Module-I Unit-I Oscillations and Waves
Module-I Unit-I Oscillations and Waves
Module-I Unit-I Oscillations and Waves
This one semester Physics core course is divided into three parts. Part-1 covers
oscillations, waves and wave optics. Part-II introduces some basic concepts in
electromagnetism and Part-III includes introductory aspects of Quantum mechanics.
Unit-I Oscillations and Waves
(a)Different type of Oscillations; Examples and applications of different types of oscillation; Resonance,
Amplitude resonance, Velocity resonance, Sharpness of resonance
(b) Waves: wave equation, longitudinal and transverse waves, Progressive waves, Stationary waves,
Nodes and Antinodes. Superposition of waves, Coherent and incoherent superposition of waves.
Unit-II (Interference)
In this unit some systems for production of observable interference pattern are covered.
a) Wave fronts and Huygen’s principle, Superposition of waves, two beam
superposition, coherent and incoherent superposition,
b) Two source interference pattern, Coherent sources of light, Conditions of
interference, Young’s double slit experiment, Fringe width and Intensity
c) Newton’s Rings, Determination of wavelength of light and refractive index of
Unit-III (Diffraction)
Diffraction of light waves at some simple obstacles is to be covered in this unit.
a) Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction, Fresnel’s half period zones : construction,
Intensity at a point due to a plane wave front
b) Zone plate : Construction and Theory, similarities and dissimilarities with a
convex lens.
c) Plane Diffraction grating – Diffraction spectra, Determination of wavelength of
light, angular dispersion.
Unit-IV (Polarization)
The unit covers elementary features of polarization of light waves.
a) Polarization of transverse waves : plane, circular and elliptically polarized
light. Pictorial representation.
b) Production of circular and elliptically polarized light, Polarization by
reflection, Brewster’s law.
Unit-V (Electromagnetism)
Students will be familiarized with some basic terms used in vector calculus prior
to development of Maxwell’s electromagnetic wave equation. No proof of theorems and
laws included in this unit is expected- statement and interpretation should suffice.
a) Vector Calculus : Gradient, Divergence, Curl of vector field, Gauss divergence
theorem. Stoke’s theorem, Green’s theorem.
b) Gauss law of electrostatics in free space and in a medium, Electric displacement
D, Magnetic induction B and magnetic intensity H. Amperes circuital law,
displacement current. Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.
c) Maxwell’s electromagnetic equation in differential form and in integral form.
Some aspects of propagation of EM waves are to be covered in this unit.
a) Electromagnetic energy density, Poynting theorem, vector potential and scalar
b) Electromagnetic wave equations for E and B, transverse nature and speed of
em waves, wave equation in terms of scalar and vector potentials.
Unit-VII (Quantum Physics)
This unit deals with elementary concepts of Quantum Physics and basic
formulation to deal with physical systems.
1. Need for Quantum Physics - Historical Overview
Particle Aspect of Radiation - Blackbody radiation,
Photo electric effect.
Compton Scattering, pair production
Wave Aspect of Particles - Matter waves:de. Broglie Hypothesis
Experimental evidence
Atomic Transition and Spectroscopy - Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom.
Spectral lines
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle - Statement, interpretation and examples.
2. Basic features of Quantum Mechanics- Transition from deterministic to
States of a system - Wave functions Probability Density.
Superposition Principle. Observable
and operators. Expectation values.
Stationary states.
Schrodinger equation : Time dependant and time in-dependant wave packets.
Thus unit deals with application of quantum Mechanics to specific problems.
Application of quantum mechanics.
Solution of - One dimensional problems
Free Particles - Continuous States
Potential Steps - Boundary conditions, Reflection Transmission
Potential Barrier - Tunneling
Infinite deep potential well - Energy Eigen values, Eigen function
Text Books :
1. Physics-I - B.B.Swain & P.K.Jena – Kitab Mahal – Cuttack
Reference Books :
1. Optics – A.K.Ghatak
2. Geometrical and Physical Optics – P.K.Chakraborty
3. Ekectricty & Magnetism - D.C.Tayal, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi
4. Concepts of Modern Physics – A. Beiser
5. E.Merzbacher, Quantum Mechanics, 3rd Edition, John Wiley NY ( 1998)
6. A.Bohm,Quantum Mechanics : Foundations and Applications, 2nd Edition,
Springer Verlag(1986)
7. N.Zettli, Quantum Mechanics : Concepts and Applications, John Wiley & Sons (2001)