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Reducing the radiation dose to the eye lens region during CT brain
examination: The potential beneficial effect of the combined use of bolus and
a bismuth shield

Article  in  Radioprotection · March 2015

DOI: 10.1051/radiopro/2015003


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4 authors, including:

Christopher Lai Charles TP Chan

Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Edward Wong
Bayer HealthCare Ltd (HK)


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• Reducing Radiation Dose to the Eye Lens Region During CT Brain Examination: the
Potential Beneficial Effect of the Combined Use of Bolus and Bismuth Shield

Type of Manuscript

• Original Article


Christopher Wai-Keung LAI (PhD) *, Ho-Yin CHEUNG (MSc) b, Tai-Po CHAN (MSc) a
and Ting-Hei WONG (MSc)c

Department of Health Technology and Informatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Hung Hom, HKSAR, China

Medical Physics & Research Department, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital,
Happy Valley, HKSAR, China

Department of Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology, Hong Kong Sanatorium &
Hospital, Happy Valley, HKSAR, China


Dr. Christopher Wai-Keung LAI

Correspondence Address:

Department of Health Technology and Informatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic

University, Hung Hom, HKSAR, China.

Email: [email protected]

Tel: +852-3400-8596

Fax: +852-2362-4365

Objective: Computed Tomography (CT) is the leading contributor to medical exposure.

Although the use of CT brain for patients with head injury and convulsion has shown a
tremendous growth that raised substantial concern to the general public because of the risk of
radiation-induced cataract, the current available strategies to reduce the radiation dose to the
eye lens region are limited. Therefore, the present research project was initiated with the aim
of evaluating the potential benefit of the combined use of bolus and bismuth shield on
reducing radiation dose to the eye lens region during CT brain examination.

Materials and methods: We conducted a series of phantom study to measure the entrance
surface dose (ESD) that delivered to the eye lens region during CT brain examination under
the effect of different scanning and shielding setups.

Results: Our results indicated during CT brain examination, (1) a drastic reduction in the
ESD to the eye lens region by 92.5% was found when the CT gantry was tilted from 0˚
(overall ESD=30.7 mGy) to 30˚crainially (overall ESD=2.4 mGy), and (2) when the CT
gantry was positioned at 0˚ (the common practice in the clinical setting), the setups with the
application of a) bismuth shield, b) bismuth shield with face shield (air-gap), c) bismuth
shield with bolus, and d) bismuth shield with bolus and air-gap can results in acceptable level
of image quality with smaller overall ESD delivered to the eye lens region (overall ESD=
23.2 mGy, 24 mGy, 21 mGy and 19.9 mGy respectively) than the setup without bismuth
shield applied (overall ESD= 30.7 mGy).

Conclusion: When the primary beam scanning through the eye lens region is unavoidable
during CT brain examination, the combined use of bismuth shield with bolus and face shield
is an easy-to-use and inexpensive shielding setup in reducing the radiation dose deliver to the
eye lens region while maintaining the correctness of CT number and a low degree of image
noise in the resultant image.

Keywords: Bolus; Bismuth Shield; Radiation Protection; Computed Tomography


The radiation dose to patients by medical examination is one of the increasing substantial
concerns to the general public because of the risk of carcinogenesis. According to an
epidemiological study in the US, computed tomography (CT) was the leading contributor to
medical exposure. In addition, CT brain was the most commonest CT procedures and
constituted approximately 28.4% (19 million) of the total 67 million CT examinations
(Mettler et al., 2009).

The major concern in CT brain examination is the radiation to the eye lens and being
overused (Owlia et al., 2014). In 2007, the recommendations of the International Commission
on Radiological Protection (ICRP) estimated that the threshold of causing radiation-induced
cataract is 500 – 2,000 mGy for a single brief exposure, and 5,000 mGy for a highly
fractionated and protracted exposure ("The 2007 Recommendations of the International
Commission on Radiological Protection. ICRP publication 103," 2007). Today, there are
many advanced radiation dose saving techniques, such as tube current modulation and
iterative reconstruction, become available in the market. However, not all diagnostic CT
centers equipped with these high-end CT machine, especially in the developing countries.
Therefore, strategies to reduce eye lens dose during CT brain examination remain important,
despite its application in the daily clinical practice are still under debate.

