Schlegel Irony
Schlegel Irony
Schlegel Irony
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Ironyis unrelievedvertige,
dizzinessto thepointofmadness.
Paul de Man
Wer (ver)steht,
II. Schlegel's Incomprehensibility:
daB er nicht falle
III. PermanentParabasis
A furtheraspect of the problem of ironyas Schlegel describesit can
be discussed on the basis of its appearance in association with a
vocabularyborrowedfromthe worldof the theater.Thus, forexam-
ple, in the GesprdchiiberdiePoesie(Dialogueon Poetry):"Even in quite
popular genres, forexample in drama,we require irony:we require
that the events,the people, in short the whole play [Spiel] of life
should be taken and representedas play [Spiel]" (KFSA 2:323),23 or
in the much quoted posthumousfragmentthatdefines: "Ironyis a
permanentparabasis [einepermanente -" (KFSA 18:85). As
is well known,the parabasis is the partin Old Atticcomedyin which
the chorus temporarilysteps out of the linear development of the
plot of the playand, turningaround to face the audience, addresses