EV Utilities
EV Utilities
EV Utilities
Veritas Enterprise Vault: Utilities
Last updated: 2017-06-20.
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You can also see documentation information or ask a question on the Veritas community site:
Domino Profile Document Tool View the contents of the profile document that
Enterprise Vault adds to a Domino mailbox.
Domino Retention Plan Tool Upload to Enterprise Vault any new retention plans
that you create.
Vault Store Usage Reporter Obtain reports on current vault store usage.
Document Comments
Veritas Enterprise Vault Includes all the following documents in Windows Help (.chm)
Documentation Library format so that you can search across them all. It also includes
links to the guides in Acrobat (.pdf) format.
You can access the library in several ways, including the
Deployment Scanner Describes how to check the required software and settings
before you install Enterprise Vault.
Setting up Domino Server Describes how to archive items from Domino mail files and
Archiving journal databases.
Setting up Exchange Server Describes how to archive items from Microsoft Exchange
Archiving user mailboxes, journal mailboxes, and public folders.
Setting up File System Describes how to archive the files that are held on network
Archiving file servers.
Setting up Skype for Business Describes how to archive Skype for Business conversations.
Setting up SMTP Archiving Describes how to archive SMTP messages from other
messaging servers.
Setting up SharePoint Server Describes how to archive content from Microsoft SharePoint
Archiving servers.
Document Comments
Classification using the Describes how to use the classification engine that is built
Microsoft File Classification into recent Windows Server editions to classify all new and
Infrastructure existing archived content.
Classification using the Describes how to use the Veritas Information Classifier to
Veritas Information Classifier evaluate all new and archived content against a
comprehensive set of industry-standard classification policies.
NSF Migration Describes how to migrate content from Domino and Notes
NSF files into Enterprise Vault archives.
PST Migration Describes how to migrate content from Outlook PST files into
Enterprise Vault archives.
Registry Values A reference document that lists the registry values with which
you can modify many aspects of Enterprise Vault behavior.
Help for Administration The online Help for the Enterprise Vault Administration
Console Console.
Help for Enterprise Vault The online Help for Enterprise Vault Operations Manager.
Operations Manager
For the latest information on supported devices and versions of software, see the
Enterprise Vault Compatibility Charts book, which is available from this address:
About this guide 15
Where to get more information about Enterprise Vault
■ About ArchivePoints
■ ArchivePoints syntax
■ ArchivePoints examples
About ArchivePoints
The ArchivePoints utility provides a convenient means to create and manage archive
points, as an alternative to using the Administration Console. An archive point marks
the top of a folder structure that File System Archiving stores in a single archive.
You can use ArchivePoints to create, list, and delete archive points, and to update
their attribute values.
ArchivePoints includes an autoenable option to create an auto-enabling folder. If
you create an auto-enabling folder, the archiving task creates an archive point for
each immediate subfolder, including new subfolders when they are added. An
auto-enabling folder can be useful for example when you have a folder that holds
a subfolder for each of a number of users.
Note: Take care when you create archive points not to overwrite any existing archive
points. An overwritten archive point can result in archived data that is split across
multiple archives.
ArchivePoints syntax
Use one of the following formats:
■ To create archive points:
ArchivePoints 17
ArchivePoints syntax
If you specify an XML template file, it must have the following format:
ArchivePoints 18
ArchivePoints syntax
<archivePoint xmlns="urn:kvsplc-com:FileSystemFolderArchivePoint">
Where each attribute line specifies an archive point attribute and its value.
Note the following:
■ You must run this utility with Administrator privileges if the computer has User
Account Control (UAC) enabled.
See “Running the Enterprise Vault command-line utilities with administrator
privileges” on page 12.
■ If an attribute is not included in the XML template file when you create an archive
point, the File System Archiving task uses the default value for that attribute.
■ If an attribute is not included in the XML template file when you update an archive
point, the File System Archiving task does not change the existing value.
■ You cannot use an XML template file if you create an auto-enabling folder. The
archive points associated with an auto-enabling folder must be created with
default attribute values.
Table 2-1 lists the attributes you can include in the XML template file.
name Specifies the name of the archive that is associated with this The name of the folder on
archive point, with any prefix if specified. which the archive point
owner Specifies the account to use when billing archive usage. None.
indexingLevel Specifies the indexing level, which can be either brief or The setting on the Indexing
full. tab of the Site properties in
the Administration Console.
brief indexes the metadata of archived items such as the
file name and the item date, but not any content. A brief index
is smaller than a full index, but users cannot search for any
content in the archived items.
indexSnippetLength Specifies the preview length in characters. The preview length The setting on the Indexing
is the amount of text that Enterprise Vault shows in a search tab of the Site properties in
results list, when the indexing level is full. The preview the Administration Console.
length can only be 128 or 1000. The size of an index
increases when you increase the preview length.
indexAttachment Specifies whether Enterprise Vault creates previews of The setting on the Indexing
Snippet attachment content when the indexing level is full. The tab of the Site properties in
value can be true (yes) or false (no). These previews the Administration Console.
cannot be viewed in this release of Enterprise Vault. The size
of an index increases when you enable this option.
For example, the following file sets the attribute values for an archive point:
<archivePoint xmlns="urn:kvsplc-com:FileSystemFolderArchivePoint">
<name>Newton archive</name>
<description>Isaac Newton's User Archive</description>
ArchivePoints 20
ArchivePoints examples
ArchivePoints examples
The following are example ArchivePoints commands.
■ To create an archive point on folder \\myserver\users\jones:
ArchivePoints create \\myserver\users\jones nosubfolders
Note: You must run this utility with Administrator privileges if the computer has User
Account Control (UAC) enabled.
See “Running the Enterprise Vault command-line utilities with administrator
privileges” on page 12.
Audit Viewer 22
Using Audit Viewer to run a report on audit data
Archive Specify the name of the required archive. You can use the
Enterprise Vault Administration Console to determine the name.
Category Select a category of audit entries to search from the list. Audit
Viewer lists only those categories that exist in the captured data.
Subcategory After you have selected a category, select a subcategory from the
Date (From), Date Define a date range and time range to search the audit records.
Status Select a status from the list for the records that you want to view.
Server Select the Enterprise Vault server that is the target of this search.
Audit ID Type a range of numbers to indicate the audit records that you
want to view.
Order By Select the attribute by which to order the results and whether you
want Audit Viewer to list the results in ascending order or
descending order.
Maximum Results Select whether to view all the results that the search finds or a
portion of those results.
■ About Backtrace
■ Backtrace examples
About Backtrace
Caution: Running the Backtrace utility can affect Enterprise Vault performance, so
you should only enable it when necessary.
Backtrace enables you to obtain log files of tracing information from Enterprise
Vault processes. Unlike the DTrace utility, Backtrace does the following:
■ Provides tracing from the period before a problem occurs.
■ Generates log files that contain tracing information from a single process.
Backtrace retains tracing information in memory until a previously defined trigger
event occurs. Backtrace then writes a limited amount of DTrace information to a
log file. The log file contains DTtrace information from before and after the trigger
event occurred.
When you enable Backtrace, the default is for it to create logs for all Enterprise
Vault errors and warnings. You can modify this behavior as required. You can
specify that particular events trigger Backtrace. Alternatively, you can make
Backtrace create log files for all events except for those that you specifically exclude.
Backtrace 25
Backtrace default settings
Note: Backtrace does not create a log file if there is less than 100 MB of free disk
space. You cannot change this setting.
■ Backtrace creates log files for a maximum of five identical events each day for
each Enterprise Vault process. The counter is reset when a process is restarted.
■ The maximum total size of all Backtrace log files that can be generated in a
single day is 200 MB.
■ Backtrace keeps log files for seven days and then deletes them automatically.
■ When Backtrace is enabled, all warnings and errors trigger Backtrace to create
log files.
\Enterprise Vault
Backtrace 26
Backtrace registry values
MaxSizeOfAllLogsPerDayMB Specifies the maximum total size of all Backtrace log files
that can be generated in a single day. The default is 200
Backtrace 27
Backtrace file name format
See the "Backtrace" chapter in the Registry Values guide for details of the Backtrace
registry values.
By default, Backtrace stores its log files in the Backtrace subfolder of the Enterprise
Vault Reports folder. You can edit the LogFolderPath registry value to specify a
different location.
Backtrace examples
Table 4-2 shows an example of Backtrace registry values when RuleType is set
to the default of 'Exclude'.
Backtrace 28
Backtrace examples
Table 4-3 shows an example of Backtrace registry values when RuleType is set
to 'Include'.
■ About CenteraPing
■ CenteraPing syntax
About CenteraPing
Use CenteraPing to test the connection to a Dell EMC Centera™ cluster.
CenteraPing syntax
CenteraPing -address IP_address [-version|-help]
Where IP_address is the address of one of the access nodes in the cluster that you
want to examine.
CenteraPing tries to make a connection to the specified IP address. If this connection
is successful, CenteraPing returns the following message:
IP_address is accessible
The -help option returns the same information, together with the version number
of the utility, and a usage statement. The -version option returns the version
number, as well as the usage statement.
CenteraPing 31
CenteraPing syntax
Note: You must run this utility with Administrator privileges if the computer has User
Account Control (UAC) enabled.
See “Running the Enterprise Vault command-line utilities with administrator
privileges” on page 12.
Chapter 6
Domino Archive Exporter
This chapter includes the following topics:
Parameter Description
/ED Specifies the end date and time for a range of items to archive, in the
form dd /mm /yyyy hh :mm :ss . If you omit the time, the default
time that is used is 00:00:00.
If you omit the path to the database file, Domino Archive Exporter stores
the file in the \Data folder of the Notes client. The utility creates the
specified directory if it does not exist.
/O Server1/Sales/ACME!!Restore\dest.nsf
/SD Specifies the start date and time for a range of items to archive, in the
form dd /mm /yyyy hh :mm :ss . If you omit the time, the default
time that is used is 00:00:00.
/T Specifies the mail template to use when you create the Notes database.
For example, you can type the following to use a local template file:
/T mailbox.ntf
/T Server1/Sales/ACME!!mailjrn.ntf
If you omit the /T parameter, Domino Archive Exporter uses the router
mail template (mailbox.ntf).
Domino Archive Exporter 34
Domino Archive Exporter example
Note: You must run this utility with Administrator privileges if the computer has User
Account Control (UAC) enabled.
See “Running the Enterprise Vault command-line utilities with administrator
privileges” on page 12.
server Specifies the server on which the appropriate Notes database resides.
password Specifies the password that is associated with the Notes authentication
ID file.
Domino Profile Document Tool 36
Domino Profile Document Tool examples
clearblacklist Clears the list of items that Enterprise Vault has blacklisted. These
items have been archived but the archiving task is unable to modify the
original notes because their notes summary buffers are full. When you
clear this list the archiving task archives the items again. Any items that
cannot be modified at that time are blacklisted again.
Note: You must run this utility with Administrator privileges if the computer has User
Account Control (UAC) enabled.
See “Running the Enterprise Vault command-line utilities with administrator
privileges” on page 12.
■ The following command deletes the profile document from the database
EvLotusDominoProfileDocTool.exe DomServer1/EU/Veritas
mail\mdavis.nsf admin.id W3lcome zap
Chapter 8
Domino Retention Plan
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ EVDominoRetentionPlans.exe syntax
The Retention Folder feature enables you to create a single folder or a hierarchy
of folders automatically in users' mail files. Enterprise Vault archives these folders
according to policies that you assign. If a user deletes any folders in the retention
folder hierarchy, Enterprise Vault automatically recreates them.
You specify the retention folders and their retention categories in retention plans.
You can create as many retention plans as you require.
Domino Retention Plan Tool 38
Domino Retention Plan Tool permissions
You use Enterprise Vault provisioning groups to apply retention plans to mail files.
Thus, different users can have different retention folders with the appropriate
retention categories. You can also define a default retention plan that Enterprise
Vault applies to all users for whom a specific plan is not defined.
You create an XML file in which you define the retention plans and assign retention
plans to provisioning groups. You then use the EVDominoRetentionPlans.exe
command-line tool to upload the XML file to Enterprise Vault.
Step Description
Step 1 If you have existing retention plans, you can use the
EVDominoRetentionPlans.exe command-line tool to extract the definition of
the existing plans from Enterprise Vault. You extract the plans as a single XML
Step 2 Edit the existing XML file or create new XML file as required to create the new
retention plan.
Step 3 Use EVDominoRetentionPlans.exe to load the XML file into Enterprise Vault.
Enterprise Vault automatically validates the XML and does not accept an invalid
Step 4 Enterprise Vault applies the plan on the next run of the provisioning task or the
mailbox archiving task.
existing retention plans from Enterprise Vault to a file that you can edit. For example,
the following command extracts the existing retention plans and saves them in the
file MyPlans.xml:
EVDominoRetentionPlans.exe -save MyPlans.xml
The Enterprise Vault program folder contains an example retention plan XML file
called Example RetentionPlans.xml, which you can copy and modify as required.
