JMM 00 FrontPages
JMM 00 FrontPages
JMM 00 FrontPages
Parasara Astrology
Jyothisha Vignana Bhaskara
Challa Soma Sundaram
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Sri Challa Soma Sundaram
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On Namo Sri Venkatesaya Namaha ::
Om Yaa Sivonaama Roopaabhyaam Ya Deevee Sarva Mangalaa |
Tamoo Tam Samsmarana Deevaa Sarvatoo Mangalam ||
Tundamu Neeka Dantamunu Doorapubojjayu Vamahastamun |
Menduga Mrooyoyu Gajjelunu Mellani Choopulu Mandahaasamun ||
Kondoka Gujjaroopamuna Koorina Vidyalakella Nojjayai |
Yundedi Parvateetanaya Yooyi Ganaadhipa Neeku Mrokkedan ||
12 Lagnas. This method of presenting the material brings out all the rules and
examples given for each Lagna at one single place, with which one can
understand the meanings easily. Also, the examples are further simplified by
presenting their essence in numerical tabular form for all examples given in each
lagna. From these tables, an astrology student or a practicing astrologer can
readily assess a planet or a combination of planets for the Horoscope being
examined, and immediately say whether the planet (whose dasa and antardasa
currently running) will give yoga or avayoga, and indicate results of the planets
coming at a later date. This book Jataka Mani Manjusha in English covers issues
discussed in both the Telugu and English books written by Sri Suryanarayan
Murty garu, namely Jataka Narayaneeyam (in Telugu), Yogavali Khandamu (in
Telugu) and Jataka Narayaneeyam & Yogavali Khandamu (in English). The same
principles of bringing out rules and examples are adopted, but lagna-wise and in
a tabular form.
Sri Madhura Krishna Murthy Sastry
President of India Awardee Jyotisha Vijanana Kendramu
Vaachaspati D. No. 17-14-6/1, Krishna Nagar
Jyotisha Vijnana Bhaskara Seetammapeta
Vaastu Kalanidhi Rajahmundry 533104
Editor, Jyotisha Vijnana Patrika Phone: (0883) 247 1257
28 November 2013
I have perused all the fourteen chapters of the book in detail. The reasons
elucidated for examination of Bhavas in respect of predictive part to arrive at the results
for the twelve Lagnas have been well explained. Chapter 1 gives information and
references in Vedas that bore knowledge and astronomical siddhantas, which is necessary
for a student, has been brought out clearly through relevant sketches for greater
understanding. Chapter 12 deals with the effects of nine Upagrahas (Satellites). The
influences of these Satellite planets as a greater bearing on the results of predictive
astrology in the matter of Yogas and Avayogas of planets and will aid astrologers in
arriving at accurate results. Chapter 13 deals with fundamentals of Medical Astrology in
arriving at periods propitious for performance of surgical operations for the sick limbs of
human body and for the expeditious recovery of the patient to normal health. The life
periods specified for such operations are detailed for the rehabilitation of the patient.
This book of Sri Challa Somasundaram Jyothisha Mani Manjusha is not only useful
to a student of Astrology, but serves as a guide to scholars in the subject.
Dr. C. V. B. Subrahmaniam
Department of Jyotisha–Vastu
Potti Sriramulu Telugu University
Hyderabad eMail: [email protected]
28 December 2013
C. V. B. Subrahmanyam
Pandit Sadashiv Rudraswamy
President, Vedic Astrology, Ahmedabad 3 Nehru Park, Nehru Nagar Char Rasta
Chairman, Jyothish Vishwavidalaya, Bangalore Satellite Road
Director, Indian Forum of Yoga Samskrutam Ahmedabad 375015
University, Florida, USA
Chairman, Bharadwaj Institute of Vedic
Sciences, Ahmedabad
4 January 2014
Though I have not met Sri Challa Somasundaram in person, the book Jataka Mani
Manjusha, written by him in English, made me understand his abilities and deep
knowledge in Vedic Astrology. The book is a treasure trove of Astrology, not only for the
beginners, but also for the learned astrologers, as the book covers from Astronomy to
Astrology, important subjects, like casting of horoscope to fine tuning of predictive
astrology, introduction of satellite planets in predictive astrology, giving total details of
sickness and cure, remedial measures, etc., in Medical Astrology, which is nothing, but a
boon to a beginner of Astrology.