Current strategies to reduce eye lens dose during CT brain examination

Previous studies have demonstrated the application of CT gantry tilting during CT brain
examination (i.e., tilting the CT gantry towards the supra-orbital line of the patient in order to
avoid or minimise the extent of primary x-ray beam irradiate the patient's orbit) could
effectively reduce the overall dose delivered to the eye lens region by approximately 92%
(Heaney & Norvill, 2006; Keil et al., 2008; Matsubara et al., 2011). However, there are
concerns about the subsequent high incidence of streak artefacts over the posterior cranial
fossa (due to beam hardening effect and partial volume averaging) and the subsequent
noticeable degradation in the temporal lobe visualization (Heaney & Norvill, 2006; Yeoman,
Howarth, Britten, Cotterill, & Adam, 1992). In this regards, the routine clinical practice of
CT brain will maintain the CT gantry positioned at 0˚, making all or part of the patient’s eye
lens region inevitably irradiated by the primary X-ray.
The appropriateness of using commercial bismuth shields during CT brain examination is still
under debate (Colletti, Micheli, & Lee, 2013). The primary purpose of its use is to reduce the
radiation dose to the superficial organs, including the eye lens (Perisinakis, Raissaki,
Theocharopoulos, Damilakis, & Gourtsoyiannis, 2005), thyroid gland (Hohl et al., 2006), and
breast tissue (Colombo et al., 2004) during CT examinations. However, there are several
concerns associated with the use of it, including an adverse effect on the image quality and
CT number accuracy, a waste of information-carrying photons exits from the patient and on
their way to the detectors, and an increased incidence of streak artefacts when it is placed in
direct close contact onto the patient's surface (Heaney & Norvill, 2006; Kalra, Dang, Singh,
Saini, & Shepard, 2009; K. Lee, Lee, Lee, Lee, & Oh, 2010; Leswick, Hunt, Webster, &
Fladeland, 2008; Vollmar & Kalender, 2008). Furthermore, problems related to hygiene and
extra running costs further limit its use in the routine clinical setting.

On the other hand, many radiological technologists overcame the aforementioned drawbacks
by offsetting a bismuth shield from the patient's surface, also called air-gap technique, to
control scatter radiation (Perisinakis et al., 2005) and streak artefacts (Yeoman et al., 1992)
produced by the in-plane bismuth shield during CT examinations. Also, despite the drastic
advancement in the latest CT system with advanced strategies in reducing overall radiation
dose to the patient makes the implementation of bismuth shield becomes less (Kalra et al.,
2004; Kalra et al., 2005; K. Lee et al., 2010), the efficacy of reducing eye lens dose during
CT brain by bismuth shield and organ-based tube current modulation was similar (Wang et
al., 2012).

Our proposed new strategy to reduce eye lens dose during CT brain examination

To date, no study was done to investigate the efficacy of the application of soft tissues-
simulating material and bismuth shield on shielding superficial organ dose during CT
examination. There are many commercial soft tissues-simulating materials available in the
health care market, including bolus, nylon®, orange articulation wax, red articulation wax,
PMMA, modeling clay, bee wax, paraffin 1, paraffin 2 and pitch. We choose to use bolus in
the present study, because it has a mass density of 1.112 g/cm3 and a radiation attenuation
factor of 8% more than ICRP's brain within the energy range of less than 150 keV (Ferreira,
Ximenes, Garcia, Vieira, & Maia, 2010). The intrinsic property of bolus favours its
application in our study because it does not flow, creep or sag out of shape during the
examination. It can also be cut with a scissor to fit the patient, and is easily layered when

One of the means to appreciate the eye lens dose is through the determination of the entrance
surface dose (ESD) to the eye lens regions. We hypothesize that offsetting the bismuth shield
by certain thickness of soft tissues-simulating material (bolus) can attenuate certain low-
energy range of X-ray photons to achieve radiation dose reduction to superficial organs.
Therefore, the aim of our present study was to investigate the effect of the combined use of
bolus and bismuth shield on reducing radiation dose to the eye lens region during CT brain
examination with Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction.


CT System and Rando® Phantom

Discovery™ CT750 HD with Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction (ASiR) and a

carbon fibre flat tabletop (GE Medical Systems, LLC) were used in the present study. Slices
No.1 to No.13 of an anthropomorphic phantom (RANDO® Woman) were selected and
packed together tightly to simulate the head and neck region of a patient.

Bismuth Eye Shield, Face Shield and Bolus

Dedicated commercial face shields were used to achieve a 4-cm air gap above the phantom’s
eye surface. Commercial bismuth-impregnated shields (0.5 mm thick and 3.4 g/cm2 of
bismuth, AttenuRad, F&L Medical Products) were used as the eye shields. Two pieces of 0.5-
cm thick commercial bolus (BOLX-II, Action Product INC, USA) were cut to the same size
of the bismuth shield before use.
ThermoLuminescent Dosimeters (TLDs)

A total of 150 pieces of TLD-100 (LiF: Mg, TI, Thermo Scientific™) was used to evaluate
the radiation dose. They were all annealed and calibrated in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommended protocol. The TLDs were first annealed using a TLD annealing
oven for 1 h at 400 oC and stabilized at 100 0C for another 3 h, then read by a Rialto TLD
reader (NE Technology Ltd., U.K.). The linearity of TLDs was tested over the dose range of
200 mR to 600 mR and the results showed a good linear change. In order to convert the TLD
read-out signal (in coulombs) to radiation dose (in gray), we performed TLDs calibration at a
fixed dose rate of 1Gy. By utilizing a beam shape ionization chamber (model: 20X6-6,
Radcal® Corporation) and a diagnostic X-ray tube (Toshiba Medical Systems) with
following parameters: tube voltage 120 kVp and tube current 2 mAs (the lowest possible tube
current of the unit), individual dose calibration factor for each TLD was then determined. To
minimize the anode heel effect and X-ray backscatter effect during calibration, the beam
shape ionization chamber and TLDs were aligned perpendicular to the anode-cathode
direction, and being placed at a level of 20 cm above the X-ray table. Overall, the uncertainty
associated to each TLD calibration and reading in our laboratory was less than 3-4 % up to
30 days of storage.

Determintation of ESD to the eye lens region

After calibrations were done, all TLDs were annealed again prior to exposure. 145 pieces of
calibrated TLDs were used for irradiation, and the remaining five TLDs were used to
measure the background radiation during the study. Within 15–24 h after exposure, all TLDs
were tempered for 1 h at 100 0C, and then read out by the same TLD reader. The net count
(coulombs) of individual TLD was obtained by subtracting the residual and background
counts, and then converted to ESD using its individual dose calibration factor. In the present
study, the overall ESD to the eye lens region of the phantom was calculated as the average of
the ESD to the right and left eye region, and was assumed to be equal to the absorbed dose
delivered to the eye lens.
CT Brain Acquisition Protocol

CT scout view was acquired before each axial scan in order to determine the starting and
ending position of brain scan. After the CT scout view has been obtained, 10 TLDs (5 TLDs
on each eye) were placed along the eye's surface of the anthropomorphic phantom, together
with the application of Bismuth shield, bolus and/or Face shield before acquisition. All scans
were performed on the phantom from the level at the base of the skull to the vertex using the
following parameters: Axial acquisition, tube voltage 120 kVp, tube current 280 effective
mAs, rotational time of 1 second, 20 mm collimation and standard brain reconstruction kernel
algorithm with Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction (ASiR) setup ss30 slice 30%.
The acquired data were reconstructed at 0.625mm-thick images along the z axis for image
quality evaluation.

