of the
mission at 101:06:11:33 G.m.t. (03:00:42:33 MET). The crew performed a
separation maneuver using the RCS and separated the Orbiter to a distance of
about 172 miles behind the SPARTAN-201. A successful rendezvous with the
SPARTAN was completed, and the SPARTAN was grappled with the RMS at
103:07:20:05 G.m.t. (05:01:51:05 MET). Final latching of the SPARTAN in the
payload bay was completed at 103:08:01:38 G.m.t. (05:02:32:28 MET) in
preparation for its return to the Earth.
The SPARTAN-201 was removed from the payload bay and was shipped to GSFC.
Initial evaluation of the science data tapes has revealed excellent data. Data
are continuing to be evaluated as the SPARTAN-201 is prepared for its next
flight on the STS-63 mission.
Solar Ultraviolet Experiment
The SUVE provided data on the extreme ultraviolet solar radiation as it affects
the Earth's ionosphere. The SUVE was housed in a single GAS canister in the
payload bay. The experiment was designed, managed, and built by students at the
University of Colorado.
A total of 22 orbits of solar radiation data were collected with the S W E
instrument during the four data-take periods. The data collected represents
more than 16 times the minimum requirements.
Hand-Held, Earth-Oriented, Real-Time, Cooperative, User-Friendly,
Location-Targeting and Environmental System
The HERCULES experiment provided a modified Nikon camera and a geolocation
device which enabled the crewperson to determine in real-time the latitude and
longitude of Earth images. STS-56 was the second flight of this experiment that
was developed by the Department of Defense Space Test Program.
The HERCULES experiment obtained over 13 disks with over 400 images of data
during the mission. Initially, the HERCULES experiment experienced some
problems with the playback/downlink unit (PDU) retaining power (Flight Problem
STS-56-P-02). The PDU was swapped with a PGSC, but the geolocation information
was lost. After determining that the power cable was the cause of the power
problem, the cable was repaired and the PDU was brought back on line. The
experiment operated satisfactorily for the remainder of the mission.
During an attempted HERCULES inertial measurement unit (HIMU) alignment on
flight day 6, two HERCULES attitude processor (HAP) failures occurred, and in
each case this resulted in the loss of the alignment (Flight Problem
STS-56-P-03). Loss of the HAP results in the loss of geolocation capability.
The HAP was reset and a subsequent alignment was successful. The error data
were saved for postflight analysis.
Radiation Monitoring Equipment-I11
The Radiation Monitoring Equipment-I11 (RME-111) experiment was used to measure
the exposure of ionizing radiation on the Space Shuttle. RUE-I11 displayed the
dose rate and the total accumulated radiation dose to the operator. The RME-I11
was flown under the direction of the Department of Defense Space Test Program,
and was flown in conjunction with other radiation experiments on this flight.
The RME-I11 was set up on flight day 1 and collected ionizing radiation data
throughout the mission. The instrument was moved to different preplanned crew
cabin locations, and operations were nominal. The units were stowed for entry
as planned.
Cosmic Radiation Effects and Activation Monitor
The CREAM experiment was designed to collect cosmic ray energy loss spectra,
neutron fluxes, and induced radioactivity data. The instruments were set up on
flight day 1, and the data were collected by the active and passive monitors
placed at specific locations throughout the Orbiter cabin. The active monitor
collected data on real-time spectral data, whereas, the passive monitors
- collected data that was analyzed during the postflight period. The CREAM
experiment was a Department of Defense experiment and was flown under the
direction of the Space Test Program.
Air Force Maui Optical Site

The AMOS is an electro-optical facility located on the island of Maui in the

Hawaiian Islands. This experiment observed primary RCS thruster firings and
water dumps as the Orbiter flew over the tracking site. No hardware was
required onboard the Space Shuttle for this experiment. The RCS firing on
flight day 8 was observed with both visible and infrared instruments.
Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment-I1
The SAREX-I1 provided public participation in the space program, supports
educational initiatives and demonstrated the effectiveness of making contact
between the Space Shuttle and amateur "ham" radio stations on the ground.
SAREX-I1 provided very satisfactory communications on seven of the past Space
Shuttle missions, and was used very successfully on this mission by all five
crew members. SAREX enabled the first Orbiter to MIR contact on April 10, 1993,
at 100:23:02 G.m.t. (02:17:32 MET). The crew also contacted all scheduled
schools that were located in the United States, Britain, Portugal, South Africa,
and Australia. The amateur television portion of SAREX experienced some
success with the crew confirming receipt of some of the color-fast scan and some
- of the slow-scan video transmissions.
Commercial Materials Dispersion Apparatus ITA Experiments
In excess of 30 separate investigations were conducted with the Commercial
Materials Dispersion Apparatus (MDA) Instrumentation Technology Associates (ITA)
experiments. These experiments enabled the gathering of data for determining
how microgravity can aid research in drug development and delivery,
biotechnology, basic cell biology, protein and inorganic crystal growth, bone
and invertebrate development, immune deficiencies, manufacturing processes, and
fluid sciences.
The CMIX hardware consists of four MDA mini-laboratories, which are housed in a
commercial refrigerator/incubator module. Each of the mini-labs was a
brick-sized automated device that could bring as many as 100 separate samples of
multiple fluids and/or solids into contact at precisely timed intervals. In
addition, live cell investigations were conducted in 10 bioprocessing modules
(BPM1s), which contain 60 to 100 times more fluid volume than the MDA1s. A
listing of the experiments contained in the CMIX is as follows:
Bone cell differentiation
Immune cell response
Mouse bone marrow cells
Nerve/muscle cell interactions
Live cell investigations
Collagen reconstitution
Urokinase protein crystal growth
Bacterial aldolase and rabbit muscle aldolase protein crystal growth
HIV reverse transcriptase
RNA protein crystal growth
Methylase protein crystal growth
Lysozyme protein crystal growth
DNA-Heme protein crystal growth
Brine shrimp development
Cell research
Mustard seed germination
Fish egg hatching
Heart cells in culture
Mushroom spore generations
Mustard-spinach seed germination
Other investigations
All CMIX operations were on time and nominal. The BPM1s were set up, activated,
sampled, and restowed with no problems or anomalies. The materials dispersion
apparatuses (MDA1s) were activated and deactivated according to schedule.
Space Tissue Loss Experiment
The objective of the STL experiment was to validate models of muscle, bone, and
endothelial cell biochemical and functional loss induced by microgravity stress;
to evaluate cytoskeleton, metabolism, membrane integrity and protease activity .-

in target cells; and to test tissue loss pharmaceuticals for efficacy.

Initialization of the STL experiment occurred four hours into the mission. The
temperatures rose to 4-5 degrees above the normal operating temperature of 3 7 O F
(Flight Problem STS-56-P-01). On flight day 4, after moving the experiment to
the airlock to obtain cool air from the "elephant trunktt,the STL temperature
was successfully dropped to nominal. Operations continued as planned from that
location. The unit was stowed back in its locker for entry; however, the
temperature began rising again and the unit was moved to a new locker location
and the "elephant trunk" cooling was re-established at the new location. The
STL temperature then went lower than normal, so the Itelephant trunk" was removed
and stowed for entry.
Physiological and Anatomical Rodent Experiment
The PARE is a series of experiments that are designed to determine whether
exposure to microgravity results in physiological or anatomical changes in
rodents. The PARE consists of rodents contained within an animal enclosure
module (AEM), which occupies one middeck locker with a modified locker door.
The PARE operations were nominal, except for the day/night light on one of the
two AEMts that was discovered to have lost power. The power was recycled and as
a result, the light was restored to its operational mode.


All SRB systems performed as expected, except the hold down post (HDP) debris
containment device on HDP 5. The SRB prelaunch countdown was nominal. No SRB
or redesigned solid rocket motor (RSRM) Launch Commit Criteria (LCC) or
Operations and Maintenance Requirements and Specifications Document (OMRSD)
violations occurred.
Power up and operation of all case, igniter, and field joint heaters was
accomplished routinely. All RSRM temperatures were maintained within acceptable
limits throughout the countdown. For this flight, the low-pressure
heated ground purge in the SRB aft skirt was used to maintain the case/nozzle
joint and flexible bearing temperatures within the required LCC limits. At
T-15 minutes, the purge was changed to high pressure to inert the aft skirt.
The plunger and spring from the left SRB aft skirt (HDP 5) debris containment
device exited the device at lift-off (Flight Problem STS-56-B-1). An
investigation concluded that during the process of sealing the exit bore in the
containment device at lift-off, the plunger was struck by the frangible nut
halves, in turn breaking off four sections of the plunger flange at the edges of
the flange cutouts. The plunger then impacted the spherical washer causing the
remaining edges of the plunger flange to fail. The failure provided enough
clearance for the plunger and spring to exit the debris containment device and
lodge in the mobile launch platform (MLP) support post. This incident has been
identified as a random occurrence (1 out of 240 containment device uses) with a
low probability (0.99998 probability of no HDP debris impact) of debris impact
to the vehicle, and therefore, this condition is not considered a
safety-of-flight issue.
Data indicate that the flight performance of both RSRMrs were well within the
allowable performance envelopes, and the performance was typical of the
performance observed on previous flights. The RSRM propellant mean bulk
temperature (PMBT) was 66OF at lift-off. Both SRBrs were successfully separated
from the ET 125.8 seconds after lift-off and were recovered and returned to KSC
for disassembly. The table on the following page presents the RSRM performance
During the disassembly process, a small axial scratch (0.04 inch) was observed
at the 55.8-degree location on the left RSRM aft dome boss primary sealing
surface (Flight Problem STS-56-M-1). The scratch was 0.58 inch from the forward
edge of the aft dome boss inside diameter. Raised metal was detected. No
damage was found on any of the nozzle-to-case joint O-rings, and a preflight
check provided a positive verification of the joint sealing capability. The
minimum O-ring footprint of 0.116 inch at 14.49 percent squeeze yields a
35-percent violation of the minimum O-ring footprint.
Also during the SRB post-recovery disassembly and inspection, a pair of pliers
were found in the left-hand SRB skirt.

Parameter Left motor, 68OF

Predicted I Actual
Impulse gaies
1-20, lo6 lbf-sec
1-60, lo6 lbf-sec
I-AT, 10 lbf-sec
Vacuum Isp, lbf-sec/lbm
Burn rate, in/sec @ 60°F
at 625 psia
Burn rate, in/sec @ 66OF
at 625 psia
Event times, seconds
Ignition interval
Web t imea
Separation cue, 50 psia
Action time
Maximum ignition rise rate,
psia/lO ms
Decay time, seconds
(59.4 psia to 85 K)