This file defines two retention plans, All Users and Projects.
<FOLDER NAME="Retention Folders">
<FOLDER NAME="Business Records" RETCAT="Business"/>
<FOLDER NAME="Customer Mails" RETCAT="Customers"/>
<FOLDER NAME="Projects" ARCHIVENOW="true">
<FOLDER NAME="Project X" RETCAT="Project X"/>
<FOLDER NAME="Project Y" RETCAT="Project Y"/>
Both retention plans create a retention folder called Retention Folders, which
has the following subfolders:
■ Business Records, which has a retention category of Business.
<GROUP NAME="Project Members" RETENTIONPLAN="Projects"/>
EVDominoRetentionPlans.exe syntax
You can use EVDominoRetentionPlans.exe as follows:
■ To load a retention plan definition file into Enterprise Vault, enter the following:
EVDominoRetentionPlans.exe -set pathToUploadXmlFile
pathToUploadXmlFile is the path to the file that contains the retention plan
definitions you want to load into Enterprise Vault.
This action overwrites all existing retention plans that are in the current Enterprise
Vault site.
The change to new retention plans appears in the Enterprise Vault event log as
event ID 41238 and event category 'Domino Retention Plan Tool'.
■ To save the current retention plan definitions in a file, enter the following:
EVDominoRetentionPlans.exe -save pathToDownloadXmlFile
pathToDownloadXmlFile is the path to the file in which you want
EVDominoRetentionPlans.exe to save a copy of the current retention plans.
■ To delete all retention plans from Enterprise Vault, enter the following:
EVDominoRetentionPlans.exe -clear
This action deletes all retention plans in the current Enterprise Vault site but
does not affect retention folders. If you want to delete a retention folder you
must create a retention plan that specifies the DELETE attribute.
Note: You must run this utility with Administrator privileges if the computer has User
Account Control (UAC) enabled.
See “Running the Enterprise Vault command-line utilities with administrator
privileges” on page 12.
Chapter 9
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ About DTrace
■ DTrace troubleshooting
About DTrace
When an Enterprise Vault service, task, or process fails, it is important to diagnose
what is wrong. The DTrace utility logs the activities of a process at the code level,
and so provides a way to run Enterprise Vault in debug mode. DTrace lets you
monitor multiple services simultaneously, write the trace to a file, filter for specific
words, and trigger tracing that is based on filters. If you log a call with Veritas
Support, you may be asked to run a trace to aid problem diagnosis.
You can run DTrace from the command line or from the Administration Console.
Note: Unlike DTrace, the Backtrace utility provides tracing from the period before
a problem occurs. Therefore, you may prefer to implement tracing with Backtrace
rather than DTrace.
See “About Backtrace” on page 24.
DTrace 43
Running DTrace from the command line
DTrace commands
Table 9-1 describes the commands that you can type at the DTrace prompt.
Command Description
display Displays the selected trace entries. You can specify the start entries and
end entries in a range, and choose whether to apply a filter to those entries.
DTrace 44
Running DTrace from the command line
Command Description
filter Lets you filter the contents of the trace by specifying the text strings that the
entries either must contain (includes) or cannot contain (excludes). You can
type the following commands at the DT Filter> prompt:
log Specifies the name (and optionally the full path) of the log file. The default
location for the log file is the Enterprise Vault Reports folder (for example,
C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\Reports.
monitor Displays the trace live in the console but does not write it to disk. Press
Ctrl+C to stop the console output.
open Lists the available log files and lets you open them in a text editor.
pause Pauses tracing for the specified period or until the current watch command
has completed.
registry Displays the entries under the following key in the Windows registry:
\Enterprise Vault
Command Description
rollover Lets you view and edit the rollover settings for the DTrace log files. By default,
DTrace automatically creates a new log file when the current one reaches
100 megabytes (MB) in size. You can enable and disable file rollover, specify
the required size of the log files, and reset the rollover settings to the default
save Specifies the name (and optionally the full path) of the file to which DTrace
saves the selected trace entries. You can specify the start entries and end
entries in a range, and choose whether to apply a filter to those entries.
set Sets the monitoring level for a service or component. The available levels
are Off (o), Brief (b), Medium (m), and Verbose (v). Specify the monitoring
level as follows:
For example:
set ArchiveTask v
set 59 m
All lines of code have a minimum monitoring level, and these are viewable
within the DTrace log files. For example, if you set the logging level to
Medium, only code lines that are marked for Brief and Medium logging show
in the log file.
trigger Starts logging after a particular string appears in the trace. You set up triggers
using the same syntax as for filters.
DTrace 46
Running DTrace from the Administration Console
Command Description
version Displays version information on the executable files in the Enterprise Vault
program folder (for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise
view Lists all the available processes and services against which you can run
watch After a trigger filter that you have defined with the trigger command has
taken effect, records the specified number of trace entries in the log.
■ A title and optional description for the trace. If you log a call with Veritas
Support, you may want to include the call number in the trace title. The title
appears in the trace list in the Administration Console and at the start of
the trace log file.
■ The length of time that you want to run the trace. Trace files can quickly
grow large, so a few minutes is usually appropriate.
■ A maximum size for the log file. The trace stops if the log file reaches this
maximum size.
■ The folder in which to store the log file.
After you have started the trace, you can view its properties by double-clicking
the trace title in the Administration Console. The Trace Properties dialog box
provides options with which you can open and copy the log, but they are
unavailable until the trace is complete.
Function name Determine the names of function and the results of those
DTrace troubleshooting
In the unlikely event that you experience problems when you run DTrace, Table 9-3
gives instructions on how to resolve them.
DTrace 48
DTrace troubleshooting
Problem What to do
Lines being skipped. The first figure on each trace line is the sequence number
as it was captured. If there is insufficient CPU time available
to process and write entries to the log file, DTrace may skip
some lines. If you are tracing an agent task, try to lower the
number of threads for the task and monitor a single thread
No output on the screen after Ensure that you have selected the correct processes for
monitor command, or no trace DTracing. If you are running DTrace over Terminal Services
in log file. or another remote control application that does not use the
primary operating system console, note that DTrace events
are written to the primary console and so may not appear
when using Terminal Services. In Enterprise Vault, a message
is posted in the log file to say that Terminal Services was
Too much information in the You can filter and trigger DTrace content based on specific
log file. words or events. If you need to focus on the root cause of a
problem, you can also limit the number of processes and
threads that you monitor.
Chapter 10
This chapter includes the following topics:
Note: When you migrate items from Domino to Exchange Server, do not migrate
any shortcuts that are in a state of archive-pending. Disable Domino archiving during
the migration so that Enterprise Vault does not create new archive-pending shortcuts.
4 Click Browse, and then browse to the Enterprise Vault program folder (typically,
C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault).
Warning: Do not run the Enterprise Vault mailbox archiving task on newly-migrated
mailboxes. Doing so may archive the shortcuts that EVDominoExchangeMigration
is needed to fix. Consider disabling the mailbox archiving task until
EVDominoExchangeMigration has corrected the shortcuts.
EVDominoExchangeMigration Tool 52
Requirements for other migration software with the EVDominoExchangeMigration tool
Parameter Description
-ex The name of the Exchange Mailbox server that hosts the mailbox you want
to process.
-eu The primary Exchange Server SMTP address of the user whose mailbox
you want to process.
-du The Domino user name of the migrated user (for example,
User1/MyOrgName) or the archive ID of the Enterprise Vault archive for the
Domino user (for example
-po The Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox policy to apply. Must be one of
Default, the name of a policy, or None.
-lf The absolute path of the folder that will contain the log files. The folder will
be created if it does not exist. For example: C:\Migration\Logs. Note
that only a single folder can be created automatically. In the example, the
Logs folder would not be created unless C:\Migration already existed.
Exchange Mailbox policy The mailbox policy from the user's provisioning
Note: You must run this utility with Administrator privileges if the computer has User
Account Control (UAC) enabled.
See “Running the Enterprise Vault command-line utilities with administrator
privileges” on page 12.
Limitation Description
■ IPM.Appointment
■ IPM.Contact
■ IPM.Task
■ IPM.Stickynote
Chapter 11
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ About EVDuplicateCleaner
■ Configuring EVDuplicateCleaner
■ Running EVDuplicateCleaner
About EVDuplicateCleaner
In rare circumstances, a failure of one of the archiving tasks can cause Enterprise
Vault to create duplicate savesets in mailbox archives. If you experience this issue,
you can find and delete the duplicates by running the EVDuplicateCleaner
command-line utility. After you have run the utility, only the last-archived instance
is left from each set of duplicates.
EVDuplicateCleaner does not delete duplicate savesets if they are on legal hold.
To identify duplicates, EVDuplicateCleaner does the following:
■ It checks multiple attributes of each saveset (ArchivePointIdentity, IdDateTime,
IdUniqueNo, SisPartCount, and VaultIdentity).
■ It examines the content fingerprint of each saveset.
To do this Do this
Configure the Enterprise 1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, right-click
Vault site properties your Enterprise Vault site and then click Properties.
Configure the properties of 1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand
retention categories that are the vault site hierarchy until Policies is visible.
associated with the target
2 Expand Policies and then expand Retention &
3 Click Categories.
Configure the properties of 1 In the left pane of the Administration Console, expand
the target archives the vault site hierarchy until Archives is visible.
Configuring EVDuplicateCleaner
Before you can run EVDuplicateCleaner, you must edit the configuration file that
accompanies it.
EVDuplicateCleaner 58
Configuring EVDuplicateCleaner
To configure EVDuplicateCleaner
1 In Windows Explorer, browse to the Enterprise Vault program folder (typically
C:\Program Files\Enterprise Vault).
Running EVDuplicateCleaner
If you have not already done so, configure EVDuplicateCleaner by setting the
required values in the EVDuplicateCleaner.exe.config file.
Running EVDuplicateCleaner
1 Log on to the Enterprise Vault server as the Vault Service account.
2 Stop the Exchange Journaling task and Domino Journaling task.
3 Open a command prompt window with administrator privileges.
4 Change to the Enterprise Vault program folder (typically C:\Program
Files\Enterprise Vault).
In each log file, the "Estimated duplicate saveset counts" values show the
number of savesets for which duplicates may exist; the "Estimated duplicate
item counts" values show the potential number of duplicates. For example,
when three savesets each have four duplicates, the "Estimated duplicate
saveset counts" is 3 and the "Estimated duplicate item counts" is 12.
6 Restart the Exchange Journaling task and Domino Journaling task.
\Enterprise Vault
■ About EVEARemovalUtility
■ EVEARemovalUtility prerequisites
■ Running EVEARemovalUtility
■ EVEARemovalUtility syntax
About EVEARemovalUtility
EVEARemovalUtility is a command-line utility that removes extended attributes
from files.
Enterprise Vault cannot create placeholder shortcuts on NTFS file systems for files
with extended attributes, such as files that were migrated from Novell file systems
or files that were previously archived with applications such as Dell EMC
DiskXtender. This limitation is due to a Microsoft restriction. Placeholders use
reparse points, which cannot contain extended attributes.
Enterprise Vault can archive files with extended attributes, but placeholder creation
fails. Enterprise Vault includes a message similar to the following in the File System
Archiving task report:
Note: To obtain this message in the task report, a Windows file server must have
the Enterprise Vault 10.0 or later FSA Agent installed.
You can use EVEARemovalUtility to remove the extended attributes from files. If
placeholder creation failed previously, the removal of the extended attributes allows
Enterprise Vault to create the placeholders on the next archiving run.
EVEARemovalUtility prerequisites
The user account under which you run EVEARemovalUtility requires one of the
■ Local administrator rights on the file servers.
■ Full access on the shares, and both Read Extended Attributes and Write
Extended Attributes permissions on the files and folders.
If the computer has User Account Control (UAC) enabled, you must run the utility
with Administrator privileges.
See “Running the Enterprise Vault command-line utilities with administrator
privileges” on page 12.
You can run the utility on the Enterprise Vault server or another Windows computer,
such as a Windows file server that contains the files you want to process. The
computer must have the following software installed:
■ .Net Framework 4.5.2
■ Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 redistributable package
To run the utility on a Windows computer other than the Enterprise Vault server,
copy the following files from the Enterprise Vault installation folder on the Enterprise
Vault server to a suitable folder on the Windows computer. Do not overwrite any
existing files:
■ EVEARemovalUtility.exe
■ EVManagedLibrary.dll
■ KVS.EnterpriseVault.Common.dll
■ KVS.EnterpriseVault.FileServerArchiveCommon.dll
■ KVS.EnterpriseVault.Runtime.dll
■ EVRT.dll
EVEARemovalUtility 64
Running EVEARemovalUtility
Running EVEARemovalUtility
You can run EVEARemovalUtility from the Enterprise Vault server, or from another
Windows computer such as a Windows file server that holds the files you want to
See “EVEARemovalUtility prerequisites” on page 63.
Note: The utility permanently removes all extended attributes from the files that it
processes. Before you run EVEARemovalUtility, we recommend that you take a
full backup of the files that you want to process.
