24 To 30 August 2019

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VOL. XLIV NO. 21 PAGES 40 NEW DELHI 24 - 30 AUGUST 2019 `12.00


The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressed the
nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort in New Delhi on
the occasion of 73rd Independence Day on 15 August
2019. The following is the English rendering of his
My dear countrymen,
On this solemn day of Independence, many greetings to
all countrymen.

T oday is also the festival of Raksha Bandhan. This

centuries-old tradition expresses the love of brother
and sister. I extend my best wishes to all the countrymen
and all the brothers and sisters on this auspicious festival
of Raksha Bandhan. May this festival filled with affection
fulfil the hopes, aspirations and dreams of all our brothers
and sisters, and bring affection in their lives.
Today, while the country is celebrating the festival of
independence, people in several parts of the country are
facing difficulties due to floods and heavy rainfall. Many
have lost their dear ones. I express my condolences to
them. The State Governments, the Central Government
and other organizations like NDRF are striving day and
night to ease the hardships and bring the situation under
Today, when we are celebrating this auspicious day of you. It has not even been 10 weeks since the formation of violation all over the world and India will not leave her
Independence, I pay my respects to all those who gave this new Government. But even in a short ten-week children vulnerable. A much warranted stringent law to
up their lives, who spent their youth in prisons, who period, efforts have been made in all fields and in every protect child rights was needed and has been enacted.
embraced the gallows, who instilled the spirit of non- direction, new dimensions have been added. People Brothers and sisters, you gave me an opportunity to
violence through Satyagraha for the freedom of the have entrusted us to serve them so that they can achieve serve you all for five years from 2014-2019. We took
country. The country gained independence under the their hopes, expectations and aspirations. We are cognizance of the struggles faced by the common man to
leadership of Bapu. Similarly, in the years since dedicated to your service with complete devotion, without avail the basic facilities. Over the past five years, our
independence numerous people have contributed for the wasting even a single moment. government has been striving to provide the facilities to
peace, prosperity and security of the country. Today, I To revoke Article 370 and 35A within 10 weeks is a meet the daily needs of the common man. Special
also salute the people who have contributed to fulfil the significant step towards fulfilling the dream of Sardar efforts have been made to facilitate those living in
hopes and aspirations of the people, for the development, Vallabh Bhai Patel. villages, and those who are poor, marginalized,
peace and prosperity of Independent India. In just ten weeks, we made big ticket decisions like victimized, exploited, deprived and tribals. We are
After the formation of the new government, I am bringing about a law against Triple Talaq to protect working relentlessly in this direction to bring the nation
humbled once again with the opportunity to interact with the rights of our Muslim women, making major back on track towards development. But times change.
amendments in laws to counter terrorism and to While 2014-2019 was a period of fulfilling your basic
make it more stringent and powerful; transfer of needs, the years from 2019 and beyond will see your
approximately 90,000 crores of rupees to the bank aspirations and dreams getting fulfilled.
JOB HIGHLIGHTS accounts of farmers who are beneficiaries of PM What should 21st Century India look like? How fast
Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. should it move? How extensively, should it work, what
IOCL Our brothers and sisters from the farming community, heights should it strive for- we are taking steps one after
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Kolkata requires 176 our small entrepreneurs could never believe that they will the other by preparing a roadmap for the next five years,
Technical and Non- Technical Trade & Technician ever be able to avail of pension schemes and live a keeping all these things in mind.In 2014, It was a new
Apprentices under the Apprentices Act, 1961 dignified life even after they attain 60 Years, when they beginning for me. Prior to the election in 2013-2014, I
Last Date : 31.8.2019 are physically weak and need some support. We have travelled across the country and tried to understand the
Page : 18-21 implemented a Pension Scheme to meet these needs. feelings of our countrymen. But everyone had
Water crisis is a big concern these days. It is being disappointment written on their face, everyone had
ISRO predicted that an impending water crisis is staring us in apprehensions. People used to wonder if the country
the face. We have announced the formation of a new could change at all. Can the country change with the
Indian Space Research Oganisation, Bengaluru
dedicated Ministry of Jal Shakti where the Centre and change of Government? A sense of hopelessness had
requires 86 Technician-B/Draughtsman-B/ Technical
States will together develop schemes and policies to percolated into the minds of the common man. This was
address issues of water crisis. the result of their experience over a long period- hopes
Last Date : 13.9.2019
Page : 13-15 Our country needs doctors in huge numbers along with did not last long, they sank into the depths of despair very
robust health facilities. To fulfil this requirement we need fast. But when in 2019, after five years of hard work, with
SAIL new laws, upgraded infrastructure, new thinking and only dedication to the common people, only my country in
create new opportunities to motivate the youth to take up my heart, only my millions of countrymen in my heart -
Steel Authority of India Limited, Rourkela the medical profession. In view of this, we have with this feeling we kept on moving, dedicated every
needs 26 Doctors formulated laws and taken important steps to bring moment for that. When we ran for the office again in
Last Date: 31.8.2019 transparency in Medical Education.
Page : 34+35 Now a days we come across incidents of child rights Continued on page 2
2 www.employmentnews.gov.in Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019

PM’S ADDRESS ... see that the aspirations of the people of Jammu, decisions even during those difficult times, keeping the
Continued from page 1 Kashmir and Ladakh get fulfilled. It is our collective goals of national integration and political unification in
responsibility to give new wings to their dreams. This mind. The exercise towards national integration was a
2019, I was surprised. The Mood of the country responsibility has to be shouldered by all 130 crore of my successful one, but some difficulties have been faced
changed. Despair had changed into hope, dreams countrymen. To meet this commitment we have made because of Article 370 and 35A.
got linked to resolutions, accomplishment was endeavours to remove whatever hurdles were there in Today, as I address the nation from the Red Fort, I can
visible and the common man had only one the way. proudly say that every Indian today can speak of One
determination that he can change his country. Yes it The system that prevailed over the past seventy years Nation, One Constitution and we are trying to fulfil Sardar
was the feeling that We too can change our country and had aggravated separatism and given birth to terrorism. Sahibs dream of Ék Bharat Shreshtha Bharat. So we
that we cannot stay behind. It had encouraged dynastic rule and in a way must develop such systems which strengthen the
This feeling of the 130 crore citizens, this echoing of strengthened the foundations of corruption and country’s unity and serve as a cementing force, and this
emotions gives us new the strength, new faith. discrimination. We have to make efforts so that the process must go on continuously. It should not be merely
We had started with the mantra Sabka Saath- Sabka women of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh get their rights. an interim measure but a continuous process.
Vikas, but within five years, the countrymen have painted We have to make efforts so that my dalit brothers and Through GST we have fulfilled the dream of One
the entire mood of the nation with the color of Sabka sisters living there, get the rights which they have been Nation One Tax. Similarly, we successfully achieved
Vishwas. The Trust and confidence that everyone deprived of so far. The rights enjoyed by the tribal the dream of One Nation, One Grid in the energy
reposed in us over the last five years will inspire us to people of India must also be available to my tribal sector recently.
serve the nation with more vigour. brothers and sisters of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh. Likewise, we have developed the system of One
I have seen in the recent elections and I had felt then
that this is an election in which no politician was
contesting, no political party was contesting, neither Modi
was contesting nor were friends of Modi contesting the
election. It was the people of India who were contesting
the election, 130 Crore countrymen were contesting the
election. They were contesting for their own dreams. The
real nature of Democracy could be seen in this election.
My dear countrymen, the solution to the problems -
along with the period of dreams, determination and
accomplishment - we have to walk together now. It is
evident that sense of self-reliance develops when
problems get solved. Solution to problems
encourages speed of self-reliance. When self-
reliance occurs, self-esteem develops automatically
and self-esteem has very strong potential. The power
of self-respect is greater than anything and when there is
a solution, resolution, capability, self-respect, then
nothing can come in the way of success and today the
country, with the feeling of that self-respect.
And today, with that self-respect we are determined to
move forward to touch new heights of success. When we
are trying to solve problems we should not think in
isolation. There will be difficulties. Half-hearted efforts There are several such communities, like Gujjars, Nation, One Mobility card and currently there is a
made with the aim of earning applause will not help in Bakarwals, Gaddis, Sippies or Balties- all such nationwide debate about holding simultaneous elections
fulfilling the dreams of the country. We have to strive to communities must be empowered with political rights. It in the country. This discussion should be taken up in a
remove problems from their roots. is surprising that in Jammu & Kashmir there were legal democratic manner. We will have to add many such new
You would have seen how our Muslim daughters and restrictions on Safai Karamchari brothers and sisters. ideas to realize our dreams of Ek Bharat, Shreshtha
sisters used to live in fear with the sword of Triple Talaq Their dreams were trampled upon. Now, we have freed Bharat.
dangling over their heads. Even if they were not them from such shackles. My dear countrymen, the country has to achieve newer
victims of Triple Talaq, they were constantly haunted When India was partitioned, crores of people had to heights, the country has to make its mark globally. For
by the fear that they could be subjected to it anytime. leave behind their ancestral homes for no fault of theirs. this we have to change the attitude towards poverty
Many Islamic countries abolished this evil practice long Those who settled down in Jammu & Kashmir got neither alleviation in the country. It should not be treated as a
time back. But for some reason we were hesitant to give human rights, nor citizenship rights. There are people favour, but as oura dutiful contribution towards building a
our Muslim mothers and sisters their due rights. If, we from hill regions living in Jammu & Kashmir. We intend to bright future for the country because we have to free
can abolish Sati Pratha, if we can enact laws to end take steps for their welfare as well. ourselves from the clutches of poverty at any cost. A
female foeticide, if we can raise our voice against child My dear countrymen, peace and prosperity of Jammu number of successful efforts have been made during the
marriage, if we can take strong steps against dowry & Kashmir and Ladakh can be an inspiration for India. last 5 years to reduce poverty. We have achieved more
system in this country, then why can’t we raise our voice They can greatly contribute to India’s development. We success than before and at a faster pace. A little respect
against Triple Talaq? We have taken this important need to make efforts to bring back their glorious past. and support to the poor can boost their self-esteem and
decision in the spirit of India’s democracy and The new system that has come into being after the pull them out from the grips of poverty without any
constitution, to respect the thinking of Baba Saheb recent step will create facilities that will directly benefit government help.
Ambedkar so that our Muslim sisters get equal rights; so the people of the State. Now, anybody in Jammu and He will be able to defeat poverty with his own strength.
that new confidence is generated in them; so that they Kashmir, like the rest of Indians, can reach out to the It is my poor brethren who have the might to fight against
also become active participants in the India’s Government in Delhi. There will be no hurdles in any adversity. He fights against extreme cold with his
development journey. Such decisions are not for between. We have put in place such a system. Our clenched fists. We need to bow before his innate strength
political gains. They guarantee a lasting protection recent action to strike down Article 370 and 35 A has
to face adversities and help in eliminating the challenges
to our mothers and sisters. been welcomed by the entire country and also by people
of his daily life.
Similarly, I will give another example. What was the from all political parties of the country, without exception.
Why should poor people not have toilets, no electricity
reason behind revocation of Article 370 and 35A? This is Some have openly supported us while others give their
the hallmark of this government. We do not avoid in the house, no house to live in, no water supply and no
tacit support. But some in the corridors of power, in a bid
problems, nor do we let them fester. There is no time to to take mileage from vote-bank politics, have been bank account. Why should they be compelled to go to the
delay or neglect problems. The work that was not done talking in favour of Article 370. The country demands an moneylender to take loans through mortgage? Come, let
in the last 70 years has been accomplished within 70 answer from those speaking in favour of Article 370, that us make efforts to boost the self-respect, self-confidence
days after this new government came to power. The if Article 370 and 35-A were so important. and self-esteem of the poor.
abrogation of Article 370 and 35A has been carried out in If Article 370 was so crucial then why did ruling parties Brothers and sisters, it is over 70 years since
both Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha by two-thirds majority. not make it permanent in the last 70 years despite having Independence. All governments have done a lot of work
This means that everyone wanted this decision, but a majority? Why was it kept temporary? If there was so in their own way. Every government, irrespective of the
perhaps they were waiting for somebody to initiate the much of conviction, you should have moved ahead and party, be it the central or the state, has tried in its own
same and carry it forward. I have come to accomplish the made it permanent. This means that you knew all along way. But still it is a fact that today almost half of the
task assigned to me by my countrymen. I work selflessly. that the decision taken was not right. But you did not houses in India do not have drinking water. People have
We are moving forward with re-organization of Jammu have the courage and the will to amend it. Concerns to struggle to get drinking water. Mothers and sisters
and Kashmir. For 70 years every government made about political future kept coming up. For me, the
have to travel 2, 3, 5 km carrying the load of water on
efforts to do something. country’s future is everything, political future has no
their heads. A large part of their lives is spent in
But the desired results were not achieved, and when meaning.
struggling for water. This government has decided to
desired results are not achieved, there is a need to think Our constitution makers and great personalities like
afresh and take new steps. It is our responsibility to Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel took these bold and important Continued on page 3
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PM’S ADDRESS ... fulfil the needs of the child ? Or will I leave it dependent The (new) government has only completed ten weeks
Continued from page 2 on the society? Will I leave the child un-nurtured? No into office, and already (another) 60 laws have been
parents can continue to give birth to children who are repealed with an aim to bring about ‘Ease of Living’.
emphasize upon a special task and that is - how to
forced to live this type of life and therefore a social ‘Ease of Living’ is imperative for an Independent India
ensure availability of water in every house. How does
awareness is needed. and we are committed to focus on ‘Ease of Living’ and
every house get water, pure drinking water? And so
The people who have played this huge role need to be want to take it ahead.
I declare from the Red Fort today that in the days to
honoured, and by setting them as examples we need to Today, we have made much progress towards ‘Ease of
come, we will take forward the 'Jal-Jeevan' Mission.
inspire the segment of the society who are still not doing business.’ We aim to reach the Top Five in the
The central and the state governments will jointly work on thinking on these lines. We need to worry about global ranking and for this there will be a need for several
this 'Jal-Jeevan' Mission. We have promised to spend population explosion. reforms; anybody wanting to set up a small business or
more than Rs. 3.5 lakh crores on this mission in the Governments also have to come forward through industry, faces several small and big issues, - such as
coming years. Work should be done on water different schemes. Be it the State Government or the filling up several forms, going from pillar to post, he has
conservation, irrigation, rain-water harvesting, seawater Central Government - everyone has to walk together to to make visits to scores of offices, but he still doesn’t get
or waste water treatment, and 'Per Drop, More Crop shoulder this responsibility. We cannot think of an the requisite sanction. In attempts to unshackle this
Micro Irrigation for the farmers. Water conservation unhealthy society, we cannot think of an uneducated intricate web, bringing reforms after reform, taking the
campaigns should be launched, creating awareness in society. In 21st century India, the ability to fulfill dreams Centre and States together, taking along the city and
the common citizens about water, arousing their starts with a person, starts with a family. If the population metropolitan municipalities, we have been able to
sensitivity so that they understand the importance of is not educated, not healthy, then neither the home nor achieve a fair degree of success towards ‘Ease of doing
water; even the children should be taught about water the country can be happy. If the population is educated, business.’
conservation as part of their curriculum in their childhood. empowered, and skilled and has adequate means Across the globe there is a growing realization that
We must move forward with the belief that in the next five available to achieve the right ambience to fulfill their such a large country as India, a developing nation, can
years we have to do more than four times the work that wishes and needs, then I think the country can fulfill dream big and make such a big leap. ‘Ease of doing
has been done in the last 70 years for water conservation these things. business’ seems just a milestone; my ultimate
and to revive the sources of water. We cannot wait any My dear countrymen, you are well aware that objective is to achieve is ‘Ease of living’, - where a
longer. The great Saint Thiruvalluvar ji had professed corruption and nepotism have damaged our country common man does not have to exercise himself to
hundreds of years ago when perhaps no one would have beyond imagination and entered into our lives like get Govt./Officials clearances, he gets his due rights
termites. We are continuously trying to weed them out. easily and thus there is a need for us to proceed in
thought of the water crisis and the importance of water.
There have been successes also, but the disease is so that direction.
And then Saint Thiruvalluvar ji had said NeerIndri
deeply entrenched, the disease is so wide spread that My dear countrymen, our nation must march forward,
Amiyadhu Ulganein (ŸËÁ⁄¥U«U⁄UË •Á◊ÿÈŒ ©U‹ªŸ¥ ) meaning that if
we will have to keep putting in more efforts and that too but the country cannot now wait much longer for
water starts disappearing, then nature’s processes get
at every level, not just at the government level, and we incremental progress, we will have to take a big leap, we
disrupted and eventually come to an end. This initiates
need to keep doing it continuously. will have to change our thinking. To make India reach the
the process of total destruction.
All work cannot be done at one go, bad habits are Global Standards we need to build modern infrastructure.
I was born in Gujarat. In North Gujarat, there is a jain
like chronic disease. Sometimes it gets cured, but Notwithstanding despondent attitudes, ordinary people
pilgrim city called Mahudi. Approximately 100 years ago
sometimes it relapses. Corruption too is a disease always dream of a good system. They like good things;
there lived a Jain saint who was born in a farmer’s family.
for which we have taken many steps, eliminating it they have developed a taste for it. So we have decided
He used to work in the fields but under the influence of
by continuous use of technology. Every effort has to invest 100 lakh crore rupees for modern infrastructure
Jainism. He became a Jain saint called Budhi Sagar ji
been made to strengthen honesty and transparency at all in this time period. This will generate employment; will
Maharaj. He left behind some scriptures 100 years ago in
levels. develop new systems and various aspirations will be
which he shared a premonition that there will be a time
You must have seen that immediately after formation of met. Be it Sagarmala Project or Bharat Mala Project,
when water will be sold in grocery shops. Can you
the Government, and also in the last five years the modern railway stations, bus stations or airports, be it
imagine that the words of the saint written hundred years
Government has removed many top officials. All such modern hospitals or world class educational institutions,
ago have actually become a reality now. What was
people creating obstacles were told that the country does we want to develop the entire infrastructure. Now the
predicted a century ago is now a ground reality, and
not need their services anymore and they have been country also requires seaports. The ordinary people have
today, we all are actually buying water from grocery
removed. changed and we have to understand that.
I believe that there should be change in the system, Earlier, if a decision was taken on paper that a railway
Dear countrymen, we are not to get tired in our efforts,
but at the same time there should be a change in the station was going to be constructed in a particular area,
nor shall we halt or hesitate in moving ahead.
social fabric. Along with the change in the social fabric, a there used to be a positive feeling for years together that
This campaign on Water conservation should not
change in the mindset and beliefs of the people running a new railway station would be available somewhere
just remain a government initiative. It should become
the systems is also very essential. Then only the desired nearby. Times have changed now. The ordinary citizens
a people’s movement like our Swacchh Bharat
results can be achieved. are no longer satisfied with just a railway station. They
Abhiyan. We have to carry forward this movement
Brothers and sisters, the country has, in a way, will immediately ask, “When will Vande Bharat Express
with the help the common man’s ideals, aspirations
matured after so many years of independence. come to our area?” Their thinking has changed. If we
and efforts.
We are going to celebrate the 75th anniversary of construct a very good bus station or five star Railway
Dear Countrymen, our nation has reached a phase
Independence. This Freedom is as precious to us as our station, the people will not say “well done”. They will
when we should be transparent about everything.
ethical values, attitudes and sensitivities. Whenever I forthwith ask, “When will the airport be ready”? That
Time has now come that we should take challenges
hold meetings with officials I’d always mention, I do not means their thinking has changed. The people who were
head-on. Sometimes decisions are taken keeping in
talk about it publicly but today I feel like speaking out, I happy with just getting a railway stoppage are now
mind political advantage but they come at the cost of
repeatedly exhort the officials that after so many years of asking, “It is ok, but when is the airport going to open
growth of future generation of our country. I would like to
Independence can we not do something about cutting here?”
highlight the issue of population explosion in one Country
down red tape and reduce the involvement of the Earlier people used to ask, “When will a metaled
from the aegis of the Red Fort today.
Government in the daily life of the common man. road be constructed in our area?” Now people ask,
This rapidly increasing population poses various new
The meaning of an Independent India for me is to “Will the road be of 4-lane or 6-lane one?” They are
challenges for us and our future generations.
create an ecosystem that gradually reduces the not satisfied to metaled roads any longer. I think this is a
In our society, there is a section which is very well
involvement of govt. in the lives of its peoples. This will very significant change for aspiring India.
aware of the consequences of the uncontrolled
give people the choice to decide about their own destiny Earlier, even on seeing the electricity poles lying on the
population growth. They all deserve accolades and
and embark upon whichever direction they wish in the ground people used to be happy, thinking that the
respect. This is also their expression for their love for the
national interest, for betterment of their families and in electricity had reached them even if the pole had not
nation. Before having a baby, they take a well
the pursuit of their dreams. been erected. But now even after the installation of
considered decision whether they will be able to take
Citizens should not feel pressure of the government transmission wires and electric meters, people ask
care of the child’s needs and fulfill his/her dreams by
but at the same time during a crisis the government must “When will we get 24-hour electric supply?” They are no
playing the role of a responsible parent.
not be found wanting. The government should neither be longer happy with just poles and wires.
Keeping these parameters in mind, this small sections
exerting nor wanting, but let us all move forward with our Earlier, when mobile phones were just in vogue,
of responsible citizens is self motivated to keep their
dreams. The government should be always standing by people were content that mobile phone had finally
family small. Not only do they contribute to the welfare of
us, as a companion. In case the need arises, the people arrived. But now they discuss about data speed. We
their family but also to the good of the nation.
should be assured that Govt. is always there to back have to understand this transformation of psychology
They express patriotism. I would like all the people of
them up. Can we create such a system? and changing times. We have to move forward in many
our society to watch their lives closely and see how much
We have done away with several unnecessary laws fields, with the Global Benchmark like modern
they have served their families by limiting increase in
and rules which had been rendered redundant. In the infrastructure, clean energy, gas based economy, gas
family size. It is about how the family has moved forward
last five years I have abolished, practically, one grid, e-mobility etc.
in just a generation or two, how the children have got
redundant law every day. Perhaps the common man is My dear Countrymen, generally the governments of
education, how the family is free from disease, how well
not aware of it, - abolishing one obsolete law each day our country are identified with what they have done in a
the family fulfils their primary needs.
means almost 1,450 laws have been done away with an particular area or for a particular community or group.
We should learn from them. Before a child arrives into
aim to reduce the burden from the common man’s life. Continued on page 4
our family we should think - have I prepared myself to
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PM’S ADDRESS ... at tourist destinations. We should also talk about Bangladesh and Afghanistan are also grappling with
Continued from page 3 increasing the income of ordinary citizens, better terrorist activities. In Sri Lanka, sadly, innocent people
education for them, new employment opportunities. have been killed en-masse inside a church. This is such
Generally, the government and the people went by the
There should be launching pads for the middle class a heart wrenching event. Hence, we all have to unite and
yardstick as to how much a government has given or to
people so that they can realize their dreams. Our act proactively to bring security, peace and harmony in
whom it has been given. This was considered as good
scientists should have the best facilities and resources, this sub-continent.
enough. May be it was the need of the hour and a
our forces should have the best weapons and equipment Our friendly neighbour Afghanistan is also going to
that too indigenously made. I believe that there are many celebrate its 100th year of independence, four days from
But despite whatever, however, whenever or whoever
areas which can give India a new strength to become a now. I would like to extend my heartiest greetings to
may have received in the past, we now need to unitedly
five trillion dollar economy. them on this auspicious occasion.
think about what dreams we want to achieve as a nation.
My dear brothers and sisters, today the country has a It is our clear policy that those who are spreading
Time demands that we live fight and move ahead in
very favourable environment for achieving economic fear and fostering violence must be razed to the
unison to fulfil these dreams. Keeping this in mind we
success. When there is a stable government, the policies ground. We have made this clear through our policies
have set a dream target of building a five trillion dollar
are predictable and systems are stable, then the world and strategies to curb all such malafide intentions. We
economy. 130 crore countrymen can move together
also starts having confidence in you. The people of the have no inhibitions. Our army, border security forces and
even with small contributions. The target of 5 trillion
country have shown this. The world is also watching security agencies have done a commendable job. They
dollar economy may appear difficult to some people.
India's political stability with great pride and respect. We always stand tall in their uniforms and guard us from all
They may not be wrong but if we don’t accomplish
should not let this opportunity go. Today the world is keen adversities. They have martyred their lives to ensure a
difficult tasks, how will the country moved ahead? If
to do business with us. It wants to connect with us. bright future for us. I salute and I pay my homage to
we don’t take up difficult challenges how will we develop
Today, it is a matter of great pride for us that while them. It is important that we take timely steps towards
a mind set to move forward? Psychologically also we
controlling inflation, we are moving forward with an reforms.
must always aim high and that is what we have done.
important equation to increase the growth rate. You must have noticed that deliberations are on since
This is not just in the air. We had reached a 2 trillion
Sometimes the growth rate may increase, but inflation is a long time to bring reforms in military infrastructure,
dollar economy after 70 years of independence, after 70
not under control. Sometimes when the inflation is under armed forces and military resources. Previous
years’ journey on the path of development we could
control, the growth rate gets affected. But our governments have also discussed the same. Several
achieve just a 2 trillion dollar economy. But within five
government has not only controlled inflation but has also commissions have been formed and all the reports have
years from 2014 to 2019 we reached a 3 trillion dollar
increased the growth rate. brought to light the same issues.
economy i.e we added one trillion dollars. If we
The fundamentals of our economy are very strong. There is hardly any difference, but this has been stated
succeeded in taking such a big jump in just 5 years, then
And this strength gives us confidence to move repeatedly. There indeed is coordination between our
we can become a 5 trillion dollar economy in the next five
ahead. In the same way, by developing a system like Navy, Army and Air Force. We can be proud of the
years. This must be a dream of every Indian.
GST, and bringing reforms like Insolvency and arrangement of our armed forces. Any Hindustani can be
When the economy grows, it brings better standard of
Bankruptcy Code, we want to develop an environment of proud of Indian Military. They also strive for modernity in
living for the people. Opportunities get created to fulfil the
confidence. There should be increased production in our their own way.
dreams of even of those at bottom. In order to create
country, increased processing of our natural wealth, But the world is changing today, the scope of war is
these opportunities we have to develop this mind set
value addition, export of the value added products to the changing, the nature of war is changing. It is becoming
about the economic sector of the country.
world. Why can’t we have a dream wherein every country technology driven; in the circumstances India too should
When we dream to double the income of our farmers,
in the world imports some or the other Indian product, not have a fragmented approach. Our entire military
when we dream that after 75 years of independence
wherein every district of India exports some product? If power will have to work in unison and move forward.
each family, including the poorest of the poor, should own
we take these two things into consideration, then we can Things cannot move smoothly if anyone from the
a house, when we dream that on completing 75 years of
also increase the income. Our companies and Navy, Army and Air Force is a step ahead from the
independence each family must get electricity in their
entrepreneurs also dream of getting access to the world other two forces, while the other two are lagging
house, when we dream that on completing 75 years of
market. By getting access to the world market, our behind. All the three should move simultaneously at
independence each village of India must have optical
investors will be able to enhance the status of India; our the same pace. There should be good coordination and
fibre network, broad band connectivity and long distance
investors will be able to earn more; our investors will be it should be relevant with the hope and aspirations of our
education, these should no longer be seem to be
able to invest more; our investors will be able to generate people. It should be in line with the changing war and
more employment. We are completely ready to security environment in the world and today I want to
We must focus upon developing our maritime
encourage our investors to come forward for generating announce an important decision from Red Fort. The
resources and blue economy. We should empower our
employment. subject experts on the issue have been demanding this
fishermen community. Our farmers, who provide us
In our country, certain wrong beliefs have come for a long time. Today we have decided that we will now
food, may become energy givers. Why should they
into existence. We have to come out of those have a Chief of Defence Staff- CDS and after formation
not become exporters as well, why should the
mindset. Those who create wealth for the country, those of this post all the three forces will get effective
produce of our farmers not dominate the
who contribute in the nation’s wealth creation are all leadership at the top level. The CDS System is a very
international market? We want to move ahead with
serving the country. We should not doubt our wealth important and compelling task in our dream to reform the
these dreams. Our country will have to boost its export.
creators. strategic pace of Hindustan in the world.
Let us make every effort to reach the global market.
The need of the hour is to recognise and encourage My dear countrymen, we are lucky that we are born in
Each district of our country has a potential equal to that
the wealth creators of our nation. They should receive such a period, we are living in such a period, when we
of one country, each of our districts has the capacity
more honour. If wealth is not created, wealth cannot be have the ability to do something. Sometimes it comes to
equal to a small country in the world. We need to
distributed. Further, if wealth is not distributed we cannot my mind that when we were fighting for freedom, great
understand this power and channelize this potential. And
uplift the poor sector of our society. Such is the men like Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru were
why should each district not think of becoming an export
importance of wealth creation for our country which we competing for their sacrifice. Under the leadership of
hub? Each district has its own handicraft and each
need to facilitate further. Mahatma Gandhi, freedom fighters were going door-to-
district has its unique specialities. If some district is
Those who are making efforts to create wealth, door, to awaken the country to realize their dreams of
known for its perfumes then some other district may have
according to me they themselves are an asset to the independence. We were not born at that time. We did not
saris as its distinct identity whereas some other district is
nation and must be empowered.
known for utensils and the other district is famous for its get a chance to sacrifice for the country, but we have
My dear Countrymen, today we are emphasising on
sweets. Each of our districts has a diverse identity and definitely got a chance to live for the country now. And it
peace and security along with development. Globally,
potential for global market. is a privilege that this period is like this, this year is very
countries are gripped with several insecurities. Death
We are trying to see how can we use zero defect zero important for us. This is the festival of 150th birth
seems hovering in some or the other part of the world.
effect in manufacturing for global markets. If we focus on anniversary of Bapu Mahatma Gandhi.
India has to play a vital role in reinstating world
exports by making the world aware of this diversity, and We feel blessed to have such opportunity. 75 years of
work towards capturing the world market, then the youth peace. We cannot remain silent spectators in the
our Independence and the remembrance of those who
of the country will get employment. This will give great global environment. We are putting up a tough fight
sacrificed for the country, inspires us to do something.
strength to our small scale and micro level industries. We against terrorist organisations. In any part of the world,
We should capitalise on this opportunity. We, 130 crore
have to increase that strength. an act of terrorism should be regarded as an attack on
of countrymen, have to move further, to achieve the
Our country can be a fascinating tourist humanity. Therefore, I urge all forces to unite against
dreams of Mahatma Gandhi, the dreams of freedom
destination for the world, but for some reason, we those who promote and give shelter to terrorist outfits.
fighters of the country. We should make the 75 years of
have not been able to do it as fast as we need to. India should contribute in exposing these anti-
independence and 150 years of Gandhi into a festival.
Come, let all of us, the countrymen, take the decision humanitarian activities and is resolute to unite all world
This is a great opportunity for our inspiration.
to boost tourism in the country. As tourism grows, forces to end terrorism.
I had spoken about Swachhata in 2014 from this Red
capital investment provides more employment We want that India should play a crucial role in the war
Fort. I am confident that within next few weeks of 2019
opportunities. The country's economy also gets a boost. against terrorism. India should unite all forces to expose
itself India will declare itself Open Defecation Free.
People all over the world are ready to see India in a new those who give shelter to terrorists, those who encourage
States, Villages, Municipalities, Media, everyone has
way today. Let us think how we can attract tourists to our terrorism and those who export terrorism.
started Mass-Movement regarding ODF. The
country from the world over, how we can strengthen the Some terrorist organisations have not only targeted
tourism sector and what arrangements should be made India, but are also damaging our neighbouring countries. Continued on page 38
Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 5

