Choose An Item. Choose An Item. Choose An Item.: Assessment For Learning

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Masa/Kelas/Mata 2.20-3.20 p.m. / 2 GIGIH / BAHASA INGGERIS


Tajuk Introduction / World of Self, Family and Friends / Listening

Standard Kandungan Main Skill

1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Complementary Skill
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts

Standard Main Skill

Pembelajaran 1.2.3 Understand with support very short simple narratives
Complementary Skill
1.2.4 Understand an increased range of short basic supported classroom

Kriteria Kejayaan By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
● Rearrange 6 out of 6 pictures correctly in groups

Aktiviti Pre-lesson
1. Teacher pastes pictures of story on the whiteboard.
2. Teacher elicits from pupils what they know of the story.
3. Teacher plays audio recording.
4. Pupils look at their books and point at the correct pictures.
5. Pupils work together to rearrange the pictures.
6. Pupils return to their groups.
7. Teacher checks answers.

KBAT / Skil ☒ Language ☐ Science and technology ☐ ICT

Pembelajaran / i- ☐ Patriotism ☐ Creativity and innovation ☐ Global sustainability
THINK ☐ Values ☐ Entrepreneurship ☒ Thinking skills (HOTS)

☐ Mastery learning ☐ Multiple intelligences ☐ Constructivism

☐ Contextual learning ☐ Learning How to skills ☐ Values and citizenship
☐ Project-based ☒ Collaborative ☐ Knowledge acquisition

BBM Audio Picture cards Choose an item.

Assessment for Learning Round robin Choose an item. Choose an item.

Refleksi _____ / 38 pupils were able to carry out the task.

_____ pupils still needed guidance.


Guru Besar / Penolong Kanan / Penolong Kanan Petang: …………………………………


Masa/Kelas/Mata 4.40-5.40 p.m. / 2 RAJIN / BAHASA INGGERIS


Tajuk Introduction / World of Self, Family and Friends / Listening

Standard Kandungan Main Skill

1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Complementary Skill
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts

Standard Main Skill

Pembelajaran 1.2.3 Understand with support very short simple narratives
Complementary Skill
1.2.4 Understand an increased range of short basic supported classroom

Kriteria Kejayaan By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
● Rearrange 6 out of 6 pictures correctly in groups

Aktiviti Pre-lesson
1. Teacher pastes pictures of story on the whiteboard.
2. Teacher elicits from pupils what they know of the story.
3. Teacher plays audio recording.
4. Pupils look at their books and point at the correct pictures.
5. Pupils work together to rearrange the pictures.
6. Pupils return to their groups.
7. Teacher checks answers.

KBAT / Skil ☒ Language ☐ Science and technology ☐ ICT

Pembelajaran / i- ☐ Patriotism ☐ Creativity and innovation ☐ Global sustainability
THINK ☐ Values ☐ Entrepreneurship ☒ Thinking skills (HOTS)

☐ Mastery learning ☐ Multiple intelligences ☐ Constructivism

☐ Contextual learning ☐ Learning How to skills ☐ Values and citizenship
☐ Project-based ☒ Collaborative ☐ Knowledge acquisition

BBM Audio Picture cards Choose an item.

Assessment for Learning Round robin Choose an item. Choose an item.

Refleksi _____ / 23 pupils were able to carry out the task.

_____ pupils still needed guidance.


Guru Besar / Penolong Kanan / Penolong Kanan Petang: …………………………………


Masa/Kelas/Mata 1.20-2.20 p.m. / 3 JUJUR / BAHASA INGGERIS


Tajuk Every day / World of Self, Family and Friends / Listening (L23)

Standard Kandungan Main Skill

2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Complementary Skill
1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts

Standard Main Skill

Pembelajaran 2.1.2 Find out about personal information by asking basic questions
Complementary Skill
1.2.5 Understand an increased range of short supported questions

Kriteria Kejayaan By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:

Aktiviti Pre-lesson
1. Teacher reviews previous vocabulary.
2. Have pupils ask their partners about their parents.
3. Monitor as pupils do the pairwork activity.
4. Tell pupils they will do a class survey. Give pupils the worksheet (one per
pair) and ask them to write a question.
5. Tell pairs to ask 5 pair (10 pupils) their question and write yes or no for each
pupil they will interview.
6. Use a model on the board to show how to complete the chart on the
worksheet. Each block represents one answer.
7. Pupils complete the worksheet in their pairs.
6. Teacher checks answers.