To run EVEARemovalUtility
1 Open a command prompt window and change directory to the folder that
contains the EVEARemovalUtility files. On an Enterprise Vault server the files
are in the Enterprise Vault installation folder.
2 Run EVEARemovalUtility with the required parameters.
We recommend that before you run the utility with the -r parameter, you run
it with the -l parameter and the -d parameter, to create a log file that lists the
attributes that the utility would remove.
See “EVEARemovalUtility syntax” on page 64.
EVEARemovalUtility syntax
The syntax of the EVEARemovalUtility command is as follows:
EVEARemovalUtility.exe path [-s | -f] [-l] [-d] [-r [-q]]
Parameter Description
Parameter Description
-f Process the list of files in the EVEARemovalUtility log file that path
-d Generate detailed output, which includes the names and values of the
extended attributes for each file.
-q Run in quiet output mode. The output consists only of a summary which
shows the number of processed files.
Filename ExtAttrSTATE Details
\\server1\e$\folder1\file1.txt PRESENT <EA1-Value>, <EA2-Value2>
\\server1\e$\folder1\file2.txt NOT PRESENT
\\server1\e$\folder1\file3.txt PRESENT <EA1-Value3>
\\server1\e$\folder1\file4.txt PRESENT <EA1-Value>
\\server1\e$\folder1\file5.txt NOT PRESENT
\\server1\e$\folder1\file6.doc NOT PRESENT
\\server1\e$\folder1\file7.txt NOT PRESENT
\\server1\e$\folder1\file8.doc NOT PRESENT
\\server1\e$\folder1\subfolder\file9.doc PRESENT <CS-12>, <AUTHOR-P1>
\\server1\e$\folder1\subfolder\file91.doc NOT PRESENT
Present Not present Start time End time
4 6 6-10-2010 At 20:51:22.137 6-10-2010 At 20:51:22.387
If you omit the -d parameter, the output omits the names and the values of the
extended attributes.
If required, you can edit the contents of a log file before submitting it for processing
with the -f parameter. For example, you may want to remove the extended attributes
from all of the files that are listed in the example log file, except file4.txt. You
can edit the log file to delete the line for file4.txt, and then submit the log file
for processing.
Note: Do not to change the format of the lines that are bounded by the ## characters,
otherwise the utility may fail to read the file list correctly.
EVEARemovalUtility 67
EVEARemovalUtility usage examples
When you use the -r parameter to remove extended attributes and you also include
the -q parameter, the command produces "quiet" output. The output then includes
only summary information about the number of processed files.
■ You decide that you want to remove the extended attributes. You run the
following command to remove the extended attributes from filex.txt:
EVEARemovalUtility.exe \\fs1\e$\folder1\filex.txt -r
The output to the command prompt window indicates that the extended attributes
for filex.txt have been removed.
■ You enter the following command on the Enterprise Vault server to create a log
file that lists details of the extended attributes for all the files on the relevant
path, including subfolders:
EVEARemovalUtility.exe \\fs1\e$\folder1 -s -l -d
See “Format of the EVEARemovalUtility output and log files” on page 65.
Chapter 13
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ About EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions
■ Running EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions
About EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions
On Windows file servers, unless the Vault Service account is a member of the local
Administrators group, it requires a set of minimum permissions and privileges for
File System Archiving. See the appendix “Permissions and privileges required for
the Vault Service account on Windows file servers” in Setting up File System
If you change the Vault Service account you must ensure that the new account is
granted the required permissions and privileges. You can use the
EVFSARightsAndPermissions utility to configure the permissions and privileges for
the new account.
The EVFSARightsAndPermissions utility is installed on a file server when you install
the FSA Agent.
The utility creates a log file named EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions.log in the
Enterprise Vault program folder. The log file lists all the rights and permissions it
has granted to the specified account, and indicates success or failure for each stage
of the configuration.
Note: Ensure that your group policy permissions do not override the required local
permissions for the Vault Service account.
EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions 70
Running EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions
Running EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions
You must run EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions using an account that is a member
of the local Administrators group on the file server.
To run EVFSASetRightsAndPermissions
1 On the file server, log on as a user that is a member of the local Administrators
2 Open a command prompt window.
3 Navigate to the Enterprise Vault program folder (for example C:\Program
Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault).
■ About EVrights
■ EVrights syntax
About EVrights
Use EVrights to grant rights to users and groups from a command line or batch file.
You require Administrator privileges to set user rights.
EVrights syntax
EVrights name right
The name identifies the user or group whose rights you want to modify. Enclose
the name in quotation marks if it contains space characters.
Table 14-1 describes the rights that you can grant. These rights are case-sensitive
and must be typed exactly as they appear.
Right Description
Right Description
Note: You must run this utility with Administrator privileges if the computer has User
Account Control (UAC) enabled.
See “Running the Enterprise Vault command-line utilities with administrator
privileges” on page 12.
Chapter 15
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ About EVservice
■ EVservice prerequisites
■ EVservice syntax
About EVservice
EVservice is a command-line utility that lets you start and stop Windows services
and Enterprise Vault tasks on local or remote computers. EVservice can also pause
and resume services and Enterprise Vault tasks that accept pause and resume
Note the following:
■ If you are running Enterprise Vault in a clustering environment, you can control
tasks with EVservice but you cannot control services. To control services in a
VCS cluster, use the hares command that is described in the Veritas Cluster
Server Administrator’s Guide.
■ You must run this utility with Administrator privileges if the computer has User
Account Control (UAC) enabled.
See “Running the Enterprise Vault command-line utilities with administrator
privileges” on page 12.
EVservice 75
EVservice prerequisites
EVservice prerequisites
If you intend to use EVservice to manage Enterprise Vault tasks on remote
computers, ensure that the Enterprise Vault Administration Console is installed on
the same computer as EVservice.
If you want to start or stop a service or Enterprise Vault task that is on a remote
computer, the account that you use to run EVservice must be a member of the local
administrator's group on the same computer as the service or task. If you add an
account to the local administrator’s group on the remote computer, you may find
that you need to restart the computer before you can use EVservice.
EVservice syntax
Note that for those commands below that control services, you can specify any
valid alias or name for the computer parameter. However, for those commands
that control tasks, the specified computer name must correspond to the computer
alias used in Enterprise Vault.
■ EVservice start|stop|pause|resume computer service [service...]
Starts, stops, pauses, or resumes the specified services on the computer with
the specified alias or name. If a service name contains spaces, enclose it in
quotation marks. For example, the following command starts the Enterprise
Vault Shopping service on computer GAMMA:
EVService start GAMMA "Enterprise Vault Shopping Service"
EVservice ignores any line that does not contain a colon (:), so you can add
comments if required. For example:
■ The easiest way to stop all tasks is to stop the Task Controller service. You can
edit each task’s properties to set its Startup type to Automatic, so that the tasks
start automatically when you restart the Task Controller service. See the
Administrator's Guide for more information.
■ If you were to use the sample file above with the following command, the task
on computer DELTA would be unaffected (because you have specified the
computer GAMMA on the command line):
EVservice start GAMMA evservices_and_tasks.txt
Chapter 16
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ About EVSPShortcutManager
■ EVSPShortcutManager syntax
■ EVSPShortcutManager examples
About EVSPShortcutManager
EVSPShortcutManager is a command-line utility that enables you to manage the
Enterprise Vault shortcuts that are in SharePoint.
You can use EVSPShortcutManager to do the following:
■ Replace HTML shortcuts with new shortcuts that behave exactly like SharePoint
documents. The new shortcuts use the same icons as the corresponding original
■ Recall archived items to replace all shortcuts in an entire site, collection, or
library with the corresponding original documents.
Before Enterprise Vault 8.0 SP3, Enterprise Vault created HTML shortcuts in
SharePoint. Enterprise Vault 8.0 SP3 introduced new SharePoint shortcuts that
provide a seamless experience for users.
■ Shortcuts can be edited and any changes are saved back to SharePoint.
■ The shortcuts do not break SharePoint workflows. Previously, Enterprise Vault
never replaced workflow items with shortcuts.
■ Existing links to a document do not break when the document is archived.
■ The shortcuts use the archived documents' original icons.
EVSPShortcutManager 78
Permissions required to run EVSPShortcutManager
EVSPShortcutManager syntax
EVSPShortcutManager operation location -url "url" [options]
Table 16-1 describes the parameters you can use with EVSPShortcutManager.exe.
Argument Description
Argument Description
url The URL of the SharePoint site, collection, or library that you
want to process. If there are spaces in the URL you must
enclose the URL in quotes or use %20 to represent each
Note: You must run this utility with Administrator privileges if the computer has User
Account Control (UAC) enabled.
See “Running the Enterprise Vault command-line utilities with administrator
privileges” on page 12.
EVSPShortcutManager examples
■ To scan a SharePoint server for HTML shortcuts without converting any shortcuts
and to place the log file in the default folder:
EVSPShortcutManager -convert -server -report
■ To scan a SharePoint server for HTML shortcuts and place the log file in a folder
named C:\MyLogs
EVSPShortcutManager -convert -server -report -log C:\MyLogs
■ About EVSVR
■ Starting EVSVR
■ EVSVR commands
■ Using the output from one EVSVR operation as input for another operation
EVSVR is a command-line utility with which you can report on, verify, and repair
Enterprise Vault storage.
Table 17-1 summarizes the types of operations that EVSVR can perform.
■ A count of all the files in the site's vault stores that were archived
within the last two days.
■ The details of each saveset record in a vault store database.
■ The archive and archive folder information in the Directory database.
■ Uses the vault store objects to repair the records within the vault
store databases and between the vault store databases and
fingerprint databases.
■ Blacklists any SIS parts that do not verify correctly. After you blacklist
a SIS part, archiving a new item with the same SIS part causes
Enterprise Vault to create a new SIS part file on disk.
■ Deletes the vault store and fingerprint database records that are
associated with missing items.
■ Recreates any missing saveset and SIS part records in the vault
store and fingerprint databases.
■ Sets a creation date for any collection record in a vault store
database that does not have one.
■ Recreates any missing archive and archive folder information in the
vault store databases when the corresponding information exists in
the Directory database.
■ For Exchange Mailbox and File System archives, recreates any
missing archive and archive folder information in the Directory
database when the corresponding information exists in the vault
store databases.
■ For Exchange Mailbox and File System archives, recreates any
missing archive and archive folder information in the Directory
database and vault store databases when the information is missing
from them both, and EVSVR can obtain the required information
from the target Exchange system or file system volume.
EVSVR can perform operations on CIFS, NTFS, and Centera partitions, partitions
on streamer storage devices, and on both collected and uncollected items. Before
you can perform an EVSVR operation, you must define it in an operation file.
See “Creating an EVSVR operation file” on page 88.
Containers EVSVR performs an operation over one Enterprise Vault site and one
or more vault store groups, vault stores, and partitions (referred to as
containers). A checkpointed operation continues from the container
that EVSVR was processing when it stopped.
EVSVR does not checkpoint the position within scans of Enterprise Vault partitions
and databases. So, for a single, one-step operation on a single container, you can
enable checkpointing but it does not have any effect.
Starting EVSVR
You must run EVSVR as the Vault Service account on an Enterprise Vault server.
The server must be located in the Enterprise Vault site that contains the data that
you want to process.
Note: You must run this utility with Administrator privileges if the computer has User
Account Control (UAC) enabled.
See “Running the Enterprise Vault command-line utilities with administrator
privileges” on page 12.
To start EVSVR
1 Log on to the Enterprise Vault server as the Vault Service account.
2 Do one of the following:
■ In Windows Explorer, navigate to the Enterprise Vault program folder (for
example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault) and double-click
EVSVR commands
Table 17-2 lists the commands that you can type at the EVSVR> prompt.
EVSVR commands
Command Effect
continue Continues execution of the current operation file from the latest
checkpoint, if it is available. This command only has an effect if you
have enabled checkpointing for the operation.
edit Opens the EVSVR Operations dialog box so that you can edit the
currently loaded operation file or create a new one.
load [file] Loads an operation file. If you do not specify a file, EVSVR prompts
you to select one. You must load an operation file before you can run
unload Unloads the current operation file without performing any other actions.
start Starts the execution of the current operation file from the beginning. If
you have enabled checkpointing for the operation, this command resets
the checkpointing information and starts the operation from the
stop Stops the execution of the current operation file. EVSVR completes
any actions that it is performing before it stops, and it generates a report
file for the performed actions.
restart Stops the execution of the current operation file and then starts it again
from the beginning.
status Displays the current status of EVSVR, including its application state.
Command Effect
interactive Runs EVSVR in interactive mode. This mode lets you perform a number
of specialized activities, including the following:
State Description
NotReady No operation file is loaded. This state is the initial state if you start
EVSVR without an argument list.
The application state determines which EVSVR commands you can enter. For
example, the stop command is only valid when the EVSVR state is Active or Paused.
If you enter a command that is invalid for the current state, EVSVR displays an
error message to indicate this fact.
To determine the current state of EVSVR, type status at the EVSVR> prompt.
