Foam Stability
Foam Stability
Foam Stability
The foam stability of beer is one of the important key factors in evaluating the quality of beer. The
purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the level of malt modification
(degradation of protein, starch, and so on) and the beer foam stability. This was achieved by examining
foam-promoting proteins using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE). We found that the foam
stability of beer samples brewed from the barley malts of cultivars B and C decreased as the level
of malt modification increased; however, the foam stability of cultivar A did not change. To identify
the property providing the increased foam stability of cultivar A, we analyzed beer proteins using
2DE. We analyzed three fractions that could contain beer foam-promoting proteins, namely, beer
whole proteins, salt-precipitated proteins, and the proteins concentrated from beer foam. As a result,
we found that in cultivar A, some protein spots did not change in any of these three protein fractions
even when the level of malt modification increased, although the corresponding protein spots in
cultivars B and C decreased. We analyzed these protein spots by peptide mass finger printing using
matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry. As a result, all of these
spots were identified as barley dimeric R-amylase inhibitor-I (BDAI-I). These results suggest that
BDAI-I is an important contributor to beer foam stability.
KEYWORDS: Beer foam stability; barley malt cultivar; malt modification; beer protein; two-dimensional
gel electrophoresis
INTRODUCTION hops (2, 8), and metal ions (2) have been considered as foam-
Foam quality is one of the important characteristics in beer. positive factors. On the other hand, it has been suggested that
The foam prevents the emanation of flavor and inhibits oxidation yeast proteinase A (9–12) and lipids (13, 14) are foam-negative
to prevent the direct contact of air and beer. Beer foam quality factors.
is characterized by its stability, lacing, whiteness, density, The level of malt modification is one of the important factors
strength, and creaminess (1). Among these, foam stability has controlling foam stability. It is well-known that the malt Kolbach
been intensively studied and reported (2–6). Some of the barley index (the index for the solubility of nitrogen components in
grain and barley malt proteins (3, 4, 7), iso-R-acids from barley malt) relates to malt modification. Malt modification
(Kolbach index) is negatively correlated with foam stability (1, 2),
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: ++81-276- because of the degradation of foam-positive proteins and loss
56-1454. Fax: ++81-276-56-1605.
Authors contributed equally to this work. of viscosity due to the degradation of nonstarch polysaccharides
Bioresources Research and Development Department, Sapporo such as β-glucan and arabinoxylan in increased modification
Breweries Ltd. (4, 15); however, the impact of viscosity on foam is contentious
Current address: National Agricultural Research Center for Kyushu (16). On the other hand, if the malt modification level is low,
Okinawa Region, 2421 Suya, Nishigoshi, Kikuchi, Kumamoto 861-
1192, Japan.
the malt extract is insufficient and the beer filtration efficiency
Frontier Laboratories of Value Creation, Sapporo Breweries Ltd. is deteriorated (17, 18). So, it is well-known that an optimum
Okayama University. malt modification level is needed for beer brewing.
10.1021/jf0724926 CCC: $40.75 2008 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 02/01/2008
BDAI-I as a Possible Foam-Promoting Protein J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 56, No. 4, 2008 1459
Table 1. List of the Beer Samples Brewed from Single Barley Malt Sample
The number after the hyphen is the level of ex-steep moisture. b The number between the parentheses is the Kolbach index.
