DG 03 001-E 04-03 ARGOS
DG 03 001-E 04-03 ARGOS
DG 03 001-E 04-03 ARGOS
Engine & Turbine Controls
Am Haselbach 1
D-79677 Schönau (Schwarzwald)
Phone +49 7673 8208-0
Fax +49 7673 8208-188
E-mail [email protected]
V.A.T. No.: DE145551926
Digital Governor Panel
Operating Manual
Copyright 1999 by Heinzmann GmbH & Co. KG. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied or reproduced or handed on to any third parties.
Table of Contents
1 General ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 General Device Description ............................................................................................ 1
1.2 Further Information ......................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Parameterizing Digital HEINZMANN Controls: General Explanations ........................ 3
1.3.1 Parameter Lists ........................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Parameter Value Ranges.................................................................................................. 5
1.5 Levels .............................................................................................................................. 5
6 Index of Figures................................................................................................................... 25
1 General
H ei nz ma nn®
Load 1500 kW
Load 30.0 % Function
Cos 0.82 Escape
No Errors
D ig ita l G o v e r n o r P a n e l
FRITZ HEINZMANN GmbH & Co. Am Haselbach 1 Telefon : (07673) 8208-0 [email protected]
Drehzahlregler D-79677 Schönau Telefax : (07673) 8208-188 www.heinzmann.de
This document describes how to operate the DPG-01-G. Detailed descriptions of its
application areas and functions as well as of the adjustment of the DGM-01-G Digital
Generator Management is to be found in these brochures:
Digital Generator Management (DGM-01) THESEUS: Control Systems for Electronically
Controlled Generator Sets in Isolated and Mains Parallel Operation,
Manual No. MV 97-002-e.
Digital Generator Management (DGM-01) THESEUS: Basis Information 2000 for
Electronically Controlled Generator Installations in Isolated and Mains Parallel Mode,
Manual No. DG 01 015-e.
The Electronic Generator Management System is shipped configured to customer
requirements. To properly execute orders and delivery it is absolutely necessary for the
customer to complete the below document and return it to HEINZMANN:
DIGITAL THESEUS DGM-01, Digital Generator Management for Installations with
Synchronous Generators, Order Information,
Brochure No. DG 99 007-e.
An explanation of the general possibilities of configuring HEINZMANN Digital Controls
including a description of the functions of the communication software DcDesk 2000 can
be found in:
Operating Instructions Communication Programme DcDesk 2000: Version for Digital
Speed Control Systems and Magnetic Valve Control,
Manual No. . DG 00 003-e.
A description of the Hand Programmer HP-03-01 which is closely related with the
DPG-01-G can be found in:
Operating Instructions Hand Programmer HP-03-01: Version for Digital Speed Control
Systems and Magnetic Valve Control:
Manual No. DG 00 002-e.
The numerous application possibilities of HEINZMANN Controls are explained in
various other publications which can be ordered from HEINZMANN.
In developing the HEINZMANN Digital Controls top priority was given to realizing a
combination of universal applicability and high grade functionality. For each individual
function a certain number of parameters has to be set and adjusted. Due to the great
number of functions a multitude of parameters had to be implemented. For the sake of
clarity and easy access the parameters have been grouped into four lists:
1. Parameters Parameters used for adjusting control unit and genset values
(parameter numbers 1..1999)
2. Measurements Parameters for indicating the current conditions of control
unit and genset
(parameter numbers 2000..3999)
3. Functions Parameters for activating and toggling functions
(parameter numbers 4000..5999)
4. Curves Parameters for parameterizing characteristics and maps
(parameter numbers 6000..9999)
For the parameter ranges from numbers 10000 to 19999 and 20000 to 29999 there exist
additional groups of four lists each arranged in similar manner as the foregoing.
The parameter ranges are distributed as follows:
1. Speed governor Parameters for hardware based and speed governor
(parameter numbers 1.. 9999)
2. Generator control Parameters for generator control and protection functions
(parameter numbers 10001..19999)
3. Start/Stop Parameters for starting and stopping the set
sequence (parameter numbers 20001..29999)
Each parameter has been assigned a number and an identifier (abbreviated parameter
name). The parameter number also indicates which list the parameter belongs to. Within
these lists, the parameters are arranged by groups to facilitate identification and access.
The following table exhibits the different parameter groups in adjacent columns. The
contents of this table are specific of the DPG-01-G. Parameter groups for device
specific or special accessory functions depend on the type and the particluar application
of the control device and will therefore be described in the respective documentation.
