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Child Protection

Rapid Assessment Toolkit

© Global Protection Cluster, Child Protection Working Group, December 2012

How to use the symbols in the toolkit Glossary of acronyms
This means a step (or sub-step) CP: Child Protection
in doing a CPRA CPRA: Child Protection Rapid Assessment
CPWG: Child Protection Working Group
CPRATF: Child Protection Rapid Assessment
This indicates a very Task Force
important point! DO: Direct Observation
DR: Desk Review
GBV: Gender Based Violence
IASC: Inter Agency Standing Committee
This points out a link to a different IDP: Internally Displaced Persons
part of the CPRA Toolkit IM: Information Management
KI: Key Informant
KII: Key Informant Interview
This shows where each task in the NATF: Needs Assessment Task Force
CPRA starts. Look out for this symbol to RA: Rapid Assessment
guide you through the process SV: Sexual Violence
WWNK: What We Need to Know

This indicates an
example from the field

The Child Protection Working Group (CPWG) is the global level forum for coordination on child protection in
humanitarian settings. The group brings together NGOs, UN agencies, academics and others under the shared
objective of ensuring more predictable, accountable and effective child protection responses in emergencies. In
the humanitarian system, we constitute ‘an area of responsibility’ within the Global Protection Cluster.

All the organizations within the CPWG are committed to providing and supporting effective, well-coordinated child
protection responses, based on a robust and timely assessment of needs and capacities. We want to encourage
the use of consistent assessment processes across the child protection sector, based on coherent methods and
a systematic approach to data collection.

The CPWG members have therefore collaborated in developing the Child Protection Rapid Assessment
Toolkit. It has been piloted in over 20 emergency-affected contexts and incorporates changes based on extensive

Where agencies use the same assessment tool, the resources required are minimized, more ground can be
covered, data is comparable across locations and time, and the results are more persuasive to planners, funders
and other decision-makers. For these reasons, each CPWG member agency has committed to using the Child
Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit rather than agency-specific assessment tools for child protection,
wherever possible.

Contact the CPWG at http://cpwg.net/


Significant time, resources and technical support have been dedicated to writing this toolkit. The following organizations
provided the necessary institutional and financial support needed to make this work possible: ACAPS, Child Fund
International, Columbia University, Plan International, Save the Children, World Vision International, UNHCR, UNICEF,
Gender Standby Capacity (GenCap), War Child and the Child Protection Working Group. The following individuals
had a significant role in the formation and finalization of this tool: Alastair Ager, Catherine Barnett, Wayne Bleier, Neil
Boothby, Patrice Chataigner, Sophie De Coninck, Ayda Eke, Hanna-Tina Fischer, Shelley Gornall, Jennifer Keane, Hani
Mansourian, Heather Macleod, Amanda Melville, Minja Peuschel, Sabine Rakotomalala, Janis Ridsdel, Monika Sandvik-
Nylund, Lindsay Stark, and Katharine Williamson.

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 3

The Child Protection
Rapid Assessment Toolkit
The CPRA Toolkit provides all the information you need to conduct a CPRA over a five-week timeframe.
The toolkit is divided into three parts:

Part 1: a guide to CPRA provides an action plan with 6 key phases, giving guidance for tasks in each phase.
Part 2: sample tools provides five key tools for CPRA.
Part 3: data management tool provides a sample database, featuring on the spot, basic analysis of the data.

Part 1:  Step 1: Coordination and planning

a guide to CPRA  Step 2: Development of an assessment plan
 Step 3: Reviewing and adapting data collection and analysis tools
 Step 4: Recruiting and training assessment teams
 Step 5: Data collection and management
 Step 6: Data analysis, interpretation and report writing

Part 2:  Tool 1: Desk review (sample questions)

sample tools  Tool 2: Key informant interview (sample questions)
 Tool 3: Direct observation (sample prompts)
 Tool 4: Urgent action report (sample headings)
 Tool 5: Site report (sample headings and questions)

Part 3: Introduction: A short guide

data management tool Sheet 1: Data entry
Sheet 2: Analysis tables
Sheet 3: Graphs.

Who is the CPRA Toolkit for?

We hope that the CPRA toolkit will be useful to everyone involved with child protection in the field.

It is a “must read” for:

• C P sub-cluster coordinators and those CP practitioners who are involved in the overall implementation
of a CPRA
• C PRA trainers preparing data collection team members. Trainers will need to be familiar with the whole
toolkit (Parts 1, 2 and 3) before beginning training.

How to use the CPRA toolkit

• R
 ead through the toolkit (starting with Part 1) and familiarize yourself with the contents before you
get started
• U
 se the toolkit where possible and appropriate to conduct inter-agency CPRAs
 dapt the sample tools and the data management tool to your local context
• A

• Follow the steps as set out
• M  ake sure that you have information management (IM) support in place throughout the process
• If you are doing an inter-agency CPRA, you can request for technical briefing from the global CPWG.
(Please note that technical support is only available for inter-agency assessments.)
• P  lease send reports and any feedback to cpwg.net, the CPWG assessment focal point,
or to the CPWG Coordinator at [email protected]

Assessments in emergencies
Following any emergency of significant scale, a child protection assessment will usually be conducted in the
context of coordinated assessments organized through the humanitarian cluster system. The IASC Needs
Assessment Task Force suggests a framework that identifies three phases in the emergency assessment
processes – these are generally applicable to all emergencies, whether large- or smaller-scale.i These are:

Phase I – Preliminary scenario definition. This phase should happen within 72 hours of the onset of the
emergency and does not include sector-specific questions. This phase is normally led by OCHA;ii

Phase II – Multi-Cluster/Sector joint assessment. This phase should take place within the first two weeks of the
onset and looks into top priority sector issues. This phase is also often led by OCHA;iii

Phase III – Cluster/Sector-specific assessments. This phase addresses more detailed and in-depth sector-
specific questions and takes place during the third and fourth week following the onset of an emergency. This
phase is normally led by cluster lead agencies, such as UNHCR and UNICEF.

What is a child protection rapid assessment (CPRA)?

A CPRA is an inter-agency, cluster-specific rapid assessment for use by CPWG members in the aftermath
of a rapid-onset emergency. It is meant to build on the initial multi-cluster/sector joint assessment(s) and the
protection cluster rapid assessment. It provides a snapshot of urgent child protection related needs among the
affected population within the immediate aftermath of the emergency.

It can also act as a stepping-stone for a more comprehensive process of assessing the impacts of the
emergency on children, as well as situation monitoring. This rapid assessment should not be confused with nor
take the place of more comprehensive assessments or a surveillance system.

Objectives of a CPRA
A CPRA provides a basis for defining child protection needs and existing support mechanisms in the immediate
aftermath of a rapid-onset emergency. The objectives of a CPRA are to determine:

> the SCALE of needs and protection risks

> the PRIORITIES for the required response – including geographical and programmatic areas of priority,
from which funding priorities can be agreed
> HOW the response should be configured – including what existing capacities the response can
build on.

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 5

Depending on the context, CPRA may also be useful for other purposes, such as:

> c reating an evidence-base for advocacy with stakeholders (armed groups, government etc.)
> providing some knowledge of where the main information gaps are.

When should the CPRA happen?

An inter-agency CPRA typically takes between 3-5 weeks to complete, usually falling within phase III of the IASC
Needs Assessment Framework. However, where preparedness measures have reduced the post-emergency
preparation time, CPRA can be completed in about 2 weeksiv.

The CPRA Toolkit can be used to add a child protection component to other coordinated multi-sectorial rapid
assessment. It can also be the basis for a multi-sectorial rapid assessment with other sectors adding their
respective questions. However, CPRA is best suited for a stand-alone process in the absence of any other
humanitarian assessments.

The short timeframe of the CPRA ensures that priority sector-specific information is available rapidly to inform
preliminary response. Following this rapid assessment phase, a more comprehensive and in-depth child
protection assessment may be necessary. The existing Inter-Agency Child Protection Assessment Resource kit
is the primary resource for a more comprehensive child protection assessment processv.

When a CPRA may not be appropriate

A CPRA is not appropriate for situations where many different humanitarian agencies are already working on
the ground with affected communities. It is also not best suited for delivering in-depth information about specific
areas of child protection. However, the CPRA can be a good starting point in developing more appropriate
assessment methodology and tools.

CPRA Toolkit A guide to CPRA

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 7

Planning and implementing a child protection rapid assessment
(action plan and timeline)

Suggested timeline

Steps Pages Suggested tasks Week 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Form assessment coordination body
Agree on roles and responsibilities
Agree on lead agency

1. Coordination Develop work-plan, including who

12 to will lead each activity
and planning of
CPRATF Determine the initial geographic sample (scenarios)
Determine logistical and HR needs
Cost the operation and raise/flag funds
Analyze the risk and develop contingencies
Conduct Desk Review
Refine and adapt What We Need to Knows
2. Development of
14 to
an assessment Develop sample frame
Define urgent action procedure
Contact key resources
3. Reviewing and 20 to Adapt tools
adapting the data 24
collection and
analysis tools
4. Recruiting Recruit assessors and team leaders
25 to
and training
27 Train assessors and team leaders
assessment teams
Deploy teams to the field
Supervise fieldwork
5. Data collection 28 to
and management 30 Provide regular technical and logistical support to
Collect field reports, clean and enter the data
6. Data analysis, Analyze and interpret the data
31 to
Interpretation and
33 Write reports and disseminate
report writing

Suggested timeline

Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 9

Part 1 guides you through the six key steps in a CPRA and
explains how the tools (in Parts 2 and 3) can be used in the
process. The action plan and timeline indicates the phasing
of the steps over a five-week time period.

Ethical considerations for undertaking a CPRA

An ethical approach to rapid assessments requires:

• A commitment to follow-up action, as necessary

• Identifying and finding ways to support community-coping mechanisms that do not violate basic rights of
or harm children
• Considering potential negative effects of the assessment exercise (such as stigmatizing a person or group
through attracting unnecessary attention to them; or creating fear)
• Not raising false expectations by being honest with communities about the objectives of the assessment
before and during the assessmentvi
• An analysed desk review.

Assessments are interventions in themselves. They can be meaningful and positive

experiences or intrusive and disruptive, and can cause additional stress for the
population. This is especially the case during the immediate aftermath of an emergency.
‘Do no harm’ and ‘the best interests of the child’ should therefore be primary
considerations in any assessment.

Sensitive information
It is your responsibility to ensure the confidentiality of the information you have been entrusted with.
Confidentially means “the restrictive management of sensitive information (e.g. names, incidents, locations,
details, etc.) that has been collected before, during and after child protection assessments.”

Sensitive information must be protected and shared only with those people (service providers, family, etc.) who
need the information for the best interest of the child. Shared information should be stripped of any details of the
source, unless required to ensure appropriate action (with written consent from the source). For more on data
confidentiality, please see Standard 5 of ‘Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Responsevii.’

Informed consent is an integral part of any assessment activity that involves direct acquisition of information
from people regardless of their age. Informed consent is “the voluntary agreement of an individual who has the
capacity to give consent, and who exercises free power of choiceviii.”

Tool 2: Key informant interview (in Part 2) includes an example of an oral informed consent. Please note if you
intend to use a key informant’s name in your reports, a written consent is necessary. Based on the context and
background, the assessment team may decide that written consent is necessary for all KIIs irrespective of the
use of name. In such cases, special written consent forms should be included in all KI questionnaires.

Responding to urgent situations
An ethical approach to assessment also requires a commitment to respond to urgent situations. This means
responding appropriately when a child’s life and/or wellbeing is in immediate danger. For more details on this,
please refer to the ‘define urgent action’ section on page 18 of this guide.

Sensitive questions
Sensitive questions, (such as the ones flagged ( ) in Tool 2: Key informant interview), should only be asked
by well-trained interviewers. If assessors do not have a strong background or adequate training in CP, these
questions should not be asked. It is important to speak with local people or those with an in-depth knowledge
of the protection situation in the country or context so that:

• y ou know whether and to what degree flagged issues may be sensitive or politicized
• you can decide whether these issues should be included, based on the known capacity of the assessors
• you can adapt the tools to ensure that appropriate terminology and language is used in assessing these
sensitive issues.

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 11

Step 1
Coordination and planning
of a CPRA (week 1)
The success of an inter-agency CPRA is dependent on the collective effort of CP actors, including the
government, when appropriate. A single organization is unlikely to have the resources and expertise necessary
for this process. Step 1 therefore focuses on the formation of a Child Protection Rapid Assessment Task Force

A CPRATF provides a mechanism for sharing resources. It strengthens the quality and legitimacy of the CPRA,
because there is wider ownership of the process and results. While involving governments is not always
possible, it is highly recommended when and where possible. Involvement of the protection cluster lead is also
highly desirable.

Form a Child Protection Rapid Assessment Task Force (CPRATF)

Form a task force within the child protection sub-cluster/coordination mechanism. It is important that this
includes technical oversight and administrative support, with some level of IM technical capacity to support
assessment workix.

The initial activity checklist of the task force may include:

✓ Developing a time-bound assessment plan that clearly assigns responsibility to different members
✓ Deciding on the overall geographic scope of the assessment
✓ Determining logistical and human resource needs
✓ Costing the operation and identifying funds and in-kind contributions
✓ Analysing risks and developing contingency plans
✓ Forming a smaller technical group to develop the sampling, adapt the tool, and undertake the analysis
and interpretation of the results
✓ Agreeing on how the data collection process will be supervised and supported
✓ Agreeing on the modalities of sharing the results with othersx.

Other tasks of the CPRA task force may include:

✓ Outreach to mobilize the participation of key protection actors
✓ Contingency planning, including monitoring of the humanitarian situation and revising plans as necessary
✓ Time management of the assessment process
✓ Linking and coordinating with other assessment processes
✓ Ensuring logistical arrangements and support
✓ Developing a plan for efficient use of the results by all relevant actors.

Part 1 – Step 1

Financial and human resources together with logistical needs are often a determining
factor in the scope of the assessment. Coming up with a rough calculation of
resource needs earlier in the process will ensure more realistic planning and smoother

Coordinate and link up with other multi-sectorial assessment processes

See Part 1 - Assessments in emergencies for a brief overview of the stages of the multi-sectorial
assessment process.

The key points here are:

• u
 se existing coordination mechanisms rather than creating new ones that do the same thing and
• c
 oordinate with the protection cluster and GBV sub-cluster (amongst others).

Information from a multi-cluster/sector joint assessment in phases I and II can inform a

CPRA in phase III. If no multi-cluster/sector joint assessment has been completed, the
CPRATF needs to decide whether to proceed with a CPRA or await completion of a
multi-cluster/sector joint assessment.