Creating an EVSVR operation file
■ All the partitions in all the vault stores in all the vault store groups in the
Enterprise Vault site.
■ All the partitions in all the vault stores in a single vault store group.
■ All the partitions in a single vault store.
■ A single partition.
■ A specific archive to process. This applies only when EVSVR processes vault
store databases or the archive information in the Directory database.
■ The date range of archived items to process.
■ The operation to perform.
■ The location of the output log file. If you choose to enable the checkpointing or
item list facilities, the name of the log file also determines the names of the
checkpoint file and the folder in which EVSVR processes the item list files.
■ The number of threads to use, and their priority level.
Note: Depending on the operation that you choose to perform, some of these
options may not be available.
2 Specify the storage data that you want to process. By default, the operation
file specifies that EVSVR is to process the data for all partitions in all vault
stores in all vault store groups in the Enterprise Vault site. However, you can
minimize the amount of data that you process as follows:
■ To process a single vault store group, clear Process All Vault Store
Groups and then select the required group.
■ To process a single vault store, clear Process All Vault Stores and then
select the required vault store.
■ To process a single partition, clear Process All Partitions and then select
the required partition.
Process All Archives By default, EVSVR processes all the archives in the selected
storage data set. To select an individual archive, clear
Process All Archives and then select an archive.
Operation To Perform Select an operation type (Report, Verify, or Repair), and then
set the required options.
All the Verify and Repair operations can benefit from using
multiple threads, but this is particularly the case with the
DatabaseReferences Repair operation. Most Report
operations always run with one thread only, even if you
request more.
4 Click one of the following to save the specified values in an operation file:
■ Save. Saves the selected settings and their values in an operation file. If
you previously saved the file, EVSVR overwrites the file. Otherwise, EVSVR
prompts you for a file name.
■ Save As. Saves the selected parameters and their values in an operation
file. EVSVR prompts you for a file name.
5 After you have defined the operation, click one of the following to exit from edit
mode and return to the EVSVR> prompt:
■ OK. Exits and loads the last saved operation file. Any changes that you
have made since your last save are lost.
■ Cancel. Exits without loading an operation file. Any changes that you have
made since your last save are lost.
However, you can change the other operation properties, such as the date range
or number of threads, and then continue the operation from the latest checkpoint.
evsvr -c C:\op1.xml
evsvr -r C:\op2.xml
operation_file_path Specifies the full path to the operation file. If the path
contains spaces, enclose it in quotation marks. For
Directory and VaultStore Reports on the Archive records and Archive Folder records
in the Directory database, and the ArchivePoint records and
Vault records in the vault store databases.
ArchiveCount For the selected vault store, counts the number of Archive records
and ArchiveFolder records.
Archives For the selected vault store, lists the Archive records and
ArchiveFolder records.
Archives For the selected vault store, lists the following information:
EVObjects Lists information for each SIS part record across all member tables,
including the following:
■ SIS part ID
■ Archived date
■ Collection ID
■ Original size (bytes)
■ Stored size (bytes)
■ Reference count: The number of times that Enterprise Vault
shares this SIS part
■ Converted content store size (bytes)
■ Converted content disposition (bytes)
■ Blacklisted reason, where applicable
Option setting CIFS or NTFS partition Streamer partition Dell EMC Centera
ContainerCount Counts the number of files in Counts the number of content Counts the number of clips,
the partition. Folders are not streams, including those that including those that
included in the count. applications other than applications other than
Enterprise Vault have Enterprise Vault have
All files are counted. If any
created. created.
non-Enterprise Vault files are
inadvertently present, these
files are included in the count.
About the EVSVR operation settings
Option setting CIFS or NTFS partition Streamer partition Dell EMC Centera
EVContainerCount Counts the number of Counts the number of content Counts the number of clips
Enterprise Vault files in the streams that Enterprise Vault that Enterprise Vault has
partition. has created. created.
Containers Lists the full path of every file Lists information about the Lists information about the
in a partition. Folders are not content streams that all clips that all applications have
listed. applications have created. created.
All files are listed, including The report provides additional The report provides additional
the files within .CAB files and information on the content information on the clips that
the savesets within saveset streams that Enterprise Vault Enterprise Vault has created.
files. has created.
Option setting CIFS or NTFS partition Streamer partition Dell EMC Centera
EVContainers Lists the full path of each Lists information about the Lists information about the
Enterprise Vault file in the content streams that clips that Enterprise Vault has
partition. Folders are not Enterprise Vault has created. created.
Note: The report provides a count or list of only those items that match the specified
criteria. For example, a ContainerCount report on a CIFS vault store provides a
count of the files that were archived within the specified date range, for each selected
About the EVSVR operation settings
QueuedItemsCount Counts the Storage Queue (.EVSQ) files and large-file (.DVF)
files, and the savesets in each Storage Queue file.
QueuedItems Lists the Storage Queue (.EVSQ) files and large-file (.DVF) files,
and the savesets in each Storage Queue file.
ArchiveCount For each vault store, counts the number of ArchivePoint (Archive)
records and Vault (ArchiveFolder) records in the vault store
■ Saveset ID
■ Archive ID
■ Archive date
■ Item size (kilobytes)
QueuedItems For a vault store that keeps safety copies of Exchange Server
items in a designated Storage Queue rather than in their original
locations, lists the following records in the vault store database:
■ StorageQueueBatch
■ StorageQueueSaveset
■ StorageQueueSavesetReingestLog
ArchiveObjects Verifies that the vault store database records and fingerprint
database records point to savesets and SIS parts in a partition:
You must select the required level of verification for this option.
ArchivesDirectory Verifies that the vault store database records have corresponding
records in the Directory database:
DatabaseLinkages Verifies the linkages between the vault store databases and
fingerprint databases:
DatabaseReferences Verifies that the savesets and SIS parts in a partition are
referenced by database records:
DetectCABCollectionId Verifies that the vault store databases contain CAB file collection
Mismatch records whose collection identities match the file names of the
associated CAB files. For example, this operation verifies that,
when a collection record has a collection identity of 1234, the name
of the associated CAB file is Collection1234.cab.
ItemCounts Checks the Vault and ArchivePoint records in the vault store
database and reports on any that have an incorrect count of
archived items.
QueuedItems Verifies that the Storage Queue files in a Storage Queue location
are referenced by vault store database records.
StorageQueue Verifies that the files in a Storage Queue location do not have any
obvious errors, such as a file size of 0 bytes.
Level setting CIFS partition CIFS partition Streamer partition Dell EMC Centera
without with collections partition
ObjectContainerExists Verifies that the Verifies that the CAB Verifies that the Verifies that the clip
saveset or SIS part file exists and has no content streams containing the
file exists and has no obvious errors, such containing savesets saveset exists.
obvious errors, such as a file size of 0 and SIS parts exist.
as a file size of 0 bytes.
ObjectInContainer Verifies that the CAB Opens that clip and
Checks for converted file contains the verifies from the clip
content file, if saveset or SIS part attributes that it
appropriate. file, as defined by the contains the saveset.
CAB index.
SISPartsMatch Verifies that the SIS part reference in the vault store database and Not applicable.
the SIS part fingerprint in the fingerprint database match the SIS part
map in a saveset file.
FingerprintValid For each SIS part, recomputes the fingerprint and verifies that it
matches the value in the fingerprint database.
SavesetValid Retrieves the saveset including all its SIS parts into an Enterprise Retrieves the saveset
Vault saveset, and perform a full verification. including all of its
separately stored
attachments and
streams into an
Enterprise Vault
saveset, and
performs a full
Source data.
What do you want to
Vault store and
Partition verify? Directory database
fingerprint databases
Verify Complete
ObjectContainerExists (includes Database
(quick check) Linkages and
ObjectInContainer Savesets SavesetValid) Database only Directory
(thorough check)
ObjectExtractsFrom Fingerprints Partition-driven Vault store
Container and SIS parts
(very thorough check)
2 Choose the vault store group, vault store, or partition that you want to process.
In most cases, you may want to process all the vault stores.
3 In the Operation To Perform list, select Verify.
In the Option list, select Complete.
4 In the Date Range To Process box, specify the archived date of the items that
you want to process. Alternatively, leave the date range blank to process all
the items.
5 In the Threads box, keep the default thread number of 1.
6 Click Save to save the settings in an operation file.
About the EVSVR operation settings
7 Click OK to close the EVSVR Operations dialog box and load the new operation
8 At the EVSVR> prompt, type start to begin processing.
9 When EVSVR has finished processing, check the contents of the output log
A Repair operation has several Option settings from which you can select.
Table 17-13 describes the available settings.
About the EVSVR operation settings
Before you can run this operation, you must select the type of
archive that you want to repair: Exchange Mailbox or File System.
If the operation finds any items in the archive that do not match
the selected type, it reports an error and stops processing.
Before you can run this operation, you must select the type of
archive that you want to repair: Exchange Mailbox or File System.
If the operation finds any items in the archive that do not match
the selected type, it reports an error and stops processing.
About the EVSVR operation settings
ArchivesVaultStore Recreates any missing ArchivePoint and Vault records in the vault
store databases to make them consistent with the Directory
database. To do this, the ArchivesVaultStore operation does the
BlacklistBadSISParts Blacklists any SIS part that does not verify correctly because it
does not exist, has the wrong size, or does not match the value
in the fingerprint database. After you blacklist a SIS part, archiving
a new item with the same SIS part causes Enterprise Vault to
create a new SIS part file on disk.
About the EVSVR operation settings
DeleteSurplus As a last resort, deletes the vault store and fingerprint database
References records that are associated with missing and irretrievably lost
items. When a missing item consists of multiple parts, this option
also deletes from disk any remaining parts that are associated
with the item.
You can also use this operation to remove unused SIS parts, but
you must only do so when your environment is consistent.
ItemCounts Repairs any Vault and ArchivePoint records in the vault store
databases that have an incorrect count of archived items.
RequeueStorageQueue Checks the Failed Items folder for any items that Enterprise
FailedItems Vault was unable to archive and places them on the Storage
Queue again.
About the EVSVR operation settings
StorageQueue Scans the vault store database records for queued items and
verifies that the expected files exist in the Storage Queue location.
If any files are missing, EVSVR deletes the vault store database
records and requests that the original items are rearchived.
issue typically arises when some of the Archive records and ArchiveFolder
records in the Directory database are missing.
■ You have specified an inappropriate date range for the DatabaseReferences
or Archives operation. This can lead to the situation where the operation does
not process some savesets and SIS parts that it ought to repair.
■ You have selected the option Require Index Entries for the DatabaseReferences
or Archives operation. However, some savesets do not have index information
because one or more of the following conditions applies:
■ You have chosen to defer indexing (that is, Enterprise Vault does not index
files as they are archived).
■ You have a backlog of index operations.
■ An index rebuild is in progress.
DatabaseReferences Both "Savesets Unreferenced" and one of the See “Procedure 2” on page 120.
DetectCABCollection "CAB Collection records with a Collection See “Procedure 2” on page 120.
IdMismatch Identity mismatch: number".
UndatedCollections "Undated Collection records: number". Run the UndatedCollections Repair operation.
Table 17-15 identifies the repair procedure to use when you know of inconsistencies
in a vault store database, fingerprint database, or partition.
About the EVSVR operation settings
Consistent Consistent SIS part files are missing See “Procedure 1” on page 120.
Caution: If you perform any of the following procedures, do not take your Enterprise
Vault system out of backup mode until you have verified that the procedure has
resolved the issue. Otherwise, you may damage your system.
Procedure 1
1 Using the information in the Verify log file to guide you, try to recover each
missing file and corrupt file.
2 Rerun the Verify operation that you previously ran until you have resolved all
the errors.
3 If you cannot recover all the SIS parts, run the BlacklistBadSISParts Repair
operation to blacklist the fingerprint database records for the missing files.
Procedure 2
1 Place the vault store groups that you want to repair in backup mode.
If none of the Enterprise Vault services is running then, to place a vault store
group in backup mode, you must start the Admin and Directory services only.
2 On each Enterprise Vault server, stop all Enterprise Vault services and related
processes. Take care to ensure that storage-related processes such as
StorageServer.exe and StorageFileWatch.exe have stopped.
About the EVSVR operation settings
Caution: SIS parts can be shared between different partitions in a single vault
store and between partitions in different vault stores. Depending on how you
have configured sharing, it is possible that the recreation of savesets in one
vault store partition is dependent on SIS parts that belong to a partition of
another vault store. These SIS part records must be available before you can
recreate the savesets. So, the situation can arise where EVSVR cannot recreate
some saveset records in a vault store database because they are dependent
on SIS part records that you have yet to recreate in the fingerprint database.
To avoid this issue, use the sharing level that you have set for the vault store
groups as a guide to what to repair. When the sharing level is "Share within
group", you must repair the entire vault store group instead of repairing the
vault stores and partitions one at a time. When the sharing level is "Share
within vault store", you must repair the entire vault store instead of repairing
the partitions one at a time. When the sharing level is "No sharing", or the
partitions contain pre-8.0 savesets only, you can repair the partitions individually.