Tailoff imbalance Predicted Actual

Impulse differential, N/A 398.95b
a All times are referenced to ignition command time except where noted by
the letter a. These items are referenced to lift-off time (ignition
Tailoff imbalance is equal to left motor minus right motor, and was
calculated by Marshall Space Flight Center.
The ET flight performance was excellent. All objectives and requirements
associated with the ET propellant loading and flight operations were met. All
ET electrical equipment and instrumentation operated satisfactorily. ET purge
and heater operations were monitored and all performed properly. No MSFC OMRSD
or LCC violations were identified.
Typical ice/frost formations for the April atmospheric environment were observed ---
on the ET during the countdown. Normal quantities of ice or frost were present
on the liquid oxygen (LO2) and liquid hydrogen (LH2) feedlines and on the
pressurization line brackets, and some frost or ice was present along the LH2
protuberance air load (PAL) ramps. These observations were acceptable per
NSTS 08303. No ice or frost was observed on the acreage of the LO2 or the LH2
tank barrel.
The ET pressurization system functioned properly throughout engine start and
flight. The minimum LO2 ullage pressure experienced during the period of ullage
pressure slump was 13.9 psid. ET separation was confirmed after a nominal main
engine cutoff (MECO).
Post-separation ET photographs taken from the Orbiter in support of DTO 312
showed approximately 12 divots in the intertank-to-LH2 tank flange closeout and
approximately 9 areas of missing foam up to two feet in length from the -2 side
of the intertank acreage thermal protection system (TPS) application (Flight
Problem STS-56-T-01). An investigation team was formed to determine the cause
and corrective action for the occurrence of divots in the intertank TPS
ET separation occurred 532.884 seconds after lift-off. ET entry and breakup
occurred approximately 74 nmi. uprange of the preflight predicted point and
within the predicted footprint.
All SSME parameters were normal throughout the prelaunch countdown and were
- typical of prelaunch parameters observed on previous flights, except for the
SSME-1 (2024) LO2 anti-flood valve (AFV) skin temperature measurement. During
propellant loading for both the launch scrub on April 6 and the launch on April
8, the AFV skin temperature measurement on SSME-1 read approximately 60°F warmer
than expected on channels A and B (Flight Problem STS-56-E-1). This did not
cause an LCC or OMRSD violation, but a concern for debonded skin temperature
sensors was raised. It was considered safe to proceed with the countdown and
launch after an LCC deviation was created to monitor the AFV skin temperature
and gaseous oxygen (GO ) interface temperature for small temperature changes
during the final secon8s of the countdown to assure that the AFV was not
Engine "ready" was achieved at the proper time, all LCC were met, and engine
start and thrust buildup was normal.
Flight data indicated that the SSME performance during mainstage, throttling,
shutdown and propellant dump operations was normal. Engine cutoff times from
the time of engine start were 520.64, 520.77, and 520.89 seconds for SSME 1, 2,
and 3, respectively. The high pressure oxidizer turbopump (HPOTP) and high
pressure fuel turbopump (HPFTP) temperatures appeared to be well within
specification throughout engine operation. The Isp was rated as 452.50 seconds
based on trajectory data. SSME MECO occurred at 514.312 seconds after lift-off.
All 24 of the Shuttle Range Safety System (SRSS) performed successfully. The
SRSS closed-loop testing was completed as scheduled during the launch countdown.
All SRSS safe-and-arm (S&A) devices were armed and system inhibits were turned
off at the appropriate times. All SRSS measurements indicated that the system
operated as expected throughout the countdown and flight.
As planned, the SRB S&A devices were safed, and SRB system power was turned off
prior to SRB separation. The ET system remained active until ET separation from
the Orbiter.
Main Propulsion System

The overall performance of the main propulsion system (MPS) was as expected with
the exception of the LH2 high point bleed valve position indicator failure
discussed in the following paragraph.
The countdown on the first launch attempt was picked up at T-9 minutes and was
scrubbed at T-11 seconds when the MPS LH2 high-point bleed valve (PV22) closed
position indicator failed off (did not indicate closure of the valve during the
T-21-second poll), and this is an LCC violation (Flight Problem STS-56-V-01).
Analysis of the data showed that the valve had actually closed; however, the
closed indication was never transmitted. This was based on the loss of open
power, loss of the open indicator, and the immediate temperature rise shown by
the downstream facility transducer. During the LH2 drain, the valve was cycled
five times to monitor indicators and temperatures. The closed indication was
never received, but the downstream temperature showed nominal performance for .-

each cycle (rising to an off-scale high temperature of -408.8OF in about

8 seconds). The valve was successfully cycled again during the loading for the
second launch attempt, but again the valve-closed indication was not received.
As a result, an LCC waiver was approved to mask out the PV22 closed position
indicator in the GLS. During the second launch attempt which lead to a
successful launch, the high-point bleed valve (PV22) closed indication returned
at T-3.5 seconds during the engine start sequence. The valve also worked
properly during the vacuum inerting and showed a nominal response.
Throughout the period of preflight operations, no significant hazardous gas
concentrations were detected. The maximum hydrogen concentration level in the
Orbiter aft compartment (which occurred shortly after the start of the LH2
recirculation pumps) was approximately 147 ppm (corrected), which compares
favorably with previous data for this vehicle.
A comparison of the calculated propellant loads at the end of replenish versus
the inventory loads resulted in a nominal loading accuracy of +0.01 percent for
LHZ and +0.06 percent for LO2.

Ascent MPS performance was completely normal in all respects. Data indicate
that the LO2 and LH2 pressurization systems performed as planned, and that all
net positive suction pressure (NPSP) requirements were met throughout the
flight. The GO fixed orifice and GH2 pressurization systems performed as
predicted. ~va3uationof the flow control valve data revealed no problems.
The MPS helium system performed as expected and met all requirements during -.

powered flight, propellant dumping, and vacuum inerting operations. During

entry, helium consumption was nominal with approximately 58.0 lb used.
Reaction Control Subsystem
The RCS operated satisfactorily throughout the mission with 4656.1 lbm of
propellants used during the mission. The RCS was interconnected to the OMS
while on-orbit and 8.26 percent of the left OMS propellants and 6.92 percent of
the right OMS propellants were used by the RCS. The RCS performed 10 firings
during the mission in support of the mission objectives.
The RCS was used to impart pitch, yaw, and roll maneuvers in support of DTO 251
(Entry Aerodynamic Control Surfaces Test) during entry. The forward RCS was
dumped to near zero late in the entry phase as planned.
Rendezvous operations for retrieval of the SPARTAN payload were completed with
RCS maneuvers. Two RCS firings were performed with the left OMS interconnected
to the RCS. A nominal slow rate (NSR) maneuver was performed at
102:05:50 G.m.t. (04:00:21 MET) using -X thrusters to achieve a 3.1 ft/sec
velocity change. Nominal plane change (NPC) was performed at 102:07:28 G.m.t.
(04:01:59 MET) to achieve a 2.9 ft/sec velocity change.
An RCS -X orbit adjust firing was performed satisfactorily at
106:06:03:00 G.m.t. (08:00:34:00 MET) using forward thrusters F1F and F2F. The
firing duration was 56 seconds and the AV was 15 ft/sec. The purpose of the
firing was to improve the entry PTI crossrange opportunity for the second KSC
landing opportunity on April 16.
-- During the RCS hot-fire test performed at 106:06:19:40 G.m.t. (08:00:50:40 MET)
following the flight control system checkout, the chamber pressure for the first
pulse of thruster L3L was low (approximately 16 psia) for approximately the
first 240 ms of the 400 ms pulse. The second pulse was nominal. The chamber
pressure recovered fully and the thruster operated nominally for the remainder
of the mission.
During deorbit preparations, the oxidizer and fuel temperatures for RCS vernier
thruster L5D was 30 to 40°F warmer than the other vernier thrusters. This
behavior was interpreted as a failed-on 10W thruster heater (Flight Problem
STS-56-V-13). The thruster was also exhibiting slower cooling than the other
thrusters when the heaters were turned off prior to entry. Data evaluation
revealed that the LSD injector temperatures were off-scale high for the majority
of the mission. The thruster will be replaced during turnaround operations.
Orbital Maneuvering Subsystem
The OMS performance was very satisfactory throughout the mission with three
maneuvers performed as planned. The total firing time for the left OMS engine
was 356.1 seconds and for the right OMS engine was 364.1 seconds. A total of
15861 lb of propellants were used during the mission. The RCS was
interconnected to the OMS while on-orbit and 8.26 percent of the left OMS
propellants and 6.92 percent of the right OMS propellants were used by the RCS.
Inlet pressures, chamber pressures, and regenerative jacket temperatures for
both engines were as expected. OMS firing times and propellant consumption were
consistent with predictions.
The right OMS was fired to perform a nominal correction (NC1) maneuver at
102:09:40 G.m.t. (04:04:11 MET). The maneuver lasted 8 seconds and achieved a
velocity change of 7.1 ft/sec.
During propellant loading, it was noted that the left-hand fuel gage was biased
high, and this is indicative of a problem in the aft probe or the totalizer.
This bias did not affect mission operations.

The following table presents the pertinent parameters for each firing.

OMS Engine Time, G.m.t./MET Firing Av 9

firing used duration, ft/sec
2 Both 98:06:06:08.2 G.m.t. 148.8 253.6
3 Right 102:09:39:37.5 G.m.t. 8.0 6.8
04:04:10:37.5 MET
Deorbit Both 107:10:34:25.5 G.m.t. 208.1 378.7
08:05:05:25.5 MET

Power Reactant Storage and Distribution Subsystem

The power reactant storage and distribution (PRSD) subsystem operated nominally
with 29.1 hours of mission extension capability remaining based on an average
power level of 15.7 kW. The vehicle was flown in the four-tank set
configuration. A total of 2485.1 lb of oxygen, including the 69.7 lb used by
the crew, was consumed. Also 304.2 lb of hydrogen was used.
A test was conducted to determine the minimum amount of unusable oxygen and
hydrogen by driving the tank 4 heaters to the Shuttle Operational Data Book
(SODB) limits. The limits are defined at 350°F for the oxygen heater, 200°F for
the hydrogen heater, and 160°F for the oxygen and hydrogen fluid. The oxygen
tank fluid reached 160°F with a residual quantity of 5.5 percent instead of the
6.5 percent at normal operating conditions and a heater temperature of 250°F
before deactivating the oxygen tank heater. The hydrogen tank 4 quantity
reached a minimum of 0.7 percent instead of the normal 2.5 percent residual
quantity without reaching either the heater or the fluid temperature limits.
The hydrogen tank 4 heaters were deactivated when the heater temperature reached
160°F and the fluid temperature reached O°F. This test demonstrated that by
raising the heater and fluid temperatures to near the SODB limits of the
hydrogen and oxygen tanks, more usable cryogenics could be depleted from the
tanks. Thus, the fuel cell subsystem could have an extra amount of cryogenics
for power generation.
Fuel Cell Power~lantSubsvstem
The fuel cell powerplant subsystem operated nominally throughout the mission,
supplying 3497 kwh of electrical energy. In generating this amount of
electricity, the fuel cells also produced 2719.6 lb of water.
At 98:06:46:51 G.m.t. (00:01:17:51 MET), the fuel cell 1 oxygen reactant valve
indication showed the valve to be closed; however, the fuel cell continued to
operate properly, confirming an instrumentation-only failure (Flight Problem
STS-56-V-02). Because of this indication, the crew tied busses A and B
together. Subsequently, busses A and B were untied and busses A and C were tied
together to more evenly distribute electrical loads. The oxygen reactant valve
was closed during postlanding operations for fuel cell shut down. Subsequently,
the reactant valve was opened for inerting the fuel cells and the indicator
worked properly. The valve panel that has the anomalous valve will be replaced
during the next turnaround. Fuel cell 1 will be shut down on the next OV-103
mission (STS-51) as a part of a DTO, because a false close indication would
affect the performance of this DTO. This same indication was received on a
previous flight of this vehicle (STS-48).
Six fuel cell purges were performed during the mission at 24, 67, 115, 160, 191,
and 215 hours MET. The flight rule for fuel cell purging for this mission was
to purge every 72 hours or when a 0.2 V degradation was reached by any fuel
cell. A voltage decay of 0.2 V was noted every other day on fuel cell 1,
necessitating a purge prior to the 72-hour goal. Fuel cell 1 reached the
-. 0.2 volt voltage decay limit earlier than planned because the reactant inerts
were above historical levels of facility reactants, although the levels were
well within specification. In addition, fuel cell 1 supplied 33 percent more
power than either fuel cell 2 or fuel cell 3 due to the Orbiter load
Late in the flight, the cell performance monitor (CPM) differential voltage
readings for fuel cell 1 substack 3 demonstrated a trend whereby the readings
increased during reactant purging and gradually decreased between purges (Flight
Problem STS-56-V-12). The increase during purges was a few millivolts larger
with each succeeding purge. Analysis of the data pointed to plugging of the
reactant ports in one or more of the cells of substack 3. Since the performance
of the fuel cell was otherwise normal, no additional purges of that fuel cell
were made. Because of fuel cell shutdown operations planned for fuel cell 1 on
the next flight of this vehicle, the decision was made to replace this fuel cell
during turnaround operations.
Auxiliary Power Unit Subsystem
The APU subsystem performed nominally throughout the mission, and no problems or
in-flight anomalies were recorded. The table on the following page presents the
APU run times and fuel consumption by APU serial number and position.
Approximately 3 minutes after APU shutdown following ascent, the system 1 fuel
test line temperature 1 violated the lower fault detection annunciator (FDA)
limit of 48OF, requiring the early activation of the fuel/tank/line/water system
A heaters. The test line temperatures returned to the normal range once the
heaters began to cycle. This is a recurring problem, and efforts are underway
to resolve this condition.
IAPU (S/N 406) 1 IAPU 3 (S/N 404)
Time, Fuel I Time. I Fuel
min: sec consumption, min:sec consumption,
lb lb