Union Public Service Union Public Service

Commission Commission
EXAMINATION, 2019. New Delhi-110069
The Union Public Service Commission has declared the Final Result INDICATIVE ADVERTISEMENT NO. 10/2019
of Central Industrial Security Force Assistant Commandants Online Recruitment Applications (ORA) are invited for direct
(Executive) Limited Departmental Competitive Examination, 2019 on recruitment by selection through website http://www.upsconline.
13.08.2019. The result comprising of list of the candidates nic.in to the following posts by 12th September, 2019.
recommended for appointment in order of merit, are available on the 1. (Vacancy No.19081001124)
Commission's Website www.upsc. gov.in. One Medical Officer/Research Officer (Siddha), Ministry of AYUSH
Union Public Service Commission has a 'Facilitation Counter' in its (UR-01).
Campus. Candidates may obtain any information/clarification 2. (Vacancy No.19081002524)
regarding their Examination/ recruitments on working days between One Assistant Director, Central Poultry Development Organisation,
10:00 AM and 05:00 PM in person or over Telephone Nos. 011- Bhubaneswar, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying,
23385271 and 011-23381125. Marks of the candidates shall be made Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying (OBC-01).
available on the website within fifteen days from the date of 3. (Vacancy No.19081003124)
declaration of the result. EN 21/33 Four Livestock Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry and
Dairying, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying (UR-
Union Public Service 4. (Vacancy No.19081004224)
Commission Five Assistant Legal Adviser, Enforcement Directorate, Department
of Revenue, Ministry of Finance (ST-01, OBC-01, EWS-01, UR-02).
PRESS NOTE 5. (Vacancy No.19081005624)
One Deputy Fire Adviser, Directorate General of Fire Services,
Civil Defence & Home Guards, Department of Disaster Management
DECLARATION OF FINAL RESULT THEREOF Division, Ministry of Home Affairs (UR-01).
The candidates willing to apply for the above posts are advised to visit
The final result of Combined Defence Services Examination (II), 2018 Commission's ORA Website http://www.upsconline.nic.in. The
for admission to the Officers Training Academy, Chennai, for (i) 110th detailed advertisement along-with 'Instructions and Additional
Information to Candidates for Recruitment by Selection' has been
Short Service Commission Course (NT) (for Men); and (ii) 24th Short
displayed on Commission's Website http://www.upsc.gov.in as well
Service Commission Women (Non-Technical) Course, held by the as on the Online Recruitment Application (ORA) website http://www.
Commission on 18.11.2018 and subsequent SSB interview conducted upsconline.nic.in.

by M/o Defence, has been declared by the Commission and the same CANCELLATION NOTICE
(Ref. No. F.1/90(13)/2018-R.VI). It is notified for information to all
is available on the UPSC's website (http://www. upsc.gov.in) and
concerned that the process of recruitment to one post of Project
notice board of the UPSC. Manager (Technical), District Industries Centre, Industries
davp 10621/11/0005/1920 EN 21/60 Department A&N Administration, Andaman and Nicobar Island
Administration, by direct recruitment published in the Employment
News/Rozgar Samachar and website of the Commission on 14-07-
All India Institute of Medical Sciences 2018 vide Commission's (Advertisement No- 13/2018) Vacancy No.
Ansari Nagar, New Delhi-110608 18071306614 stands cancelled, on the request of indenting
Examination Section
department Industries Department A&N Administration, Andaman and
ADMISSION NOTICE NO. 73/2019 Nicobar Island Administration.
Ref. No. F. AIIMS/Exam.Sec./Advt./4-5/(PG-Jan-20)/2019 10.08.2019 Therefore, the Commission has decided to close the process of
recruitment to the above said post. EN 21/55
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi invites online applications for
Entrance Examinations leading to admission in Postgraduate [MD/MS/ M.Ch.(6
years)/DM (6 years )/MDS] Courses of AIIMS, New Delhi and six other AIIMS Government of India
(Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Jodhpur, Patna, Raipur & Rishikesh) for January 2020
session. Staff Selection Commission
Online Registration for applications Starts on Closes on Department of Personnel & Training
Online Basic Registration open for all MD/MS/MDS 06.05.2019 27.08.2019* Block No. 12, Kendriya Karyalay Parisar
Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
Status of Basic Registration & last date 03.09.2019 09.09.2019*
for correction for rejected images The following 1 (one) post is required to be filled by Deputation
Final Status of Accepted Basic Registration 16.09.2019 basis:-
Date for Generation of Code (Only for accepted 16.09.2019 11.10.2019* Caretaker - 1(one) post at Headquarters of Staff Selection
Basic Registration candidates) Commission, New Delhi.
Uploading Prospectus including seat position for 24.09.2019 Pay Matrix-5 (Old Pay Band PB-1 of Rs. 5200-20200/- with the
Sponsored and Foreign National candidates Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/-).
Final Registration for completion of other details: 27.09.2019 11.10.2019* Eligibility:- Officials under the Central Government.
Qualification, City Choices, Payment (only for the
(i) Holding analogous post on regular basis, Or (ii) with two years
candidates those have generated the code)
regular service in the post within old pay band PB-1 of Rs. 5200-
Date of Examination Sunday, 17th November, 2019
20200/- with grade pay of Rs. 2400/- or equivalent, Or (iii) with 10
Examination Timings Medical Courses 09:00 AM- 12:00 Noon
years regular service in the posts with old pay band PB-I of Rs. 5200-
Dental Courses 09:00 AM- 12:00 Noon
20200/-with the grade pay of Rs. 1900/- or equivalent.
Examination Centres Cities all over India
Preferably having any one or all of the following:-
Important : For Prospectus, detailed information etc. please visit the website
www.aiimsexams.org. All applicants are required to visit the website regularly since (a) One year's experience of working as Caretaker in Govt. Office,
all subsequent Corrigendum/Addendum/Updates will only be uploaded on the (b) One year's experience of working in a Security Organization,
website. Basic Registration is mandatory. Only those with accepted Basic Registration (c) Diploma/Certificate in Sanitary or Public Hygiene or
can proceed for Generation of Code for Final Registration. All applicants who have Diploma/Certificate in Electrical/ Civil Engineering/ Sanitary
applied earlier and whose Basic Registration have been accepted for January
2019 and July 2019 sessions do not require to complete Basic Registration Engineering.
again. They will have to complete Final Registration only after Generation of Period of Deputation: Not exceeding 3 (Three) years.
Code. Pay and other conditions of service of the selected official will be
* The closing time will be up to 05:00 PM. regulated in accordance with DoP&T's O.M. No. 6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay-
II) dated 17.06.2010, as amended from time to time.
ASSISTANT CONTROLLER (EXAMS.) For more details and Curriculum Vitae (Proforma) please log on
davp 17112/11/0036/1920 EN 21/10 the website www.ssc.nic.in. EN 21/44
6 www.employmentnews.gov.in DEPUTATION Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019
Government of India Institute of Human Behaviour & Allied Sciences (IHBAS)
Ministry of Environment, NABH Accredited Hospital for Patient Safety Quality Care (No. H-2012-0123)
(Hospital based autonomous academic Institute, under
Forest & Climate Change Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi dealing with)
"Brain- Mind Problems & Their Solutions"
Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF&CC) is Dilshad Garden, Delhi- 110095 (India)
looking to engage services of one Young Professional in MoEF&CC Tel.: 22597750 Fax: 22114066, E-mail: [email protected]
on contract basis. Details of post and terms and conditions as well Website: www.ihbas.delhigovt.nic.in
period for engagement, eligibility, experience, etc. are as under: Advt. No. 02/2019/Estt./
1. Name of Post : Young Professional RECRUITMENT NOTICE
2. Number of Post : 1 (One) Eligible & interested candidates may apply in the prescribed proforma Through Proper Channel and
Method of Recruitment : Contract based through open market. send the same to Office of Joint Director (Admn), IHBAS for filling the following posts on
Age Limit : Age of Young Professional should not be more than 40 deputation basis, within 45 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in Employment
years as on 1st August, 2019. News:
Period of Contract : Initially for a period of One year from the date S. Name of Posts No. of Pay Matrix Level
of engagement which may be extended as per functional needs. No. Posts
Remuneration (Per month) : An initial consolidated amount of Rs. 1 Joint Director (Administration) 01 Level -13 (Rs. 123100-215900)
80,000/- per month, inclusive of Transport Allowance and all taxes. 2 Finance Advisor & Chief Accounts Officer 01 Level -13 (Rs. 123100-215900)
There shall be an annual increase of eight percent (8 %) subject to
3 Project Engineer/ Superintending Engineer 01 Level-12 (Rs. 78800 - Rs. 209200)
satisfactory performance.
Educational Qualification : Masters in Economics or Finance. 4 Executive Engineer (Electrical) 01 Level-11 (Rs. 67700-Rs. 208700)
Experience : Experience in the relevant field for a period of more 5 Executive Engineer (Civil) 01 Level-11 (Rs. 67700-Rs. 208700)
than 3 years and above. The broad work experience will be based 6 Assistant Administrative Officer 02 Level-8 (Rs. 47600-Rs.151100)
in the functional areas assigned to MoEF & CC. 7 Assistant 03 Level-7 (Rs. 44900-Rs.142400)
Job description : Young Professional (YP) will be required to
8 Assistant Engineer (Electrical) 01 Level-7 (Rs. 44900-Rs.142400)
provide high quality inputs in discipline like planning, programming,
evaluation function of the Ministry and to maintain an appropriate 9 Assistant Engineer (Civil) 01 Level-7 (Rs. 44900-Rs.142400)
system of networking with autonomous authorities within respective 10 Assistant Director (Horticulture) 01 Level-7 (Rs. 44900-Rs.142400)
sectors receiving budgetary support to ensure optimum utilization 11 Computer Assistant 01 Level-6 (Rs. 35400-Rs.112400)
of their resources. 12 Junior Engineer (Civil) 01 Level-6 (Rs. 35400-Rs.112400)
Submission of applications : Eligible candidate may apply in
13 Junior Engineer (Electrical) 02 Level-6 (Rs. 35400-Rs.112400)
prescribed format in email ID [email protected] within 10 days from
the date of publication of the advertisement in the Newspaper. 14 Section Officer (Horticulture) 01 Level-6 (Rs. 35400-Rs.112400)
Application Format Instructions for filling the form Instructions
1. Post : The Applications duly filled alongwith necessary documents such as attested photocopies of the APARs
2. Name : (As in Class 10th/High School Certificate) for the last five year and Vigilance Clearance/Integrity certificate (in original) must be enclosed with the
3. Father's Name : (As in Class 10th/High School Certificate) application. Bank Draft (exempted for SC, ST , Ex-serviceman & PWD Candidates) in favour of
4. Address : (For correspondence with PIN code in full) Director, IHBAS, Delhi for Rs. 1000/- for posts at (Sl. No. 01 to Sl. No. 05) and Rs. 500/- for the
5. Date of Birth : Date of birth in DD/MM/YYYY format only posts at (SI. No. 06 to 14) may be forwarded alongwith the application form.
(as in Class 10th/High School Certificate). Those candidates who had applied earlier to the posts of Joint Director (Admn) in response to Institute's
advertisement dated 06.07.2016 in Hindustan Times, 28.10.2017 in The Times of India & in Employment
For e.g. If candidate's date of birth is 13th
News on 4-10 November 2017, Financial Adviser & Chief Accounts Officer (FA&CAO) in response to
August, 1993, fill as 13/08/1993.
Institute's advertisement dated 28.10.2017 in The Times of India & in Employment News on 4-10
6. Contact : Landline phone number, if any, with the
November 2017 and the posts of (i) Executive Engineer (Electrical) (ii) Executive Engineer (Civil) in
relevant STD/ISD
response to Institute's earlier advertisement in Hindustan Times on dated 31.05.2016, in The Times of
Number Code (enter only numbers e.g. 011230421). India on 28.10.2017 & in Employment News on 4-10 November 2017 and for the post of (i) Assistant
7. Mobile Number : 10-digit mobile number correctly Administrative Officer (ii) Assistant (iii) Assistant Engineer (Electrical) (iv) Junior Engineer (Electrical) in
(without pre-fixing ZERO). response to Institute's earlier advertisement in Times of India & Navbharat Times dated 01.11.2018 and
8. E-mail ID : Correct and valid e-mail ID. in Employment News dated 10-16 November 2018 may also reapply for the relevant post, if they are
9. Educational Qualifications : still interested and eligible but they need not to re-submit the Demand Draft.
¾ Secondary and Senior Secondary Examinations: Mention the The candidates selected will be appointed on Deputation basis in terms of DOPT's OM No. 06/08/2009-
discipline, Board/University, Year of joining and year of Estt.(Pay II) dated 17.06.2010 and amendment made from time to time in this regard. The Institute
completion of the Secondary and Senior Secondary reserves the right to increase/decrease, fill or not to fill the vacancy or cancel the advertisement
Examinations for the above mentioned post(s), without assigning any reason.
¾ Graduation: (Mention discipline, Board/ University, Year of For details of eligibility criteria i.e. Qualification, Experience, Age Pay/Consolidated remuneration &
joining and year of completion. Application Format etc. please visit our website (www.ihbas.delhigovt.nic.in). Last date for submission
¾ Post-Graduation: (Mention discipline, Board/University, Year of application form complete in all respect within 45 days from the date of publication of the
of joining and year of completion. advertisement in Employment News.
¾ For additional education qualification: For all the examination (Krishna Kumar)
courses, the candidate has to mention month and year of Administrative Officer
Joining, month and year of completion, and the MENTAL ILLNESSES ARE TREATABLE EN 21/4
percentage/grade/CGPA/NA awarded for the particular course/
10. Essential Work Experience : Central Waqf Council
Mention the area of experience and Employer, brief job description
and Period of Experience. The per+od of experience may be (A statutory body under Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India)
correctly mentioned as per the work experience document/ It is proposed to fill up one post of Assistant Administrative Officer on deputation (Group B, Non-
certificate. Gazetted, Non-Ministerial) in Level 8 Rs. 47,600-1,51,100/ - (Pre-revised to Rs. 9300-34800/- plus
11. Remarks : If any.
Grade Pay of Rs. 4800/-). The eligibility conditions and other details required for selection by
12. Detailed Resume :
NOTE : deputation for the said post are given below : -
1. Candidates must ensure that they are mentioning all eligibility Age : The maximum age limit for appointment to deputation shall be "not exceeding 56 years as on
conditions while applying for engagement of Young the closing date of receipt of application.
Professional on the date of submission of application. Kindly Eligibility : Officers from Central Government or State Government or Union Territories
refer to the advertisement upload on the website of MoEF&CC.
Administration or Public Sector Undertaking or Autonomous or Statutory bodies etc.
2. Information related to experience (Especially period of
(a) (i) Holding analogous post on regular basis; or
experience) should be mentioned correctly as indicated in their
available documents with the candidate. (ii) with 6 years regular service in posts with Grade Pay -Rs. 4200 or equivalent and possessing
3. Application will be accepted in valid email [email protected] the qualification and experience;
only. The last date of submission of application in email will be (b) Qualification and Experience :
10 days from the date of publication of the advertisement Essential :
in the newspaper. No other mode of application will be (i) Degree from a recognized University;
(ii) Five years experience in work relating to establishment or administration.
4. Candidates are advised to indicate their active and valid email
IDs. Desirable : (i) Elementary knowledge of Persian and Arabic
5. MoEF&CC does not assume any responsibility if any candidate (ii) Proficiency in Urdu
is not being able to e-mail his/ her application on account of (iii) Thorough knowledge of Government Rules, Regulations and Procedure.
technical reasons or for any other reason beyond the control of Generals : Applications in the prescribed proforma as available on the website of the Council
i.e. www.centralwaqfcouncil.gov.in may be forwarded through proper channel to the
6. Candidates are strongly advised to apply well in time without
waiting for the last date. Secretary, Central Waqf Council, Central Waqf Bhawan, P-13 & 14, Pushp Vihar, Sector-6,
7. Incomplete/ambiguous application will be summarily Saket, Opposite Family Court, New Delhi-110017 within 30 days from the date of publication
rejected. EN 21/5 of this advertisement. EN 21/1
Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 7