Among various proteins from barley grain and barley malt, Malting and Malt Quality Analysis. A 75 kg barley sample (>2.5
there are many reports on protein Z (3, 19–21) and LTP-1 mm screen) was malted according to a previous report (38). Steeping
(3, 7, 22–27), which have been suggested as foam-promoting was comprised of two cycles of 6 h immersion and 6 h air rest at 14
proteins. Evans et al. (3) measured the concentrations of proteins °C. The level of ex-steep moisture of each sample was controlled in
Z4, Z7, and LTP-1 in barley grains and barley malts and the range of 35–45% (Table 1) to investigate the relationship between
the level of malt modification and the beer foam stability. Germination
described that there were varietal variations in the concentrations
lasted for 144 h at 14 °C to obtain the barley malt with homogeneous
of these proteins. They suggested that optimization of the quality. The kilning program was as follows: 5.0 h at 55 °C, 5.5 h at
malting process to maximize the concentrations of proteins Z4, 60 °C, 2.0 h at 65 °C, 1.5 h at 75 °C, and 4.0 h at 83 °C with a flow
Z7, and LTP-1 might improve beer foam quality (3). They also of 100% fresh air during kilning. Malt characteristics were analyzed
examined quantitative trait loci controlling the concentration according to the standard methods of the European Brewery Convention
of proteins Z4 and Z7. As a result, it was shown that the levels (39) for malt moisture, wort clarity, wort color, boiled wort color, malt
of these proteins were under simple genetic controls (19). On extract (fine grind, 0.2 mm), malt total and soluble nitrogen, Kolbach
the other hand, Leiper et al. (28) reported that protein Z had no index, apparent attenuation limit, diastatic power, viscosity, friability,
direct function in foaming. It has been assumed that LTP-1 and wort β-glucan.
contributes to beer foam stability since LTP-1 binds to lipids Pilot-Scale Brewing. Beer samples were brewed from each barley
that prevent the stability of beer foam (3, 7, 22–27). LTP-1 has malt according to the standard method of Product and Technology
Development Center of Sapporo Breweries. In brief, the wort was
been well-studied, in terms of the relationship between the wort
prepared from barley malt (67%, w/w, of total raw materials), corn
boiling temperature and the conformation of LTP-1 (7), the post-
starch, rice, and hops at a 400 L pilot-scale plant. Each barley malt
translational modification (22, 25), and the behavior of LTP-1 was mashed alone according to a program of 50 °C for 20 min, 65 °C
in the brewing process (25). Furthermore, some researchers for 40 min, and 73 °C for 3 min. After the wort was boiled for 90 min,
reported that proteinase A derived from Saccharomyces cer- the wort was diluted by hot water to a concentration of 10.9–11.1% of
eVisiae degrades LTP-1 (9, 10, 29, 30). He et al. (9) demon- extract followed by cooling of the wort. The dissolved oxygen in cooled
strated that the proteinase A activity was changed by the storage wort was adjusted to 10 ppm. The fermentation was started by adding
conditions of beer and that the foam stability decreased by the 15.0 × 106 cells/mL of lager yeast (brewery collected) to the cooled
activity of proteinase A. Although the relationships between wort. The fermentation was carried out at 10.5 °C for 8–10 days. The
foam stability and foam formation and some proteins have been maturation was conducted at 8 °C for 8 days and then at 0 °C for 20–25
investigated, the contribution of proteins to foam stability and days. Filtration and bottling were done using the pilot-scale equipment
foam formation is still controversial. that effectively excluded oxygen. Beer characteristics were analyzed
according to the standard methods of the European Brewery Convention
Recently, the technique of protein identification by mass
(39). The foam stability of each beer was scored as a NIBEM value
spectrometry has been advanced. Some researchers analyzed using the foam stability tester type NIBEM-T (Haffmans B. V., Venlo,
the proteins of barley grain, barley malt, and beer using two- Holland) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) and identified the proteins Sample Preparation for 2DE. Samples of beer whole proteins for
by mass spectrometry (7, 31–37). Finnie et al. (31) separated 2DE were prepared as described below. Three milliliters of completely