Parameters Measurements Functions Curves
No. Designation Nr. Designation Nr. Designation Nr. Designation
2000 Speed/Frequency 4000 6000 Voltage Capture
100 Synchronizing 2100 Voltage/Current 4100 6100
2200 Power/Power factor 4200 6200
300 Measurement voltage/ 2300 Speed governor signals 4300 6300 Current Capture
current; calibration
400 CAN bus 2400 CAN bus 4400 CAN bus 6400
500 Power control 2500 Load setpoints/ 4500 Station overview/ 6500
DeviceNet Activation of functions
600 Voltage control 2600 Status 4600 Activation of functions 6600
(AVR; Synch.)
700 Limitations/Messages 2700 Limitations/Messages 4700 Limitations 6700
800 Switching functions/ 2800 Switch states/ 4800 Switch configuration 6800
Digital outputs Digital outputs
900 Sensor assignment 2900 Sensors 4900 Sensor assignment 6900
1000 Substitution values for 3000 Current errors 5000 Error handling 7000
sensor errors
1100 3100 Error memory 5100 Error handling 7100
1200 3200 Operating mode 5200 7200
1300 3300 5300 7300
1400 3400 5400 7400
1500 Adjustments PWM-/ 3500 PWM/ Analogue inputs 5500 Analogue inputs 7500
Analogue inputs
1600 Adjustments PWM-/ 3600 Internal measurements 5600 Analogue outputs 7600
Analogue outputs
1700 Digital potentiometer 3700 Status 5700 7700
amplification (energy counter;voltage)
1800 Status 3800 Status 5800 7800
1900 3900 Load of parallel gen sets 5900 Capture curve shapes 7900 Temperature sensors
With each parameter, a certain value range is associated. Since there is a multitude of
parameters and functions, there also exist a great number of value ranges. Each parameter
is displayed including its respective value range.
For certain parameters their value ranges cannot be explicitly specified in advance, but
must be set in the control unit by the user. This applies to all parameters indicating
physical measurements such as readings from pressure or temperature sensors.
Some parameters have a value range that is capable of two states only, viz. 0 or 1. This
type of parameter is used to activate or switch over particular functions or to indicate error
conditions or states of external switches, etc. Parameters with this value range are confined
to the lists 2 (Measurements) and 3 (Functions)
With these parameters, state "1" signifies that the respective function is active or that the
respective error has occurred, whereas state "0" signals the function to be inactive resp.
that there is no error.
The parameter names of change-over switches as well as those of parameters provided for
selection between two functions always include an „Or“ (e.g., 2812 SwitchDroop2Or1).
The function preceding Or in the parameter name is activated by setting the parameter
value to 1 whilst the function after Or will be active when the value of the parameter is 0.
1.5 Levels
Since it is the Digital Control's primary function to control the aggregate's operational
performance with regard to speed, power, etc., parameterization should remain entrusted
exclusively to skilled specialists. However, to let also the ultimate customer participate in
the advantages of the Digital Control, the parameters of the HEINZMANN Digital
Control have been organized as a hierarchical system of seven levels:
Level 1: Level for the ultimate customer
On this level, it is possible to have the basic operational values (e.g., setpoints
and current values of speed, output, etc.) and errors displayed. This level does
not allow any manipulations of the control data or the genset data.
Level 2: Level for the device manufacturer
The device manufacturer can set speeds within the permissible ranges. Besides,
the control's dynamic parameters and dynamic map may be modified and
power output reduced.
The DPG-01-G includes a backlit LCD display of four lines with 20 characters each.
Depending on the operating mode, it will display different types of information.
Load 52.0 %
Load 1560 kW
Cos 0.81
No Error
Beneath the LCD display, there is a field with eight LED's of different colours providing a
quick survey of the generator set's operating conditions.
2.3 Keypad
The keypad for operating the DPG-01-G is installed on the right hand side of the front
Figure 5 Keypad
Table Table 3 offers explanations of the functions of the different keys.
Key Function
Switching to next parameter list
(available only in programmer mode)
Calling the function menu or abandoning menus/operation modes
ENTER Selection/Confirmation
3.1 Initialization
Programmer mode is the standard operating mode of the DPG-01-G. Depending on the
user level, individual parameters may be displayed or adjusted.
