Sentencias SQL

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Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Basic Select

Your company is doing a survey of how many customers are registered in the states,
however, lacked to raise the data of the state of the 'Rio Grande do Sul'.

Then, you must show the names of all customers whose state is 'RS'.

SELECT name FROM customers WHERE state = 'RS';

Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Customer Address

The company will make an event celebrating the 20th anniversary of the market, and for
that we will make a great celebration in the city of Porto Alegre. We also invite all our
customers who are enrolled in this city.

Your job is in having the names and addresses of customers who live in 'Porto Alegre', to
deliver the invitations personally.

SELECT name, street FROM customers WHERE city = 'Porto Alegre';

Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Under 10 or Greater Than 100

The financial sector of the company needs a report that shows the ID and the name of the
products whose price is less than 10 or greater than 100.

SELECT id,name FROM products WHERE price < '5' OR price > '100';
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Executive Representatives

The financial sector needs a report on the providers of the products we sell. The reports
include all categories, but for some reason, providers of products whose category is the
executive, are not in the report.

Your job is to return the names of the products and providers whose category ID is 6.


FROM products FULL OUTER JOIN providers ON products.id_providers =
WHERE products.id_categories = 6;
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Categories
When the data were migrated to the database, there was a small misunderstanding on the

Your boss needs you to select the ID and the name of the products, whose categorie name
start with 'super'.


FROM products FULL OUTER JOIN categories ON products.id_categories =
WHERE LIKE 'super%';
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Providers' City in Alphabetical Order

Every month the company asks for a report from the cities that providers are registered. So,
do a query that returns all the cities of the providers, but in alphabetical order.

OBS: You must not show repeated cities.

SELECT DISTINCT city FROM providers ORDER BY city;

Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Higher and Lower Price

The financial sector of our company, wants to know the smaller and higher values of the
products, which we sell.

For this you must display only the highest and lowest price of the products table.

SELECT MAX(price), MIN(price) FROM products;

Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Products by Categories

As usual the sales industry is doing an analysis of how many products we have in stock,
and you can help them.

Then your job will display the name and amount of products of each category.

SELECT, SUM(products.amount)

FROM products FULL OUTER JOIN categories ON products.id_categories = GROUP BY;
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Average Value of Products

In the company that you work is being done a survey on the values of the products that are

To help the industry that is doing this survey you should calculate and display the average
value of the price of the products.

OBS: Show the value with two numbers after the period.

SELECT ROUND (AVG(price),2) AS price FROM products;

Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Action Movies

A video store contractor hired her services to catalog her movies. They need you to select
the code and the name of the movies whose description of the genre is 'Action'.


FROM movies FULL OUTER JOIN genres ON movies.id_genres =
WHERE genres.description = 'Action';
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: The Actors Silva

Once actors win big awards and recognition in the film world, the demand for films in which
they participate increases. So we want to know what movies the brothers Silva have in our

To do this, select the code and the name of the movies in which the actors 'Marcelo Silva'
or 'Miguel Silva' acted and that the genre of the film is 'Action'

FROM movies FULL OUTER JOIN movies_actors ON =
FULL OUTER JOIN actors ON = movies_actors.id_actors
FULL OUTER JOIN genres ON movies.id_genres =
WHERE ( = 'Marcelo Silva' OR = 'Miguel Silva');
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Cheap Movies

In the past the studio has made an event where several movies were on sale, we want to
know what movies these were.

Your job to help us is to select the ID and name of movies whose price is less than 2.00.


FROM movies FULL OUTER JOIN prices ON movies.id_prices =
WHERE prices.value < 2.00;
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: September rentals

The video store is making its semi-annual report and needs your help. All you have to do is
select the name of the clients and the date of rental, from the rentals made in September

FROM customers FULL OUTER JOIN rentals ON =
WHERE rentals.rentals_date BETWEEN '2016-09-01' AND '2016-09-30';
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Expanding the Business

The video store company has the objectives of creating several franchises spread
throughout Brazil. For this we want to know in which cities our customers live.

