Chapter 3 Methodology

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Research Design

The researchers will make use of the ethnographic

research design, which is a primary qualitative research


As an ethnographic research, it will collect detailed

data or behavioral pattern of a specific community, the

community of Christian Bible Baptist Academy.

Population and Sampling

The target population for this study will be the alumni,

current students, teachers, and the administrators of the

Christian Bible Baptist Academy.

A homogeneous sampling method will be used for selecting

the respondents of this study. Those who studied and is

currently studying, as well as the faculty members of Christian

Bible Baptist Academy will be the respondents of the study.

Respondents of the Study

The researchers will consider those who are currently and

formerly involved in the Christian Bible Baptist Academy

regardless of their age and gender. The respondents will be

chosen based on a common ground. The respondents will be

composed of 30 students, 10 teachers, and 15 alumni, which

totals to 55 respondents.

Figure 3.1

Distribution of Respondents’ Gender in %

Female, 29
47% 53%
Male, 26
Figure 3.2

Distribution of Respondents Based On Age

No. of Respondents

Axis Title

6 6
5 3 3 3

38 Years 33-37 28-32 23-27 18-22 13-17 13 Years
and Above Years Years Years Years Years and Below
No. of Respondents 3 6 3 6 11 21 3
Axis Title

Figure 3.3

Distribution of Alumni Respondents based on Status

Series 1



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Series 1

Research Instrument

The researchers will design an observation as one of the

data collection instrument for this study from a participant

observationist’s perception. According to this approach,

researchers will begin with specific observation, which will

be used to produce generalized theories and conclusions drawn

from the research. It will involve intensive interaction

between the researchers and the subjects or respondents. The

observation will only be used for students.

A survey will also be conducted to attain date by asking

the alumni who have gone through the 60 Character Traits of

the A.C.E. Curriculum, have graduated from the said curriculum

and had a chance to practice the character traits outside the

C.B.B.C. community to answer certain questions on paper.

It will also involve an interview on certain teachers.

Data Gathering Procedures

As far as the data collection tools is concerned, the

conduction of the research will involve the use of:

1. Observation in specific individuals by covert participant

observation, which is a type of observation wherein the

participants are not aware of the identity of the

researcher, nor that they are being observed for


2. An interview will be conducted with the use of a semi-

structured questionnaire. The researchers will personally

approach these individuals.

3. Survey for the alumni will be conducted. A questionnaire

will be given to them.

4. After this, all data gathered will be analyzed and

reviewed by the researchers which will be used to produce

generalized theories and conclusions from the data

gathering that will be conducted.

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