Share the task where there are limited resources

In March 2012, Burkina Faso faced an influx of refugees from Mali. The child protection
coordination group decided that a rapid assessment was necessary to determine
the protection needs of refugee children. However, the available financial and human
resources would not cover the needs of a full blown assessment in all affected areas.
To solve this, all participating agencies agreed to contribute at least one vehicle and
one dedicated staff member for the data collection period. This made the assessment
possible despite limited funds.

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 13

Step 2
Development of an
assessment plan (week 2)
Agree on a context-specific ‘What We Need to Know’ (WWNK)
WWNK is key information about the situation of children and existing capacities. This information is vital in
informing immediate programming priorities.

Deciding on context-specific WWNK is the foundation of any CPRA. The list of WWNKs below was
developed in a broad consultation with global and field level CPWG members. Use this list to agree a context-
specific WWNK with your CPRATF.

Child Protection WWNKs in the rapid onset or large-scale emergency phase:

a) Unaccompanied and separated children
1. Patterns of separation from usual caregivers of boys and girls
2. Types of care arrangements for separated and unaccompanied children and existing gaps
3. Capacities and mechanisms in the community to respond to child separation
4. Patterns and levels of institutionalization of children
5. Laws, policies and common practices on adoption (in and out of country).

b) Dangers and Injury

6. Nature and extent of any hazards for children in the environment (i.e. open pit latrines, dangling electrical
wires, landmines or other explosives in the vicinity of the residence, small arms, camps close to roads, etc.)

c) Physical violence and other harmful practices

7. Types and levels of violence towards girls and boys in the community
8. Causes and level of risk of death and/or severe injury to children resulting from violence and/or harmful
9. Existence of active participation of children in acts of violence
10. Existing scale of child marriage and likely new risks as a result of the emergency.

d) Sexual violence
11. Specific risks of sexual violence for girls and boys
12. How different forms of sexual violence are viewed by families (including youth/children), community leaders
and government counterparts, and how this is normally dealt with.
13. Availability and accessibility of essential sexual violence response services for children (especially health and
psychosocial services)
14 Common harmful practices (domestic and/or societal).

e) Psychosocial distress and mental disorders

15. Sources of stress and signs of psychosocial distress among girls and boys and their caregivers
16. Children’s and their caregivers’ (positive and negative) coping mechanisms
17. Capacities for provision of people/resources at community level to provide support for children.

Part 1 – Step 2

f) Protecting excluded children

18. Accessibility of basic services to children, regardless of their age, sex, background and their
different abilities
19. Risks, and types, of discrimination against specific groups of children.

g) Information needs and communication channels

20. Common information-sharing channels (for children and adults) and child protection information needs.

h) Child labour
21. Existing patterns and scale of the worst forms of child labour
22. Likely increase in children’s exposure to worst forms of child labour as a result of the emergency
23. Likely new worst forms of child labour that could emerge as a result of the emergency

i) Children associated with armed forces or armed groups

24. Past and current trends in involvement/association of children with armed forces and groups.

Sex- and age-disaggregationxi should be considered whenever appropriate.

Conduct the desk review

Undertaking a desk review (DR) is a key to a CPRA. A desk review is basically a compilation of existing
secondary dataxii. Ideally it should be done in the preparedness phase. It can be done for the most part out of
country, thereby reducing pressure on the country-based staff.

As a first step, find out if a desk review has already been done that can simply be updated for your purposes.
If not, plan to do it before the various assessment tools are finalized, as it will help you formulate questions and
answer options.

A DR usually includes pre- and post-onset data (i.e. from before and after the crisis/emergency). Here are
some secondary sources that you could use: Previous assessment reports; Child protection systems mapping;
Final reports or evaluation reports of major CP projects; Demographics and Health Survey; UNICEF MICS;
Report and Alternative Report to the Committee on the RC; Save the Children Child Rights Situation Analysis;
US Dept. State TIP Report; SRSG CAAC Report on Children and Armed Conflict.

A step-by-step guide to generating a desk review has been developed by the CPWG. This guide can be found
on the assessment page of the CPWG website (http://cpwg.net/assessment/).

See Part 2 - Tool 1: Desk Review (sample questions)

Desk reviews are helpful because:

• they can answer some of the WWNKs outlined above and can reduce the burden of data collection and
• w hen protection systems are in place, much of the data related to CP issues, such as number of
separated children or cases of sexual violence, can be collected from information management systems
and therefore the need to collect such data from the field diminishes.
• s ometimes if it is done systematically and at just the right time, it provides good enough information,
making data collection unnecessary.

If you need help in conducting desk review, contact the CPWG for support.

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 15

Decide on a sampling methodology and sample frame

Do not sacrifice quality for quantity. When resources are scarce, do less, but do it well.
Sometimes visiting fewer sites using systematic sampling will produce more accurate
results than visiting more sites that are not systematically selected.

Sampling methodology
Sampling is needed because usually you cannot access every single person to ask them questions about the
emergency that has affected them. It would be physically impossible and too costly and time consuming. If, for
example, you want to find out how people have been affected by a flood somewhere, you need to choose a
sample of that population.

Sampling simplifies our work. However it does have some limitations. Any analysis of an emergency based
on information collected from a sample of the population will inevitably have inaccuracies. It will provide an
estimate of the reality. The level of accuracy relates to the type of sampling used and the sample size.

Purposive sampling is often used in post emergency settings. It is well suited to situations where there are
time and resource pressures. In this method units of measurement are purposefully selected, based on a set of
defined criteria (more on this below). It gives a measure and sense of the scale and priorities that is approximate
enough to enable initial rapid prioritization and planning. It can also provide preliminary insight into how the
emergency has impacted differently on the different categories of affected groups chosen for the sample.

A unit of measurement is the level at which something is measured, e.g. an individual, a class, a school, a
country, etc. For the purposes of a CPRA, the unit of measurement is at a community (rather than individual or
household) level. For simplicity, each unit of measurement under CPRA is called a ‘site.’

A site should be a distinct community with a formal, legal, customary, geographical or other pragmatic
boundary allowing an estimate of its population. The exact definition of what constitutes a site needs to be
determined by the CPRATF for each and every scenario. This will depend on the geographical spread of the
emergency, populations affected, results of the previous assessments (if any), and available resources. The main
parameters of selecting a site are as follows:

> In a non-camp setting, the smallest administrative unit (such as a village or a population grouping) can be
taken as a distinct site.
> In camp settings, each camp can be taken as a site.
> If populations with distinct characteristics (such as language, ethnicity, place of origin, status, etc.) live
together in one site, and you believe that these characteristics are likely to have an impact on how each
group is affected by the emergency, these locations should be divided into multiple sites along the lines of
those distinct characteristics regardless of their sizexiii.

If the population distribution is not straightforward or the process of identifying sites is

a challenge, seek help from an information management (IM) expert or from the global

Three steps in sampling are:

Step 1 – define distinct scenarios

These scenarios should be based on and represent the various, known characteristics of the affected
population and areas. These characteristics may include things such as: camp versus non-camp settings;
directly versus indirectly affected areas; displaced versus non-displaced affected populations; origins of the

Part 1 – Step 2

displaced populations; IDPs within a host community versus on their own; mountainous versus coastal areas,
ethnic or tribal differences or anything else that may be a reason for difference in the state of needs and
capacities of the population.

Imagine a situation where a cyclone has affected two regions in country X. You know that:

a) Region X1 is highly affected, while region X2 has been slightly affected;

b) Information from an initial rapid assessment by NATF reveals that in area X1A (sub-region of X1) the
population has been displaced while in area X1B (sub-region of X1) the population stayed in their villages;
c) Two distinct ethnic groups live in areas X2A and X2B (sub-regions of X2).

Æ Based on this information, we can define four distinct scenarios: X1A, X1B, X2A, and X2B.

Step 2 – develop a sample frame

A sample frame will include the names of all the sites that could potentially be visited. Using an Excel
spreadsheetxiv, you can list all the sites and group them based on the scenarios defined in step one. You can
then see the total number of sites for each scenario.

The sample frame below summarizes the information about the example of the cyclone-affected regions from
step 1:

Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4

Site name Highly affected (X1) Slightly Affected (X2)

Displaced pop. (X1A) Non-displaced (X1B) Ethnic group A (X2A) Ethnic group B (X2B)

Site 1 x

Site 2 x

Site 3 x

Site 4 x


Site 96 x

Total 18 25 34 19

Step 3 – develop a sample grid

A sample grid is the result of the sampling process. It is the final list of selected sites to be assessed. The
sample grid should include detailed information on each site, including: the characteristics of the site; how to
reach the site; local contacts and resources; potential risks involved; language(s) spoken; etc.

An appropriate coding system should be developed to identify each of the locations. For example if the site
is mountainous and holds a group of displaced population, you can use the first words of mountainous and
displaced and a number to form the code: e.g. MD01, MD02, MD03, etc. Alternatively the coding can be
based on the official district and zone delineation that the government uses.

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 17

We recommend a standard of at least 15 sites per scenarios be included in the grid. Selection of sites
within each scenario could be either random or based on available information about the sites, including
the humanitarian situation, geographic accessibility, ethnic and demographic distribution and other logistical

If only one scenario is being considered in a given context, then a minimum of 30 sites is recommended as
the sample grid. If the number of sites in each scenario is smaller or equal to the recommended minimum, all
accessible sites may be visitedxv.

Æ In the example used above, our sample grid will include at least 15 sites in each of the four sub-regions. This
means that we will be visiting 60 sites.

Define urgent action procedure

Before undertaking a CPRA, the CPRATF should decide on a process to respond to urgent action cases that
may arise. In general, an urgent action case can be defined as “a situation in which lack of prompt response
can put the life and/or wellbeing of a child in immediate danger.” Any context-specific urgent action procedure
should include:

1. Criteria for what constitutes an urgent action case. This must be determined by CPWG actors based
on the local context, but could include issues such as unaccompanied children living on the street;
active recruitment or abduction of children, ongoing sexual violence, etc.
2. A clear referral pathway/standard operating procedure
3. Roles and responsibilities.

An effective urgent action procedure will look like a developed referral pathway that can
be easily followed by assessment teams in the field.

Define criteria for key informant selection

A key informant (KI) is a person who can provide information or opinions on a specific subject (or group of
issues) regarding a particular population based on her/his experience and knowledge.

In practice, KIs are often selected by assessment teams upon arrival at a site. But if you have time, contact key
resources with knowledge of the population and the context in question (not just people in authority) during the
planning phase. This will help you define the best possible criteria for the selection of KIs. In choosing the key
informants, consider whether:

> T hey have significant knowledge of the situation of the population of interest
> They will be able to understand the questions
> Their personal experience is representative of the community. (If not, consider whether this will affect
their answers. For example, having a higher level of education than other community members may not
meaningfully affect answers regarding their experience or the impact of the disaster, but being a member
of a dominant group might.)
> They have an ‘agenda’ that shapes their answers. While everyone has a personal agenda, biases should
be taken into consideration in the selection and analysis.

Part 1 – Step 2

The number of key informants to be interviewed in each site is dependent on the number of sites in your
sample, your resources and time, and the homogeneity of each site . A minimum of 3 key informants
interviews are recommended for each sitexvi. In a site that is exceptionally large (e.g. larger than 3000),
additional KIs should be identified and interviewed.

It is very important that:

> A
 t least two of the KIs work directly with children in some capacity on a day-to-day basis, e.g. teacher,
community caregiver, etc.
> A
 t least one of the KIs should hold some overall responsibility for the population, e.g. a local chief, camp
manager, religious leader, etc.
> T
 here are a balanced number of women and men.

Representation of men and women is very important. Women sometimes are aware of certain realities in the
community that men are not and vice versa. For example, men, especially if they hold positions of leadership,
might be in a better position to provide information on the demographics and security situation of the area.
Women’s particular contribution in humanitarian crisis in caring for children (among other groups) makes them
especially knowledgeable on existing risks, needs and capacities.

It is recommended that you conduct interviews individually with each KI. Individual interviews are easier to
handle and may introduce less bias, as peer pressure and/or fear of disagreement with other members of the
community are less of an issue. This is particularly relevant for interviews conducted with female KIs. Women
may be less used to speaking and expressing their views in public. If you face time and resource constraints
(or other considerations), you can arrange to interview a group of key informants. Find a venue with sufficient
privacy for interviews, being careful to be culturally appropriate. In most contexts, it is advisable if a female
assessor interviews a female KI.

KI interview records (grouped together for each site) should be compiled into one report, together with direct
observation data. There should therefore be one report per site ready for the next stage - data analysis.

Whenever possible, organize an exploratory mission before dispatching CPRA teams

to the field. This will help coordinators gain a more realistic idea of logistical needs, and
allow them to define context-specific selection criteria for KIs.

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 19

Step 3
Reviewing and adapting the data
collection and analysis tools (week 3)
See CPRA Toolkit: Parts 2 and Part 3

Adapting the tools to make them appropriate to the context where you are conducting a CPRA is vital. Consider
such issues as the type and scale of emergency; language diversity; ethnicity; tribal and religious affiliations; pre-
existing child protection concerns; access and security limitations; WWNKS; local capacity etc. This process
will ensure that the questions asked suit the specific emergency context you are working in. It will also ensure
that the questions asked are understandable (and translated as required), culturally appropriate and gender

In the process of adapting the toolkit, try to maintain the general structure and content. Too much change, for
example in the data management tool, may render it not fit for purpose. This would then add to the burden of
data management and analysis.

Tools should ideally be translated by assessors and team leaders after they are trained. This process ensures
a deeper understanding of the questions and the intentions behind them. Some local languages do not
have a developed written tradition. In such cases, you may want to run ‘an oral translation session’ with the
assessment team to agree on best translation for all key terms. Where local teams are unable to translate
the tools, a professional translator should be recruited. This is best done before the training so that the
nuances of the questions in the local language can then be discussed and refined with the assessment team.
Key terminologies should be discussed and agreed upon in the group prior to translation and data collection.

The tools can be reviewed and adapted as follows:

1. Desk review and adapting WWNKs Æ 2. Adapting the key informant Interview tool and direct
observation tool Æ 3. Translation and contextualization (incl. field testing) Æ 4. Adapting the site report
Æ 5. Adapting the data management tool.

If the CPRA is going to be conducted in multiple locations in the same country or region, but dealing with the
same population and/or protection issues, it is best to use the same methodology and tools. This makes it
possible to have a broader view.

Please note that the CPRA Toolkit bases rapid assessment on three key methods – desk review, key
informant interviewing and direct observation. It does not include focus group discussions or interviews
with children. Focus group discussions (FGDs) are recognized as an effective qualitative methodology, but
they are generally not encouraged in this phase. Regarding children, in most cases it is unlikely that trained
staff is available to conduct such highly sensitive interviews. While children’s participation can contribute to a
better understanding of the situation of children in a post emergency context, inexperienced assessors may
unintentionally put children in harm’s way.

