Submitted To Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University) For The Partial Fulfilment of The Requirements For The Degree of (2016)
Submitted To Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University) For The Partial Fulfilment of The Requirements For The Degree of (2016)
Submitted To Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University) For The Partial Fulfilment of The Requirements For The Degree of (2016)
Supervisor Researcher
Dr. Amit Gautam Manisha
In a progressive forward-looking society, science can play a truly liberating role, helping people
escape from the vicious cycle of poverty, ignorance and superstition (National Curriculum
Framework, 2005). In other words, society directly or indirectly depends on products and
services that are developed with the help of science and technology. Innovations in Science and
Technology have changed the way we live, move, communicate, work and play. Meanwhile,
food all deal with science-based issues that directly affect our lives (International Council for
Science (ICSU), Paris (2011). In the present scenario, people are faced with a rapidly changing
world. To cope up with emerging challenges and for bringing up the standards of living,
education of science and technology has become a matter of great concern internationally.
Scientific and technological literacy for all citizens is a stated goal of most modern nations; the
production of more and better scientists and technologists is seen as a way of competing in the
economic arena and as primary means of human condition. One of the biggest tasks facing those
countries, is the need to generate the capacity to apply science and technology to this goal
(ICSU, 2002). There is no doubt that effective science education can serve as a mean for solving
existing as well as upcoming global problems. These different imperatives have to be kept in
If Science and technological education in schools is to be improved and more students are need
to be attracted to careers in science technology, changes need to be made at school and college
the prospective society, science teaching, through multifaceted activities should make students
discover and rediscover by reconciling experimental and pupil centered learning. Teaching and
learning of science should be aimed at bringing holistic and maximum development of students.
comprehensive scientific literacy (National Research Council, 1996). Learning science involves
three domains ie. (i) ‗Science‘. It includes the products of science and technology such as
various laws, rules, principles and theories. (ii) ‗About science‘. Here the nature of practices and
products of science and technology and their relationship with societies and environments is
included. (iii) ‗To do science‘. The domain includes expertise, confidence and motivation that
are required to communicate knowledge (Hodson, 1998). Such comprehensive literacy is likely
essential for citizenship in a democracy (Wellington, 2001). Despite official curricular support
for promoting such comprehensive scientific literacy, the school system including
administrators, teachers, text book publishers and others often emphasize teaching and learning
of ‗science‘ at the expense of learning in the other two domains (Claxton, 1991). But at present,
it seems to be very difficult to achieve comprehensive scientific literacy because most of the
educational system in the undeveloped and developing countries is still following the
conventional lecture method of teaching in which the teacher dominates the entire classroom
activity. In such an approach the interaction is basically a one way streak from teacher to
students (Gillies & Khan, 2008). There is only minimum student - teacher interaction (Saye &
Brush, 2006). The whole class is treated as a single group in which teacher is the authority.
Only duty of the student is to record the knowledge coming from the teacher and reproduce it
whenever needed. There is no provision for freedom, interaction and social development.