the proteins of barley grain during grain maturation by 2DE degassed beer samples was applied to the PD-10 column (GE Healthcare
and identified the major protein spots on 2DE gels. Various Biosciences, Japan), and desalted proteins were eluted by 4 mL of
proteins from matured barley grain and malt have been distilled water. After the protein concentration was measured by the
identified (32–36). Hao et al. (37) identified proteins in beer. Bradford method (40) using bovine serum albumin as a standard, this
However, few researchers have shown how each identified solution was lyophilized. The lyophilized protein fraction was used as
protein influences beer foam stability by proteome analysis. beer whole proteins. Ammonium sulfate was added to 300 mL of
degassed beer sample up to 25% saturation, and this solution was stirred
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship
for 1 h at room temperature. After centrifugation at 2000g for 30 min
between the level of malt modification and the beer foam at 4 °C, the precipitate was washed twice with 25% saturated
stability and to examine foam-promoting proteins using 2DE. ammonium sulfate solution. This precipitate was defined as a 25% salt-
First, we prepared barley malt samples made from barley grain precipitated fraction. To this supernatant, ammonium sulfate was added
of three varieties (North American cultivar A and Japanese up to 35% saturation and stirred. Then, the precipitate was washed
cultivars B and C) at different levels of malt modification. Then, twice by 35% saturated ammonium sulfate solution. This precipitate
we brewed beer from each barley malt sample and analyzed was used as a 35% salt-precipitated fraction, and the supernatant was
the beer foam stability in each beer sample. Then, beer protein used as a nonprecipitated fraction. Finally, these precipitates were
profiles by 2DE analysis were compared between cultivars, and dissolved in 8 M urea (Wako, Japan) + 2% 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)-
between the levels of malt modification to identify possible dimethylammonio]propanesulfonic acid (CHAPS) (Dojindo Laborato-
factors controlling the level of the beer foam stability. ries, Japan) solution containing 0.28% dithiothreitol (Wako). These
solutions and supernatant were desalted using the PD-10 column, and
these solutions were then lyophilized. Proteins concentrated from beer
foam were prepared as described below. In a separating funnel, 600
Barley Samples. For the brewing trial, North American malting barley mL of beer sample was sufficiently foamed. Then, the aqueous fraction
cultivar A and Japanese malting barley cultivars B and C were used. (beer fraction) was removed to separate the foam fraction. To wash
Cultivar A was harvested in Canada in 2000 and 2002, and cultivars B the foam fraction, 300 mL of distilled water was added to this foam
and C were harvested in Japan in 2002 and 2000, respectively. fraction and sufficiently shaken in a separating funnel. The aqueous
1460 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 56, No. 4, 2008 Okada et al.
Table 2. Quality Profiles of the Barley Malt and the Beer from Three Barley Cultivars (A-C)
The number after the hyphen is the level of ex-steep moisture.
fraction was then removed. The foam fraction was washed twice. the nonredundant amino acid database of the National Center for
Finally, the foam fraction was eluted with 20 mL of distilled water Biotechnology Information (NCBI-nr).
and desalted using the PD-10 column and lyophilized. This lyophilized
fraction was used as the proteins concentrated from beer foam. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
2DE. The lyophilized protein sample was completely dissolved in
8 M urea + 2% CHAPS solution containing 0.28% dithiothreitol Comparison of the Foam Stability of Beer Samples. In
(swelling buffer). An appropriate volume of this solution containing general, malt modification increases as the level of malt Kolbach
100 µg of protein sample, 6 µL of IPG buffer, pH 3–10 (GE Healthcare index (mashing soluble protein/total malt protein × 100)
Biosciences), and 10 µL of 0.1% bromophenol blue was mixed, and increases. It is also well-known that beer foam stability generally
swelling buffer was then added to a total volume of 300 µL. First- decreases as the level of malt modification increases (1, 2). We
dimensional isoelectric focusing was carried out as described below. investigated the beer foam stability of three barley malt cultivars