Launch Scrub 1 5:39( 19

Ascent 121:411 54
FCS checkout I 4:201 13
a 60:01) 118

a The IAPU's ran for 16 minutes 7 seconds after landing (touchdown).
After ascent, all three APU fuel service line temperature measurements cycled
higher than the initial FDA limit, requiring the upper FDA limit of 100°F to be
raised in real time to 140°F for all three APUts to prevent nuisance alarms.
This condition occurred on the previous flight of this vehicle after the sensors
were relocated without changing the FDA limits. Efforts are underway to raise
the FDA limits.
Hydraulics/Water Spray Boiler Subsystem
The hydraulics/water spray boiler subsystem performed very satisfactorily.
Operations during ascent and on-orbit were nominal with no circulation pump
operations during the mission. Also, no spray cooling was experienced during
the FCS checkout because the APU was operated for less than 5 minutes.
Prior to the first launch attempt, the WSB 2 core temperature lagged those of
WSB 1 and 3 while the APUts were running. This lag of the WSB 2 core
temperature behind those of WSBts 1 and 3 was also repeated during the STS-56
launch. When WSB water boiling occurred shortly after launch, the WSB 2 core
temperature caught up with systems 1 and 3.
WSB 1 displayed a slight undercooling condition (268OF lubrication oil return
temperature) and overcooling condition during ascent. However, temperatures
remained well within the allowable limits.
WSB 2 had a minor overcooling condition of APU lubrication oil return after SSME
repositioning during entry. This was a 20°F temperature drop that recovered
after one minute, and this is a violation of the in-flight checkout
requirements. The condition is a repeat of the WSB 2 system problem that
occurred during the entry phase of STS-53.
Electrical Power Distribution and Control Subsystem
The electrical power distribution and control (EPDC) subsystem performed
nominally throughout the mission with no problems noted. Because the fuel cell
1 oxygen reactant valve indication showed the valve to be closed, main buses A
and B were tied together as a precautionary measure and to ensure that a main
bus would not be lost. Later in the flight, buses A and B were untied and buses
A and C were tied together to more evenly distribute the electrical loads. This
configuration was maintained until after the deorbit maneuver when the buses
were untied for entry and landing.
Environmental Control and Life Support Subsystem
The environmental control and life support subsystem (ECLSS) performed nominally
throughout the mission.
The active thermal control subsystem (ATCS) performance was satisfactory
throughout the mission. The FES primary A controller shut down during ascent at
98:05:33:16 G.m.t. (00:00:04:16 MET) as the FES was entering its control band.
The FES was successfully restarted using the primary A controller. This
shutdown was similar to ascent shutdowns experienced on this vehicle during
STS-41 and STS-48. The temperature oscillations which triggered the shutdown
logic in the controller are attributed to a unique midpoint temperature sensor
manifold which is a known condition.
The radiator coldsoak provided cooling during entry through touchdown plus
14 minutes when ammonia system A was activated using the secondary controller.
Before system A was activated, Freon cooling loop 2 was switched to bypass flow
to increase its flowrate and the temperature entering the ammonia boiler. These
procedures were specifically developed for the ammonia boilers on OV-102 and
.-. OV-103 to preclude under-temperature operation below 31°F. The procedures
proved effective as the ammonia boiler controlled the temperature to 36.5OF.
System A had provided 37 minutes of cooling when the ground cooling was
The atmospheric revitalization subsystem performed nominally throughout the
mission. During the redundant component check, the pressure control system was
switched from system 1 to system 2. Both systems exhibited normal operation.
The supply water and waste water subsystems performed adequately for the
duration of the mission. All in-flight checkout requirements were performed and
Supply water was managed through the use of the overboard dump system and the
flash evaporator system. One supply water dump was performed at an average dump
rate of 1.63 percent/minute (2.74 lb/min). This dump was simultaneous with
waste water dump 2. The supply water dump line temperature was maintained
between 63 and 92OF throughout the mission with the operation of the line
Waste water was gathered at approximately the predicted rate. Three waste water
dumps were performed at an average dump rate of 1.88 percent/min (3.11 lb/min).
The waste water dump line temperature was maintained between 56 and 88OF
throughout the mission, while the vacuum vent line temperature was between 59
and 80°F.
- A simultaneous supply and waste water dump was performed, beginning at
approximately 101:19:42 G.m.t. (03:14:13 MET) and was viewed with the RMS wrist
CCTV camera. A total of 35 lb of supply water was dumped; concurrently, 121 lb

of waste water was also dumped. RMS video, using the wrist camera, was recorded
from initiation of the dump until approximately 75 minutes after the supply dump
was terminated. The video was recorded as an aid in troubleshooting post-dump
expulsions (burps) of water from the supply line which have been observed on
three OV-103 and one OV-104 flights. Data indicate that two supply water
"burps" occurred following the water dump within 1.5 hours of supply water dump
valve closure. A review of the video verified water emission associated with
the first occurrence, but the video was terminated prior to the second
occurrence. This "burping" phenomenon was confirmed to occur on STS-53, STS-48,
and STS-44, and is suspected to have occurred on previous flights of OV-103 and
OV-104. A resolution to this condition continues to be developed.
The water loop 2 interchanger bypass valve was slow in closing in the automatic
(controller) mode when compared with other vehicles (>75 seconds from full
bypass to full closed) (Flight Problem STS-56-V-08); however, its performance
matches that observed on two previous flights of OV-103 (STS-53 and STS-42).
The valve closed at a slower rate when in the controller mode, whereas, in the
manual mode, the closing time for the valve did not exceed the SODB limits of
60 + 15 seconds. As a result, the controller is suspected to be the cause of
The Freon coolant loop (FCL) 2 FPV was returned to the interchanger position to
aid in cooling the cabin for entry. The water coolant loop 2 temperature
controller was returned to the auto position to obtain data on the performance
of the water bypass valve with one FPV in Payload and the other in Interchanger.
The crew reported a glob of water about two ounces in size was on a portion of
the water loop 2 inlet line to the cabin heat exchanger that was uninsulated.
The water was most probably the result of condensation, as there were no
indications of a leak.
The waste collection system (WCS) performed normally throughout the mission.
This flight was the first for the phase I fan separator design modifications,
which were intended to minimize the possibility of flooding in flight. The crew
reported that the WCS system operated properly. The WCS fan separator will
receive a detailed inspection upon return to the vendor.
Smoke Detection and Fire Suppression Subsystem
The smoke detection subsystem showed no indications of smoke generation during
the entire duration of the flight. Use of the fire suppression subsystem was
not required.
Airlock Support System
Use of the airlock support components was not required because no extravehicular
activity (EVA) was planned or required. The active system monitor parameters
indicated normal outputs throughout the flight.
The crew reported that the hardware for one of the DTO's was placed in the
airlock for better cooling.
Avionics and Software Subsystems
The integrated guidance, navigation and control subsystem operated nominally.
Six PTI maneuvers were performed during entry in support of DTO 251 - Entry
Aerodynamic Control Surfaces Test. The aileron trim excursion noted was like
that seen on STS-50 and is believed to have been caused by asymmetric boundary
layer transition.
A digital autopilot (DAP)/universal pointing discrepancy occurred during SUSIM
operations. After the desired pointing configuration with respect to the Sun's
limb was established with the DAP in inertial hold, the universal pointing total
error in roll started building at a rate of approximately 0.03 degree/minute
(Flight Problem STS-56-1-02). This build-up was unexpected as the universal
pointing required roll attitude and the inertial hold attitudes to both be held
constant. The DAP errors were maintained within deadbands throughout the
inertial hold period.
The investigation of this DAP anomaly included audits of the software code,
which showed no problems with the software. In addition, Software Production
Facility (SPF) tests were performed in an attempt to recreate the anomaly, which
could not be done. These audits and SPF tests showed that the software was not
the cause of the anomaly. A workaround was developed for use during the
subsequent SUSIM operations requiring universal pointing.

