Joselito D. Quitong: Project in English
Joselito D. Quitong: Project in English
Joselito D. Quitong: Project in English
Project In
Address - to speak to / location
Air - oxygen / a lilting tune
Arm - body part / division of a
Band - a musical group / a ring
Bark - a tree's out layer / the
sound a dog makes
Bat - an implement used to hit a
ball / a nocturnal flying mammal
Bright - very smart or intelligent /
filled with light
Circular - taking the form of a
circle / a store advertisement
Current - up to date / flow of water
Die - to cease living / a cube
marked with numbers one through
brake/break: When teaching my daughter how to
drive, I told her if she didn't hit the brake in time
she would break the car's side mirror.
cell/sell: If you sell drugs, you will get arrested
meaning "love"
attribute - a characteristic or quality/to
of axis
bass - a deep voice or tone/a kind of fish
food bar
bustier - an undergarment/more busty