North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health & Medical Sciences
Mawdiangdiang, Shillong -793018
Special recruitment drive for filling up of vacancies for the Persons with Disability (PWDs)
Advertisement No. NEIGR- E. III/8/20I5/Pt.II dated 19th June, 2019
Applications are invited from eligible PWD's candidates on a special recruitment drive to fill up the following reserved categories of Group 'B' & 'C' posts on direct recruitment.
Eligible/suitable candidates are requested to submit their applications in the prescribed format alongwiih attested copies of certificates & testimonials, two copies of recent
passport size photograph. Candidates working in Govt./Semi Govt/Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Institutions are instructed to submit their applications through proper
channel. Only shortlisted candidates will be called for the skill/written test/interview as the Institute deemed fit. Only Indian citizens need to apply.
SL. Name of Post (s) No. of Post (s) Pay Band & Grade Pay Educational Qualification & experience Age Limit (as on
closing date of
1. Medical Social Worker 1- UR (Reserved for Pay Matrix Level- 6 , 1. Master degree in Social Work/Applied Sociology Not exceeding
Visually Handicapped) Entry Pay Rs. 35,400/- from a recognized University. 35 years
(B.LV) 2. One year practical experience as Social Worker with a
Government Organization in a health related field or reputed
Welfare or Health Agencies recognized by Government
dealing with Medical/Public Health Service.
2. Health Educator 1- UR (Reserved for Pay Matrix Level- 6 , 1. Degree from a recognized University. Not exceeding
Visually Handicapped) Entry Pay Rs. 35,400/- 2. Diploma in Health Education from recognized Institution. 35 years
(B.LV) 3. Experience for not less than 5 years in Health Education
preferably in rural areas.
3. Warden/Lady Warden 1- UR (Reserved for Pay Matrix Level- 6, 1. Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University. Not exceeding
Physically Handicapped) Entry Pay Rs. 35,400/- 2. Certificate/Diploma in Hotel Management/House Keeping/ 35 years
(OA,OL,BL) Material Management/Public Relation/Estate Management.
3. Four year’s experience as Assistant Warden or six year’s
experience as Housekeeper or in a similar capacity in a
Hostel of reputed Institution/Nursing College.
4. Technical Assistant 1- ST (Reserved for Pay Matrix Level- 5, 1. B.Sc from a recognized University with two years working Not exceeding
Hearing Handicapped for Entry Pay Rs. 29,200/- experience in Orthopedics unit of a Hospital with experience 30 years
Deptt of Orthopedics) of handling C-Arm for Orthopedics Surgery and Plaster
2. 12th with Science from a recognized Board/University with
Diploma in O.T. Technology and two years working
experience in Orthopedics unit of a Hospital with experience
of handling C-Arm for Orthopedics Surgery and Plaster
5. House Keeper 1-UR (Reserved for Pay Matrix Level- 5, 1. Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University. Not exceeding
Physically Handicapped) Entry Pay Rs. 29,200/- 2. Certificate/Diploma in Hotel Management/House Keeping/ 30 years
(OL) Material Management/Public Relation/Estate Management.
3. Four year’s experience in House Keeping or in a similar
capacity in a Hostel of reputed Institution/Nursing College.
NB : Abbreviations used : OL= One Leg, BLOA= Both Legs & One Arm, B= Bind, LV= Low Vision, HH= Hearing Handicapped, OA= One Arm, OAL= One Arm & One Leg,
BL= Both Legs.
General Information :
1. Upper age limit is relaxable for regular Govt. servants up to 5 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Govt. of India.
2. Relaxation of upper age limit for SC/ST/OBC/Ex-serviceman/Handicapped/disabled candidates will also be allowed as per Govt. Rules, where reservation of posts are
meant for these categories only.
3. Reservation for ST/SC/OBC and Physically Handicapped will be as per Govt. of India norms.
4. Only those persons belonging to the respective category (i.e. PH, VH & HH) can apply for the respective posts as mentioned above.
5. Persons working under Central/State Government/Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous organization should submit their applications through proper channel. They
may, however, send an advance copy of the application alongwith enclosures which should reach before the prescribed last date.
6. For the posts reserved for PWD, the minimum degree of disability is 40%. The candidates are required to produce necessary documents issued by the competent
authority/Medical Board so as to substantiate that they belong to that category, failing which their application will be rejected out rightly.
7. The decision of the Institute as to eligibility or otherwise of a candidate will be final.
8. The applicants, who do not have requisite qualifications up to the last date of submission of applications, will not be considered.
9. Canvassing of any kind will be a disqualification.
10. In case response to the post is large in number, screening will be restricted to those with higher percentage of marks.
11. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
12. Mere fulfilling the minimum educational qualification and experience doesn’t bestow right to a candidate to be called for interview.
13. Institute reserves the right to reject or accept any candidature without assigning any reason thereof.
14. Due to dearth of quarters, the institute is not in a position to provide quarters to selected candidates. If quarters are not provided the officer will be entitled to House Rent
Allowances (HRA) as per Govt. prescribed rules.
15. The number of vacancies indicated against each caregory of posts is provisional and may increase or decrease depending on the actual needs of the Institure.
16. The Institute will not be responsible for non-receipt/late receipt of any communication send by the candidates due to postal delay/lost in transit.
17. Complete applications may be sent in the prescribed proforma to the “ Recruitment Cell, Establishment Section-III”, North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute
of Health and Medical Sciences, Mawdiangdiang, Shillong- 793018 SUPERSCRIBING “Application for the post of .........................................................”
Prescribed proforma of application form can be downloaded in PDF Format from Institute’s website http:/www.neigrihms.gov.in.
The last date of submission of application is one month of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News.
(D.T. Umdor)
Deputy Director (Admn)
davp 17119/11/0009/1920 EN 21/7
8 www.employmentnews.gov.in DEPUTATION Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019
F. No. A-11011/22/2005-N
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare

Department of Health & Family Welfare

Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi

It is proposed to fill up one vacant post of Professor-cum-Principal in Pay Level-13 * Important: Pay Band & Grade Pay granted under ACP/MACP are personal to the
(Rs. 1,23,100-215900) of the Pay Matrix [Pay Band- 4 (Rs. 37400-67000) with Grade officer and therefore, should not be mentioned. Only Pay band and Grade Pay/
Pay Rs. 8700, in pre-revised scale of pay] in the Rajkumari Amrit Kaur College of Pay Scale of the post held on regular basis to be mentioned. Details of ACP/MACP
Nursing on deputation (including short-term contract)/promotion basis from the officers with present Pay Band and Grade Pay where such benefits have been drawn by
of Central or State Government or Union Territories or Statutory or Autonomous the Candidate, may be indicated as below:
Organisations or Public Sector Undertaking or Universities or Research Institutions:- Office/ Pay, Pay Band and Grade Pay From To
(A) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the Parent Cadre/Department; or Institution drawn under ACP/MACP Scheme
(ii) with five years' service rendered after appointment thereto on regular basis in Level
12 in the pay matrix or equivalent in the parent cadre or department; And
(B) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience;
(i) Masters Degree in Nursing from a recognized University; 8. Nature of present employment i.e. Ad-hoc or
(ii) Registered as a Nurse and Midwife with State Nursing Council; And Temporary or Quasi-Permanent or Permanent
(iii) Fifteen years experience with M.Sc. (N) out of which twelve years should be 9. In case the present employment is held on
teaching experience with Minimum of five years in Collegiate Programme; deputation/contract basis, please state-
(iv) Three years experience in administration in Nursing in State or Union Territories or
a) The date b) Period of c) Name of the d) Name of the post
Central Government.
of Initial appointment on parent office/organi- and Pay of the post
Desirable: M. Phil/Ph. D. in Nursing.
appointment deputation/contract zation to which the held in substantive
Note 1: The departmental Vice-Principal in Level-12 in the Pay Matrix with five years
applicant belongs capacity in the
of regular service in the grade and having the education qualifications and experience parent organisation
prescribed for considering appointment on deputation basis is considered along with
outsiders. If the departmental candidate is selected for appointment to the post, it shall
be treated as having been filled by promotion.
9.1 Note: In case of Officers already on deputation, the applications
Note 2: Period of deputation (including short term contract) including period of
deputation (including short term contract) in another Ex-cadre post held immediately of such officer should be forwarded by the parent Cadre/Department
preceding this appointment in the same or some other Organization or Department of alongwith Cadre Clearance, Vigilance Clearance and Integrity
the Central Government shall ordinarily not to exceed five years. The maximum age Certificate.
limit for appointment by deputation (including short term contract) shall be not 9.2 Note: Information under Column 9 (c) & (d) must be given in
exceeding fifty four years, as on the closing date of receipt of application. all cases where a person is holding a post on deputation outside the
2. It is requested to forward the applications of interested & eligible officers in the given cadre/organization but still maintaining a lien in his parent cadre/
proforma through proper channel so as to reach the undersigned within 60 (sixty) organisation.
days from the date of publication of this advt. in the Employment News. While
10. If any post is held on deputation in the past by the applicant,
forwarding the applications, it may please be ensured that the particulars of the
date of return from the last deputation and other details.
candidates are verified. The applications must be forwarded alongwith the following
documents:- 11. Additional details about present employment:
(i) Original/ attested photocopies of the APARs for the last 5 years. Please state whether working under (indicate the
(ii) Vigilance clearance certificate. name of your employer against the relevant column)
(iii) Integrity certificate. a) Central Government
(iv) No Major/Minor penalty certificate for last 10 years. b) State Government
3. Application received without aforesaid documents or after prescribed date, shall be c) Autonomous Organization
rejected. d) Government Undertaking
(Dr. Rathi Balachandran) e) Universities
Assistant Director General (Nursing) f) Others
Tel. No. (011) 23061033 12. Please state whether you are working in the same Department
and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade.
13. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date from which
1. Name and Address (in Block letters) :
the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale.
2. Date of Birth (in Christian era) :
14. Total emoluments per month now drawn
3. i) Date of entry into service
Basic Pay in the PB Grade Pay Total Emoluments
ii) Date of retirement under Central/State
Government Rules
4. Educational Qualifications
5. Whether Education and other qualifications 15. In case the applicant belongs to an organisation which is not following the Central
required for the post are satisfied. (If any qualification Government Pay Scales, the latest salary slip issued by the Organisation showing
has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed the following details may be enclosed.
in the Rules, state the authority for the same) Basic Pay with Scale of Pay Dearness Pay/Interim relief/ Total
Qualifications/Experience required as men- Qualifications/Experience and rate of increment other Allowances etc., (with Emoluments
tioned in the advertisement/vacancy circular possessed by the officer break-up details)
Essential Essential
A) Qualification A) Qualification
B) Experience B) Experience
Desirable Desirable 16. A Additional information, if any, relevant to the post you applied
for in support of your suitability for the post.
A) Qualification A) Qualification
(This among other things may provide information with regard to
B) Experience B) Experience (i) Additional academic qualifications (ii) Professional training and
5.1 Note: This column needs to be amplified to indicate Essential and Desirable Qualifications (iii) Work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy
as mentioned in the RRs by the Administrative Ministry/Department/Office at Circular/Advertisement).
the time of issue of circular and issue of advertisement in the Employment News. (Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient)
5.2. In the case of Degree and Post Graduate Qualifications Elective/main subjects
16. B Achievements:
and subsidiary subjects may be indicated by the candidate.
The candidates are requested to indicate information with regard to:
6. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries
i) Research publications and reports and special projects;
made by you above, you meet the requisite Essential
ii) Awards/Scholarships/Official Appreciation;
Qualifications and work experience of the post.
iii) Affiliation with the professional bodies/institutions/societies; and
6.1 Note: Borrowing Departments are to provide their specific comments/views
iv) Patents registered in own name or achieved for the organization;
confirming the relevant Essential Qualification/work experience possessed by
v) Any research/innovative measure involving official recognition;
the Candidate (as indicated in the Bio-data) with reference to the post applied.
vi) Any other information.
7. Details of Employment in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet duly
(Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient)
authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient.
Office/ Post held on From To *Pay Band and Grade Nature of Duties 17. Please state whether you are applying for deputation (ISTC)/
Institution regular basis Pay/Pay Scale of the (in details) highlig- Absorption/Re-employment Basis#.
post held on regular hting experience # (Officers under Central/ State Governments are only eligible
basis required for the for “Absorption”. Candidates of Non-Government Organizations
post applied for are eligible only for Short-Term Contract). Continued on page 9
Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 9
National School of Drama
Defence Research & Development Organisation (An Autonomous Institution under
Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India)
Research & Development Centre New Delhi
Him Parisar, Plot No.-01, Sector 37A VACANCY FOR ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
Chandigarh -160036 (UT) National School of Drama, a fully financed autonomous institute of Ministry of Culture,
WALK-IN INTERVIEW FOR THE POSITION OF RESEARCH ASSOCIATE (RA) & Government of India invites application for the following posts.
JUNIOR RESEARCH FELLOW (JRF) Assistant Professor-Classical Indian Drama - 1 Post(OBC-Non Creamy Layer)
The interested candidates are invited for a walk-in interview at SASE RDC, Him Assistant Professor-Music -1 Post (PwD-OH)
Parisar, Plot No. 1, Sector 37 A, Chandigarh for the following position:- Assistant Professor-Acting -1 Post (ST)
Sr Eligibility Nos. Date of Scale of Pay :
No. Interview Level-10 of Pay Matrix Rs. 56100-177500
Qualifications & Experience :
01 Essential: 01 16-09-2019
1. (a) Good academic record, should have B.A. Degree and the NSD Diploma in
A doctorate degree (Ph.D) from a recognized university/ No. Stipend Rs.
Dramatics/ or a Master's Degree with at least IInd Class in the concerned subject.
Institute in Remote Sensing /Computer Science/Electronics RA 54000/-
(b) Two years research or professional experience or evidence of creative work and
and Communication, with at least one research paper in Plus HRA
achievement in the field of specialization or a combined research and professional
Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. OR
M.Tech with first division in Remote Sensing/Computer experience of three years in the field as an artist or outstanding talent.
Science/Electronics and Communication with three years 2. Proficiency in writing and speaking English/Hindi essential.
research or teaching experience with at least one research Age 45 Years and below :
paper in Science Citation Indexed (SCI) Journal. Age relaxation will be given to candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC and other
Desirable: specified categories, as per orders of the Govt. of India. 5 years age relaxation for
(i) Working experience of snow, avalanche and glacier related employees of NSD. The age limit as indicated will be reckoned as on 01.07.2019.
research work. How to Apply :
(ii) Proficiency in using GIS and Remote Sensing based Candidates are required to apply online only by using the website
software's (ERDAS, ArcGIS, ENVI, QGIS etc). http://recruitment.nsd.gov.in or http://nsd.gov.in. Detailed instructions for filling up
(iii) Knowledge of geo-spatial modeling techniques. online applications are available on the above mentioned website. The last date of
02 Essential: 02 16-09-2019 submission of online applications is 23.9.2019. Candidates working in Govt. Deptt./
Post graduate Science degree in first division (both at graduate No. Stipend Rs. autonomous organization / PSU and fulfilling the requirements are requested to
and post graduate level) with NET/GATE in the fields of JRF 31000 /- submit No Objection Certificate from their present employer at the time of interview.
Remote Sensing/GIS/Geomatics/Geo-informatics. OR Plus HRA No TA/DA will be paid by the National School of Drama for attending the interview.
ME or M.Tech in first division (both at graduate and However, candidates belonging to SC/ST category will be paid 2nd Class railway/ bus
post graduate level) in the fields of Remote Sensing/ fare by the shortest route from their place of residence to New Delhi and back on
GIS/Geomatics/Geo-informatics/Computer Science. production of railway / bus tickets/receipts.
Desirable: Application Fee & Mode of Payment :
(i) Good Working knowledge of different Remote Sensing & Application fee of Rs. 200/- for UR and Rs. 100/- for OBC (Non Creamy Layer) is to
GIS software's (e.g. ERDAS, ArcGIS, ENVI etc), be paid online through Net Banking, Credit or Debit Card.
(ii) Experience of field work, preferably in snow/glacier regions, Candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Persons with
(iii) Good working knowledge of Hyper spectral technology, Disability are exempted from paying application fee.
Geospatial modeling, etc. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. REGISTRAR
03 Essential: 01 16-09-2019 davp 09130/11/0023/1920 EN 21/59
M.Tech in First division (both at graduate and post graduate No. Stipend Rs.
leavel) in Electronics & Communication/Electronics & Instru- JRF 25000/-Plus Continued from page 8
mentation/Electronics Engg. HRA # (The option of ‘STC/ ‘Absorption’/ ‘Re-employment’ are
04 Essential: 01 16-09-2019 available only if the vacancy circular specially mentioned
Post graduate Science degree in first division (both at graduate No. Stipend Rs. recruitment by “STC” or “Absorption” or “Re-employment”)
and post graduate level) with NET/GATE in the fields Atmos- JRF 31000/-
pheric Sciences/Meteorology/Physics/Environmental Science, Plus HRA 18. Whether belongs to SC/ST
Desirable: I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware
(i) Computer knowledge. that the information furnished in the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by the documents
05 Essential: 01 16-09-2019 in respect of Essential Qualification/Work Experience submitted by me will also be
ME or M.Tech in first division (both at graduate and post No. Stipend Rs. assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. The
graduate level) in the fields of Remote Sensing/GlS/Geomatics/ JRF 31000/- information/details provided by me are correct and true to the best of my knowledge
Geo-informatics/Computer Science. OR Post graduate Science Plus HRA
and no material fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/withheld.
degree in first division (both at graduate and post graduate
level) with NET/GATE in the fields of Remote Sensing/GIS/ Date __________
Geomatics/Geo-informatics/Computer Science. (Signature of the Candidate)
Desirable: Address ________________
(i) Exposure/good working knowledge of different Remote
(ii) Good working knowledge of SAR technology, Geo-spatial The information/details provided in the above application by the applicant are true and
modeling etc. correct as per the facts available on records. He/she possesses educational
(iii) Experience of field work, preferably in glaciers. qualifications and experience mentioned in the advt. If selected, he/she will be relieved
(iv) NET/GATE qualified. immediately.
z Type written application with complete bio-data and attested copies of Mark 2. Also certified that:
sheets/Certificates, caste Certificate, Experience certificates, publications if any i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/contemplated against Shri/
addressed to Director, Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment (SASE), Research & Smt. _______________________
Development Centre (RDC), Him Parisar, Sector 37A, Chandigarh (UT) should be ii) His/her integrity is certified.
brought at the time of Walk-in interview along with a recent passport size photograph, iii) His/Her CR Dossier in original is enclosed/photocopies of the ACRs for the last 5
duly affixed on the right top corner of the first page of application. Candidates working years duly attested by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary of the Govt. of
in Govt/Public Sector Undertaking/Autonomous Bodies should bring NOC from their India or above are enclosed.
employer at the time of walk-in-interview. iv) No major/minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years Or
z Maximum age 28 years for JRF and 35 years for RA and relaxation in age for 05 A list of major/minor penalties imposed on him/her during the last 10 years is
years for SC/ST and 03 years for OBC as per govt. rules. enclosed (as the case may be) Countersigned
z For field data collection, the selected person will have to regularly visit and stay in the EN 21/3 (Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority with Seal)
snow bound, glaciated region of Himalaya, as per requirement.
z The positions are purely temporary. The offer of fellowship will not confer any right for 3. Candidates will be required to produce all certificates/testimonials in original during
regular appointment /absorption in DRDO. The period of fellowship will not count for the the interview.
purpose of seniority, other Govt benefit in DRDO in case of appointment at a later date. 4. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview/joining, irrespective of the
The fellowship may be terminated any time during the tenure with a prior notice of one selection.
month. 5. No govt. accommodation would be provided by the organisation to the candidates.
z Desirous candidates appearing for a walk-in interview are required to report at SASE- 6. The number of fellowships may increase or decrease depending upon the prevailing
RDC, Chandigarh as per the following schedule:- requirement.
(i) Applications would be accepted up to 1000 hrs. 7. The candidates shall be shortlisted for the interview on the basis of their score of
(ii) Initial screening and verification of testimonials would be done between 1000-1100 national written test or NET/GATE and percentage of marks obtained in minimum
hrs on the respective interview Date. qualifying degree.
(iii) Interview of the screened/short listed candidates would take place from 1100 hrs (M.K. Gairola)
onward. Sr. Admin Officer-I
1. The fellowship will under 'No circumstances' confer on the fellows any right of regular Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment
appointment in this establishment. Ph (O): 0172-2699804-06, Extn: 202
2. One candidate can apply only for one fellowship as per their Essential and Desirable Fax (O): 0172-2699802
qualification. davp 10301/11/0056/1920 EN 21/9
10 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019
Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Recruitment of Civilian Personnel in Indian Navy-2019
at INS Shivaji, INS Valsura and INS Hamla
1. Indian Navy invites applications for the below mentioned posts classified as Group Sl. Posts Age Essential/Desirable Qualifications
‘C’, Non-Gazetted from the eligible candidates to apply in proforma appended below No (Refer Para 1)
by Registered/Speed Post (Application in other forms of mailing will not be accepted). 3. Must be physically fit and capable of perfor-
Selected candidates normally will have to serve in the units viz. INS Shivaji, ming strenuous duties and must have passed
Lonavala (Pune); INS Valsura, Jamnagar (Gujarat) and INS Hamla, Malad the test specified at Note below.
(Mumbai) which are under the administrative control of Western Naval Note :
Command, Mumbai. However they can be posted anywhere in India, in Naval units/ Test as to physical fitness etc. referred above
formations in case of any administrative requirement. shall be as under :-
Sl. Name of post Distribution of vacancies * Total Horizontal (i) Height without shoes – 165 cms. Provided
No. (Classification with Reservation that a concession 2.5 cms height shall be
Pay Scale as per allowed for members of the Scheduled Tribes.
7th CPC-Level in (ii) Chest (un-expanded) – 81.5 cms.
the Pay Matrix ) UR SC ST OBC EWS PwBDs ESM (iii) Chest (on – expansion) – 85 cms.
(a) Safaiwala (now 04 - 01 03 01 09 - 01 (iv) Weight – 50 Kgs (minimum).
MTS (Ministerial)) (v) Endurance test
Level 1 (Rs 18000- (a) Carrying a man (Fireman lift of 63.5 Kgs to
56900) a distance of 183 metres within 96 seconds)
(b) Clearing 2.7 metres wide ditch landing on
(b) Pest Control Worker 02 - - 01 - 03 - -
both feet (long jump)
Level 1 (Rs 18000-
(c) Climbing 3 metres vertical rope using hand
and feet.
(c) Cook - - - 01 - 01 - - Desirable :
Level 2 (Rs 19900- 1. Should be familiar with maintenance and
63200) operation of various types of fire appliances.
(d) Fire Engine Driver 01 - - - - 01 - - 2. Experience of having worked on a regular
(Erstwhile FED-I & II) civil or Defence Fire Brigade as Fireman Gde I
Level 3 (Rs 21700- or Senior Fireman.
69100) 3. Should have passed the general fire fighting
* Subject to variation of vacancies. course of Defence Institute of Fire Research,
Suitability for EWSs - Persons who are governed under DoP&T OMs F No. Ministry of Defence, New Delhi or the Sub-
36039/1/2019-Estt (Res) dated 19 Jan 19 and 31 Jan 19 are identified as EWSs for the Officer’s course from the National Fire Service
benefit of reservation. College, Nagpur or any other similar recognized
Suitability for PwBDs– As per posts identified by Ministry of Social Justice & course.
Empowerment, PwBDs applicant may apply for post accordingly. 5. Nature of Duties in brief. Indicative duties and responsibilities of the posts
Name of Post Categories of Physical Requirement mentioned above are as under :
disabled suitable (a) Multi Tasking Staff (Min)
for the job (i) Physical maintenance of records of section.
(ii) General cleanliness & upkeep of the Section/Unit.
Safaiwala (now OL, B, LV, HH S, ST, W, MF, PP, L, KC, BN, SE, H
(iii) Carrying of files and other papers within the building.
MTS (Ministerial))
(iv) Photocopying, sending of FAX etc.
Pest Control Worker OL, HH S, ST, W, BN, L, MF, RW, SE, C (v) Other non-clerical work in the Sections/Unit.
Cook OL, LV, HH S, ST, W, MF, SE, RW, H, BN, L, C (vi) Delivering of Dak (inside & outside the Section/Unit)
Note:- Applicants, must be in possession of disability certificate issued by the (vii) Watch & ward duties.
Competent Authority prior to applying, in the format given in GOl/DOP&T OM (viii) Opening and closing duties
36035/1/2012- Estt.(Res) dated 29 Nov 2013. (ix) Cleaning of rooms including washrooms
2. Abbreviations used : UR-Unreserved, SC-Scheduled Caste, ST-Scheduled Tribes, (x) Dusting of furniture etc.
OBC-Other Backward Class, EWS– Economically Weaker Sections, ESM-Ex- (xi) Jobs related to proficiency of the post
Servicemen, PwBDs-Persons with Benchmark Disabilities, OL-One Leg, B - Blind, LV- (xii) Any other work assigned by superior authority
Low Vision, HH-Hearing Handicapped, S-Sitting, ST-Standing, W-Walking, L-Lifting, (b) Pest Control Worker
SE–Seeing, PP-Pulling and Pushing, KC-Kneeling and Crouching, BN–Bending, MF– (a) Taking anti-mosquito measures, anti-fly measures, anti rodent and anti-pest
Manipulation by Fingers, RW–Reading and Writing, H-Hearing, C-Communication. measures in accordance with instructions of higher authorities.
3. Reservation. Reservation for SC/ST/OBC/EWS/PwBDs/ESM categories is available (b) Control of various pests of Public Health Importance by use of insecticide
as per extant Government Orders. The reserved vacancies will be filled up separately spray with different types of sprayers in use or as is periodically introduced in
from amongst the eligible SCs, STs, OBCs, EWS, PwBDs & ESM candidates which will service from time to time.
thus comprise of SC, ST, OBC , EWS, PwBDs & ESM who are lower in merit than the (c) Regular cleaning and maintenance of all spraying equipment.
last general candidate on merit list of unreserved category but otherwise found suitable (d) Application and preparation of various formulations of disinfectants/
for the appointment even by relaxed standards viz. age limit etc. Reservations for insecticides under instructions and directions of supervisory staff.
PwBDs& ESM fall under the category of Horizontal reservation which cuts across (e) All sanitary duties deemed essential for the preservation of health of Naval
Vertical reservation i.e. reservation for SC/ST/OBC/EWS (in what is called inter-locking personnel and their families/ Naval employees may be ordered by the supervisory
reservation). The candidates selected against the PwBDs& ESM quota have to be staff.
placed in the appropriate category of UR/SC/ST/OBC/EWS as the case may be. (f) Collection of anti-malaria oil, kerosene oil and other stores from depot, its
4. Age & Essential/Desirable Qualifications storage and day to day issue.
(g) Elimination of breeding places of mosquitoes and flies by source reduction
Sl. Posts Age Essential/Desirable Qualifications
and by minor engineering methods such as filling , leveling canalization, straight
No (Refer Para 1)
edging , de-weed etc.
(a) Safaiwala (now Between Essential: (h) Carry out all duties connected with the setting up, shifting of any static /roving
MTS 18 to 27 (i) Matriculation Pass or equivalent from a health exhibitions as will be required from time to time.
(Ministerial)) years recognized Board/Institution. (i) Any other duty considered essential in the interest of health, sanitation to be
(b) Pest Control Between Essential: done according to the directions of supervisors.
Worker 18 and 1. Matriculation pass or equivalent from a (c) Cook
25 Years recognized Board. To prepare food (tea, breakfast, lunch & dinner) as per menu in the kitchen/galley
2. Ability to read and speak Hindi/Regional and maintain hygiene of cooking space.
Language (d) Fire Engine Driver
(i) Check the fire engine/pump/vehicles assigned to him at the commencement of
(c) Cook Between Essential:
duty for oil, fuel water in radiator, inflation of tyres, condition of brakes lights and
18 and 1. Matriculation or equivalent from a recognised indicators and takes action to rectify or make up defects or deficiencies.
25 Years Institute or Board. (ii) Start the engines at the commencement of the shift and subsequently when
2. One year’s experience in the trade. ordered to do so and ensure that the fire engines /pumps/vehicles are in good
(d) Fire Engine Between Essential : order.
Driver 18 and 1. Matriculation pass or equivalent from a (iii) Takes over full charge of the vehicle, its fitments, accessories and articles
(Erstwhile 30 Years recognized Board. from the outgoing person-in charge and report deficiencies if any to the shift in
FED-I & II) 2. Must have at least three years experience charge immediately.
of driving heavy vehicles and be in possession (iv) Maintain records of the vehicles and inventory of equipment and keep
of valid driving license. updated. Continued
Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 11
(v) Carry out normal routine daily maintenance of the vehicle entrusted to him, to document verification will be intimated on their registered e-mail IDs and by
ensure its cleanliness and service ability. speed post.
Note: The above list of duties is only illustrative and not exhaustive. Section/ 8. Last Date for Submission. The last date of receipt of Application is 21 days from
Department of the Indian Navy may add in the list, duties of similar nature, ordinarily date of publication of advertisement in Employment News and the last date of
performed by officials at this level. receipt of Application from the candidates residing in Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal
6. Age relaxation and Crucial Dates Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim, Ladakh Division of Jammu and
(a) Age relaxation Kashmir State, Lahaul and Spiti District and Pangi sub-division of Chamba District of
S. Category Age relaxation permissible beyond the upper age limit Himachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep will be 28 days
No. from the date of publication of advertisement in Employment News.
Illustration. If the Advertisementis published in Employment News, 01 - 07 of
(i) SC / ST 05 Years
Month ABC 2019. Then the Opening date will be on 2nd of Month-ABC 2019 and
(ii) OBC 03 Years Closing date will be 22nd of Month-ABC 2019 (at 2350 hrs).
(iii) PwBDs UR -10 Years, OBC-13 (10+03) Years, SC/ST-15 (10+05) Years, 9. How to Apply. The Application should be on plain paper (A4 Size) (good quality
etc. paper should be used) either neatly hand written or typed as per the prescribed format
(iv) ESM UR -03 Years after deduction of the Military service rendered (see below), affixed with latest passport size colour photograph duly self-attested on
from actual age as on the closing date. the front side without defacing. The envelope must be clearly superscribed on the top
Similarly for OBC-06 (03+03) Years, SC/ST-08 (03+05) Years as APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF“________________”, and CATEGORY
“___________” (i.e. SC/ST/OBC/UR/PwBDs/ESM) and sent by Registered/Speed
Note. 1. Age relaxation for Departmental Candidates, persons domiciled in J&K etc. will
Post only to The Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, {for Staff Officer (Civilian
be as per extant rules issued by the Govt. of India from time to time.
Recruitment Cell)}, Headquarters Southern Naval Command , Kochi – 682004
(b) Crucial Date. The Crucial date for determining the age limit and experience will be
along with the following :-
the closing date for receipt of applications. Only matriculation/ SSC/ Birth certificate
(a) The applicant must possess the required criteria and educational qualification as
issued by concerned Education Board/Competent Authority will be considered as proof
mentioned in the advertisement. Similarly, candidates who have passed from a
of Date of birth.
recognized Board / Institution which has ‘Grade Point’ system need to get their
7. Mode of Selection.
grade point converted into percentage of marks by appropriate authorities before
(a) Shortlisting of Applications. Where the number of applications received is too
large (for posts with Matriculation as Educational qualification) in proportion to the
(b) If the candidates commit any mistake in filling the application form, it cannot be
vacancies and it is not convenient or possible for the department to call all the
corrected by this office. This office will take no responsibility of any kind for such
candidates for the written test, Indian Navy at their discretion may restrict the
number of eligible candidates, whose applications are registered, by shortlisting
(c) The applicants must ensure that while filling their application form, they are
as per merit in the ratio 1:25 to the number of vacancies based on the marks
providing their valid and active e-mail IDs and mobile number as Indian Navy may
obtained in the minimum requisite educational qualification for this recruitment /
use either mode of communication for contacting them at different stages of
post i.e Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board. Merely fulfilling the
recruitment process. This office will not be responsible for non-receipt of e-mail.
basic selection criteria does not automatically entitle a person/applicant to be
(d) Candidates should not submit multiple applications for the same post.
called for the written test.
(e) Two additional Passport size photographs for Admit Card and Exit card
(b) Scheme of Written Examination. All shortlisted/eligible candidates will have to
selfattested on the reverse side and full name written.
appear in the written examination consisting of objective type questions based on
(f) Self attested copies of certificates of relevant educational qualifications and self
the Essential/Desirable qualifications, as mentioned at para 4 above and bilingual
attested copies of higher qualification if any.
in both English & Hindi (except for General English) covering aspects as below:-
(g) Self attested copy of proof for date of birth (10th certificate or Birth Certificate).
Part Subject Maximum (h) The SC/ST candidates should also enclose latest copy of caste certificate duly
Marks self attested for claiming age/other relaxation and produce original certificate on
(i) General Intelligence, Reasoning & Numerical Aptitude 25 demand.
(ii) General English 15 (i) A copy of candidate’s testimonial in support of candidate’s experience/proficiency
in case the candidate is applying against a post requiring experience/proficiency.
(iii) General Awareness 10
(j) A copy of certificate duly indicating the proof of Ex-Servicemen issued by the
(iv) Awareness in relevant trade/field. 50 Competent Authority with the application and produce original on demand.
(c) Indicative Syllabus for Examination. (k) Self attested copy of certificate showing the Disability for Physically Handicapped
(i) General Intelligence, Reasoning & Numerical Aptitude. It would include Personnel. It may be noted that only such persons would be eligible for
questions of both verbal and non-verbal type. The test will include questions on reservation in services/posts who suffer from not less than 40% (per cent) of
analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, problems solving, relevant disability. The candidates are to enclose PwBDs certificate indicating
analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory, discriminating observation, percentage of disability issued by Competent Medical Authority.
relation concepts, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series, (l) The benefit of reservation under EWSs can be availed upon production of an
nonverbal series etc. The question will be designed to test the ability of Income and Asset Certificate issued by a Competent Authority as per the format
appropriate use of numbers and number sense of the applicant. The scope of the promulgated vide DoP&T OMs F No. 36039/1/2019-Estt(Res) dated 31 Jan 19
test will be computation of whole numbers, decimals, fractions and relationships while submitting the applications.
between numbers, percentage, profit & loss, Ratio and proportion, square roots, (m) The Govt Servants are to enclose self attested copy of No Objection Certificate
averages, interest, time & distance, time & work, height and distances, degree & from the Employer with the application and produce original on demand.
radian measures, basic algebraic identities of school algebra and elementary (n) The format of relevant certificates is available at Naval Website
surds, Bar diagram and pie chart & histogram. www.indiannavy.nic.in at Personnel>Civilian page.
(ii) General English. In addition to the testing of candidates understanding of (n) A self-addressed envelope of size 23x13 cm with postage stamp of Rs.45/-
English language, its vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonymous, affixed on the cover.
antonyms and its correct usage etc. 10. General Instructions/Conditions
(iii) General Awareness. The test will include questions relating to India and its (a) Only Indian nationals can apply for the above post.
neighbouring countries especially pertaining to sports, history, culture, geography, (b) The applicant should ensure that he / she fulfils the eligibility and other norms
economics scene, general policy including Indian Constitution and scientific mentioned in the advertisement. Particulars furnished in the application form
research etc. These questions will be such that they do not require special study should be correct in all respect. If any false or incorrect information furnished by
of any discipline. the applicant is detected at any stage, his / her candidature will be cancelled
(iv) Awareness in relevant trade/field. The test will include questions relating to without prejudice to take legal action against him / her.
Trade/Post, as per the essential/desirable qualification specified at para 4, above. (c) The eligibility with respect to age, educational qualification, experience etc will be
(d) Date of Examination. Exact date, time and venue of written examination will be determined as on the crucial date (i.e. date of closing of Application).
communicated on the Admit card issued to the shortlisted candidates. Indian (d) No relaxation in age limit will be provided unless the category is filled
Naval websites www.indiannavy.nic.in may also be referred from time to time appropriately at the relevant column in the application form.
for any further instructions/ amendments. (e) Applicants are requested to check www.indiannavy.nic.in, website regularly till
(e) Scribe. Visually Handicapped (VH) candidates with visual disabilities of 40% and completion of recruitment for updates/corrigendum and any further instructions.
above and cerebral palsy candidates can avail the assistance of Scribe in the (f) The SC/ST applicants should be in possession of a latest copy of caste certificate
Written Examination subject to such request of scribe being made while filling for claiming age / other relaxation and reservation and produce original certificate
application. Further, they will be allowed Compensatory time in the examination, on demand.
as applicable, in accordance with extant regulations. (g) In case of OBCs, the applicant is required to produce, on demand, a caste
(f) Skill/ Practical Test. Skill/Practical test may be conducted to test the proficiency/ certificate (valid for three financial years), specifying that the applicant does not
Knowledge and suitability of the candidates for relevant trade/posts as specified belong to ‘Creamy layer’. The certificate should be as per format contained in
in the relevant Recruitment Rules. The skill test will be of qualifying in nature. GOI. DOP&T OM 36036/2/2013-Estt. (Res) dated 30 May 2014 and 36033/1/
Exact date, time and venue will be communicated to the eligible candidates on 2013-Estt (Res) dated 27 May 2013.
registered e-mail IDs or by post. (h) Armed Forces personnel applying for the posts should upload an undertaking as
(g) Provisional Appointment Letter. The appointment of Provisionally selected per GOI / DOP&T OM 36034/2/91/Estt.(SCT) dated 03 Apr 1991 to avail age
candidates will be strictly based on the merit position in the written examination relaxation/reservation. The formats of the certificates are available on
only and qualifying in the Skill Test(if applicable); Subject to satisfaction of www.indiannavy.nic.in.
document verification, medical examination and other requirement as specified (i) In case, the applicants working in Central / State Govt etc. fails to produce the
by the Government of India and Appointing Authority. NOC when demanded, his / her candidature will not be considered.
(h) Document Verification. All provisionally selected applicants will be called for (j) The Persons with disabilities, who want to avail benefit of reservation and age
Document Verification. All documents pertaining to age, education, identity, relaxation should be in possession of disability certificate issued by the
address, category, caste validity certificate etc required to produce in original at Competent Authority in the prescribed format given at enclosure of GOI/ DOP&T
the time of Document Verification and will be scrutinized and verified prior to OM 36035/1/2012- Estt.(Res) dated 29 Nov 2013. The formats of the certificates
provisional appointment as per extant DoP&T Policy. Date and venue for are available on www.indiannavy.nic.in.
12 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019
(k) As per Ministry of Human Resource Development Notification No. F.6-1/ 2013-DL Candidature of any individual may be cancelled for the said post, if at any stage,
dated 10 Jun 2015 published in Gazette of India dated 25 Jul 2015, the it is found that the individual does not fulfill the eligibility criteria for the advertised
qualification acquired by the individuals through open Universities/Distance post. The decision of the Competent Authority regarding issuing of appointment
Education Mode by the University established by an Act of Parliament or State order to the individual for the selected post will be final.
Legislature, Institutions Deemed to be universities under Section 3 of University (xxv) Higher qualification if any, possessed by the candidate is to be disclosed.
Grant Commission Act,1956 and Institution of National Importance declared Future requests for addition of qualification, if any obtained prior to appointment
under an Act of Parliament stands automatically recognized for the purpose of will not be entertained.
employment to posts and services under Central Government provided they have 12. The appointment of the selected candidates will be made by Chief Staff Officer
been approved by the University Grant Commission Act. (Personal & Administration), Headquarters Western Naval Command, Mumbai.
(l) The vacancies shown above are provisional and may vary.The vacancies may be The seniority list, roster points etc in respect of the selected candidates will be
reduced/increased or even made nil without assigning any reason thereof. The maintained by HQWNC.
recruitment process can be cancelled/ postponed/ suspended/terminated without CAUTION TO ALL CANDIDATES
any notice/assigning any reasons, at any stage. 13. Beware of touts who may misguide with false promise of getting the
(m) Applicants will have to make their own arrangement for lodging / boarding for candidate selected for the job on illegal consideration. Selection is based purely
written test and skill test. Applicants are advised not to bring any valuable/costly on merit. Candidates are advised not to fall prey to false assurance or exploitation and
items to the recruitment test as safe keeping of the same cannot be assured. must not entertain or encourage unscrupulous elements in any way. It is emphasized
Indian Navy will not be responsible for any loss in this regard. that the written test and the selection process will be strictly on merit in a transparent
(n) The results of the written examination will be published in the Employment News manner.
and also uploaded in www.indiannavy.nic.in.The scores and ranking of FOR ANY CLARIFICATION/ASSISTANCE, CANDIDATE MAY WRITE TO US AT
applicants in the recruitment examination will be made public through portal in E-mail: [email protected]
accordance with DOP&T OM dated 21 Jun 16. Phone No: 0484-2872248
(o) Various format of Certificates recommended applicable for direct recruitment are Prescribed Format
available at Naval Website www.indiannavy.nic.in at Personnel > Civilian page. APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF________________ (Name of
(p) Indian Navy has the right of cancelling the candidature of any applicant found Affix recent
Post) passport size (4.5
indulging in any malpractice/Unfair means or hiding any material information, (Indicate one post only)
misrepresenting facts or canvassing for candidature. Mobiles and other electronic x 3.5 cm)
gadgets are banned within the premises of the examination centres. Possession 1. Name of the Candidate (To be filled in Capital Letters Only) photograph self
of such equipment whether in use or in switch off mode, during the examination attested (not older
will be considered as use of unfair means. All such applicants will be liable to be than 06 months)
debarred from this examination as well as future examinations. A criminal 2. Father’s Name:
proceeding may also be initiated.
11. Important Instructions to the candidates:-
(a) The candidature to the recruitment test is provisional subject to being found 3. Date of Birth:
eligible in all respects. D DMM Y Y Y Y
(b) Without prejudice to criminal action/debarment from examination wherever 4. Permanent Address
necessary, candidature will be summarily cancelled at any stage of the Line 1
recruitment in respect of candidates found having indulged in any of the
following:- Line 2
(i) In possession of Mobile Phones & accessories and other electronic gadgets Pin Code
within the premises of the examination centres, whether in use or in switched Off Line 3 Telephone
mode and on person or otherwise. State: _______________________________________
(ii) Candidates are advised not to bring any valuable/costly items to the 5. Address for correspondence
recruitment test as safe keeping of the same cannot be assured. The concerned Line 1
Authority (Navy) will not be responsible for any loss in this regard.
(iii) Involved in malpractices Line 2
(iv) More than one Application submitted by the candidates for the same post. Pin Code
(v) Using unfair means at examination centre Line 3 Telephone
(vi) Obtaining support for his/her candidature by any means State: _______________________________________
(vii) Impersonate/ Procuring impersonation by any person Mobile No. ___________________________________
(viii) Submitting fabricated documents or documents which have been tampered E-mail ID ____________________________________
with. 6. Caste/Category :
(ix) Making statements which are incorrect or false or suppressing material (Please tick (9)
information. Appropriate box)
(x) Resorting to any other irregular or improper means in connection with his/her (attach certificate) UR SC ST OBC EWS ESM PwBDs
candidature for the examination.
(xi) Misbehaving in any other manner in the examination hall with the Supervisor, 7. If applied under PwDs: Disability % Disability Scribe required
Invigilator or Recruitment Staff representatives. Category (VH/HH/OH/MD) (Yes/No
(xii) Taking away the Question Paper/Answer Sheet from the examination hall or (attach certificate)
passing it on to unauthorized persons during the conduct of the examination. 8. Nationality: _______________________________________________________
(xiii) Intimidating or causing bodily harm to the staff employed for the conduct of 8. Marital Status: Single/Married/Divorced/Separated ________________________
examination. 10. Religion: _________________________________________________________
(xiv) To be ineligible for the examination by not fulfilling the eligibility conditions 11. Educational qualification (Matriculation onwards) (attach certificate) :
mentioned in the advertisement. Qualification University/ Year of Total Percentage Div/Class
(xv) If the application of candidate who is working in Government Establishment Board Passing Marks of Marks
is not received through proper channel with self attested copy of NOC. Secured
(xvi) Candidature can also be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment for any
other ground which the Competent Authority considers to be sufficient cause for
12. Experience (attach certificate):
cancellation of candidature.
(xvii) The candidate have to make their own arrangements for boarding and Post held & Pay Office/ Period of Service Total Period in Nature of
lodging etc for the Recruitment Test as per date, time and venue of examination. Scale Institute From To years & months Duties
(xviii) Companion, if any, would not be allowed to the venue or in its proximity. It
is therefore, advised not to bring any companion.
(xix) Candidates should check Admit Card carefully and bring the discrepancies, 12. Identification mark (please write in the box)
if any to the notice of the Invigilator before the examination.
(xx) The candidates are directed to undertake the recruitment test at their own
risk, i.e. after verifying that they fulfill the qualifications in the advertisement and DECLARATION
admission to the test is purely provisional. In this regard a Declaration form is to (a) I hereby declare that all the statements made by me in the application are true,
be signed by the individual before appearing for the examination. complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have not suppressed
(xxi) The candidate must note that the verification of eligible condition, i.e. age, any information. I understand and agree that in the event of any information being
educational qualification, etc with reference to original documents for only those found false or incorrect or incomplete or ineligibility being detected at any point in time
candidates who qualify in the recruitment test will be carried out by the before or after selection, my candidature is liable to be rejected. I shall be bound by the
decision of the competent authority.
Competent Authority. Unless the candidature is formally confirmed by the
(b)* I have informed my Head of the Office/Deptt. in writing that I am applying for this
Competent Authority, it continues to be ‘Provisional’.
(xxii) The decision of the Competent Authority in all matters relating to eligibility, (c)* I have no objection to my scores and ranking in the recruitment examination in
acceptance or rejection of the candidature, penalty for false information, mode of being made public through portal in accordance with DoP&T OM dated 21 Jun 16.
selection, conduct of examination(s), selection and allotment of posts to selected *{Strike if not applicable}
candidates will be final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry/ Place:
correspondence will be entertained in this regard. Date: (Signature of the candidate)
(xxiii) If a candidate fails to attend on the date and time indicated for examination Enclosures:-
of the advertised post, his/her candidature will be treated as cancelled. 1)______________ 2) ________________ 3) ___________________
(xxiv) Calling for completion of written examination/interview/pre-recruitment 4)______________ 5) ________________ 6) ___________________
formalities does not entitle any individual for appointment for the selected post. davp 10702/11/0113/1920 EN 21/13
Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 13
14 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019
Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 15

