1.basic Principles of Elasticity and Plasticity

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Elasticity and Plasticity

1.Basic principles of Elasticity and plasticity

2.Stress and Deformation of Bars in Axial load

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Basic principles of Elasticity and plasticity
Elasticity and plasticity in building engineering – theoretical
basement for the theory of structures (important for steel,
concret, timber structures design) - to be able design safe
structures (to resist mechanical load, temperature load…)

Statics: external forces, internal forces

Elasticity and plasticity new terms:

1) stress
2) strain
3) stability

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Principal terms


Elastic behavior of material – Hooke´s law - Elasticity

Plastic behavior of material - Plasticity


External force load (F, M, q)

Temperature load
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Basic principles of Elasticity and plasticity

The initial presumptions of the clasic linear elasticity:

1) continuity of material,
2) homogenity(just one material) and isotropy (properties are the
same in all directions),
3) linear elasticity (valid Hook´s law),
4) the small deformation theory,
5) static loading,
6) no initial state of stress

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Basic principles of Elasticity and plasticity

1. Continuity of material:
A solid is a continuum, it has got its volume without any holes,
gaps or any interruptions. Stress and strain is a continuous

2. Homogenity and isotropy

3. Linear elasticity
4. Small deformation
5. Static loading
6. No initial state of stress

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Basic principles of Elasticity and plasticity
1. Continuity of material

2. Homogenity a isotropy:
Homogeneous material has got physical characteristics
identical in all places (concret, steel, timber).
Combination of two or more materials ( concret + steel) is not
homogeneous material.
Isotropy means that material has got characteristics
undependent on the direction – (concret, steel – yes,
timber – not).

3. Linear elasticity
4. Small deformation
5. Static loading
6. No initial state of stress

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Basic principles of Elasticity and plasticity

1. Continuity of material
2. Homogenity and isotropy

3. Linear elasticity:
Elasticity is an ability of material to get back after removing the
couses of changes (for example load) into the original state. If
there is a direct relation between stress and strain than we talk
about Hooke´s law = this is called physical linearity.

4. Small deformation
5. Static loading
6. No initial state of stress

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Basic principles of Elasticity and plasticity

Plasticity (on the contrary from linearity): This is an ability of

material to deform without any rupture by non-returnable way.
After removing the load there are staying permanent

Plastic range σ Plastic range

Ideally elastic-plastic material

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Basic principles of Elasticity and plasticity

For axial load Stress-strain diagram of an ideal

elastic-plastic material:

Δl x +σ εelast. εplast
Yield limit fy
σB B

arctg E = α
εplast εelast. +ε = ∆l/l
σ - normal stress
fy ε –strain
σ x = ε x .E
Plastic range Linear elastic Plastic range

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Basic principles of Elasticity and plasticity
Hooke´s law - physical relations between stress and strain

σ x = ε x .E
Hooke´s law

+σ εelast.
=Ν/Α Linear elastic Tension By substituting:

range N ∆l
fy Y σx = εx =
A l
Yield limit

∆l =
Other version of
Hooke´s law
tan α = =E
σ ε
εx ... Axial strain [-]
α = arctg E
σx ... Normal stress [Pa]
ε ε = ∆l/l
E ... Young´s modulus of elasticity in tension and
compression [Pa]
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Basic principles of Elasticity and plasticity

Hooke´s law in shear

τ xz = γ xz G = 2 (1 + υ )

γxz ... Angle deformation

τxz ... Shear stress [Pa]
tan α = = G
γ G ... modulus of elasticity in shear [Pa]

α = arctg G

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Basic principles of Elasticity and plasticity

Stress-strain diagrams steel


fe … Elasticity limit
fy ... Yield limit
fu ... Ultimate limit

Plasticity: the ability of material to get permanent deformations without fracture

Ductility: plastic elongation of a broken bar (range /OT/), steel 15%).

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Basic principles of Elasticity and plasticity

1. Continuity of material
2. Homogenity and isotropy
3. Linear elasticity

4. Small deformations theory:

Changes of a shape of a (solid) structure are small
with aspect to its size (dimensions). Than we can use
a lot of mathematical simplifications, which usually
lead to linear dependency.
5. Static loading
6. No initial state of stress

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Basic principles of Elasticity and plasticity
Theory of small deformations Theory of large deformation
(finite deformation)
δ << l F
δ≈ l

b b

Theory of the II-nd order δ

Theory of the - Geometric nonlinearity
I-st order l

a a

May=H.l May=H.l+F.δ

The equilibrium conditions we set on the

deformated construction (buckling of columns).