The book will definitely serve as a ready reckoner and reference book, as it
covers every aspect of astrology. I have gone through the book in detail and I am very
much impressed with the technique incorporated in writing the book, which is possible
only by stalwarts, like Challa Somasundaram. I wish him every success in his future
endeavours and pray the almighty to guide him to write more books on astrology to
benefit modern astrologers.
Sadhashiv Rudraswamy
Dr. K. S. Charak
Department of Surgery
ESI Hospital
New Delhi 110015
25 December 2013
Vedic astrology, over the past years, has become an extremely popular and
revered subject all over the world. This has been largely due to the availability of this
sacred body of knowledge to the English knowing public. Rendering the principles of
this hoary wisdom into a widely spoken and studied modern language has helped in the
spread of this knowledge for the general good of mankind all over the world. Now,
several Sanskrit classics are available in reasonably good translated forms to be of use to
the English knowing reader. A vast effort of scholars of Vedic astrology has gone into this
direction to make this subject familiar to the world in general and to the seeker of
knowledge in particular.
This grand effort of Shri Challa Soma Sundaram is the latest step in this direction
of disseminating Vedic knowledge to the present-day reader. His presentation of the
Jataka Mani Manjusha is not only a tribute to Sri Suryanarayana Murty, a famous
astrologer of Rajahmundry, but a major effort in the service of Vedic astrology. He has
reorganized the work of Sri Suryanarayana Murty to present this valuable knowledge in
a more readable and easy-to-assimilate form. This work covers several aspects of Parasara
astrology and does not overlook the Jaimini astrology as well.
The present author has also added two special chapters to the original work. The
chapter on Upagrahas is an important addition in the sense that most of the routine
astrological predictions are made without taking into consideration these valuable and
important factors. The other chapter is on the Fundamentals of Medical Astrology. Without
doubt, the subject of medical astrology is one of the most important and useful branches
of Vedic astrology. I am pleased to put on record that the worthy author considered my
own work on medical astrology as of enough relevance to be a part of the work of Sri
Suryanarayana Murty as much as of his own.
I have no doubt that the Jataka Mani Manjusha would prove to be a worthy
addition to the body of Vedic astrological knowledge in English language.
K. S. Charak
Professor N. V. R. A. Raja
Naadi Jyothisa Kesari 101 Rockwell Apartment, Road No. 6
Asthana Jyothisa Vidwan, Sri Ahobila Muth, Jyothi Colony, Kakaguda
Chairman,JKR Astro Research Foundation Secunderabad 500015
Hyderabad eMail: [email protected]
12 December 2013
Jataka Mani Manjusha is a classic work and a wonderful outcome of Sri Challa
Somasundaram’s experience and knowledge manifest in the form of a book for all Astro
lovers. Astrology is the study of human experiences-past, present and future in the
backdrop of time and space. The translation and explanation of Sri Vadrevu
Suryanarayana Murthy garu’s work Jataka Narayaneeyam is in your hands as Jataka Mani
Manjusha. The Vedic Astrology is a perfect science or we can say beyond science, which is
purely based on mathematical calculations. Every planet has its own momentum, effect
and significance. Relationship among different planets and their effects are felt on human
beings. The planets are the final authority in giving favourable or unfavourable results.
Nature, relationship among different planets and their effect in different columns of the
horoscope is also well decided. You cannot generalize any prediction because degrees of
planet, effect of other planets on a particular planet, but its relationship with the
representative of that zodiac sign in which it is situated matter a lot. A good astrologer
has to go through each and every aspect of this fact while making calculations and
predicting anything related to not only present birth but also previous births. But how
can a common person know about those things, which are not visible easily? Here, the
role of astrology becomes important in the life of an individual. Horoscope speaks about
prospects, but deeds of an individual complete the picture. Suppose we are going from
one place to another. We reach the destination easily if we are on a familiar route. But, if
we are going on some unfamiliar route, we tend to ask a well acquainted person about
the nature of the route. He can guide us about condition of the road, curves, dangers,
precautions one is supposed to take while travelling on that particular road and so on.
Astrology is just like that person, who knows a lot about the route and can guide us. This
guidance can make our journey safe, successful and more secure.