EN 21/25
16 www.employmentnews.gov.in DEPUTATION Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019
No. F. 2-11/2008-NM
Government of India
National Museum
Janpath, New Delhi
Sub:- Filling up the post of Curator (Public Relation) Group 'A', Gazetted, Non- ANNEXURE-II
Ministerial in the pay matrix level-11 (Rs. 67700-208700/-) by Composite Method: BIO-DATA/ CURRICULUM VITAE PROFORMA FOR FILLING UP THE
deputation (including short term contract) plus promotion in the National POST OF CURATOR (PUBLIC RELATION) IN NATIONAL MUSEUM, NEW DELHI
Museum, New Delhi under the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India. 1. Name and Address (in Block Letters)
Applications are invited from the officers working under the Central Government or 2. Date of Birth (in Christian era)
State Governments or Union Territories or Universities or Recognized Research
3.(i) Date of entry into service
Institutions or Public Sector Undertakings or Semi Government or Statutory or
Autonomous Organizations for filling up the post of Curator (Public Relation) Group 'A', (ii) Date of retirement under Central/State Government Rules
Gazetted, Non-Ministerial in the pay matrix level-11 (Rs. 67700-208700/-) by 4. Educational Qualifications
Composite Method: deputation (including short term contract) plus promotion in the 5. Whether Educational and other qualifications required
National Museum, New Delhi, a Subordinate Office under the Ministry of Culture. for the post are satisfied. (If any qualification has
2. JOB DESCRIPTION:- The job includes work relating to Public Relations, Outreach been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in
activities, Exhibitions and related activities. the Rules, state the authority for the same)
3. Eligibility : Qualifications/Experience required as mentioned Qualifications/experi-
Composite method: Deputation (including short-term contract) plus in the advertisement/ vacancy circular ence possessed
promotion:- by the officer
Officers of the Central Government or State Governments or Union Territories or Officers of the Central Government or State Govern- Eligibility:-
Universities or Recognized Research Institutions or Public Sector Undertakings or ments or Union Territories or Universities or Recog-
Semi Government or Statutory or autonomous organizations: nized Research Institutions or Public Sector Under-
(a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or Department; Or takings or Semi Government or Statutory or Autono-
(ii) with five years' service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on regular mous Organizations : Essential:
basis in post in level No. 10 of Pay Matrix [Pre-revised (5th CPC- Rs. 8000-13500/-) (a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the
(6th CPC-Pay Band Rs. 15600-39100/- + 5400/- Grade Pay) or equivalent in the parent cadre or Department; Or Desirable:-
parent cadre or department; and (ii) with five years' service in the grade rendered
(b) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience: after appointment thereto on regular basis in post in
Essential: level No.-10 of Pay Matrix [Pre-revised (5th CPC-
A. (i) Master's degree of a recognized University or equivalent in History or Sanskrit or Rs. 8000-13500/-) (6th CPC-Pay band Rs. 15600-
Pali or Prakrit or Persian or Arabic or Archaeology or Anthropology or Fine Arts or 39100 + 5400/- Grade Pay) or equivalent in the parent
History of Arts and cadre or department; and
(ii) Diploma in Museology of a recognized University or institution or equivalent; (b) Possessing the following educational qualifications
(iii) Five years' experience in a Museum of National or Regional importance under the and experience:
Control of Central Government or State Government or Union Territories including Essential:
one year's practical experience in collection, conservation /preservation and A. (i) Master's degree of a recognized University or
equivalent in History or Sanskrit or Pali or Prakrit
exhibition of art objects. OR
or Persian or Arabic or Archaeology or Anthropology or
B. (i) Master's degree of a recognized University or equivalent in Museology with
Fine Arts or History of Arts and
History as a subject at Bachelor's degree level.
(ii) Diploma in Museology of a recognized University or
(ii) Five years' experience in a museum of National or Regional importance under the
institution or equivalent;
control of Central Government or State Government or Union Territories including (iii) Five years' experience in a Museum of National or
one year's practical experience in collection, conservation/preservation and Regional importance under the Control of Central
exhibition of art objects. OR Government or State Government or Union Territories
C. (i) M.Phil Degree or equivalent in History or Sanskrit or Prakrit or Pali or Persian or including one year's practical experience in collection,
Arabic or Archaeology or Anthropology or Fine Arts or History of Art, OR conservation /preservation and exhibition of art objects.
M.Phil Degree from a recognized University or equivalent in Museology with OR
History as subject at Bachelor's degree level. B. (i) Master's degree of a recognized University or
(ii) Three years' experience in a museum of National or Regional importance under equivalent in Museology with History as a subject at
the Control of central or state government or union territories including one year's Bechelor's degree level.
practical experience in collection, conservation/preservation and exhibition of art (ii) Five years' experience in a museum of National or
objects. Regional importance under the control of Central
Desirable : Ph. D. degree from a recognized university or equivalent in one of the Government or State Government or Union Territories
subject mentioned in essential qualifications. including one year's practical experience in collection,
(2) The departmental Deputy Curator (Pre Columbian and Western Art) or Deputy conservation /preservation and exhibition of art objects.
Curator (Jewellery) or Deputy Curator (Arms and Armours) in the pay matrix level OR
No. 10 (Rs. 56100-177500/-) with five years regular service in the grade shall also C. (i) M.Phil Degree or equivalent in History or Sanskrit
be considered along with outsiders and in case he/she is selected for appointment or Prakrit or Pali or Persian or Arabic or Archaeology
to the post the same shall be deemed to have been filled by promotion. or Anthropology or Fine Arts or History of Art. OR
M.Phil Degree from a recognized University or equi-
Note-1: The Departmental officers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of
valent in Museology with History as subject at
Promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on deputation.
Bechelor's degree level.
Similarly, deputationist shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment by
(ii) Three years' experience in a museum of National
or Regional importance under the Control of central or
Note-2: The period of deputation (including short term contract) including period of state government or union territories including one
deputation (including short term contract) in another ex-cadre post held year's practical experience in collection, conservation/
immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization / preservation and exhibition of art objects.
department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed three years. Desirable :
Note-3: The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation (including short term Ph. D. degree from a recognized university or
contract) shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of equivalent in one of the subject mentioned in essential
applications. qualifications
4. The applications in duplicate in the prescribed Proforma available on National (2) The departmental Deputy Curator (Pre Columbian
Museum's website at www.nationalmuseumindia.gov.in and complete up to and Western Art) or Deputy Curator (Jewellery) or
date ACR dossiers of the officer (last 5 years) who can be spared in the event of Deputy Curator (Arms and Armours) in the pay matrix
their selection along with (i) Vigilance Clearance (ii) integrity certificate (iii) cadre level No. 10 (Rs. 56100-177500) with five years regular
clearance, and (iv) major/minor penalty statement for the last 10 years should service in the grade shall also be considered along
reach the Shri P.K.Nagta, Director (Collection & Administration), National with outsiders and in case he/she is selected for
Museum, Janpath, New Delhi, New Delhi-110011 through proper channel appointment to the post the same shall be deemed
to have been filled by promotion.
within a period of 60 days from the date of publication of advertisement in the
Note-1 : The Departmental officers in the feeder cate-
employment News. The applications/CV not accompanied by supporting
gory who are in the direct line of Promotion shall not
certificate/documents in support of Qualification and Experience claimed by the be eligible for consideration for appointment on depu-
candidate would not be processed for determining the eligibility of the candidate tation. Similarly, deputationist shall not be eligible
for the selection. The applications received after the due date or otherwise for consideration for appointment by promotion.
incomplete will not be considered and will stand rejected. Note-2 : The period of deputation (including short term
5 The details regarding eligibility conditions, educational qualifications and contract) including period of deputation (including short
experience, application form etc. attached to the post are also available on the term contract) in another ex-cadre post held imme-
website of the National Museum at www.nationalmuseumindia.gov.in. diately preceding this appointment in the same or some
(P.K.Nagta) other organization/department of the Central Govern-
Director (Collection & Administration), ment shall ordinarily not exceed three years.
National Museum, Note-3 : The maximum age limit for appointment by
Janpath, New Delhi deputation (including short term contract) shall be not Continued on page 17
Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019 DEPUTATION www.employmentnews.gov.in 17
Government of India Government of India
Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY)
Unique Identification Authority Unique Identification Authority
of India (UIDAI)
of India (UIDAI)
4th Floor, Bangla Sahib Road, Behind Kali Mandir, Gole Market, New Delhi - 110001
4th Floor, Bangla Sahib Road, Behind Kali Mandir, Gole Market, New Delhi - 110001
Filling up the posts of Assistant Section Officers at UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
Filling up Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) and Accountant on deputation in
Reference is invited to UIDAI vacancy circular dated 21.05.2019 UIDAI HQ, New Delhi
Reference is invited to UIDAI vacancy circular dated 17.06.2019 (https://
inviting applications for 03 posts of Assistant Section Officer in the Pay Matrix uidai.gov.in/images/career/VC_for_the_posts_of_AAO_and_Accountant_23102019.
level- 6 (pre-revised Pay Band II Rs. 9300-34800 plus Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-) on pdf) inviting applications for one post of Assistant Accounts Officer (AAO) in the Pay
deputation basis in its HQ, New Delhi. Matrix level-8 (pre-revised Pay Band II Rs. 9300-34800 plus Grade Pay of Rs. 4800/-) and
In this regard, it is hereby informed that last date for submission of applications two posts of Accountant in the Pay Matrix level-5 (pre-revised Pay Band I Rs. 5200-
through proper channel is extended upto 29.08.2019. Those who have applied 20200 plus Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/-) on deputation basis in its HQ, New Delhi.
In this regard, it is hereby informed that last date for submission of applications
against circular dated 21.05.2019 and 21.06.2019 through proper channel need not
through proper channel is extended upto 29.08.2019. Those who have applied
apply afresh. However, new applicants and applicants who have submitted only against circular dated 22.10.2018 and 17.06.2019 through proper channel need not
advance copy of the application may submit their applications complete in all respect apply afresh. However, new applicants and applicants who have submitted only
through proper channel within the extended date. Since this vacancy is to be filled advance copy of the application may submit their applications complete in all respect
up on deputation basis, private candidates are not eligible. through proper channel within the extended date. Since this vacancy is to be filled
Assistant Director General (HR) up on deputation basis, private candidates are not eligible.
Assistant Director General (HR)
Aadhaar Seva Kendra (ASK) is now available at Lower Ground Floor,
Aadhaar Seva Kendra (ASK) is now available at Lower Ground Floor,
Akshardham Metro Station, under Delhi Metro Rail Network. Akshardham Metro Station, under Delhi Metro Rail Network.
davp 54103/11/0023/1920 EN 21/12 davp 54103/11/0021/1920 EN 21/11
Continued from page 16

exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of 14. Total emoluments per month now drawn
receipt of applications. Basic Pay in the PB Grade Pay Total Emoluments
5.1 Note: This column needs to be amplified to indicate Essential and Desirable Qualifications
as mentioned in the RRs by the Administrative Ministry/Department/Office at
15. In case the applicant belongs to an organisation which is not following the Central
the time of issue of circular and issue of advertisement in the Employment News.
Government Pay Scales, the latest salary slip issued by the Organisation showing
5.2. In the case of Degree and Post Graduate Qualifications Elective/main subjects
the following details may be enclosed.
and subsidiary subjects may be indicated by the candidate.
Basic Pay with Scale of Pay Dearness Pay/Interim relief/ Total
6. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries
and rate of increment other Allowances etc., (with Emoluments
made by you above, you meet the requisite Essential
break-up details)
Qualifications and work experience of the post.
6.1 Note: Borrowing Departments are to provide their specific comments/views
confirming the relevant Essential Qualification/work experience possessed by 16. A Additional information, if any, relevant to the post you
the Candidate (as indicated in the Bio-data) with reference to the post applied. applied for in support of your suitability for the post.
(This among other things may provide information with regard to
7. Details of Employment in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet duly
(i) Additional academic qualifications (ii) Professional training and
authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient.
(iii) Work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy
Office/ Post held on From To *Pay Band and Grade Nature of Duties Circular/Advertisement).
Institution regular basis Pay/Pay Scale of the (in detail) highlig- (Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient)
post held on regular hting experience
16. B Achievements:
basis required for the
The candidates are requested to indicate information with regard to:
post applied for
(i) Research publications and reports and special projects;
(ii) Awards/Scholarships/Official Appreciation;
(iii) Affiliation with the professional bodies/institutions/societies; and
* Important: Pay Band & Grade Pay granted under ACP/MACP are personal to the (iv) Patents registered in own name or achieved for the organization;
officer and therefore, should not be mentioned. Only Pay band and Grade Pay/ (v) Any research/innovative measure involving official recognition;
Pay Scale of the post held on regular basis to be mentioned. Details of ACP/MACP (vi) Any other information.
with present Pay Band and Grade Pay where such benefits have been drawn by (Note: Enclose a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient)
the Candidate, may be indicated as below: 17. Please state whether you are applying for deputation (ISTC)/
Office/ Pay, Pay Band and Grade Pay From To Absorption/Re-employment Basis#.
Institution drawn under ACP/MACP Scheme (Officers under Central/ State Governments are only eligible
for “Absorption”. Candidates of Non-Government Organizations
are eligible only for Short-Term Contract).
(The option of ‘STC/ ‘Absorption’/ ‘Re-employment’ are
8. Nature of present employment i.e. Ad-hoc or
available only if the vacancy circular specially mentioned
Temporary or Quasi-Permanent or Permanent
recruitment by “STC” or “Absorption” or “Re-employment”)
9. In case the present employment is held on
18. Whether belongs to SC/ST
deputation/contract basis, please state-
I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am well aware
a) The date b) Period of c) Name of the d) Name of the post
of Initial appointment on parent office/organi- and Pay of the post that the information furnished in the Curriculum Vitae duly supported by the documents
appointment deputation/contract zation to which the held in substantive in respect of Essential Qualification/Work Experience submitted by me will also be
applicant belongs capacity in the assessed by the Selection Committee at the time of selection for the post. The
parent organisation information/details provided by me are correct and true to the best of my knowledge
and no material fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/withheld.
Date : .............................
9.1 Note: In case of Officers already on deputation, the applications (Signature of the Candidate)
of such officer should be forwarded by the parent Cadre/Department
alongwith Cadre Clearance, Vigilance Clearance and Integrity Address .................................
9.2 Note: Information under Column 9 (c) & (d) above must be given in
The information/details provided in the above application by the applicant are true and
all cases where a person is holding a post on deputation outside the
cadre/organization but still maintaining a lien in his parent cadre/ correct as per the facts available on records. He/she possesses educational
organisation. qualifications and experience mentioned in the advt. If selected, he/she will be relieved
10. If any post held on deputation in the past by the applicant, immediately.
date of return from the last deputation and other details. 2. Also certified that:
11. Additional details about present employment: (i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/contemplated against Shri/
Please state whether working under (indicate the Smt. _______________________
name of your employer against the relevant column)
(ii) His/her integrity is certified.
a) Central Government
b) State Government (iii) His/Her CR Dossier in original is enclosed/photocopies of the ACRs for the last 5
c) Autonomous Organization years duly attested by an officer of the rank of Under Secretary of the Govt. of
d) Government Undertaking India or above are enclosed.
e) Universities (iv) No major/minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years Or
f) Others A list of major/minor penalties imposed on him/her during the last 10 years is
12. Please state whether you are working in the same Department enclosed (as the case may be)
and are in the feeder grade or feeder to feeder grade.
13. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes, give the date from which
the revision took place and also indicate the pre-revised scale. EN 21/23 (Employer/Cadre Controlling Authority with Seal)
18 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019

Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 19
20 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019

Continued on page 21
Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 21

Govt. of NCT of Delhi ÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U/Govt. of India

Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board ¬Êà ¬Á⁄Ufl„UŸ ◊¥òÊÊ‹ÿ/Ministry of Shipping
FC-18, Institutional Area, Karkardooma, Delhi-110092
www.dsssb.delhigovt.nic.in ŒË¬SÃ¥÷ •ÊÒ⁄U ŒË¬¬Êà ÁŸŒ‡ÊÊ‹ÿ
No. F.55 (173)/DSSSB/Exam/2019/1116-22
Notification of Online Examination for the various post codes of various
Dated: 9/8/19
Directorate of Lighthouses & Lightships
Departments of Govt. of NCT of Delhi from 03.09.2019 to 06.09.2019 §““ŒË¬ ÷flŸ”” 44-’Ë. ∞‚. ⁄UÊ«U/Deep Bhavan, 44- B.S. Road
The Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board will hold examination for the various ¬Ê≈¸U é‹ÿ⁄U/Port Blair-744101
post codes of various Departments, GNCTD through online mode i.e. Computer Based Phone & Fax : 03192-233298 & 244577
Test as per examination schedule given here as under.
E-mail: [email protected]
Examination Schedule
Date & Day Advt. Post Name of the Name of the
of Examination No. Code Post Organization/Deptt. Filling of 01 post of Technician (Diesel) in the Directorate of Lighthouses and
to which the post Lightships, Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
belongs to 1. Number of Post : 01 Nos. (Group 'C', Non-Gazetted, Non Ministerial).
03.09.2019 03/13 63/13 P.A to Secretary Rajya Sainik Board 2. Pay Scale : Pay level - 5
3. Qualification : Passed matriculation or its equivalent. Should have
03.09.2019 02/18 20/18 Grade-IV Services Deptt.
served as an apprentice for at least four years in a
(DASS)/Jr. Asstt.
reputable firm or in a Central or State Government
04.09.2019 02/18 20/18 Grade-IV (DASS)/ Services Deptt. establishment. Should have in addition two years'
Jr. Asstt. practical experience in the installation, maintenance and
05.09.2019 01/15 58/15 LDC (Male) Rajya Sainik Board overhauling of Diesel generator sets, Air Compressors,
05.09.2019 02/18 20/18 Grade-IV (DASS)/ Services Deptt. Battery chargers etc. Or
Jr. Asstt. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognised
Institution with two years' experience in the Installation,
06.09.2019 02/18 20/18 Grade-IV (DASS)/ Services Deptt.
maintenance and overhauling of Diesel Generator Sets,
Jr. Asstt.
Air compressors, Battery Charges etc.
Name of Examination Centre and Date of Examination &Timing shall be mentioned 4. Roster Point : 01 Unreserved
in the E- Admit Card. 5. Age limit : Between 21 and 30 years as on 30.09.2019.
Note: Age Relaxation for :
(i) Govt. Servants - upto 35 yrs.
¾ Candidates are advised to update their e-mail address/mobile number for
6. Place of Posting : Initially at Andaman and Nicobar Islands, but liable
future communication.
to transfer anywhere in India.
¾ Detailed instructions to download e-admit cards will be given shortly on the
7. Mode of submission: Offline.
official website of the Board.
of application
¾ Candidates are advised to visit website of the Board regularly for further
8. Last date of sub- : 30.09.2019 upto 1700 Hrs.
mission of application
¾ Candidates may also be informed on their registered mobile no. as well. But
Details information is available in the Website www.dgllnoida.gov.in/www.
in case a candidate does not get any information on his/her registered mobile
dgllnoida.nic.in and www.ncs.gov.in. Candidates are advised to go through the
no. due to any reason, then it would not give any right to the candidate for
detailed instruction before submitting the application. Application only in prescribed
extension of downloading e-admit card or re-examination. It is again advised
format will be accepted. Newspaper cutting should not be used for submission of
to visit website of the Board regularly for further information.
application. Application forms can be downloaded from the above website.
¾ Instructions regarding online computer based examination will be uploaded
Applications duly supported with self-attested true copies of certificates and
on DSSSB website later on.
testimonials of suitable candidates by Registered/Speed Post should reach on or
Deputy Secretary (Exam): before 30.09.2019 addressed to “The Director, Directorate of Lighthouses and
EN 21/29 DSSSB Lightships, "Deep Bhawan”, 44 B.S. Road, Phoenix Bay, Port Blair-744101". The
Director will not be responsible for any postal delay/wrong delivery at any stage of the
selection process.
Application received after the last date will be summarily rejected and will not be
The views expressed by the authors in the articles published in the Employment News are entertained. The Director has the right to reject any application without assigning any
their own. They do not necessarily reflect the views of the government or the organisations reason thereof.
they work for. The contents of the advertisements published in the Employment News belong DIRECTOR
to the organisation or their representatives. The Employment News is in no way responsible Directorate of Lighthouses and Lightships
for any liability arising out of the contents/text of these advertisements. EN 21/2 Port Blair.

Continued from page 20

EN 21/37
22 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019

Continued on page 23
Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 23
Government of India
Ministry of Textiles
Office of the
Nishtha Bhavan, 48
New Marine Lines,
Mumbai - 400020
(Telephone : 022-22001050
Fax : 022-22004693)
(Website: www.txindia.gov.in)
Applications are invited for
appointment on deputation
(ISTC) basis to the post of
Additional Textile Commi-
ssioner, a General Central
Service Group 'A' Gazetted
Post, in Level-13A of Rs.
131100-216600/- in Revised
Pay Matrix {Pre-revised Pay
Band-4 of Rs. 37400-67000/- +
Rs. 8900/- (Grade Pay)} in the
Office of the Textile Commi-
ssioner, Ministry of Textiles,
Mumbai, from the eligible
Officers under the Central
Government or State Govern-
ment or Union Territories or
Public Sector Undertakings or
Recognized Research
Institutions or Semi Govern-
ment or Autonomous or
Statutory Organisations holding
analogous posts on a regular
basis in the Parent Cadre or
Department; or With two years
service in the grade rendered
after appointment thereto on a
regular basis in the pre-revised
scale of pay of Rs. 37400-
67000/- + Grade Pay Rs.8700/-
(PB-4) (Revised Pay Matrix of
Rs. 123100-215900/- in Level-
13) or equivalent in the parent
cadre or department. For
details like other eligibility
criteria, period of deputation,
proforma for C.V. etc., please
visit the website www.txc
india.gov.in. Last date for
receipt of applications through
proper channel is 60 days from
the date of this advertisement.
davp 41118/11/0001/1920
EN 21/43 EN 21/14
Continued from page 22

EN 21/22
24 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019

Continued on page 25
Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 25
Continued from page 24

EN 21/26

Cantonment Board, Lebong

P.O. Lebong, Dist. Darjeeling, Pin-734105
Employment Notice
No.16/IX/20/L Dated 30/7/2019
Application on the prescribed proforma is invited from the eligible candidates for filling up the following
post at the office of the Cantonment Board Lebong, Darjeeling :-
Sr. Name of No. of Pay Band + Age as on Minimum Educational Qualifications
No. the Post Vacancies Grade Pay 16.09.2019
1. LDC UR-01 5400-25200/- + 18-25 Essential : Minimum- Class-X passed from
GP-2600/- years any Govt. recognized Board/School with
50% & above.
Desirable : Computer Literacy and English
typing with at least speed of 30 w.p.m.
1. The Cantonment Board, Lebong is an autonomous/Statutory local body under the Ministry of
Defence, Government of India and employees of the Board are governed by Cantt Fund Servants
Rules, 1937 and are non-transferable.
2. Age Limit : Not less than 18 years and not more than 25 years as on 16-9-2019. For reserved posts,
upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for SC & ST, 3 years for OBC and other category candidates
as per the existing Govt. rules .
3. For the above post candidates should submit their applications ONLINE by visiting
www.canttboardrecruit.org w.e.f. 16-8-2019 to 16-9-2019. Hence, Offline/Manual applications
for the said post will not be accepted. SC/ST candidates are exempted from exam fees.
4. Short-listed candidates will be called for written test and skill test through online mode.
5. Examination fee of Rs. 500/- for each post should be paid through NEFT in favour of Lebong
Cantt. Fund Account, A/C No.10833276296, IFSC: SBIN0000063. UTR No. of payment is to be
mandatorily mentioned in online application.
6. For above post, there will be Written Exam and Skill Test.
7. Incomplete application will be rejected summarily. No further communications will be made. It is
responsibility of the candidate to upload photograph and signature properly.
8. Last date of receipt of online applications is 16th Sept, 2019.
9. Applicants should download their Hall Tickets by visiting the site www.canttboardrecruit.org as and
when intimated through public notice.
10. Departmental candidates may also apply for the post as per rule in vogue.
Chief Executive Officer,
EN 21/32 Cantonment Board, Lebong

EN 21/15

Government of India

Ministry of Home Affairs

Central Translation Bureau
8th Floor, Pt. Deen Dayal Antodaya Bhawan
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003

An advertisement was published in Employment News dated

25 May, 2019 for filling up the 02 (Two) vacant posts of Joint
Director, Central General Service, Group A, Gazetted in the
pay matrix Level-12, Rs. 78,800-2,09,200 (Pre-revised pay EN 21/35

scale PB-3, Rs. 15600-39,100 + Grade Pay Rs. 7600) in The last date of receiving applications has been extended from 23 July, 2019 to 23
Central Translation Bureau, a subordinate office of September, 2019. Other information is available at www.rajbhasha.nic.in.
Department of Official Language, Ministry of Home Affairs. davp 19201/11/0004/1920 EN 21/41
26 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019

÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U, ∑§ãŒ˝Ëÿ ∑ΧÁ· ◊‡ÊËŸ⁄UË ¬˝Á‡ÊˇÊáÊ ∞fl¥ Govt. of NCT of Delhi
¬⁄UˡÊáÊ ‚¥SÕÊŸ Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board
FC-18, Institutional Area, Karkardooma, Delhi -110092
∑ΧÁ· ∞fl¥ Á∑§‚ÊŸ ∑§ÀÿÊáÊ ◊¥òÊÊ‹ÿ (∑ΧÁ·, ‚„U∑§ÊÁ⁄UÃÊ ∞fl¥ www.dsssb.delhigovt.nic.in
No. F. 55 (1461)/DSSSB/EXAM/2019/1098-114 Dated : 09/08/19
≈˛ÒUÄ≈U⁄U Ÿª⁄U, ’ÈŒŸË (◊.¬˝.) 466-445 VARIOUS POST CODES ON 08.09.2019.
Phone: 07564-234729/234743; The Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board will hold examination for the
Email: [email protected]; Web site: www.fmttibudni.gov.in various post codes of various Departments of GNCT of Delhi through Offline
No. 25-1/2016-AC. Dated the 02 August, 2019 mode i.e. written as per examination schedule given here under:-
VACANCY CIRCULAR Examination Schedule
(Advertisement No. CFMTTI/04/2019) Date & Advt. Exam. Post Name of the Name of the
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up following posts at FMTTIs, Day of No. Scheme Code post Organization/Deptt.
subordinate Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Department of Examination to which the post
Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare- belongs to
Sl Name of Post, Classification and pay level in pay matrix, No. of vacancies Tier One 31/15 Assistant NDMC
No. and earmarked for (T) Law Officer
08.09.2019 One 42/15 Junior DAMB
1. Senior Technical Assistant (GCS Group 'B'- NG, Non-Ministerial) [Number of posts:
(SUNDAY) 01/15 Tier (T) Chemist
02-UR] Level-6 (Rs.35400-112400).
Timing Tier One 51/15 Manager DSCSC
Eligibility criteria/qualification:
10:30 AM (T) (Accounts)
Essential: Degree in Agricultural Engineering or Mechanical Engineering from a to 01/14 One 112/14 Craft Instructor
recognized University or Institute. 12:30 PM Tier (T) Draughtsman (Civil) Dte. of Training
Age : Not exceeding 30 years. 02/14 One Tier 194/14 Assistant Store & Technical
Note 1: Relaxable for Government servants upto five years in accordance with the (G) Keeper Education
instructions or orders issued by the Central Government from time to time. 01/14 One Tier 144/14 Instructor
2. Library and Information Assistant (GCS Group 'B'- NG, Non-Ministerial) (T) Mathematics
[No. of posts : 01-UR, 01-OBC], Level-6 (Rs.35400-112400). Name of Examination Centre for the Candidates shall be mentioned in the E-Admit
Eligibility criteria/qualification: Card.
Essential: Note :
(i) Bachelor's Degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science of a ¾ The Candidates for the above said post codes may download their e-
recognized University or Institute; admit cards from the website of the Board i.e dsssbonline.nic.in between
(ii) Two years professional experience in a Library under Central Government or 29.08.2019 to 04.09.2019 (11:59 p.m)
State Government or Autonomous or Statutory organization or Public Sector ¾ Candidates are advised to update their e-mail address/mobile number for any
Undertaking or University or Recognized Research or Educational Institution. future communication.
Desirable: Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized University or Institute. ¾ Detailed instructions to download e-admit cards have been given on the
Age : Not exceeding 30 years. official website of the Board. In case, any candidate finds any difficulty in
Note 1: Relaxable for Government servants upto five years in accordance with the downloading the e-admit card, he/she may contact the board office only
instructions or orders issued by the Central Government from time to time. through e-mail [email protected] up to 04.09.2019 (03:00 PM). No request
3. Senior Technician (GCS Group 'C'- NG, Non-Ministerial) [No. of posts :01-SC, will be entertained by any other source of correspondence in this regard.
01-OBC] Level-4 (Rs. 25500-81100) ¾ Candidates are advised to visit website of the Board regularly for further
Eligibility criteria/qualification: information.
(A) (i) Industrial Training Institute (ITI) Certificate in Mechanic Agricultural Machinery ¾ Candidates may also be informed on their registered mobile no. as well. But
or Mechanic Motor Vehicle or Mechanic Tractor or Mechanic Diesel Engine or in case a candidate does not get any information on his/her registered mobile
Electrician trade; no. due to any reason, then it would not give any right to the candidate for
(ii) five years' experience in operation and maintenance of tractor or heavy extension of downloading e-admit card or re-examination. It is again advised
transport vehicle or heavy earthmoving equipment or electrical maintenance; and to visit website of the Board regularly for further information.
(B) Possessing valid driving licence of light and heavy duty vehicle and tractor. ¾ Instructions regarding offline examination is uploaded on DSSSB website.
Age : Between 18 and 27 years of age. EN 21/28 Deputy Secretary (Exam) DSSSB
[Relaxable for Government servants upto forty years in accordance with the
instructions or orders issued by the Central Government from time to time.) Advertisement No.: ............................................ Date ..............................
Imp. note : The posts (Senior Technician) are identified for the following trades: Application for the post of............................................................ in
TRADE VACANCY RESERVED Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute,
CATEGORY Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare
Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
Mechanic Agricultural Machinery or Mechanic 02 01-SC &
1. Name in full (Block Letters) : __________________________________________
Motor Vehicle or Mechanic Tractor or Mechanic 01-OBC
2. Father's Name (in Full) : ______________________________________________
Diesel Engine
3. Date of Birth (as per Class 10th Certificate) :______________________________
Complete data about eligibility, terms & conditions and application format are available 4. Nationality : ________________________________________________________
on the Institute website: www.fmttibudni.gov.in, www.nrfmtti.gov.in, 5. Religion : __________________________________________________________
www.srfmtti.dacnet.nic.in, www.nerfmtti.nic.in and www.agricoop.nic.in 6. Caste with supporting document : ______________________________________
General terms and conditions of service: 7. Permanent address : ________________________________________________
1. The posts are temporary but likely to be continued indefinitely. The posts are covered District:................................; City: ........................... State: .......................................
under "Defined Contribution Pension scheme." Pin Code: ....................Mobile No.:..........................Email:........................................
2. The terms and conditions will be covered under Central Civil Service Rules issued 8. Address for communication:
by Govt. of India from time to time. District:................................; City: ........................... State: .......................................
3. Place of work : Budni (M.P.) / Hisar (Haryana) / Anantpur (A.P.) / Biswanath Chariali Pin Code: ....................Mobile No.:..........................Email:........................................
(Assam) or any other institutes likely to be set up in future. 9. Educational Qualification (Starting from highest qualification attained):
4. Period of probation : 2 years
Class/ Year of Division % of Name of Subject
5. The interested and eligible candidates may apply in the prescribed format alongwith
Degree passing marks Institute/
self-attested copies of testimonials of age, educational qualification, experience, caste,
OBC (Non Creamy layer), etc. issued by respective competent authority. The cover
10. Details of Experience (starting from latest employment):
containing the application should be superscribed as "Application for the post of
<.....name of post.....>". Name of Name of Whether Govt. From To Nature of
6. Interested persons working in Central Government/ State Government/ Public Sector Post organization or Private duties
Undertaking / Autonomous Body should apply through proper channel; alongwith Enclosures:(1).................. (2).................. (3).................. (4)............,.... (5)..................
Certificate from their employer that neither any disciplinary case is pending nor Note : Copies of all documents submitted must be self-attested by the applicant.
contemplated against him otherwise application will not be considered. Declaration: I certify that the above information provided by me is correct and nothing
7. No correspondence / enquires will be entertained and canvassing in any form will be has been concealed.
a disqualification/rejection of application. Date & place: Signature of Applicant
8. Last date of submission of application: The applications should reach the Application in the prescribed proforma with complete details should be forwarded to
destination within 30 days from the date of issue/publishing of this advertisement Director, Govt. of India, Central Farm Machinery Training & Testing Institute,
in the Employment News. Incomplete applications received after the due date, not in Tractor Nagar, Budni (M.P.) -466445 within 30 days from the date of issue/publishing
prescribed format, unsigned application and application received through Email, Fax or of this advertisement in the Employment News.
similar means will not be considered. EN 21/24 DIRECTOR
Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019 DEPUTATION www.employmentnews.gov.in 27

