Research Paper Sample
Research Paper Sample
Research Paper Sample
A Thesis
Presented to
The Thesis Committee
College of Business Administration
UM Tagum College, Tagum City
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major in Financial Management
March 2018
Chapter 1
indistinguishable way of life from in West Germany. The general goal has
been to close the gigantic financial hole between East German and West
German states at the earliest opportunity with help from government state
specialists, the corporate division and the saving money area. The banks
have been asked to finance the transformation of formerly state owned East
German firms and the foundation and growth of new firms. Since many firms
(SMEs) plays a key role for the catching-up of the East German economy. It is
a stylized fact that in a market economy, a large number of jobs arise from
(Davis et al., 1996). Credit restrictions have been one of the highest
lacking value capital and a low ability of banks to concede credits (Hummel
Central Bank (CB) in 1949, is littered with bank runs and bank failures. As the
severe liquidity crisis that had greatly shaken the public's confidence in the
financial system. But this turned out to be only a prelude to a much bigger
problem that appeared in 1983 when the economy was struck by a balance-
reached its lowest ebb. This paper attempts to describe and analyses the
and supervisory responses to such problems, and the incidence of the cost of
bank failures. It is hoped that results of this study can provide lessons useful
in formulating policies and measures to deal with the problems of the financial
number have failed to sustain their business operation due to the lack of
Research Objectives
Tagum City. More specifically, the study was conducted to sought answers to
1.1 Consistency;
1.2 Responsibility;
1.3 Accountability;
1.4 Fairness;
1.6 Effectiveness.
2.1 Valuable;
2.2 Rare;
2.4 Non-Substitutable.
Corporate Governance
ordinarily connected with a division of work between the gatherings who give
the capital (i.e., investors) and the gatherings who deal with the assets (i.e.,
shareholders might be hurt if there are not sufficient means to guarantee that
business world, from Enron to Lehman Brothers, have been considered as,
consumers must have faith that the solid corporate governance principles are
promises made by a corporation, and those that make the decisions for a
law, contracts, and social norms that govern the structure by which
agency costs. It evolves into other areas of the role of institutional investors as
structures that look after the internal integrity of a corporation. The suggestion
internationally under agreed upon globalization rules. The very first objective
policies, programs and strategic partnerships. The last guide leads toward the
the sort of partnership in real life. Thus there are three stages elaborate in the
pay-performance sensitivity and lower taxes. Second, this is one of the first
tax management. Moreover, we find that this investment into tax management
different firms focus on. Our results shed light into how governance can
improve firm performance and increase shareholder value in the long run
partly due to the Asian financial crisis. We review the writing on corporate
however most examinations don't recommend that Asian firms were severely
run. The literature does confirm the limited protection of smaller rights in Asia,
bears some of agency costs in the form of share price discounts and
connect with portfolio organizations in light of the fact that a large number of
these communications happen behind the scenes. That is, except institutions
with portfolio firms. Our goal in this paper is to correct this knowledge gap by
Corporate governance could become more critical in a financial crisis for two
severe during a crisis. JBBF (2000a) argue that a crisis can lead to greater
along. Argue that investors ignored weaknesses of East Asian firms while the
region was doing well economically, but quickly pulled out once the crisis
protection for their investments. For both of these reasons, firms with weaker
corporate governance could have lost moderately more value during the crisis
governance has two requirements, one micro and one macro: at the micro
includes activities that accommodate the need to secure the drawback hazard
governance allows firms to get to capital markets on better terms, or, in other
Competitive Advantage
a group of internal resources from the firm. However, to obtain this advantage,
threats to the environment of the firm; rare, not being present in any rival or
potential rival company; inimitable, so that others cannot imitate them; non-
why nations may have a particular preferred standpoint in one control over
expense of playing out the entirety of its esteem exercises in respect to rivals.
