Compressive Strength: Date Client Site Grade Plant Code Slump 1-d 3-d 7-d 28-d

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Compressive strength

The results below are compressive strength for concrete incorporating hydrofuge and untreated
concrete. The highlighted results are those for concrete incorporating hydrofuge.

Table of results

Date Client Site Grade Plant Code Slump 1-d 3-d 7-d 28-d
20-May-16 Kowlessur Riviere Noire BC25 - 320 Plant 2 KLBH2 140 4.2 11.3 17 28.4
20-May-16 Kowlessur Riviere Noire BC25 - 320 Plant 2 KLBH2 140 4.8 11.2 16 28.7
20-May-16 Kowlessur Riviere Noire BC25 - 320 Plant 2 KLB2 140 5.3 11.5 17.2 29.6
20-May-16 Kowlessur Riviere Noire BC25 - 320 Plant 2 KLB2 140 5.3 11.8 17.2 29.9

25-May-16 J Michel Triolet OC30 IV - 345 Plant 2 JMT1 150 7.3 14.8 22.2 38.1
25-May-16 J Michel Triolet OC30 IV - 345 Plant 2 JMT1 150 22.6 37.9
25-May-16 J Michel Triolet OC30 IV - 345 Plant 2 JMTH2 150 6.3 12.8 21.2 35.9
25-May-16 J Michel Triolet OC30 IV - 345 Plant 2 JMTH2 150 21.6 36.4

22-Jun-16 BETONIX LTD La Tour Koenig C25 - 300 Plant 2 300 kg 150 15.9 27.0
22-Jun-16 BETONIX LTD La Tour Koenig C25 - 300 Plant 2 300 kg 150 16.4 26.8
22-Jun-16 BETONIX LTD La Tour Koenig C25 - 300 Plant 2 300 kg Hydrofuge 150 15.2 25.8
22-Jun-16 BETONIX LTD La Tour Koenig C25 - 300 Plant 2 300 kg Hydrofuge 150 14.5 25.1

22-Jun-16 BETONIX LTD La Tour Koenig C25 V2 - 320 Plant 2 320 kg 150 21.5 31.8
22-Jun-16 BETONIX LTD La Tour Koenig C25 V2 - 320 Plant 2 320 kg 150 22.3 32.3
22-Jun-16 BETONIX LTD La Tour Koenig C25 V2 - 320 Plant 2 320 kg Hydrofuge 150 19.4 29.4
22-Jun-16 BETONIX LTD La Tour Koenig C25 V2 - 320 Plant 2 320 kg Hydrofuge 150 20.5 30.7


The compressive strength for Hydrofuge concrete is 4-6 % below the strength of untreated concrete.

Referring to the declaration statement of performance of Hydrofuge, it is mentioned that Hydrofuge

satisfies the requirements of the required standards relating to compressive strength, i.e. achieving
more than 85 % of strength of untreated concrete.
Water absorption (BS 1881 part 121: 1983)


Water absorption of concrete can in some way be related to its permeability. In order to determine the
effects of hydrofuge powder in concrete, the water absorption of concrete containing hydrofuge, were
compared to untreated concrete.


 Specimens tested were concrete cubes.

 Samples were removed from curing tanks and had their surfaces dried with cloth so as to
remove all free water. The samples were then weighed.
 The specimens were then dried to constant mass in oven at 105 °C for 24 hours.
 They were allowed to cool before weighing. The loss in mass was the absorbed water.

Absorption results at 28 days

Oven Water
Description Saturated
Cement content Specimen dried absorption Difference
of concrete mass (g)
mass (g) (%)
KLB2 untreated 8354 7942 5.19%
320 kg (Oman) 0.22%
KLBH2 Hydrofuge 8263 7872 4.97%

JMT1 untreated 8440 8042 4.95%

345 kg (Oman) 0.32%
JMTH2 Hydrofuge 8359 7989 4.63%

320 untreated 8502 8107 4.87%

320 kg (Lafarge) 0.43%
320H Hydrofuge 8342 7987 4.44%

300 untreated 8439 7983 5.71%

300 kg (Lafarge) 1.02%
300H Hydrofuge 8430 8052 4.69%


Concrete having 345kg cement content has lower water absorption values compared to 320kg cement
content. This is due to decrease in water cement ratio inducing lesser voids and contributing to a lesser
porous concrete.

Concrete constituting of hydrofuge had relatively less water absorption values compared to untreated
concrete.However the difference 0.22% and 0.32%, in water absorption is considered to be very low. By
inspection, it can be concluded that an increase in cement content can result in decrease in water
absorption value.
Permeability Test on concrete


In order to determine the effectiveness of hydrofuge in concrete in concrete. The capillary absorption in
concrete was investigated. The capillary absorption can also give an indication of the depth of water

Methodology A

 Cylinders had their bases perforated and fixed on concrete specimens.

 The specimens were dried prior to testing.
 The cylinders were then filled with water and the decrease in water levels were monitored for 2

Table of results

Description Untreated Hydrofuge Untreated Hydrofuge Untreated Hydrofuge Untreated Hydrofuge

Content 345 - Oman 320 - Oman 320 - Lafarge 300 - Lafarge

Day 0 250 250 218 216 250 250 250 250

Day 1 198 192 152 178 190 216 212 215
Day 2 194 187 114 162 - - - -
Day 3 188 182 59 148 142 188 180 188
Day 4 184 176 39 136 120 175 164 176
Day 5 12 110 22 132 104 166 152 164
Day 6 - - - - 88 156 140 154
Day 7 12 110 0 127 74 148 130 146

Net diff. 238 140 >218 89 60 136 118 136


Untreated concrete absorbed more water (196 ml) compared to Hydrofuge concrete (84 ml).

A small difference in water level was observed for the 320 kg cubes initially, and it was left to stand for 1
Day 0 – On LHS – Untreated concrete & on RHS hydrofuge concrete

Day 2
Day 4

Day 5
Methodology B

Slabs (refer to figure below) with borders retaining water were casted. These slabs are being cured and
they shall be dried and tested for water absorption.
Water levels readings

Description Untreated Hydrofuge Untreated Hydrofuge

Cement Content
320 - Lafarge 300 - Lafarge

Day 0 40 40 40 40
Day 1 37 38 38 38
Day 2 36 37 36 37
Day 3 35 36 34 36
Day 4 34 35 32 34
Day 7 32 34 30 32
Day 8 31 32 28 31
Day 9 30 30 20 30
Day 10 25 28 17 28
Day 11 22 25 15 26
Day 12 20 22 15 23
Day 14 20 18 10 17

After 2 weeks 0 6 0 2
After 3 weeks 0 0 0 0

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