This work adequately explains how to analyse results linking lagnas. Sufficient
explanations are given with example charts and simplified tabular columns. In Chapter 3,
the author has explained the importance of aspects, strength and results of the various
planets blending Jaimini and Parasara aspects to each lagna. Here, he has given details on
Stree Jataka and how the other sages had deviated from certain principles said in other
works. As we all know, there are very limited works on Stree Jataka available. This book
comprises of a lot of details compiled from differed works which serve as a ready
reckoner. Yoga (combination) offered to different aspects of Kalatra Bhava of women is
well defined and simple to understand and apply.
Classical texts have not given much importance to Mandi and Gulika, whereas as
in Kerala, astrologers are giving a lot of importance to Satellite planets Mandi and Gulika.
Satellite planets are very useful in analysing critical results when traditional Astro
principles fail.
In the chapter dealing with Medical Astrology, manifestation of disease and cure
combination is well elucidated which is quite useful to arrive at timing of events and a
probable time for cure. Sri Challa Somasundaram has taken a lot of effort to compile the
entire work linking each lagna in simple tabular form in the Chapter 14.
Having spent many years in study of basic principles of Parasara and Jaimini
systems, Sri Challa Somasundaram has succeeded in his efforts in presenting such
wonderful and useful rules in a lucid manner which is truly commendable. I am sure that
this work may provide great insights and in-depth understanding of Vedic Astrology.
Jataka Mani Manjusha is a great tool for predictive purpose and also to arrive at the
strength of a bhava or planet.
I am very pleased and blessed to write few important points on this work of my
close and respectable family friend Sri Challa Somasundaram. I am sure Lord Sri Lakshmi
Nrishima will bless him and his entire family members for this very important and highly
useful predictive Astro work.
N. V. R. A. Raja
Dr. Rallapalli Venkateswara Rao
Assistant Professor of Jyotisha
Department of Jyotisha–Vastu
Potti Sriramulu Telugu University
16 November 2013
When man first appeared on this Plant, he would have looked with wonder at
the glory of the heavenly bodies. He would not have failed to notice these bodies kept
moving across the Sky. Careful observers could discover from periodicity in the
movement of these heavenly bodies to reckon time. This was the beginning of the
Astronomy, which is one of the earliest Sciences ever to be discovered in the history of
Dr. Sagi Kamalakar Sharma
Assistant Professor
Department of Telugu
Osmania University
7 January 2014
Astrology indicates good and bad incidents in present life according to previous
births deeds of a person. For this indication, Astrology needs planetary positions in the
sky. Important terms in Astrology are Rasi, Graha and Bhavas. Rasi and Grahas are
observable in the sky, but Bhavas are born in human mind and are not observable. The
above three are posited in different ways in Horoscopes according to the previous birth
activities. Dasas and Antardasas also indicate the good and bad experiences of the past.
For future results, we have to study significators of Graha, Rasi and Bhavas. Combinations
of these three are called Yogas. Learning of Astrology means deep analysis of the
technical terms, like Lagna, Rasi, Varga chakras, Kendra and Kona. Through Astrology, we
have to predict the future according to sky and earths positions at the time of birth.
Framing the line between past life events and present life is the aim of Indian Astrology.
Astros affect Human mind. Thought process is inspired according to astros. According to
Dasas and Gochara, human thoughts will effect and it continues lifestyle. Human body
responds according to mind only. We have to decide the physiological, pathological
outlook of human internal organs through individual horoscopes. Our Sages formed
some principles for this observation. Some more writers changed and established new
principles according to their experiences in their time. Some wrote vyakhyanas to those
principles and some are giving perfect guidelines for the students of Astrology.
Sri Challa Somasundaram is one among the above. This auspicious book Jataka
Mani Manjusha is the Vyakhyana of the book written by Sri Vadrevu Suryanarayana
Murthy garu. Sri Somasundaram explains various principles for all Ascendants
according to his mathematical, scientific and technical knowledge. He includes
Astronomy, mathematical caluculations, medical Astrology and some other new chapters
for the sake of new students. For the learners of astrology through English, this book is
one among the best books. For his contribution, I appreciate Sri Challa Somasundaram
garu. Goddess Sreemata will bless him for this great contribution to Astrological Society.
By this book, he will live forever. We are praying Sreemata to give good strength to this
writer to contribute more.
Shubham bhuyath….