Competition is the base value. Students are competing with each other to get a high position in
the rank order, only a few who survive these situations are considered as the best and others are
treated as worst. In such a class room student‘s social, emotional and psychological
―instructional goals such as recalling facts, generalization, defining concepts and performing
procedures‖ (Almala, 2005 as cited in Kelly‘s study). Therefore, this view ignores the
Along with this, in conventional classrooms teachers face a number of challenges in learning
how to teach science effectively (Brookfield & Preskill, 1999). Encouraging more opportunities
for students to learn ‗about science‘ and to ‗do science‘ regardless of their many benefits, has
not been easy. The major problem in science teaching is the teacher‘s dilemma or the problem
of reconciling experimental, pupil centered learning with the requirement that pupils discover
and rediscover what they supposed to. Another persistent challenge to science education is
student detachment towards science. They view science as too difficult and not relevant to their
lives (Kruckeberg, 2006). Thus, it is critical that instruction in science classrooms must engage
learners by developing their curiosity and providing opportunities for success. Despite of this
students entering the science classroom have a number of previous experiences, ideas, beliefs
and expectations about the natural world. The content taught in the classroom is interpreted in
the light of this previous knowledge (Howe & Jones, 1998). Even after imparting instructions,
student‘s spontaneous conceptions regarding science often remain at variance with accepted
approaches that can foster productive learning communities as well as professional visions and
dispositions effectively (Hofstein et al, 2005). They need to learn how to address problems of
practice such as engaging students in science, organizing instruction and developing productive
learning communities and in doing so they need to develop their knowledge, teaching practices
and dispositions (Copeland, 2002). Despite of these, teachers need to engage students in
interesting and real world science information and teach science in an exciting manner (Bagchi,
1997). This demands a paradigm shift in education system from knowledge transmission to
for today‘s classroom setting. Existing trend of imparting instruction should be changed and the
Constructivist Approach should be followed which is moral and more focus on innovative
Constructivism is the last decade‘s dominant theory that has roots in philosophy, psychology
and cybernetics and attempts to describe how people know the world (von Glasersfeld, 1989).
Von Glasersfeld (1989) attributes the first constructivist theory to an Italian philosopher,
Giambattista Vico, in the early 18th century. Learning theories from Jean Piaget, Jerome
Bruner, Lev Vygotsky and John Dewey also serve as a basis for constructivist learning theory.
Several authors need to be mentioned because constructivist theory is a broad approach towards
learning. There are three main philosophical frameworks under which learning theories fall
aspects of learning. Cognitive theories look beyond behaviour to explain brain-based learning.
process of understanding, which leads to modifications in the behavior of the learner due to
According to the constructivist theory, knowledge is being actively constructed by the learner
and knowing is an adaptive process, which organises the learners‘s experiential world (Mayer,
1992; Hendry, 1996). Hence, the learner is not considered as a controlled respondent to stimuli
as in the behaviourist rubric (Jonassen, 1990; Perkins, 1991) but as ―already a scientist‖
(Solomon, 1994) who actively constructs knowing while striving to make sense of the world on
the basis of personal filters: experiences, goals, curiosities and beliefs (Cole, 1992). Knowledge
for constructivism cannot be imposed or transferred intact from the mind of one knower to the
mind of another. Therefore, learning and teaching cannot be synonymous: we can teach, even
well, without having students learn. Correspondingly, learners do not just take in and store up
given information, but they make and test tentative interpretations of new experiences until a
satisfactory structure emerges (Perkins, 1991). Therefore, they build a personal view of reality
by trying to find order in the chaos of signals that impinge on their senses. Constructivism
activates the learner‘s inborn curiosity about the real world to observe how things work. It is
centered on the belief that cognition is the result of ―mental construction‖. Hence, it provides
academic freedom to them. They use their own learning strategies by adapting different
approaches of constructivism. In the most general sense, it usually means encouraging learners
to use active techniques (experiments, real-world problem solving) to create more knowledge
and then to reflect on and talk about what they are doing and how their understanding is
changing. The teacher makes sure that he understands the learners' pre-existing conceptions, and
guides the activity to address them and then build on them. Constructivism modifies role of
teacher that he facilitate and help them to construct knowledge rather than to reproduce a series
of facts.
Approach. Meaningful understanding in this approach occurs when students themselves develop
effective ways to resolve problematic situations. Such situations foster motivation, because
students have an opportunity to experience the pleasure and satisfaction inherent in problem
solving. Constructivists recommend that designers provide problems which may be solved in
different ways and leave students struggle with problems of their own choice (Von Glasersfeld,
1993). Such problems are regarded by learners as obstacles in their progress towards a goal. The
learner acts as an information constructor. They construct knowledge based on their personal
experiences and hypotheses of the environment. Learners actively construct or create their own
subjective or objective reality. Learners, through social negotiation, continuously test their
hypotheses and create new knowledge, correct previous knowledge, or confirm present
knowledge. They linked new knowledge to prior knowledge. Constructivists argued that learner
is not a blank slate (tabula rasa) but brings past experiences and cultural factors to a construct
new knowledge in given situation. Therefore each learner interprets and constructs the
traditional science classroom. These classrooms often looks like a one-person show with a
largely uninvolved learner and are usually dominated by direct and unilateral instruction.