For you to help us select the name of all the cities where the rental company has clients.
But please do not repeat the name of the city.

SELECT DISTINCT city FROM customers;

Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: No Rental
The video store company intends to do a promotion for customers who have not yet done
any rental.

Your job is to deliver us the ID and the name of the customers who have not done any

FROM customers LEFT JOIN locations ON =
WHERE locations.id_customers IS NULL;
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Provider Ajax SA

The financial sector has encountered some problems in the delivery of one of our
providers, the delivery of the products does not match the invoice.

Your job is to display the name of the products and the name of the provider, for the
products supplied by the provider 'Ajax SA'


FROM providers FULL OUTER JOIN products ON products.id_providers =
WHERE = 'Ajax SA';
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Imported Products

Our company's import sector needs a report on the import of products from our Sansul

Your task is to display the name of the products, the name of the supplier and the name of
the category, for the products supplied by the supplier 'Sansul SA' and whose category
name is 'Imported'.


FROM products
FULL OUTER JOIN providers ON products.id_providers =
FULL OUTER JOIN categories ON products.id_categories =
WHERE = 'Sansul SA' AND = 'Imported';
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Super Luxury

Our company is looking to make a new contract for the supply of new super luxury
products, and for this we need some data of our products.

Your job is to display the name of the products, the name of the providers and the price, for
the products whose price is greater than 1000 and its category is' Super Luxury

SELECT,, products.price

FROM products
FULL OUTER JOIN providers ON products.id_providers =
FULL OUTER JOIN categories ON products.id_categories =
WHERE products.price > 1000 AND = 'Super Luxury';
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Orders in First Half

The company's financial audit is asking us for a report for the first half of 2016. Then
display the customers name and order number for customers who placed orders in the first
half of 2016.


FROM customers
FULL OUTER JOIN orders ON = orders.id_customers
WHERE orders.orders_date
BETWEEN '2016-01-01' AND '2016-06-30';
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Amounts Between 10 and 20

When it comes to delivering the report on how many products the company has in stock, a
part of the report has become corrupted, so the stock keeper asked for help, he wants you
to display the following data for him.

Display the name of products whose amount are between 10 and 20 and whose name of
the supplier starts with the letter 'P'.

FROM products FULL OUTER JOIN providers ON products.id_providers =
WHERE (products.amount BETWEEN 10 AND 20) AND LIKE
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Legal Person

The sales industry wants to make a promotion for all clients that are legal entities. For this
you must display the name of the customers that are legal entity.

FROM customers
RIGHT JOIN legal_person ON = legal_person.id_customers;
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Categories with Various Products

The sales industry needs a report to know what products are left in stock.

To help the sales industry, display the product name and category name for products
whose amount is greater than 100 and the categorie ID is 1,2,3,6 or 9.

FROM products INNER JOIN categories ON products.id_categories =
WHERE products.amount > 100 AND products.id_categories IN (1,2,3,6,9);
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Number of Cities per Customers

The company board asked you for a simple report on how many cities the company has
already reached.

To do this you must display the number of distinct cities in the customers table


FROM customers;
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: CPF Validation

Your company's communications managers want a report on the natural person customer
data that is registered in the database. But the old report had a problem. customers CPF
data came without validation.

So your job now is to select all the CPFs of all the customers, and apply a mask on the
return of the data.

The CPF mask looks like: '000.000.000-00'

FROM natural_person;
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Lawyers
The manager of Mangojata Lawyers requested a report on the current lawyers.

The manager wants you to show him the name of the lawyer with the most clients, the one
with the fewest and the client average considering all lawyers.

OBS: Before presenting the average, show a field called Average to make the report more
readable. The average must be presented as an integer.

SELECT name, customers_number FROM lawyers WHERE customers_number =

(SELECT MAX(customers_number)
FROM lawyers) UNION SELECT name, customers_number FROM lawyers
WHERE customers_number = (SELECT MIN(customers_number) FROM lawyers)
SELECT 'Average' AS name, ROUND(avg(customers_number), 0) AS
FROM lawyers;
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Contest
The Mars Technology University has Open Positions for researchers. However, the
computer responsible for processing the candidates' data is broken. You must present the
candidate list, containing the name and final score (with two decimal places of precision) of
each candidate. Remember to show the list ordered by score (highest first).