No. PB/1/6/2010/Estt.l/Vol.ll

Central Administrative Tribunal

Principal Bench
Phone:011-23385097, Fax:011-23387713, E-mail: [email protected]
61/35, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi-110001
Circular Date : 09.08.2019
Sub : Filling-up of the vacant posts in the Central Administrative Possessing a Degree of a recognized University or equivalent.
Tribunal on deputation basis. Desirable : Degree In Law.
It is proposed to fill up the following posts in the Central Administrative Tribunal on
Group "B" (Gazetted) in the Level-8 of Pay Matrix (Pre-revised Pay Band-2 Rs.9300-
deputation basis initially for a period of one year which is likely to be extended or
curtailed in administrative exigencies from amongst the serving Govt. servants. The 34800 Plus Grade Pay Rs.4800/-). Vacancies in the grade are presently available at
pay and allowances and other terms of deputation of the officers/officials selected for Allahabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Jabalpur, Jodhpur, Kolkata and Mumbai Bench of the
the said posts will be regulated in accordance with the instructions contained in the Tribunal or any other Bench of the Tribunal where the vacancy at the time of selection
Department of Personnel & Training OM No. 6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay-ll) dated 17.06.2010 will be available.
as amended from time to time. The employees of Central Administrative Tribunal are Eligibility Criteria :-
eligible for and may continue to retain General Pool Residential Accommodation as per Officers holding the post of Stenographers in the Central/State Government/High
extant rules. The name and number of posts, classification, place of posting, tenure, Courts -
scale of pay and eligibility criteria for filling-up of these posts on deputation basis are (a) Holding analogous post on regular basis ; Or
as under :- (b) Six years of regular service in the scale of Pre-revised Pay Band-2 (Rs. 9300 -
I. REGISTRAR (5) 34800/- Plus Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/-).
Group A (Gazetted) in the Level-13 of Pay Matrix (Pre-revised Pay Band-4 Rs. 37400- 8. ACCOUNTS OFFICER (07) :-
67000/- Plus Grade Pay of Rs. 8700/-). Vacancies in the grade are/will be available at Group "B" (Gazetted) in the Level-7 of Pay Matrix (Pre-revised Pay Band - 2 Rs. 9300-
Allahabad, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Hyderabad and Kolkata Benches of the Tribunal or 34800/- Plus Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-). Vacancies in the grade are presently available at
any other Bench of the Tribunal where the vacancy at the time of selection will be Bengaluru, Chennai, Guwahati, Jodhpur, Kolkata, Mumbai and Patna Benches of the
available. Tribunal.
Eligibility Criteria :- Eligibility Criteria :-
(i) Officers possessing a degree in law and holding :- (i) Regular Accounts/Audit Officers from any of the Organized Accounts
(a) Analogous post in the Central/State Government/High Court; Or Department.
(b) Posts with Pre-revised Pay Band-3 (Rs. 15600-39100/- Plus Grade Pay of Rs. (ii) Officers under the Central Government holding an analogous post on regular
7600/-) with a minimum of five year regular service in the grade; Or basis who have undergone training in Cash and Accounts work in ISTM or
(c) Posts with Pre-revised Pay Band-3 (Rs.15600-39100/- Plus Grade Pay of Rs. equivalent and possess experience in Cash & Accounts & Budget work. Or
6600/-) with a minimum of ten year regular service in the grade; Or (iii) Junior Accounts Officer/Accounts Audit Officers or equivalent in the scale of Pre-
(ii) Officers holding the post of District Judge/ Additional District Judge/ revised Pay Band-2 (Rs. 9300-34800/- Plus Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-) with 8/5
Registrar/Additional Registrar of High Court on regular basis. years regular service respectively under C & AG, Defence A/Cs, P&T, Railway
2. JOINT REGISTRAR (4) A/Cs Department.
Group A (Gazetted) in the Level-12 of Pay Matrix (Pre-revised Pay Band-3 Rs.15600- 9. ASSISTANT LIBRARY AND INFORMATION OFFICER (02) :-
39100/- Plus Grade Pay of Rs. 7600/-). Vacancies in the grade are presently available Group "B" (Gazetted) in the Level-7 of Pay Matrix (Pre-revised Pay Band - 2 Rs. 9300-
at Principal Bench (New Delhi), Cuttack, Jabalpur and Jodhpur Benches of the 34800/- Plus Grade Pay Rs. 4600/-). Vacancies in the grade are presently available at
Tribunal or any other Bench of the Tribunal where the vacancy at the time of selection Bengaluru and Lucknow Benches of the Tribunal or any other Bench of the Tribunal
will be available. where the vacancy at the time of selection will be available.
Eligibility Criteria :- Eligibility Criteria :-
i. Officers possessing a degree in law and holding :- Officers under Central or State Government or High Courts and Courts
(a) Analogous post in the Central/State Government/High Court; Or subordinate thereto-
(d) Posts with Pre-revised Pay Band-3 (Rs.15600-39100 Plus Grade Pay of Rs. (a) (i) holding analogous posts; or
6600/-) with a minimum of five year regular service in the grade; Or (ii) with at least five years regular service in the Pay Band-2 Rs. 9300-34800/-
ii. Judicial officer with minimum of eight year regular service. with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-;
3. DEPUTY REGISTRAR (5) and possessing the qualification and experience
Group A (Gazetted) in the Level-11 of Pay Matrix (Pre-revised Pay Band-3 Rs. 15600- Essential :-
39100/- Plus Grade Pay of Rs. 6600/-). Vacancies in the grade are/will be available (i) A Bachelor Degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science from
one each at Lucknow, Hyderabad, Mumbai and two in Chennai Bench of the Tribunal.. a recognised University or institute;
Eligibility Criteria :- (ii) two years’ professional experience in a Library under Central or State
(i) Officers of the Central Government/State Government/High Courts; Government or autonomous or statutory organisation or Public Sector
(a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis; or (ii) with at least five years Undertaking or University or recognised Research or educational Institution
regular service in the grade pay of Rs. 5400/- or (iii) with at least six years regular Desirable :-
service in the grade pay of Rs. 4800/- or equivalent; and (i) Master’s Degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science from a
(b) Possessing a degree in Law from a recognized University or equivalent. recognised University or Institute
4. PRINCIPAL PRIVATE SECRETARY (1) (ii) Diploma in Computer Application from a recognised University or Institute
Group A (Gazetted) in the Level-11 of Pay Matrix (Pre-revised Pay Band-3 Rs. 15600- 10. COURT MASTER/ STENOGRAPHER GRADE 'C' (05):-
39100 Plus Grade Pay Rs. 6600/-). Vacancies in the grade is presently available at Group "B" (Non-Gazetted) in the Level-7 of Pay Matrix (Pre-revised Pay Band-2
Chandigarh Bench of the Tribunal. Rs.9300-34800 Plus Grade Pay Rs.4600). Vacancies in the grade are presently
Eligibility Criteria :- available at Ahmedabad, Chennai, Chandigarh, Cuttack and Hyderabad Bench of the
(i) The Officers of the Central/State Government/High Courts holding analogous Tribunal or any other Bench of the Tribunal where the vacancy at the time of selection
post of Principal Private Secretary on regular basis in Pre-revised Pay Band-3 will be available.
(Rs. 15600-39100 Plus Grade Pay of Rs. 6600/-) Or Eligibility Criteria :-
(ii) Private Secretary with at least eight years combined regular serivce rendered Officers holding the post of Stenographer under the Central Government or State
in Pre-revised Pay Band-2 (Rs. 9300-34800 Plus Grade Pay of Rs. 4800/-) and Government or High Courts;
Pre-revised Pay Band-3 (Rs. 15600-39100 Plus Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/-) (i) holding the analogous post on regular basis
5. DEPUTY CONTROLLER OF ACCOUNTS (1) :- (ii) with eight years regular service in the Stenographer Grade in Pay Band-1 Rs.
Group A (Gazetted) in the Level-11 of Pay Matrix (Pre-revised Pay Band-3 Rs.15600- 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 2400/-
39100/- Plus Grade Pay of Rs. 6600/-). Vacancy in the grade is available at Principal 11. JUNIOR ACCOUNTS OFFICER (03) :-
Bench, New Delhi. Group "B" (Non-Gazetted) in the Level-6 of Pay Matrix (Pre-revised Pay Band-2
Eligibility Criteria :- Rs.9300-34800 Plus Grade Pay Rs.4200). Vacancies in the grade are presently
(i) The Officers working as Deputy Controller of Accounts from the Central available at Chandigarh, Lucknow and Patna Benches of the Tribunal.
Departmentalized Accounting Organisation of the Controller General of Eligibility Criteria :-
Accounts with minimum of 2 years of service in the grade of Deputy Controller of (a) Officials under the Central Government holding analogous post or SAS
Accounts under C.G.A., C.G.O.A., P & T Accounts or Railway Accounts service. Accountant, Junior Accounts Officer in the various Accounting organizations; Or
(ii) The Accounts Officer with minimum of 10 years service in the grade of Accounts (b) Upper Division Clerks of Central Government with 10 years of service in the
Officer in the C.G.A., C.G.O.A., P&T Accounts and Railway Accounts. grade who have undergone Cash & Accounts Training in ISTM or equivalent or
6. COURT OFFICERS / SECTION OFFICERS (24) :- possess three years experience of Cash, Accounts and Budget works.
Group "B" (Gazetted) in the Level-8 of Pay Matrix (Pre-revised Pay Band-2 Rs. 9300- 12. CARETAKER (06)
34800/- Plus Grade Pay Rs. 4800/-). Vacancies in the grade are presently available at Group 'B' (Non-Gazetted) in the Level-6 of Pay Matrix (Pre-revised Pay Band-2
Principal Bench (New Delhi), Ahmedabad, Allahabad, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Rs.9300-34800 Plus Grade Pay Rs.4200). Vacancies in the grade are presently
Chennai, Cuttack, Ernakulam, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jabalpur, Jaipur, Jodhpur, available at Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chandigarh, Cuttack, Ernakulum and Lucknow
Kolkata, Lucknow and Mumbai Bench of the Tribunal. Benches of the Tribunal.
Eligibility Criteria :- Eligibility Criteria :-
Essential : Persons working under the Central/State Government/High (i) Officers of the Central Government -
Court/Subordinate Courts :- (a) Holding analogous post on regular basis; Or
(a) Holding analogous post on regular basis ; Or (b) Holding the post in the scale of Pre-revised Pay Band-1 (Rs.5200-20200 Plus
(b) Eight years of regular service in the posts of Assistant or equivalent in the Grade Pay of Rs.2400) with eight years of regular service in the grade. And
scale of Pre-revised Pay Band-2 (Rs. 9300-34800/- Plus Grade Pay of Rs. (ii) Possessing a Degree of a recognized University or equivalent.
4600/-). and Continued on page 28
28 www.employmentnews.gov.in DEPUTATION Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019
Continued from page 27
Govt. of NCT of Delhi
13. STENOGRAPHER GRADE 'D' (01) :- Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board
Group "C" (Non-Gazetted) in the Level-4 of Pay Matrix (Pre-revised Pay Band-1 FC-18, Institutional Area, Karkardooma, Delhi-110092
Rs.5200-20200 Plus Grade Pay Rs.2400). Vacancies in the grade are presently www.dsssb.delhigovt.nic.in
available at Principal Bench (New Delhi) or any other Bench of the Tribunal where the
vacancy at the time of selection will be available. No. F.55 (1460)/DSSSB/Exam/2019/985-91 Dated: 31/07/19
Eligibility Criteria :- Notification for Offline Examination for the various post codes on 01.09.2019
Officials from the Central Government or State Government or High Courts;
The Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board will hold examination for the
(i) holding the post of Stenographer Grade 'D' in the Pay Band-l Rs. 5200-20200
various post codes of various Departments of GNCT of Delhi through Offline
with Grade Pay of Rs. 2400/-; or
mode i.e. written as per examination schedule given here under:-
(ii) holding the post of Lower Divisional Clerk or equivalent posts with at least two
years service in the Pay Band- I Rs. 5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/- Examination Schedule
and possessing skill norms test as under: Date & Day Advt. Exam. Post Name of the Name of the
Dictation:- 10 mts @ 80 w.p.m. of Examination No. Scheme Code Post Organization/
Transcription: 65 mts. (English) 75 mts. (Hindi) (on manual Typewriter) or Deptt. to which
50 mts. (English) and 65 mts. (Hindi) (on Computer) the post belongs to
14. PHOTOCOPIER (01) :-
96/14 Craft
Group "C" (Non-Gazetted) in the Level - 2 of Pay Matrix (Pre-revised Pay Band-1
Rs.5200-20200 Plus Grade Pay Rs.1900). Vacancy in the grade is presently available
at Chennai Bench of the Tribunal.
Eligibility Criteria :- 01.09.2019 01/14 One 97/14 Craft DTTE
Group 'C' employees of the Central Government or State Government or High (Sunday) Tier (T) Instructor of
Court and District Courts and employees of the Central Administrative Tribunal Timing Draughtsman
with 3 years regular service in the scale of Pay Band-1, Rs.5200-20200/- with 10:30 AM Mechanical
grade pay of Rs.1800/- and having following qualifications:- to 105/14 Craft
(i) Matriculation pass or equivalent from a recognized university or Board. 12:30 PM Instructor
(ii) Proficiency or experience in handling photocopying machines. (Wireman)
2. The period of deputation in respect of above posts including the period of
02/14 Tier 218/14 Labour DTC
deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment
One (T) Welfare
in the same or some other organization / department of the Central Government
shall ordinarily not exceed three years. Officer
3. Age Limit: The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation shall not 01/15 One 54/15 Technical Food Safety
exceed 56 years as on the closing date for receipt of applications. Tier (T) Assistant
4. Number of vacancies and place of posting are subject to change. The selected 01/17 One 10/17 Librarian Dte. of
Officer may be posted in the Bench where the vacancy would be available at that Tier (T) Training
relevant point of time.
Name of Examination Centre for the Candidates shall be mentioned in the E-Admit
5. The applications in the given proforma (duly typed in double space) together with
attested copies of APAR/ACR for the last five years of the eligible officials who
are willing to be considered for the said posts and could be spared immediately, Note:
may be forwarded to the Principal Registrar, Central Administrative Tribunal, ¾ The Candidates for the above said post codes may download their e-admit
Principal Bench, 61/35, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi - 110 001 within 45 days cards from the website of the Board i.e dsssbonline.nic.in between 22.08.2019
from the date of publication of the Advt. in the Employment News. to 28.08.2019 (11:59 p.m.)
6. While forwarding the applications, certificate to the effect that the officers/officials ¾ Candidates are advised to update their e-mail address/mobile number for any
are clear from vigilance point of view and there is no disciplinary case future communication.
pending/contemplated against him/her, may also be given at the bottom of the ¾ Detailed instructions to download e-admit cards have been given on the
given proforma. official website of the Board. In case, any candidate finds any difficulty in
7. The department while forwarding applications may please ensure that the downloading the e-admit card, he/she may contact the board office only
officials who volunteer for the post shall not be allowed to withdraw their names through e-mail [email protected] upto 28.08.2019 (03.00 PM). No request will
later on. be entertained by any other source of correspondence in this regard.
8. This Office will not be in a position to return any of the documents provided by ¾ Candidates are advised to visit website of the Board regularly for further
the applicant/parent office of the applicant, irrespective of his/her selection. information.
9. Applications received after the expiry of last date or otherwise found incomplete ¾ Candidates may also be informed on their registered mobile no. as well. But
for want of ACRs/APARs, Vigilance Clearance Certificate or without the seal of in case a candidate does not get any information on his/her registered mobile
the office, will not be entertained. no. due to any reason, then it would not give any right to the candidate for
(Goutam Mondal) extension of downloading e-admit card or re-examination. It is again advised
Principal Registrar to visit website of the Board regularly for further information.
PROFORMA FOR FURNISING BIO-DATA FOR THE POST OF.............................. ¾ Instructions regarding offline examination is uploaded on DSSSB website.
(To be typed in double space on single side)
01. Name of the Applicant (In Block letters) : ......................... Deputy Secretary (Exam):
02. Name, Address and Contact No. of the office where working : ......................... EN 21/27 DSSSB
03. Contact Details of the applicant : .........................
a) Mobile No. : ......................... Government of India
b) E-Mail ID : ......................... Ministry of Shipping
c) Landline No. : .........................
Selection to the post of Vice Chancellor for Indian Maritime University
d) Residential Address : .........................
(A Central University under Government of India, headquartered at East Coast
04. Date of Birth : .........................
Road, Uthandi, Sholinganallur Post Chennai- 600119)
05. Date of Retirement : ......................... Government of India, Ministry of Shipping invites applications from eligible candidates
06. Sex (Male/Female) : ......................... for the post of Vice Chancellor, Indian Maritime University, with required qualifications
07. Present post held in Parent Department : ......................... and other details as indicated in the detailed advertisement available on Ministry of
a) Date : ......................... Shipping's Website www.shipmin.gov.in and IMU Website www.imu.nic.in. on or
b) Designation : ......................... before 60 days from the date of Publication of this advertisement.
c) Nature of Appointment (Adhoc/Regular) : ......................... Earlier advertisements dated 22 July 2017 and 20 January 2018 for the above post
d) Pay Scale of the post held (In case of drawing a different are cancelled herewith, due to technical reasons.
Scale than that of the post due to financial upgradation or All applicants may, therefore, apply afresh as earlier applications will not be
otherwise, same may be mentioned separately) : ......................... taken into consideration.
e) Brief nature of duties : ......................... The applications may be sent to "Convener, Search Committee, Indian Maritime
f) Details of Service [Central Government/State Government/ University, East Coast Road, Uthandi, Sholinganallur Post, Chennai-600119” or
Other (Please Specify)] : ......................... through email to the id: [email protected].
(Latha S. Nair)
08. Details of earlier deputations, if any : .........................
Under Secretary to the Government of India
a) Whether presently holding deputation post (Yes/No) : ......................... Email: [email protected]
b) If, ‘Yes’, please mention, Name of the Department, : ......................... File No. ST-14011/10/2017-MT
Designation, Pay Scale of the deputation post, Present Basic davp 37201/11/0003/1920 EN 21/42
Pay drawn, Date from which on deputation and date of
expiry of present term of deputation. : ......................... 12. Choice of Station : .........................
09. Brief Service particulars in chronological order from entry
into the Government Service till date including deputation Signature of the Applicant
periods and financial upgradations, if any (As per following Certificate to be furnished by the Head of Office
format) 1. Service particulars of Sh./Smt. _______________________, furnished above
Sl Department Post Period Pay Scale of the post Brief nature have been verified from his / her service record and found correct.
No. held From To At the time Present of duties 2. Certified that no vigilance enquiry / Disciplinary proceeding is pending or
of holding contemplated against Sh/Smt. _________________________________.
the post 3. Sh. / Smt. _________________________ will be relieved of his / her duties from
this office to take up assignment in the Central Administrative Tribunal, on his /
10. Educational qualification in chronological order : ......................... her selection for appointment to the post.
Including professional qualifications (As per following format) Place : Signature
Sl. No. Degree/Diploma Year of Passing Subjects taken Board/University Date : Name :
11. Category (Gen/SC/ST/OBC) : ......................... EN 21/45 Office seal :
Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019 RECRUITMENT www.employmentnews.gov.in 29

EN 21/46

Sainik School Purulia

P.O Sainik School- 723104, Dist- Purulia (WB)

SI Name of Post No. of Eligibility Pay Level Age
No. Vacancy
Essential Qualification:
Graduate with two subjects History and Political
Science and B.Ed from a recognized university/ EN 21/34
institute OR B.A. B.Ed with Social Science
TGT 01 (History and Political Science) of the Regional Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National
(Social (UR) College of Education. Applicants must have Level 07 21-35
01 Science) passed CTET conducted by CBSE or TET (Rs. 44900- yrs as on
Police Academy
Regular Basis conducted by State Govt. 142400) 01.09.2019 Hyderabad- 500 052
Desirable (i) Teaching experience in English
Applications are invited from eligible Officers under the
Medium Residential School. (ii) Proficiency in
Central/State Governments/Recognised Universities/Recognised
Games & Sports, NCC, Co-curricular activities.
Research Institutions/Semi-Government/Statutory or Autonomous
(iii) Knowledge in Computer Applications.
Organisations for filling up of one each post of 'Reader
(iv) Obtained minimum 50% marks in
(Behavioural Science) and Reader (Teaching Methodology) in
Graduation and B. Ed.
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy, Hyderabad-500
02. Allowance and Perquisites: Rent free accommodation, Transport & Medical Allowances, Subsidized 052, by deputation for a period of one year.
Educations for two children, NPS and Gratuity etc as per Sainik Schools Society Rules & Regulations. 2. Pay, qualifications required, other eligibility criteria for the posts
03. Application (as per the format given in the school website www.sainikschoolpurulia.com is to be and application form are available in Academy website
forwarded to the Principal, Sainik School Purulia, along with bio data, attested copies of certificates, two http://www.svpnpa.gov.in/vacancies.aspx. Duly filled in
recent passport size photographs, one unstamped self-addressed envelope, and a bank DD/Bankers applications, along with all supporting documents, should reach the
Cheque (Non-refundable) of Rs. 400/- for General/OBC and Rs. 200/- for SC/ST candidate drawn in Assistant Director(Estt), SVP National Police Academy,
favour of "Principal, Sainik School Purulia. Application must reach to this school within 21 days from Hyderabad 500052 through proper channel not later than 60
the date of publication. School will not be responsible for postal delay. Only short listed candidates will days from the date of publication of this vacancy circulars in
be called for test / interview. No TA/DA admissible for attending test/interview. The school administration the Employment News.
reserves the right to cancel the vacancy due to administrative/policy reason. (S. Ajeetha Begum)
EN 21/51 Principal EN 21/49 Assistant Director (Estt.)
30 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019

Sainik School Bhubaneswar (Odisha)