KBAT / Skil ☒ Language ☐ Science and technology ☐ ICT

Pembelajaran / i- ☐ Patriotism ☐ Creativity and innovation ☐ Global sustainability
THINK ☐ Values ☐ Entrepreneurship ☒ Thinking skills (HOTS)

☒ Mastery learning ☐ Multiple intelligences ☒ Constructivism

☐ Contextual learning ☐ Learning How to skills ☐ Values and citizenship
☐ Project-based ☒ Collaborative ☐ Knowledge acquisition

BBM Flashcards Choose an item. Choose an item.

Assessment for Learning Think-pair-share i-Think map Choose an item.

Refleksi _____ / 36 pupils were able to carry out the task.

_____ pupils still needed guidance.


Guru Besar / Penolong Kanan / Penolong Kanan Petang: …………………………………

MINGGU: 07 HARI: RABU TARIKH: 20/02/2019

Masa/Kelas/Mata 1.20-2.20 p.m. / 2 RAJIN / BAHASA INGGERIS


Tajuk Free Time / World of Self, Family and Friends / Writing

Standard Kandungan Main Skill

4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of
purposes in print and digital media
Complementary Skill
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by
using appropriate reading strategies

Standard Main Skill

Pembelajaran 4.3.1 Use capital letters and full stops appropriately in guided writing at
sentence level
Complementary Skill
3.2.4 Use a picture dictionary to find, list and categorise words from Year 2
topics and theme

Kriteria Kejayaan By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
● Write at least 3 out of 5 sentences with correct capitalization
and punctuation

Aktiviti Pre-lesson
1. Teacher recaps and elicits from pupils activities that can be done
during free time with pictures.
2. Teacher introduces sentence format to pupils without capitalization
and punctuation marks.
3. Teacher elicits from pupils what is wrong about those sentences.
4. Pupils take turns to correct the sentences on the whiteboard.
5. Pupils write their own sentences in their workbooks.
6. Teacher checks answers.

KBAT / Skil ☒ Language ☐ Science and technology ☐ ICT

Pembelajaran / i- ☐ Patriotism ☐ Creativity and innovation ☐ Global sustainability
THINK ☐ Values ☐ Entrepreneurship ☒ Thinking skills (HOTS)

☒ Mastery learning ☐ Multiple intelligences ☒ Constructivism

☐ Contextual learning ☐ Learning How to skills ☐ Values and citizenship
☐ Project-based ☐ Collaborative ☐ Knowledge acquisition

BBM Picture cards Choose an item. Choose an item.

Assessment for Learning Stand-n-share Choose an item. Choose an item.

Refleksi _____ / 23 pupils were able to carry out the task.

_____ pupils still needed guidance.


Guru Besar / Penolong Kanan / Penolong Kanan Petang: …………………………………

MINGGU: 07 HARI: RABU TARIKH: 20/02/2019

Masa/Kelas/Mata 2.50-3.50 p.m. / 2 GIGIH / BAHASA INGGERIS


Tajuk Free Time / World of Self, Family and Friends / Writing

Standard Kandungan Main Skill

4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of
purposes in print and digital media
Complementary Skill
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by
using appropriate reading strategies

Standard Main Skill

Pembelajaran 4.3.1 Use capital letters and full stops appropriately in guided writing at
sentence level
Complementary Skill
3.2.4 Use a picture dictionary to find, list and categorise words from Year 2
topics and theme

Kriteria Kejayaan By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
● Write at least 3 out of 5 sentences with correct capitalization
and punctuation

Aktiviti Pre-lesson
1. Teacher recaps and elicits from pupils activities that can be done
during free time with pictures.
2. Teacher introduces sentence format to pupils without capitalization
and punctuation marks.
3. Teacher elicits from pupils what is wrong about those sentences.
4. Pupils take turns to correct the sentences on the whiteboard.
5. Pupils write their own sentences in their workbooks.
6. Teacher checks answers.