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Basic principles of Elasticity and plasticity

1. Continuity of material
2. Homogenity and isotropy
3. Linear elasticity
4. Small deformations theory
5. Static loading:
It means gradually growing of load (not dynamic
6. No initial state of stress

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Basic principles of Elasticity and plasticity

1. Continuity of material
2. Homogenity and isotropy
3. Linear elasticity
4. Small deformations theory
5. Static loading

6. No initial state of stress:

In the initial state there are all stresses equal zerro.
(Inner tension e.g. from the production).

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Basic principles of Elasticity and plasticity

1. Continuity of material
2. Homogenity and isotropy
3. Linear elasticity
4. Small deformations theory
5. Static loading
6. No initial state of stress

All these assumptions enable to use principal of superposition

which is based on linearity of all mathematic relationship.

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Saint - Venant principle of local effect

Jean Claude Saint-Venant

F (1797-1886)
part without affect

Makes possible to replace a given load by

a simpler one for the purpose of an easier
F area of failure calculation of stresses in a member.
F • the state of stress is influenced just in near
surroundings of the load
q • farther from this load we have nearly
uniform distribution of stress

Used for:
Near surroundings replacement the surface load by the load
statically equivalent but simpler for solution

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Saint - Venant principle of local is not valid in
these cases:
a) concentrated loads on the end of bar:
area of failure
F part without affect q
part without affect

F area of failure σ x = const . σ x ≠ const .

b) bars with variable cross-section area: deduced conditions are valid for
bars with gradual changes of cross-section area. Abrupt changes (announce
by holes, nicks or narrowing) lead to no validity of condition.
q q

q q

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Theorems of superposition and proportionality

These theorems are valid when the basic principles are kept.Issac Newton
(1642 - 1727)

Basic Theorems of Statics

1) Principle of action and reaction

2) Principle of superposition
3) Principle of proportionality

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Stress and Strain
Elasticity and plasticity - new terms stress and strain
External forces, internal forces, stress

r r
∆V ∆F

M ∆N
r r
∆N ... Normal component of the vector ∆F ∆A
r r
∆V ... Tangential component of ∆F
∆A ... Element of cross section area A
normal shear
r stress (intensity of the r
∆N internal forces distributed ∆V
σ = lim r τ = lim r
∆A→0 ∆A over a given section) ∆A→0 ∆A

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Stress: vector, characterised by its components

Unit: Pascal ... [Pa]
Format of the unit:

Pa = 2

The Pascal is a small

quantity, in practise we use
multiplies of this unit

MPa = 10 Pa = 2 =

m mm 2
kPa = 10 3 Pa =
m2 22 / 59
Basic (simple) types of mechanical stress

1. Axial loading 2. Bending 3. Torsion 4. Shear

Normal force N ≠ 0

a b

Rax tension F

a b

Rax compression F

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Basic (simple) types of mechanical stress

1. Axial loading 2. Bending 3. Torsion 4. Shear

Bending moment My , Mz ≠ 0

a compression b
Raz Rbz
a b
compression -
Raz M
M F Rbz

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Basic (simple) types of mechanical stress

2. Bending 3. Torsion 4. Shear

1. Axial loading


2 3
nv = 6 Torsion moment Mx ≠ 0


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Basic (simple) types of mechanical stress

1. Axial loading 2. Bending 3. Torsion 4. Shear

Shear force Vy , Vz ≠ 0

+ -
a b

Raz Rbz

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Basic (simple) types of mechanical stress

Type of the Internal force Stress

Axial Loading N σx - normal
(tension, compression)

Bending My, Mz σx- normal

Shear Vy, Vz τxy, τxz - shear

Torsion Mx τxy, τxz - shear

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Types of loading

a) simple (axial loading, bending, torsion, shear)

b) combined

Combined loading:

• general bending (unsymmetric bending)

• eccentric axial loading
• torsion combined with tension or compression and with

Due to the Principle of superposition, which is valid in a linear

elastic range, we can solve the combined stresses. First by
spliting up to basic stresses and then we can add these results

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Axial loading – tension, compression

The only one inner force in each cross-section is an axial force N.