Traditional approach followers assume that there is a fixed body of knowledge that the student
must come to know. Students are expected to blindly accept the information they are given
without questioning the instructor (Stofflett, 1998). The teacher seeks to transfer thoughts and
meanings to the passive student leaving little room for student-initiated questions, independent
1998). Even in activities based science concepts, although activities are done in a group but do
not encourage discussion or exploration of the concepts involved. This tends to overlook the
critical thinking and unifying concepts essential to true science literacy and appreciation (Yore,
2001). This teacher-centered method of teaching also assumes that all students have the same
level of background knowledge in the subject matter and are able to absorb the material at the
same pace (Lord, 1999). In contrast, constructivist or student-centered learning poses a question
to the students, who then work together in small groups to discover one or more solutions
(Yager, 1991). Students play an active role in carrying out experiments and reaching their own
conclusions. Teachers assist the students in developing new insights and connecting them with
previous knowledge, but leave the discovery and discussion to the student groups (VAST,
1998). Questions are posed to the class and student teams work together to discuss and reach
agreement on their answers, which are then shared with the entire class. Students are able to
develop their own understanding of the subject matter based on previous knowledge, and can
correct any misconceptions they have. Both teaching styles can lead to successful learning but it
has been shown that students in the constructivist environmental demonstrated more enthusiasm
and interest in the subject matter. In fact, repeated research has found that teacher-centered
lessons can be less or non-productive, and in some cases, detrimental to the students‘ learning
process (Zoller, 2000). The constructivist teacher help the students through problem-solving and
inquiry-based learning activities and others with which students formulate and test their ideas,
draw conclusions and inferences, and pool and convey their knowledge in a collaborative
learning environment.
Thus, Constructivism transforms the student from a passive recipient of information to an active
participant in the learning process. The task of the instructor is to translate information to be
learned into a format appropriate to the student‘s current state of understanding. Always guided
by the instructor, students construct their knowledge actively rather than just mechanically
There are some basic assumptions for incorporating Constructivist Approach (Merill, 1991 &
4. Conceptual growth comes from the recognition of meaning, the sharing of multiple
5. Learning should be situated in realistic settings; testing should be integrated with the
Constructivism is one of theory of learning which well developed in the recent year and
becomes most significant and dominant perspective in science education (Taber, 2006). One of
the main aims of science education is to make a meaningful understanding of science concepts.
this approach, this kind of learning can take place only when the learner relates the new
teaching and learning science in classrooms, with a view to improving the effectiveness of
science teaching in enhancing students' learning. Science teachers can made their teaching more
problem based learning, collaborative learning, cooperative learning, inquiry learning, group
discussions, field visit etc.) in science classroom. Science teachers can use these various
Along with this in order to make science teaching more effective the extent of prior knowledge
about the topic necessary for learning new knowledge should be considered. Furthermore, the
subject that will be taught should not be too complex. However, this simplification should be
done carefully since it may cause students to develop wrong conceptions. Briefly, the topics of
science and the extent to which students comprehend this knowledge should be correlated.
Generally, students‘ wrong ideas about a particular topic are called as misconceptions which
prevent learning and very resistant to change. In science, students hold several misconceptions
in many areas. Conceptual change can be accomplished if students are given opportunity to be
aware of their ideas, to encounter ideas other than their own and to realize the deficiency in their
reasoning. This can be promoted by group discussions which allow students to construct their
own knowledge out of exchanges with their friends and the teacher.