- The flight control system performed nominally throughout the mission. The
FCS checkout was completed satisfactorily at 104:06:55:33 G.m.t.
(06:01:26:33 MET). During the switch checkout portions of the FCS checkout,
indications were received that a power transient occurred within the ascent
thrust vector control (ATVC) channel 4 electronics and caused it to fail (Flight
Problem STS-56-V-09). The ATVC 4 power switch was cycled and power was restored
to the unit. This anomaly did not affect the successful completion of the
Performance of the inertial measurement unit, star tracker, data processing
system (DPS) hardware and software, and displays and controls was satisfactory.
Communications and Tracking Subsystem
The network signal processor (NSP) 2 uplink command capability was intermittent
in the low-frequency mode (Flight Problem STS-55-V-03). Troubleshooting of the
ground equipment was performed and no problems were found. The command
capability was switched to NSP 1 and the intermittent command problem cleared;
however, communications continued to be degraded. Operations were continued on
NSP 1 until about 27 hours MET when NSP 2 was reselected. Both occurrences of
degraded communications took place after several hours of nominal use of the
respective NSP1s on low frequency (Flight Problem STS-56-V-03). A switch to
high frequency alleviated the problem. Later in the mission, the S-band system
operated in the low-frequency mode for over 54 hours without any observed
abnormal communications problems. This signature is similar to an STS-52
low-frequency in-flight anomaly in which the cable between the preamplifier and
the switch assembly for the low-frequency path had a fault.
At 098:14:30 G.m.t. (00:09:01 MET), the TIPS associated with DTO 660 was not
producing an output when the ground was transmitting via the graphics mode
(Ku-band). The TIPS was producing garbled output when the ground was
transmitting text (S-band); some characters were not being received clearly and
were being replaced with question marks which is the normal procedure for the
TIPS. However, after troubleshooting, the TIPS began working with the Ku-band
The TAGS was powered down to conserve power. A few hours after one successful
test message was received onboard, the crew reported that none of the subsequent
uplink messages were in the TIPS output tray. The crew took the TIPS down and
set it up again, and the TIPS passed the self-test, but again no messages were
received onboard. The test messages were received in the ground laboratory,
which indicates that the ground system was operating properly. The TAGS was
repowered for receiving uplink messages. At 100:11:00 G.m.t. (02:05:31 MET),
the crew began reconfiguring the TIPS in preparation for additional testing. An
in-flight maintenance (IFM) procedure to troubleshoot problems with the TIPS was
performed. TIPS must receive a clock signal from the KUSP to operate properly.
The light indicator showing whether the clock signal is being received by TIPS
from the Ku-band signal processor (KUSP) was initially off and then illuminated
later. A subsequent TIPS test via Ku-band was successful; however, the TIPS
again failed to receive messages following the one successful transmission.
The TIPS operation through S-band audio performed well after the addition of a
10-dB attenuator in the delta modulation voice system ground equipment. A
troubleshooting plan for TIPS Ku-band data transmissions was developed and sent
to the crew to be performed as time permitted.
After troubleshooting, five transmissions of graphics through the Ku-band to the
TIPS were attempted with the first three being received and the last two not
being received. Preliminary analysis indicated that the TIPS cable may have
been faulty; however a continuity test showed that the cable was satisfactory
for use. In addition, the cable was attached to the TAGS, and the TAGS operated
properly with this cable. The TIPS cable was reconnected to the TIPS and
operations through the Ku-band were satisfactory. Operation of the TIPS in the
text mode through the S-band continued to be very satisfactory.
Early during flight day 6, the crew reported that the TIPS was operating
properly both on the S-band and the Ku-band. However, a few hours later, a TIPS
uplink message was attempted via the Ku-band, and a second message was attempted
about an hour later. Neither message was received onboard, and it was
recommended that the TIPS be turned off. After 45 minutes, the TIPS was again
powered up and an S-band message was successfully uplinked. The TIPS was again
powered off for approximately 15 minutes, powered back up, and a Ku-band message
was sent but was not received onboard.
On flight day 7, a decision was made that no more TIPS/Ku-band mode
troubleshooting would be performed during the mission. Another test was
performed with a message uplinked via the portable audio data modem (PADM). The
crew was then able to view the file on the payload general support computer
(PGSC) and print the file on the TIPS printer. The initial printout was twice
the normal size so the crew scaled subsequent printouts to 50 percent for better
readability. --
The Ku-band mode 1 [phase modulation (PM)] channel 3 return link data quality
was degraded (Flight Problem STS-56-V-04). Preliminary troubleshooting
indicated that mode 1 operated on low-data-rate high-rate multiplexer (HRM)
data, but did not operate on high-rate HRM data. The operational data are
satisfactory regardless of the data rate being transmitted. Also, the frequency
modulation (FM) mode was functioning properly. Much of the equipment in the
signal processor is common between the PM and FM modes. As a result of this
problem, new custom test formats 27, 28, 29, and 30 were developed; however, no
improvement in Ku-band operations were achieved with these formats. Ku-band
downlink was tested in format 11 (32 Mbps) on channel 3 in the payload maximum
mode data rate while equipment was powered down to perform an electromagnetic
interference test. Channel 3 data were again degraded, and the channel 2 link
was good.
A Ku-band payload maximum baseline test was performed from 106:03:00 to
106:04:10 G.m.t. (07:21:31 to 07:22:41 MET). After the Spacelab was
reactivated, further troubleshooting was performed in an attempt to narrow the
data transmission problem to a specific payload. Results of these tests
indicated that the Ku-band was operating satisfactorily.
The Ku-band system passed a self-test at 101:05:32 G.m.t. (03:00:03 MET).
Ku-band radar tracked SPARTAN from 270 feet at 101:06:22 G.m.t. until the system
was reconfigured to the communication mode at 101:07:05 G.m.t., when SPARTAN was
at 3000 feet. There were no dropouts and the radar was still locked when the
system was switched to the communication mode.
Following receipt of the last page of an uplink message at 104:17:17 G.m.t.
(06:11:48 MET), the crew reported that the TAGS showed a developing (DVLP)
indication without a page advance command from the ground. One page advance was
performed and TAGS continued to show DVLP indication until a power cycle was
performed. The TAGS showed a jam after the power cycle and the DVLP indication
changed back to the normal ready status.
The TAGS troubleshooting was performed by the crew. The paper transport door
was opened and accordioned paper was found and partially removed at the cutter
bar. Since the TAGS power was still on (not in accordance with the malfunction
procedure), the lower booster rollers fed the remaining paper into the
developer. The paper was threaded into the lower paper path, causing a jam in
the developer (Flight Problem STS-56-V-11). As a result, the TAGS was shut down
and printed matter was uplinked via the TIPS text mode (S-band) for the
remainder of the mission. Graphics capability existed by uplinking via the PADM
to the PGSC and then printing on the TIPS.
At 104:07:56 G.m.t. (06:02:27 MET), the Commander reported that his headset
interface unit (HIU) had failed (Flight Problem STS-55-V-10). The Commander
used a spare HIU for the remainder of the mission.
At 104:12:18 G.m.t. (06:06:49 MET), a CCTV camera was indicating an
over-temperature condition. At 105:06:41 G.m.t. (07:01:12 MET), the keel camera
(PL2) was shut off and the over-temperature message went away.
The operational instrumentation (01) performance was satisfactory.
At 107:09:03 G.m.t. (08:03:34 MET), the modular auxiliary data system (MADS)
did not begin recording when commanded (Flight Problem STS-56-V-14). About
six minutes after the command was sent, the MADS recorder began recording, and
the recorder operated satisfactorily for the remainder of the mission.
Structures and Mechanical Subsvstems

All structures and mechanical subsystems performed nominally and the main
landing gear tires were considered to be in good condition following a KSC
STS-56 was the seventh flight of the drag chute system. The drag chute was
deployed as planned prior to nose wheel touchdown and all operations were
nominal. The drag chute was jettisoned as planned 29 seconds after deployment.
The following table shows where the components of the drag chute system were

Event/component Location from runway

threshold and
centerline of
runway, ft
Mortar cover 4960 & 147 East
Sabot 4980 & 23 West
Door 5065 & 7 West
Pilot chute 5030 & 0
NLG touchdown 5587 & 0
Main chute 9005 & 70 East
Wheel stop 10603 & 0

The drag chute configuration for this flight was 90-percent reefed, which data
have shown to be more stable than the baseline parachute. Operation of this
parachute validated the Ames Research Center wind tunnel results relative to
parachute stability.
The landing and braking data are presented in the table on the following page.
Aerodynamics, Heating and Thermal Interfaces
The ascent aerodynamics were nominal except for the wind shear that was
encountered at lift-off plus 65 seconds at Mach 1.55. This wind shear resulted
in alpha and beta excursions. A sudden increase in aerodynamic loads on the
wing was identified as a possible forcing function that induced an oscillation
in the elevon actuator primary pressure reading.
The entry aerodynamics were nominal with the control surfaces responding as
expected except that there was an apparent recurrence of the aileron trim
phenomena that occurred on STS-50. The entry aerodynamics were affected by the
six PTIts performed in support of DTO 251, in addition to the two body flap
maneuvers that were performed.
Parameter threshold, Speed, Sink rate, ft/sec Pitch rate,
ft keas deg/sec
Main gear touchdown 1182 205.6 '3.0 n/a
Nose gear touchdown 5587 143.8 n/a 2.92

Braking initiation speed 130.9 knots (keas)

Brake-on time 33.6 seconds (not sustained)
Rollout distance 9,519 feet
Rollout time 63.2 seconds
Runway 33 (concrete) at KSC
Orbiter weight at landing 207,851 lb (landing estimate)
Brake sensor location pressure, Brake assembly Energy,
psia million ft-lb
Left-hand inboard 1 1248 Left-hand outboard 16.21
Left-hand inboard 3 1272 Left-hand inboard 17.90
Left-hand outboard 2 1284 Right-hand inboard 12.77
Left-hand outboard 4 1092 Right-hand outboard 10.96
Right-hand inboard 1 1116
Right-hand inboard 3 1044
Right-hand outboard 2 948
Right-hand outboard 4 936

Tire location No. 1 pressure, No. 2 pressure, Temperature, OF

psia psia

Left-hand outboard 351.4 351.4 36.7

Left-hand inboard 350.9 350.2 36.7
Right-hand inboard 325.1 324.3 7.3
Right-hand outboard 327.9 327.9 7.3
Left-hand nose gear 334.1 334.9 41.9
Right-hand nose gear 332.1 332.1 41.9

Vehicle heating data showed structural temperatures higher on the right side of
the vehicle and that is consistent with asymmetric boundary layer transition.
The performance of DTO 251 did not affect the control of the vehicle.
Thermal Control Subsystem
The thermal control subsystem (TCS) performed satisfactorily throughout the
mission with no out-of-limits temperatures noted.
A loose thermal blanket on the aft bulkhead (Xo 1307) was observed at
101:17:05 G.m.t. (03:11:36 MET) during video downlink of the payload bay (Flight
Problem STS-56-V-05). Thermal data were assessed to determine the effects of the
unsnapped thermal blanket on Orbiter subsystems. The preliminary assessment
indicated that this condition would not pose an over-temperature concern to the
OMS fuel high point bleed line on the aft bulkhead during the remaining planned
top-Sun attitudes, since thermal blankets cover this line.
L5D aft vernier thruster oxidizer feedline temperature (V42T2560A) was
consistently high and peaked at 196OF, which is higher than normal but below SODB
limits. The Reaction Control Subsystem section of this report discusses this
anomaly in greater detail.
The aerothermodynamics were nominal with acreage heating within limits and local
heating normal. The structural temperature rise was near the limit of experience
with the right wing temperature rise greater than the left wing. In addition,
the TPS damage was near the limit of experience with several hits greater than
0.3-inch depth on the lower right forward fuselage.
Thermal Protection Subsystem
The thermal protection subsystem (TPS) performance was satisfactory. Based on
structural temperature response data, the entry heating was higher than average.
In particular, temperature rises on the lower aft centerline and the lower right .-

wing were the largest ever measured on OV-103 (approximately 25OF higher than
average). The overall boundary layer transition from laminar flow to turbulent
flow was earlier than normal. The transition occurred at 1000 seconds after
entry interface on the forward side of the vehicle (X/L=0.3), and at 980 seconds
after entry interface on the aft right portion of the vehicle (X/L=0.6). Also,
transition was asymmetrical from right to left on the vehicle. Transition
occurred 140 seconds later on the left side of the vehicle than on the right
A total of 156 hits were experienced during the mission. Of these 156, 36 had a
major dimension greater than one inch. The total number of hits was near the
average of all missions, whereas the number of hits 1 inch or larger was greater
than average when compared with previous missions.
The distribution of hits on the lower surface does not suggest a single source of
ascent debris, but indicates a shedding of ice and TPS debris from random
sources. The table on the following page shows the the number of hits in each
area of the vehicle.
The largest tile damage site measured 9.0 by 2.0 by 0.2 inches (included two
tiles) and was located on the lower surface of the right-hand wing leading edge
extension (glove area). The shallow depth of 0.2 inch is indicative of an impact .
by low-density material, such as ET insulation. Also, one unusually large impact
measuring 4.0 inches long by 2.5 inches wide by 1.3 inches deep was found on th
lower right wing aft of the main landing gear door.

Reusable carbon carbon (RCC) nose cap performance was nominal. The gap filler
between the nose cap and the adjacent tiles was severely breached for
Vehicle surface Hits > 1 inch Total hits

Lower surface 18 94
Upper surface 2 23
Right side 0 0
Left side 0 0
Right OMS pod 1 4
Left OMS pod 15 35

Total 36 156

approximately 10 inches on the lower surface. (This nose cap gap filler was
replaced and this required removal of the forward RCS module and extension of
the nose cap.) The primary nose landing gear door (NLGD) thermal barrier was in
good condition, and no NLGD tiles were damaged. The main landing gear door
(MLGD) thermal barriers were in excellent condition except for two minor
tears/frays. The ET door thermal barriers were also in good condition.
However, i t was noted that the barriers appeared to have experienced higher than
normal heating. The left-hand RCC panels 6 and 9 showed bubbling and blistering
- (seen on previous flights). A gap filler o the body flap was damaged with its
outer fabric fused to the adjacent tile's surface, which is indicative of high
heating .
All three dome-mounted heat shield blankets sustained minor damage. Base heat
shield peppering was less than average. Two tiles on the right side trailing
edge of the vertical stinger were damaged, apparently from drag chute
No TPS damage was attributed to material from the wheels, tires, or brakes.
Elevon cove inspections revealed six tile slumps, four on the right-hand side
and two on the left-hand side. The most severe slumping occurred on tiles
adjacent to the outboard center hinge point, where strain isolation pad (SIP)
charring and discoloration of carrier panel koropan was also found. This is the
first tile slumping found in this area of the vehicle since the elevon cove TPS
was redesigned prior to STS-26. The increased local heating and SIP charring is
believed to be attributed to the extreme up-elevon schedule flown as a part of
DTO 0251 - Entry Aerodynamic Control Surfaces Test- Alternate Elevon Schedule;
however, a connection between this DTO and the early/asymmetric transition is
difficult to prove. This DTO has been performed on three previous flights, none
of which indicated increased heating. However, on one of those flights
(STS-50), asymmetric transition was suspected due to a aileron trim anomaly.
Surface thermocouple data to support this conclusion are not available on

All three ET/Orbiter separation devices (EO-1, -2, and -3) appeared to have
functioned properly. All ET/Orbiter umbilical separation ordnance retention
shutters were closed properly. No flight hardware was found on the runway below
the umbilical doors.
Orbiter windows 3 and 4 exhibited moderate hazing. Only a very light haze was
visible on the other windows. Some streaks were visible on windows 3 and 4.
Surface wipes were taken from each window for laboratory analysis.
A portable Shuttle thermal imager (STI) was used to measure the TPS surface
temperatures of three areas on the Orbiter in accordance with Space Shuttle
documentation. Ten minutes after landing, the Orbiter nosecap reusable carbon
carbon (RCC) was 20Z°F. Twenty minutes after landing, the right-hand wing
leading edge RCC panel 9 was 10Z°F and panel 17 was 97OF.