Mx = 0 V y = Vz = 0 My = Mz = 0

N >0 … tension
a b +
Rax Tension F

N <0 … compression
a b
Rax compression F

Basic principles and condition of solution 29 / 59

Conditions of solution
a) deformated cross-sections stay on plane figure and it is
vertically to the axis (Bernoulli hypothesis)

Character of condition is deformation-

geometrical. Cross sections stay mutually
paralel without tapering.
Daniel Bernoulli
N N (1700 - 1782)

γ xy = γ xz = 0 → τ xy = τ xz = 0
dx ∆dx
before and after
σ x = const. … for x = const.

b) longitudinal fibres are not mutually compressed together

σy =σz = 0

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Stress and strain in external load
F Axis x = axis of a member

R l

x σ
N +

a) Stress under axial loading

axial force F → normal forces N → normal stress σx
- Intensity of internal forces distributed
[MPa] over a given section
-Tensile stress - positive sign
compressive stress – negative sign

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Stress and strain in external load
b) Strain under axial loading - deformation
Deformations : elongation or contraction
F h h´
l Δl - elongation b

∆l z
Axial strain εx = (dimensionless quantity [-])
∆b ∆h
Lateral strain ε y = ε z = −υε x εy = εz =
b h
ν ≤ 0,5 Poisson´s ratio
b´ = b+∆b
Circle - diameter d?
Dimension´s changes: l´= l + ∆l h´ = h+∆h

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Stress and strain in temperature changes

a b

a) stress If there is not defended the deformation of a member – doesn´t

come up normal force and stress, later on indeterminate members
b) Strain (thermal strain)
ε xT = ε yT = ε zT = α T ∆ T

αT - Coefficient of thermal expansion [°C-1] l´= l +

b´∆l= b+∆b
∆l = α T . ∆ T .l
h´ = h+∆h
εxT = Δl/l = Δb/b = Δh/h = Δd/d

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Example 1

The steel rod (see the picture) has a circle cross-sectional area of a diameter
d = 0,025 m. E=2,1.105MPa. ν =0,3
Determine σx, elongation of the rod, the lateral changes ( in dimensions) and
determine new dimensions of the rod). (Ignore the dead weight).

A = 490,87.10-6m2 N
σx = 203,718MPa

l = 10 m
Δl = 0,0097m =9,7.10-3m = 9,7mm +
εx = 9,7.10-4
l´= 10,0097m

εy = εz = -2,91.10-4
Δd = -7,28.10-6m = -7,28.10-3mm P = 100 kN
d´= 0,02499m
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Example 2

Determine tyčtotal
kruhového průřezu
deformation of the drod
= in
0,01 (see lthe
m a délky
its length = picture).
2 m je
namáhána tahovou silou N = 15 kN.
Určete normálové napětí σx, celkové
Σ Fix = 0: R - F1∆l
prodloužení a příčné
+ F2 =0
zkácení prutu. R = F1 - F2 = 40 – 10 = 30 kN

E = 210 000 MPa, ν = 0,3 N1 = -R = -30kN

R N2 = -R + F1 = -30+40 = 10 kN

Result: ∆l =
N A1 = 314,159.10-6m2
A2 = 78,539.10-6m2
+ +10
Δl1 = -1,364.10-3m = -1,364mm
-30 - N2 Δl2 = 1,212.10-3m = 1,212mm
σ1 = -95,49MPa
σ2 = 127,33MPa

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Example 3

The concret column of a square cross-section 0,6 x 0,6 m and a hight h = 3,6 m
is uniformly warmed by ∆T = 75°C.
Determine the changes in dimensions of the column- cube.
αT = 10 ·10-6 °C-1

h = 3,6m


Results: h´= 3,6027m, a´= 0,6005m, b´= 0,6005m

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Example 4

Determine the stress in the circle rod, draw its behaviour during the cross section and
determine the change of the lenght of the rod.
F =20kN ∆t=15°C
d=0.02m l=1.5m
l1 = 1 m l2 = 2 m
E=210GPa αT=0.000012°C-1

1- N force from F F l1 l2
2- normal stress from N
3- elongation of the rod (from N + from temperature)

Results: N=30kN, σx = 95,5MPa (tension), ∆lN =0,682mm, ∆lT =0,27mm

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