A total of 300 µL of this solution was applied to IPG dry strips, pI with respect to different levels of malt modification (Kolbach
3–10, 18 cm (GE Healthcare Biosciences), followed by focusing for index). To prepare the samples with different levels of malt
50 kVh using the Multiphor II system (GE Healthcare Biosciences). modification, we malted barley grain of Canadian cultivar A
Prior to the second dimension, the IPG strips were equilibrated for 15
and Japanese cultivars B and C at different levels of ex-steep
min in equilibration buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.8, 6 M urea, 30%
moisture in a range of 36–45% (Table 1). It is well-known that
v/v glycerol, 2% w/v SDS, and 0.01% bromophenol blue) containing
10 mg/mL dithiothreitol, followed by 15 min in equilibration buffer
the moisture content of barley grain during steeping has a
with 25 mg/mL iodoacetamide (Wako). Second-dimensional sodium substantial impact on malt modification. Subsequently, we
dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was carried out brewed beer from each of the barley malt samples. Table 2
using a precast XL 12–14% gradient gel (GE Healthcare Biosciences) shows the characteristics of malts with low and high malt
and the Multiphor II system. The gel was stained with the Silver modification and the beers brewed from them. In terms of malt
Staining Kit, Protein (GE Healthcare Biosciences). For the mass quality, total nitrogen was lower in the sample of cultivar C
spectrometry analysis, protein spots were stained by the Silver Stain than in the samples of cultivars A and B. So, at both low and
MS Kit (Wako). high modification, the Kolbach index of cultivar C was higher
Mass Spectrometry Analysis. For mass spectrometry analysis, than that of cultivars A and B. In terms of beer quality, bitter
protein spots separated by 2DE were isolated from the gel and treated units that are positive for foam stability (2, 8) were not different
by the decoloring solution of the Silver Stain MS Kit (Wako). Tris-
between the beers. There were few differences in other
HCL buffer (pH 8.0) containing trypsin was added to the gel sample
parameters in each category, low and high modification, except
and incubated for 20 h at 35 °C. The sample was desalted using Zip-
Tip (Nihon Millipore Ltd., Japan) and eluted by matrix solution. Then, for the NIBEM value. The fermentation characteristics (time
this eluent was spotted to a target plate, air-dried, and analyzed using course of residual extract and number of yeast cells in
matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spec- suspension) of these samples were not significantly different
trometry (MALDI TOF-MS). MALDI TOF-MS analysis was carried from each other (data not shown). The foam stability was
out using Voyager-DE STR (Applied Biosystems, United States). The assessed by the NIBEM method (Figure 1). NIBEM values
protein was identified by peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) against decreased as the level of malt modification increased in the
BDAI-I as a Possible Foam-Promoting Protein J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 56, No. 4, 2008 1461
Figure 1. NIBEM value in the beers each brewed from the barley malt of cultivars A-C with different ex-steep moisture levels at malting. Data are
means from two independent experiments.
Table 3. Criteria of Selection of Target Proteins (Foam Promoting steep moisture, 36–37%) and the high level (ex-steep moisture,
Proteins) from 2DEa 43–44%) in each cultivar. In all of the 2DE gels, a large, intense
staining spot(s) was observed at around an isoelectric point (pI)
foam-positive foam-negative
of 4–5 and a molecular mass (Mr) of 35–45 kDa. Presumably,
criteria no. 1 2 this gel region includes protein Z, which has coincident
cultivar A vb or f V or f
cultivars B and C V v
characteristics with this region (42). Many spots were also
observed below 30 kDa. We found cultivar A-specific protein
We regarded the protein spots that satisfied criteria 1 or 2 in all of cultivars spots in regions II and III and cultivar B-specific spots in region
A-C as foam-promoting proteins. b Target protein (spot) is as follows: f, constant; IV. However, the intensity of these spots decreased as the level
v, increase; and V, decrease as malt modification (Kolbach index) increases. of malt modification increased (Figure 2). These spots did not
follow the criteria for foam-promoting proteins (Table 3).
