Captive Works Remote Programming With Codes
Captive Works Remote Programming With Codes
Captive Works Remote Programming With Codes
6 Go to “Step 2: Checking if the Code 3 Press the button of the component on the
Number Works” to finish setting up. Commander that you want to set up.
4 Press the release the PAGE+ button. Then audio system, you probably hear your TV’s or
press and release the POWER button. VCR’s sound from the loudspeakers
connected to your receiver (or amplifier), not
5 Repeat step 4 until the correct code number from your TV speakers. In this case, you need
is found. Each time you press the PAGE+ to change the factory setting so that you can
button and then the POWER button, a new control the volume of your video components
code number will be transmitted. Keep trying without first having to switch to the receiver
until your component operates by receiving (or amplifier). To change the factory setting
the transmitted signal from the commander for the volume control, follow the procedures
(e.g., the power turns off, the PAGE+ function below.
works, playback starts, etc.) Be patient as you
do this, it may take about 100 tries until the
correct code number is located. Note
This feature is effective only when a receiver
6 When the correct code is found, press the or amplifier is set up on the RCVR button.
EXIT button to store the code number in the You cannot control the volume of a receiver
Commander’s memory. (or amplifier) set up on CBL/SAT, CD, AUX
or DVD button while operating a component
7 Check that the Commander is operating the of another button.
other functions of your component by
Controlling the Volume of Video Components
Connected to an Audio System
The Commander is factory preset based on the
assumption that you hear the sound of your
video components from your TV’s speakers,
and that you hear the sound of your audio
components from the loudspeakers connected
to your receiver (or amplifier).
Factory Setting:
Button Controls the volume of TV, VCR,
CBL/ SAT*, DVD* TV RCVR Receiver (or
amplifier) CD*, AUX* Receiver (or amplifier)
on the RCVR button.
If you assign an audio component on the
CBL/SAT, CD, AUX or DVD button, you can
control the volume of the receiver (or
amplifier) on the RCVR button. If you assign
video components on these buttons, you can
control the volume of the TV. Thus you can
control the volume of your TV or receiver (or
amplifier) while operating a video or audio
component without first having to press the
TV or RCVR button. For example, to control
the volume for your VCR channels, you don’t
need to press the TV button first. However, if
your video components are connected to an
TV/VCR Combo
Brand TV Code VCR Code Fisher 025
Daewoo 036 044 General Electric 002, 018, 003, 007, 045
Emerson 021 023 Gold Star/LG 003, 013, 012, 030, 046,
021 022 050, 051, 049
020 058 Hitachi 031, 013, 003, 032
General Electric 027 024 JC Penny 003, 002, 030, 007
027 025 JVC 028, 029
Gold Star LG 003 035 KTV 033, 013, 003, 023, 034
013 035 LXI (Sears) 002, 003, 011, 025, 019, 012, 052
012 035 Magnavox 011, 012, 013, 003, 043, 047
030 035 Marantz 024
046 035 Mitsubishi/MGA 024, 003, 012, 066
050 035 NEC 003, 012
051 035 Panasonic 018, 016, 017, 007, 049, 067
049 035 Philco 011, 013, 003, 068, 035, 031
Magnavox 011 012 Philips 011, 056, 043