All flight crew equipment/government furnished equipment operated satisfactorily

and supported the mission as required.


The RMS operated in an excellent manner throughout the mission with no anomalies
or problems identified. STS-56 was the tenth flight of the serial number 201
arm, and the first flight of the serial number 403 end effector.
The prime RMS activity was the deployment and retrieval of the SPARTAN-201
payload. For most of the mission, the RMS was positioned in a port-side,
forward parked configuration that placed it out of the field of view of the
ATLAS-2 experiments.
Approximately 6 1/2 hours into the mission, a successful RMS checkout was
performed per standard procedures. Because of time constraints to begin ATLAS-2
operations, two steps of the checkout were deferred until later in the mission:
the manual augmented mode test and the operator-commanded auto-sequence test.
On flight day 4 (03:00:42 MET), the RMS deployed the SPARTAN-201. The payload
was not equipped with telemetry, but the execution of the planned "pirouette"
maneuver after release indicated that the preprogrammed onboard control system
was operating properly. On flight day 6 (05:01:50 MET), the SPARTAN-201 was
retrieved by the RMS and returned to the payload bay for return to Earth.
Since there is no ground-based training facility that fully models the berthing
of a release-engage mechanism (REM), some concern existed premission that the
difficulty of the task was not fully evaluated. The difficulty involved the
precise positioning and alignment needed to receive three ready-to-latch
indications. The berthing of the SPARTAN-201 into the REM was accomplished in
8 minutes in an excellent manner. The maneuver was facilitated by the use of a
berthing camera located on the keel of the payload bay, plus a video camera
located on the SPARTAN mission peculiar experiment support structure (MPESS).
The RMS wrist camera was used during the mission to monitor a supply and waste
water dump on flight day 5. The data from this camera provided the engineering
community the first positive indications of the water-expulsion phenomenon that .-
occurs after a supply water dump.
- The RMS was cradled at 105:11:49 G.m.t. (07:06:20 MET) after successfully
meeting all requirements placed on the system during the flight. Because of the
mission extension and the need to conserve power, the RMS heaters were turned
off during much of the final flight day. No negative effects were observed and
temperatures did not go much lower than those observed during the periods of
heater activation,


Hardware provided for integration of the cargo into the vehicle performed
nominally throughout the flight. No new mission-unique integration hardware was
manifested for this flight.
Two Integration in-flight anomalies were identified from the data. These
anomalies are discussed in the appropriate section of this report.


Thirteen Development Test Objectives (DTOts) were assigned to the STS-56

mission. Of these, 11 were performed, and the results are discussed in the
following paragraphs.
DTO 251 - Entry Aerodynamic Control Surfaces Test - All six of the planned
PTI's were performed in support of this DTO. The maneuvers did not impact the
entry operations. High aileron trim (1.8 degrees) was experienced and it was
similar to that seen on STS-50 during performance of this DTO. Data have been
given to the sponsor and the results will be published in a separate report.
DTO 301D - Ascent Structural Capability Evaluation - Data were recorded on
onboard recorders for this data-only DTO. The data have been given to the
sponsor for evaluation, and the analyses and results will be published in
separate documentation.
DTO 305D - Ascent Compartment Venting Evaluation - Data were recorded on onboard
recorders for this data-only DTO. The data have been given to the sponsor for
evaluation, and the analyses and results will be published in separate
DTO 306D - Descent Compartment Venting Evaluation - Data were recorded on
onboard recorders for this data-only DTO. The data have been given to the
sponsor for evaluation, and the analyses and results will be published in
separate documentation.
DTO 308D - Vibration and Acoustic Evaluation - Data were recorded on onboard
recorders for this data-only DTO. The data have been given to the sponsor for
evaluation, and the analyses and results will be published in separate
DTO 312 - ET TPS Performance (Method 3) - This DTO was successfully accomplished
with the acquisition of many excellent views of the ET. The two film rolls
contained 74 pictures that were taken with the Nikon F4 camera and a 300-mm
lens. Detailed findings from this DTO will be reported in the JSC STS-56
Photographic/Television Analysis Final Report.
Excellent sunlit views were acquired of most of the ET surface except the side
toward the Orbiter (+Z axis). The pictures were acquired several minutes later
than usual because the night launch increased the time before the tank entered
Apparent damage to the ET TPS on the intertank acreage was observed in the
pictures. The unusual markings or divots seen on the photography has resulted
in the declaration of an in-flight anomaly (Flight Problem STS-56-T-01). The
following items were noted during the screening:
a. Six or more light-colored marks or divots were visible on the intertank
TPS on the -Z axis or far side of the ET. Marks or divots are also visible on
the liquid hydrogedintertank flange closeout. A light-colored mark is visible
on the ET TPS near the right SRB/ET aft attachment as seen on the -Z axis views.
An unusual looking dark area or shadow is associated with this mark.
Approximately five marks or divots are visible on the liquid hydrogedintertank
closeout flange on the -Y axis of the ET. Detailed analysis of the photography
revealed 11 divots that were between 18 and 26 inches in size.
b. Bright marks are visible on the aft ET/Orbiter attachment bracing.
These bright marks may be reflections of sunlight of normal protuberances on the
attachment bracing.
c. The TPS on the ET nose and aft dome appeared normal. The booster
separation motor (BSM) burn scars on the liquid oxygen tank appeared typical of
previous missions.
The crew noted one problem in that the manifesting of this DTO was very late in
the flow, requiring changes to the cameras as late as the day before launch,
which impacted the crew and their preparations for the flight.
DTO 319D - Orbiter/Payload Acceleration and Acoustic Environment Data - Data
were recorded for this data-only DTO. The data have been given to the sponsor,
and the analyses and results will be published in separate documentation.
DTO 520 - Edwards Lakebed Runway Bearing Strength and Rolling Friction
Assessment for Orbiter Landings - This DTO was not accomplished as the vehicle
landed at KSC.
DTO 521 - Orbiter Drag Chute System - This DTO was accomplished during the
landing and rollout phase as planned.
DTO 653 - Evaluation of the MK I Rowing Machine - This DTO was accomplished and
all operations were nominal. Results of this DTO will be published in separate
DTO 656 - PGSC Single Event Upset Monitoring - This DTO was accomplished and the
results are being evaluated by the sponsor. The results of the analyses will be
published in separate documentation.
DTO 700-2 - Laser Range and Range Rate Device - The Laser Range and Range Rate
Device DTO was performed during the SPARTAN deployment. The long-range laser
for this DTO provided range data during the SPARTAN deployment that varied
differently from the Ku-band radar data. The LTI component was used for
short-range tracking and performed well. The MELIOS was used for longer range
(minimum range is specified as 50 mI150 ft). The MELIOS range measurement
deviated from the Ku-band measurement as the Orbiter moved away from the
During rendezvous with the SPARTAN, the LTI device was used for tracking at
ranges from 1193 ft with good results. The MELIOS device was also used during
rendezvous with satisfactory results. The crew replaced the MELIOS battery
after the SPARTAN deployment operations. Low battery voltage was a possible
cause of the inaccurate readings during the SPARTAN deployment; however, the
crew stated that the callouts were given a low priority because of the heavy
workload, and this may have contributed to the inaccuracies.
DTO 700-6 - The global positioning system (GPS) data were not being displayed on
the portable computer in support of DTO 700-6. An IFM troubleshooting procedure
was performed; and the system began working properly. After about two hours,
the system again stopped working.
DTO 805 - Crosswind Landing Performance - This DTO was not performed as
crosswinds were not of sufficient magnitude to meet the minimum requirements of
this DTO.
A total of 15 DSO's were assigned to the STS-56 mission. The following
paragraphs list the number and title of each DSO, as well as any preliminary
results that were available at the time of publication.
DSO 321 - Frequency Interference Measurement - Approximately 4 hours of data
were recorded on flight day 2. After operating for 11 hours on flight day 7,
the unit experienced a power failure and was stowed after unsuccessfully
attempting to restore power. Results of this DSO will be published in separate
DSO 322 - Human Lymphocyte Locomotion in Microgravity - The bioreactor for this
DSO initially encountered problems in initiating operations because of excessive
temperatures. The bioreactor was moved to the airlock for cooling using the
"elephant trunk", and operations became nominal. The time of operations was
extended because of the delay in activation. Upon completion, the bioreactor
was stowed in its original locker for entry, and satisfactory temperatures were
DSO 469 - In-Flight Radiation Dose-Distribution [Tissue Equivalent Proportional
Counter (TEPC) only] - This DSO equipment operated nominally throughout the
mission. The unit was stowed for entry at 106:00:34 G.m.t. (07:19:05 MET)
DSO 476 - In-Flight Aerobic Exercise - All planned exercises were completed and
the ergometer was reported to be very quiet.
DSO 485 - Inter Mars TEPC (no data during ascent or descent) - This DSO was
accomplished and the data have been given to the sponsor for analysis. The
results of the analyses will be reported in separate documentation.
DSO 488 - Measurement of Formaldehyde Using Passive Dosimetry - All operations
associated with this DSO were nominal. The analyses and results will be
reported in separate documentation.
DSO 603B - Orthostatic Function During Entry, Landing, and Egress - This DSO was
accomplished and the data have been given to the sponsor for analysis. The
analyses and results will be reported in separate documentation.
DSO 605 - Postural Equilibrium Control During Landing/Egress - This DSO was
accomplished and the data are being evaluated by the sponsor. The results of
the analyses will be reported in separate documentation.
DSO 617 - Evaluation of Functional Skeletal Muscle Performance Following Space
Flight - This DSO was completed and the data are being evaluated by the sponsor.
The results of the analyses will be reported in separate documentation.
DSO 624 - Pre and Postflight Measurement of Cardiorespiratory Responses to
Submaximal Exercises - This DSO was accomplished and the data are being
evaluated by the sponsor. The results of the analyses will be reported in
separate documentation.
DSO 626 - Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Response to Standing Before and
After Space Flight - This DSO was accomplished and the data are being analyzed
by the sponsor. The results of the analyses will be reported in separate
DSO 802 - Educational Activities (Objective 1) - This DSO was accomplished.
DSO 901 - Documentary Television - This DSO was accomplished during the course
of performing regular video documentation. The results are being evaluated.
DSO 902 - Documentary Motion Picture Photography - This DSO was accomplished.
DSO 903 - Documentary Still Photography - This DSO was accomplished.