KBAT / Skil ☒ Language ☐ Science and technology ☐ ICT

Pembelajaran / i- ☐ Patriotism ☐ Creativity and innovation ☐ Global sustainability
THINK ☐ Values ☐ Entrepreneurship ☒ Thinking skills (HOTS)

☒ Mastery learning ☐ Multiple intelligences ☒ Constructivism

☐ Contextual learning ☐ Learning How to skills ☐ Values and citizenship
☐ Project-based ☐ Collaborative ☐ Knowledge acquisition

BBM Picture cards Choose an item. Choose an item.

Assessment for Learning Stand-n-share Choose an item. Choose an item.

Refleksi _____ / 38 pupils were able to carry out the task.

_____ pupils still needed guidance.


Guru Besar / Penolong Kanan / Penolong Kanan Petang: …………………………………

MINGGU: 07 HARI: RABU TARIKH: 20/02/2019

Masa/Kelas/Mata 4.40-5.40 p.m. / 3 JUJUR / BAHASA INGGERIS


Tajuk Every day / World of Self, Family and Friends / Reading (L24)

Standard Kandungan Main Skill

3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by
using appropriate reading strategies
Complementary Skill
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by
using appropriate reading strategies

Standard Main Skill

Pembelajaran 3.2.4 Use a picture dictionary to find, list and categorise words from Year 2
topics and theme
Complementary Skill
3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple sentences

Kriteria Kejayaan By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
● Ask a simple question and answer “Yes, I do” or “No, I don’t”

Aktiviti Pre-lesson
1. Play a word game and introduce the dictionary.
3. Elicit and write the alphabet on the board.
4. Write the word cat on the board. Model using a dictionary to find the word
and read the definition.
5. Put the pictures of the people from Student’s Book p.18 on the board. Show
pupils the word cards and put them randomly on the board too.
6. Have pupils work in at least seven groups. Assign one word to each group.
7. For each of the seven words, ask one pupil to come out and move their
word card next to the correct picture on the board.
6. Ask pupils what their parents work as.

KBAT / Skil ☒ Language ☐ Science and technology ☐ ICT

Pembelajaran / i- ☐ Patriotism ☐ Creativity and innovation ☐ Global sustainability
THINK ☒ Values ☐ Entrepreneurship ☐ Thinking skills (HOTS)

☒ Mastery learning ☐ Multiple intelligences ☐ Constructivism

☒ Contextual learning ☐ Learning How to skills ☐ Values and citizenship
☐ Project-based ☒ Collaborative ☐ Knowledge acquisition

BBM Picture cards Dictionary Choose an item.

Assessment for Learning Think-pair-share Choose an item. Choose an item.

Refleksi _____ / 36 pupils were able to carry out the task.

_____ pupils still needed guidance.


Guru Besar / Penolong Kanan / Penolong Kanan Petang: …………………………………


Masa/Kelas/Mata 5.10-6.10 p.m. / 2 GIGIH / BAHASA INGGERIS


Tajuk The Old House / World of Stories / Speaking

Standard Kandungan Main Skill

1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Complementary Skill
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of
purposes in print and digital media

Standard Main Skill

Pembelajaran 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of simple
Complementary Skill
4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of familiar high frequency words accurately in
guided writing

Kriteria Kejayaan By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
● Answer at least 4 out of 6 questions correctly

Aktiviti Pre-lesson
1. Teacher shows video of house to pupils.
2. Teacher elicits from pupils what they think they will be learning.
3. Pupils listen to the chant.
4. Pupils follow along by pointing to the words in their books.
5. Pupils identify the rooms based on the chant.
6. Pupils take turns to paste the names of the rooms on the whiteboard.
7. Teacher recaps the lesson.

KBAT / Skil ☒ Language ☐ Science and technology ☒ ICT

Pembelajaran / i- ☐ Patriotism ☐ Creativity and innovation ☐ Global sustainability
THINK ☐ Values ☐ Entrepreneurship ☐ Thinking skills (HOTS)

☒ Mastery learning ☐ Multiple intelligences ☒ Constructivism

☐ Contextual learning ☐ Learning How to skills ☒ Values and citizenship
☐ Project-based ☐ Collaborative ☐ Knowledge acquisition

BBM Video Song Choose an item.

Assessment for Learning Stand-n-share Perform Choose an item.

Refleksi _____ / 38 pupils were able to carry out the task.