The score is given by the weighted average described as:


AS avg from candidate FULL OUTER JOIN score ON =
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Payday
The Central Bank of Financing lost many registers after a server failure that happened last
October. The collection dates for the parcels where lost.

The bank requested your help to select the names and day of month in which each client
must pay theirs parcel.

OBS: The day of month must be an integer

SELECT name,CAST(EXTRACT(DAY FROM payday) AS integer) AS day FROM

Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: League
The International Underground Excavation League is a success between alternative sports,
however the staff responsible for organizing the events doesn’t understand computers at
all, they only know how to dig and the sport rule set. As such, you were hired to solve the
League’s problem.

Select the three first placed with the initial phrase "Podium: " and select the last two, which
will be demoted to a lower league with the initial phrase “Demoted:".

SELECT CONCAT('Podium: ',team) FROM league

WHERE position <= 3 UNION ALL SELECT CONCAT('Demoted: ',team)
FROM league, (SELECT position FROM league ORDER BY position DESC limit
2) AS B
WHERE B.position = league.position;
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Students' Grades

The semester is over at South Transylvania University. Every grade was closed, and only
Alchemy 104 haven’t published its list of approved students.

Therefore, you should show the word 'Approved: ' alongisde the the name of a student
and the grade, for those who have been approved (grade ≥7).

Remember to sort the list by grade (higher grades first)

SELECT CONCAT('Approved: ',name),grade

FROM students WHERE grade >= 7 ORDER BY grade DESC;
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Richard's Multiverse

Richard is a famous scientist because of his multiverse theory, where he describes every
hypothetical set of parallel universes by means of a database. Thanks to that you now have
a job..

As your first task, you must select every Richard from dimensions C875 and C774, together
with its existence probability (the famous factor N) with three decimal places of precision.

Remember that the N factor is calculated by multiplying the omega value by 1,618. The
data must be sorted by the least omega value

SELECT, ROUND(*1.618,3)

FROM life_registry FULL OUTER JOIN dimensions ON
life_registry.dimensions_id =
WHERE( LIKE '%Richard%') AND ( =
'C875' OR = 'C774');
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Number of Characters

The Global Organization of Characters at People’s Names (GOCPN) made a census to
figure how many characters people have in theirs names.

To help OMCNP, you must show the number of characters of each name sorted by
decreasing number of characters.

SELECT name, length(name) AS length FROM people ORDER BY length DESC;

Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Passwords
You were hired to be the consultant for a company. Analyzing the database, you noticed
that the passwords are stored as text files and, as everyone knows, this is a terrible
security practice as they are not encrypted.

Therefore you must convert every password to the MD5 format. Show the client id, the
password before conversion and the new MD5

SELECT id, password,MD5(password)

FROM account;
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Taxes
You are going to the International Personal Tax meeting and your proposal is: every
individual with income higher than 3000 must pay a tax to the government, which is 10% of
his/her income.

Show the name and the tax value of each person who earns more than 3000, with two
decimal places of precision

SELECT name, ROUND(salary*0.1,2) AS tax

FROM people WHERE salary > 3000;
Materia: Taller de Base de Datos

Profesor: Roberto Rangel Anguiano

Problema: Viruses
Viruses are evolving, but new research has proven that by switching some proteins the
vaccine becomes unbeatable. The protein H1(Hemagglutinin) when replaced by the X
protein (Xenomorphina) has interesting effects against almost every viral disease. Some
conspiracists say that after the vaccine’s discovery some strange 3 meters tall creatures
were found in the surroundings of the laboratories, but this is clearly a lie.

Therefore, you must replace every string “H1”( Hemagglutinin ) by 'X' ( Xenomorphina ).

SELECT REPLACE (name,'H1','X')

FROM virus;

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