Action Keys
Parameter indication:
Show next/preceding parameter/measurement
Parameter indication:
Go to next parameter list (parameter displayed last in list)
Parameter indication:
Activate direct parameter selection (first digit of
parameter value is flashing)
Parameter indication:
Edit displayed parameter value (last digit of ENTER
2000 1502.0
Save Param 1/min
Speed Errors
0÷4000 Param Set off
No Error Param Set
Table Table 5 shows the operating possibilities of the function selection menu:
Action Keys
2000 1502.0
Load 1/min
52.0 %
Load 1560 kW
0÷4000 0.81
Cos off
No Error
Action Keys
On selecting the menu item ‘Save Param Set’ all parameters are automatically stored in the
control unit. When storage is complete, a message telling whether execution has been
successful or unsuccesful will be displayed for about 3 seconds. During this procedure,
operating the DPG-01-G will not be possible.
When the menu item ‘Clear Errors’ is selected, all active errors stored in the control unit
are cleared. Any errors, however, that are still active will continue to be displayed.
The procedures ‘Upload Param Set’ und ‘Download Param Set’ permit to upload all actual
parameter values from the control unit and store them in the DPG-01-G as well as to
download them back into the control unit.
When selected, upload will be executed automatically without any further
acknowledgment. The procedure is visualized by a progress bar in the fourth LCD line,
and a message is displayed for about 3 seconds whether execution has been successful or
On selecting ‘Download Param Set’, the software number of the software currently used
by the control unit will be displayed for comparison with the number of the parameter set
stored in the DPG-01-G. At this point, the procedure can be aborted without starting the
download procedure. If download is confirmed by pressing ‘Enter’ a progress bar is
displayed. On successfully completing the download procedure, it will be possible to either
store the parameter values immediately in the control unit (as described in: ↑ 3.5) or to
return directly to programmer mode. Table 7 shows the possibilities of operation that are
available after selecting parameter download or after executing download, respectively.
Action Keys
This menu item permits to reset the error memory of the control unit. On executing this
procedure, any simultaneously active error messages will be cleared. Any errors, however,
that are still active will continue to be reported and kept in the error memory. Depending
on the level of access, execution of this function will require to enter a password.
CONFIRM here <------
Password, please.
The menu item ‘HP03 Settings/Info’ permits to adjust brightness and contrast of the
display and serves to display status values and electrical operating parameters of the
DPG-01-G. For this function, three different windows can be selected.
The first window serves for indicating and adjusting the values of brightness and contrast
of the display and for indicating the number of the software used by the DPG-01-G.
The second window serves very much like during initialization to indicate the fix-
programmed user level, the identification number and the access mask of the present
The third window indicates the values of the supply voltage provided by the control unit
and of the internal 5 Volts reference.
Table 9 informs about the possibilities of input:
Action Keys
Activate adjustment of contrast and brightness (in first screen only) ENTER
Adjustment of brightness:
Change from brightness to contrast
Adjustment of contrast:
Terminate input accepting changes
The menu item ‘Reset Control Unit’ permits to access the reset function of the control unit.
On selecting this item, it will be possible to either confirm execution of the reset or to
return to programmer mode without executing a reset. In case of confirmation, a message
is displayed that the system is waiting for acknowledgment from the control unit. As soon
as the reset has been executed, the DPG-01-G will return to programmer mode. If resetting
is not possible due to the control's operating condition, the message ‘Reset not possible...’
will be displayed for about 3 seconds.
5 Technical Data
5.1 Specification
5.2 Dimensions
Table 10 Dimensions
Figure 12 Dimensional Drawing of Switchboard Cutout
6 Index of Figures
Figure 1 Front View DGP-01-G .............................................................................................. 1
Figure 2 LCD Display in Measurement Window Mode.......................................................... 7
Figure 3 LCD Display in Function Selection Mode ................................................................ 7
Figure 4 LED Status Indicators................................................................................................ 8
Figure 5 Keypad..................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 6 LCD: Programmer Mode......................................................................................... 11
Figure 7 LCD: Function Selection Menu............................................................................... 12
Figure 8 LCD: Measurement Window................................................................................... 13
Figure 9 LCD: Password Input .............................................................................................. 15
Figure 10 Structure of Operation (General Overview) ............................................................ 19
Figure 11 Dimensional Drawing.............................................................................................. 22
Figure 12 Dimensional Drawing of Switchboard Cutout ........................................................ 23
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