011 013 Pioneer 037, 018, 019
018 012 Portland 003, 008
018 013 Quasar 018, 007, 048
047 012 Radio Shack 002, 012, 024, 023
047 013 RCA/Proscan 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008,
Panasonic 018 011 044,045,046, 053
018 012 Samsung 026, 012, 013, 003, 055
Quasar 018 012 Sanyo 025, 023, 054, 069
018 009 Scott 023, 012
018 010 Sharp 014, 013, 015, 070
048 012 Signature 2000 014, 009
048 009 Sony 001
018 010 Sylvania 011, 012, 003
RCA/Proscan 018 011 Symphonic 023, 039, 040, 074
Samsung 023 024 Toshiba 060, 019, 014, 052, 059
023 025 Videch 031, 003, 012
023 029 Wards 013, 003, 015, 012
027 024 Zenith 009, 010
027 025
027 029 VCRs
Symphonic 023 041 Brand Code(s)
Admiral 030
TVs Aiwa 041, 050, 035
Brand Code(s) Akai 052, 053, 054
Admiral 002, 014, 009 Audio Dynamic 017, 040
Akai 003 Bell & Howell 033, 046
AOC 012 Broksonic 020, 022, 017
Audinac 034 Canon 012, 011
Bell & Howell 014, 009, 038 Citizen 035
Broksonic 003, 012 Craig 018, 035
Craig 022, 023, 020, 021 Curtis Mathis 007, 041, 012
Croslex 011 Daewoo 044, 015, 012, 064
Crown 023 DBX 017, 039, 040
Curtis Mathis 003, 019, 023 Dimensia 007
Daewoo 035, 036, 003, 041, 073 Emerson 044, 022, 023, 019, 020, 021, 041,
Daytron 013 058
Emerson 022, 013, 020, 021, 023, Fisher 033, 037, 038, 036
003, 015, 042 Funai 041
General Electric 032, 007, 038, 036 Zenith 034
Gold Star, LG 035
Go Video 051, 042, 043 DVDs
Hitachi 011, 007, 008 Brand Code(s)
HQ 015 Aiwa 015
Instant Replay 012, 011 Denon 006, 017
JC Penny 012, 008, 007, 033, 017, 039, 040 Harman/Karden 018
JVC 017, 047, 048, 049, 039, 040 Hitachi 008
Kenwood 017, 039, 035, 040 JVC 007
LXI (Sears) 041, 035, 008, 036, , 037, 033, 038, KLH 010
052 Onkyo 016
Magnavox 013, 011, 012, 010, 063 Panasonic 002
Marantz 017, 039, 040 Philips 012
Marta 035 Pioneer 004, 019, 021
Memorex 012, 038 RCA 005
Minolta 008, 007 Samsung 014
Mitsubishi, MGA 026, 027, 028, 029, 056, 057, 065, Sharp 011
059 Shinco 022
Multitech 028, 041, 024 Sony 001, 023
NEC 017, 039, 040 Sylvania 020
Olympic 012, 011 Thomson 013
Optimus 027 Toshiba 003
Orion 055 Yamaha 006
Panasonic 009, 010, 011, 012, 060 Zenith 009
Pentax 008, 007
Philco 011, 012, 044, 020 Cable Boxes
Philips 035, 013, 011, 012, 063 Brand Code(s)
Pioneer 011 Hamlin, Regal 022, 023, 024, 025, 026
Quasar 011, 012, 009, 010, 006 Jerrold, G.I 043, 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006,
RCA, Proscan 007, 008, 011, 012, 013, 014, 015, 007, 008,
016 018, 022, 044
Realistic 012, 033, 031, 038, 027, 041 Oak 027, 028, 029
Samsung 025, 016, 024 Panasonic 019, 020, 021
Sansui 017 Pioneer 014, 015
Sanyo 033, 038, 046, 044, 035 Scientific Atlanta 009, 010, 011
Scott 015, 016, 024, 038, 026, 027, 028, Tocom 043, 016, 017
029 Zenith 012, 013
Sharp 030, 031
Shintom 018
Signature 2000 041, 030
Singer 018 For the U.S.:
Sony 001 (VTR1: Betamax) Brand Make Code(s)
Sony 002 (VTR2: 8mm) DirecTV Hitachi 005
Sony 003 (VTR3: VHS) Hughes 004
Sony 004 (VTR4: DV) Panasonic 003
Sony 005 (VTR5: DV) RCA/Proscan 002, 007
Sony 006 (VTR6: DV) Sony 001
Sylvania 013, 011, 012, 041 Toshiba 006
Symphonic 041 For Canada:
Tashiro 035 Brand Make Code(s)
Tatung 017, 039, 040 Star Choice General Instrument 009
Teac 017, 039, 041, 040 Express Vu Echo Star 010
Technics 012, 011
Toshiba 015, 014, 052 Receiver/Amp.