On launch day, 24 of the 24 expected videos were received and screened. In
addition, during the course of the mission 51 of the 54 expected launch films
were reviewed. No potential in-flight anomalies were observed in any of the
launch films or video.
The results of the analysis of the photography taken in support of DTO 312 are
contained in the Detailed Test Objectives section of this report.
A white debris object was seen on video during the SPARTAN-201 capture.
Measurements of the size and velocity of this object were made. The diameter of
the RMS end effector was used for scale to determine the size of the object.
The diameter of the RMS end effector is 13.6 inches without the thermal blanket
material. The object was seen to pass in front of the RMS arm. As a result, a
maximum-size estimate of the object was made assuming the debris to be at the
same distance as the arm. The dimension of the object was determined to be
2 by 3 inches. The velocity of the debris was 1.15 ft/sec with respect to the
On landing day, 17 videos plus the NASA Select video were received and screened.
The screening of two of the videos showed several pieces of debris appear to
fall from the nose wheel well at nose landing gear door opening. The debris
traveled along the underside of the Orbiter and toward the left wing.
Video coverage of the drag chute deployment was also obtained. The deployment
appeared to be as expected; however, the Orbiter deviated slightly from the
.-. runway centerline in a westward direction at the time the drag chute disreefed.

Event Description Actual time,

G.m. t.
APU activation APU-1 GG chamber pressure 098:05:24:11.84
APU-2 GG chamber pressure 098:05:24:12.77
APU-3 GG chamber pressure 098:05:24:13.60
SRB HPU activationa LH HPU system A start command 098:05:28:32.166
LH HPU system B start command 098:05:28:32.326
RH HPU system A start command 098:05:28:32.486
RH HPU system B start command 098:05:28:32.646
Main propulsion Engine 3 start command accepted 098:05:28:53.410
System starta Engine 2 start command accepted 098:05:28:53.530
Engine 1 start command accepted 098:05:28:53.648
SRB ignition command SRB ignition command to SRB 098:05:28:59.986
Throttle up to Engine 1 command accepted 098:05:29:04:048
100 percent thrusta Engine 2 command accepted 098:05:29:04:050
Engine 3 command accepted 098:05:29:04:050
Throttle down to Engine 3 command accepted 098:05:29:21:170
89 percent thrusta Engine 2 command accepted 098:05:29:21:170
Engine 1 command accepted 098:05:29:21:209
Throttle down to Engine 3 command accepted 098:05:29:28.370
69 percent thrusta Engine 2 command accepted 098:05:29:28.371
Engine 1 command accepted 098:05:29:28.409
Maximum dynamic Derived ascent dynamic 098:05:29:53
pressure ( q ) pressure
Throttle up to Engine 1 command accepted 098:05:30:01.009
104 percent thrusta Engine 2 command accepted 098:05:30:01.971
Engine 3 command accepted 098:05:30:01.971
Both SRM's chamber RH SRM chamber pressure 098:05:31:00.666
pressure at 50 psia mid-range select
LH SRM chamber pressure 098:05:31:00.906
mid-range select
End SRM actiona LH SRM chamber pressure 098:05:31:03.256
mid-range select
RH SRM chamber pressure 098:05:31:03.286
mid-range select
SRB separation command SRB separation command flag 098:05:31:07
SRB physicala LH rate APU A turbine speed LOS 098:05:31:05.866
separation RH rate APU A turbine speed LOS 098:05:31:05.866
Throttle down fora Engine 3 command accepted 098:05:36:30.617
3g acceleration Engine 2 command accepted 098:05:36:30.621
Engine 1 command accepted 098:05:36:30.652
3g acceleration Total load factor 098:05:36:30.5
Throttle down to Engine 3 command accepted 098:05:37:28.218
67 percent thrusta Engine 2 command accepted 098:05:37:28.222
Engine 1 command accepted 098:05:37:28.252
Engine Shutdowna Engine 3 command accept 098:05:37:34.298
Engine 2 command accept 098:05:37:34.302
Engine 1 command accept 098:05:37:34.332
MSFC supplied data.

Event Description Actual time,

G.m. t.
MECO Command flag 098:05:37:34
Confirm flag 098:05:37:35
ET separation ET separation command flag 098:05:37:53
OMS-1 ignition Left engine bi-prop valve Not performed -
position direct insertion
Right engine bi-prop valve trajectory flown
OMS-1 cutoff Left engine bi-prop valve
Right engine bi-prop valve
APU deactivation APU-1 GG chamber pressure 098:05:45:52.07
APU 2 GG chamber pressure 098:05:45:53.44
APU-3 GG chamber pressure 098:05:45:54.40
OMS-2 ignition Right engine bi-prop valve 098:06:06:07.8
Left engine bi-prop valve 098:06:06:07.7
OMS-2 cutoff Right engine bi-prop valve 098:06:08:37.4
Left engine bi-prop valve 098:06:08:37.2
Payload bay door open PLBD right open 1 098:07:02:54
PLBD left open 1 098:07:04:13
SPARTAN-201 Deploy Voice call 101:06:11:33
OMS-3 ignition Right engine bi-prop valve 102:09:39:37.0
Left engine bi-prop valve Not applicable
OMS-3 cutoff Right engine bi-prop valve 102:09:39:45.4
Left engine bi-prop valve Not applicable
SPARTAN-201 Grapple Voice call 103:07:20:05
Flight control
system checkout
APU start APU-1 GG chamber pressure 104:06:55:33.27
APU stop APU-1 GG chamber pressure 104:06:59:53.15
ATLAS-2 Powerdown Voice Call 107:05:33
Payload bay door PLBD right close 1 107:07:57:16
close PLBD left close 1 107:07:59:54
APU activation APU-2 GG chamber pressure 107:10:29:27.82
for entry APU-1 GG chamber pressure 107:10:53:08.45
APU-3 GG chamber pressure 107:10:53:09.65
Deorbit maneuver Left engine bi-prop valve 107:10:34:25.3
ignition position
Right engine bi-prop valve 107:10:34:25.4
-- - - -

Event Description Actual time,

Deorbit maneuver Right engine bi-prop valve 107:10:37:53.7
cutoff position
Left engine bi-prop valve 107:10:37:53.8
Entry interface Current orbital altitude 107:11:05:53
(400K) above reference ellipsoid
Blackout ends Data locked at high sample No blackout
Terminal area Major mode change (305) 107:11:31:01
energy management
Main landing gear LH MLG tire pressure 107:11:37:19
contact RH MLG tire pressure 107:11:37:19
Main landing gear LH MLG weight on wheels 107:11:37:24
weight on wheels RH MLG weight on wheels 107:11:37:23
Drag chute deploy Drag chute deploy 1 CP Volts 107:11:37:30.8
Nose landing gear NLG tire pressure 107:11:37:34
Nose landing gear NLG WT on Wheels -1 107:11:37:34
weight on wheels
Drag chute jettison Drag chute jettison 1 CP Volts 107:11:38:00.0
Wheels stop Velocity with respect to 107:11:38:22
APU deactivation APU-3 GG chamber pressure 107:11:53:09.35
APU-1 GG chamber pressure 107:11:53:10.08
APU-2 GG chamber pressure 107:11:53:11.53

I Title I Reference II Comments

MPS LH High Point Bleed 096:06:31 G.m.t. MPS LH2 high point bleed valve ( W - 2 2 ) failed to indicate closed, and
Valve ?w-22) Failed To IM 56RF01 caused a launch countdown termination at T-11 seconds. Subsequent
Indicate Closed IPR 51V-0002 testing showed the valve cycled with no response from the closed
indication. Curing the second launch attempt, closed indication
returned at T-3.5 seconds and then operated normally when the valve
was cycled for vacuum inerting.
KSC: Troubleshoot aft wiring: replace if required.

Fuel Cell 1 0 Reactant 098:06:46 G.m.t. The fuel cell 1 oxygen reactant valve indicated closed at
Valve False d o s e CAR 48RP03 098:06:46:54 G.m.t. Buses A and B were tied together initially. Late1
Indication UA-3-A0023 buses A and C were tied together. The fuel cell continued to operate
properly confirming an instrumentation-only failure. This anomaly is i
Repeat of Flight Problem STS-48-V-03 (OV-103). The proper indication
occurred after the valve cycled postlanding for fuel cell shutdown
KSC: Troubleshoot wiring and replace oxygen manifold 1 panel after

I Low Frequency Uplink
Command Difficulty
098:14:57 G.m.t.
IM 56RP04
IPR 51V-0005
Degraded communications were observed on NSP 2 and on NSP 1. Both
occurrences were after several hours of nominal use of the respective
NSPfs. Low frequency is a common denominator, switching to high
frequency cleared up problem. Switched back to low frequency on flight
Iday I .
KSC: Measure coaxial cable temperatures and verify connector

STS-56-V-04 High Data Rate Downlink 098:12:30 G.m.t. Downlink data quality degraded on both Ku-band channels 2 and 3 when
Proble~ns IPR 5lV-0003 when 32 Mbps or 48 Mbps data were put on the Ku-band channel 3 in
Payload M x (PL MAX) mode (PM mode). When 2 %ps data were put on
channel 3 in PL MAX mode, data quality was intermittent. Bldg 45 chit
approved to delay removal of ATLAS payload.

STS-56-V-05 Aft Bulkhead T h e m 1 Payload bay thermal blanket on the aft bulkhead was partially detached.
Blanket Loose KSC: Evaluate postlanding.

STS-56-V-06 Universal Pointing Total 099:13:30 G.m.t. Curing execution of the SUSIPl Alignment Procedure Part B, there was an
DAP Error Buildup unexpected change in roll attitude while the DAP was in the Inertial
mode. While holding this attitude, roll total errors indicated a
change in roll attitude of approximately -0.03 deg/min; however, DAP
TRANSFERRED TO WA errors remained within the 0.033 deg/min deadband. The problem was
repeated and a workaround of using DAP auto mode was proven successful.
KSC: No action required.

I Deleted.

Number Title Reference Comments

STS-56-V-08 Water m a s s Valve 099:03:54 G.m.t. The water loop 2 interchanger bypass valve was slow closing when in the
Controller Slow controller mode. The valve is closing with the specification
requirewnts when closed manually. This performance matches the data
LEVEL I11 CLOSURE of STS-53 and STS-42.
KSC: No KSC action required.

STS-56-V-09 ATVC 4 Power Loss 104:07:07 G.m.t. Curing FCS checkout mode/channel switch checkout, ATVC 4 showed
Indication IM 5 6 W 0 6 anomalous power signature on all SSHE actuators. The signature is
IPR 51V-0004 indicative of an internal power supply anomaly in ATVC 4.
W C : Trouble shooting did not reproduce problem; ATVC 4 was
replaced with Ffl 29.

STS-56-V-10 Commander's HIU Pailed 104:07:56 G.n.t. Commander reported that his Headset Interface Unit (HIU) had failed.
LE?JEL I11 CLOSURE IM 56RF03 Switched to a spare unit.

STS-56-4-11 T X S Jam 104:17:17 G.m.t. At 104:17:17 G.m.t., the crew reported that the TAGS paper had jammed
around the cutter bar. The crew performed the required malfunction
procedure (2.8). The crew opened the paper transport door and removed
paper which had accordioned at the cutter bar. The crew then threaded
paper into the lower path with the power on, and the lower booster
rollers fed the paper into the developer, causing it to jam in the

STS-56-V-12 Fuel Cell 1 Substack 3 IN 56RF05 The fuel cell 1 substack 3 differential voltage (A Volts) increased
A Voltage Increases During PR-PCP-3-17-0298 during reactant purging and gradually decreased between purges.
Purge The increase during purges was a few millivolts larger with each
succeeding purge. This condition is indicative of reactant port
plugging in one or more cells in substack 3.
KSC: Removed and replaced fuel cell 1.

STS-56-V-13 RCS Thmster LSD Heater IM 56RF07 RCS thruster L5D oxidizer and fuel injector temperatures stayed above
Failed On IPR 51V-0011 220°P during the flight. Normally, these temperatures decrease below
17S0P. Temperatures decreased steadily when heaters were turned off
prior to entry operations. Possible failed-on 10W thruster heater.
RSC: Remove and replace thruster LSD.