Part 1 – Step 3

FGDs require a high level of expertise plus significant amounts of time for analysis of
the information they produce. If experienced staff is available, FGDs may be used as a
complementary source of data. But it is crucial that staff strictly follow guidance on this

Direct interviews with children are discouraged for a CPRA, unless highly skilled
assessors are available. If assessors experienced in dealing responsibly with children are
available, adolescents of 15 to 17 years of age of age could be interviewed as key
informants. For younger children, other methodologies might be more appropriatexviii.

General points about adapting the CPRA tools:

> Y
 ou may want to limit possible answers to a question by setting a time period. For example, question 1.3
in Tool 2: Key Informant Interview (sample questions) asks the country team to define ‘a limited recall
period.’ Narrowing the question down like this can help respondents provide a more accurate response.
This can help in making analysis more meaningful.
> E
 ven if the tools have been adapted to a specific context during the preparedness phase, they should
always be reviewed before being used to make sure they are appropriate. We suggest at a minimum
doing a short simulation of the tools with CPWG members familiar with the local context.
> C
 hanges to the tools are discouraged, once teams are deployed. If changes really are necessary, they
should be kept to an absolute minimum. Where they are needed, they should be communicated to
all teams through a centralized coordination mechanism. (But be aware changes may render the
information gathered unusable. Often when communication is poor, the capacity of teams to understand
and implement the change(s) is compromised. It is likely that changes will be inappropriately or unevenly

Accurate translation is key to collecting good data

In December 2011, the child protection coordination group in Thailand decided to

conduct a CPRA to determine the protection needs of children who were affected by
massive floods and subsequent displacement. Translation of the tools were done by a
professional translator and data collection took place in January 2012. During the
interpretation process, the team noticed similar trends across the two sets of questions.
One set of questions was about injuries and death caused by violence. The other set was
about environmental and accidental factors. Data collection team leaders explained that
the words “violence” and “accident” are both translated using the same Thai term, which
is closer to the meaning of “accident” than “violence” in English. This made the answers
to the questions about violence unusable. The team agreed that while the translator
knew both languages well, she did not necessarily understand the differences in meaning
that distinguished these two sets of questions.

Adapt the desk review and WWNKs

WWNKs are the basis for the desk review. It is crucial to achieving the goals of the assessment to consider
which questions are most appropriate to your context. This will be an ongoing process in discovering what
questions actually produce the most relevant information. Sometimes questions that you assumed addressed
crucial issues turn out not to be relevant. Or you may initially not know about certain aspects of children’s
experience, for example.

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 21

When adapting Tool 1: desk review (sample questions), ask yourself questions like: “Is it possible to know
this through a RAPID assessment?” “Do we need to know this now or can we wait a few more months?” and
“What can we do with this information when we have it?”

Adapt the key informant interview questions

See Tool 2: Key Informant Interview (sample questions)

Ideally Tool 2: Key informant interview (sample questions) has been adapted as a preparedness measure
before an emergency. Adapting it has three purposes:

1. so that the questions are relevant to the specific emergency context.
2. so that the questions are understandable (translated as required, culturally appropriate and
gender sensitive).
3. so that best answer options for multiple-choice questions and best categories for
coded-category questions can be worked out.

There are two types of open-ended questions in Tool 2:

Multiple-choice questions: For these questions you need to create an initial list of choices, field-test the tool and
refine and limit the options based on a sound knowledge of the context.

Coded-category questions: For these questions you need to create categories of possible answers and allow
the assessor or the team leader to decide which category the answers belong to. (More information on the
coded-category approach is provided below.)

Multiple-choice questions are more appropriate in situations where you more or less know all possible answers
that might be given by a key informant. Coded-category questions, on the other hand, are best when there are
either too many possible answer options or it is hard to anticipate the precise answers you might receive to a
given question.

If you have limited knowledge of the local context or field-testing of the tool has not been
possible, make sure that even for close-ended multiple-choice questions, you record all
‘other’ options offered by the respondents.

Using coded-category answers, you limit the possible answers to an open-ended question. This makes data
management and analysis easier. While these kinds of questions are slightly more complicated because they
require a certain level of immediate analysis on the part of the interviewer (i.e. when s/he decides how the
answer should be categorized), they are more respectful of the respondent’s opinion.

If you are using coded-category questions, try to keep your categories somewhat general. There may be many
possible answers, but the idea behind a coded-category question is to limit such options to broader, mutually
exclusive categories.

Part 1 – Step 3

In identifying answer options for open-ended questions, please consider that:

> W e may have very little idea of what the ‘real’ answer(s) could be.
> W e may eliminate the possibility of discovering critical information or may affect answers by ‘leading’.
Not allowing respondents freedom in their answers may also be perceived as disrespectful and/or less
empowering to those participating in the assessment.
> Including too many answer options with the hope that the ‘real’ answer will be captured can also lead to
confusion and inaccuracy in recording and interpreting the response.

Adapt the direct observation tool

See Tool 3: Direct Observation (sample prompts)

Direct observation is done systematically for the CPRA, and is carried out by trained assessors. It is particularly
useful in knowing about behavioural patterns within a population, the hazards on a site, the physical conditions
of facilities etc. Its main purpose in a CPRA is to validate the data collected in each site through triangulationxix.
DO results are compiled together with the KIIs for analysis.

In adapting this tool, aim at capturing those types of questions that are hard to ask or are too sensitive to
ask. For example, if you believe that child labour is a concern in this community, but the community does not
recognize it or for cultural reasons does not acknowledge it, you may want to include detailed questions about
child labour in the DO rather than in the KI interview. Be careful, however, not to include topics and issues that
are not easily observable, such as domestic abuse, child-headed households, sexual violence, etc in the DO

Tool 3: Direct observation (sample prompts) includes two methods of observation – structured and

• In structured observation, the observer is looking for a specific thing, such as a particular behaviour, an
object or an event. Assessors usually use a checklist for this type of observation as a prompt and as a
recording tool.
• In unstructured observation, the observer is looking at how things are done and what things exist.
Assessors usually use a set of open-ended questions to guide this type of observation.

Adapt site report headings and questions

See Tool 5: Site Report (sample headings and questions)

You should aim to produce a single report that reflects all the data collected in each site. This report includes
information from the KIIs, DO and informal observation of team members. It triangulates the data and
summarizes findings for subsequent analysis. The process for doing this is explained in Tool 5.

The site report should match the areas you cover in your KIIs and your DO tool. You will need to look at the
sample headings and questions and select the ones (or add others) that match your CPRA.

The site report is an integral part of the CPRA tool. The methodology will be incomplete if
this component is left out.

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 23

Adapt the urgent action report

See Tool 4: Urgent Action Report (sample headings)

Urgent action reports are used when an individual case comes to the attention of the assessor. The CPRATF
is responsible for defining the criteria for urgent action and establishing a well-defined procedure for referral
services. Cases are not to be actively sought during the assessment (though may be sought through separate
response activities). For more details, see the section on urgent action procedure on page 11.

Adapt the data management tool

See Part 3: data management tool (sample database)

The data management tool is an Excel database which facilitates the management of data collected from the
field. It has 4 sections:

A short guide provides an introduction explaining how it can be adapted and used.

Sheet 1: Data entry provides an easy-to-use template that matches the KII tool and DO tool. All answers are
coded in the form of a drop down menu which facilitates data entry.

Sheet 2: Analysis provides basic analysis of the data entered into sheet 1 (data entry) in tables.

Sheet 3: Graphs provides a visual version of the analysis shown in sheet 2 (analysis) in graphs.

The data management tool needs to be adapted based on the changes made to the tools in Part 2 of the
toolkit. The data management tool will therefore be the last in the process of adaptation.

With IM technical support, this database can be used to do more advanced data analysis
than described here.

4 Recruiting and training
assessment teams (weeks 2-3)
Step 4

You are likely to be faced with difficult choices in selecting assessors because of the particular constraints
in a post-emergency context. These constraints may be about technical issues, such as knowledge of child
protection; security concerns; ethnicity and religion; and logistical issues, such as distance to travel and
language. CPWG members are encouraged to keep a roster of screened candidates during the preparedness
process to try to offset these difficulties.

Essential requirements for assessors are:

• k nowledge of the local language
• a bility to express oneself clearly and
• a track record of working or interacting responsibly with communities.

Everything else, such as knowledge of protection and child protection issues, contextual knowledge, sensitivity,
etc. is a plus. If assessors don’t have this kind of knowledge and experience, you can arrange additional training
to cover these areas.

Team leaders, however, are required to have prior child protection and assessment experience. They
coordinate the activities of the assessors in the field and give them technical and logistical support. They also
conduct assessment interviews themselves.

They are also responsible for making a data collection plan to monitor the progression of data collection
activities. The plan is a simple list of when and what data collection activities will take place in each site and
by whom. This plan is crucial to ensuring efficient use of time and resources. The team leader will also be
responsible for conducting debriefing sessions with their assessment teams at the end of each working day.

Daily debriefing sessions are one of the most important responsibilities of a team leader
and are at the core of an efficient data management process. It is during these sessions
that site reports are compiled.

Team leaders may find on-site supervisory observation of interviews useful. These could be random for monitoring
purposes or targeted to support struggling assessors. Clear and honest feedback should be given to assessors
on both positive and negative performancexx. Frequent check-ins throughout the day (by cellular phone, radio, or
other technology) to monitor the whereabouts and safety of team members should also be carried out. It may be
necessary to debrief individual assessors after particularly sad or difficult interviews or site visits.

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 25

Checklist for daily debriefing sessions (for use by team leaders)
✓ Review and discuss all completed questionnaires and direct observation forms
º Detect potential error patterns in filling in the questionnaires and direct observation forms
º Address difficulties in answering questions or sensitive topics
º Acknowledge and comment on innovations (if any) and discuss their relevance to other contexts;
✓ Discuss logistical and security concerns/difficulties including concerns for privacy and confidentiality;
✓ Discuss and refer (if necessary) urgent action cases;
✓ Detect potential inconsistencies in information provided (using triangulation) and if necessary, void certain
questionnaires that present significant bias on the part of the KI;
✓ Compile site reports (when all the KIIs and the DO forms are filled out for the sites in question);
✓ Write detailed report of all discussions and share with the team the following day.

Determine structure of the assessment teams

Sex, age, ethnicity, religion, other socio-cultural identity or affiliations could have a direct
impact on the information received from key informants. Try to balance teams in all these
aspects as best as possible.

> E ach team should include at least one team leader who will be the lead in the field.
> T he number of assessors in each field team depends on: the number of assessors available; number
of team leaders available; and number, location and size of sites to be assessed. The recommended
number is two assessors and one team leader per team. As a general rule of thumb, there should be no
more than six assessors per team leader.
> E ach team should have female and male assessors to maximize access to all groups and ensure quality
of data collection.
> Try to have a dedicated assessment focal point with IM technical expertise that team leaders can call on,
if need be.

Each team member should be assigned a code which includes reference to the sex
of assessors. In analyzing the data later, this will enable you to do cross analysis with
gender as a confounding factor (if this is applicable).

Train the assessment teamsxxi

A generic training package has been developed by the CPWG and is available at: www.cpwg.net/assessment/

Training must be done before the assessment phase begins. Ideally the training should target gaps in
knowledge and skills and include:
✓ some background information on the emergency and the child protection issues of boys and girls of
different ages (this can be partly based on the desk review);
✓ key child protection definitions and principles;
✓ ethical considerations;
✓ an orientation on the assessment tools, including simulation/role-playing to practice using the
actual tools;
✓ roles and responsibilities of team members,
✓ reporting and debriefing requirements;
✓ logistics of data collection; and
✓ security.

Part 1 – Step 4

The timeframe for the training should be realistic. Participants may be travelling very long distances and it is not
considerate to over-pack the agenda and end late. The recommended length of the training for assessors is
three days.

Do not sacrifice quality for quantity. If pressed for time or resources, try to stick to
a smaller number of well-trained assessors. Conducting an assessment with fewer
assessors with better skills is likely to result in more reliable information than having lots
of under-prepared assessors.

A field test (or when not possible, a mock field-test) should be included in the training. During a field test,
assessors have the opportunity to practice using of the adapted tools in a semi-real context. It is recommended
at this stage that groups of two or three assessors conduct a KII together so that they can give each other
constructive feedback. This hands-on experience is also valuable in finalizing the tools. You should therefore
reserve at least half a day for debriefing and finalizing the tools after the field test.

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 27

Step 5
Data collection and management
(week 3-4)
The CPRATF should appoint logistics, security, urgent action and technical (CP and IM) focal points who should
remain at the disposal of the field teams throughout the process. At the same time, data entry focal points
should be identified and the means of data transmission be communicated to all team leaders.

Before starting the data collection process, consider the operational requirements for
data management.
Ask the following questions early enough to find solutions to possible constraints:
• Are computers available for data entry?
• Do partners have access to necessary software (Word and Excel)?
• How will the collected data be submitted to the data entry focal point?
• Is translation required, and if so, at what stage of the data management process?

Collect data
It is recommended that resources be concentrated on one site at a time, until data collection in that particular
site is completed. For example, if a team consists of a team leader and three assessors, instead of spreading
the team to three sites, they should all concentrate on collecting the data from the same site and then move on
to the next site. This enables the team to compile site reports on a daily basis while the conversations with key
informants and observations are still fresh in assessor’s mind.

Compile site reports

As mentioned before, site reports basically summarize the data collected, triangulating data from different
sources and by different methods into a single report.

Triangulation is the process of comparing data collected through different methods, by different people and from
different sources. This is the main form of a validity check in a CPRA. Finding similar information across different
sources and methods, from both primary and secondary sources, allows for increased confidence in the results.
Triangulation becomes ever more important if collecting data from a small sample which is often the case in a
rapid assessment setting.

Typically this will mean the team looks for the most common response to a question and records that answer in
the report for that site. For example, if all three KIs say that latrines do not have locks and in direct observation
this is confirmed, then the report will obviously state that latrines in this site are without locks. If one KI says that
the latrines don’t have locks, a second KI says they do and the third one doesn’t know, then the information
from the direct observation should determine what the appropriate response should be in the site report.

Part 1 – Step 5

It is however not always just a matter of taking the most frequent response. Sometimes, when there are different
responses from different sources, the team will need to weigh the credibility of the evidence. For example, if
two male key informants report that sexual violence against girls never happens in the community but a female
teacher reports that it is fairly common, then the team may use the female teacher’s response in the site report
as the most reliable. Or if three key informants have reported that children are not associated with armed
groups, but the team has passed by a military checkpoint operated by children, the site report will rely on the
observation of the team rather than the response of the KIs regardless of its frequency. In such circumstances,
the team must record the reasons for making this judgment in the site report.