Wards 030, 031, 038, 034, 035 Brand Code(s)
Yamaha 033, 017, 039, 040 Aiwa 039, 021
Denon 026, 027, 035, 036
Fisher 010 Tape
Harman, Kardon 034 Brand Code(s)
JVC 046, 019, 018, 098 Aiwa 027, 029, 017, 063
Kenwood 024, 015, 014 Denon 019, 005, 006
Magnavox 020 Fisher 007
Marantz 028 GoldStar, LG 004
NAD 032, 104 Harman, Kardon 022
Nakamichi 086, 105 JVC 015, 016
Onkyo 033, 038, 042 Kenwood 024, 011
Panasonic 007, 099 Marantz 031
Philips 028 NAD 021
Pioneer 031, 085, 090 Nakamichi 058, 068
RCA 092, 093, 020, 106 Onkyo 025, 026, 028
Rotel 067 Panasonic 047
Sansui 037, 089, 087, 086 Philips 031, 065
Sanyo 010 Pioneer 023, 014, 002
Sharp 027, 015, 100 RCA 061, 062
Sherwood 030 Sansui 058, 057
Sony 001, 002, 102 Sanyo 007
Teac 088, 057, 087 Sharp 019, 064
Technics 025, 044, 007 Sony 001, 066, 067
Toshiba 101 Teac 057, 059
Yamaha 029, 045, 013, 103 Technics 030, 003, 047
Yamaha 020, 010
Brand Code(s) MD/DAT
Aiwa 036, 020 Brand Code(s)
Denon 025, 008 Aiwa 012
Emerson 091 Akai 018
Fisher 039, 009 Denon 003
GoldStar, LG 101 JVC 005, 008
Harman, Kardon 030 Kenwood 004, 011, 014
Hitachi 040 Marantz 007
JVC 032, 017, 018 Onkyo 020 (DAT)
Kenwood 033, 013, 023 Panasonic 010, 006
Magnavox 015, 025 Pioneer 016, 020 (DAT)
Marantz 071 Sansui 009
NAD 028 Sharp 013
Nakamichi 043, 082 Sony 001, 002, 019 (DAT)
Onkyo 029, 034, 037 Teac 005
Panasonic 009, 094 Yamaha 017
Philips 015
Pioneer 027, 016 Mini Hi-Fi Component System Codes
RCA 081, 088, 089 Brand Rcvr/Amp CD Tape MD
Sansui 082, 083, 086 Admiral 095 085
Sanyo 039, 009 Aiwa 021 020
Sharp 008, 014, 095 022 021 017
Sherwood 038 039 036 027
Sony 001, 098, 099, 100 079 074 052 012
Teac 048, 053, 083 Akai 074 068 048
Technics 024, 031, 004 B&O 068 063 041
Yamaha 026, 035, 012 Crown 062 058
Daewoo 004 002
Denon 009 007 005
027 008 019 102 098 067
Brand Rcvr/Amp CD Tape MD Brand Rcvr/Amp CD Tape MD
Denon 027 008 019 Sounde-sign 096 087
023 022 018 T+A 063 059 040
036 008 019 003 Teac 054 049 045
Gerrard 057 053 087 057
GoldStar/LG 008 006 004 Technics 006 004 003
Harman/Kardon 034 090 007 004 047
Jensen 060 084 022 044 024 030
JVC 018 017 015 005 025 031 003
019 018 016 073 067 047
070 017 042 Toshiba 101 096
018 017 042 005 Yamaha 013 012 010
078 073 051 008 029 026 010
Kenwood 014 013 011 029 026 020
015 014 012 029 026 044
024 033 024
024 023
071 065 045 014
071 065 011 014
082 077 054 011
083 078 055 014
Marantz 016 015 013
028 038 013
094 015 033
McIntosh 097 090
Onkyo 033 034 025
033 029 025
084 079 056 015
Panasonic 007 005
007 004 047
077 072 050 010
Philips 016 015 013
Pioneer 005 003 002
090 027 023
017 016 014
005 016 002
017 016 002
072 066 046
081 076 053 016
RCA 091 080 060
SABA 040 041
Samsung 041 042
Sansui 087 083 057
Sanyo 010 009 007
Schneider 069 064 043
Sharp 036 008 019 003
015 014
027 008 019
027 008 006
080 075 013
Sherwood 011 010 008
012 011 009
Sony 001 001 001 001
002 001 001 001
102 098 066