An additional consideration is the database that you need to repair. When this
database is the vault store database, all the partitions belonging to that vault
store are affected and require repair. However, if you need to repair a fingerprint
database then, regardless of the sharing level that you have chosen, the entire
vault store group is affected and requires repair
If any of the following conditions applies, you may want to clear the EVSVR
operation setting Require Index Entries:
■ You use deferred indexing (FSA).
About the EVSVR operation settings
■ The Enterprise Vault site, vault store group, vault store, and partition on which
EVSVR has performed the operation.
■ Information on the items that the operation has found: IDs of savesets and SIS
parts; file paths of savesets, SIS parts, and collection files; Centera Clip-Ids;
streamer object identifiers; and EntryIds.
EVSVR creates separate item list files for each stage of an operation (option,
container, step, and phrase or substep). The names of the item list files reflect the
stages at which EVSVR created them. For example:
EVSVR stores the item list files in a folder whose name matches that of the
corresponding log file. For example, if the name of the log file is
EVSVR_20140401113345.Log, EVSVR creates the item list files in a folder that is
called EVSVR_20140401113345_Items.
As EVSVR controls the names and locations of the item list files, you do not need
to select specific files when you use an output item list as the source for a follow-up
■ Repair ArchivesDirectory
■ Repair ArchivesVaultStore
Using the output from one EVSVR operation as input for another operation
Table 17-16 Compatible EVSVR operations for item list processing (continued)
■ Repair DatabaseLinkages
■ Verify ArchiveObjects SavesetValid
■ Verify ArchivesDirectory
■ Verify DatabaseReferences
All the verification levels for a Verify ArchiveObjects operation can output item lists.
However, not all the verification levels are compatible. Table 17-17 shows the
verification levels from which each ArchiveObjects level can receive item lists as
ObjectContainerExists ■ ObjectContainerExists
■ ObjectExtractsFromContainer
■ ObjectInContainer
FingerprintValid ■ FingerprintValid
SavesetValid ■ SavesetValid
SISPartsMatch ■ SISPartsMatch
Viewing the EVSVR output log file
If you choose to continue an operation from the last checkpoint, EVSVR appends
the new log information to the existing log file and provides information about the
last checkpoint. For example:
When EVSVR completes a checkpointed operation, the log file reports the fact. For
If you issue a continue command for a checkpointed operation that has already
completed, the log file provides the following information:
■ The input item list files that the operation has closed, and the number of items
that it has read and selected from the list.
■ A count of the items that the operation cannot find. This situation can occur if
the items are deleted between your adding them to an output item list file and
using the file as input for a follow-up operation.
Additional log file information when you run certain EVSVR Repair
When you run a Repair operation to recreate any missing references in the vault
store databases or fingerprint databases, a summary at the end of the log file
provides a count of any references that EVSVR was unable to recreate
If you have tried to recreate the saveset references in the vault store databases,
the log file provides the following additional information:
Saveset records not recreated This is the sum of the five counts below.
If you have tried to recreate the SIS part references in the fingerprint databases,
the log file provides the following additional information:
SIS Part records not recreated This is the sum of the four counts below.
Running EVSVR in interactive mode
Saveset SIS Part not available The information that EVSVR needed to obtain from
the vault store databases to recreate a SIS part
was not available.
Error getting SIS Part information Errors occurred when recreating the values
required to recreate a SIS part reference.
Error creating SIS Part record Database errors occurred when recreating a SIS
part reference in the fingerprint database.
For more information on specific savesets and SIS parts, and the errors that may
have occurred, see the log file.
Command Effect
GetNativeItem or GNI Retrieves the native original item from a saveset file.
Command Effect
To put EVSVR in interactive mode, start the utility and then type interactive at
the EVSVR> prompt.
The following sections describe the syntax of the commands in detail.
DumpSaveset command
The DumpSaveset command retrieves the saveset and associated SIS parts of the
specified archived item.
DumpSaveset EntryId SavesetId [-o OutputFolder]
EntryId Identifies the required vault store entry, archive entry, or archive
folder entry. EVSVR uses this to determine the location of the
OutputFolder Specifies the path to the folder in which to store the retrieved files
and log file. By default, this is the Reports\EVSVR subfolder of
the Enterprise Vault program folder (for example C:\Program
Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault).
In the following example, the two parameters specify the vault store entry ID and
saveset transaction ID of the required saveset:
ds 1995C3ACBB9472646AB0F3A0FDC7066B91210000testsrv1.domain.local
This command does not specify an output folder with the -o parameter, so
DumpSaveset outputs the files to the default location, for example C:\Program
Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\Reports\EVSVR. All DumpSaveset files are
output to a time-stamped folder under this output folder, such as
EVSVR_DumpSaveset_20100714181917. So, in this example, the full output path is
as follows:
Running EVSVR in interactive mode
Expected outputs
Except where noted, DumpSaveset outputs all the files and folders that are described
Table 17-19 Files and folders that are directly under the full output path
Output Description
Log This is the log file. In the example above, its file name is
VSDBRecords.xml This XML file contains the vault store database records for
the saveset that DumpSaveset has retrieved.
Recombined folder This folder contains the files that Enterprise Vault reconstructs
after the entire saveset has been retrieved. See Table 17-20.
Parts folder This folder contains the files that comprise the retrieved
saveset. See Table 17-21.
Output Description
DVS This file contains all the data related to the retrieved saveset,
except where this is a large-file saveset. DumpSaveset
outputs large-file data to the Parts folder in the form of a
DVF or DVFSP file, and it also outputs the data as a native
item (see below). Sample file name:
Running EVSVR in interactive mode
Output Description
Native item This is the original item that Enterprise Vault retrieved: a
Domino message (DVNS) file, Exchange message (MSG)
file, IMAP message (EML) file, or the original large file.
Output Description
DVS/ARCHDVS (if CAB This file is either the entire saveset or, where sharing has
collected or migrated) been enabled, one part of a multipart saveset. Sample file
DVSSP/ARCHDVSSP (if CAB Only output for multipart savesets where sharing has been
collected or migrated) enabled. The files are not generated for savesets that are
stored on a Centera device. Sample file name:
DVSCC/ARCHDVSCC (if Only output for multipart savesets where sharing has been
CAB collected or migrated) enabled and converted content has been generated. The
files are not generated for savesets that are stored on a
Centera device. Sample file name:
DVFSP/ARCHDVFSP (if Only output for large-file multipart savesets where sharing
migrated) has been enabled. The files are not generated for savesets
that are stored on a Centera device. Sample file name:
DVF/ARCHDVF (if migrated) Only output for large-file savesets where sharing has not
been enabled. The files can also be generated for savesets
that are stored on a Centera device. Sample file name:
Running EVSVR in interactive mode
Output Description
DVFCC/ARCHDVFCC (if Only output for large-file savesets where sharing has not
migrated) been enabled and where converted content has been
generated. The files are not generated for savesets that are
stored on a Centera device. Sample file name:
CAB/ARCHCAB (if migrated) Only output when parts of the retrieved saveset are stored
on CIFS partitions that have been configured for collection
using CAB files. DumpSaveset outputs a CAB file for each
collected part of the saveset. The name of the CAB file has
the form DS_VaultStoreIdentity_CABfileName. For
CDF.xml Only output for savesets that are stored on Centera devices.
The XML file uses the Clip-Id related to the retrieved saveset
as its file name. For example:
MetaData.xml Only output for savesets that have parts that are stored on
streamer devices. DumpSaveset outputs an XML file for each
part of the saveset. Sample file name:
DumpSISPart command
The DumpSISPart command retrieves the specified SIS part.
DumpSISPart EntryId SisPartId [-o OutputFolder]
EntryId Identifies the required vault store entry, archive entry, or archive
folder entry. EVSVR uses this to determine the location of the SIS
OutputFolder Specifies the path to the folder in which to store the retrieved files
and log file. By default, this is the Reports\EVSVR subfolder of
the Enterprise Vault program folder (for example C:\Program
Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault).
In the following example, the two parameters specify the vault store entry ID and
SIS part ID of the required SIS part:
dp 1995C3ACBB9472646AB0F3A0FDC7066B91210000testsrv1.domain.local
This command does not specify an output folder with the -o parameter, so
DumpSISPart outputs the files to the default location, for example C:\Program
Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\Reports\EVSVR. All DumpSISPart files are output
to a time-stamped folder under this output folder, such as
EVSVR_DumpSISPart_20100715114342. So, in this example, the full output path is
as follows:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise
Expected outputs
Except where noted, DumpSISPart outputs all the files that are described below.
Table 17-22 Files and folders that are directly under the full output path
Output Description
Log This is the log file. In the example above, its file name is
Table 17-22 Files and folders that are directly under the full output path
Output Description
xml The XML files contain the vault store database records for
the vault stores that reference the SIS part. DumpSISPart
generates one XML file for each vault store in the vault store
group in which the SIS part resides. Only the XML files for
vault stores that reference the SIS part contain information;
the others contain an empty EnterpriseVault XML
element. Sample file names:
VSDBRecords - VS0101.xml
VSDBRecords - VS0102Collected.xml
DVSSP/ARCHDVSSP (if CAB Only output for non-large-file SIS parts. Sample file name:
collected or migrated)
DVSCC/ARCHDVSCC (if Only output for non-large-file SIS parts where converted
CAB collected or migrated) content has been generated. Sample file name:
DVFSP/ARCHDVFSP (if Only output for large-file SIS parts. Sample file name:
DVFCC/ARCHDVFCC (if Only output for large-file SIS parts where converted content
migrated) has been generated. Sample file name:
decompressed If the SIS part or SIS part converted content file that
DumpSISPart has generated was compressed, the command
also generates a decompressed version. Sample file names:
Running EVSVR in interactive mode
Table 17-22 Files and folders that are directly under the full output path
Output Description
CAB/ARCHCAB (if migrated) Only output when the SIS parts are stored on CIFS partitions
that have been configured for collection using CAB files. A
CAB file is expected when the SIS part has been collected.
The name of the CAB file has the form DP_CABfileName.
For example:
MetaData.xml Only output for SIS parts that are stored on streamer devices.
DumpSISPart generates one XML file for the SIS part and
another for the SIS part converted content that is stored on
the streamer device. Sample file names:
ExtractSavesets command
The ExtractSavesets command extracts one or more savesets from the following
types of files:
■ Dell EMC Centera data blob files
■ Enterprise Vault Storage Queue (.EVSQ) files
These types of files are called appended savesets files because they contain multiple
savesets that are appended together.
ExtractSavesets AppendedSavesetsFile [-o OutputFolder] [-n
FileNameTemplate] [-f Offset -s Size]
AppendedSavesets Specifies the full path to the file that contains the savesets.
OutputFolder Specifies the path to the folder in which to store the retrieved files
and log file. By default, this is the Reports\EVSVR subfolder of
the Enterprise Vault program folder (for example C:\Program
Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault).
Running EVSVR in interactive mode
FileNameTemplate Specifies the file naming convention to use for the extracted
savesets. If you do not specify a file name template, EVSVR
applies the name of the input file to the savesets, but without the
path or extension.
If you do not specify an offset and size, EVSVR extracts all the
savesets and sequentially names them
FileNameTemplate_nnn.DVS. If you do specify the size and
offset, EVSVR extracts the size bytes starting from offset into one
saveset file that is named FileNameTemplate.DVS.
Offset Specifies the offset in bytes from the start of the input file from
which to start extracting the required saveset. If you specify an
offset parameter, you must also specify a size parameter.
Size Specifies the size in bytes of the data to extract from the input file.
If you specify a size parameter, you must also specify an offset
In the following example, the two parameters specify the path to a Dell EMC Centera
data blob file and the folder in which to extract its contents:
es "C:\Centera
-o c:\MyOutputFolder
If the output folder does not exist, ExtractSavesets creates it. All ExtractSavesets
files are output to a time-stamped folder under this output folder, such as
EVSVR_ExtractSavesets_20100715131545. So, in this example, the full output path
is as follows:
The sample command does not include a -f parameter to specify the offset or a
-s parameter to specify the size, so it extracts all the savesets in the blob file.
Expected outputs
Except where noted, ExtractSavesets outputs all the files and folders that are
described below.
Running EVSVR in interactive mode
Table 17-23 Files and folders that are directly under the full output path
Output Description
Log This is the log file. In the example above, its file name is
Extracted Savesets folder This folder contains the files that ExtractSavesets has
extracted from the input file. See Table 17-24.
Output Description
GetNativeItem command
The GetNativeItem command retrieves the original native item from the specified
saveset file or from all the saveset files in the specified folder. The command also
saves each saveset as a DocFile, which is an uncompressed saveset file that you
can read with a structured storage viewer.
The command cannot recombine SIS parts or retrieve separately stored large files.
If a saveset file does not contain the native item, the command creates an empty
GetNativeItem Saveset_File_or_Folder [-o OutputFolder]
Running EVSVR in interactive mode
Saveset_File_ Specifies the path to a single saveset file or a folder that contains
or_Folder one or more saveset files. If you omit the file name extension of
a single saveset file, GetNativeItem assumes that it is .DVS.