For questions that allow more than one response to be selected, the responses of key informants need to be
recorded in the site report in the order of their judged ‘importance.’ To do this the team will usually look at the
most common responses from the different sources. But as in the example above a single response about a
crucial protection risk may warrant that being recorded as important for the site as a whole.

Triangulating the data at site level is a real strength of the site report. The assessment team has the opportunity
to use several sources of information to ensure the validity of a response. However, it is important to remind the
assessors that they should not allow their personal opinions to influence their judgment. The daily debriefing
session should be like a courtroom, where the assessors are judges who are observing the evidence (based
on interviews, direct observations and urgent action cases) and passing a fair judgment accordingly. For more
information on triangulation in CPRA, see section ‘interpret the data’ on page 31.

Clean the data

Data cleaning is a process that takes place in different stages.

Stage 1 - The most important part of data cleaning is done in the field during daily debriefing sessions. During
these sessions, the team leader and assessors go through completed KII and DO forms and look for responses
that are unclear and need correcting or further clarification before the site report is compiled.

Unless a team leader verifies and signs data collection forms, they cannot be considered
a valid source of information.

Stage 2 - The next part of data cleaning happens at the data-entry point. During data entry, site reports should
be checked for errors and missing elements.

For example, a sex variable has two attributes, male (M) and female (F). If someone has written ‘N’ instead of
‘M,’ this is an error and needs to be corrected. A less obvious error would be if the answer ‘yes’ is recorded for
a multiple-choice question. In this situation the team would need to find out the choices provided in that specific

No matter how carefully assessors collect and record the data and how diligently
encoders enter the data into the database, mistakes happen. Most errors can be detected
and removed by simple checks.

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 29

Enter and manage data
Data can be recorded and managed by hand, using tally sheets and summary tables. However, computer
programmes such as MS Excel will save you time in the long run and will allow for easy manipulation, analysis
and sharing of data.

See Part 3 - CPRA Data Management Tool.

If possible reports should be transmitted via fax, email or other means to an agreed data entry focal point at the
end of each day. This will allow for simultaneous data entry and analysis. This saves time and also allows the
data entry team to follow up where necessary, while teams are still in the field.

6 Data analysis, interpretation and
report writing (weeks 4 and 5)
Step 6

Data analysis is the process of making sense of the collected data. In other words, it is bringing together
individual data points (e.g. an answer to a question) to tell the ‘story’ of the situation. It is through data analysis
that we translate the ‘raw’ data from different sources into understandable pieces of information. Through
interpretation, generated information will be contextualized with the aim of feeding into programming and
advocacy processes.

To effectively respond to the needs of affected girls and boys and distinct age groups, gender and age
sensitivity needs to be present throughout the CPRA process. As previously highlighted, whenever possible,
sex and age disaggregated information should be collected and analyzed. Without a sex and age sensitive
approach to analysis and interpretation, the produced data will not generate its optimal programmatic value.

Analyze the CPRA data

Since our unit of measurement is ‘the site,’ our unit of analysis will also be ‘the site.’
Therefore the analysis is done based on site reports and not individual interviews.

An analysis of CPRA data is best presented using descriptive statisticsxxii. The most basic—and for our
purposes often most useful—type of descriptive analysis is frequency analysisxxiii. As long as you enter the data
into your data management tool, you will automatically get all the basic frequency analysis in the form of tables
and graphs.

However, more complex frequency analysis is also possible using the data from the CPRA process. The
most important is cross-tabulation. Cross-tabulation is a multivariate statistical analysis that builds on basic
principles of frequency analysis. Cross-tabulation “allows us to examine frequencies of observations that belong
to specific categories on more than one variablexxiv.” For example, where basic frequency analysis tells you that
X% of respondents expressed concern regarding family separation, cross-tabulation can tell you how many
female versus male respondents expressed concern regarding family separation.

It is not recommended that this data is used for more advanced statistics involving inferential analysisxxv.

Interpret the CPRA data

Data analysis can be done without local knowledge, but interpreting the data requires in-depth knowledge of
the context. It is important that you make use of the desk review in this process as it brings a rich source of
contextual information. Data that has been collected and analyzed is linked back to the WWNKs of the

Interpreting the data is done collaboratively. This can be achieved by organizing a workshop for CPRATF
partners. In the workshop CPRATF members ensure that the data is accurate – i.e. within acceptable ‘good
enough’ boundaries, and jointly work on all the data to draw conclusions on which to formulate programmatic

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 31

objectives and response priorities.

Data is triangulated again for the last time (remember that site reports are already based on triangulated data).
Triangulation here draws principally on the analysis of site reports and the desk review. If, for example, for 85%
of the sites there is no report of child recruitment, but the desk review indicates a report by the protection
cluster showing high rates of child recruitment into armed forces and groups in the area, we may be uncertain
as to the real situation. In this case, a third source of information could be identified and used for validation.
Information could be drawn from secondary sources (such as NGO reports), or from primary sources (such as a
separate assessment specifically on the issue of children associated with armed forces or armed groups ).

Here is an example. This is a frequency analysis of the age distribution of separated children in flood- affected
areas. It represents KIs answers to the question: “In your opinion, which age group represents the majority of
separated children?”

All ages
under 5 5 to 14 15 to 18 are equally don’t know

Frequency 3 10 3 2 1

Percentage 16% 53% 16% 11% 5%

Based on the summarized data, you could claim that the majority (53%) of assessed sites reported that most
separated children fall in the age group of 5 to 14 and therefore our response should be focused on this age
group. However, by adding contextual knowledge, you may realize that this age group is being sent to their
relatives outside of the flood-affected areas for protection. Therefore, your priority at-risk group may not be the
5-14 age group, but the under 5s or 15-18 year olds.

If a desk review includes some information on separated children, you could also use other data to triangulate
with this finding. For example if the NATF multi-cluster rapid assessment report claims that 70% of separated
children are under 5, then there is a clear inconsistency between these findings. If this happens, and you are not
able to find any other sources of data that contradict your findings, you can still consider your figure valid, but
need to document this discrepancy in the final report.

Produce and disseminate assessment ‘products’

It is important to acknowledge in our reports that the assessment results are NOT
representative of the total population. This is always the case when purposive sampling
is used. To make this clear in our reporting, findings should be described as follows:
“Of 75 sites assessed, 80% reported separated children,” rather than “80% of children
are separated.”

Part 1 – Step 6

After the analysis and interpretation phases, it is important to write up and share the results of the CPRA with
other actors. Ideally, a mini-workshop should be organized to discuss the main findings and their significance.
This will not only enrich the learning from the data, but also ensures buy-in and wider use of the results.
You may want to consider different assessment ‘products’ for different audiences, including:

Product and suggested content Length Target group

Briefing: 2-4 pages All interested humanitarian

• short narrative actors (donors, senior
• some visual presentation of data management of agencies,
• bullet point recommendations government, HQ, etc.)

Detailed report: 10-20 pages CPWG members who will

1. Executive Summary use information to inform
2. Intro and discussion of methodology programming
3. Key findings
- data tables and visual graphs of findings;
- narrative analysis
(key findings can be organized by CP issues/risks,
geographic area, population groups, etc., or a
combination of these, depending on the context)
4. Identification of priorities – programmatic and
5. K ey recommendations for programming and
advocacy, as well as remaining information gaps.

Raw data: n/a CPWG members,

Available electronically to be shared (excluding parts other clusters, NATF,
that may include sensitive information that could put government, etc.
respondents at risk.)

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 33

i The IASC NATF was established by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee in 2009 to improve coordinated
assessment processes in humanitarian disasters.

ii For more on the preliminary scenario definition, see Multi-Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA)
manual (http://www.humanitarianinfo.org/iasc/pageloader.aspx?page=content-subsidi-common-default&sb=75)

iii Multi-Cluster/Sector Initial Rapid Assessment (MIRA), developed by the inter agency Needs Assessment Task
Force (NATF), has a component that is recommended for use for multi-sectorial rapid assessments.

iv Here are some tips for preparedness measures:

• Form a standby CPRA working group;
• Ensure that trained CP staff are identified (in-country or in the region) who are capable of training CPRA
assessors, when and if necessary;
• Put together a list of stand-by assessors in different parts of the country (ethnic, religious, linguistic and sex
diversity to be taken into account);
• Adapt the CPRA Toolkit for the most probable emergency settings;
• Conduct a desk review once a year.

v The Inter-Agency Child Protection Assessment Toolkit is available at: http://resources.cpclearningnetwork.org/

vi Adapted from “Ethical Considerations for the IA Emergency Child Protection Assessment.”

vii See http://cpwg.net/minimum-standards/

viii See Standard 5 of Humanitarian ACTION at http://cpwg.net/minimum-standards/

ix If there is no IM capacity within the CPWG, seek IM support from OCHA or from other clusters or agencies that
may be conducting similar activities. Also explore the possibility of using the same sampling fame being used
for other assessments.

x Anecdotal evidence suggests one of the main barriers to timely distribution and use of assessment information
is disagreement on how to share the results with others. It is preferable to agree on the parameters of results
sharing at the outset. A more formal sign-off process can also be complemented by the release of preliminary
results or a briefing note.

xi Disaggregation means separating data based on a given variable, often to check if and how that variable
determines differences. In the case here, this refers to the experience of males and females and between
younger and older people.

xii Secondary data is a type of data that is derived from a source other than the primary source. For example, if we
use the data collected routinely by government ministries on the situation of children in a given region, we are
using secondary data. For more guidance on technical issues regarding data information management, please
see the
CPWG Technical Guide to Child Protection Assessment.

xiii The idea here is to make sure that the KIs interviewed can credibly speak to the experience of the population
they are representing.

xiv Spreadsheets can be obtained through the CPWG technical helpdesk: http://cpwg.net/advice-support/

xv For more background on sampling and sampling sizes, please see Michael Bamberger, Jim Rugh and Linda
Mabry (2006) Real World Evaluation, Sage: chapter 14.

xvi A homogenous site is a site where a majority of the population represents similar identities, such as socio-
economic background, ethnicity, religion and language.

xvii http://cpwg.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/ARC-ModF3-3-H8-2009.pdf

xviii www.cpcnetwork.org/admin/includes/doc_view.php?ID=375

xix Triangulation of data is the process of comparing data collected through different methods, by different people
and from different sources.

xx Constructive feedback means that a person gives two or three positive comments before pointing out an area
that requires improvement. Improvement areas should be supported by examples.

xxi A generic training package has been developed by the Child Protection Working Group and is available at

xxii Descriptivestatistics describe a set of data in quantitative measurements. This form of statistics employs
techniques of organizing and then summarizing raw data.

xxiii Frequency analysis is the determination of the number of times a phenomenon has been repeated. In the case
of an assessment, frequency analysis determines the number of time a response has been cited during the data

xxiv http://www.statsoft.com/textbook/basic-statistics/#Crosstabulationa

xxv Inferential
statistics are used to make predictions based on a representative sample of the larger population.
The CPRA methodology does not identify a sample of this kind.

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 35


Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 37

Tool 1
Desk Review
(sample questions)
See CPRA Toolkit Part 1: conduct the desk review

Using Tool 1: Desk Review (sample questions)

Use this tool to select the questions that are most relevant to your context. Based on the Child Protection
Minimum Standards (see http://cpwg.net/minimum-standards/), we have grouped sample questions around
seven different aspects of child protection. Not all of these will be relevant to your context. There may also be other
questions not included here – work with the country team to make sure you are covering all possible bases. Be
realistic about what you can achieve - in a post emergency context, you may not have access to (or time to look
for) answers to all of the questions.

In a desk review you are accessing information from before and after the emergency:

Before (pre-emergency)
This includes basic statistics on the situation of children in the country and other data about critical child protection
issues that may have been exacerbated by the emergency. Where available, it may also include information about
previous emergencies and their impact on child protection. Key sources for information on child protection include:
• n ational governments’ social services
• the national statistical bureaus
• m ultilateral and bilateral donor organizations
• u niversities, research centres and think tanks
• U N agencies including OCHA and/or the humanitarian information centre if present
• N GOs
• n ational, regional, or global databases.

After (post-emergency)
This information is essential to determine the most affected regions and populations/vulnerable groups in order
to choose sites for the CPRA. This will also help you identify the most pressing questions that need to be
answered in the assessment. Key sources for information on child protection include:
• M inistry of Social Affairs (or equivalent)
• U N agencies, including OCHA and/or the humanitarian information centre
• Inter-agency needs assessment task force (NATF)
• International and local NGOs with people on the ground in the affected areas.

Impact on girls and boys

Crisis situations have profoundly different impacts on girls and boys. They face different risks and, accordingly,
are victimized in different ways. The inequalities that girls and boys experienced prior to the crisis might have
deepened after it. That is why it is important to look for trends in protection risks and needs of young girls and
boys, adolescent boys and girls in the desk review. Data collected by sex and age is needed for the CPRA and
the response. Building a protective environment for children involves understanding the distinct nature and the
extent of violence, exploitation and abuse that girls and boys experience.

Part 2 – Tool 1

# Question Type of Data

00 Population data with age and gender disaggregation for Pre & Post emergency
the affected area.
a) Unaccompanied and Separated Children
a.1 Do parents intentionally separate their children from the Pre-emergency
family? Under what circumstances?
How common is this issue?
a.2 How do communities respond to separation? Pre-emergency
a.3 Are there large numbers of children reported as separated, Post-emergency
unaccompanied or missing since the emergency? If yes,
how many? What are the age groups? Are girls and boys
affected differently, and how?
a.4 Is there ongoing separation? Post-emergency
a.5 What are the laws and regulations on national and Pre & Post-emergency
international adoption? And how well are they enforced
(before and after the emergency)?
a.6 What are the regulations on institutionalization and Pre & Post-emergency
monitoring of institutions?
a.7 Are communities providing interim solutions to separation? Post-emergency
a.8 Are there childcare institutions in place? Are there new ones Pre & Post-emergency
being established?
a.9 Are there reported incidents of separation of infants? Post-emergency
a.10 If yes to a.9, what are the care arrangements provided for Post-emergency
separated and unaccompanied infants?
a.11 Is there a history of child trafficking or widespread Pre-emergency
international adoption? If so, how are boys and girls
b) Physical violence and other Harmful Practices
b.1 Are children typically implicated in armed or civilian Pre-emergency
b.2 Are there reports of children being involved in the Post-emergency
incitement of armed or civilian violence?
b.3 Are there reports of girls and/or boys being particularly Pre and post-emergency
targeted in violent instances?
b.4 What are the common types of violence against Pre- &Post-emergency
girls and boys?
b.5 What are the common types of violence against Pre- &Post-emergency
adolescent girls?
b.6 What are the harmful traditions that could get Pre-emergency
exacerbated with increased distress and insecurity?

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 39

# Question Type of Data
c) Sexual Violence
c.1 Common patterns of sexual violence and the attitude of Pre-emergency
communities towards this phenomenon.
c.2 Has there been an increase in incidences of sexual violence Post-emergency
against boys and girls?
c.3 Has there been a change in the patterns of sexual violence Post-emergency
since the emergency?
c.4 What are the most common situations in which sexual Post-emergency
violence occurs to girls and/or boys?
c.5 Are there places where people can get help if they have Pre- & Post-emergency
suffered sexual violence? And if so, can girls and/or boys
access such services on their own?
d) Dangers and Injuries
d.1 What are the most common causes of death and injury of Pre- & Post-emergency
children before and after the emergency?
How are girls and boys affected (if different)?
d.2 What is the estimate of death of children due to the Post-emergency
e) Psychosocial distress and mental disorders
e.1 How do communities traditionally deal with emergencies? Pre-emergency
What are the positive coping mechanisms? What coping
strategies are potentially harmful for children?
e.2 What are the biggest/main sources of stress for children in Pre & Post-emergency
the community? How are girls and boys affected
(if different)?
e.3 What are the biggest/main sources of stress for caregivers Pre & Post-emergency
in the community?
e.4 How do young children cope with stress? How do Pre & Post-emergency
adolescent boys deal with stress? How do adolescent
girls deal with stress?
e.5 Who do children turn to for support Pre & Post-emergency
(inside and outside of family)?
e.6 What groups or institutions in the community can help/ Post-emergency
provide support for children and adolescent?
f) Protecting Excluded Children
f.1 Are there groups of children who are systematically Pre-emergency
excluded from provision of services?
f.2 What are the reasons behind such exclusions? Pre-emergency
f.3 Are there existing patterns of discrimination against Pre-emergency
different groups?

Part 2 – Tool 1

# Question Type of Data

g) Information needs and communication channels
g.1 What are the main sources and channels of information Pre-emergency
sharing that the population uses?
(name specific channels or outlets if applicable)
h) Child Labour
h.1 Are children typically involved in child-labour? If so: Pre-emergency
- What types?
- What age groups?
- What sex?
- Where?
(e. g. outside the community, foreign countries, etc.)
h.2 Are there reports of children being involved in worst Post-emergency
forms of child labour after the emergency?
If so, is there an increase in the magnitude of such
involvement from before the emergency?
h.3 Are there existing patterns of child marriage? If so, explain. Pre-emergency
i) Children Associated with Armed forces and Armed Groups
i.1 Is there a history of children’s involvement and/or Pre-emergency
association with armed forces and groups? If so:
-H ow and where do children typically get recruited to
armed forces/groups?
-W hich groups have typically recruited or used children;
and in what geographic areas are they active?
-W hy/how are children typically recruited into armed
-A re girls also recruited or used? In what functions
-H ow and at what age do children typically leave armed
i.2 Are there new recruitments since the emergency? If so, Post-emergency
is there a significant increase in recruitment activities?

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 41

Tool 2
Key Informant Interview
(sample questions)
See CPRA Toolkit Part 1: Adapt the key informant interview questions

Using Tool 2: Key Informant Interview (sample questions)

Use this tool to select the questions that are most relevant to your context. This should be done after the What
We Need to Knows are defined by the assessment task force. The first page records the location of the site and
details about the key informant you are interviewing. We have grouped sample questions in 9 major sections.
Please seek expert assistance if required especially for questions on sexual violence and children and armed
forces and groups. If you have very limited time, adapting the answer options is the priority. (Findings from the
desk review can help you in defining the type of answer options for open-ended questions.)

Please note there are three points in the interview process (q 1.1.2, q 1.4.1 and q 3.2) where KIs are asked a
second question, “How do you know this?” This second question is not numbered. The purpose of this question is
to provide the assessor with means to gauge the credibility of the respondent’s responses.

Remember that Tool 2 should not be used for focus group discussions or for interviewing young children.

The following symbols are used in this tool:

This flags up questions addressing highly sensitive issues that should only be asked by well-trained interviewers.
If assessors do not have a background in relevant areas, the assessment lead/coordinator may decide to exclude
these sections.

[…] This is an instruction for the people adapting the tool and should be deleted before training assessors or
use in the field.

[…] This shows parts that are only meant as instructions for the assessor and should not be read out to the
interviewee. For example, [don’t know] means that the response, “don’t know,” is not read out to the KI. These
should remain in the tool.

[…] This suggest that the text in the brackets should be replaced by context appropriate text. Remove brackets
once the new text is decided upon.

[define a recall period] This suggests that an appropriate time-table (i.e. recall period) should be defined for
such questions. For rapid onset emergencies, this can be the disaster itself (e.g. ‘since the earthquake) and for
protracted emergencies, this can be a number of weeks or months (e.g. ‘since 2 weeks’) or a well-known point of
time in the recent past (e.g. ‘since the New Year’ or ‘since the end of Ramadan’).

This means ‘read all answer options.’

Part 2 – Tool 2

Key points for assessors for KIIs

> Introduce yourself and your organization to respondents and explain the purpose
of the assessment;
 here people are displaced, make it clear that the questions are about the
> W
situation of children where the KI currently lives (and not his/her normal home).
 o NOT make any promises or raise expectations for assistance;
> D
 btain informed consent;
> O
 rite clearly and briefly;
> W
 bserve and respect cultural principles, norms and sensitivities, particularly on
> O
 here possible, try to ensure that the location of the interview allows for privacy;
> W
 espect interviewees’ time. KII should not go beyond one hour;
> R
 o no harm: ensure that your questions and the answers you are receiving are not
> D
putting the interviewee in danger of negative repercussions. Beware of types of
information that may be socially or politically sensitive.

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 43

General Information [to be filled in by the assessor]


Assessor’s name or code: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Organization: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _

Site code
Date of assessment (dd/mm/yy): _ _ _ _/_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _ (from the list of sites): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _

Location of the site [to be filled by the team leader/supervisor]

Site name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Area: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G.P.S/P code: _ _ _ - _ _ _ _

District: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Province /State: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Type of site: urban  rural  official camp  makeshift camp  Population estimate of the site: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[add more context specific options eg: displaced community, non-displaced community; directly affected area,
indirectly affected area.
This is especially important if we are looking for possible differential treatment of parts of the population]

[If ethnicity, tribal affiliation or any other distinctive attribute is relevant, they should be mentioned in this space]


Source of information (key informant)

[if key informant prefers not to reveal his/her identity, it should be respected]
[if insecurity is an issue, name and position of the KI may be replaced with a code
that is linked to another form for future references]

Name / code of the key informant: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Role in the community: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Age group: 18-24  25-34  35-60  >60  [age categories may be revised based on the context]
Male  Female 

Contact details:

Informed consent form: [this text can be modified based on the context]
My name is ___[say interviewer’s name] and I am working with ____[name of the org./group]____.
We are conducting an assessment on the situation of children affected by [mention the emergency: e.g. earthquake, recent
attack etc.]. This interview cannot be considered a guarantee for any direct or indirect support to you or your community,
but the information you provide will help us define child protection priorities and programmes. We would like to ask you some
questions about the situation of children in this [site/community/camp, etc.]. The interview should only take [-----] minutes.
Your identity will be kept strictly confidential and will not be shown to others unless your written agreement is received to do
so. Your participation is voluntary and you can choose not to answer any or all of the questions.
[After asking each of the following questions, look at the KI and get implicit approval that s/he has understood]
• All the information you give us will remain confidential.
• Your participation in this interview is voluntary.
• You can stop answering questions at any time.
• Do you have any questions? [Note any questions from the KI in the space here]

For supervisor’s use only:

Verification done by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: _ _ _ _/_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _ Signature:

Part 2 – Tool 2

[Use this page to include a list of key terms and their definitions in the local language for use by assessors.

For example: ‘separated children’, ‘unaccompanied children’, ‘categories of caregivers’, ‘violence’, ‘sexual violence’,
‘armed groups and forces’, etc.]

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 45

[start by saying: “I will start by asking you some questions about …”]
1. Unaccompanied and Separated Children

1.1 Are there children in this _ _ [camp/village/city, etc.]_ _ who have been separated from their usual caregivers since
the _ _ [define a recall period] _ _?  Yes  No  [don’t know] [if NO or Don’t know, skip to 1.5]

1.1.1 [If YES to 1.1] What do you think are the main causes of separations that occurred since the _ _ [define a recall period] _
_? [tick all that apply]
 1. losing caregivers/children due to medical evacuation;
 2. losing caregivers/children during relocation;
 3. caregivers voluntarily sending their children to institutional care;
 4. caregivers voluntarily sending their children to extended family/friends;
 5. caregivers voluntarily sending their children to work far from parents/usual caregivers;
 isappearance of children/caregivers in the immediate aftermath of the _ _ [earthquake/attack/…]_ ;
 6. d
[this only applies to rapid-onset emergencies]
 7. continued disappearance of children/caregivers (i.e. more recent disappearance);
 [add more context specific options]
 [other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

1.1.2 [If YES to 1.1] How do you know this?

How many children do you think
 personal observation  government data
have been separated from their usual
 camp management  word of mouth
caregivers in this _ _ [camp/village/
 other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
city, etc.] _ since the _ [define a recall
period] _?
[read out the options if necessary]
 1-10  11-20
 21-50  51-100
 >100 (specify _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
 [Don’t know]
[if “don’t know”, skip to 1.2]

1.2 [If yes to 1.1] Regarding children who have been separated from their usual caregivers since the [define a recall period]
do you think that …[read out each block separately and allow the KI to respond block by block. Do not read out “do not

1.2.1  there are more girls than boys who have been separated [or]
 there are more boys than girls who have been separated [or]
 no clear difference  [do not know]

1.2.2  separated children are mainly under 5 [or]

 separated children are mainly between 5 and 14 [or]
 separated children are mainly older than 14 [or]
 no clear difference  [do not know]

1.3 Do you know if there are any infants or young children under the age of [you can define a specific age group here, e.g.
under 2] who have been separated from their usual caregivers since the _ [define a recall period] _?
 Yes  No  [don’t know]

1.4 Are there children in this _ [camp/village/city, etc.]_ who do not live with any adults (unaccompanied minors)?
 Yes  No  [don’t know] [if NO or Don’t know, skip to 1.5.1]

Part 2 – Tool 2

1.4.1 [If YES to 1.4] How many How do you know this?
unaccompanied children do you think
 personal observation  government data
there are?
 camp management  word of mouth
[read out the options if necessary]
 other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 1-5  6-10
 11-20  21-50
 >50 (specify _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
 [Don’t know]
[if “don’t know”, skip to 1.5.1]

1.4.2 [If yes to 1.4] Do you think that …[read out each block separately and allow the KI to respond block by block. Do not
read out “do not know”]  there are more unaccompanied girls than boys [or]

 there are more unaccompanied boys than girls [or]
 no clear difference
 [do not know]  unaccompanied children are mainly under 5 [or]

 unaccompanied children are mainly between 5 and 14 [or]
 unaccompanied children are mainly 14 and older [or]
 no clear difference
 [do not know]

1.5.1 Are there persons unknown to the community who have offered to take children away from this _ _ [camp/village/city,
etc.] _ _ promising jobs or better care (e.g. foreigners who want to provide care for children in another country)?  Yes
 No [if NO, skip to 1.5.2]

[if YES to 1.5.1] Tell us what happened: Who came? What did they want? What happened? Were children taken away?
If so, how many girls and how many boys were taken away? What is the age group of removed children?

1.5.2 Are there members of the community who have taken or want to take children away from this community to provide
them with assistance, jobs or better living conditions?
 Yes  No [if NO, skip to 1.6.1]

[if YES to 1.5.2] Can you describe who this person is and what s/he promises? Has s/he taken some children already? If
so, how many girls and how many boys were taken away? What is the age group of removed children? [collect contact
information if possible] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1.6.1 Do you know if there is a list of children who don’t know where their [If YES to 1.6.1 or 1.6.2]
caregivers are (including their names and other details)? Who has the lists?
 Yes  No  [don’t know] (contact info if available)

1.6.2 Do you know if there is a list of parents who don’t know where their
children are?
 Yes  No  [don’t know] _____________________

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 47

[thank the KI for answering the questions to the previous section and continue to the new section]
2. Care for Separated and Unaccompanied Children

2.1 I want you to think about the children who are no longer with their usual caregivers, where do they live now? [Write down
the response on the left side and code it based on the category codes. The supervisors are responsible to review the coding]

I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [category code: _ _ _ _ _ _ ] [Categories and codes]:

II. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [category code: _ _ _ _ _ _ ] FCO: foster care arrangement

III. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [category code: _ _ _ _ _ _ ] outside the community;

IFC: informal foster care in the
IV. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Other ]
V. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Other ]
FFC: formal/ governmental foster
care in the community;
CHH: live on their own;
CLS: live on the street; [add context
specific options]

2.2 If you come across a child who does not have anyone who can care for him/her, what would you do? [tick all that apply]
 1. care for the child myself
 2. keep the child for a short time while I find a long term solution
 3. find someone in the community to care for the child
 4. inform the police about the child’s situation
 5. inform others (specify _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
 6. find someone outside the community to adopt the child
 7. take the child to an agency/NGO that deals with children (specify _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
 8. do nothing (ask why _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
 other (specify _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
 don’t know

2.3 Are there institutions/children homes 2.3.1 [If YES to 2.3] What kind of services do they provide? [tick all that apply]
in this area that provide care for orphans  Day care  Residential care
or separated children?  Recreational activities
 Yes  No  Other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 [don’t know]
[If NO, skip to 3]

Collect contact info if appropriate and possible: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[thank the KI for answering the questions to the previous section and continue to the new section]
3. Dangers and Injuries; Physical Violence; and Other Harmful Practices

3.1 What are the existing risks that can lead to death or injury of children in this _ _[camp/community/etc.]_ _?

- ENV: Environmental risks at home and - CVL: Civil violence (e.g. religious, clan, election, etc)
outside (e.g. accidents, open pit latrines,
riversides, dangerous animals, etc)

- SVL: Sexual violence (e.g. rape, - DMV: Domestic violence

touching, etc)

- HTP: Harmful traditional practices - MLA: Militia activities

(please specify _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) ;

- CRA: Criminal acts (e.g. gang - SCP : Severe corporal punishment

activities, looting, etc.)

Part 2 – Tool 2

- WAC: Work-related accidents (e.g. for - CAC: Road accidents

mine workers)

- ERW: Landmines or Unexploded - AVL: Armed forces/group violence


[Write down the response on the left Age of most affected Sex of most affected
side and code it based on the category [tick all if no difference] [tick both if no difference]
codes. The supervisors are responsible
to review the codings]

I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  <5  6-14  >14  DNK  Boys  Girls  DNK

[category code: _ _ _ ]

II. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _  <5  6-14  >14  DNK  Boys  Girls  DNK

[category code: _ _ _ ]

III. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  <5  6-14  >14  DNK  Boys  Girls  DNK

[category code: _ _ _ ]

IV. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  <5  6-14  >14  DNK  Boys  Girls  DNK

[Other ]

V. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  <5  6-14  >14  DNK  Boys  Girls  DNK

[Other ]

VI.  [none] [If NONE, skip to 4]

3.2 Where do you think these risks are high/highest for children? [if not clear, refer the KI to the previous question]
[Tick all that apply]  1. at home  2. in camp (outside of home)  3. in school
 4. on the way to school  5. at work  6. on the way to work  7. at the market
 8. on the way to market  other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 [don’t know] [revise/add context specific options]

3.3 Can you estimate the number of How do you know this?
deaths and serious injuries to children
 personal observation  government data
due to any and all of the above causes
 camp management  word of mouth
during the past [define a recall period]?
 other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[adjust figures below if necessary]
 1-5  6-10
 11-20  21-50
 >50 (specify _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
 [Don’t know]
[if “don’t know, skip to 3.3]

3.4 Are there any children in this area who have been or are committing acts of violence since _[define a recall period]_? [if
unclear to the KI, use answer options from question 3.5]
 Yes  No  [don’t know] [If NO or “don’t know”, skip to 4]

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 49

3.5 [If YES to 3.3] What kind of violence are children participating in?

I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [category code: _ _ _ _ _ ] [Categories and codes]:

II. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _[category code: _ _ _ _ _ ] GNG: gang activities;

III. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [category code: _ _ _ _ _ ] LTP: looting and/or pillage;

CVL: civil violence (e.g. communal level
IV. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Other ]
ethnic or religious violence);
V. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Other ]
SVL: sexual assault;
ASH: attack on schools and/or
community infrastructure;
ACV: attack on civilians;
RCC: recruitment of other children;
[revise and add context specific

[thank the KI for answering the questions to the previous section and continue to the new section]
4. Psychosocial Distress and Community Support Mechanisms

4.1 Have you noticed any changes in children’s behaviour since _[define a recall period]_ _?
 Yes  No  [don’t know] [If NO or “don’t know”, skip to 4.2]

[If YES to 4.1]

4.1.1 What kind of behaviour changes have you noticed in girls since _[same recall period]_ _ ?
4.1.2 What kind of behaviour changes have you noticed in boys since _[same recall period]_ _ ?
[if unclear to the KI, use answer options below as examples] [ask about girls and boys separately]

- UCS: Unusual crying and screaming; - AGG: More aggressive behaviour;

- VYC: Violence against younger children; - CCR: Committing crimes;
- UWS: Unwillingness to go to school; - LWH: Less willingness to help caregivers and siblings;
- DRB: Disrespectful behaviour in the family; - SDN: Sadness (e.g. not talking, not playing, etc.);
- SAB: Substance abuse (specify - - - - - - - -); - NTM: Having nightmares and/or not being able to sleep
- ATS: Anti-social (isolating themselves) - HPP: Helping parent more than before
- STF: Spending more time with friends - STP: Spending more time on sport and playing
- COC: Caring for others in the community - ASR: attending school regularly/interested in education
- HSB: Engaging in high risk sexual behavior - JAF: Wanting to join/joining armed forces or groups
[revise/add context specific options, especially context specific signs of distress.]

4.1.1 Girls 4.1.2 Boys

 Same as boys  Same as girls
I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [category code: _ _ _ ] I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [category code: _ _ _ ]
II. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [category code: _ _ _ ] II. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [category code: _ _ _ ]
III. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [category code: _ _ _ ] III. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [category code: _ _ _ ]
IV. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Other ] IV. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Other ]
V. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Other ] V. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Other ]

Part 2 – Tool 2

4.2 What do you think makes boys stressed since _[same recall period as 4.1]_ _?
[if unclear to the KI, use answer options below as examples]
[Tick all that apply, but try to guide the KI to prioritize his/her responses and tell you which ones are the most important]
 1. attacks  2. kidnapping/abductions
 3. trafficking  4. not being able to go back to school
 5. not being able to return home  6. losing their belongings
 7. being separated from their friends  8. being separated from their families
 9. tension within the family  10. nightmares or bad memories
 11.sexual violence  12. extra hard work;
 13. lack of shelter  14. going far from home for work;
 15. lack of food  16. Bullying
 [Don’t know]  other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[revise/add context specific options, specially culturally relevant sources of distress]

4.2.1 If boys have problems or are stressed, who in the community can best support them? [if unclear to the KI, use answer
options as examples. Tick all that apply, but try to guide the KI to prioritize his responses and tell you which ones are the most

 1. peer groups (e.g. friends)  2. school teachers  3. community social workers

 4. religious leaders  5. parents  6. government officials
 7. siblings  8. relatives  9. community leaders
 10. neighbours  11. clan leaders  [don’t know]

Other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4.3 What do you think makes girls stressed since _[same recall period as 4.1]_ _? [if unclear to the KI, use answer options
as examples. Tick all that apply, but try to guide the KI to tell you which ones are the most important]

 1. attacks  2. kidnapping/abductions
 3. trafficking  4. not being able to go back to school
 5. not being able to return home  6. losing their belongings
 7. being separated from their friends  8. being separated from their families
 9. tension within the family  10. nightmares or bad memories
 11. sexual violence  12. extra hard work
 13. lack of shelter  14. going far from home for work
 15. Lack of food  16. Bullying
 [Don’t know]  other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4.3.1 If girls have problems or are stressed, who in the community can best support them? [if unclear to the KI, use answer
options as examples. Tick all that apply, but try to get to the three most important]

 1. peer groups (e.g. friends)  2. school teachers  3. community social workers

 4. religious leaders  5. parents  6. government officials
 7. siblings  8. relatives  9. community leaders
 10. traditional midwives  11.health worker  12. women’s groups
 13. clan leader  14. neighbours  [don’t know]

Other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4.4 Have you noticed any changes in caregivers’ attitude towards their children since _[same recall period as 4.1]_ _?
 Yes  No  [don’t know] [If NO or “don’t know”, skip to 4.5]

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 51

4.4.1 [if yes to 4.4] What kind of changes (positive or negative) have you noticed in caregivers’ attitude towards their children?
[if unclear to the KI, use answer options as examples. Tick all that apply, but try to get to the 3 most important]

 1. Pay less attention to children’s needs  2. Pay more attention to children’s needs;
 3. Spend less time with their children  4. Spend more time with their children;
 5. More aggressive towards their children  6. Show more love and affection to their children;
 7. Send children away from home  8. Force children to stay inside the house if displaced;
 9. Keep children from going to school  10. Ensure children’s education despite difficulties;
 11. Force/encourage children to marry at young age
 12. Ensure that children have access to recreational activities
 [Don’t know]  other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4.5 What are the main sources of stress for caregivers in the community? [if unclear to the KI, use answer options as
examples. Tick all that apply, but try to guide the KI to prioritize his responses and tell you which ones are the most important]

 1. ongoing conflict  2. lack of food

 3. lack of shelter  4. loss of property
 5. lost livelihood  6. children’s safety
 7. violence within community  8. not being able to return home
 9. being separated from their community
 10. Inability to carry out cultural or religious rituals (e.g. proper burial rituals)
 [Don’t know]  other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[thank the KI for answering the questions to the previous section and continue to the new section]
5. Access to Services and Excluded Children

5.1 Are there people in this -[camp/village/area]- who are capable of organizing recreational and/or educational activities
for children?
 Yes  No  [don’t know]

5.1.1 [if yes to 5.1] What kind of skills do these people have? [tick all that apply]

 1. Teaching  2. Organizing collective activities for children  3. Supporting distressed children

 4. Keeping children safe  5. Working/supporting with children living with physical disabilities
 6. Teaching children with learning difficulties  Other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 [Don’t know]

5.2 Are there children who have less access to services like food distributions, educational and recreational activities,
and health care?
 Yes  No  [don’t know]

5.2.1 [If yes to 5.2] Is it more boys or more girls who are most excluded?
 girls  boys  No difference  [Don’t know]

5.3 [If yes to 5.2] What groups of children are most excluded? [Read out the answer options and guide the KI to prioritize
which groups are most excluded. Tick all that apply]
Please explain why, if possible: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 1. children living with HIV/AIDS  2. children living with elderly  3. children from poor households
 4. Children who are newly arrived  5. children with a disability  6. children living with disabled
 [don’t know] caregivers

Other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Part 2 – Tool 2

[thank the KI for answering the questions to the previous section and continue to the new section]
6. Access to information

6.1 What are the most important sources of information for your community now? [Tick up to three]

 1. Radio (name?) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  2. TV (name?) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  3. Newspapers/magazines (name?)

 4. Telephone call  5. SMS _______________
 7. Noticeboards and posters  8. Community leader  6. Internet
 10. Religious leader  11. Government official  9. Friends, neighbours and family
 13. Aid workers  [don’t know]  12. Military official

Other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

[thank the KI for answering the questions to the previous section and continue to the new section]
7. Child Labour

7.1 Are there any children in this community who are involved in types of work that are harsh and dangerous for them?
 Yes  No  [don’t know] [if NO or don’t know, go to 8.1]

7.1.1 [if yes to 7.1] What types of work are these children involved in? [modify the options below based on common types
of work identified in the desk review]

 1. Sexual transactions  2. Farm work  3. Factory work

 4. Mining  5. Domestic labour  6. transporting people or goods
 7. Other harsh and dangerous labour  [don’t know]

Other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7.2.1 Can you estimate the number How do you know this?
children in your community who are
 personal observation  government data
involved in the types of work mentioned
 camp management  word of mouth
above during [define a recall period]?
 other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[adjust figures below if necessary]
 1-5  6-10
 11-20  21-50
 >50 (specify _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
 [Don’t know]
[if “don’t know, skip to 7.2.2]

7.2.2 Do you think the number of children in this -[camp/village/area]- who are invovled in harsh and dangerous work has
increased since _[define a recall period]_ _?
 Yes  No  [don’t know]

7.3.1 Are there new types of harsh and dangerous labour that children are engaged in that did not exist before the _
[earthquake/conflict/…]_? [if NO or don’t know, go to 7.3]
 Yes  No  [don’t know]

7.3.2 [if yes to 7.3.1] which new types of harsh and dangerous labour have emreged since the _ [earthquake/conflict/…]_?
_________________ ____________________________________________________
__________ ___________________________________________________________

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 53

7.4 Do you know if the majority of children who are involved in harsh and dangerous labour: [ and ask the respondant to
tell the most important reason(s) as the answer]
 1. are working voluntarily to support themselves and/or their families
 2. are sent to engage in such work by their parents/caregivers
 3. are sent to engage in such work by people other than their caregivers (ask for examples: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
 4. for other reasons (specify _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
 [Don’t know]

[thank the KI for answering the questions to the previous section and continue to the new section]
8. Children associated with armed forces and armed groups

8.1 Do you know of children working with or being used by armed forces or groups around this -[camp/village/…]-?
E.g. children with guns, operating checkpoints, cooking or cleaning for military, etc.
 Yes  No  [don’t know] [if NO or don’t know, go to 9.1]

8.1.1 [If YES to 8.1] During the past 8.1.2 [If YES to 8.1] Are these children
_ _[define a period] how many of these  mostly boys?  mostly girls ?
children have you seen around this  only boys?  only girls ?
-[camp/village/area]- ?  no difference?  [don’t know]
 1-5  6-10
 11-20  21-50
 >50 (specify _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
 [Don’t know]

8.2 [If YES to 8.1] Has the number of children associated with armed groups/forces increased since _ [define a recall
period] _?  Yes  No  [don’t know] [if NO or don’t know, skip to 8.3]

8.2.1 [If YES to 8.2] How do you know this?

[Tick all that apply]
 1. there are more recruitment events 2. many children have disappeared and are thought to have joined
 3. you see more children working with armed forces and groups
 4. you personally know children who have joined the armed groups or forces during the past _ _[define a period];
 [don’t know]  Other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [add more context specific options]

8.3 [If YES to 8.1 or 8.2] Where do you think most recruitment happens? [Write down the responses on the left side and code
it based on the category codes. The supervisors are responsible to review the codlings at the end of each day]

I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [category code: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] [Categories and codes]:

II. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [category code: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] - CCI: childcare institutions

III. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [category code: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ] - CMP: in camps

- SCH: schools
IV. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Other ]
- ORD: on the road (e.g. to school or to
V. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Other ]
collecting wood)
 [don’t know] - SPT: service points (e.g. health centre or
food/water distribution)
[revise/add context specific options]

Part 2 – Tool 2

[thank the KI for answering the questions to the previous section and continue to the new section]
9. Sexual Violence [use a culturally appropriate term for SV]

9.1 If you come across a child who has suffered from sexual violence, what would you do?
 1. Sexual violence never happens here [if this is chosen, skip to the end part of the interview]
 2. take child to caregivers  3. take child to other family members  4. take child to religious leader
 5. take child to health centre  6. take child to mobile clinic
 7. take child to community social worker  8. take child to teacher  9. take child to clan leader
 10. report to police/community justice system  11. confront the perpetrator (the person harming the child)
 12. take child to women’s association  13. take child to a traditional midwife;
 14. do nothing;  [Don’t know]
 [other (specify)] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

9.2 Do you think the number of sexual violence incidents has increased since _ _ [define a recall period]_ _?
 Yes  No  [don’t know]

9.2.1 In which situations does sexual violence occur more often? [Only read out the options if the KI needs examples. Tick all
that apply] [this can also be organized with coded-category answer options]
 1. while at home  2. while collecting firewood  3. while at school
 4. while playing around the camp/village  5. on the way to school  6. when at workplace
 7. while collecting water  8. while working in the fields  9. during population movement
 10. upon arrival at the _ _ [camp/community/…]_
 11. during armed attacks [change if does not apply to the context]
 12. in common areas, such as around latrines/showers, etc.
 [don’t know];  [other (specify)] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [adjust/add context specific options]

9.3. Who is most affected by sexual violence?

9.3.1  more girls are being targeted for sexual violence than boys [or]
 more boys are being targeted for sexual violence than girls [or]
 no difference  [do not know]

9.3.2  mostly younger children (under 14) are targeted for sexual violence [or]
 mostly older children (over 14) are targeted for sexual violence [or]
 no difference  [do not know]

9.4 If a child or an adolescent is a victim of sexual violence, would s/he normally seek help [if not clear, say: “is it culturally
acceptable to seek help”]?
 Yes  No  [don’t know] [If NO or “don’t know”, skip to 9.5]

9.4.1 [if yes to 9.4] Who do girls normally turn to for help? [adjust/add context specific options]
 1. mother  2. father  3. friends  4. Grandparents  5. other family members
 6. religious leader  7. health worker  8. teacher  9. social worker
 10. local chief  [other (specify)] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  [Don’t know]

9.4.2 [if yes to 9.4] Who do boys normally turn to for help? [adjust/add context specific options]
 1. mother  2. father  3. friends  4. Grandparents  5. other family members
 6. religious leader  7. health worker  8. teacher  9. social worker
 10. local chief  [other (specify)] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  [Don’t know]

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 55

9.5 Do you know of a place where people of this _ _[camp/ community/...] _ _ 9.5.1 [If YES to 9.5] Can children also
can get help if they are victims of sexual violence? seek help in that place?
 Yes  No  Don’t know [if NO or don’t know, skip to next section]  Yes  No  Don’t know
[collect more info if appropriate (e.g. availability of PEP kits): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

[thank the KI for answering the questions to the previous section and continue by saying:
“Now if you have any other points to make, please mention them in the order of importance to you.”

[Write down points here]


3 Direct Observation
(sample prompts)
Tool 3

See CPRA Toolkit Part 1: Adapt the direct observation tool

Using Tool 3: Direct observation (sample prompts)

Use this tool to select the prompts for observation that are most relevant to your CPRA.
The first page of the form records the location of the site and the services and CP actors there. There are then six
different areas of concern for child protection with prompts for observation. Not all of these will be relevant to you –
choose the ones that fit your context.

Brackets mean the following:

[…] This shows where text should be adapted to be context-appropriate.

[…] This is an instruction for the assessor.

Asking questions
Please note that while this method requires assessors to actually observe something, they may need to ask
around to find out information to do the DO.

For example, prompt 2 says: “Are there children living or working on the street?”

This prompts assessors to actively look for children living or working on the street. To do this they may have to ask
around to find out if this is happening. Just because something is not easily observable does not mean that it does
not exist. But unless assessors can verify what they have been told, they should not include it as an observation.

Assessors will probably get some information from key informants on the spot. When they are mapping services,
for example, it makes sense to ask a camp manager or other people familiar with the site to get to know the
whereabouts of service points and humanitarian actors on the ground. Assessors can then go and check on the
location etc.

Differences in issues affecting boys and girls should be carefully noted. For example,
when assessors visit residential institutions, they should note if services are provided for
one sex only or for both.

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 57

General Information


Observer code: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Organization: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Identification code :
Date of observation (dd/mm/yy): _ _ _ _/_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _ DO-_ [assessor’s code] _ - _ [site code] _

Site code (from the list of sites): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Location of the site

Site name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Area: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G.P.S/P code: _ _ _ - _ _ _ _

District: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Province /State: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Type of site: urban  rural  official camp  makeshift camp  If camp, who manages the camp? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[add more context specific options ex: displaced community, non- Contact info (if available): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
displaced community; directly affected area, not-directly affected
area. This is especially important if you are looking for possible
unequal treatment of parts of the population]

Mapping of services and actors on the site

Name and contact information of all specialized child protection actors (Govt./NGO/Community) in this site.
Note if any of these services are targeted at only one sex.

_________________________________ ___________________________
_________________________________ ______
_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________________________
_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Name and contact information of all non-child protection specific government and non-governmental agencies that are
participating in emergency response. Note if any of these services are single sex.

_________________________________ ___________________________
_________________________________ ______
_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___________________________
_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Additional comments and/or observations: [please fill in during or after answering the questions in the DO]
[any observation of things that could affect child protection programming that are not included in the questions below should
be included here.]

For supervisor’s use only:

Verification done by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: _ _ _ _/_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _ Signature:

Part 2 – Tool 3

1.1 Are there hazardous objects/locations around the site?  Yes  No [if NO, skip to 2]

Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1.1.1 [if yes to 1.1]  open pit latrines  pieces of iron and concrete  deep holes/ditches
What type?
 live electricity wires accessible to children  barbed/razor wire
[Revise/add context specific options]
 land mines / UXO/ ERW (including markings)
Other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1.2.1 Are there clearly marked latrines for males and females?  Yes  No  Not observable

Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1.2.2 Are there locks on the inside of latrine doors?  Yes  No  Not observable

Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2 Are there children living in the street?

 Yes  No  Not observable [if NO or Not observable, skip to 3]

Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2.1 [if yes to 2] How many children were observed:

 less than 5  more than 5 but less than 10  more than 10 but less than 50
 more than 50 but less than 100  more than 100 (specify _ _ _ _ )  not able to count

Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2.2 [if yes to 2]  mostly girls [or]  mostly boys [or]  no observable difference

Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2.3 [if yes to 2.1] Are they mostly

 under 5 [or]  between 5 and 14 [or]  older than 15 [or]  no clear difference

Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 Did you visit any existing child institutional care/boarding educational facilities in the area?
 Yes  No Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3.1 If yes, what type?
[adjust/add context specific options ex: boarding schools]
 orphanage  informal group house  living with employer/in workshops
 Other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (contact info: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
3.2 Did you notice any child institutional care facilities/orphanages being newly built/established in the area?
 Yes  No Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3.2.1 [If yes to 3.2] Who is building? (collect contact info if available: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ )
 government  charitable organizations  NGOs (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 religious leaders/institutions  Individuals  Other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 59

4 Are there children associated with armed groups and forces (answer questions 4.1 to 4.4 first)?
 Yes  No Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4.1 Do you observe children in military uniforms or in outfits that symbolize association with with armed groups/forces?
 Yes  No Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4.2 Do you observe children who appear to be on active military duty (e.g. operating checkpoints)?
 Yes  No Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4.3 Do you observe children carrying weapons?

 Yes  No Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4.4 Do you observe children working with or being used by armed forces or groups
(e.g. cooking, cleaning, carrying things, etc.)?
 Yes  No Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4.5 [If answer to any of the above is yes] Do you observe more girls or boys being associated with armed forces or groups?
 More girls  More boys  No observable difference  Cannot tell

Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. Do children appear to be involved in child labour?
 Yes  No Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5.1 [if yes to 5] Based on your observation, which of the following is more accurate?
5.1.1  more girls appear to be involved in heavy and/or harmful labour
 more boys appear to be involved in heavy and/or harmful labour
 same  cannot tell
5.1.2  m
 ostly younger children (under 14) appear to be involved in heavy and/or
harmful labour
 m
 ostly older children (over 14) appear to be involved in heavy and/or harmful
 same  cannot tell
6. Do children appear to be involved in chores that require travelling long distances
(e.g. collecting wood, fetching water, etc.)? [observer should try to walk along such routes if security allows]
 Yes  No Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

6.1 [if yes to 6] Based on your observation, which of the following is more accurate?
6.1.1  more girls appear to be walking long distances [or]
 more boys appear to be walking long distances [or]
 same  cannot tell
6.1.2  mostly younger children (under 14) appear to be walking long distances [or]
 mostly older children (over 14) appear to be walking long distances [orw]
 same  cannot tell

4 Urgent Action Report
(sample headings)
Tool 4

CPRA Toolkit Part 1: Define the urgent action procedure (page 11) and adapt the urgent action report

Using Tool 4: Urgent Action Report (sample headings)

An urgent action case is usually defined as “a situation in which lack of prompt response can put the life and/or
wellbeing of a child in immediate danger.”

The CPWG in-country is responsible for the procedure for collecting and responding to urgent action reports
generated by a CPRA. Whenever possible, the urgent action procedure should be a comprehensive referral
pathway. At minimum, provide assessors with contact details of CP personnel available for advice and referral
of urgent cases.

The CPRATF is responsible for adapting the Tool 4: Urgent Action Report to the context. The sample headings
include key questions required to report the case, action taken, follow-up and other relevant information. It is not
likely that you will have to make many changes to this document.

Using an urgent action report in the field

Urgent action cases should always be immediately reported at daily debriefing sessions.
The assessment team will:

• report the specific actions taken

• triangulate (i.e. compare information collected through different methods, by different people and
from different sources)
• determine whether there are patterns emerging that require urgent follow-up or advocacy
(e.g. active recruitment is observed in several sites).

It is essential that gender sensitivity be followed in the urgent action procedure:

For example, a female member of the assessment team should handle urgent action
cases involving a girl.

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 61

Date: …………………………………………….Location: ………………………………………………..

Please fill in the first four sections, giving as many details as possible. In section 5, report any immediate action you
yourself have taken and indicate any follow-up required. Hand this report to your supervisor. If your supervisor is
not available, contact the CPRATF Coordinator at [contact info].

1. What happened?

2. Who? (by whom and to whom – please remember to note gender of the people involved)

3. When?

4. Where?

Part 2 – Tool 4

5. Action taken and follow-up

6. Other relevant information (such as contact information and name of persons involved)

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 63

Tool 5
Site Report
(sample headings and questions)
See CPRA Toolkit Part 1: Adapt site report headings, compile site reports and analyze data

Using Tool 5: Site Report (sample headings and questions)

A site report is a special summary of the information the assessment team has gathered from key informant
interviews and direct observations for each site identified for the CPRA.

As a first step, adapt the tool based on the headings and questions you have used in KIIs and DOs. Once it is
ready, the site report is used by the assessment team to compile information from each site (using a process of
triangulation). Detailed information about the process is in Part 1.

The following symbols are used:

[…] This shows an instruction that should either be deleted or replaced based on the modifications to the key
informant interview.

[…] This shows parts that are meant as instructions for the site report compilation process.

Please note that when the assessment team hands in site reports for data entry, they should also include copies
of all completed documents used in the field (e.g. KII questionnaires, DO records, etc.). The CPRATF should put in
place a procedure for safe handling of all site reports and related documents.

Guidance about questions and answers in the tool:

> F
 or some questions, there is more than one ‘other’ category. This is to accommodate the possibility of
having heard more than one answer from different KIs that did not fit the predefined answer options.

> T
 he option ‘not clear’ should be used when most or all KIs have not given an answer to the question or
when they have said, “don’t know.” ‘Not clear’ should also be ticked when there is a discrepancy between
different answers which does not allow the team to judge what the ‘real’ answer is.

> F
 or some questions you can record up to three answers (plus one or two ‘others’). For these questions,
we can analyze more than one answer. For example, in question 2.1 if the category ‘FCO’ was reported
by three key informants and no other category was reported more than this, FCO will have the rank of 1. If
two categories are reported equally frequently by the KIs, based on other sources of information, the team
should decide which category should be reported with a higher rank.

If you rank any answer options to a question in a way that does not match the frequency
of the responses by KIs, please state your reasons underneath the question in the
comment section.

Part 2 – Tool 5

Ranking multiple-choice or multiple-category questions:

> F
 irstly look at the frequency of each response. For example, if in response to a question two KIs said “X” and
one said “Y,” the natural choice would be “X.”

> S
 econdly, look at who the respondents were and how valid their opinion might be about that particular subject.
If for credible reasons, the team believes that the KI who said “Y” seems to have better knowledge about that
subject or is more likely to have given a more valid response, then “Y” should be given a higher rank.


Three key informants (KIs) - a male local chief, a male religious leader and a female teacher (with
three young daughters) – were interviewed at one particular site. In response to a question about
sexual violence, the two male KIs said: “It never happens here.” The female KI said: “It happens
very often.”

Looking at the frequency of the responses alone, the first response would receive a higher rank.
However, the assessment team may decide that, despite the higher frequency of the first response,
the second response carries more weight.

> T
 hirdly, look at the evidence you have from direct observations, urgent actions and other sources. If the team’s
observations contradict the responses by KIs, try to do more investigation. If this is not possible, make a
decision among the team members whether you should trust your direct observation or the responses of the
KIs. As a general rule of thumb, give more weight to something the team has actually observed in the field.


All the KIs tell you that light domestic work is the only type of child labour there is at this site.
However you have seen for yourself that many children are collecting heavy pieces of scrap metal
or were involved in difficult construction work.

In this case, you should try to work out why KIs gave you a different response to what you saw.
Sometimes cultural or political reasons are behind the answers you receive. Sometimes it is a
matter of definition (i.e. your definition of child labour might be very different from theirs). Based on
your discussions, you can either give more weight to your observations or to the response of the
KIs. Remember to explain the decision-making process in in the site report.

Make sure your personal opinion or background knowledge is not influencing the ranking
process. It is not what you think but what you OBSERVED or heard from KIs. To test
yourself, ask yourself: “Why did I decide to rank X over Y?” If the response is something
like, “Everyone knows that,” or “It is common knowledge,” it means that your opinion
is probably affecting your judgment. If the response is something like “Based on this
evidence…” or “I observed that…” then you are on the right track.

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 65

General Information

Supervisor’s code: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Site code (from the sampling grid): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Date of assessment (dd/mm/yy): _ _ _ _/_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _ [if several days, date of the last interview]

Identification code (fill during data entry): SR - _ [supervisor’s code] _ - _ [site code] _ -

# of KI questionnaires consulted for this report: _ _ _ _ _ # of DO checklists consulted for this report: _ _ _ _ _

Location of the site

Site name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Area: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G.P.S/P code: _ _ _ - _ _ _ _

District: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Province /State: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Type of site: urban  rural  Population estimate of the site: _ _ _ _

official camp  makeshift camp 

Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Sources of Information (type of key informant)

[Mention the total number in ( . . . . )]

( . . . . ) Teacher / Educator ( . . . . ) Camp manager /Local chief ( . . . . ) Social worker/Health worker

( . . . . ) Religious leader Other: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Other: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Gender balance:
Assessment team: # of women in the team _ _ _ _ / total # of team members _ _ _ _
Key Informants: # of women interviewed _ _ _ _ / total # of interviews _ _ _ _

For supervisor’s use only:

Compilation supervised by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: _ _ _ _/_ _ _ _/_ _ _ _ Signature:

Part 2 – Tool 5

1. Unaccompanied and Separated Children

1.1 Are there children in this _ _ [camp/village/city, etc.]_ _ who have been separated from their usual caregivers since the _
_ [earthquake/attack/…] _ _?
 Yes  No  Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
What do you think are the main causes of separations that occurred since the _ _ [earthquake/attack/…] _ _?
[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the brackets (…) ]
I. #____ (.....)
II. #____ (.....)
III. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IV. Other 1: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
V. Other 2: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.1.2 How many children do you think have been separated from their usual caregivers in this _ _ [camp/village/city, etc.] _
since the _ [earthquake/attack/…] _? 1-10 11-20
 21-50  51-100  >100 (specify _ _ _)  Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1.2 Which of the below options were reported about children separated from their usual caregivers?
1.2.1  there are more girls than boys who have been separated [or]
 there are more boys than girls who have been separated [or]
 no clear difference
 not clear Comments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.2.2  separated children are mainly under 5 [or]
 separated children are mainly between 5 and 14 [or]
 separated children are mainly older than 14 [or]
 no clear difference
 not clear Comments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.3 Do you know if there are any infants or young children under the age of [you can define a specific age group here, e.g.
under 2] who have been separated from their usual caregivers since the _ [earthquake/attack/…] _?
 Yes  No  Not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.4 Are there children in this _ [camp/village/city, etc.]_ who do not live with any adults (i.e. unaccompanied children)?
 Yes  No  Not clear Comments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.4.1 How many unaccompanied children do you think there are?
 1-5  6-10  11-20  21 – 50  >50 (specify _ _ _ )  Not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.4.2 Do you think that … .  there are more unaccompanied girls than boys [or]
 there are more unaccompanied boys than girls [or]
 no clear difference
 [not clear] Comments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 67  unaccompanied children are mainly under 5 [or]
 unaccompanied children are mainly between 5 and 14 [or]
 unaccompanied children are mainly 14 and older [or]
 no clear difference
 [not clear] Comments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.5.1 Are there persons unknown to the community who have offered to take children away from this _ _ [camp/village/city,
etc.] _ _ in order to provide them with jobs or better care (e.g. foreigners who want to provide care for children in another
 Yes  No  Not clear Comments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.5.2 Are there members of the community who have taken or want to take children away from this community to provide
them with assistance, jobs or better living conditions?
 Yes  No  Not clear Comments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.6.1 Is there a list of children who don’t know where their caregivers are (including their names and other details)?
 Yes  No  Not clear Comments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.6.2 Is there is a list of parents who don’t know where their children are?
 Yes  No  Not clear Comments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2. Care for Unaccompanied and Separated Children
2.1 I want you to think about the children who are no longer with their usual caregivers. Where do they live now? [
Rank in the order of frequency and considering the source of the information. Indicate the frequency in ( . . . . . ).]
I. category code: _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
II. category code: _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
III. category code: _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IV. Other (1): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; (.....)
V. Other (2): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
2.2 If you come across a child who does not have anyone who can care for him/her, what would you do?
[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . . )]
I. #____ (.....)
II. #____ (.....)
III. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IV. Other 1: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
V. Other 2: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2.3 Are institutions/children’s homes 2.3.1 What kind of services do these centers provide?
being built/newly established to care for  Day care  Residential care
orphans or separated children in this
 Recreational activities
 Other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
 Yes  No  Not clear Comments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Comments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Part 2 – Tool 5

3. Dangers and injuries; physical violence; and other harmful practices

3.1 What are the existing risks that can lead to death or injury of children in this _ _[camp/ community/etc.] _ _?
[Rank based on frequency and Age of most affected Sex of most affected
source of information. Note the [tick all if no difference] [tick both if no difference]
number of times a code is repeated
by key Informants in ( . . . . . ) ]
I. category code: _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )  <5  6-14  >14  DNK  Boys  Girls  DNK
II. category code: _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )  <5  6-14  >14  DNK  Boys  Girls  DNK
III. category code: _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )  <5  6-14  >14  DNK  Boys  Girls  DNK
IV. Other 1: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  <5  6-14  >14  DNK  Boys  Girls  DNK
V. Other 2: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  <5  6-14  >14  DNK  Boys  Girls  DNK
VI. ( . . . . . ) [none]
 Not clear

Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3.2 Where do you think these risks are high/highest for children? [rank based on frequency and source of information.
Note the frequency in the ( . . . . . )]
I. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) II. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) III. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IV. Other (1): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; (.....)
V. Other (2): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3.3 Can you estimate the number of deaths and serious injuries to children due to any and all of the above causes during the
past [define a recall period]?
 1-5  6-10  11-20  21 – 50  >50 (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  [response not clear]
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3.4 Are there any children in this area who have been or are committing acts of violence?
 Yes  No  Not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3.5 What kind of violence are children participating in?
[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . . )]
I. category code: _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
II. category code: _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
III. category code: _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IV. Other (1): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; (.....)
V. Other (2): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ( . . . . . )

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 69

4. Psychosocial Distress and Community Support Mechanisms
4.1 Have you noticed any changes in children’s behaviour since _[define a recall period]_ _?
 Yes  No  Not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4.1.1 What kind of behaviour changes have you noticed in girls since _[same recall period]_ _ ?
4.1.2 What kind of behaviour changes have you noticed in boys since _[same recall period]_ _ ?
[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . . )]
4.1.1 Girls 4.1.2 Boys
I. category code: _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) I. category code: _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
II. category code: _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) II. category code: _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
III. category code: _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) III. category code: _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IV. Other (1): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; IV. Other (1): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;
(.....) (.....)
V. Other (2): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. V. Other (2): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _.
(.....) (.....)
 Response not clear
Comments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Comments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
______________________ ______________________
____________ _____________
4.2 What do you think makes boys stressed since _[same recall period as 4.1]_ _?
[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . . )]
I. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
II. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
III. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IV. Other 1: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
V. Other 2: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4.2.1 If boys have problems or stress, who in the community can best support them?
[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . . )]
I. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
II. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
III. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IV. Other 1: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
V. Other 2: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4.3 What do you think makes girls stressed since _[same recall period as 4.1]_ _?
[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . . )]
I. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
II. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
III. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IV. Other 1: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
V. Other 2: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Part 2 – Tool 5

4.3.1 If girls have problems or are stressed, who in the community can best support them?
[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . . )]
I. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
II. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
III. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IV. Other 1: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
V. Other 2: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4.4 Have you noticed any changes in caregivers’ attitude towards their children since _[same recall period as 4.1]_ _?
 Yes  No  Not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4.4.1 What kind of changes (positive or negative) have you noticed in caregivers’ attitude towards their children?
[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . . )]
I. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) II. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) III. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
II. Other 1: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
III. Other 2: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

4.5 What are the main sources of stress for caregivers in the community?
[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . . )]
I. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) II. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) III. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
II. Other 1: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
III. Other 2: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5. Access to Services and Excluded Children
5.1 Are there people in this -[camp/village/area]- who are capable of organizing recreational and/or educational activities
for children?
 Yes  No  Not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5.1.1 What kind of skills do these people have?

[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . . )]
I. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
II. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
III. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IV. Other 1: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
V. Other 2: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5.2 Are there children who have less access to services like food distributions, educational and recreational activities, and
health care?
 Yes  No  Not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 71

5.2.1 Is it more boys or more girls who are most excluded?
 girls  boys  No difference  Not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5.3 What groups of children are most excluded?
[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . . )]
I. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
II. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
III. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IV. Other 1: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
V. Other 2: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
6. Access to Information
6.1 What are the most important sources of information for your community now?
[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . . )]
I. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) II. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) III. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IV. Other 1: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
V. Other 2: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7. Child Labour
7.1 Are there any children in this community who are involved in types of work that are harsh and dangerous for them?
 Yes  No  Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7.1.1 What types of work are these children involved in?

[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . )]
I. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) II. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) III. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IV. Other 1: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
V. Other 2: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7.2.1 Can you estimate the number children in your community who are involved in the types of work mentioned above
during [define a recall period]?
 1-5  6-10  11-20  21 – 50  >50 (specify)  Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7.2.2 Do you think the number of children in this -[camp/village/area]- who are invovled in harsh and dangerous work has
increased since _[define a recall period]_ _?
 Yes  No  Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7.3.1 Are there new types of harsh and dangerous labour that children are engaged in that did not exist before the _
 Yes  No  Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Part 2 – Tool 5

7.3.2 which new types of harsh and dangerous labour have emerged since the _ [earthquake/conflict/…]_?
[extract main issues that emerged from responses and rank them based on frequency and source of information. Note the
frequency in the ( . . . . )]
I. ___________________(.....)
II. ___________________(.....)
III. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IV. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
V. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7.4 Do you know if the majority of children who are involved in harsh and dangerous labour:
[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . )]
I. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) II. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) III. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IV. Other 1: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
V. Other 2: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8. Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups
8.1 Do you know of children working with or being used by armed forces or groups around this -[camp/village/…]-? E.g.
children with guns, operating checkpoints, cooking or cleaning for military, etc.
 Yes  No  Not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8.1.1 During the past _ _[define a 8.1.2 [Are these children, [read out the options]
period]_ _ how many of these children  mostly boys?  mostly girls ?
have you seen around this -[camp/  only boys?  only girls ?
village/area]- ?  no difference?  Not clear
 1-5  6-10
 11-20  21-50 Comments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

 >50 (specify) _ _ _ _ _ ___________________________________________

 Not clear
Comments _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
8.2 Has the number of children associated with armed groups increased since the _ _ [earthquake/attack/…] _ _?
 Yes  No  Not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

8.2.1 How do you know this? [rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . . )]
I. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) II. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) III. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
II. Other 1: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
III. Other 2: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 73

8.3 Where do you think most recruitments happen?
‘[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the (….)]
I. Category code: _ _ _ _ ( . . . . ) II. Category code: _ _ _ _ ( . . . . ) III. Category code: _ _ _ _ ( . . . . )
IV. Other (1): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; (.....)
V. Other (2): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9. Sexual Violence
9.1 If you come across a child who has suffered sexual violence, what would you do?
[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . . )]
I. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) II. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . ) III. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
II. Other 1: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
III. Other 2: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

9.2 Do you think the number of sexual violence incidents has increased since the _ _ [emergency/attack/…]_ _?
 Yes  No  Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

9.2.1 In which situations does sexual violence occur more often?

[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . . )]
I. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
II. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
III. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IV. Other 1: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
V. Other 2: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9.3. Who is most affected by sexual violence?
9.3.1  more girls are being targeted for sexual violence than boys [or]
 more boys are being targeted for sexual violence than girls [or]
 no difference
 Not clear
9.3.2  mostly younger children (under 14) are targeted for sexual violence [or]
 mostly older children (over 14) are targeted for sexual violence [or]
 no difference
 Not clear
9.4 If a child or an adolescent is a victim of sexual violence, would s/he normally seek help [if not clear say: “is it culturally
acceptable to seek help”]?
 Yes  No  Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Part 2 – Tool 5

9.4.1 Who do girls normally turn to for help?

[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . . )]
I. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
II. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
III. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IV. Other 1: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
V. Other 2: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
9.4.2 Who do boys normally turn to for help?
[rank based on frequency and source of information. Note the frequency in the ( . . . . . )]
VI. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
VII. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
VIII. # _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
IX. Other 1: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
X. Other 2: # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( . . . . . )
 Response not clear
Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

9.5 Do you know of a place where people of this _ _[camp/ community/...] _ _ 9.5.1 Can children also seek help in that
can get help if they are victims of sexual violence? place?
 Yes  No  Not clear  Yes  No  Not clear
[collect more info if appropriate (e.g. availability of PEP kits): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [Comments: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _]

Actions taken by Assessment Teams

[any urgent action reports, referrals etc. that have been done during the data collection should be briefly
reported here]

Part 2 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 75

Data Management Tool

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 77

Sec. 1
A short guide to the CPRA
data management tool
What you see here is only a brief introduction to the CPRA data management tool and a short guide on how to
modify it upon adaptation of the sample tools (from part 2 of the toolkit). The data management tool is an excel
file that is pre-programmed to provide a platform for data entry and analysis. The excel file can be found on the
CPRA memory stick or can be requested from the global Child Protection Working Group (cpwg.net).

The source of the data for the data management tool is the site reports. The analysis this tool provides is limited
to basic frequency of response analysis. For more sophisticated analysis, please seek support from a data
analyst or the cpwg. There are three main sheets in this tool: Sheet 1 - data entry; sheet 2 - analysis and sheet
3 - graphs. Data needs to be entered ONLY in the data entry sheet. Data analysis and graphs are automatically
generated, based on the data in sheet 1.

This tool needs to match the headings, questions, answer options etc. you plan to use for the CPRA in your
context. It is especially important that this tool matches Tool 5: Site report (see Part 2: sample tools). If your data
management tool does not match the headings and questions in your site reports, as well as all answer options
for multiple answer questions in Tool 2: Key Informant Interview (see Part 2: sample tools) then it will not be
possible to actually process the data you have collected.

The sheets are protected to avoid unwanted changes. However, you can un-protect the sheets, by going to the
‘review’ tab and clicking on the ‘unprotect sheet’ button. If the changes you need to make are regarding the
answer options, you have two ways of doing it. (note: the answer options can be found underneath the main
table on the data entry sheet in a grey font (row 107 and below).

1. If you are only modifying or replacing an existing answer option, you simply click on the respective answer
option in the data entry sheet (grey font) and make your changes.

2. If you want to introduce a new answer option in addition to the existing ones (i.e. you need to add a row
with a new answer option): you can simply add the new answer option to the bottom of the existing list of
answer options for your respective question. In this case, you need to make modifications to the ‘analysis’
and ‘graphs’ sheets as well. See below for some explanation on how to do that.

Part 3 – Section 1

If you need to make modifications to ‘analysis’ and ‘graphs’ sheets because you added additional answer
options for existing questions, please follow these steps: (An example is presented to facilitate the explanation.)
Example: Imagine that during the adaptation, under question 1.1.1, you have added an option of ‘temporary
community space’. Now you need to add this to the list of existing answer options in the data management

(step 1) add the new option (“”temporary community space””) in cell AP 115.

(step 2) go to the ‘analysis’ tab Click on cell O20. Type: “=’Data entry’!AP115” (without the “ “) and press

(step 3) select cell N21 and drag it to the right to cover cell O21. Then select N22 and drag it to the right to
cover O22. This way you have copied the formulas in those two new cells (O21 and O22)

(step 4) go to the ‘graphs’ tab. Find the graph that corresponds with the question you are modifying
(Q1.1.1). Right click on the graph and choose ‘select data’. A new window will pop up that shows you
where the data for that graph is coming from. You will see a formula in the box for ‘chart data range’. You
will see that the formula is only extended to column N (look closely. there are two letter ‘N’s in that box). You
will have to change that letter N to also cover the new column that you added in step 2 and 3 above. To do
so, you simply change both letter ‘N’s to letter ‘O’ and you click ok. Please note that you cannot use the
right and left arrows in this box. You have to use your mouse to highlight the letter you want to change and
type the new letter.

If you decide to add a new question, you need to properly code it in all three sheets. If you are not sure how to
do this, contact someone who is familiar with Excel databases. If you are doing an inter-agency CPRA, you may
contact the child protection working group (CPWG) for technical support.

If you need to remove any questions, we recommend that you change the background colour of the column
related to that question to black so that it is clear that you have deleted this question and it is not a gap in data
entry. You will have to do this in both the data entry and analysis sheets.

Part 1 Child Protection Rapid Assessment Toolkit 79


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