So That in All Things, God May Be Glorified
So That in All Things, God May Be Glorified
So That in All Things, God May Be Glorified
“So that in all things, God may be glorified” cite Section 2 of the Act, but its very language
leaves no doubt that "it shall apply to all
PHILIPPINE VIRGINIA TOBACCO ADMIN vs persons employed in any industry or
CIR occupation, whether public or private . . ."
Dec 20, 1966 CIR filed with respondent court a 3. Appealed order and resolution of respondent
petition wherein they alleged that PVTA failed court affirmed. Chief of examining division is to
to pay them overtime compensation in make a reexamination of records, papers, and
accordance to CA 444. documents in the possession of PVA and to
PVTA denied allegations and raising special submit to the court the findings. This case is
defenses of lack of a cause of action and lack of referred to Nat’l Labor Relations Commission
jurisdiction for further proceedings.
Respondent court issued an order sustaining
claims of CIR and directing petitioner to pay
the same minus what had already been paid.
Motion for recon but respondent court denied,
hence petition for certiorari
Petitioner’s Argument: