Volume 8, Issue 9, July 11, 2010

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Volume 8, Issue 9 www.moosemountainchurch.

com July 11, 2010


ASSEMBLY TIMES Church is suppose to be the place conversions of the church before verted Ministry” which was aimed
(people?) of new life, but so often embarking on the mission of con- at ministers of established church
Sunday Morning:
we experience it as the place of verting the world. Rob Bell may be who had exchanged comfortable
NEW TIME 10:30am old habits—both personally, be- right that “God wants to save salaries for preaching the way of
Full Family Fellowship cause our habits are rarely chal- Christians, too.” Jesus. Of course, there was a con-
lenged, and, corporately, be- siderable backlash—but that is
Thursday Evening:
cause “running” the church the way it is for prophets,
trumps “being” the church. right?
7:00pm alternating
Furthermore, in so many
weeks in homes
places, saving the church has It may be the time for the ser-
___ replaced the church’s mission mon “The Dangers of an Un-
CONTACT INFO of saving the world. Many converted Church.”
have commented on the mal-
1 Christina Street
aise found in the churches So what is the path forward? It
today. really is quite simple. Be re-
Village of Kenosee Lake
converted. God’s goal is to
For example, Darrell Guder in transform each of us to the
Box 184
a book entitled The Continuing image of Jesus. While there are
S0C 2S0
Conversion of the Church instantaneous moments along
(Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, the way, Jesus usually works
onthe- 2000) charts how the church through the ordinary and mun-
[email protected] came to be in this place. In dane tasks of life. However, for
___ sum, it has to do with the those who like steps, Jesus
church’s confusion between began his ministry with these
church member recruitment action words: Repent (for the
and making disciples. After kingdom of heaven is near);
years of recruiting members Believe (the good news); and
Cameron Husband to maintain the institution of Follow (me). And when we get
Harold Floyd church, there should be no off track: Repeat.
Dale King surprise that Jesus’ call on our life Back in the colonial period of
Jim Sedor sounds strange and demanding. American history, a revivalist I’m ready to begin again. Are you?
preacher named William Tennant
Minister: Guder further suggests that most had the nerve to preach a sermon Stan Helton
Rolland Bouchard ministers should first focus on the entitled “The Danger of an Uncon- Tammeny Oaks Church of Christ


We will be working the thrift store Bernard and Alicia will be coming If you would like your event men-
July 13-15 through on August 24th, which is a tioned in the bulletin, please talk to What does it mean
More dates coming very soon. Tuesday. We would like to organ- Rolland no later than Thursday to live the life
ize supper potluck for that day so each week. Thank you for your of God in this
they can do a presentation on their cooperation with this. You can call world?
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL work in Mexico. To find out how 577-8419 or email
Starts Tomorrow. To find out what you can contribute speak with [email protected] Looking different in
Owen. a world where every-
you can do to help, or just have a
question, talk with Laurie for more
All these people were still one wants to be the
 same…
information. We will be setting up living by faith when they
today after church, and will begin GAMBIA MISSION 4 lessons in July
tomorrow morning at 8:30am with Trevor Mountney will be bringing us died. They did not receive and August 2010
Registration. a presentation on his recent mis-
sion trip to Gambia next Sunday,
the things promised; they only
July 18, 2010. saw them and welcomed
If you are interested in coordinating
 them from a distance. And
our children’s time, or being part of CAMP IS UNDERWAY they admitted that they were FOR INFOMRATION ON HOW YOU
some practical lessons in the Our first week of camp has just CAN SPONSOR A CHILD THROUGH

months of June and July, please completed successfully. To find out aliens and strangers on ear th COMPASSION OR FOR A WAY TO
talk to Rolland. how you can contribute at the camp HAITI VISIT
please talk to Rolland. Hebrews 11:13 www.compassion.ca
Volume 8, Issue 9 July 11, 2010

THE FAMILY THAT PRAYS TOGETHER... Activities for Assembly

July 11th, 2010
 Western Christian High school and Col-  Our small gatherings.
Intro to the New Series
lege during this time of transition and  Tammy Windley—continued health con-
need. Today's theme
cerns. She’s out of work for a couple of
 Marie McMillan—Continued health con- weeks. 555 Seek Ye First
cerns  The Mission team in Gambia, Trevor, Communion
 Bernard and Alicia Krogsgaard - Mission- Kendra, Corrine, and Justin Kid's Time
aries in Mexico  The Lonechild Family—trying to rebuild 957 This World is Not my Home
 Joe Fox—Surgery for His knee and conse- their lives after their Whitebear home
969 Don't You Want to go
quent unemployment. burned down.
John 18:13-17
 Our Shepherds—leadership and care  Catherine Taylor– continued healing.
449 Thy Word (repeat it)
 Chris Cornforth—continued health con-  The Camp season is kicking off. Pray for
cerns. the success of the summer, that the 979 Poor Wayfaring Stranger

 All of those struggling with grief. campers would know Christ more. 606 Remind Me, Dear Lord
570 Each Day I'll
648 Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
605 I Will Serve You
Faithful Men
552 Have Thine Own Way Lord
Announcements, Sharing for
Prayer, and the Offering
555 Seek Ye First

parovikoV (pair-oy-kos) Aorist, masculine, plural. Aorist is a verb tense referring to a past
action. i.e. as you were once made strangers… it is defined as follows:
1) dwell-
ing near, neighbouring 2) in the NT, a stranger, a foreigner, one who lives
in a place without the right of citizenship 3) one who lives on earth as a
stranger, a sojourner on the earth 3) of Christians whose home is in
heaven .
11 Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful de-
sires, which war against your soul. 12 Live such good lives among the pagans that, though
they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day
he visits us. 1 Peter 2:11

Puzzles and Cartoons used with Permission. For rights and permissions see http://biblewordgames.com and www.reverendfun.com

Codeword is a special crossword puzzle in which conven-

tional clues are omitted. Instead, answer words in the dia-
gram are represented by numbers. Each number represents
a different letter of the alphabet but not all letters of the
alphabet are used. When you are sure of a letter put it in the
code key chart below. Four letters have been entered into the
code key to start you off.

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