In short, according to constructivism the most important thing in science teaching and learning
is providing students with learning environment that promotes their understanding of science by
co-constructing and negotiating ideas through meaningful peer and teacher interactions.
(Solomon, 1987).
In many teaching studies teachers were centrally involved in developing and implementing the
teaching approach. It is therefore possible that improvements in student learning arise as much
from changes in the way teachers conceptualize teaching and learning and deal with classroom
science classrooms as authority figures play two essential roles. One is to introduce new ideas
or cultural tools where necessary and to provide the support and guidance for students to make
sense of these for themselves. The other is to listen and diagnose the ways in which the
instructional activities are being interpreted to inform further action. (Driver et al, 1994)
Teachers are knowledgeable experts in their disciplines who introduce the scientific
community‘s culture to students. They provide appropriate experimental evidence and make the
cultural tools and conventions of the science community available to students. Teachers use
specialized terms and concepts; they show specialized procedure and skills. Teachers are
making and providing students with learning environments in which students construct their
According to Perkins (1993), teacher is like a coach in a sense that teacher helps learners to
figure out their weaknesses, and work on them, and gives appropriate feedback to help them
perform better. To help students adopt scientific ways of thinking and knowing, science teachers
should provide various experiences and encourage deep reflection. Student‘s meanings are
listened to and respectfully questioned. Furthermore, teachers should offer helpful interventions
to promote thought and reflection on the part of the learner with requests for argument and
Furthermore, teacher can provoke and initiate quality comments in the difficult discussion. The
essential role of the teacher is controlling the 'flow of discourse' (Mortimer & Scott, 2000) in the
classroom. The ability to guide the classroom discourse as ideas are explored and explanations
are introduced, is central to the science teacher's skill and is critical in influencing students'
learning. Teachers guide classroom discourses with different kinds of pedagogical intervention.
At different times the teacher might play diverse roles which are shown in the diagram as
Science teachers play crucial roles in science learning of students not only by making scientific
culture tools available to students, but also by guiding and constructing the knowledge with
their students through discourse about shared practices. Through dialogical interaction expert
teachers can provide support or scaffolding for students‘ learning as they construct new
Constructivism really has changed science education to a great extent. It shows science
educators how people learn science. Thus it can be concluded that constructivist class room
environment has emerged as a very powerful model for explaining how knowledge is produced
in the world as well as how students learn. Constructivism is presently the dominant way of
thinking about learning. So this change from traditional approach to Constructivist Approach
The level of scientific attainment of any nation is an important index for measuring its level of
development. Opara as quoted by Ajewole (2006) opined every nation craves for science and
technological advancement which can be achieved through the medium of education. In modern
era, science education is the key component of curriculum (NCF, 2005). Man's enquiry of his
environments lead to the study of science and other scientific related studies that provides
answers to all questions, lead to wonderful discoveries and inventions that make life easier and
gives us a better understanding about our existence. Being an influential subsystem of society
science education needs to change its role from preparing a better individual to group of
individuals who can work together to solve emerging and future problems. Without science
education it will really difficult for us to adapt all changes because science education makes us
aware of the latest technologies and all the changes that are taking place in the world.
In science education an enduring problem is that relatively few students are interested in
pursuing careers in scientific disciplines, although there are large variations between countries
(Schreiner & Sjøberg, 2005, 2007). In some countries, a large drop in the number of upper
secondary graduates with a scientific orientation has been observed (OECD, 2008; Shukla et al.
2005). All India Survey of higher education (2011-12) reported that at undergraduate level
followed by Engineering and Technology (17%), Commerce (15%) and Sciences (12%).