Sagi Kamalakara Sharma
Mrs. Gayatri Devi Vasudev
Editor, Modern Astrology Shri Gayatri, 56 ITI Layout
(The new Astrological Magazine) IV East Main Road, Banasankari III Stage
Bangalore 5600085
Phone: (080) 2679 3479
8 December 2013
I have gone through the draft copy of your bulky work Jataka Mani Manjusha and
am truly lost for words to express my appreciation for it. The colossal task that you took
upon yourself in not only bringing the deep knowledge and insights of the early 20 th
century Telugu scholar Sri Vadrevu Suryanarayana Murty from his books in Telugu and
English before the present generation, but also in formatting the text and presenting it in
reader-friendly manner, and that too at your age, when most people prefer the easy chair
cannot but draw one’s admiration.
The way you have redone the examples giving their essence in numerical tabular
form should make it easy for even a novice to grasp the principles behind them. The
same is the case, where you show the rules Ascendant-wise in tabular form. The section
on medical astrology, where combinations for ailments are interpreted, is refreshingly
different, but at the same, thought-provoking. The inclusion of additionally a wide-range
of topics apart from those sourced from the late scholar’s works makes your book almost
encyclopedic and one which no astrology enthusiast can afford to miss.
You have proved by this literary effort in Jyostisha that chronological age does
not matter, where there is a will to pursue one’s interest. The younger generation can
certainly draw insipiration from your work.
Yours sincerely
Gayatri Devi Vasudev
Sri Pothukuchi Suryanrayana Murthy
Senior Advocate and House No. 911, Urvasi Villa
Former Member of AP Sahitya Academy Danavaipeta
Phone: (0883) 247 5808
14 September 2013
Sri Challa Somasundaram, an Engineer of choice and life long practice, had by a
quirk of destiny, taken to the study of Astrology, a wholly distinct and distant field from
this chosen Civil Engineering may as a Vocational service and exhibited an extraordinary
thirst for acquisition of knowledge in the Astronomical and allied Astrological sciences
(which is called Jyothisha) in a profound degree at his advanced age of seventy years (a
rare phenomenon these days) and acquired a Master’s Degree in Astrology from the Potti
Sree Ramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad.
His studies in the subject did not stop there. He undertook intensive research
into the intricacies of the Sastra with a devotion that is exemplary and sustained extorting
encomiums from the cognoscenti like Sri Madhura Krishna Murthy Sastry, an
acknowledged master on the subject. Sri Somasundaram’s rearrangement of Sri Vadrevu
Suryanarayana Murty’s published work with addition of two chapters of his own, is a
commendable compilation of the Satronic theories and their application to the practice of
the science and I whole-heartedly congratulate him on this scholarly achievement and his
sustained eagerness to contribute to astrological knowledge and research.
Sri Viswanatha Gopala Krishna Sastry
Mahamahopadhyaya Door No: 20-16-57, Tummalava
Karanamgari Street
Rajahmundry 533004
Phone: (0883) 246 0225; 94911 13198
14 September 2013
I have experienced great pleasure in going through the book Jataka Mani
Manjusha written by Sri Somasundaram. Sri Challa’s book written earlier Yogavayoga
Nirnayamu for the Dwadasa Lagnas has received eulogies from readers. The Jataka Mani
Manjusha clearly details at the benefices and malefices of the twelve lagnas having been
written with a clear understanding of the subject matter in a simple style and language,
clearly intelligible to all people, with the demonstrative charts. The bases of this book of
fourteen chapters are:
(1) Jataka Narayaneeyamu, Purva Parasari, and
(2) Yogavali Khandamu
written by the well-known Astrological Scholar, Sri Vadrevu Suryanarayana Murty. Taking
them as guidelines and investigating numerous traditions with the aid of authentative
texts like Jaimi Sutras and Jataka Chandrika, the author has brought out this book. The
subject of Satellites in Chapter 12 and Medical Astrology facts in Chapter 13 lend speciality
to the book; undoubtedly, the charts in Chapter 14 are very useful guide to the readers.
I am of the opinion that this book will receive approbation from all sections of
the public, as it has been published with a faithful following of the ancient books and
with modern scientific outlook and perception and rendered with clarity and simplicity
by the author. This work is like a dissertation fit for a Ph.D. degree.
16 September 2013
I have with due attention gone through Sri Challa Somasundram’s Book Jataka
Mani Manjusha. This book discusses and details the situations and movements of Planets;
results they give, their visions, etc. also have been discussed along with their situational,
angular and circular positions, their strengths, the benefics and malefics. Also, the
Planets indicative of death, their qualities, etc. have been discussed in detail and
propounded by Sri Somasundaram, according to Parasara School of Astrology.