STS-56-V-14 PIADS Didn't Record m e n 107:09:03 G.m.t. The Mdular Auxiliary Data Systems ( M A E ) recorder failed to move when
Colrmanded Prior to Entry "Record" was initiated by IACO sending the " P M ON" conrmand and the
"WS ON" command at 107:09:03 G.m.t. The Recorder-Recording BITE
m L 111 -SURE (V78X9604) didn't go positive, indicating "Good" until
107:09:09:37.5 G.m.t.; followed by the Recorder Tape Motion BITE
(V78X9605E) indicating "Good" at 107:09:09:38.5 G.m.t. This is a delay
of over 6 minutes.
KSC: M A E recorder replaced.


Problem Element Description Comments/Status

1. STS-56-T-1 External Tank A postflight review of The ET's intertank TPS application, effective ET-51 and subsequent, employs
the astronauts' hand-held the use of two CPR foam spray guns which fill the valleys between the
camera film revealed structural stringers and covers them in a single foam spray.
approximately 10 rather Task I. Failure Investigation (Pending)
large and unique divots Task 11. Corrective Action (Pending Investigation)
of the ET-54 intertank Task 111 Clearance of Effectivities (ET-56, STS-55). Based on the
acreage (-2 axis). previous flights of the same intertank configuration.
The following applies:
Divots are within experience base
Evaluation of divots indicates shallow surface foam loss
- Photographs do not indicate bondline concerns
- No heating concern for intertank
- Orbiter tile damage for STS-56 and other two-gun spray ET's
is within flight experience base
STS-42 IFA resulted in a detailed review of spray process
qualification, build and nonconformance paper for ET's 51,
52, and 53. No definitive cause identified
Task IV Cause and Corrective Action Sununary
(Pending Investigation)
Based on the effectivities discussion within Task 111, the problem was
deferred on April 22, 1993 for the next six months in the Level 111 MSFC
PRACA tracking system. This deferral presently covers flights STS-55,
STS-57, STS-51, and STS-58. Deferred

2. STS-564-1 Redesigned Solid During the postflight The scratched primary sealing surface was 0.58 inch from the forward
Rocket M t o r inspection of the left edge of the aft dome boss I D at 55.8O and measured 0.040 inch long. Raised
RSW( nozzle-to-case oetal was detected, however, no damage was found on any of the
joint, a srall, axial nozzle-to-case joint O-rings. Also, the damaged metal sealing surface
scratch was observed on did not affect the sealing function of the joint O-rings, vhich
the aft dome boss primacy performed flawlessly during the flight. A mold impression of the scratch
sealing surface at 55.E0. was taken and later measured at the laboratory. The measured impression
reflected the scratch was 0.0003 inch deep with 0.0002 inch of raised metal
This condition causes concern that the damged metal sealing surface could
adversely affect seal function. Similar conditions have been observed on
other recent flights. As a result, a "Scratch and Contamination
Elimination" team was formed in Septerber 1992, consisting of principal
%FC and RSRn contractor personnel. Since this trend has not been
completely explained and continues to recur, the PRCB assigned this item
as an in-flight anomaly with emphasis on a scratch team action to return
with results and recomendations of their investigation. The culmination
of the teams8 efforts determined appropriate recurrence control which has
been inplemented in three areas:
a. Operator awaremess and sensitivity:
b. Communications: and
c. Process reviews.
Operator awarenes was heightened by the implementation of centralized
training, eliminating contaminants and scratches through imprevement and
standardization of operator understanding and skills. Co-ications
improvement was realized by increasing the involvement of the work centers
toward timely and effective PEAR closures. Finally, the process reviews

Problem Element Description Comments/Status

STS-564-1 have resulted in improved general cleanliness practices (i-e., cleaning of

(Continued) workbenches, enhancements to handling and protection of hardware, better
use of contamination clothing and tooling, and the use of lifting arrange-
ments without weight test dates). The actions taken by this tema are
adequate to minimize the occurrence of similar damage to future hardware.
Since the enhancements are not effective until STS-60 (RSRM-35). it is
possible that similar findings of contamination and scratches may be noted
during the interim period.
Several factors provide rationale for safe future flights during the
interim period and beyond. (I) A preflight leak check provides positive
verification of the joint's sealing capability. The nozzle-to-case joint's
primary O-ring, secondary O-ring, and packings with retainers are tested
at high pressure (920 _+ 10 psig) and at low pressure (30 _+ 3 psig) at low
bolt torque and again at high pressure with high bolt torque.
(2) The postflight assessment of the joint O-rings revealed no damage to
to the seals because of the minimum surface flaw (0.0003 in. deep with
0.0002 inch of raised metal. (3) The minimum O-ring footprint for the
nozzle-to-case joint O-ring is 0.116 inch at 14.49 percent squeeze
('lWR-50063). The minim footprint for the subject primary O-ring (as
built) was 0.143 inch at 19.5 percent squeeze ('IWR-63650-31). The
discussed scratch length of 0.040 inch violates only 35 percent of the
mini- O-ring footprint.
The in-flight anomaly was closed at the Level I1 PRCB (PRCBD No. S044895B)
on May 20, 1993. The problem report was closed in the Level I11 NSFC
PRACA tracking system for STS-57 and subsequent on May 20, 1993. Closed.

3. STS-56-51 Solid Rocket The left SRB aft skirt The plunger and spring from holddoun post (HDP) 5 were found in the MLP
Booster HW 5 plunger and spring support post after the launch. The plunger is designed to seal the
escaped from the debris exit bore within the debris containment device (DCD) to prevent
containment device (DCD) potential debris from escaping into the SRB plume. This was the first
at lift-off. occurrence of this type anomaly with the DCD design, which dates back
to STS-26R (28 flights).
The concern associated with this circumstance is that the plunger and
spring become additional debris (not previously considered) during
lift-off. A f4SPC/KSC/USBI anomaly tear was formed to better under-
stand this failure and perform an investigation in the following
areas: (1) Design and Analysis; (2) Loads and Environments; (3) Flight
Hardware; and (4) Assembly and Installation. All affected components
were tested and correct material properties were verified. Examination
of the plunger shoulder fracture surfaces directed the investigation
to conclude that the plunger failed in a multiple-event sequence.
First, the plunger struck the top of the frangible nut halves, breaking
off four sections at the edges (shoulder) of the flange cutouts. ~t
has been demonstrated by test that a zero or near zero skewed firing
contributes to frangible nut recontact with the plunger. The physical
evidence indicates zero skew existed during the firing of the NASA
standard detonators (USD). Second, the plunger impacted the spherical
washer at the seating surface, causing the remaining edges of the
plunger to fail.

Problem Element Description Conunents/Status

3. STS-56-8-1 USBI and Rockwell International performed statistical analyses to

(Continued) determine the debris risk to the vehicle. The reliability of the
plunger assembly operation on any given flight was determined to be
0.9646. Rockwell reevaluated the probability of vehicle impact due to
the additional debris (spring and plunger) and concluded the
probability to be less than 0.054 percent. The analyses concluded that
the reliability of the plunger systems in combination with the low
probability of no HDP debris impact to the vehicle of 0.99998.
Consequently, this problem is not considered a safety of flight issue.
Since this incident was a random occurrence which presents very low
probability of debris impact to the vehicle, no corrective action is
required. It should also be noted that the affected harware involves
non-reusable parts. The Level I1 IFA closure was accepted at the noon PRCB
(PRCBD no. S044895A) on April 21, 1993. The problem report was
subsequently closed in the Level I11 MSFC PRACA tracking system for STS-57,
and subsequent on May 24, 1993. Closed.

4. STS-56-E-1 Space shuttle Main I)uring the propellant The aft compartment environment was believed to be different for this
Engine loading on STS-56, on flow, and the reason has not yet been identified. All aft compartment
April 6 and April 8, 1993 parameters, both orbiter and SSME, have been reviewed, and no condition
both of the ME-1 was observed that indicated any associated anomaly existed. It has
anti-flood valve skin been demonstrated (STS-26R FRF) that the AFV skin temperature are
temperature measurements influenced by the aft compartment environment.
read 60°F to 70°F warmer After much discussion, an K C deviation (PRCBD 72379DA) was written to
than normal. implement a workaround for ME-1. The AFV skin temperatures 1 and 2
and GO interface temperature were monitored from T-2 minute 55 seconds
to T-31 seconds via RPS stripcharts for a 5°F terprature drop maximum to
verify no leakage past the ME-1 anti-flood valve.
The AN LCC limit ensures protection against oxidizer leakage. The LCC
limit is set for 100" below the obserrved aft compartment temperature. The
limit assures that no liquid oxidizer formation reaches the heat exchanger
coil. Postflight inspection of the associated SSME hardware (skin tenper-
ature sensors and/or purge ducts) revealed nominal conditions and config-
uration. Efforts have been presently directed toward the Orbiter to deter-
mine if any purges of the aft coapartment or vents from the drag chute
coxpartment were different on STS-56. The investigation is continuing.
The AN sensors from engine 2024 will be x-ray-inspected for possible
bonding problems. It is not believed anything anomalous will be found,
since the sensors provided nominal data during the flight. After
inspection, the sensors will be removed and replaced as an added .
precautionary measure. The in-flight anomaly will not be addressed until
the next two missions have flown (waiting for the Discovery flight,
STS-51). This will help determine if this condition resulted from a
problem with the sensors or Discovery's aft conpartment/environment, since
engine 2024 is assigned to a different Orbiter (Columbia instead of
Discovery). If the countdown and flight data from these missions establish
the sensor or engines are not responsible, the SSME Project will recornmend
that the in-flight anomaly either be transferred to Shuttle Integration,
if appropriate, or be closed out as an unexplained anomaly. -we

In an attempt to define the official as well as the unofficial sources of data

for this STS-56 Mission Report, the following list is provided.
Flight Requirements Document
Public Affairs Press Kit
Customer Support Room Daily Reports
MER Daily Reports
MER Mission Summary Report
MER Quick Look Report
MER Problem Tracking List
MER Event Times
Subsystem Manager Reports/Inputs
MOD Systems Anomaly List
MSFC Flash Report
MSFC Event Times
MSFC Interim Report
Crew Debriefing comments
Shuttle Operational Data Book