At first, the ESD to the eye lens region was determined when the CT gantry was kept at 0˚
(the routine practice of CT brain) and the acquisition procedures were repeated five times
using the following setup A to E:

• Nothing applied (Setup A)

• Bismuth shield (Setup B)

• Bismuth shield + Face shield (Setup C)

• Bismuth shield + Bolus (Setup D)

• Bismuth shield + Bolus + Face shield (Setup E)

The configuration of Setup C and Setup E was illustrated in Figure 1.

Then, with the CT gantry tilted 30˚cranially (without bismuth shield and bolus), the ESD to
the eye lens region was determined again (Setup F).


• Both Setup A and Setup F have NO bismuth shield, Bolus and Face shield applied;

• Setup B has a bismuth shield placed directly on top of the orbits (NO Bolus and Face

• Setup C has a bismuth shield placed on top of a face shield orbits (NO Bolus);
• Setup D has a bismuth shield and a 0.5-cm-thick Bolus placed directly on top of the
orbits (NO Face shield);

• Setup E has a bismuth shield and 1-cm-thick Bolus placed on top of a face shield.

Image Quality Analysis

All images produced by the Setups A to E were assessed in two aspects: the correctness of
the CT number and the standard deviation (SD) of CT number at four pre-defined zones (over
the eye region, the anterior cerebral, central cerebral and posterior cerebral). Eight region of
interests of size: six 274 mm2 in the intracranial regions and two 86 mm2 in the orbits were
used to determine the correctness of CT numbers and its standard deviation using Centricity
Radiology RA 600 workstation (GE Medical Systems, LLC) (Figure 2).

Data Analysis

All results were analysed using IBM SPSS v21. 0.0. Mann-Whitney U-test was used to
compare the group mean, and the level of significance was set at p <0.05.


The present study measured the radiation dose deposited in the five thermoluminescent
dosimeters (TLD) that placed on the surface of each eye of the physical phantom to assess the
ESD to the eye lens regions during CT brain examination under different scanning and
shielding setups. In this study, the CT Dose Index -Volume (CTDIvol) was 48.41 mGy (Setup
A to E) and 55.9 mGy (Setup F) when acquisitions were acquired with the CT gantry was
positioned at 0o and 30o respectively. Interestingly, due to a compensatory shorter scan length
used during the acquisition in the Setup F, the Dose-length Product in the Setup F was found
equal to that in the Setup A to E (670.77
Setup A (CT gantry was positioned at 0o and no bismuth shield and bolus were applied) was
used as the references scan to determine the relative reduction of overall ESD at the eye lens
region by additional shielding and gantry tilting. The overall ESD to the eye lens region
under different scanning and shielding setups, and the relative reduction in the overall ESD
when compared to Setup A were summarized in table 1. The mean, standard deviation (SD)
and coefficient of variance (CV) in the CT numbers measured at the four pre-defined zones
of the resultant images were summarise in table 2. Finally, with reference to the Setup A, the
relative deviation in the mean CT number and image noise level (SD of CT numbers) in
Setup B, C, D and E were calculated and summarized in table 3.


CT brain is a major source of radiation exposure to the eye lens when the scan range fall
within the eye lens region. This study being a preliminary study to determine the efficacy of
using soft tissues-simulating material and bismuth shield together for eye lens dose protection
during CT brain examination. When compared to the ESD to the eye lens region in the
reference scan (30.7 mGy), we found (1) a cranial gantry tilt of 30˚ (Setup F) can
significantly reduce the amount of overall ESD to the eye lens region (2.4 mGy), which
correspond to a relative reduction by 92.5%, and (2) when the primary radiation scanning
through the eye lens region was unavoidable during acquisition (as in the Setup A to E where
CT gantry was positioned at 0˚), the application of an in-plane bismuth shield with bolus and
air-gap (Setup E), the overall ESD to the eye lens region was 19.9 mGy, which correspond
to a relative reduction by 35.2% (table 1).