OutputFolder Specifies the path to the folder in which to store the native items
and log files. By default, this is the Reports\EVSVR subfolder of
the Enterprise Vault program folder (for example, C:\Program
Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault).
In the following example, the two parameters specify the path to the required saveset
file and the folder in which to output the results:
gni c:\MySavesets\713C88D67D80E8046FFF279AE27D46B1.DVS -o
Expected outputs
Table 17-25 Files that are directly under the full output path
Output Description
Native item This is the original item that Enterprise Vault retrieved: a
Domino message (DVNS) file, Exchange message (MSG)
file, or IMAP message (EML) file.
Log This is the log file. In the example above, its file name is
ListSavesetLocations command
The ListSavesetLocations command lists the locations where Enterprise Vault has
stored all the parts of the specified saveset.
Running EVSVR in interactive mode
ListSavesetLocations EntryId SavesetId [-o OutputFolder]
EntryId Identifies the required vault store entry, archive entry, or archive
folder entry. EVSVR uses this to determine the location of the
OutputFolder Specifies the path to the folder in which to store the retrieved files
and log file. By default, this is the Reports\EVSVR subfolder of
the Enterprise Vault program folder (for example C:\Program
Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault).
In the following example, the parameters specify the vault store entry ID and saveset
transaction ID of the required saveset, and the folder in which to output the results:
ls 1995C3ACBB9472646AB0F3A0FDC7066B91210000testsrv1.domain.local
713C88D67D80E8046FFF279AE27D46B1 -o c:\MyOutputFolder
If the output folder does not exist, ListSavesetLocations creates it. All
ListSavesetLocations files are output to a time-stamped folder under this output
folder, such as EVSVR_ListSavesetLocations_20100715112935. So, in this
example, the full output path is as follows:
Expected outputs
Table 17-26 Files that are directly under the full output path
Output Description
Log This is the log file. In the example above, its file name is
Note: Creating an index for a fingerprint database can marginally reduce archiving
performance and increase the size of the database. However, you may consider
these to be acceptable drawbacks if you run EVSVR regularly.
Improving EVSVR performance when processing CAB collections
■ To remove an existing index, enter the following query and then click
■ About FSARunNow
■ Running FSARunNow
■ FSARunNow syntax
■ FSARunNow examples
About FSARunNow
FSARunNow is a utility with which you can initiate File System Archiving tasks on
demand, using the command-line interface. It provides more options than the Run
Now facility in the Administration Console.
You can use the FSARunNow utility to do any of the following:
■ Initiate archiving. You can specify a File System Archiving task. Alternatively
you can archive from a specific file server or file server volume by quoting the
appropriate Entry Id from the Directory database.
■ Initiate the synchronization of file server archive permissions with folder
■ Initiate the pruning of earlier versions of archived files until only the required
number of versions remains. The File System Archiving task performs pruning
according to the version and age-based pruning settings on the Pruning tab of
the task’s properties.
■ For files archived from Dell EMC Celerra/VNX devices, initiate the deletion of
archived files whose placeholders have been deleted.
FSARunNow 144
Running FSARunNow
Running FSARunNow
Note that you can create a batch file that contains the required FSARunNow
commands and use Windows Task Scheduler to run the file when required.
Note: You must run this utility with Administrator privileges if the computer has User
Account Control (UAC) enabled.
See “Running the Enterprise Vault command-line utilities with administrator
privileges” on page 12.
To run FSARunNow
1 Log on to any Enterprise Vault server using the Vault Service account.
Caution: You must log on to the Enterprise Vault server locally. You cannot
run FSARunNow if you log on remotely.
FSARunNow syntax
Type the command in one of the following forms:
■ To initiate archiving for a specified file system archiving task, file server, or file
server volume:
FSARunNow Archive TaskName | TaskEntryId | FileServerEntryId
[VolumeEntryId] [Report | Normal] [ShortcutsOnly]
■ To initiate the deletion of files, archived from Dell EMC Celerra/VNX devices,
whose placeholders have been deleted:
FSARunNow CelerraDelOnDel TaskName | TaskEntryId |
FileServerEntryId [Report | Normal]
TaskName Specifies the name of the task you want to process. You can
determine the TaskName as follows:
3 Click Tasks.
Report Runs the File System Archiving task or tasks in report mode.
Each task generates a report that outlines the changes that
the task would make if it ran in normal mode, but no changes
are made.
Normal Runs the File System Archiving task or tasks in normal mode.
Each task performs the requested actions, and also generates
a report that outlines the changes it made.
FSARunNow examples
The following are examples of how to run FSARunNow.
■ To perform an archive run in Report mode:
FSARunNow Archive "File System Archiving Task1"
■ To run a File System Archiving task to delete archived files on a Dell EMC
Celerra/VNX whose placeholders have been deleted:
FSARunNow CelerraDelOnDel FSATask1 normal
Chapter 19
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ About FSAUndelete
■ Running FSAUndelete
■ FSAUndelete syntax
■ FSAUndelete examples
About FSAUndelete
FSAUndelete cancels the permanent deletion of the archived items for specified
placeholders, or for all of the placeholders in a specified folder of a file server.
FSAUndelete is typically for use when all of the following conditions apply:
■ You have set the option Enable recovery of user deleted items on the Archive
Settings tab of the Site Properties in the Administration Console. This option
provides a "soft delete" mechanism. When a user deletes an item, Enterprise
Vault retains the archived item for a specified number of days, before it
permanently deletes the archived item.
■ You use placeholders, and you use an archiving policy with the setting "Delete
archived file when placeholder is deleted".
■ You restore placeholders to a file server, for example from a backup.
In this scenario, some of the archived files that are associated with the restored
placeholders may be due for permanent deletion. A restored placeholder works
only until Enterprise Vault permanently deletes the archived file. By using
FSAUndelete you can cancel the permanent deletion of the archived files, without
the need to restore all of the files in the archive.
FSAUndelete provides options to do the following:
FSAUndelete 149
Running FSAUndelete
Running FSAUndelete
Run FSAUndelete when you want to cancel the permanent deletion of archived
files that are associated with file server placeholders.
Note: You must run this utility with Administrator privileges if the computer has User
Account Control (UAC) enabled.
See “Running the Enterprise Vault command-line utilities with administrator
privileges” on page 12.
To run FSAUndelete
1 Identify the computer on which to run FSAUndelete:
■ For a Windows file server you can run FSAUndelete on either of the following
■ On the Enterprise Vault server that runs the File System Archiving task
for the file server volume. The volume must be configured as a file server
target volume in the Administration Console.
■ On the file server that contains the placeholders that you want to process.
2 Log on as required to the Enterprise Vault server or the Windows file server,
either with the Vault Service account, or an account that meets the following
■ If a Windows file server is the target for the undelete operation: An account
that is a member of the Enterprise Vault Placeholder Application role. The
account must also be a member of both the Print Operators group and the
Distributed COM Users group on the Windows file server.
FSAUndelete 150
FSAUndelete syntax
■ If a NetApp file server is the target for the undelete operation: An account
that is a member of the Enterprise Vault Placeholder Application role: The
account must also be a member of the Administrators group on the NetApp
file server.
■ If a Dell EMC Celerra device is the target for the undelete operation: An
account that is a member of both the Enterprise Vault Placeholder
Application role and the Enterprise Vault File Server Administrator role. The
account must also be a member of the Administrators group on the Celerra
You can assign roles using Enterprise Vault’s RBA PowerShell cmdlets.
See "Roles-based administration" in the Administrator's Guide.
3 Open a command prompt window and change to the Enterprise Vault installation
folder, for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault.
4 Run the FSAUndelete command with the required options.
See “FSAUndelete syntax” on page 150.
FSAUndelete syntax
Use one of the following options with FSAUndelete. Include a path in quotes if it
contains spaces.
■ To undelete a file that is associated with a single placeholder:
FSAUndelete placeholder_path
Where placeholder_path is the local path or the UNC path of the placeholder.
FSAUndelete does not support wildcard characters.
You can use this option in a script, for example to undelete the archived file for
each placeholder in a log of restored backup files.
■ To undelete the files that are associated with all the placeholders in a specified
folder, but not in any subfolders:
FSAUndelete folder_path
Where folder_path is the local path or the UNC path of the folder.
■ To undelete the files that are associated with all the placeholders in a specified
folder, and recursively in all subfolders:
FSAUndelete folder_path -r
Where folder_path is the local path or the UNC path of the folder.
FSAUndelete 151
FSAUndelete examples
FSAUndelete examples
The following examples assume that you run FSAUndelete from the Enterprise
Vault server:
■ Undelete the archived file for the placeholder with the UNC path
FSAUndelete \\myserver\myfiles\file1
■ Undelete the archived files for the placeholders in the folder with the UNC path
\\myserver\myfiles\, but do not process any subfolders:
FSAUndelete \\myserver\myfiles\
■ Undelete the archived files for all the placeholders in the folder with the UNC
path \\myserver\myfiles\, and in any subfolders:
FSAUndelete \\myserver\myfiles\ -r
The following examples assume that you run FSAUndelete on a Windows file server
for which you want to process the placeholders. You can therefore specify local
paths to placeholders and folders.
■ Undelete the archived file for the placeholder C:\myfiles\file 9:
FSAUndelete "C:\myfiles\file 9"
■ Undelete the archived file for all of the placeholders in the folder C:\myfiles\
and its subfolders:
FSAUndelete C:\myfiles\ -r
Chapter 20
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ About FSAUtility
■ Running FSAUtility
■ FSAUtility options
About FSAUtility
FSAUtility is a command-line utility with which you can do the following:
■ Recreate archive points on the original path.
■ Recreate the placeholders for archived files in their original location.
■ Move placeholders from one location to another location, and move the
corresponding archived files.
■ Migrate placeholders from a source path to a destination path without any
movement of the archived data.
■ Delete orphaned placeholders for which no corresponding item exists in the
■ Restore all archived files, or archived files of the specified file types, to their
original location or a new location.
■ Recall the archived files that correspond to placeholders that are present in a
The utility works with archive points and placeholders on Windows file servers,
NetApp Filers, and Dell EMC Celerra/VNX devices.
FSAUtility 153
Running FSAUtility
For more information on migrating and consolidating file servers that have content
that has been archived with Enterprise Vault, see the following article on the Veritas
Support website:
Running FSAUtility
Before you run FSAUtility, note the following:
■ We recommend that you do not run more than one instance of FSAUtility at a
time. Issues can arise when you specify the same source or target for multiple,
concurrent instances of the utility.
■ We recommend that before you run FSAUtility you stop any File System Archiving
tasks that process the target file server. This action ensures that no manual or
scheduled archiving occurs on the file server while FSAUtility is processing files,
which ensures better performance and prevents inconsistent behavior. For
example, if Enterprise Vault archives a volume while a file recall to that volume
is in progress, Enterprise Vault may convert the recalled files to placeholders.
■ You must run this utility with Administrator privileges if the computer has User
Account Control (UAC) enabled.
See “Running the Enterprise Vault command-line utilities with administrator
privileges” on page 12.
■ A Dell EMC restriction prevents FSAUtility from processing files or folders on a
Dell EMC Celerra/VNX device if the target path exceeds 1024 characters. On
the Enterprise Vault server an event log message states that the input string
was not in a correct format.
■ FSAUtility has two methods for identifying Dell EMC Celerra/VNX placeholders.
If you want to use FSAUtility with placeholders on Dell EMC Celerra/VNX
volumes, make sure that you use the method that is appropriate for your Dell
EMC Celerra/VNX configuration.
See “About using FSAUtility with Dell EMC Celerra/VNX placeholders”
on page 154.
To run FSAUtility
1 Log on to any Enterprise Vault server with the Vault Service account. If you
use the utility to process a Windows file server, the account must also have
local administrator permissions on the file server.
2 Open a command prompt window.
FSAUtility 154
About using FSAUtility with Dell EMC Celerra/VNX placeholders
Table 20-1 Default API call for detecting Dell EMC Celerra/VNX placeholders
Note that by default FSAUtility with the -pm parameter uses the Celerra/VNX
API call. This default helps to ensure that placeholder migration always succeeds,
regardless of the Celerra/VNX configuration. If you use FSAUtility -pm with any
supported Celerra/VNX configuration, you may want to change the setting for this
option to use the more performance-efficient Windows API call.
With the other placeholder-related parameters (-b, -c, -m, and -o), FSAUtility uses
the efficient Windows API call by default.
FSAUtility 155
About using FSAUtility with Dell EMC Celerra/VNX placeholders
You can configure the API call that FSAUtility uses for each placeholder-related
option by editing the FSAUtility.exe.config file.
4 Remove the comment characters from the start and end of the section.
5 Edit the value of the CheckCelerraOfflineAttribute key to the required setting:
■ A value of 0 sets the option to use the Windows API call.
■ A value of 1 sets the option to use the Celerra/VNX API call.