Graph 1.1: Percentage of students enrolled in various disciplines (All India Survey of Higher
Education, 2011-2012)
Previous studies have revealed, however, that while relatively negative feelings of students are
usually associated with more traditional approaches to science instruction (Lord, 1997;
Given these results and the needs of society, there is an urgent need to improve the preparation
of the scientists of tomorrow, not only through widespread access to quality instruction,
facilities, and research opportunities for all students, but also to improve the motivation and
interest of students so that the best of them move toward scientific careers. Teachers can play a
significant role in inspiring and directing students as upcoming scientists by using innovative
teaching practices for effective learning. Besides this, present system of education pays much
relevant to new age requirement. Traditional method is also widely used for teaching science in
contemporary Indian science classroom that only transact knowledge from the head of teacher
to the head of students. Here science is considered only as a body of knowledge and product end
is given more importance than the process aspect of science (NCF 2005). It ignores the mental
level and interest of the students. Traditional method of instruction encourages the students to
memorize knowledge generally in the form of laws, formulae and theories and students used to
reproduce it as such during the examination. This memorization is mistaken for learning, most
of what is remembered is remembered only for a short time, but then is quickly forgotten. Thus,
it reduces scope for insightful learning and development of skills like problem solving, creative
and reflective thinking. Researches also indicated that teacher centred traditional approach fail
to encourage students to think, share ideas and hypotheses and this cause the lower learning
achievement (Acar & Tarhan 2007 and 2008).These conventional practices of teaching and
learning in science not only have adverse affect on students interest but they also affect their
Approach of teaching which is an emerging pedagogy among the teaching community across
the world and National Curriculum Framework (NCF 2005) confirmed the direction to it in
Indian classroom situation. Therefore, there is urgent need to reform our teaching practices in
actively construct his knowledge and build his understanding by meaning making process.
Hence, the framework advocates the use of constructivism at every stages of science teaching.
Till date several endeavours have been made by researchers to study the effect of constructivism
on various variables in different disciplines and parts of the world. These researches evident that
constructivism encourages learner to reflect and question their own understanding via active
meaning making process. Some of the recent researches carried out in this field includes: Kwan
and Wong (2015) concluded that both cognitive strategies as well as goal orientations fully
mediated the relationships between the constructivist learning environment and critical thinking
educational performance and its components including test of learning speed, learning accuracy,
learning stability and school achievement for students with educational planning and students
with educational planning based who are not thought based on constructivism. Duyilemi and
Bolajoko, (2014) claims that there were significant effects of Constructivists' Learning
group. Ilyas et. al., (2014) revealed that teaching of fractions through Constructivism approach
yielded extremely positive and significant learning. Vasan & Gafoor (2014) affirms that there
primary students in mathematics. Ramon, (2013) asserts that constructivist model based
pedagogy was more effective in improving classroom practices of pre-service teachers. Sridevi
(2013) made an attempt to know the reactions of VIII class students towards Constructivist
Approach adopted in science teaching and it was found that Constructivist environment was
preferred to a traditional classroom by the students. Results also confirmed a significant effect
of Constructivist approach on student‘s achievement and attitude. This study is similar to the
findings of an earlier study conducted by Nagalakshmi (2011). Khalid and Azeem (2012)
estimated that significant performance of experiment group may be due to teaching student
teachers of experimental group with Constructivist Approach. Udogu and Njelita (2010)
reported that the constructivist based method is very effective in enhancing meaningful learning
among students. Cakici & Yavuz (2010) revealed that there was a significant increase in
achievement of fourth grade students within the Experimental Group students compared to the
Control Group. In particular, the teaching based on the Constructivist Approach appears to be
effective in eliminating the misconceptions the Experimental Group students had prior to the
instruction. Wu & Tsai (2010) observed that students in the constructivist-oriented instruction
group, in general, attained better learning outcomes about biological reproduction after
instruction, both in terms of the extent of concepts and in the richness within their cognitive