Apart from examining the radiation dose to the eye lens region, the correctness of CT number
and image noise level of the resultant image were also important when considering the
efficacy of bismuth shield application (Wang et al., 2012). Generally, the bismuth shield
application would lead to beam hardening effect, starvation of information-carrying photons,
resulting in an incorrect CT number being calculated during acquisition(Kim, Sung, Choi,
Kim, & Kim, 2013; Y. H. Lee et al., 2011). The mean of CT number and the SD of the CT
numbers collected from the Setup A (No bismuth shield and bolus applied) were thus can be
used as the reference value of CT number and image noise level in the present study. When
we compare the correctness of CT number under different shielding setups (Setup B to E) to
the reference scan (Setup A), we found the image obtained by Setup B had a significant drift
in the mean CT number over the eye region (50.4 HU) when compared to the reference scan
(33.6 HU). Besides, the Setup B tends to produce a greater extent of drifts in the mean CT
number at all four zones than in the Setup C, D and E. Furthermore, our result demonstrated a
trend (where an in-plane bismuth shield was applied) that the extent of drifts in the mean of
CT number were gradually reduced from the eye regions to the posterior cerebral regions in
the Setup B to E (table 2).

In the Setup B to E, a certain amount of information-carrying x-ray photons was being cut off
by the in-plane bismuth shield, and the overall image noise level in the brain regions of the
image should therefore inevitably increased due to increased scatter formation and deprived
x-ray photons by bismuth shield. Interestingly, the image noise level over the eye region in
the Setup B was similar to that in the reference scan (the relative change in the SD of CT
number is zero), while that the image noise levels over the eye region in the Setup C, D and E
were found improved when compared to the reference scan (the relative reduction in the SD
of CT number ranged between 1.8% and 12.3%). It may probably due to the effective noise
control by the Adaptive Statistical Iterative Reconstruction (ASiR) (Goenka et al., 2014; Hara
et al., 2009; Vorona et al., 2013). However, the image noise level over the cerebral regions
(anterior, middle and posterior cranial zones) in the setup B, C, D and E were slightly
increased when compared to the reference scan (the relative increment in the SD of CT
number ranged between 2.0% and 10.6%), but all change was not visually noticeable and do
not affect radiologist's diagnosis. Sample images comparing the image quality in the Setup A
(No shielding) and Setup E (with Bismuth, Face shield and Bolus) were shown in Figure 2.

In conclusion, the application of bolus with in-plane bismuth shield can reduce the radiation
dose at the eye lens region during CT brain examination. In the present study, the combined
use of two pieces of 0.5-cm thick bolus and a commercial bismuth shield that placed on top
of a dedicated face shield (Setup E) can reduce the overall ESD to the eye lens region, and
maintain acceptable image quality in the resultant image. Further works on the role of
different combination of materials and thickness of soft tissues-simulating material and
shields in reducing eye dose are warranted.

The authors would like to acknowledge Mr. Jacky Wong, Mr. Kwok-Kei Tsang and Ms. Aka
Fung for their technical assistance in the CT examination and the TLD measurements.
Special thanks are extended to Dr. Ben Yu and Dr. Maria Law for their coordination of the
study. This study was fully supported by the International Society of Radiographers and
Radiological Technologists Research Fund.


All Authors declare no conflict of interest for the data, results, and conclusions described in
this study.


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Table 1. The Entrance Surface Dose (ESD) that Delivered to the Eye Lens Regions under

Different Scanning and Shielding Setups.

Scanning and Shielding Setups


Gantry at 0o Gantry at 0o Gantry at 0o Gantry at 0o Gantry at 0o Gantry at 300

No shielding + Bismuth +Bismuth +Bismuth +Bismuth No shielding

+ Face + Bolus + Face

shield shield

+ Bolus

Mean±SD 30.4±2.0 21.1±2.3 24.6±7.5 22.2±5.5 19.4±4.5 2.4±0.1

ESD to the Right (p value) (reference (ns) (ns) (ns) (ns) (p <0.001)
Eye Lens scan)
Region (mGy)
6.6 10.8 30.5 24.7 23.4 3.4

Mean±SD 31.0±3.1 25.2±8.5 23.4±4.0 19.9±2.7 20.4±12.2 2.3±0.1

ESD to the Left (p value) (reference (ns) (ns) (ns) (ns) (p <0.001)
Eye lens Region scan)
10.1 33.9 33.9 13.7 12.2 5.2