beers of cultivar B (Figure 1). Similarly, the NIBEM values Enlarged images of region I were shown in Figure 2b. Among
in beers from cultivar C decreased as the level of malt the spots in region I, the spots of regions I-I, I-II, and I-III were
modification increased but more moderately than those in not greatly changed between different levels of malt modification
cultivar B. On the other hand, the NIBEM values of cultivar A in cultivar A (Figure 2b, A1-36 and A1-43). On the other hand,
did not decrease in two replications of the brewing trial even spots of regions I-I, I-II, and I-III in cultivar B were diluted or
when the level of malt modification increased. This trend was disappeared as the malt modification increased (Figure 2b, B-37
clearly different from that with cultivars B and C. As described
and B-43). In addition, the spots of regions I-I and I-III in
earlier, it is well-known that foam stability usually decreases
cultivar C were diluted or disappeared, but the spots in region
as the level of malt modification increases, because foam-
I-II were not greatly changed as malt modification increased.
positive factors such as proteins and nonstarch polysaccharides
From these results, only the spots of regions I-I and I-III satisfied
are degraded at malting and mashing as the malt modification
criterion 1 of foam-promoting proteins (Tables 3 and 4). It has
increases (4, 15). Although, the foam stability of cultivars B
been well-known that foam-positive proteins such as LTP-1 and
and C decreased with increasing malt modification, the foam
protein Z survive in the beer due to their characteristics of being
stability of cultivar A did not change. This was an unexpected
protease inhibitors and heat resistance (3). So, our results
finding. A malting barley cultivar that has the properties of
suggested that protein spots of regions I-I and I-III might be
cultivar A has not been reported previously. Therefore, we
the candidate of foam-promoting proteins (Table 4) and have
further investigated these samples to identify the factors
responsible for the unique foam stability in cultivar A. similar characteristics to LTP-1 and protein Z. On the other
Comparison of Beer Proteins Using 2DE. It has been hand, low molecular weight proteins such as LTP-1, which is
reported that certain proteins are related to beer foam stability. one of the foam-promoting proteins (3, 7, 22–27), might be
In particular, the proteins of the hydrophobic fraction of beer missed in 2DE gels. Therefore, our results do not exclude the
and the proteins concentrated in beer foam were suggested to contributions of other foam-promoting proteins.
be positive factors for foam stability (5, 41). Then, we collected 2DE Analysis of Salt-Precipitated Proteins in Beers. Some
proteins from beer in three fractions. We designated each protein investigations suggested that one of the most important char-
fraction as beer whole proteins, salt-precipitated proteins, and acteristics of foam-promoting proteins was that they were
the proteins concentrated from beer foam. These fractions were hydrophobic (5, 41, 43, 44). Therefore, we prepared fractions
analyzed by 2DE, and their distribution patterns were compared. containing beer salt-precipitated proteins possibly containing
Then, foam-promoting protein spots were evaluated according hydrophobic proteins and applied them to 2DE. Then, the
to the criteria shown in Table 3. We regarded the protein spots patterns of samples among barley cultivars with different levels
categorized as criteria 1 or 2 in all of the three fractions as foam- of malt modification were compared. The 2DE patterns of the
promoting proteins. beer whole proteins, the 25% salt-precipitated fraction, the 35%
2DE Analysis of Beer Whole Proteins. The beer proteins salt-precipitated fraction, and the nonprecipitated fraction of A2-
of each beer brewed from barley malt of cultivars A-C with 37 are shown in Figure 3. The massive spot(s) at a pI of around
low and high malt modification were analyzed by 2DE (Figure 4–5, Mr of about 40 kDa, mainly appeared in the nonprecipitated
2). The distribution of protein spot patterns on the 2DE gels fraction among the above three fractions (Figure 3). The spots
was compared between the low level of malt modification (ex- of regions II and III (containing cultivar A-specific protein spots)
1462 J. Agric. Food Chem., Vol. 56, No. 4, 2008 Okada et al.
Figure 2. 2DE patterns of the beer proteins in cultivars A-C. A1-36, A1-43, B-37, B-43, C-37, and C-44 are sample names (Table 1). b8-b11 are spot
numbers. The upper figures (a) are whole patterns of A1-36, A1-43, B-37, B-43, C-37, and C-44. The lower figures (b) are enlarged images of region
I of A1-36, A1-43, B-37, B-43, C-37, and C-44.