structures. Akinbobolaa & Afolabib (2010) found that Constructivist practices through guided
discovery approaches were the most effective in facilitating students‘ achievement in physics
after being taught using a pictorial organizer. Chang et al (2009) admit that teaching strategy
based on the Constructivism and Scaffolding can improve learner‘s learning effects. Researches
also revealed that constructivist approach had positive effect on students‘ retention. Karaduman
and Gultekin (2007) admit that learning materials based on Constructivist approach principles
had positive effect on students‘ retention in Social studies. Similarly when the effect of
constructive learning methods was studied on students‘ retention towards science course, it was
revealed that students in experimental group were scored high in the achievement test for
retention (Bogal et, al.2012). Kim (2005), state that constructivist teaching is more effective
strategy, but had some effect upon motivation, anxiety towards learning and self-monitoring; a
Researches also revealed another way to increase the achievement i.e. by exposing the students
with daily home work. Harris Cooper a leading expert on the relationship between homework
and achievement, defines homework as ―tasks assigned by school teachers that are meant to be
carried out during noninstructional time‖ (Bembenutty, 2011). Researches indicated that, along
with classroom instruction and students responses to class lessons, home work is an important
factor that increases student achievement (Cooper, Robinson & Patall; Keith & Cool 1992;
Keith et al 1993; Pascal, Weinstein & Walberg, 1984). Ganiyu (2012) recommended that
teachers should endeavour to give home assignments to their students after classroom work
daily. This was echoed by Olufemi (2014) who studied the effect of Homework assignment on
between the achievement of students expose to homework assignment daily and those not
exposed to homework assignment. Walberg, Pascal and Weinstein (1985;2001) found that daily
home assignments resulted in larger effects on students achievement than homework assigned
less often or assigned randomly. The highest effect sizes resulted when daily homework
The above analysis of previous researches and their findings raised some research questions
such as:
2. What will be the reaction of students towards science learning through Constructivist
3. Does Constructivist Approach based Instructional Material have any effect on achievement of
5. Does Daily Home Assignments (DHA‘s) improve achievement and retention of secondary
level students?
researcher so far it was found that no study has been conducted to study the ―Effectiveness of
teaching. Hence the researcher decided to carry out this research work which is a practical
necessity for improvement in the quality of science education as it is a great issue of concern
among educationist, policymakers and researchers. The present research work will also be
conceived as a means to provide empirical evidence for the above claims in the previous
Agina-Obu, 2005 defined Instructional materials as concrete or physical objects which provide
Instructional material in the present study, will consists of the lesson plans based on
approach to teaching and learning based on the premise that cognition (learning) is the result of
"mental construction." In other words, students learn by fitting new information together with
Constructivist Approach in teaching of science stipulates that teachers should apply certain
strategies and methods which involve students in constructing the desired meaning of scientific
concepts and which help the students undergo the desired conceptual change. (Nussbaum and
4.3.0 Reaction
Oxford Dictionary defines Reaction as, something done, felt or thought in response to a
situation or an event.
4.4.0 Achievement
Smith (1969); Spence and Helmereich (1993) described that Achievement is the task oriented
behaviour that allows the individuals performance to be evaluated according to some internally
or externally imposed criterion, that involves the individual in competing with others, or that
4.5.0 Retention
Your dictionary defines Retention as ―The ability to recall or recognize what has been learned
or experienced.
In this study retention refers to ability of students to recall what has been learned after
in IX class.
H0 1: There will be no significant difference in mean gain reaction scores of the students taught
H0 2: There will be no significant difference in mean gain achievement scores of the students
H0 3: There will be no significant difference in mean gain retention scores of the students taught
H0 4: There will be no significant difference in mean gain achievement scores of the students
taught through Traditional Approach with Daily Home Assignment and Traditional Approach
H0 5: There will be no significant difference in mean gain retention scores of the students taught
through Traditional Approach with Daily Home Assignment and Traditional Approach without
H0 6: There will be no significant difference in mean gain retention scores of the students taught
through Traditional Approach with Daily Home Assignment and Constructivist approach.
In the Experimental phase of the study the following variables will be taken into consideration.