Navi seeyurgraha sarvee swadasanu swabhuktishu!
Subhaasubha phalam nrunaanaatma bhavanu sarathaha!!
Subhapaapatmakatayam nirdishtantu phalam grahaha!
Pradisanthi subhayeeva swadasanu swabhuktishu!!
According to this tenet, at the start of the particular planetary movement, till the end of
its effects alone persist; that is, if auspicious or inauspicious events had been running
before, they continue their sway, i.e., results of such, either good or bad, continue.
Detailing the Ashtamadhiptya of the Moon and Budha (Mercury) sloka:
Budhasthadanu chandropi bhaveethadanu tadvidhaha!
Na randreesatwa doshasthu suryachandrama drama soor bhaveeth!!
Sri Somasundaram critically examined the authors’ opinion that there is no
Ashtamadhiptya Evil for the Sun and the Moon, and made succint observation.
If the book is perused in detail with a critical attitude, one finds many scientific
gems. This great book will serve as a torch-bearer to all those interested in the persuit of
Astrology. Sri Challa Somasundaram, who has made available such a useful book to
Aspirants in Astrological science, is indeed a Daivagnee (knowing the Divine). I offer my
salutations to Him. May good prevail…
Professor K. V. Krishna Murty
Chairman & Managing Director 11-13-279, Road No. 8
Institute of Scientific Research on Vedas (I-SERVE) Alakapuri
(Recognized by DSIR as SIRO) Hyderabad 500035
Phone: (040) 2403 5013
01 October 2013
Even though small creatures also have their own instincts to plan their future, in
their own humble way, the aptitude of a human being to plan his future in a big way
compelles him to develop sciences, like Metereology, Statistics and Economics, and yet
his inquisitiveness to peep into the details of his near and far off future does not get
quenched unless and until he lands himself in the ancient science of Astrology.
Unlike the modern sciences, Astrology has got its roots in the remote past of
humanity, as far as Indian continent is concerned. Thus, this being a science which
sprouted up in the remote past, research into this subject involves many problems, which
include too much of bravity, which was basically due to the lack of extensive usage of
manuscripts. This was not a big problem for the students of those days, since their
memory power was too high and explanations were transmitted through generations by
oral teachings.
Traditional scholars of this science were taught in the same patern and their new
writings also followed the same trend, untill scholars of other sciences took interest in
studying and writing new treatises on this subject. This period started, roughly, around
the latter half of 20th century.
The present volume in your hands is a glaring example of this healthy trend. The
author of this volume is basically an engineer who served Indian railways for more than
three decades and took up the study of Astrology after his retirement. This being his back
ground, he adopted the techniques of dividing the subject in a systematic way with para
numbers, tabulating complicated factors, like lagnas, grahas, lordships, positions and
yogas, giving examples and explanations.
The author, Er. Challa Soma Sundaram, adopted these techniques to two recetly
past Asrological works, namely Jataka Narayaneeyam and Yogavali Khandanamu of late Sri
Vadrevu Suryanarayana Murty garu, who lived during 1904-1978. Because of the new
technologies, the original book of around 268 pages has now grown up to 652 pages.
Apart from this, the Engineer–Astrologer carved out two new chapters, one on
Medical Astrology and the other on Satellite Planets. Of these two, medicinal Astrology is a
fast growing branch of Astrology, which deserves special attention, since this single
branch has the capability of establishing Astrology as a science and since this branch is a
direct link between the modern and ancient sciences. I congratulate the author for
developing this Chapter in a doctor–friendly way.
The final and 14th Chapter of this book, namely Summary of Rules is a testimony
to the intelligence of the author. It is like a ready reecknew of the whole science.
I whole heartedly congratulate the author for converting a traditional work into a
scientific work and adding his own contributions to the original. This, definitely, is a
laudible trend. The scientific world expects more and more Astrological works from this
author both in English and Telugu. May the nine planets bestow the required strength
and long life to the author...
K. V. Krishna Murty
Sri K. Lalit Manohar
Vipra Siromani Ananda Nilayam, Kowtha Bhavan
Gulrukainkarya Seva Nidhi 6-1-294/10 Padmarao Nagar
Jyothisha Vachaspati Secunderabad 500025
28 November 2013
Bharathavarsha is the sacred Karma Bhoomi and Punya Bhoomi. Great sages were
born in the sacred land. They have handed down the different tenets of Sanathana Dharma
through various texts. Sage Veda Vyasa has segregared the Vedavaagmaya into four parts.