If the CheckCelerraOfflineAttribute key is omitted or commented out for any
option, FSAUtility uses its default API call for that option.
FSAUtility 156
About using FSAUtility with Dell EMC Celerra/VNX placeholders
6 Repeat steps 3 to 5 for each FSAUtility option for which you want to configure
the API call.
7 Save the changes to FSAUtility.exe.config file.
Example 1
The file sets the PHMigration option (for FSAUtility -pm) to use a Windows API
call rather the default Celerra/VNX API call. No other values are defined, so
FSAUtility uses the Windows API call for all of its placeholder-related options.
<generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>
Example 2
This configuration produces the same result as Example 1. Each placeholder-related
option is set to use the Windows API call.
Example 3
In this example, all of the placeholder-related options use the Celerra/VNX API call.
FSAUtility options
Table 20-2 lists the actions you can perform with FSAUtility.
FSAUtility 159
FSAUtility options
Fix folder points. FSAUtility -fp Use this option only when
directed by Veritas Support.
FSAUtility -a -s UNC_path [-l log_level] [-r]
FSAUtility 160
FSAUtility options
When FSAUtility recreates an archive point, it examines the relevant records in the
Directory database to determine which archive is associated with the folder path.
If more than one archive is associated with the folder path, FSAUtility does as
■ It assigns the archive ID of the oldest non-empty archive to the archive point.
■ It records in its XML report or in the report-only mode's text report, the archive
IDs of the multiple archives that were found to be associated with the folder
The following command reports on the archive points that FSAUtility would recreate
for the volume \\myserver\users:
FSAUtility -a -s \\myserver\users -r
The following command recreates the archive points for the volume
\\myserver\users, recording both the successful operations and failed operations
in the XML report:
FSAUtility -a -s \\myserver\users -l 0
Recreating placeholders
You can use FSAUtility with the -c parameter to recreate the placeholders for
archived files in their original location. This facility may prove useful if you need to
restore a file server to its original state or synchronize the file server with the
Enterprise Vault archive. If multiple versions of the same file exist in the archive,
the utility creates a placeholder for the latest version only.
FSAUtility 161
FSAUtility options
Note: Before you use this option with Dell EMC Celerra/VNX placeholders, ensure
that FSAUtility is configured to use a suitable method for identifying the placeholders.
See “About using FSAUtility with Dell EMC Celerra/VNX placeholders” on page 154.
FSAUtility -c -s UNC_path [-D mm-dd-yyyy] [-f] [-l log_level] [-r]
■ -s UNC_path specifies the path to the required folder, volume, or file server.
The following command recreates the placeholders for the folder \\myserver\users
and generates a log file that lists both successful operations and failed operations.
The command runs in report mode.
FSAUtility -c -s \\myserver\users -l 0 -r
The following command recreates the placeholders for those files that were archived
after July 10 2005 from the folder \\myserver\users\user1. If any files or
placeholders of the same name already exist, the command overwrites them with
new placeholders.
FSAUtility -c -f -s \\myserver\users\user1 -D 07-10-2005 -l 0
FSAUtility 162
FSAUtility options
■ FSAUtility does not support "hard link" files (directory references to files). You
cannot recreate any existing placeholders for hard link files. When you perform
a recreate operation, FSAUtility recalls any placeholders that are hard link files.
■ When you recreate placeholders with FSAUtility, you may receive the message
"Internal Error Moving Placeholders: Archive ID null for folder folder_path" if you
subsequently try to move them to another location. To stop this message from
appearing, recreate the archive points and then archive the source folder before
you try to move the placeholders.
■ Due to a NetApp restriction, FSAUtility does not recreate placeholders if the
path to the folder exceeds 512 characters.
Note that after FSAUtility has assigned an archive ID to the archive point, no
further warnings are issued about the existence of multiple archives for the folder
If there is an archive point on the source folder and there are no archive points on
any subfolders, then the source folder archive point is deleted if all the placeholders
are moved successfully.
Note: Before you use this option with Dell EMC Celerra/VNX placeholders, ensure
that FSAUtility is configured to use a suitable method for identifying the placeholders.
See “About using FSAUtility with Dell EMC Celerra/VNX placeholders” on page 154.
FSAUtility -m -s UNC_path -d UNC_path [-l log_level] [-r]
■ -s UNC_path specifies the path to the source folder.
The following command moves the placeholders from the first folder to the second
folder. It also moves the archived files to the corresponding archive location. The
log file lists failed operations only.
FSAUtility -m -s \\myserver\users\user1 -d \\sample\share\user1
■ You cannot move placeholders from the root folder of a volume. You can move
placeholders from the subfolders of the root folder.
FSAUtility 164
FSAUtility options
■ FSAUtility does not delete a source folder from which you have moved
placeholders after it has completed the operation. The folder may contain other,
unarchived files that it would be inappropriate to delete.
■ If you halt an FSAUtility operation to move placeholders before it has finished,
then when you next start the utility it prompts you to resume the operation.
■ The volume policy or folder policy that applies to the destination location
determines whether Enterprise Vault deletes archived files when their
placeholders are deleted. See “Deleting archived files on placeholder deletion”
in Setting up File System Archiving.
■ If the source vault store or destination vault store is in backup mode when you
try to move placeholders, the utility exits without proceeding.
■ FSAUtility does not support "hard link" files (directory references to files). You
cannot move any existing placeholders for hard link files. When you perform a
move operation, FSAUtility moves any placeholders that are hard link files.
■ If any of the following becomes unavailable while you move placeholders,
FSAUtility does not try to process any outstanding placeholders:
■ Enterprise Vault Directory Service
■ Enterprise Vault File Placeholder Service
■ Enterprise Vault Storage Service
■ The network connection between Enterprise Vault and the file server
Instead, the utility exits after recording an error message in the event log, DTrace
log, and FSAUtility log file.
See also
See “Migrating placeholders” on page 164.
Migrating placeholders
Note: Before you migrate placeholders, make sure that you have a backup of the
Directory database, the vault store databases, and the folder hierarchy under the
source path. Back up the folder hierarchy under the destination path also, if it
contains archived files.
You can use FSAUtility with the -pm parameter to migrate placeholders and archive
points from a source folder structure to a destination folder structure, for example
on another volume or file server.
FSAUtility 165
FSAUtility options
This option moves the placeholders and archive points, but it does not move any
files in the archives. The migrated placeholders retain their links to the archived
files in their original locations. This option therefore provides a faster solution for
moving placeholders than the FSAUtility move (-m) option. Use the -m option if you
want to move archives, consolidate vault stores, or align archives with file servers.
This option always migrates placeholders in subfolders recursively, provided that
they reside under a valid archive point. The option creates the destination subfolders,
if necessary.
Before performing a placeholder migration, FSAUtility checks for any conflicts
between the archive points at the source location and the destination location. It
then performs the following actions, in the order listed:
■ Moves the placeholders. FSAUtility creates the placeholders on the destination
location and then deletes the placeholders at the source location. The migration
retains the placeholder file’s security descriptor, which contains information
about the ownership and NTFS permissions for the file. The migration also
retains any alternate data streams associated with the placeholder file.
■ Moves the archive points to the destination location.
■ Updates the Directory database with the new folder paths.
Note the following requirements for placeholder migration:
■ The source volume and destination volume must both be specified as FSA
targets in the Administration Console.
■ The same Enterprise Vault server must manage the source volume's vault store
and the destination volume's vault store. If FSAUtility cannot confirm that the
same Storage service computer manages both vault stores, it quits with an
explanatory message.
■ If the destination volume is on a NetApp file server, you must run the FSAUtility
command from an Enterprise Vault server that is registered with the destination
file server's FPolicy. For example, to migrate placeholders from
NetAppFiler1\volumeA to NetAppFiler2\volumeB, you must run FSAUtility
from an Enterprise Vault server that is registered with NetAppFiler2.
■ If any folders with archive points are missing from the source folder structure,
FSAUtility does not proceed with the migration.
■ You cannot migrate placeholders to a subfolder of the source folder.
Note that FSAUtility does not proceed with a migration if the destination path already
contains an archive for a folder that matches the folder hierarchy on the source
path. This restriction prevents a split archive, where the files with the migrated
placeholders are in a different vault store from the other archived files. You must
specify a destination path that has not been archived from, or one that contains no
FSAUtility 166
FSAUtility options
folders with archived files in the same folder structure as the source path. For
example, consider the example source folder structure and destination folder
structure shown in Figure 20-1:
Folder1 Folder1
Subfolder1 Subfolder1
Folder2 Folder2
Folder3 Folder5
FSAUtility does not proceed with the migration if either of the following applies:
■ An archive point with archived files exists at the root level, for both the source
volume and the destination volume.
■ An archive point with archived files exists in both of the folder structures, on any
of the following folders:
■ Folder1
■ Subfolder1
■ Folder2
FSAUtility can migrate the placeholders if there is no clash of archive points that
have archived files. For example, the migration is not prevented if either of the
following applies:
■ On the destination folder structure, only Folder5 and Folder 6 have archive
points with archived files.
■ Folder2 in the source folder structure has an archive point with archived files,
but Folder2 in the destination folder structure does not.
FSAUtility records the following events in the event log:
■ The start of a placeholder migration
■ Whether a migration completes without errors, or with errors.
FSAUtility 167
FSAUtility options
Note: Before you use this option with Dell EMC Celerra/VNX placeholders, ensure
that FSAUtility is configured to use a suitable method for identifying the placeholders.
See “About using FSAUtility with Dell EMC Celerra/VNX placeholders” on page 154.
FSAUtility -pm -s UNC_path -d UNC_path [-cs] [-csf] [-f] [-l
log_level] [-i]
■ -s UNC_path specifies the path to the source folder. The path must specify the
volume in the format that you used when you added the volume target in the
Administration Console.
■ -d UNC_path specifies the path to the destination folder. This path to the folder
must already exist. The path must specify the volume in the format that you
used when you added the volume target in the Administration Console.
■ -cs copies folder security descriptors to new folders at the destination. Security
descriptors of existing folders at the destination are not overwritten. This option
cannot be used with -csf. If you do not specify -cs or -csf, no folder security
descriptors are copied.
■ -csf copies folder security descriptors from source folders to destination folders,
overwriting the security descriptors of destination folders that already exist. This
option cannot be used with -cs. If you do not specify -cs or -csf, no folder
security descriptors are copied.
■ -f forces the migration of placeholders when placeholders or files of the same
name already exist at the destination. The utility first deletes the existing
placeholders or files at the destination and then creates the new ones.
■ -l log_level specifies whether to log both successful operations and failed
operations (0), or failed operations only (1). By default, FSAUtility logs failed
operations only.
FSAUtility 168
FSAUtility options
■ -i causes FSAUtility to ignore any errors that occur when it moves the
placeholders, such as:
■ Failure to determine whether a file is a placeholder.
■ Failure to create placeholders at the destination location, for example as a
result of permission issues or insufficient disk space.
■ Failure to delete placeholders from the source location.
If you omit the -i parameter and any placeholder move errors occur, FSAUtility
logs the errors and stops when it has finished attempting to move all the
placeholders. It does not go on to move the archive points or update the Directory
database. In this case you may need to rerun FSAUtility -pm when you have
fixed the causes of the placeholder move failures.
If you specify the -i parameter and any placeholder move errors occur, FSAUtility
logs the errors but it continues with the remaining steps of the migration: it goes
on to move the archive points and update the Directory database. Errors that
occur during the archive point migration or the database update are not ignored.
FSAUtility continues to log all errors in the log file
If you specify -i and any placeholder move errors occur, you can correct these
errors when the command has completed, if you want. For example, you can:
■ Delete placeholders at the source location.
■ Recreate unmigrated placeholders at the destination location, using the
FSAUtility -c option.
See “Recreating placeholders” on page 160.
Recreating unmigrated placeholders using these methods does not retain the
security descriptors of the original placeholders, and it does not recreate any
alternate data streams that were associated with the placeholders.
Note: We recommend that on the first run of a placeholder migration you omit
the -i parameter. If the migration fails and the report indicates that the failure
was due to errors when moving some placeholders, you can rerun the command
with the -i parameter if you want FSAUtility to ignore those errors.
The following command migrates the placeholders along with the archive points
from the first folder structure to the second folder structure. The command copies
the security descriptors for newly-created folders from the source folders. If any
files or placeholders of the same name already exist, the command overwrites them
FSAUtility 169
FSAUtility options
with new placeholders. FSAUtility does not ignore errors when it moves the
FSAUtility -pm -s \\myserver\users\user1 -d \\server2\share\user1
-cs -f
■ You cannot run -pm in report mode.
■ After a placeholder migration, other FSAUtility options do not work on the
destination folder until File System Archiving task has processed the folder at
least once.
■ The migration migrates any placeholders in the source folder tree, including
placeholders that were cut and pasted into it. However, if the archived files
associated with cut and pasted placeholders are not available in the source
tree’s archives before the migration occurs, the files will not be in the archives
■ If a source folder has an archive point and the names of the source folder and
destination folder differ, then after a placeholder migration the archive’s name
does not change to match the destination folder until the File System Archiving
task has processed the volume.