Each esteem action has cost drivers that decide the potential wellsprings of a
the effect of the organization's item on the purchaser yet in addition on the
This paper tries to find out why shadow banking system has become
so competitive in the global financial system and how it can be controlled. For
The condition for a development to yield lease for the firm is the
foundation of new upper hand. The connection between upper hand a lease,
that lease over the long haul accomplished just when a firm can procure
strange benefits for its contributions, and when different firms can't copy the
item attributes that return these irregular benefits. When a firm is able to
advantage. The creator exhibits how a firm makes its upper hand by
making more financial incentive than its opponents, and clarifies that
assets, capacities, and skills, the section stresses that both must be
upper hand through procedure. Next, the section describe the value chain
generation, promoting and deals, and client benefit, which thus depend
still arguments on the definition and effects of dynamic competencies and the
The study focuses on social innovations that create social value and
into methodology and activities makes open doors for co-creation, in this way
making shared esteem and improving upper hand. This investigation finishes
competition, and when the factors which yield this level of efficiency are firm-
average cost, and may be able to invite customers by selling at a price slightly
(Peteraf, 2011).
provide the basis for one of the next advances in the theory of foreign value-
that states and businesses should follow policies that create high-quality
that cheap labor is global and natural resources are not necessary for a good
will receive higher value in distributed products for higher income what the
owners request from management and such requirements can be fulfilled with
Firms can build up this upper hand just by making an incentive in a way
upper hand, for example, budgetary and characteristic assets, innovation and
based argument is that these sources are increasingly accessible and easy to
imitate. Therefore, they are necessary for upper hand particularly in contrast
with a perplexing social structure, for example, a work framework. In the event
that that is along these lines, human asset arrangements and practices might
Schuler, 2010).
that resources held by a firm and the business strategy will have a reflective
customer service, which must be difficult for rivals to imitate (Mose, 2010).
licensed innovation, all of which would all be able to be saddled to make the
literature for over 20 years (Prahalad & Hamel, 1990; Aaker, 2011).
factors nor the traditional view focusing on external factors fully explains
have drawn upon the resource-based view of the firm. This article
supplements these efforts and advances the argument that firms’ competitive
The impact of a family’s control rights over a firm’s assets generates three
behavior of firms, much remains to be done, and the central issues that are
unique to firms are at best indirect in these formulations. It is fair to say that
the field lacks paradigmatic coherence and that much of the family business
of family firms. For family business studies, this practice has often led to
MacMillan, 2011).
normally supported by the start that ladies' interest positively affects the
working of sheets and thusly on firms' execution. The theoretical and empirical
suggest that the multiplicity that women bring to boards and their unique
management style improve boards' operation, whereas others note that the
also helped the researcher realized that the corporate governance has a great
Theoretical Framework
upon the resource-based view of the firm. This article supplements these
efforts and advances the argument that firms’ competitive advantage arises
a group of internal resources from the firm. However, to obtain this advantage,
threats to the environment of the firm; rare, not being present in any rival or
potential rival company; inimitable, so that others cannot imitate them; non-
Conceptual Framework
but such regulations may increase managerial discretion and scope for abuse.
The other variable is competitive advantage with the indicator namely; the
threats to the environment of the firm; rare, not being present in any rival or
potential rival company; inimitable, so that others cannot imitate them; non-
way to measure it, and for the right reason. Nearly everything can be
producing jet engines. Every company must have at least one advantage to
doesn’t possess it, competitors soon outperform it and force the business to
This study will provide significant information and it’s significant about
Tagum City. The main purpose of this study is to know the important policy
greater resources and the effect is benefits for everyone should apply the
careful strategy. This study will be extravagant to the business minded people
who wanted to know to create their future business that would be responsible
enough in the area of their business field. Through this study, it will help the
With the help of this study, it will help them in making effective decision
Definition of Terms
competitive edge, e.g. higher profit margin, greater return on assets, valuable
compete in the market. If a company can’t identify one or just doesn’t possess
it, competitors soon outperform it and force the business to leave the market.
Chapter 2
population and sample, research instrument, data gathering produces and the
statistical tools used by the researchers. This will help the reads on how to
Research Design
to understand and learn about the current condition, practices, situations and
involves the correlation of the data in order to determine whether the degree
the data was design for the target respondents to answer the questions.
that practiced those indicators were, as the literature seemed to predict they
would be.
Research Locale
The findings of this study are specific to the context of the remittances
in Tagum City. The possibility for the general applicability of the findings was
Accordingly, even though there could be features the findings may not
have the general applicability to other systems. Presents in figure 2 are the
The subjects of the study were the remittances and the respondents were 150
Total 150
Research Instrument
was to assess the degree to which the services were observed among
observed, 3 for moderately observed, 2 for less observed, 1 for not observed.
Data Collection
In gathering data for this study, the researchers collected the relevant
retrieved it on the other day and submitted this to their statistician for the
computation of data and statistician for the computation of data and statistical
Statistical Tools
The statistical tools that were used for data analysis and interpretations
Pearson (r). This tool was used to measure the significant relationship
Chapter 3
Presented in this chapter are the data and the results of the study.
corresponding indicators.