He has also authored the Puranas, Brahma Sutras, Mahabharata and Srimad Bagavatham. In
all these texts, one can find references to Jyothisha Sastra. Jyothisha Sastra is a Vedaanga (a
limb of Vedas). Great saints, like Parasara, Jaimini, Varahamihira, Vasishtha, Kalidasa
and others have written many texts on the subject. It is an ocean. One has to dive deep
into this ocean to get the gems out.
Sri Challa Soma Sundaram, though an engineer by profession, has taken to the
study of the divine science under learned Gurus and acquired good command on the
subject. One’s knowledge becomes perfect only when he puts in writing what he has
learnt. That is what was done by Sri Soma Sundaram in authoring the book Jataka Mani
Manjusha. It is a voluminous treatise touching upon various interesting aspects of
Astronomy and Astrology. The book will be of great interest and value to the lovers of
astrology and is a good reference book.
I wish Sri Soma Sundaram good health and long life. I am sure he will bring out
many such valuable treatises in future. May the divine blessings be with Sri Soma
Sundaram and his family.
Sri A. V. Sundaram
Chapter Adivisor
Indian Council for Astrological Sciences
8 December 2013
It gives me great pleasure to pen a few words about the book Jataka Mani
Manjusha and its author Shri Challa Somasundaram. The author being a student of
Jyotisha has shown his ability in bringing out a classic jyotisha book based on Parasara. I
am sure he had taken great pains and time to collect so much of useful information in
jyotisha and re-arrange them for the benefit of the reader. The book is something like
library work; you must spend considerable time to read and understand the contents,
which are GEMS of jyotisha.
A. V. Sundaram
Sri V. Radhakrishna
NCC Limited
7 January 2014
Sri Challa Somasundaram garu associated with me in NCC during the period
1996-2000. When I was learning Astrology, the basics were taught by him. This
association led me to become author of Jathaka Chandrika with the guidance of Sri. C. V. B.
Subrahmanya Sastry garu. I consider him as a person, who has passion towards learning
and gaining knowledge with very strong will in each and every aspect, which has
resulted in this English book by him, titled Jataka Mani Manjusha.
Astronomy points covered in this book proves that astronomy and astrology are
well related scientifically. The planets in Sun Zodiac System are not merely simple planets,
but they affect each and every living being on the Earth. His approach will help every
reader and student understand Astrology in a scientific way. I am confident that many
more such books will be published by Sri Challa Somasundaram garu in the years to
V. Radhakrishna
In 2012, the initial draft with comprehensive, readable and easy to assimilate
tables was prepared and submitted to Dr. Raja. After going through the same, he advised
to recast chapters for bhavas commenceing with lagna to moksha, instead of starting with
from ayurdaya bhava. The draft was modified accordingly; important fundamental aspects
of astronomy were added in the Chapter 2 with sketches related to astrology, like basis of
ayanamsa,. Students interested in the subject of ayanamsa can go deep into the same
towards laying down requisite guidelines in formulating uniformity in preparing a single
Annual Almanic (panchanga). Chapter 12 on Satellite Planets was added as advised by Sri
Madhura Krishna Murty Sastry Garu (Jyothisha Vignana Bhaskara, Vasthu Kalanidhi,
Vachaspathi, recepiant of award from the Honourable President of India). Satellite Planets
are useful in annalysing critical results, when traditional astro principals fail. Chapter 13
on Fundamentals of Medical Astrology was added in consultation with Dr. K. S. Charak
(Surgeon, ESI Hospital, New Delhi); Late Sri Vadrevu Suryanarayana Murty garu gave an
Appendix in Part I of his book, Jataka Narayaneeyamu, linking each discease with a group
of karaka planets, and this Appendix was up-dated in consultation with Dr. Charak along
with his permission to use some extracts from his texts on the subject.
