The Surprising Truth About Cavities: Is Your Child at Risk?
The Surprising Truth About Cavities: Is Your Child at Risk?
The Surprising Truth About Cavities: Is Your Child at Risk?
About Cavities
If you think your child is too young to need a dentist, you're wrong -- her teeth
are at risk long before she's tasted her first piece of candy.
Evgeny Atamanenko/Shutterstock
Parents often assume that kids get cavities because they're lax about brushing and
flossing. That's true to an extent, but what few people know is that tooth decay is a
disease known as dental caries that's caused by specific germs, spreads easily within
families, and can last a lifetime. What's more, it's more common among young children
than any other chronic illness, including asthma and diabetes.
At least 4 million preschoolers suffer from tooth decay -- an increase of more than
600,000 kids in the last decade. "Children now have much more sugar in their diets at
an early age," says Paul Casamassimo, D.D.S., professor of pediatric dentistry at the
Ohio State University College of Medicine and Public Health, in Columbus. And the
popularity of bottled water -- which usually doesn't contain fluoride -- may also
contribute to the growing problem, he says.
Tooth decay begins with a group of germs called mutans streptococcus. "The bacteria
feed on sugar and produce acid that eats away at the structure of teeth by depleting
calcium," explains Parents advisor Burton Edelstein, D.D.S., founding director of the
Children's Dental Health Project. The bacteria also create plaque -- a yellowish film that
builds up on teeth and contains even more enamel-eroding acid. Once an area without
calcium becomes big enough, the surface of the tooth collapses, and that's a cavity.
Babies are born without any of these harmful bacteria in their mouth, and studies have
proven that moms (rather than dads) typically infect their children before age 2. It
happens when you transfer your saliva into your child's mouth -- by repeatedly eating
from the same spoon as your baby, for example, or letting your toddler brush his teeth
with your toothbrush. And if you've frequently had cavities yourself, you're particularly
likely to pass the germs along. Once a child's mouth has become colonized with mutans,
he'll be prone to cavities in his baby and permanent teeth that can cause pain and
difficulty eating. "It's an old wives' tale that 'soft teeth' run in families, but what's really
passed along in families are high levels of decay-causing bacteria," says Dr. Edelstein.
In fact, 80 percent of all cavities occur in just 25 percent of kids. The key role that
bacteria plays in decay may also explain why some kids who eat tons of candy or never
floss are lucky enough to avoid dental problems.
Emilie Mosby, of Kingman, Arizona, had lots of cavities when she was a kid, so she
panicked when she saw a dark spot on her 3-year-old daughter's tooth. "I took Teagan to
the dentist, and when he told me she had a cavity, I almost cried," says Mosby. "It's so
frustrating. I've always tried to take good care of her teeth, and I have a friend who
doesn't even brush her kids' teeth every day and they've never gotten cavities."
If you've had trouble with your teeth, you need to take responsibility for your child's
dental health -- just like you'd be vigilant if you've had a family history of high
cholesterol or skin cancer. Unfortunately, antibiotics can't get rid of the cavity-causing
bacteria in your child's mouth. That's why the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
actually urges pediatricians to ask parents about their own dental history by the time
their baby is 6 months old, and to recommend taking extra precautions if a child is at
high risk.
Although you may worry that your little one will never sit still and open her mouth, the
first visit will be quick. The dentist can easily spot the telltale plaque buildup along the
top gum line that's a sign of mutans (you can look for it too), and he can also do a
culture to measure bacteria levels (in you and your child).
Plaque Attack
Even though some kids are at much higher risk of developing cavities, all children can
get them. So it's important for everyone to follow this road map for dental health.
Tame a sweet tooth. Limiting sugar -- which bacteria need in order to survive -- is the
number-one way to prevent cavities. It's actually the frequency, not the total quantity of
sugar consumption, that matters most, says Dr. Edelstein. (Eating a chocolate bar all at
once is less harmful to the teeth than eating one bite every hour.) That's because
repeatedly exposing the teeth to sugar prevents saliva, the body's natural tooth cleanser,
from doing its job. Candy isn't the only offender: Starchy carbohydrates like crackers
and cereal and sticky foods such as raisins can also promote decay.
Think about drinks. Fruit juice (even diluted), as well as breast milk and formula,
bathe the teeth in sugar, says Ronald Kosinski, D.M.D., chief of pediatric dentistry at
Schneider Children's Hospital, in New Hyde Park, New York. In fact, dentists used to
call early dental caries "baby-bottle tooth decay" because it often occurs in children who
drink milk or juice during the night -- allowing sugar to sit on the teeth for ten or 12
hours. The AAPD advises weaning your child from the bottle by 14 months to prevent
decay -- but you shouldn't let your toddler walk around all day with a Sippy cup either
(unless it's filled with water).
Focus on fluoride. If your community's water is not fluoridated (check with your
dentist or municipal-water-supply board) or your kids only drink unfluoridated bottled
water, talk to your pediatrician about fluoride supplements. Too much fluoride,
however, can lead to fluorosis, which causes white spots on the teeth. That's why kids
under 2 or 3 shouldn't use fluoride toothpaste -- they'll swallow it instead of spitting it
Treat teeth earlier. Dentists can now apply a safe and protective fluoride varnish to
young children's teeth. A recent study found that 1-year-olds who got this treatment
twice a year were four times less likely to get cavities in their baby teeth. Also ask your
dentist about sealants, plastic coatings that prevent decay. Some insurance plans will
cover these two treatments.
Take care of your own smile. If you have a history of dental problems, avoid sharing
utensils or toothbrushes with your baby or toddler -- or even letting him stick his fingers
in your mouth. However, it's possible to reduce levels of mutans in your mouth. Your
dentist can prescribe an antibacterial mouthwash that can reduce transmission to young
children. Research has also found that chewing sugarless gum containing the sweetener
Xylitol (such as Trident, Wrigley's Orbit, or Carefree Koolerz) four times a day
significantly lowers a mother's bacteria levels. Good nutrition during pregnancy may
also strengthen a baby's tooth enamel. Of course, you should brush and floss well, and
get any problems treated promptly. This will also set a good example for your child and
show him that protecting his smile is essential.
Brush your own teeth at the same time as your child brushes, and give him lots of
positive feedback.
Studies have found that manual toothbrushes are just as effective as powered ones. But
if letting your kid use an electric or battery-operated one makes it easier to get her to
brush, go for it.
Brush your child's teeth for at least 30 seconds (ideally a minute) after breakfast and
before bed. Lean her head on your lap and place the brush at a 45-degree angle to the
Start using a tiny amount of fluoride toothpaste when she's 2 or 3 years old. Begin
flossing teeth for him when two of his teeth are touching.
School-Age Kids
Your child can start brushing and flossing on her own at around age 7. If she can tie her
own shoes, chances are she's ready to brush solo. She should now brush for two
Look for food and plaque around the gum line of her teeth to see whether she's doing a
sufficient job. You can also let her chew gum with Xylitol.
Smart Mouths
Dr. Fresh Float'N Fire Fly. This confetti-filled brush blinks for a minute to let your
child know how long he needs to brush.
DenTek Fun Flossers with Fluoride. Individual handheld flossers are easier for you --
and your child -- to use.
Orajel Toddler Training Toothpaste. Seeing Thomas on the tube of this fluoride-free
brand may make your child more willing to open wide.
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