Sunday 20 June - 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Website

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Mary Magdalene Parish (St Paul’s, Glenrothes St Mary’s, Leslie and Chapel Royal, Falkland)
Mgr Philip Kerr: Telephone: 01592 756758
St. Paul’s Caretaker: 07710747579
e mail: [email protected]
Gather to Worship, Sent to Serve
Facebook –
SVP: 07597979463; Safeguarding: 01592 756758

Sunday 20th June 2021 – 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Mission Statement - The parish of St. Mary Magdalene in his prologue, spoke to the sea as well (‘Quiet now! Be
is a Catholic community of Christian faith with three calm!’) and the sea obeyed as it had centuries before
churches – Saint Paul’s in Glenrothes, Saint Mary’s in (Mk 4:39). The Word of God, spoken in every celebration
Leslie and the Chapel Royal in Falkland. We are centred of the Eucharist, teaches us, guides us, and comforts us.
on the Word of God and the Eucharist. That Word which created and redeemed us continues to
Gathered to worship, sent to serve.” come to our aid.
Mark emphasizes that Jesus patiently allowed the
Our mission is to live the Gospel and share it with those disciples to gradually come to know him. Twice Jesus
we meet. We are a welcoming and inclusive community used the word phimoo (Be silent!) to prevent his identity
to be suddenly revealed. The first time was to rebuke an
of prayerful disciples, using our gifts for the glory of God
unclean spirit whom Jesus confronted at the beginning
and in service to one another and our neighbours.
of his ministry. The second time, as we heard today, was
We are committed to do this now and in the future spoken to the wind and the sea. He muzzled the forces
through: of chaos, spiritual and physical, that could have
immediately identified him. The disciples’ faith still
 Worship and Prayer needed to blossom. So, sometimes, does ours.
 Service to others Question of the week: Would Jesus ask me, “Do you
 Continuous faith formation, striving to engage all
not yet have faith?’ Does my faith strengthen and
 Stewardship, seeking to build a better world – console me during times of trial?
our common home – for future generations.
Sunday 20 June - 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Vigil Mass in St Mary’s on Saturday at 6 p.m.
Today’s first reading is from the book of Job. Job has
9 a.m. Mass in Chapel Royal (People of the Parish)
been through hell. His children have been killed, he was
stricken with a horrible disease, everything he owned 10.40 a.m. Rosary at St. Paul’s
11.30 a.m. Mass in St. Paul’s
has been lost, and his friends have turned on him. His
2 p.m. Confirmation Mass in St Paul’s
life’s reversal is incomprehensible and his suffering
4.30 p.m. Mass in St. Paul’s
inconsolable. He lashes out at God. God does not
explain or defend what has happened to Job but offers Readings Job 38:1.8-11; 2 Cor 5:14-17; Mk 4:35-41
him a new perspective. Without God, Job, his wife,
Monday 21 June Memorial of St Aloysius Gonzaga,
everything he has left, and everything he ever had would
1568-91, Jesuit student who lost his life through
have been swept out to sea long, long ago. Truly, neither
ministering to victims of a pandemic
Job nor any human on earth would have been able to
10 a.m. Mass at St Paul’s (Sick Person)
live. If God had not tamed the waters when darkness had
covered the abyss, life as we know it would not exist. Readings Gen 12:1-9; Mt 7:1-5
Job’s life may feel like hell, but the entire world was an
Tuesday 22 June
abyss until God spoke the words of creation.
10 a.m. Mass at St Mary’s
God’s word has power over the elements, even those Readings Gen 13:2.5-18; Mt 7:26.12-14
that appear to overwhelm us. In the beginning, God
spoke and the world came into being. In the first reading,
Job learns that even the sea, regarded as a force of
chaos, listens to the voice of God: ‘Come thus far... and
no farther’ (38:11). Jesus, whom John called the Word