After approval of the final draft by Dr. Raja, draft copies were sent to 16 persons
listed below for their comments:
10. Sahiti Sarvagna Sri Potukuchi Suryanaraya Sastry
Senior Advocate, Rajahmundry
Former President, AP Sahitrya Academy
Former President, Vishwa Vigyana
Pratisthanam, Rajahmundry
11. Mahamahopadhyaya Sri Viswanatha Gopala Krishna Murty
Darsanalankara Rajahmundry
12. Raja Guru Dr. Marepalli Rama Veereswara Sarma
Agamacharya President, Vishwa Vigyana Pratisthanam,
Mantrakala Nidhi Rajahmundry
13. Gnana Kulapati Professor K. V. Krishna Murty
Chairman, I-SERVE, Hyderabad
14. Gurukularcharya Seva Nidhi Sri K. Lalit Manohar
Jyothisha Vachaspati Vice President, ICAS (India),
15. Sri A. V. Sundaram
Chapter Member, ICAS (India),
16. Sri V. Radhakrishna
Director, NCC Limited, Hyderabad
I am extremely grateful and thankful to the Honorable Governor of Tamil Nadu, Sri K.
Rosaiah, 5 gurus of astrology (Sri Madhura Krishna Murthy Sastry, Dr. C. V. B.
Subrahmaniam, Dr. Rallapalli Venkateswara Rao, Sri Sagi Kamalakar Sharma and Professor N.
V. R. A. Raja), and 10 stalwarts in the subject of astrology (Sri S. R. Swamy, Mrs. Gayatri
Devi Vasudev, Dr. K. S. Charak, Sri Pothukuchi Suryanarayana Murty, Sri Viswanadha Gopala
Krishna Murty, Dr. Marapalli Rama Veereswara Sarma, Sri K. L. Manohar, Professor K. V.
Krishna Murty, Sri A. V. Sundaram and Sri V. Radha Krishna).
As a boy of 12 years, I used to see daily Sri V. S. Murty garu in the street in front
of our house in Danavaipeta, Rajahmundry, either on his way to or from work at the
Office of P&T Department. I am extremely happy to dedicate this book Jataka Mani
Manjusha, with all my humility, pranams and humble submission to Late Sri Vadrevu
Surya Narayana Murty garu (during 90th birth centenary year 2014) for his blessings from
heavens. Late Sri Vadrevu Surya Narayana Murty garu had 5 Sons and 2 Daughters. His 5th
Son and the 2 Daughters are now surviving; I wish to pay my respects to them on the
release of the book on behalf of their father.
I respectfully pray to Lord Sri Venkateswara for having given me the strength to
read the original texts 10 times to decipher the concepts, to formulate the rules laid down
planet-wise into lagna-wise formats, and go through 6 drafts of this book. Only HIS
divine intervention has made it possible to bring this book to publication… I place this
book with humility and namaskaras at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Venkateswara Swami at
Tirumala, of Godess Padmavathi Devi at Tiruchanur and of Lord Sri Kalyana Venkateswara
Swami at Srinivasa Mangapuram, at the respective sacred Temples in and around Tirupati
to seek blessings and sacred kumkum and prasad.
Preface v
Blessings vii
Acknowledgements xxv
Contents xxix
Chapter 1 :: Introduction
1.1 Past Literature 1
1.2 About this Book 6
3.4.1 Konadhipatya of Naturally Bad Planets 86
Qualities of Naturally Malefic Planets
Bhava 86 146
3.4.3 Effect of Konadhipatya
4.7.1 and
Houses to be Kendradhipatya
Considered on Mars
for Kalatra and Saturn
Bhava 86 146
3.4.4 Principles
be followedofwhen
WifeMars and Saturn have 86 149
Konadhipatya and Kendradhipatya
3.4.5 When Naturally Bad Planets with Konadhipatya give 87
Good Results
3.4.6 Sun’s Konadhipatya Dosha 87
3.4.7 Examples of Ascendants with Konadhipatya and 87
Kendradhipatya Doshas for Naturally Bad Planets
Chapter 4 :: Bhavas