Independent Variables:
Dependent Variables:
Extraneous variables:
These variables will be controlled as shown in the following table:
Category of Variables Variables Controlling techniques Methods of controlling
Subject related variables SES Sample selection Through Randomization
Anxiety Rapport establishment By Researcher
Classroom climate Rapport establishment By Researcher
Noise Removed Psychologically by
Environment related researcher
variables Light By Researcher
Test time Constancy
Test administration
Sequence related variables Practice Eliminated Psychologically by
Fatigue Eliminated Psychologically by
Cooperation Constancy By Researcher
2) The study will be delimited to school under Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Siksha Parishad.
For the achievement of above mentioned objectives Experimental research method will be
employed in the present research.
―Experimental method is the description and analysis of what will be or what will occur under
controlled conditions‖. (Best, 1997)
For this study IX class students of science group will be treated as sample and number of
sample units for school students is 90. It will be divided into three equal groups, one group will
be considered as Experimental group A and second and third group will be considered as
Experimental Group B and control group C. Selection of school will be decided according to the
Development of research
Field based experiment
Quantitative analysis
The researcher will develop an Instructional material based on Constructivist Approach which
will be based on following steps:
Sample Treatment Duration Research Sample Treatment Duration Research tool Sample Treatment Duration Research Tool
School Orientation of
students Constructivist
(N=30) approach through 15 periods Constructi School Orientation of 15 periods Constructivist School Orientation of 15 periods Constructivist
developed (One vist Students Constructivist (one Reaction scale Students Constructivist (one period per Reaction scale
instructional period per Reaction (N=30) Approach period per (CRS) (N=30) Approach day) (CRS)
material day) scale day)
Sample Treatment Duration Research Sample Treatment Duration Research tool Sample Treatment Duration Research tool
School Implementation of 40 periods 1.Pre- School Teaching science 40 periods 1.Pre- School Teaching science 40 periods
students developed (One Achievement students lessons using (One Achievement test students lessons using (One period 1.Pre-
(N=30) Instructional period per test (N=30) Traditional period per 2.Post- (N=30) Traditional per day) Achievement
material based on day) 2.Post- Approach with day) achievement test Approach test
Constructivist Achievement Daily Home 3.Constructivist 2.Post-
Approach test Assignments Science Retentio achievement
3.Constructiv n Scale (CSRS) test
ist Science 3.Constructivist
Retention Science Retenti
Scale (CSRS) on Scale
1. Constructivist Reaction Scale (CRS) to measure the reaction of secondary level students.
The data will be analysed in light of objectives of the study both qualitatively as well as
quantitatively. Certain Descriptive and Inferential statistics will be used in order to describe the
nature and distribution of the scores obtained on various tests. This will include following
methods of analysis:
1. Mean: Mean value will be calculated for the distribution of Reaction scores,
3. t-test: Inferential Statistical techniques such as t-test will be employed for testing
significance of the difference between the experimental and control group on the basis
In the ever-changing world, students having science knowledge can sustain long-run growth of
the country. Whether it is a field of health, education or agriculture, students from science
discipline are in great demand. There is a need to upgrade teachers‘ capabilities in most
countries, especially with regard to content and pedagogy, and in facilitating hands-on activities
students‘ interest, achievement and retention in science subject. The present research work is an
Material on Reaction, Achievement and Retention of Secondary level students and will have
1) Performance of a teacher is a most crucial input in education field. Present work will
help teachers to plan, develop and implement different student centered activities in
2) This will encourage teachers to adapt new or innovative approaches of teaching science
3) Teachers can also get insight to adapt innovative approaches of teaching for subjects
1) Constructivist principles based teaching will develop independent thinking & creativity
2) It will help students in developing their creativity and problem solving skills.
3) Through the processes of constructivism the learners will integrate their new knowledge
with the previous one, which in turn will assist them in building their current
construction‖. Hence, it provides academic freedom to students. Students use their own
Both pre-service and in-service training programme, teachers can be empowered to plan
It will help textbook writers to write book in sequential order by keeping in mind the
Constructivist Approach.
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