Ballard Scoring: Component Description How To Illicit
Ballard Scoring: Component Description How To Illicit
Ballard Scoring: Component Description How To Illicit
Before the development of the epidermis with its stratum corneum, the skin is transparent and adheres somewhat to the
examiner's finger. Later it smoothes, thickens and produces a lubricant, the vernix, that dissipates toward the end of
At term and post-term, the fetus may expel meconium into the amniotic fluid. This may add an accelerating effect to the
drying process, causing peeling, cracking, dehydration, and imparting a parchment, then leathery, appearance to the skin.
2. Lanugo
In extreme immaturity, the skin lacks any lanugo. It begins to appear at approximately the 24th to 25th week and is usually
abundant, especially across the shoulders and upper back, by the 28th week of gestation.
Thinning occurs first over the lower back, wearing away as the fetal body curves forward into its mature, flexed position.
Bald areas appear and become larger over the lumbo-sacral area. At term, most of the fetal back is devoid of lanugo, i.e.,
the back is mostly bald.
Variability in amount and location of lanugo at a given gestational age may be attributed in part to familial or national traits
and to certain hormonal, metabolic, and nutritional influences. For example, infants of diabetic mothers characteristically
have abundant lanugo on their pinnae and upper back until close to or beyond full-term gestation.
3. Plantar Surface
This item pertains to the major foot creases on the sole of the foot. The first appearance of a crease appears on the anterior
sole at the ball of the foot. this may be related to foot flexion in utero, but is contributed to by dehydration of the skin.
Infants of non-white origin have been reported to have fewer foot creases at birth. (ref 9) There is no known explanation
for this.
On the other hand, the reported acceleration of neuromuscular maturity in black infants usually compensates for this,
resulting in a cancellation of the delayed foot crease effect. Hence, there is usually no over- or under-estimation of
gestational age due to race when the total score is performed. (ref 10)
Very premature and extremely immature infants have no detectable foot creases. To further help define the gestational age
of these infants, measuring the foot length or heel-toe distance is helpful. (ref 10,12) This is done by placing the infant's
foot on a metric tape measure and noting the distance from the back of the heel to the tip of the great toe. For heel-toe
distances less than 40 mm, a minus two score (-2) is assigned; for those between 40 and 50 mm, a minus one score (-1) is
4. Breast
The breast bud consists of breast tissue that is stimulated to grow by maternal estrogens and fatty tissue which is
dependent upon fetal nutritional status. the examiner notes the size of the areola and the presence or absence of stippling
(created by the developing papillae of Montgomery). The examiner then palpates the breast tissue beneath the skin by
holding it between thumb and forefinger, estimating its diameter in millimeters, and selects the appropriate square on the
score sheet.
Under- and over-nutrition of the fetus may affect breast size variation at a given gestation. Maternal estrogen effect may
produce neonatal gynecomastia on the second to fourth day of extrauterine life.
5. Eye/Ear
The breast bud consists of breast tissue that is stimulated to grow by maternal estrogens and fatty tissue which is
dependent upon fetal nutritional status. the examiner notes the size of the areola and the presence or absence of stippling
(created by the developing papillae of Montgomery). The examiner then palpates the breast tissue beneath the skin by
holding it between thumb and forefinger, estimating its diameter in millimeters, and selects the appropriate square on the
score sheet.
Under- and over-nutrition of the fetus may affect breast size variation at a given gestation. Maternal estrogen effect may
produce neonatal gynecomastia on the second to fourth day of extrauterine life.
6. Genitals
a. Males
The fetal testicles begin their descent from the peritoneal cavity into the scrotal sack at approximately the 30th week of
gestation. The left testicle precedes the right and usually enters the scrotum during the 32nd week. Both testicles are
usually palpable in the upper to lower inguinal canals by the end of the 33rd to 34th weeks of gestation. Concurrently, the
scrotal skin thickens and develops deeper and more numerous rugae.
Testicles found inside the rugated zone are considered descended. In extreme prematurity the scrotum is flat, smooth and
appears sexually undifferentiated. At term to post-term, the scrotum may become pendulous and may actually touch the
mattress when the infant lies supine. Note: In true cryptorchidism, the scrotum on the affected side appears uninhabited,
hypoplastic and with underdeveloped rugae compared to the normal side, or, for a given gestation, when bilateral. In such
a case, the normal side should be scored, or if bilateral, a score similar to that obtained for the other maturational criteria
should be assigned.
b. Females
To examine the infant female, the hips should be only partially abducted, i.e., to approximately 45° from the horizontal with
the infant lying supine. Exaggerated abduction may cause the clitoris and labia minora to appear more prominent, whereas
adduction may cause the labia majora to cover over them.
In extreme prematurity, the labia are flat and the clitoris is very prominent and may resemble the male phallus. As
maturation progresses, the clitoris becomes less prominent and labia minora become more prominent. Nearing term, both
clitoris and labia minora recede and are eventually enveloped by the enlarging labia majora.
From: 7 UP