Dance 3. Social

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Dance 3.

- an activity which can take many forms and a. Gives sense of togetherness within a
fill many different needs group
- In its purest and most basic form, dance b. Encourages positive social
is an art, the art of body movement. interaction and interpersonal
- it focuses primarily on “an aesthetic or relationship in a group
even entertaining experiences” c. Contributes to the individual’s
potential for self-actualization in
Brief History society
 Dance has been a major form of
religious ritual and social expression 4. Cultural
within primitive cultures a. Promotes cultural values
 Dance became full blown and was richly
recorded in Egypt first Elements of Dance
 Dance was also commonly used in  The human body is living in time and
education by Greeks space, and it exhibits some effort. Thus,
all movements occur in time, through
Benefits of Dance and Creative space, and with effort.
4 Elements of Dance
1. Physical
a. Develops cardiovascular and 1. Space
muscular endurance - This is the area the performers occupy
b. Improves coordination, balance, and where they move
flexibility and body composition - It can be divided into four different
c. Lowers risk of cardiovascular aspects namely:
d. Lower body mass index a. Direction
e. Lowers resting heart rate - Dance movements can travel in
f. Improves lipid metabolism any direction.
g. Enables joint mobility (hip motion - The performers can go forward,
and spine flexibility) side, backward, diagonal,
h. Helps improve and maintain bone circular, and so on.
density, thus helping prevent
osteoporosis b. Size
i. Helps recover coordination and - Movements can be varied by
neuromuscular skills after injury doing larger or smaller actions.

2. Mental and Emotional c. Level

a. Helps keep the brain sharp - Movements can be done in a
b. Decreases the incidence of dementia high, medium, or low level.
and Alzheimer’s disease
c. Decreases depressive symptoms d. Focus
d. Increases self-esteem and improves - Performers may change the
body image focus by looking at different
e. Aids in releasing emotional and directions.
physical tension
2. Timing 6. Collapsing
- The movements in timing may be - Movements are released in tension
executed in varying tempo (speed) and gradually or abruptly giving in
- Performers move with the tempo of an to gravity, letting the body descend
underlying sound, known as beat or to the floor.
- Can be varied by moving faster or 4. Bodily Shapes
slower than the normal beat - refers to how the entire body is
- When done in varying tempo, they molded in space or the configuration of
generate rhythm patterns. body parts.
- The body can be rounded, angular, or
3. Dance Energies a combination of the two.
- The movements are propelled by - Other body shapes can be from wide
energy or force. to narrow and from high to low.

1. Sustained a. Symmetrical
- Movements are done smoothly, - balanced shape
continuously, and with flow and
control. b. Asymmetrical
- two sides do not match or
2. Percussive completely different from each
- Movements are explosive or sharp other.
in contrast with sustained
movements. Dance Appreciation and Composition
- They are accented with thrust of
energy What makes a good dance?
- They have a clear beginning and  A good dance displays a significant
an end. meaning or conveys a message,
sometimes it also portrays life
3. Vibratory experiences.
- Movements consists of trembling  A good dance lifts and transports the
or shaking. audience from their seater during the
- A faster version of percussive performance.
movements that produces a jittery  It has a beginning, middle, and
effect. end/conclusion.
 The beginning of a dance may come in
4. Swinging a form of a shape, a pose, or an
- Movements traced a curved line or entrance.
are in space.  The middle consists of a development or
- The movements are released and exploration of the main idea.
giving in to gravity.  The ending/conclusion should be clear
and may be in a form of a shape, form,
5. Suspended or an art.
- Movements are perched in space
or hanging on air. Form
- Example: holding a raised leg - is the instrument by which ideas and
elements are arranged or combined into a
logical sequence which results in unity and
consistency and by means of which the 2. Continuity and Development
content or idea can be expressed and - The phrases of the dance that are
communicated organized progressively, making each
- It is the organizing factor of any work or movement phrase move naturally into
dance composition. the next.
- It should progress through time from the - There is a continuous development of
beginning to the end of the choreography. the movement phrase and the
- Each section is composed of several units audience is swept away along to the
that are smoothly connected to each end.
- These small units are called phrases. 3. Variety and Contrast
- Making one or several variations that
Phrases highlight the facet of the motif.
- When you combine one movement with - This provides variety within the
several others, they form a unit. development of a dance.
- When units are pierced together, they - It introduces new material, which is
make up a section in the choreography noticeably different from anything so
and the sections together form a whole far in the dance.
- Therefore, a phrase is the smallest unit of 4. Transition
form in the whole sentence. - The link between movements,
phrases, and sections of the dance.
Motif - It makes the logical progression of the
- A good dance contains a theme or motif to dance flow smoothly.
be able to convey its meaning or intention - Also, it is vital because it keeps the
to the audience. unity and continuity of the dance.
- A dance without meaning makes it harder
for the audience to understand, thus 5. Repetition
making it superficial and easy to forget. - It emphasizes movements and phrases
- A single movement or a short phrase of that are important to the dance and
movement that embodies the style and gives a feeling of closure to a work.
intention of the dance is called a motif. - Same phrases need to be repeated in
- A good dance uses a motif in which the choreography so that the audience can
movements are repeated, varied, and see those movements again and
developed by manipulating the movement identify its significance.
components or elements.
6. Climax
Characteristics of a Good Dance - This is where the apex of energy in the
dance is reached.
1. Unity - It is similar to the climax in a story
- The interconnected of the dance are where a series of events culminates.
coherent and flow smoothly together - The climax may be a fast and enraged
- The movements fit together and each blast of energy and action, or it could
plays an important role that fade away to a gentle and quiet exit
contributes to the entirety of the that makes the end of a particular
dance. story.

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