St. Mary Magdalene is a Parish of the Archdiocese of St. Andrews and Edinburgh, a charity registered in Scotland Number SC008540
Wednesday 23 June Living Faith Booklets: If you are still interested in
10 a.m. Mass at St. Paul’s buying a copy of Living Faith, could you please advise
Divine Mercy devotions at 9.30 a.m. the office via telephone 01592 756758 or email
Confessions at 10.30 a.m. [email protected] We are looking to re-
Readings Gen 15:1-12.17-18; Mt 7:15-20 evaluate how many are purchased from the supplier.
Many thanks.
Thursday 24 June Solemnity of the Birth of St John the
Baptist Gift Aid Envelopes 21/22: Would all parishioners who
10 a.m. Mass at St. Mary’s currently use Gift Aid envelopes destroy any envelopes
Readings Is 49:1-6; Acts; 13:22-26 Lk 1: 57-66.80 they may have at home from previous years. It has come
to light that some people are using old envelopes, and
Friday 25 June the majority of parishioners have been issued with a new
10 a.m. Mass at St Paul’s (Thanksgiving) number for this tax year making it difficult for us to
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 11 a.m.
allocate the money to the correct person. The envelopes
Readings Gen 17:1.9-10.15-22; Mt 8:1-4
issued this year have a black marker covering over the
Saturday 26 June date. If you have not had a chance to pick up your
10 a.m. Mass at St Paul’s (Sick Person) envelopes for this year, please email the parish office at
Confessions after Mass and at 5.30 pm in St Mary’s. [email protected] and we shall post
Readings Gen 18:1-15; Mt 8:5-17 them to you.

Sunday 27 June – 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time Confirmations Congratulations to all the children being
Vigil Mass in St Mary’s on Saturday at 6 p.m. (People confirmed today. Pray that they will always be
of the Parish) responsive to the presence of the Holy Spirit in their
9 a.m. Mass in Chapel Royal (Private Intention) lives.
10.40 a.m. Rosary at St. Paul’s
11.30 a.m. Mass in St. Paul’s Alpha Course We hope to begin this in the parish at the
4.30 p.m. Mass in St. Paul’s (Private Intention) start of October, as a tool for evangelisation and for
Readings Wis 1:13-15;2:23-24; 2 Cor 8:7.9.13-15; Mk building us up as a community of faith. If you are
5:21-43 interested in being part of a team to run this, please
contact Fr Philip. More information at
Covid 19 Restrictions Fife having been placed in Level
Congratulations to Fr Andrew Kingham, native of our
1, it is now permitted to sing at Mass and to have altar
parish, who celebrated 25 years in the ordained
servers. Whilst we are still distributing holy communion
priesthood on Friday.
by going around the church, we shall now return to the
dialogue “The body of Christ” – “Amen” before the host Children’s Anxiety and the pandemic Angela Dodds,
is placed in the communicant’s hand. The cap of 50 at a Catholic educator and parishioner at Melrose, will lead
funerals/weddings no longer applies. However, we still an online workshop this Monday at 7.30 p.m. Register
have to adhere to 2m social distancing, so we must still at
have the booking system for Sunday Mass. PLEASE let
us know, as soon as possible, if you will NOT be We pray for the sick in our parish community and
attending any particular Sunday by telephone on those family and friends who are ill.
01592 756758, or via email to the following address -
[email protected] We hope that those Last Sunday’s collection was £506.15 Building Fund
who have not been to Mass since lockdown will soon feel £47.80 Special collection next Sunday for Peter’s
able to return either on weekdays or on Sundays.

Solemnity of Saints Peter & Paul Mass will be

celebrated in the Chapel Royal on Monday 28 June at 7
p.m., in St Paul’s at 10 a.m. and in St Mary’s at 7 p.m.
on Tuesday 29 June.

Thrift shop We have the use of the shop in Wellesley

Road, Methil this week in order to raise funds for the

Potted Plants: Care for Creation A wee reminder to

bring your potted flowers/plants along to St.Paul’s and St

St. Mary Magdalene is a Parish of the Archdiocese of St. Andrews and Edinburgh, a charity registered in Scotland Number SC008540

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