Corporate Governance
Shown in the table 1 are the linear regression analysis scores for the
a high with a standard deviation of 0.34. The high level could be attributed to
the high rating given by the respondents in all indicators. This means that the
The cited overall mean score was the result gathered from the
following computed means score from the highest to lowest: 4.18 or very high
for effectiveness with the standard deviation of 0.37; 4.13 or very high for
responsibility with the standard deviation of 0.42; 4.08 or high for consistency
with the standard deviation of 0.42; 4.07 or high for accountability with the
standard deviation of 0.39; 4.07 or high for transparency with the standard
deviation of 0.40.
Tagum City is on Fairness, being the indicator with the lowest mean.
Competitive Advantage
Shown in the table 2 are the linear regression analysis scores for the
a high with a standard deviation of 0.37. The high level could be attributed to
the high rating given by the respondents in all indicators. This means that the
of the case in the item valuable, rare, inimitable and non- substitutable.
The cited overall mean score was the result gathered from the
following computed means score from the highest to lowest:4.22 or very high
for rare with the deviation of 0.38; 4.17 or very high for non-substitutable with
the standard deviation of 0.42; 4.03 or very high for inimitable with the
standard deviation of 0.41; 3.99 or high for valuable with the standard
deviation of 0.44.
remittances in Tagum City is on Rare, being the indicator with the highest
correlation between the two variables. Results of the computation are shown
in the table 3.
the p-value of 0.001 which is lower than 0.05 level of significance. This lead to
the decision that the null hypothesis which stated that there is a significant
governance and competitive advantage, it has been evident that the corporate
Chapter 4
remittances in Tagum City are presented in this chapter and said discussions
Tagum City is high. These mean that the corporate governance is observed at
all times in tagum city. This further means that every organization in
With regards to responsibility, the level was very high. This indicates
that the responsibility of corporate governance among remittances in Tagum
city is positive. In line with the view of Orge, J. (2010). This means that the
employee of the organization has a responsibility to do their duties. In order to
create value, a balanced risk taking and making difficult decisions on a timely
basis are essential. Therefore, decision makers at all levels should assume
the responsibility to take initiative and be accountable for their decisions.
employee not only for financial resources, but also for all other resources that
it uses to create value. Trust can only be gained with transparency. In lined
with views Bini Smaghi (2011) that transparency is practiced in companies,
organizations, administrations, and communities. It guides an organization's
decisions and policies on the disclosure of information to its employees and
the public, or simply the intended recipient of the information. Transparency is
also a very important element of accountability.
a group of internal resources from the firm. However, to obtain this advantage,
threats to the environment of the firm; rare, not being present in any rival or
potential rival company; inimitable, so that others cannot imitate them; non-
This result’ is associated with the work of Barney, (1991) who mention
that the essence of competitive advantage among remittances in Tagum City
can be achieved through internal resources or a group internal resources from
the firm.
The high level for the valuable showed that the level competitive
advantage was positive. This means that the employees should have the
capability or resource competitively valuable, to be competitively valuable, the
This was followed by rare indicator which was on very high level. This
means that to be rare competitive powers help a firm to compete; they might
not be an absolute advantage, but they enable a firm to achieve advantages
and growth in some business domains. This is the line of Reed (2011) which
state that if most competitors hold the same valuable resource, then they will
likely explore their use in similar ways, thus implementing the same value
creating strategy. This would not result in any company achieving competitive
advantage as a result of owning a valuable resource.
(2010) who pointed out that a non-substitutable resources exist when the
resource combinations of other firms cannot duplicate the strategy provided
by the resource bundle of a particular firm.
have drawn upon the resource-based view of the firm. This article
supplements these efforts and advances the argument that firms’ competitive
The impact of a family’s control rights over a firm’s assets generates three
Tagum City.
Based from findings in this study, conclusions are drawn in this section.
high for consistency, very high for responsibility, very high for accountability,
high for fairness, very high for transparency, and very high for effectiveness
and the overall mean is very high in corporate governance among remittances
in Tagum City. This means that the corporate governance among remittances
remittances in Tagum City is high for valuable, very high for rare, very high in
inimitable, and very high in non-substitutable and the overall mean is very
in Tagum City. This is line with the study of Carney (2005) which stated that
this article supplements these efforts and advances the argument that firms’
practices that the organization or individual, has an obligation to act for the
among remittances in the organization. Lastly, for the future researchers, this
study could give those who might have some interest in the research and
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