Iso 45001 - 6.1.4

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Clause 6.1.

4: Planning Action

The organisation should ensure that specific plans are in place to:

 Address risks and opportunities that have been assessed as requiring further action;
 Address legal and other requirements;
 Prepare for and respond to emergency situations.

The actions planned should primarily be managed through the OH&S management system and
where appropriate, should involve integration with other business processes and/or management
systems such as quality, environment, business continuity, risk management and financial or
human resource management.

When planning to take action the organisation should take into account the hierarchy of controls
common to risk management, which are detailed in section 8.1.2 of the standard and outputs
from the OH&S management system.

The actions planned can include establishing objectives (reference section 6.2 of the standard) or
incorporating the action into other OHSMS processes such as documented procedures or
improved competence.

Actions to address risks and opportunities should also be considered under clause 8.1.3:
management of change to ensure that there are no unintended consequences arising from the
actions taken.

Finally, the organisation needs to evaluate the effectiveness of these actions.

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