Overall ESD to the Eye Lens 30.7

23.2 24.0 21.0 19.9 2.4
Region (mGy)
(ns) (ns) (ns) (ns) (p <0.001)
(p value) scan)

Relative Reduction in the (reference

24.4 21.8 31.6 35.2 92.5
Overall ESD to the Eye Lens scan)
Region when compared to
Setup A (%)

The ESD to the right eye, left eye and both eyes lens regions were measured by
thermoluminescent dosimeters under SIX different scanning and shielding setups A, B, C, D,
E and F. SD: standard deviation; CV: coefficient of variation. Mann-Whitney U-test was
performed to compare the right, left and overall ESD in the Setup A with other Setups.
Table 2. The Mean and SD of CT Number at Different Zones of image Acquired by

Different Shielding Setups.

Different Shielding Setups


Gantry at 0o Gantry at 0o Gantry at 0o Gantry at 0o Gantry at 0o

No shielding + Bismuth +Bismuth +Bismuth +Bismuth

+ Face shield + Bolus + Face shield

+ Bolus
CT Number
Image Quality at (Hounsfield
Different Zones Unit)

Eyes Region Mean±SD 33.6±5.7 50.4±5.7 29.7±5.0 41.3±5.2 30.8±5.6

(p value) (p <0.001) (ns) (ns) (ns)


Mean±SD 18.5±4.9 16.8±5.0 17.4±4.9 17.2±5.2

Anterior Cerebral 17.2±4.7
(p value) (ns) (ns) (ns) (ns)

Mean±SD 21.7±4.9 22.8±5.0 21.3±5.0 21.9±5.1 21.3±5.1

Central Cerebral
Region (p value) (ns) (ns) (ns) (ns)

Mean±SD 27.0±5.2 25.6±5.0 26.0±5.4 25.6±5.2

Posterior Cerebral 25.9±4.9
(p value) (ns) (ns) (ns) (ns)

The mean and SD of CT numbers at different Zones of image under different shielding setups
A, B, C, D and E. SD: standard deviation. Mann-Whitney U-test was performed to compare
the mean CT number in Setup A with other Setups.
Table 3. The Relative Change in the Mean of CT Number and Image Noise Level (SD
of CT Number) under the Setup B to E.

Different Shielding Setups


Gantry at 0o Gantry at 0o Gantry at 0o Gantry at 0o

+ Bismuth +Bismuth +Bismuth +Bismuth

+ Face shield + Bolus + Face shield

+ Bolus

Percentage change in the mean CT Number relative to the Setup A (%)

Eyes +50 -11.6 +22.9 -8.3

Anterior +7.6 -2.3 +1.2 No change

Central +5.1 -1.8 +0.9 -1.8

Posterior +4.2 -1.2 +0.3 -1.2

Percentage change in the image noise level relative to the Setup A (%)

Eyes No change -12.3 -8.8 -1.8

Anterior +4.3 +6.4 +4.3 +10.6

Central +2.0 +2.0 +4.1 +4.1

Posterior +6.1 +2.0 +10.2 +6.1

When compared to the Setup A (the reference scan) where no bismuth shield was applied, the
relative change in mean CT number and image noise level in the resultant images at different
zones of the head after the application of different shielding setup (Setup B to E) were
summarized in table 3.
Figure 1. An illustration of the configuration of Setup C and Setup E.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
The configuration of the Setup C: with one-ply of Bismuth shield placed on top of a face shield only [frontal view (A) and Lateral view (B)]; and
Setup E: with one-ply of Bismuth shield and a 1cm thick of BOLUS placed on top of a face shield [frontal view (C) and Lateral view (D)].
Figure 2. Sample images acquired by the Setup A (No shielding) and Setup E (with Bismuth, face shield and Bolus)
(*) Setup A Setup E
An illustration of the location of the eight pre-defined region of interests used for the determination of CT number and image noise (*).
A sample image obtained from Setup A and Setup E, showing no visually noticeable artifacts and discrepancy of image noise level between the
two Setups.

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