Table 4. Candidate of Foam-Promoting Protein Selected by 2DE Analysis
of Each Fraction
Spot names are shown in Figures 2, 4, and 5.
stability (5, 41, 43, 44). So, it is also suggested that BDAI-I
might be one of the important foam-promoting proteins because
of its hydrophobicity. In addition, Gilbert et al. (45) suggested
that wheat CM3, an R-amylase inhibitor subunit, is suitable as
an emulsifier. Although the amino acid sequences of BDAI-I
and CM3 are not similar (data not shown), hydrophobicity or
high-dimension structures may be similar because the function
of both proteins is close.
In conclusion, the foam stability of beer samples brewed from
the barley malt of North American barley, cultivar A, was not
changed even when the level of malt modification was substantially
increased. To investigate the property of foam stability in cultivar
A providing this desirable characteristic, beer proteins from cultivar
A were analyzed by 2DE. As a result, BDAI-I was shown to resist
modification and to be a possible foam-promoting protein. How-
ever, to demonstrate that BDAI-I is a foam-promoting protein,
further purification and characterization are needed. Moreover, the
foam stability difference in malt modification between barley malt
cultivars may not be entirely explained by only BDAI-I. In future
Figure 5. 2DE patterns of proteins concentrated from beer foam in cultivars work, we will quantify the amount of BDAI-I in beer and attempt
A and B. A2-37, A2-43, B-37, and B-43 are sample names (Table 1). to investigate the relationship between BDAI-I and beer foam
b8-b11 are spot numbers. The upper figures (a) are whole patterns of stability. We identified BDAI-I as a foam-promoting protein
A2-37 and B-37. The lower figures (b) are enlarged images of region I of specific to cultivar A; however, our results do not exclude the
A2-37, A2-43, B-37, and B-43. contribution of other foam-promoting proteins such as LTP-1 and
protein Z. Therefore, to improve/optimize beer foam stability, the
modification. From the results of salt-precipitated fractionation levels of BDAI-I and other foam-promoting proteins will need to
analyses, we assumed the spots of region I-I, spots b8 and b9, be controlled genetically within malting varieties and during the
to be candidates for beer foam-promoting proteins (Table 4). malting and brewing processes. The specific identification of the
2DE Analysis of the Proteins Concentrated from Beer BDAI-I as a foam-promoting protein will enable the construction
Foam. On the basis of the assumption that the proteins concen- of a DNA marker system (46, 47) for marker-assisted selection of
trated from beer foam are active in beer foam stability (28, 37), BDAI-I during barley breeding. Direct selection for BDAI-I should
we analyzed this fraction by 2DE. Figure 5 shows the 2DE patterns enable its content to be increased in such barley varieties to
of these proteins in A2-37, A2-43, B-37, and B-43. This fraction potentially improve the foam stability of beer made from them.
mainly contained a large, intensively stained spot(s) at around Mr
40 kDa and the proteins of regions I-I and I-III (Figure 5). Spot ACKNOWLEDGMENT
b8, which was a candidate for foam-promoting protein from the
results mentioned above, was not observed in any gels (Figure We appreciate all members of the Bioresources Research and
5). In cultivar A, the proteins of region I-I were not changed even Development Department, the Frontier Laboratories of Value
with the increased level of malt modification. However, these spots Creation, and the Product and Technology Development Center,
in cultivar B were not observed or significantly diluted with the Sapporo Breweries, Ltd., for their continuous support.
increased level of malt modification. Spot b9 in cultivar A
decreased as malt modification increased. Spots b10 and b11 LITERATURE CITED
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