_____ pupils still needed guidance.


Guru Besar / Penolong Kanan / Penolong Kanan Petang: …………………………………


Masa/Kelas/Mata 4.10-5.10 p.m. / 3 JUJUR / BAHASA INGGERIS


Tajuk Every day / World of Self, Family and Friends / Writing (L25)

Standard Kandungan Main Skill

4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of
purposes in print and digital media
Complementary Skill
2.2 Use appropriate communication strategies

Standard Main Skill

Pembelajaran 4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of familiar high frequency words accurately in
guided writing
Complementary Skill
2.2.2 Ask for attention or help from a teacher or classmate by using suitable
statements and questions

Kriteria Kejayaan By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
● Create a new song using the template

Aktiviti Pre-lesson
1. Review the 3 occupations from the previous lesson.
2. Introduce the new occupations vocabulary using flashcards.
3. Show the worksheet and explain that pupils will do a crossword puzzle.
Model how to read the clue and write the answer in the crossword. Have pupils
work on the crossword in pairs or small groups.
4. Ask some pupils what their parents do (their occupations). Extend pupils’
vocabulary as appropriate.
7. Recap new occupations learnt with pupils.

KBAT / Skil ☒ Language ☐ Science and technology ☐ ICT

Pembelajaran / i- ☐ Patriotism ☒ Creativity and innovation ☐ Global sustainability
THINK ☒ Values ☐ Entrepreneurship ☒ Thinking skills (HOTS)

☐ Mastery learning ☒ Multiple intelligences ☒ Constructivism

☐ Contextual learning ☐ Learning How to skills ☒ Values and citizenship
☐ Project-based ☐ Collaborative ☐ Knowledge acquisition

BBM Worksheets Word cards Choose an item.

Assessment for Learning Think-pair-share Choose an item. Choose an item.

Refleksi _____ / 36 pupils were able to carry out the task.

_____ pupils still needed guidance.


Guru Besar / Penolong Kanan / Penolong Kanan Petang: …………………………………


Masa/Kelas/Mata 2.20-3.50 p.m. / 2 RAJIN / BAHASA INGGERIS


Tajuk The Old House / World of Stories / Speaking

Standard Kandungan Main Skill

1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Complementary Skill
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a range of
purposes in print and digital media

Standard Main Skill

Pembelajaran 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of simple
Complementary Skill
4.3.2 Spell a narrow range of familiar high frequency words accurately in
guided writing

Kriteria Kejayaan By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
● Answer at least 4 out of 6 questions correctly

Aktiviti Pre-lesson
1. Teacher shows video of house to pupils.
2. Teacher elicits from pupils what they think they will be learning.
3. Pupils listen to the chant.
4. Pupils follow along by pointing to the words in their books.
5. Pupils identify the rooms based on the chant.
6. Pupils take turns to paste the names of the rooms on the whiteboard.
7. Teacher recaps the lesson.

KBAT / Skil ☒ Language ☐ Science and technology ☒ ICT

Pembelajaran / i- ☐ Patriotism ☐ Creativity and innovation ☐ Global sustainability
THINK ☐ Values ☐ Entrepreneurship ☐ Thinking skills (HOTS)

☒ Mastery learning ☐ Multiple intelligences ☒ Constructivism

☐ Contextual learning ☐ Learning How to skills ☒ Values and citizenship
☐ Project-based ☐ Collaborative ☐ Knowledge acquisition

BBM Video Song Choose an item.

Assessment for Learning Stand-n-share Perform Choose an item.

Refleksi _____ / 23 pupils were able to carry out the task.

_____ pupils still needed guidance.


Guru Besar / Penolong Kanan / Penolong Kanan Petang: …………………………………


Masa/Kelas/Mata 5.40-6.10 p.m. / 2 GIGIH / BAHASA INGGERIS


Tajuk Every day / World of Self, Family and Friends / Language Arts

Standard Kandungan Main Skill

5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs
Complementary Skill
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in
print and digital media

Standard Main Skill

Pembelajaran 5.1.2 i) simple chants and raps; ii) simple rhymes; iii) simple action songs; iv)
simple songs
Complementary Skill
4.2.1 Ask for and give basic personal information using basic questions and

Kriteria Kejayaan By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
● Read the poem with correct pronunciation and actions

Aktiviti Pre-lesson
1. Teacher introduces the word “poem” to pupils.
2. Teacher elicits activities that they can see based on the pictures.
3. Pupils read the poem.
4. Pupils discuss in pairs the days that the boy does the activities.
5. Pupils repeat the poem with actions.
6. Pupils listen to the audio and tick the correct answers.
7. Teacher recaps the activities done by the boy throughout the week.