4.1 Introduction 91
4.1.1 Rasi Chakra 91
4.1.2 Dasama Bhava 91
4.1.3 Bhava Chakra 92
4.2 Bhatru Bhava 92
4.3 Matru Bhava 94
4.3.1 Yogas related to Mother’s Longevity 94
4.3.2 Yogas related to Owing a House 96
4.3.3 Yogas related to Owing a Vehicle 98
4.3.4 Yogas related to Education 98
4.3.5 Three Gunas and the Planets 100
4.4 Putra Bhava 102
4.4.1 Sarvardhachintamani 107
4.4.2 Aries Ascendant 109
4.4.3 Taurus Ascendant 109
4.4.4 Gemini Ascendant 111
4.4.5 Cancer Ascendant 112
4.4.6 Leo Ascendant 113
4.4.7 Virgo Ascendant 115
4.4.8 Libra Ascendant 116
4.4.9 Scorpio Ascendant 117
4.4.10 Sagittarius Ascendant 118
4.4.11 Capricorn Ascendant 119
4.4.12 Aquarius Ascendant 121
4.4.13 Pisces Ascendant 122
4.4.14 Sutras 122
4.4.15 EXAMPLE : Determining Auspicious Time for Upanayana 126
4.5 Shashta Bhava 130
4.6 Stree Jataka 135
4.6.1 Woman’s Complexion 136
4.6.2 Kuja Dosha 138
4.6.3 Consumation of Marriage 140
4.6.4 Soubhagya and Widowhood of Women 144
4.6.5 Longevity, Soubhagya, and Dwikalatra/Dwibharta 145
4.7.3 Physical Personality of Wife and Dwikalatra Yogas 150
6.2 Karaka 4.7.4 Time of Occurrence of Evil in 7th Bhava 255 151
4.7.5 Kuja Dosha
6.2.1 Atma Karaka 256 152
6.2.2 Amatya4.7.6 Exceptions for Cancelling Widowhood, Kuja Dosha
Karaka 256 154
6.2.3 Bhatru Karakaand Dwikalatra Yoga 256
4.7.7 Marriage
6.2.4 Maatru Karaka 256 155
4.8 Balarishta Bhava 157
4.8.1 Primary Conditions determining Balarsihta and 158
Arishta Bhanga Yogas
4.8.2 Balarishta Categories 163
4.8.3 Other Aspects of Balarishta 168
4.9 Ayurdaya Bhava 172
4.9.1 Maraka Lakshana 173
4.9.2 Ayur Yogas 174
4.9.3 Other Important Points on Longevity 189
4.9.4 Determining Longevity by Ascendant 190
4.9.5 Longevity 204
4.10 Pitru Bhava 208
4.11 Karma Jeeva Bhava 211
4.12 Raja Yoga Bhava 216
4.13 Moksha Bhava 230
4.14 Nairanika Bhava 234
4.14.1 Conditions of Soul after Death 235
6.2.5 Putra Karaka 256
6.2.6 Gnati Karaka 256
6.2.7 Dara Karaka 256
6.3 Method of Determining Karakas 257
6.3.1 Method to Determine Karakamsa Lagna 257
6.3.2 Arudha Lagna 258
6.3.3 Hora Lagna 264
6.3.4 Ghatika Lagna 264
6.3.5 Karakamsa Lagna 265
6.3.6 Upapaada Lagna 265
6.4 Sutras 266
A References 629
B Casting a Horoscope: Sample Calculations 631
C About the Author and his Wife 639
C.1 About the Author 639
C.2 About Author’s Wife 644
D Felicitation of Sri Vadrevu Suryanarayana Murthy 647
by Citizens Committee at Rajahmundry on 7 July 1957
E Photos of Gurus
E.1 Sri N. V. R. A. Raja garu 649
and Srimati Usha Raja garu
and Late Sri. N. Raghava Chary garu
E.2 Sri Vadrevu Surayanarayana Murty garu 650
and Srimati Vadrevu Venkataratnamma garu
E.3 Late Sri Adithe Surayanarayana Murty garu 650
and Srimati Adithe Annapurna garu
E.4 Sri Madhura Krishnamurty Sastry garu 651
and Srimati Madhura Mahalakshmi garu
E.5 Sri C. V. B. Subrahmaniam garu 651
and Srimati C. Venkata Lakshmi garu
E.6 Sri Sagi Kamalakara Sarma garu 652
and Srimati S. Manohari garu
E.7 Release of Telugu Book of the Author 652
at Rajhmundry on 23 March 2010
E.8 Release of Telugu Book of the Author 653
at Potti Sriramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad on 24 April 2010
Yaa Kundeendu Tushaara Haara Dhavala Yaa Subhra Vastraanvitaa |
Yaa Veenaa Ravadanda Manditakaraa Yaa Sweta Padmaasanaa ||
Yaa Brahmaatchyuta Sankara Prabhurutibhi Deevaissadhaa Poojitaa |
Saa Maam Paatu Saraswati Bhagavatee Nisheesha Jaadhyapahaa ||