The following is a list of the acronyms and abbreviations and their definitions
as these items are used in this document.
ACR Active Cavity Radiometer
AEM animal enclosure module
AFV anti-flood valve
AMOS Air Force Maui Optical Site
APU auxiliary power unit
ATLAS-2 Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science
ATCS Active thermal control system
ATMOS Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy
ATVC ascent thrust vector control
BPM bioprocessing module
BSM booster separation motor
CCTV closed circuit television
CMIX Commercial Materials Dispersions Apparatus Assembly
CPM cell performance monitor
CREAM Cosmic Ray Effects and Activation Monitor
DAP digital autopilot
dB decibel
DPS data processing system
DSO Detailed Supplementary Objective
DTO Development Test Objective
AV differential velocity
ECLSS Environmental Control and Life Support System
EPDC electrical power distribution and control subsystem
ESA European Space Agency
ET External Tank
EURECA European Carrier Satellite
EVA extravehicular activity
FCL Freon coolant loop
FCS flight control system
FDA fault detection and annunciation subsystem
FES flash evaporator system
FM frequency modulation
FPV flow proportioning valve
GAS getaway special
GH gaseous hydrogen
G.m. t.
ground launch sequencer
Greenwich mean time
GO gaseous oxygen
Global Positioning System
Goddard Space Flight Center
HAP HERCULES attitude processor
HDP hold down ~ o s t
HDRR high data ;ate recorder
HERCULES Hand-Held, Earth-Oriented, Real-Time, Cooperative, User-Friendly,
Location-Targeting and Environmental System
HIMU HERCULES inertial measurement unit
HIU headset interface unit
HPFTP high pressure fuel turbopump
HPOTP high pressure oxidizer turbopump
HPU hydraulic power unit
HRM high-rate multiplexer
IAPU improved auxiliary power unit
IFM in-flight maintenance
ISP specific impulse
ITA Instrumentation Technology Associates
keas knots estimated air speed
KSC Kennedy Space Center
KUSP Ku-band signal processor
kwh kilowatt hours
LCC Launch Commit Criteria
LESC Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Company
liquid hydrogen
liquid oxygen
Laser Technology Inc.
MADS modular auxiliary data system
MAS Millimeter Wave Atmospheric Sounder
MDA Materials Dispersion Apparatus
MECO main engine cutoff
MELIOS Mini Eyesafe Laser Infrared Observation Set
MET mission elapsed time
MUD main landing gear door
MLP mobile launch platform
MPS main propulsion system
MPESS mission peculiar experiment support structure
MSFC George C. Marshall Space Flight Center
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NC1 nominal correction 1
NLG nose landing gear
NLGD nose landing gear door
NPC nominal plane change
NPSP net positive suction pressure
NSP network signal processor
NSR nominal slow rate
NSTS National Space Transportation System
01 operational instrumentation
OMRSD Operations and Maintenance Requirements and Specifications Document
OMS orbital maneuvering subsystem
PADM portable audio data modem
PAL protuberance air load
PARE Physiological and Anatomical Rodent Experiment
PDU playback/downlink unit
PGSC payload general support computer
PLBD payload bay door
PM phase modulation
PMBT propellant mean bulk temperature
PPm parts per million
PRSD power reactant storage and distribution
PTI programmed test input
RCC reinforced carbon carbon
RCS reaction control subsystem
REM release-engage mechanism
RME-I11 radiation monitoring equipment-I11
RMS remote manipulator system
RSRM Redesigned Solid Rocket Motor
S&A safe and arm
SAREX-I1 Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment-I1
SIP strain isolation pad
SODB Shuttle Operational Data Book
SOLCON Solar Constant experiment
SOLSPEC Solar Spectrum measurement
SPARTAN-201 Shuttle Pointed Autonomous Research Tool for Astronomy-201
SPF Software Production Facility
SRB Solid Rocket Booster
SRSS Shuttle Range Safety System
SSBW Shuttle Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet experiment
SSME Space Shuttle main engine
ST1 Shuttle thermal imager
STL Space Tissue Loss experiment
STS Space Transportation System
SUSIM Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Monitor experiment
SWE Solar Ultraviolet Experiment
TAGS text and graphics system
TCS thermal control system
TEPC Tissue Equivalent Proportion Counter
TIPS thermal impulse printer system
-- TPS
thermal protection system/subsystem
Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
U. S. Marine Corps
WCS Ultraviolet Coronal Spectrometer
v volt
W Watt
WCS Waste Collection System
WLC White Light Coronagraph
WSB water spray boiler

J3C- 08283 - STS-.56 Space S h u t t l e Mission Report D i s t r i b u t i o n L i s t
NASA Headquarters AP4/s. m a ( 3 ) ES/D. C. Wade W/L. D. Austin Dr. John G. Stewart James R. Womack
QP/B. Greenly BY4/Histow Office ( 2 ) E S P . G. m l l e n ( 2 ) WE/R. D. White Manager, O f f i c e of JPW301-440
QP/R. Perry CA/D. Leestma Es3/Y. C. Chang %/W. J. Moon Planning and Budget 4800 Oak Grove Dr
QFfl. Greenfield cq/s.. A. Hawley ES3/P. Serna ZR/Lt. Col. J. McLeroy TVA E6C9 Pasadena, CA 91109
MCF/D. Hedin CA4/R. F i l l e r ES6/C. W. Norris ( 2 ) ZR12/J. A. Yannie 400 Commerce Avenue
la3/c. Perry CA4/J. W i l l i a m ET/C. A. Graves, Jr. ( 8 ) BARR/J. White Knoxville, TN 37902 James V. Zirmwrman
a / R . L. Gibson (10) ET3/T. I a r r e l l BARR/A. Jones NASA European Rep
Goddard Space P l t Ctr CB/II. c01gan EFJFDSD Library BARR/R. Hennan John W i l l i a m s c/o American Embassy
300/R. C. Bauman CBn. 9. Cameron ( 5 ) M/J. W. Seyl ( 2 ) EQiS/Hamilton Standard 1995 Ferndale Place APO New York, NY 09777
700fr. E. Huber CB/T. Henricks Gq/B. 8. Shaw rn/mAsM ( 3 ) Thousands Oaks, CA 91360
710fl. Meyer DA/Library GA/T. W. Holloway Capt. J. Behling
730/E. I. Powers DA15/D. Nelson w,m. C. Schultz Loral-Houston Ames Research Center 6555 ASTG/SWP
730.1/J. P. Young N / S . G. Bales JL4/R. L. Squires F664S/D. H i l l Moffett F i e l d , CA 94035 Cape Canaveral AFS, FL.
4 0 0 p . Weyers N / R . K. Holkan W/Library (3) 233-17/J. Hart 32925
IOO/P..T. Burr n M p . Legler W 2 / D . S. P o r t r e e m.
A. Colonna
302fl. I. Bangs W/Library LA/W. L. Draper m i t e Sands Test F a c i l i t y C. Woodland, Prog. Mgr. LESC-Houston
313/R. M a r r i o t t DE4/P. cerna KT/T. R. b e ( 2 ) P. 0 . Drawer PP( SPAR Aerospace Limited B08/J. Vinson
130/J. mtr W/J. Knight NA2F(. E d n g e r Las Cruces, Nt4 88004 9445 A i r p o r t Road B08/P. Davis
DP72/Q. Carelock NDm. c. Perry Bralpton, Ontario, C07/LESC Library
Library-D (20 copies)
I114/D. Rickerl
a l 4 r n a d FAO
ND3/L. Usfallen
BS/D. w. m i t t l a
External D i s t r i b u t i o n
Hr. W i l l i s M. Hawkins
Canada, LbS4J3 C12/D. Harrison
C12/R. W. Frickn ( L O )
m.J. Shriver m411/E. B. Pippert P m . L. Berry Senior Advisor A. S. Jones ( 2 ) C24fl. t i . M i l l e t
LSD-42Ofl. K. H o l l i s nr/J. F. Nhit.1~ PWJ. R. G a m Lockheed Corporation SPAR Aerospace Limited C87/D. Weissiager
U0-344pi. Linger M45/n. LaBlanc PT3/S. M r r i s P. 0 . Box 551 9445 Airport Road
=MIA. nitskevich I116/J. L. C l e m n t SA/C. L. nuntoon Burbank, CA 91520 Braupton, Ontario GE Government Services
ffi47/Si. Sup's v. D. Womack Canada L6S4J3 1050 Bay Area Blvd.
ffi66p. Laapazzi
K67/C. Mede
SD/S. L. Pool
SD2/R. D. B i l l i c a
MA-Lewis Research Center
Cleveland, OH. 44135 J. Middleton
Houston, TX 77058
Attn: A. Verrengia
WJ. C. H ~ r p o l d SD24p. A. Rushing Attn: 333-1/T. F u l l e r SPAR Aerospace Limited
U¶22/J. R. Plontalbano S M p . Cintron 9445 Airport Road RW
m22/w. H o l l i s t e r SDS/J. r 3 a r l e s Russell A. Larson Braapton, Ontario 1 Space Park Drive
LWD. Rughes SE/J. A. b r i g f o r d M i l Stop 4A Canada L6S4J3 Rl1/1850 - L. S t y t l e
Elr/L. S. Uicholson m5/D. Pitts Charles S t a r k Draper Lab. Redondo Beach. CA 90278
ECfl. E. E l l i s SP/C. D. Perner ( 5 ) 555 Technology Square N. Parmet
Langley Research Center ECD. H. S a m TA/C. 8. Lambart Caxbridge, HA 02139 5907 Sunrise Drive HQ APSPACECCXVmSL
Technical Library/ EC3/D. F. Hughes K3/S. Castle ( 2 ) Fairway, Kansas 66205 Bldg 1 Stop 7
H a i l Stop 185 EC2/J. G. Rmkin K3/J. Lowe M r . I r a Grant Hedrick Peterson AFB
EC4/L. 0. Carey TC3n. B N C ~ Presidential Assistant R. Peterson Colorado Springs, Co 80914
EC3/E. Winkler T J A . E. Bell f o r Corporate Technology 3303 San Gabriel ~ t t n :a p t . S. n. young
EC3fl. Rotter ( 2 ) TJ2/G. W. Sandars G- Aerospace Corp Clearwater, PL 34619
EC3p. Coma m/G. Nield ( 2 ) Bethpage, NY 11714 Lockheed Advanced
Rockwell-Houston EC6/J. W. mBarron m / D - mrphy Aerospace Corporation Development Co.
R12A-l30/J. C. Snoudan EE/J. G r i f f i n trm. n. erra any Dr. Seymour C. Himmsl P. 0. Box 92957 P.O. Box 250
Rl2A-l30/J. P. Shea EE2/H. A. Vang vA/P. C. Glynn 12700 Lake Avenue, #I501 Los Angeles, CA 90009 Sunland, CA. 91041
ZCOl/C. R i t r i v i EE3/P. Shack W/D. W. Carp Lakewood, OH 44107 Attn: W. Smith, M5/619 Attn: D. Urie D/1212,
IUOB/R. Pechacek EE6/L. Leonard W/E. R. Hischke 9375, P/D6
Rl6U/K. n. R a b EE6/R. R u s W2fl. J. Gaylor nr. ~ o h nF. I I C D ~ M ~ ~ McDonnell Douglas-Houston
ZCOl/J. m o d a l l EE7fl. D. S c h ~ l z W2/R. Brasher Vice President-Technical T3A/A. D. Hockenbury R. Birman
Zcolfl. s c o t t EE7/J. C. Dallas W31fl. T. S u f f r e d i n i Services General E l e c t r i c Co.
ZCOl/L. Jenkins ET5/J. A. Lawrence W 3 2 p . G. Swan (13) TigerAir, Inc. T. Myers, Sys Tech, Inc. Space Division
ZCOl/J. Plechelay EGfr. J. Blucker . VGm. Kolkhorst 3000 North Claybourn Ave 13766 So. Hawthorne Blvd. P. 0. Box 8555
EG2fl. D. Frank mr/e. E. Wright Burbank, CA 91505 Hawthorne, CA 90250 P h i l a d e l p h i a , PA 19101
Rockvell-KSC EG3/R. Barton W 2 / C . Critzos
W 6 p . Mson EG3/P. Rolere W 2 / J . w. H i s t r o t Darryl S t r i c k l a n d L. R. AdkinsflBn Bldg Headquarters, SMC
EG3/S. Derry W 2 F . E. M r i n s k i (25) P. 0 . Box 1940 M i l Code 6206 Attn. : sMc/m
AA/A. Cohen
ES/W. I. Trahan
EP2/H. J. Brasseaux
W/C. nccullough ( 3 )
VP12/D. r i t t s ( 2 )
North Highlands, CA
3700 Bay Area Boulevard
Houston, TX 77058
Major D. Joslyn
Los Angeles AP Base
AC/D. A. Nebrig EP2/L. Rhodes ( 2 ) VP5/J. P. 0. Box 92960
M/J. W. Young EP5fl'. L. Davies VR/D. D. Ewart TRW Los Angeles, CA 90009-2960
AP3/J. E. Carr ( 4 ) ERJW. W. Guy W. G. Williams Houston, TX 77058
Attn: C. Peterson/HS

NotiFy W2/R. W. P r i c k s (713-483-3313) of any c o r r e c t i o n , a d d i t i o n s , o r d e l e t i o n s t o t h i s list.

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