(A Residential Public School run under aegis of Sainik Schools Society
Ministry of Defence, Govt of India & Affiliated to CBSE)
1. Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following regular posts:-
S Name of the Post & Essential & Desirable Qualification
No. No. of Vacancy
(a) Laboratory Assistant Essential:- Intermediate Science or equivalent in the subject.
(Physics) Desirable:- Higher Qualification and specialization in Physics,
(01 Post) experience of working in English medium residential Schools,
proficiency in games & sports, interest/attainments in other extra
& co-curricular activities including Computer Knowledge.
(b) Laboratory Assistant Essential:- Intermediate Science or equivalent in the subject.
(Chemistry) (01 Post) Desirable:- Higher Qualification and specialization in Chemistry,
experience of working in English medium residential Schools,
proficiency in games & sports, interest/attainments in other extra
& co-curricular activities including Computer Knowledge.
(c) Laboratory Assistant Essential:- Intermediate Science or equivalent in the subject.
(Biology) (01 Post) Desirable:- Higher Qualification and specialization in Botany/
Zoology, experience of working in English medium residential
Schools, proficiency in games & sports, interest/attainments in
other extra & co-curricular activities including Computer Knowledge.
2. Allowances and Perquisites: Rent Free Accommodation, Transport Allowance, Leave Encashment,
DA, Medical Allowance, LTC, Non Productivity Linked Ad-hoc Bonus, Contributory Pension as per NPS,
Death cum Retirement Gratuity, Subsidized education for two children from VI to XII and free food in
Cadet Mess, Extra Duty Allowance and any other allowances as sanctioned by Sainik Schools Society.
3. Age: Between 21 and 35 years as on the date of publication of the advertisement. 4. Entry Pay:
Rs 25,500/- in the Level 4 of the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC recommendations. 5. Other Conditions:
Sainik Schools Society, Rules and Regulations in vogue and as amended from time to time will be
applicable. The posts are transferrable with All India Liability. Eligible and interested candidates may
apply in the prescribed application format as available at the School website: www.sainikschool
bhubaneswar.org with passport size photograph. 6. Applications on the prescribed format with self
attested copies of testimonials along with unstamped self-addressed envelope (9' x 4') and non
refundable Demand Draft payable at Bhubaneswar for Rs 400/- (SC/ST Rs 200/- only) in favour of the
Principal, Sainik School Bhubaneswar, should reach the School at the following address: Principal,
Sainik School Bhubaneswar, PO Sainik School, Dist Khurda, Odisha 751005 within three weeks
(21 days) from the first date of publication of this advertisement. Shortlisted candidates will only
be called for written test, skill tests and interview. No TA/DA will be admissible for attending the selection
tests. 7. The School administration reserves the right to cancel any vacancy due to non-availability of
suitable candidates or administrative / policy reasons. Indian national are only to apply. The School will
not be responsible for any postal delay. Candidates applying for multiple posts are required to submit
applications and fee separately for each post.
EN 21/38 EN 21/54 Principal, Sainik School Bhubaneswar

Protection of Plant Varieties and

Farmers’ Rights Authority
(Ministry of Agri. & Farmers Welfare, Government of India)
NASC Complex, DPS Marg, Opp. Todapur, New Delhi-12

Walk-In- Interview
1. Walk-in-interview for six SRF and four Technical Assistant positions at Shivamogga Branch of the
Authority under three projects at 10.00 AM on 14th September, 2019 at University of Agriculture and
Horticulture Sciences, Shivamogga.
2. Walk -in-interview for one SRF position in the same project will be held at 10:00 AM on 18th
September, 2019 at the Headquarter of the Authority as above.
For qualifications and other details please visit www.plantauthority.gov.in. I/c Admin

davp 01146/11/0006/1920 EN 21/58

«UÊÚ. •ê’«U∑§⁄U „UÊ≈U‹ ¬˝’¥äÊ πÊŸ-¬ÊŸ √ÿflSÕÊ ∞fl¥ ¬Ê·Ê„UÊ⁄U ‚¥SÕÊŸ

Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Hotel
Management Catering & Nutrition
(An Autonomous Body under Ministry of
Tourism, Government of India)
‚Ä≈U⁄U-42-«UË, ø¥«U˪…∏U/SECTOR-42-D, CHANDIGARH-160036
Phone No. 0172-2604833, Email Id- [email protected]
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the under mentioned posts by Speed Post/Registered
Post only.
S. Name of the Pay Scale No. of vacancies Age limit
No. Post
01 L.D.C Pay Band 1, Rs. 5200- 03 (U/R), 01 (PwD-UR-Locomotor 28 Years
(Stores/ 20200 + Grade Pay 1900 disability or cerebral palsy) as on
Cash /Estt) (Level 2 as per the 7th CPC) 01 (OBC), 01 (SC) 01-07-2019
02 Stenographer Pay Band 1, Rs. 5200- 30 Years
20200 + Grade Pay 2400 01 (U/R) as on
(Level 4 as per the 7th CPC) 01-07-2019 EN 21/67
Other Instructions : Interested candidates fulfilling the prescribed conditions may download the
Application Form from the Institute's website (www.ihmchandigarh.org). The duly filled in application
form with all required self-attested testimonials along with Demand Draft of Rs. 200/- for Gen/OBC and
Rs. 100 for SC/ST & PwD in favour of "PRINCIPAL DR. AMBEDKAR INSTITUTE OF HOTEL The views expressed by the authors in the articles published in the
MANAGEMENT, CHANDIGARH" payable at Chandigarh be sent to the Principal at the above Employment News are their own. They do not necessarily reflect the
mentioned address within 30 days from the date of publication of the advertisement. views of the government or the organisations they work for. The contents
The competent Authority reserves the right to fill or cancel/republish the advertisement of the posts. of the advertisements published in the Employment News belong to the
For complete Instructions, Educational Qualification, selection criteria and application format etc. please organisation or their representatives. The Employment News is in no way
visit institute website. responsible for any liability arising out of the contents/text of these
EN 21/48 (Principal) advertisements.
Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019 ADMISSION www.employmentnews.gov.in 31

EN 21/21

Government of India 7. Eligibility: Officers under the Central Gorvernment:-

Ministry of Home Affairs (A) (i) holding analogous post on a regular basis in the parent cader or department; OR
(ii) with at least three years service rendered after appointment to the post on regular
Directorate of Coordination basis in Level 8 in the pay matrix (Rs. 9300-34,800/-GP. Rs. 4800/-Pre-Revised) or
equivalent in the parent Cadre/Department and
Police Wireless (B) Having experience in Radio Communication Organization/Deputy Superintendent
of Police of State Wireless Organizations with at least 3 years' service in the
Block No. 9, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003
grade/officers of the rank of Captain or equivalent from Defence Service.
Applications are invited from the eligible candidates to fill up the following vacancy in
the Directorate of Coordination Police Wireless on deputation basis. (Period of deputation- Ordinarily not exceeding 3 years).
1. Name of post : Assistant Director The details of duties of the post, age limit, eligibility, experience, bio-data proforma and
2. Number of post : Five other conditions etc. are available on the DCPW website under link www.dcpw.gov.in.
3. Pay Scale : Level 10 in the pay matrix (Rs. 56,100-Rs. 1,77,500) The filled-in Application along with attested copies of certificates should reach to the
(Rs. 15,600-39,000, PB 3, GP-Rs. 5400-Pre-Revised) Deputy Director (Admn), DCPW (MHA), Block No.9, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New
4. Classification : General Central Service, Gr. ‘A’ , Gazetted, Non-
Mnisterial. Delhi-110003 within 60 days from the date of publication of this Circular in
5. Mode of Recruitment : On Deputation basis. Employment News/ Rozgar Samachar.
6. Age Limit : 56 years as on the closing date of the receving of the Deputy Director (Admn), DCPW
application. davp 19129/11/0002/1920 EN 21/61
32 www.employmentnews.gov.in DEPUTATION Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019

Unique Identification Protection of Plant Varieties and

Authority of India (UIDAI) Farmers’ Rights Authority
Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India
Ministry of Electronics & Information S-2, ‘A’ Block, NASC Complex, DPS Marg, Opp. Todapur Village, New Delhi-110012
Tel: 011-25848127, 25842846 Fax: 011-25840478
Technology (MEITY) Email: [email protected] Website : www.plantauthority.gov.in

Advertisement No. PPV&FRA/17-8/2017

Government of India The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Authority invites applications for filling up of the
posts of Joint Registrar on deputation basis at PPV&FR Authority.
No. 49, Khanija Bhavan Age Limit for the Posts: Candidates should not exceed 56 years of age on the closing date of the receipt
of the application. The eligibility, educational qualifications, experience and other conditions for the post
Race Course Road, Bengaluru -560001 is given below:-
Joint Registrar-(Number of post -1)- (Pay Scale -PB-3 Rs. 15600-39100/- with grade pay of Rs.
One post of Section Officer (SO) is sought to 7600/- and other admissible allowances as per Central Government Rules) Level-12 as per 7th
CPC pay matrix.
be filled up through deputation. The last date Essential:
(1) Educational Qualification:-Master's degree in Agriculture with specialization in Plant Breeding and
Genetics/Genetics/Agricultural Botany/Seed Science and Technology or Forestry/Horticulture with
for receipt of application is 30.09.2019. Further specialization in Plant Breeding and Genetics.
(2) Experience:-Officers under Central or State Government or Union Territories or PSUs or University
details at https://uidai.gov.in. or Statutory or Autonomous organisations or Indian Council of Agricultural Research possessing the
following experience (i) Holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre or department or
davp 54104/11/0008/1920 EN 21/63 (ii) With five years' service in grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the scale of
pay PB-3 Rs. 15600 to 39100/- with grade pay Rs. 6600/-
Desirable: Ph.D with at least three years of research experience in Seed Development Programme/
Intellectual Property Rights and Plant Varietal Improvement activities/Tree Improvement.
Last date for receipt of applications is 60 days from the date of advertisement in the Employment
The complete application in the prescribed format, available on the website www.plantauthority.gov.in
alongwith self attested copies of all testimonials/certificates and attested copies of ACRs/APARs for the
preceding 5 years may be sent to the Deputy Registrar & In-charge (Admin), Protection of Plant
Varieties and Farmers' Rights Authority, S 2, 'A' Block, NASC Complex, DPS Marg, Opp. Todapur
Village, New Delhi-110012. Serving candidate should invariably send their application through proper
While forwarding the application, the forwarding authority may verify that the particulars furnished by the
applicant are correct and that no vigilance case is either pending and/or contemplated against him/her
and also that no major/minor penalty has been imposed on him/her during the last 10 years. The
applications received without attested copies of ACRs/APARs, vigilance clearance certificate, integrity
certificate and statement of major/minor penalty, if any imposed during the last 10 years, or otherwise
found incomplete, or received after the last date of receipt of application will not be entertained.
(R.S. Sengar)
Deputy Registrar & In-charge (Admin.)
Bio-Data Proforma
1. Name and address in Block letters: Pass port
2. Email, Mobile, Fax: size
3. Date of Birth (in Christian era): Photograph
4. Date of retirement under Central/State Government Rules:
5. Educational Qualification:
S. Exam. Division/ Year of Passing Duration of the University/ Subjects Subject of
EN 21/36 No. Passed/ Grade and Degree/Diploma Degree/Diploma Board specialization
Degree % of marks course etc.
∑§Êÿ‹Ê πÊŸ ÷Áflcÿ ÁŸÁäÊ •ÊÿÈÄà ∑§Ê ∑§Êÿʸ‹ÿ Obtained
(÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U, ∑§Êÿ‹Ê ◊¥òÊÊ‹ÿ ∑§Ê ∞∑§ ‚Ê¥ÁflÁäÊ∑§ ÁŸ∑§Êÿ) 6. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you meet the requirement of
Office of the Commissioner the post: YES/NO
7. Details of the employment in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheet, duly authenticated by your
Coal Mines Provident Fund Organisation
signature, if the space below is insufficient.
(A statutory Organization under Ministry of Coal
Name Employer/Or- From To Scale of pay Nature of Whether Nature of Duty
Government of India)
of the ganization and its Appointment appointment performed (in
◊ÈÅÿÊ‹ÿ/Headquarters Office post classification through UPSC, Brief)
¬ÈÁ‹‚ ‹Êߟ, äÊŸ’ÊŒ, Á¬Ÿ - 826014 (¤ÊÊ⁄Uπá«U) State, PSC or
Police Line, Dhanbad, Pin-826014 (Jharkhand) otherwise
Phone No./»§ÊŸ Ÿ¥. - 0326-2202114 8. Nature of present employment i.e. adhoc or temporary or quasi-permanent or permanent.
Fax No./»Ò§Ä‚ Ÿ¥. - 0326-2202297 9. In case the present employment is held on deputation/contract basis, please state:
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Inconvenience caused is deeply regretted.
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Government of India
Ministry of ©ûÊ⁄U ¬Ífl˸ •¥ÃÁ⁄UˇÊ ©¬ÿÙª ∑¥§º˝
Culture North Eastern Space Applications Centre
BTI Section ÷Ê⁄Uà ‚⁄U∑§Ê⁄U/Govt. of India
Advertisement for the
post of Director, CIHCS
Applications are invited in
•¥ÃÁ⁄UˇÊ Áfl÷ʪ/Dept. of Space
duplicate from eligible ©Á◊ÿ◊/Umiam - 793103, ◊ÉÊÊ‹ÿ/Meghalaya
candidates for filling up one Tel: Æx{y wz|ÆvyÆ. Fax: Æx{y wz|Ævx~
post of Director, Central ÁflôÊʬŸ ‚¥./Advt. No.NESAC/RMT-R/Æv/wÆv~ ÁŒŸÊ¥∑§/Date: w~.Æ|.wÆv~
Institute of Himalayan Culture ©ûÊ⁄U ¬Ífl˸ •¥ÃÁ⁄UˇÊ ©¬ÿÙª ∑¥§º˝, ©Á◊ÿ◊ ÁŸêŸÁ‹Áπà ¬ŒÙ¥ ∑‘§ Á‹∞ ÿÙÇÿ •èÿÁÕ¸ÿÙ¥ ‚ •ÊflŒŸ •Ê◊¥ÁòÊà ∑§⁄UÃ „Ò¥–/
Studies (CIHCS), Dahung, Applications are invited from eligible candidates for following positions in North Eastern Space Applications Centre (NESAC), Umiam:
West Kameng District,
Arunachal Pradesh, an ¬Œ ∑§Ê ŸÊ◊ — flÒôÊÊÁŸ∑§/•Á÷ÿ¥ÃÊ “∞‚.‚Ë.” ¬ ◊ÒÁ≈˛ÄU‚ ∑‘§ ‹fl‹ vÆ ◊¥ (` z{vÆÆ - ` v||zÆÆ) /
autonomous body under the Name of the post: Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ in the Level 10 in the Pay Matrix (` 56100 - ` 177500)
Ministry of Culture, Govt. of ¬Œ ‚¥/ ˇÊòÊ/Field Á⁄UÁÄÃÿÙ¥ ∑§Ë ‚¥ÅÿÊ ÃÕÊ •ÁŸflÊÿ¸ ÿÙÇÿÃÊ/
India. The eligibility criteria and Post •Ê⁄UˇÊáÊ ∑§Ë ÁSÕÁÃ/ Essential Qualification
other details are given below. Code No. of Vacancies &
The application form can also Reservation status
be downloaded from the
website of Ministry of Culture: SC039 ÷Í ÁflôÊÊŸ/ Æv ∞fl¥ •ŸÊ. 1. M.Tech in Applied Geology/Geological Technology/RS & GIS (with specialization in
www.Indiaculture.nic.in and Geo Sciences (¬Ë.«éÀÿÍ.«Ë.-•Ù.∞ø.)/ Geosciences) with pre-qualification of M.Sc. in Geology/Applied Geology both in
Institute Website: www.cihcs. 01 & UR First Class.
edu.in (PWD-OH) •ÕflÊ/OR
1. Name of the post: Director M.Sc. in Geology/Applied Geology in First Class with Bachelor’s Degree in Geology
2. Number of post: One or equivalent.
3. Mode of Recruitment: •ÕflÊ/OR
Direct Recruitment Integrated M.Tech in Applied Geology/Geological Technology in First Class
4. Scale of pay: Rs. 37,400- SC040 ∑ΧÁ·/ Æv ∞fl¥ •ŸÊ./ 1. M. Sc. (Agriculture) in Horticulture/Agricultural Physics/Crop Physiology/Plant
67,000 + GP 8700 (as per 6th
Agriculture 01 & UR Physiology/Agricultural Statistics in First Class with B.Sc. (Agriculture).
5. Age limit for direct
M.Tech. in Remote Sensing & GIS with specialization in Agriculture and/or Soils
recruits: Not exceeding 52
Science in First Class with B.Sc. (Agriculture).
6. Educational and other SC041 •¥ÃÁ⁄UˇÊ •ı⁄U Æv ∞fl¥ •ŸÊ./ 1. M.Tech in Physics/Applied Physics/ Atmospheric Science/Earth System Science
qualifications required for flÊÿÈ◊¥«‹Ëÿ ÁflôÊÊŸ/ 01 & UR with pre-qualification of M.Sc. in Physics/Applied Physics/Atmospheric Science/Earth
direct recruits: Essential: i. Space & System Science both in First Class
Doctorate Degree in Buddhist Atmospheric •ÕflÊ/OR
Studies/ Buddhist Philosophy Science M.Sc in Physics/Applied Physics/Atmospheric Science in First Class with B.Sc. (Physics)
or Sociology or Ancient Indian •ÕflÊ/OR
History and Culture or Social Integrated M.Tech in Physics/Applied Physics/Atmospheric Science/Earth System
Anthropology from a Science in First Class.
recognized university or SC042 ¡‹ ‚¥‚ÊœŸ/ Æv ∞fl¥ •ŸÊ./ 1. M.E./M.Tech in Water Resources/ Hydrology/Watershed Management in First Class
Traditional Monastic Degree Water Resources 01 & UR •ÕflÊ/OR
equivalent to doctorate degree M.Tech in RS & GIS/Geo-informatics with specialization in Water Resources/Hydrology
in Buddhist Studies/Buddhist in First Class
Philosophy . ∞fl¢/AND
ii. Evidence of outstanding 2. B.E/B.Tech Degree in Civil Engineering or Agriculture Engineering in First Class
research and published works
SC043 Á¡•Ùß㻧Ê◊¸Á≈UÄU‚/ Æv ∞fl¥ •ŸÊ./ 1. M.E/M.Tech in RS & GIS/Geoinformatics/CSE/IT with First Class
in national/international jour-
nals of repute or as well •Ê߸.≈UË./Geoinfor- 01 & UR ∞fl¢/AND
acknowledged books in the matics/IT 2. B.E/B.Tech in ECE/ Civil Engg./ CSE/IT in First Class
concerned area of SC044 flÊÁŸ∑§Ë •ı⁄U Æv ∞fl¥ •ŸÊ./ 1. M.Sc. in Botany (Plant Taxonomy/Plant Physiology)/Biodiversity/Biodiversity and
specialisation. ¬ÊÁ⁄UÁSÕÁÃ∑§Ë/ 01 & UR Conservation/Ecology/Life Sciences (Botany-Plant Taxonomy/Plant Physiology) in
iii. 10 (ten) years teaching Forestry & First Class with B.Sc. in Botany/Zoology.
experience at the Degree level Ecology
at a recognized University/
SC045 ß‹ÄU≈˛ÊÚÁŸÄU‚/ Æv ∞fl¥ •ŸÊ./ 1. M.E./M.Tech/MSc.(Tech/Engg.) in Electronics/Electronic & Communications/Tele-
Institution in the area of
specialisation. Electronics 01 & UR Communication Engineering/ Electronic Design & Technology in First Class
iv. At least 3 (three) years ∞fl¢/AND
administrative experience in a 2. B.E/B.Tech/BSc. (Tech/Engg.) in Electronics & Communication Engineering/Tele-
responsible senior position at a Communication Engineering/Electronics Engineering/Electrical & Electronics
recognised University/ Engineering/M.Sc in Physics/Applied Physics/Electronics in First Class
Institution. SC046 ‡Ê„⁄UË •ı⁄U ˇÊòÊËÿ Æv ∞fl¥ •ŸÊ./ 1. Post Graduate Degree in City Planning/Town Planning/Traffic and Transportation
v. Knowledge and fluency in ÁŸÿÙ¡Ÿ/ 01 & UR Planning/Housing Planning/Infrastructure Planning/Industrial Planning/Environmental
written and spoken Hindi and Urban & Regional Planning/Urban Planning/Regional Planning/Urban design in First Class.
English languages. Planning •ÕflÊ/OR
Desirable: M.Tech. in RS & GIS (with specialization in Urban & Regional Studies) in First Class.
i. Academic, research and ∞fl¢/AND
professional experience related
2. B.Plan/B.Arch/B.E. (Civil)/B.Tech (Civil) qualification in First Class
to Himalayan Culture.
ii. Knowledge and fluency in ¬Œ ∑§Ê ŸÊ◊ — ≈UÁÄUŸ∑§‹ •Á‚S≈U¥≈U ¬ ◊ÒÁ≈˛ÄU‚ ∑‘§ ‹fl‹ | ◊¥ (` yy,~ÆÆ - ` v,yw,yÆÆ/-)
written and spoken Bhoti Name of the post: Technical Assistant in Level 7 of the Pay Matrix (` 44,900 - ` 1,42,400/-)
language. TA01 ß‹ÄU≈˛ÊÚÁŸ∑§Ë/ Æv ∞fl¥ •ŸÊ./ First Class Diploma in Electronics Engineering/Electronics & Telecommunication
7. Tenure of appointment: i. ß‹ÄU≈˛ÊÚÁŸ∑§Ë ∞fl¥ 01 & UR Engineering/Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering from a Institute/university
The Board of Governors shall ‚¥øÊ⁄U/ß‹ÄU≈˛ÊÚÁŸ∑§Ë recognized by AICTE
have the power to relax any of ∞fl¥ ÿ¥òÊË∑§⁄UáÊ/
the qualification or experience Electronics/
on the recommendation of the Electronics &
Selection Committee in case of Telecommuni-
candidate otherwise well cation/Electronics
qualified. & Instrumentation
ii. Period of deputation shall be
TA02 ß‹ÁÄU≈˛∑§‹/ Æv ∞fl¥ •ŸÊ./ First class Diploma in Electrical Engineering from an Institute/ University recognized
five years which may be
extended by five year by the Electrical 01 & UR by AICTE
Board of Governors, on review ÁflSÃÎà ÿÙÇÿÃÊ, •ŸÈ÷fl •ı⁄U ¬Œ ∑§Ë •ãÿ •Êfl‡ÿ∑§ÃÊ•Ù¥ ∑§Ë ¡ÊŸ∑§Ê⁄UË „ÃÈ ¬Íáʸ ÁflôÊʬŸ ŒπŸ ∑‘§ Á‹∞ ∑§Î¬ÿÊ ∞Ÿß¸‚Ò∑§ fl’‚Êß≈U — www.nesac.gov.in ¬⁄U ¡Ê∞¥. ‡ÊÈÁh¬òÊ/¬Á⁄UÁ‡Êc≈U
of performance. ÿÁŒ ∑§Ù߸ „ÙªÊ, ÃÙ ∑‘§fl‹ fl’‚Êß≈U ◊¥ ¬˝∑§ÊÁ‡Êà Á∑§ÿÊ ¡Ê∞ªÊ. ∞Ÿß¸U‚Ò∑§ fl’‚Êß≈U ∑§ ◊Êäÿ◊ ‚ •ÊÚŸ‹Êߟ •ÊflŒŸ ∑§ ¡◊Ê ∑§⁄UŸ ∑§Ë •¢ÁÃ◊ ÁÃÁÕ 16.09.2019 ∑§Ê 15.00 ’¡ Ã∑§
iii. The tenure in the case of
„ÒU/For detailed qualifications, experience and other requirements of the post, please visit NESAC Website: www.nesac.gov.in to see full
direct recruits shall be five
advertisement. Corrigendum/Addendum, if any, will be published only in the website. Closing date for submission of online recruitment
years which may be extended
by three to five year or till the application through NESAC website is 15.00 hrs on 16.09.2019.
Continued on page 35
EN 21/57 ÁŸŒ‡Ê∑§, ∞Ÿß¸‚Ò∑§/Director, NESAC
34 www.employmentnews.gov.in RECRUITMENT Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019

Continued on page 35
Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019 DEPUTATION www.employmentnews.gov.in 35
Continued from page 34

EN 21/65
Continued from page 33
age of sixty years whichever is
Kameng District, Arunachal
Unique Identification Authority of India
earlier by the Board of 10. Last Date: Duly filled in (UIDAI)
Governors on review of applications (in duplicate)
performance. complete in all respect Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MEITY)
8. Duties and Responsibi- forwarded through proper
lities: i. Chief Executive and channel by the concerned Government of India
Administrative Officer of the organisation in case of
departmental candidate, should
reach Shri Maneesh Rajan,
No. 49, Khanija Bhavan, Race Course Road, Bengaluru -560001
ii. Member Secretary of the
Under Secretary, BTI Section,
Society as well as Board of
Room No. 212, 2nd Floor,
One post of Assistant Section Officer (ASO) is sought to be filled up
Governors of the Institute. Puratatva Bhawan, GPO
iii. Custodian of the funds and Complex, Puratatva Bhawan,
through deputation. The last date for receipt of application is 30.09.2019.
securities of the Institute. INA, New Delhi-110023 by 5:30
9. Place of Duty: Central p.m. on 16th October, 2019.
Further details at https://uidai.gov.in.
Institute of Himalayan Culture davp 05101/11/0011/1920
Studies (CIHCS), Dahung, West EN 21/64
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Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019 ADMISSION www.employmentnews.gov.in 37
No. A-12025/2/2019-SA
Government of India