KBAT / Skil ☒ Language ☐ Science and technology ☒ ICT

Pembelajaran / i- ☐ Patriotism ☒ Creativity and innovation ☐ Global sustainability
THINK ☒ Values ☐ Entrepreneurship ☐ Thinking skills (HOTS)

☐ Mastery learning ☒ Multiple intelligences ☒ Constructivism

☐ Contextual learning ☐ Learning How to skills ☒ Values and citizenship
☐ Project-based ☐ Collaborative ☐ Knowledge acquisition

BBM Poem Audio Choose an item.

Assessment for Learning Perform Think-pair-share Choose an item.

Refleksi _____ / 38 pupils were able to carry out the task.

_____ pupils still needed guidance.


Guru Besar / Penolong Kanan / Penolong Kanan Petang: …………………………………


Masa/Kelas/Mata 4.10-5.10 p.m. / 2 JUJUR / PENDIDIKAN KESENIAN


Tajuk Seni Di Sekeliling Ku / Gasing Kertas Berhias

Standard Kandungan 1.1 Bahasa Seni Visual; 2.1 Kemahiran Seni Visual

Standard 1.1.3(i) Mengenal dan menerangkan bahasa seni visual dalam bidang
Pembelajaran membentuk dan membuat binaan berdasarkan:
(i) bentuk, warna, imbangan dan kepelbagaian yang ada pada stabail.
2.1.3(i) Mengaplikasikan pengetahuan bahasa seni visual melalui media dan
proses untuk menghasilkan karya dalam bidang membentuk dan membuat
binaan menggunakan: (i) teknik binaan dalam penghasilan arca stabail

Kriteria Kejayaan Di akhir pengajaran murid dapat :

1. Mengenal dan menerangkan bahasa seni visual yang ada pada karya.
2. Membuat penerokaan dengan mengaplikasikan bahasa seni visual
melalui media, proses dan teknik untuk menghasilkan karya

Aktiviti 1. Memperdengarkan lagu “ Main Gasing” dan bersoal jawab berkaitan watak
atau objek yang terdapat di dalam seni kata lagu serta kaitkan dengan tajuk
2. Memerihal bahasa seni visual yang ada pada contoh karya menggunakan
peta ithink.
3. Meneroka dan mengaplikasi media, proses dan teknik.
4. Menganalisis dan memanipulasi idea dan pelbagai sumber kajian
mengenai bentuk, jalinan, imbangan, dan kontra yang ada pada karya.
5. Murid membuat proses awal menghasilkan karya.

KBAT / Skil Kreatif dan inovatif, keusahawanan, Kelestarian Alam Sekitar (EK 1, EK 2,
Pembelajaran / i- EK 3 dan EK 5), TMK dan nilai murni

BBM Peta i-think, Internet dan CD

Media : Kertas lukisan, kertas kotak, kertas warna, bahan kutipan, bahan
hiasan, lidi, tali tebal, gunting, gam dan alat lain yang sesuai.

Refleksi _____ orang murid mencapai objektif yang ditetapkan.


Guru Besar / Penolong Kanan / Penolong Kanan Petang: …………………………………


Masa/Kelas/Mata 2.50-3.50 p.m. / 2 RAJIN / BAHASA INGGERIS


Tajuk The Old House / World of Self, Family and Friends / Reading

Standard Kandungan Main Skill

3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by
using appropriate reading strategies
Complementary Skill
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in
print and digital media

Standard Main Skill

Pembelajaran 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple sentences
Complementary Skill
4.2.3 Write short familiar instructions

Kriteria Kejayaan By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
● Read the passage with correct pronunciation
● Share with their partner about the monster

Aktiviti Pre-lesson
1. Teacher elicits from pupils the names of rooms.
2. Pupils chant what they have learnt the day before.
3. Pupils look at the monsters.
4. Teacher introduces new words.
5. Pupils take turns to Think-Pair-Share about the characteristics of the
6. Pupils discuss in their groups about the different types of monsters.

