School of Computer Science and Engineering Time Table For The Academic Year 2019-2020
School of Computer Science and Engineering Time Table For The Academic Year 2019-2020
School of Computer Science and Engineering Time Table For The Academic Year 2019-2020
DAY/TIME 1.30 to 2.30pm 2.45 to 3.45pm 3.45 to 4.45pm
9.00am 10.00am 11.15am 12.15pm
Friday CS(SDD) C# (PDD) NLP (LHC103) OE APC L1(SRC) CIPE (3.30 – 5.30)
Course Course Code Name of the Faculty Course Course Code Name of the Faculty
Information Security 15ECSC402 Dr. Narayan D.G. C# & .Net 18ECSE409 Ms. Padmashree Desai
Big Data Analytics 17ECSC401 Mr. Vijay Bhajantri Advance Parallel Computing 18ECSE408 Dr. S.R.Chickerur
Cyber Security 19ECSE401 Dr. Srinivas Desai CIPE 15EHSA401
Natural Language Processing 18ECSE403 Dr. Shankar G.
Social Network Analysis 18ECSE402 Ms. Lalitha M
Date: 03/08/2019 Prepared by: Dr. P.G.Sunitha Hiremath Dr. Meena S. M.
Head - SoCSE