Ministry of
Affairs, Food
& Public
Department of
Food & Public
Vacancy Circular
Applications are invited from the
eligible officers for filling up
one vacant post of Deputy
Director (General Cadre), a
General Central Service, Group
'A' Gazetted, Non-Ministerial
post in Level-11 of the Pay
Matrix (PB-3: Rs. 15,600-39,100
+ Grade Pay Rs. 6,600/-, as per
6th CPC) in the Directorate
of Sugar & Vegetable Oils - an
attached office of the
Department of Food & Public
Distribution, Ministry of
Consumer Affairs, Food & Public
Distribution, by Composite
method [Deputation (including
short term contract) plus
Promotion]. Details of the post,
eligibility conditions etc. may be
accessed from the Department's
website: www.dfpd.nic.in
2. Applications of only such
officers/ candidates will be
considered as are routed
through proper channel and are
accompanied by:-
(i) *Bio-data alongwith
Certification by the Employer/
Cadre Controlling Authority.
(ii) Photocopies of ACR/ APARs
for the last five (5) years duly
attested on each page by an
officer not below the rank of
Under Secretary.
(*) as per prescribed proforma
available on the website.
3. Applications of suitable and
eligible officers and who can be
spared immediately in the event
of selection may be sent directly
to the Under Secretary (SA),
Department of Food & Public
Distribution, Minisrty of
Consumer Affairs, Food & Public
Distribution, (Room No. 256), EN 21/20
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-
110001 within a period of 60
days from the date of
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38 www.employmentnews.gov.in Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019

PM’S ADDRESS ... priority. If it is not available in the Independence, we take our achieving freedom for our speak are equally important. If
Continued from page 4 village we have to go beyond families to at least 15 tourist motherland. Therefore I appeal we move forward, we should
that- to Tehsil, to the district and destinations in the country. We to you as I am fully confident that keep in mind that we have to
government was nowhere to be
then to the state level. I don’t may face some difficulties in my countrymen will definitely be take our country forward.
seen, people participated in the
think that one has to go outside those places but still, you should able to achieve this. My farmers 75 years of Independence,
mass movement and the results
the state to meet one’s go. There may not be good will fulfil this request of mine 150 years of Gandhi and 70
are quite evident.
requirements. Our rural hotels. But, sometimes such because I have full trust in them. years of India’s Constitution has
My dear countrymen, I
economy will get a boost; our difficulties also bring My dear brothers and sisters, been completed for realising the
would like to put forward a
small entrepreneurs will get a opportunities along. Our professionals of our country are dream of Baba Saheb
small request to you. On this 2
boost; our traditional things will children will learn what their at a commanding position Ambedkar. We are also
October can we make India
get a fillip. country is, when they visit such globally. Their potential is very celebrating 550th Parv of Guru
free from single- use plastic?
Brothers and sisters we like tourist destinations. The people well recognised. People respect Nanak Dev ji this year. Let us
Let us move around, form
mobile phones, we like to send who can build facilities will also them. Be it space, be it move ahead following the
teams and move out from
whatsapp messages, we like to reach there and that will technology, we have achieved teachings of Baba Saheb
home, school, college.
be on Facebook-twitter. But we generate employment. Why new heights. It’s a matter of Ambedker and Guru Nanak Dev
Remembering revered Bapu,
can help country’s economy don’t we develop 100 good happiness of us that our ji as we have to build a better
we should move out of home
through these means. tourist destinations, why Chandrayaan is moving
collecting single-use plastic from society and a better country as
Technology is useful for the shouldn’t there be target of speedily towards that part of
homes, streets, chowks, and per the expectations of the whole
people who know its developing 2, 5 or 7 top class the moon where no one has
drains. Municipalities, Municipal world.
usefulness. Technology is tourist destinations in every ever reached. Such is the
corporations, Gram Panchayat My dear brothers and sisters,
helpful for the development of state? North-East of India has mastery of our scientists. we know that our targets are as
should make arrangements to
a modern India. Why shouldn’t huge natural resources but how Similarly, our presence was high as the Himalayas, our
collect single-use plastic. Can
we move towards Digital many universities make that part much less in the field of sports. dreams are even more than the
we take first big step on 2nd
payment? Today we are proud of the country as their tourist Today young sons and innumerable stars. But we also
October, towards making India
that our RuPay card is accepted destination? You do not have to daughters of my country in the know that even skies cannot
free from single-use plastic?
in Singapore. In the near future spend much, neither do have age group of 18 to 22 are making check the flight of our courage.
Come my countrymen, let us
RuPay card will be accepted in you need to spend a lot of time; India’s tricolor fly in various This is our resolve, our
take this forward. potential is beyond measure just
more countries. Our digital in 7 to 10 days you can visit sports stadia. How proud that
I will request start-up like the Indian Ocean. Our efforts
platform is spreading steadily. within the country. feels! Our sportspersons are
organizations, technicians and are holy like the flowing Ganges
Shouldn’t we stress on digital A new world will come into earning laurels for the country.
entrepreneurs to see what we and are ever continuing. Above
payment in villages, small shops being in the places you visit. You Dear countrymen, we have to
can do to recycle this plastic? all these things our values draw
and small shopping malls? For will get bliss in the life once we take our country forward. We
Plastic is being used in making inspiration from our ancient
the sake of honesty, Indians visit the tourist spots of have to transform our country.
highways. Many such remedies culture and the penance of our
transparency and to make our North-East, foreigners will also We have to make our country
can be there. But to get rid of sages and saints. The sacrifice
country’s economy strong let us follow suit. But, think over when reach newer heights and we and hard work of our countrymen
such problems we have to move towards digital payment. If we go out of the country and the have to do this collectively. The is our motivation.
initiate mass movement but at you go to villages you will people there ask, whether you government and the people have Come on, let us move ahead
the same time we have to think generally see boards put up by have seen that temple in Tamil to achieve this collectively and to build a new India keeping
of the alternate systems. I will traders saying “only cash, no Nadu and we say ‘’No’’; then jointly. Our 130 crore these ideals and resolves in
request all shopkeepers along credit please”. I will urge the how does it feel. They would be countrymen have to do this. mind. Fulfilling our
with many sign boards in your businessmen to display another responsibilities with a new
surprised and say that they Prime Minister of the country is
shop please also put another board: “say yes to digital being foreigners, have visited confidence and a new resolve to
also a child of this country like
one exhorting customers not to payment and no to cash”. We that temple but you being an build a new India should be our
you and he also is a citizen of the
use plastic bags; that they should create an atmosphere Indian have not seen it so far. mantra. Let us together take our
country. We all have to work
should instead bring their own like this. I will urge the banking So, before we go abroad we country forward with this single
unitedly for this.
cloth bags or buy cloth bags for sector and the people from the must know our country well. expectation, I once again bow to
In the coming days about 1.5
carrying their goods. Let us business world to give emphasis Now, I want to ask something everyone who lived, fought, died
lakh wellness centres and health
create an environment. We on these things. from my farmer brothers. For for the country.
centres will have to be set up in
generally give gifts to people on In our country the bulk of farmers, for my countrymen this Jai Hind.
rural areas. Setting up one
Diwali. Why not pack those gifts middle class and higher middle country is their motherland. As Jai Hind.
medical college for every three
in cloth bags this year and every class are increasing. This is a we chant ‘Bharat Mata Ki Jai” our Bharat Mata ki Jai.
Lok Sabha constituencies will
time? If people go to market with good thing. People go to various hearts are filled with new energy. Bharat Mata ki Jai.
make us realize the dream of our
cloth bags, that will be an countries as a tourist with their The word “Vande Mataram’’ Vande Mataram
youth becoming doctors. Houses
advertisement for your company family once or twice in a year. It enthuses our hearts with a wish Vande Mataram
for more than 2 crore poor
too. If you give a diary or is good that our children get to sacrifice for the country. A Thank you very very much.
people have to be built. We have
calendar nothing will happen. exposure. But today I want to long history beckons us. But -PIB
to supply potable drinking water
But if you give a bag, that will be urge all such families to think have we ever cared to think to 15 crore houses in rural areas, Follow us @Employ_News
a medium of your advertisement. over whether they will want their about our motherland’s health? construct 1.25 km roads in rural
It should be a jute bag. It will help children to know their country as The way we are using chemical facebook page
areas. Each village has to be
farmers. The cloth bag will help well, when it celebrates the 75th fertilizers and pesticides, it is facebook.com/director.employmentnews
provided with Broad Band
famers. These are all small Year of its Independence, which damaging the health of its soil.
connectivity and connected with
could be achieved after many
things. It will help poor widows As a farmer, as a child of this
optical fibre network, also a Employment News
who are into sewing. Our small great men and women had soil, I have no right to damage
sacrificed their lives? Are there network of more than 50000 new V.K. Meena
steps can change the lives of its health. I have no right to
any parents who do not want start-ups has to be raised. We (General Manager)
ordinary people and we have to make my mother India sad nor
their children to be emotionally need to move forward with so Hasan Zia (Senior Editor)
work towards that. do have I right to make her
connected with the country’s many dreams. Anand Saurabh (Editor)
My dear countrymen, whether sick.
soil, its history, its air and water? And, therefore, brothers and
it is a five trillion economy dream We would soon complete 75 Shikha Baraily (Editor)
Do they not want their children to sisters, we the countrymen have
or the dream of a self-reliant years since our Independence. P.K. Mandal (Sr. Artist)
gather new energy from all to collectively take our country
India, we are following the Revered Bapu showed us the Employment News
these? We have to move ahead forward with these dreams in
principles of Mahatma Gandhi. way. Should we not cut down the
mind and for this 75 years of 7th Floor, Soochna Bhawan,
Mahatma Gandhi’s ideals are in right earnest. No matter how use of chemical fertilizer in our
advanced we become, if we get independence is a very big C.G.O Complex Lodhi Road,
relevant even today. So we have fields by 10% or 20% or 25%
cut off from our roots, we can motivation. New Delhi-110003
to take forward our ‘Make in and if possible should we not
never survive. Today from the 130 crore countrymen have e-mail: director.employ-
India’ mission. Shouldn’t made in launch a Muktikar Abhiyan
ramparts of Red Fort, I am their dreams, their challenges. [email protected]
India products be our priority? (campaign)?. This would be a
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Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019 www.employmentnews.gov.in 39


Nidhi Prasad pushing your own daughter to ever stop "socializing" to avoid
emulate the daughter of your feeling lonely.

T oday, when I interact with a

group of people who are
teachers as well as parents who
neighbor, this is unrealistic and
untrue, you have to figure-out her
Š It is very important for a
strengths, may be she is inclined Teacher to be "patient" she/he
have a responsibility of guiding towards the Commerce stream has to realize that sometimes
young adults - who are going to be she may go on to become a there are tough students to
the future of our Country. As we successful Chartered Accountant, deal with, if you lose control
look around we often hear the or may be a Lawyer. Streams are you discourage not only that
word from students, teachers, immaterial today what is important student but other students as
parents "We are stressed" In is to study; today the children are well. Let them ask questions
earlier times the common refrain carving out careers in unheard of as many times as they want.
for the student community areas. Imagine someone inclined Š Pay special attentions to
was"Busy with studies" and now towards music going on to become students who are weak, by
this simple term has given way to a successful singer or even a DJ repeatedly asking them "did
the sickly term"Stressed out" which all careers are equally rewarding you understand?" you force
has become almost an epidemic today the only input required is that student to be more
to tow the burden of her/his more grimly term called
today, and all the three -- Students, "Hard Work along with passion in attentive in the Class, this is
parents' aspirations, who by "depression" for the student
Teachers and the Parents have the area of their interest, which a something that we call
providing her/him all the facilities community.
fallen victims to it. parent can find out with the help of "positive pressure" which is
wait for the magic to happen. Who The first and foremost is to figure
Let me begin with the fact that a trained career counselor or their very important
will realize that the child is feeling out the signs of "Stress" in a child,
problem solving is at the very core Teacher. It is my personal Š Don't be too predictive to the
helpless under this stress? Luckily here are some tell-tale signs:
of our holy scriptures like "The observation that this kind of an students, always be ready for
we have trained counselors, Š Irritable, aggressive, impatient
Holy Gita" which is essentially a atmosphere is leading to high an impromptu exam in the
Psychologist who can fill this gap. or wound up behavior
dialogue between Bhagwaan Shri incidence of "depression" amongst class, so that the students are
Still the biggest source of Š Feeling over-burdened
Krishna and Arjuna where Krishna the student community. left guessing and they always
inspiration and motivation for a Š Anxiousness, nervousness or
answers the questions that arise Stress amongst the Teachers: pay attention.
child is his immediate family. being afraid
out of the inner turmoil of Arjuna We all know what it's like to feel Š Come up with motivational
Come to think of it that the problem Š A feeling like your thoughts are
restraining him to attack his very stressed, but it's not easy to pin stories that motivate students
has acquired such a monstrous racing and you can't switch off
own relatives, the very fact that down exactly what stress means. to perform better.
shape that the Prime Minister of Š Unable to enjoy yourself
Arjuna ultimately enters the war as When we say things like "this is Š Last but not the least never
our country has to take out two Š Feeling depressed
Bhagwaan Shri Krishna satisfies stressful" or "I'm stressed", we lose sight of the fact that you
hours from his busy schedule to Š Losing interest in life
his queries, stands testimony to might be talking about: are a parent too, take the
speak to the student's community Š Losing sense of humor
that fact that problems are to be Š Situations or events that put students as your own children,
emphasizing the need to stay Š Feeling a sense of dread
faced and solutions found. It is the pressure on us - for example, shower them with love,
stress-free for the sake of better Š Worries about health
same role that a parent has to play times where we have lots to do affection and attention and
performance. Herein lies a lesson Š Feeling neglected or lonely.
for his daughter/son. Is it not a and think about, or don't have they will never fail you.
for the Parents as well as the What causes stress?
dichotomy that when the world much control over what Parents:
Teachers that the responsibility of Feelings of stress are normally
comes to us to learn "how to de- happens. Š Allow the kids to flourish, it is
helping our children lies with us, triggered by things happening in
stress" we ourselves are falling Š Our reaction to being placed much better to let a child play
parents by realizing that they your life which may involve:
victims to stress? Here is how we under pressure - the feelings his favorite game for two hours
should not put the burden of their Š Being under lots of pressure
landed in this soup, in earlier times we get when we have and devote just one hour to
own aspirations on their children Š Facing big changes
there were joint families where a demands placed on us that we study rather than force the kid
and Teachers should keep using Š Worrying about something
kid could go to any family member find difficult to cope with. to sit for studies for three hours
the power of encouragement by Š Not having much or any control
for advice, now she/he has parents A Teacher is as stressed as the and waste her/his time on
constantly boosting the morale of over the outcome of a situation
and siblings and all of them are students, the onus of her/his studies as most of the time
their students. Š Having responsibilities that
busy with their lives so who does students performing well in exam her/his mind will be distracted,
So what is Stress and how to take you're finding overwhelming
one go to? Apart from this lies with the teacher as she/he is no curfews should be imposed
care of it? I am going to be Š Not having enough work,
apparent lack of advice a child has the one who is blamed for poor she/he should be allowed to
focusing on how this is leading to a activities or change in your life
scores, a Teacher is after all a mingle with friends/relatives or
Š Times of uncertainty.
parent as well so she/he can relate her/his favorite people. Boards
Stress amongst the Parents:
to the Stress experienced by exams should not be made to
Unfortunately, parents
her/his students as well as their
unknowingly pass the burden of appear like a (matter of life and
parents, sometimes there is
their own ambitions on to their death) monster as they are just
paucity of time as well as personal
children without realizing whether another exam the only
situations that offer tough
they are suited to it or not? Every difference is that they are
challenges. But surmounting them
child is unique with her/his own conducted at another School
and putting her/his best is a
strengths and weaknesses, "the other than their own school.
hallmark of a good Teacher.
old school thought of (padhoge Š More than your kids you need
Staying calm under tough situation
likhoge banoge nawab, kheloge to learn the "relaxation
is what a Teacher can teach to
kuudoge banoge kharaab) has techniques" so start doing
her/his students, unfortunately
become a thought of the past what some yoga, it's important to
there are no quick fixes to any
with the Athletes becoming devote time to spiritual
situation, it is imperative to face
celebrities earning megabucks activities as well.
them to be able to find the best
today? Perhaps the worst thing Š Don't listen to others' advices
solution to them.
that a parent can do to a child is they may be passing on the
This brings us to the most
compare your child with other
important topic and that is How to hearsay, have faith in yourself
(more successful) children's. So
control Stress? as well as in your children.
always encourage your children,
Students: Š Never ever pass your personal
trust them and let them find their
Š Never impose curfews on anxieties to your children.
own path, it's not so that they don't
yourself as indulging in Š Last but not the least be a
care, your constant nagging
activities of your choice is smart parent, remember, today
pushes them to the wall
equally important. you are living in an age of
sometimes even with fatal results.
Š Have a proper time-table for information, the kids are more
All parents feel that they are the
everything like watching TV, informed than you, let them
best counselor for their child, for
going through News Papers, choose the best path.
example, the daughter of your
sleeping on time. Its not stress that kills us, it is our
neighbor next door took science
Š Doing mild exercises like Yoga reaction to it."
stream and has gone on to
to stay calm (The author is a Senior
become a Doctor, now as parent
Š Never panic in any situation Counseling Psychologist.
you take a clue an jump to the
Š While writing the exams do E-mail id- nidhiprasadcs@
conclusion that the mantra to
time-management in order to gmail.com
success lies in taking the science
avoid last minute panic. Views expressed are personal.
stream and becoming a
EN 21/18 Š The most important part, never (Image Courtesy : Google)
Doctor/Engineer, hence you start
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40 www.employmentnews.gov.in Employment News 24 - 30 August 2019

News Digest
National „ The Central Board of Direct Taxes-CBDT has
„ The Supreme Court of India has said it will wait for sometime before passing any said that all communications made by the tax
direction on the plea seeking removal of restrictions on the media in Jammu and department to assessees from 1st of October
Kashmir in the wake of abrogation of special status of Jammu & Kashmir under will carry a Document Identification Number -
Article 370. During the hearing, the Centre told the apex court that the situation is DIN. It said, issuance of DIN is another step
improving in Jammu and Kashmir and the curbs are being lifted gradually. towards better delivery of taxpayer services
Kashmir Times Executive Editor Anuradha Bhasin had sought directions to while ensuring accountability in official deal-
restore of all modes of communication, including mobile Internet and landline ings.
services. „ Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has asked banks not to
„ The government has reconstituted the Inter State Council and the Standing Com- count failed transactions at ATMs due to technical
mittee of the Inter State Council. While Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the reasons as part of "free ATM transactions" permitted
Chairman of the Inter State Council, Chief Ministers of all States and six Union every month. The RBI clarified that transactions
Ministers including Rajnath Singh, Amit Shah and Nirmala Sitharaman are the which fail on account of technical reasons, non-
members of the Council. Ten other Union Ministers including Nitin Gadkari, Ravi availability of cash, and any other reason attributable
Shankar Prasad, Ram Vilas Paswan, S Jaishankar and Piyush Goyal are the per- to the bank should not be counted as valid ATM
manent invitees in the Council. The Standing Committee of the Inter State Council transactions for the customer. It said, consequently, no charges will be levied.
is headed by Home Minister Amit Shah. Union Ministers Nirmala Sitharaman, International
Narendra Singh Tomar, Thaawar Chand Gehlot and Gajendra Singh Shekhawat „ India has contributed one million US Dollars to the United Nations Special
and Chief Ministers of eight states viz. Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Purpose Trust Fund for the Resident Coordinator System. According to the UN
Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh are its members. information, Special Purpose Trust Fund (SPTF) is a specific fund housed within
„ Information and Broadcasting Ministry has implemented Accessibility Standards the UN Secretariat, established to receive, consolidate, manage all contributions
for Persons with Disabilities in television programmes for private TV channels. and financial transactions of the new Resident Coordinator system in a transpar-
Taking a major step towards implementation of the Rights of Persons with Dis- ent and effective way.
abilities Act, the channels have been told that they may either make their own „ An Iranian oil super tanker VLCC Grace 1
programme with sign language interpretation, or they may carry a bulletin pre- and its captain and crew members including
pared by DD News free of cost if they wish. 24 Indians were released by Gibraltar
Economy authorities despite a last-minute claim on
„ India's exports grew by 2.25 per cent to the vessel by the US Department of Justice.
26.33 billion US dollar in July this year. The Iranian tanker was held on suspicion of
According to data released by the Min- smuggling oil to Syria in breach of European
istry of Commerce and Industry, Imports, Union sanctions. A total of 28 crew on board
however, slipped by 10.43 per cent to the vessel included majority Indians but also Russians, Latvians and Filipinos,
39.76 billion US dollar, narrowing trade who had spent over a month in detention on board the ship since it was seized in
deficit to 13.43 billion US dollar in July. early July. European countries do not have sanctions against Iran but have had
The deficit was 18.63 billion US dollar in them in place against Iran's ally Syria since 2011. Meanwhile, the United States
July last year. Export sectors that recorded positive growth in the last month has threatened a visa ban on the crew of a seized Iranian supertanker after failing
include chemical, iron and pharmaceuticals. Shipments of gems and jewellery, to block its departure from Gibraltar. State Department spokeswoman Morgan
engineering goods, petroleum products recorded negative growth. As per data, oil Ortagus said, the Grace 1 was assisting Iran's Revolutionary Guards, which the
imports declined 22.15 per cent to 9.6 billion US dollar. Cumulatively, from April to U.S. deems a terrorist organization, by transporting oil from Iran to Syria.
July 2019, exports dipped 0.37 per cent to 107.41 billion US dollar, while imports Sports
were contracted by 3.63 per cent to 166.8 billion US dollar. „ Wrestler Deepak Punia has become
„ Consumer price index-based retail India's first junior World Champion in
inflation eased marginally to 3.15 18 years. He claimed a gold medal at
per cent in July on the back of soft- the Junior Worlds with a win over
ening fuel prices. Retail inflation was Russia's Alik Shebzukhov at Tallinn,
3.18 per cent in June 2019, while it Estonia. The score was tied 2-2 at the
stood at 4.17 per cent in year-ago end of the 86-kg men's freestyle bout.
period. According to the Ministry of However, Deepak was declared cham-
Statistics and Programme Imple- pion because he had scored the last point. In 92-kg weight category, Vicky
mentation, the overall food inflation, claimed bronze after he defeated Batmagnai Enkhtuwacin of Mongolia 4-3.
measured on Consumer Food Price „ India clinched the three-match ODI
Index moved up to 2.36 per cent during July this year which was 2.25 per cent in series against the West Indies 2-0
June 2019. The rate of price rise in vegetables softened to 2.82 per cent during with a six-wicket win in the rain-cur-
the latest month as against a rise of 4.66 per cent in June, while prices of pulses tailed final match in Port of Spain.
and products went up to 6.82 per cent from 5.68 per cent. In fuel and light cate- The West Indies posted 240 for
gory, deflation was witnessed and it remained at 0.36 per cent as against a rise seven in 35 overs after electing to
bat but India were given a revised
of 2.32 per cent a month ago. Currently, the retail inflation is well below the RBI's
255-run target on Duckworth-Lewis
comfort level. The government has asked the central bank to keep inflation in the
method. Skipper Virat Kohli (114 not out) smashed his 43rd ODI century to
range of 4 per cent.
lead India to win. India had won the second ODI while the series-opener was
„ Wholesale price-based inflation in July fell to
washed out.
a multi-year low of 1.08 per cent mainly on
„ Union Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju has said that a new sports policy was under con-
account of cheaper fuel and food items. Data
sideration where every player would be supported by the government. He also
released by the Government showed inflation
expressed hope that India will do better at the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. The min-
in food articles was 6.15 per cent in July as
ister said that this policy will be introduced after consultations with various sports
against 6.98 per cent in the previous month.
organisations and the private sector. He was speaking after the inauguration of
Similarly, wholesale inflation in fuel and
the 6th Asian School Table Tennis Championship in Vadodara. Mr Rijiju said, his
power segment contracted further to (-) 3.64 per cent as against (-) 2.2 per cent
ministry will soon convene a meeting with sports departments of all states and
in June. The retail inflation last month too had eased to 3.15 per cent over the pre-
private sector representatives to protect interests of athletes and ensure their
vious month when it was 3.18 per cent. Inflation based on Wholesale Price Index,
welfare. (Images Courtesy : Google)
WPI was at 2.02 per cent in June this year and 5.27 per cent in July 2018.

Printed & Published by Additional Director General, on behalf of Publications Division, Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Govt. of India, New Delhi and Printed at Amar Ujala Ltd., C-21 & 22, Sector-59,
Noida-201301. Published from Employment News (Ministry of I. & B.) 7th Floor, Soochna Bhawan, C.G.O Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003, Senior Editor - Hasan Zia

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