KBAT / Skil ☒ Language ☐ Science and technology ☐ ICT

Pembelajaran / i- ☐ Patriotism ☒ Creativity and innovation ☐ Global sustainability
THINK ☐ Values ☐ Entrepreneurship ☒ Thinking skills (HOTS)

☒ Mastery learning ☐ Multiple intelligences ☒ Constructivism

☐ Contextual learning ☐ Learning How to skills ☐ Values and citizenship
☐ Project-based ☒ Collaborative ☐ Knowledge acquisition

BBM Flashcards Picture cards Choose an item.

Assessment for Learning Think-pair-share Choose an item. Choose an item.

Refleksi _____ / 23 pupils were able to carry out the task.

_____ pupils still needed guidance.


Guru Besar / Penolong Kanan / Penolong Kanan Petang: …………………………………


Masa/Kelas/Mata 1.50-2.50 p.m. / 2 GIGIH / BAHASA INGGERIS


Tajuk The Old House / World of Self, Family and Friends / Reading

Standard Kandungan Main Skill

3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital texts by
using appropriate reading strategies
Complementary Skill
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in
print and digital media

Standard Main Skill

Pembelajaran 3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple sentences
Complementary Skill
4.2.3 Write short familiar instructions

Kriteria Kejayaan By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
● Read the passage with correct pronunciation
● Share with their partner about the monster

Aktiviti Pre-lesson
1. Teacher elicits from pupils the names of rooms.
2. Pupils chant what they have learnt the day before.
3. Pupils look at the monsters.
4. Teacher introduces new words.
5. Pupils take turns to Think-Pair-Share about the characteristics of the
6. Pupils discuss in their groups about the different types of monsters.

KBAT / Skil ☒ Language ☐ Science and technology ☐ ICT

Pembelajaran / i- ☐ Patriotism ☒ Creativity and innovation ☐ Global sustainability
THINK ☐ Values ☐ Entrepreneurship ☒ Thinking skills (HOTS)

☒ Mastery learning ☐ Multiple intelligences ☒ Constructivism

☐ Contextual learning ☐ Learning How to skills ☐ Values and citizenship
☐ Project-based ☒ Collaborative ☐ Knowledge acquisition

BBM Flashcards Picture cards Choose an item.

Assessment for Learning Think-pair-share Choose an item. Choose an item.

Refleksi _____ / 38 pupils were able to carry out the task.

_____ pupils still needed guidance.


Guru Besar / Penolong Kanan / Penolong Kanan Petang: …………………………………


Masa/Kelas/Mata 4.10-5.40 p.m. / 3 JUJUR / BAHASA INGGERIS


Tajuk Every day / World of Self, Family and Friends / Language Arts (L26)

Standard Kandungan Main Skill

5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and songs
Complementary Skill
2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly

Standard Main Skill

Pembelajaran 5.1.2 i) simple chants and raps; ii) simple rhymes; iii) simple action songs; iv)
simple songs
Complementary Skill
1.2.3 Understand with support very short simple narratives

Kriteria Kejayaan By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:

Aktiviti Pre-lesson
1. Put flashcards or a picture of a child walking, a car, a bike, and a bus on
the board or on paper. Draw a child next to the car, bike and bus.
2. Use the four pictures to say the rhyme verse by verse. For each picture,
ask pupils to suggest actions to mime the means of transport.
3. When teacher has used all the pictures, say the whole rhyme again and
ask pupils to join in with the words and actions.
4. Repeat step 5 until pupils can say the rhyme confidently
5. Write the rhyme on the board with the items of transport missing. Ask pupils
to copy the rhyme and add the correct means of transport
7. Pupils take turns to perform the rhyme.

KBAT / Skil ☒ Language ☐ Science and technology ☐ ICT

Pembelajaran / i- ☐ Patriotism ☒ Creativity and innovation ☐ Global sustainability
THINK ☐ Values ☐ Entrepreneurship ☒ Thinking skills (HOTS)

☐ Mastery learning ☐ Multiple intelligences ☒ Constructivism

☒ Contextual learning ☐ Learning How to skills ☐ Values and citizenship
☒ Project-based ☒ Collaborative ☐ Knowledge acquisition

BBM Picture cards Audio Choose an item.

Assessment for Learning Role play Perform Choose an item.

Refleksi _____ / 36 pupils were able to carry out the task.

_____ pupils still needed guidance.


Guru Besar / Penolong Kanan / Penolong Kanan Petang: …………………………………

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