■ If a vault store already contains an archive with the same name as a destination
folder name, then after the migration you see a second archive with the same
name. There is no consolidation of the archives.
See also
See “Moving placeholders and corresponding files” on page 162.
Note: Before you use this option with Dell EMC Celerra/VNX placeholders, ensure
that FSAUtility is configured to use a suitable method for identifying the placeholders.
See “About using FSAUtility with Dell EMC Celerra/VNX placeholders” on page 154.
FSAUtility -o -s UNC_path [-l log_level] [-r]
FSAUtility 170
FSAUtility options
■ -s UNC_path specifies the path to the required folder, volume, or file server.
The following command deletes the orphaned placeholders from an entire file server.
FSAUtility -o -s \\myserver
\Enterprise Vault
FSAUtility 171
FSAUtility options
FSAUtility -t -s UNC_path [-D mm-dd-yyyy] -d UNC_path [-e ext_list]
[-f] [-l log_level] [-r]
■ -s UNC_path specifies the path to the required folder, volume, or file server.
The following command restores the Word and Excel files in the folder
\\myserver\users. It also generates a log file that lists both successful operations
and failed operations.
FSAUtility -t -s \\myserver\users -e *.doc,*.xls -l 0
The following command restores the Word and Excel files for an entire file server.
FSAUtility -t -s \\myserver -e *.doc,*.xls -l 0
FSAUtility 172
FSAUtility options
The following command restores all the files that were archived after September
26 2006 on the entire file server.
FSAUtility -t -s \\myserver -D 09-26-2006
The following command restores the files that were archived after January 2 2002
from \\myserver\users to \\newserver\users.
FSAUtility -t -s \\myserver\users -d \\newserver\users -D 01-02-2002
-l 0
■ FSAUtility does not support "hard link" files (directory references to files). You
cannot restore an archived file if that file has the same name as a hard link file
in the destination folder. When you perform a restore operation, FSAUtility recalls
any placeholders that are hard link files.
■ When you recall files to a Dell EMC Celerra/VNX device, FSAUtility applies only
the folder permissions to the files. If there are placeholders with file-specific
permissions, the file permissions are lost and you must reapply them manually.
■ Due to a NetApp restriction, FSAUtility does not restore archived files if the path
to the folder exceeds 512 characters.
See also
See “Recalling files corresponding to placeholders” on page 172.
Note: Before you use this option with Dell EMC Celerra/VNX placeholders, ensure
that FSAUtility is configured to use a suitable method for identifying the placeholders.
See “About using FSAUtility with Dell EMC Celerra/VNX placeholders” on page 154.
By default, FSAUtility recalls the files in asynchronous mode. You can choose
instead to recall files synchronously if you want. With a synchronous recall you can
set a timeout for file recalls, and see the progress of each file recall operation. To
FSAUtility 173
FSAUtility options
recall files synchronously and to set a timeout for file recalls, create a DWORD
registry entry called FileDownloadTimeOut under the following key on the Enterprise
Vault server:
\Enterprise Vault
FSAUtility -b -s UNC_path [-D mm-dd-yyyy] [-e ext_list] [-recurse]
■ -s UNC_path specifies the path to the required folder, volume, or file server.
The following command recalls the Word and Excel files that have placeholders in
the folder \\myserver\users. It also recalls files within subfolders, if any.
FSAUtility 174
FSAUtility options
The following command recalls all the files that have placeholders in the
folder\\myserver\users and that were archived after May 26 2009. It only recalls
files from the parent folder.
FSAUtility -b -s \\myserver\users -D 05-26-2009
■ If you halt an FSAUtility operation to recall placeholders before it has finished
then, when you next start the utility, it prompts you to resume the operation.
■ When you recall files to a Dell EMC Celerra/VNX device, FSAUtility applies only
the folder permissions to the files. If there are placeholders with file-specific
permissions, the file permissions are lost and you must reapply them manually.
■ Due to a NetApp restriction, FSAUtility does not recall files if the path to the
folder exceeds 512 characters.
See also
See “Restoring archived files” on page 170.
Chapter 21
NTFS to Centera Migration
This chapter includes the following topics:
Note: You must run this utility with Administrator privileges if the computer has User
Account Control (UAC) enabled.
See “Running the Enterprise Vault command-line utilities with administrator
privileges” on page 12.
1 = List jobs Lists each of the current NTFS to Centera Migrator jobs, as follows:
2 = Create new Displays a series of prompts with which you can specify the details
job of a new NTFS to Centera Migrator job.
9 Enter the saveset sharing option to use. This option can be one of the following:
■ 0 — Use Partition property. Use the same setting as for the destination
■ Force off. Saveset sharing is disabled. This increases performance at the
expense of space.
■ Force on. Saveset sharing is enabled. This maximizes the storage but
reduces the migration performance.
10 When the utility prompts you for the name and location of the log file, either
type the full path to the file or press Enter to use the default name and location.
For example, you could try the path E:\Reports\Migration001.log. Any
folder that you specify must already exist.
By default, the NTFS to Centera Migrator creates a log file for each job in the
Enterprise Vault Reports subfolder (for example C:\Program Files
(x86)\Enterprise Vault\Reports). If you do not specify a log file name, the
name that is used is NCM_DateAndTime.log, where DateAndTime indicates the
date and time that the job was created.
See “NTFS to Centera Migration log files” on page 180.
11 Choose whether to remove all references to a saveset if the saveset file no
longer exists in the source partition.
12 If a saveset has two or more sharers, choose whether to remove the unselected
sharers and compact the saveset before storing it.
If you choose not to remove unselected sharers, the utility stores the complete
saveset in the Centera clip, including multiple sharers, if present. This results
in larger savesets on the Centera and hence more occupied space. The required
sharer is selected when the saveset is stored and retrieved.
13 Choose the required error handling options.
NTFS to Centera Migration 179
Deleting active jobs using NTFS to Centera Migration
Error wait time Specifies the number of seconds for which the utility waits before
retrying the operation, if an error occurs. The default is 10.
Note that the utility does not perform a retry for the following error
Error count Specifies the maximum number of times that the utility retries
processing a saveset. The default is five.
If the utility fails to process the saveset after the maximum number
of retries, it performs one of the following actions:
Error pause time Specifies the number of minutes for which to pause the thread
before trying to process a saveset again, if the utility fails to
process the saveset after the maximum number of tries, but the
error is potentially recoverable. The default is five.
14 Restart the Storage Service that manages the vault store. The new job starts
when the Storage Service has restarted.
Type Description
Automatic Permissions that have been set on the target from which Enterprise Vault is
archiving, such as an Exchange mailbox, Domino mail database, or
SharePoint site.
Manual Permissions that an Enterprise Vault administrator has set on the archive.
The Permissions box shows the permissions on the archive, and the Folders
box lists the folders in the archive. (The Folders box is unavailable if the
selected archive does not contain a folder structure. For example, this is the
case with a shared archive.) Both boxes show the types of permissions that
have been set, as follows:
■ In the Permissions box, tick and cross icons in the tab headers show
whether any permissions of the relevant type have been set. For example,
in the figure above, the selected archive has automatic permissions but it
does not have manual permissions.
■ The Folders box shows the type of permissions that have been set on
individual folders: Auto, Manual, Manual & Auto, or blank for folders on
which no permissions have been set. To hide the folders that do not have
any permissions, select Show folders with permissions only.
4 If you want to view the permissions on an individual folder, click it in the Folders
Field Description
Archive The name of the archive that you selected in the Archives box.
Folder If displayed, the path to the archive folder that you selected in the
Folders box.
Read The date and time at which Permissions Browser retrieved the
permissions information.
Permission Type Whether the user or group is authorized to perform the operations
that are listed below in the Permissions list (Allow) or is explicitly
denied permission (Deny).
Inherited Whether this permission has been inherited from a parent folder
(Yes) or set directly (No).
Permissions Browser 185
About the information that Permissions Browser provides
Field Description
User or Group, SID The security identifier (SID) that uniquely identifies the user or
User or Group, Name The account name of the user or group in the form domain\name.
■ Add folder
■ Add item
■ Control archive
■ Control folder
■ Delete archive
■ Delete folder
■ Delete item
■ Hide folder
■ Read folder
■ Read item
■ Search archive
Chapter 23
Policy Manager (EVPM)
This chapter includes the following topics:
Note: You cannot use Policy Manager to modify or control Domino mail files or
The program runs from a command prompt window and uses an initialization file
of settings to apply to mailboxes or archives, or to control the migration of PST and
NSF files.
Policy Manager (EVPM) 187
Policy Manager syntax
To ensure the correct permissions, run Policy Manager while you are logged on as
the Vault Service account.
You cannot use Policy Manager to change permissions to Domino archives.
Policy Manager is installed in the Enterprise Vault program folder (for example,
C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault). Its file name is EVPM.EXE.
For Exchange Server 2010 and later, you must specify the
fully qualified domain name of the Exchange Server computer.
For example:
■ EVPM -e ExchSvr1.evexample.local -m [email protected] -f
This command processes the settings in c:\ExchSvr1.ini, against Exchange
Server ExchSvr1.evexample.local, using the SMTP address of the Enterprise
Policy Manager (EVPM) 188
Saving a Policy Manager initialization file as a Unicode file
Vault system mailbox. Use this format when Outlook 2016 is installed on the
Enterprise Vault server.
■ EVPM -e ExchSvr1.evexample.local -m EVSvceMbx -f c:\ExchSvr1.ini
This command processes the settings in c:\ExchSvr1.ini, against Exchange
Server ExchSvr1.evexample.local, using the Enterprise Vault system mailbox
EVSvceMbx. Use this format when Outlook 2013 is installed on the Enterprise
Vault server.
■ EVPM -d -f c:\DominoSvr1.ini
This command processes the NSF migration settings in c:\DominoSvr1.ini.
If you run Policy Manager without any parameters, it prompts you for them. After
the first time you run Policy Manager, it offers the values you set last time as the
default when it prompts. You can press Enter to accept the default, or enter a new
Note: You must run this utility with Administrator privileges if the computer has User
Account Control (UAC) enabled.
See “Running the Enterprise Vault command-line utilities with administrator
privileges” on page 12.
Policy Manager (EVPM) 189
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Section Description
Section Description
PST Lets you migrate the contents of PST files to Enterprise Vault.
Mandatory. Specifies the computer that hosts the Enterprise Vault directory service.
Mandatory. For Exchange mailbox tasks and PST migrations, this keyname specifies
the name or ID of the Enterprise Vault site that manages the archives or the
Exchange mailboxes you want to modify or migrate.
For NSF migrations, this keyname specifies the name or ID of the Enterprise Vault
site that manages the archives into which you want to migrate NSF file content.
Optional. For NSF migrations, this keyname specifies the server that runs the
storage service. EVPM runs the NSF migrator server on the computer you specify,
to validate the NSF files. If you do not set a value for this keyname, EVPM runs the
NSF migrator server on any Enterprise Vault server that has a storage service and
has the Notes client installed.
Mandatory. Identifies the archive to process.
Possible values:
■ Archive name
■ Archive ID
If the archive does not exist, Policy Manager creates a shared archive. (If you want
to create mailbox archives, enable the mailboxes.)
Mandatory. Specifies a Windows account for billing purposes.
Optional. Specifies whether Enterprise Vault can automatically delete items from
the archive when their retention periods expire. If not specified, existing archives
are not modified.
Policy Manager (EVPM) 192
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Possible values:
■ true (default, for new archives only)
■ false
You can place the archive on legal hold by setting this keyname to false and the
DeleteProtected keyname to true.
Optional. Specifies whether to allow users to delete items manually from the archive.
If you choose to prevent this then, in addition, the archive cannot be moved or
deleted. If not specified, existing archives are not modified.
Possible values:
■ true
■ false (default, for new archives only)
You can place the archive on legal hold by setting this keyname to true and the
DeleteExpiredItems keyname to false.
Optional. Sets the description that the user sees when selecting an archive in which
to search. The description is also shown in the Administration Console.
If you do not specify a description, existing archives are unchanged, and the text
that is used for new archives is "Created by the Policy Manager".
Optional. Specifies how detailed an index Enterprise Vault is to create for the archive.
If you omit IndexingLevel, the site default setting is used for new archives. Existing
archives are not modified.
Possible values:
■ Brief
■ Full
Optional. Specifies whether preview text is displayed for attachments in the search
results list. Enabling this option increases the size of an index.
Note: This option is for a future release; you cannot display the previews in the
current version of Enterprise Vault.
Policy Manager (EVPM) 193
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Possible values:
■ true
■ false (default)
Optional. Specifies the amount of preview text (number of characters) that is
displayed in the search results list. The size of an index increases when you increase
the preview length.
If you omit IndexSnippetLength, the site default setting is used for new archives.
Existing archives are not modified.
Possible values:
■ 128 (default)
■ 1000
Mandatory. The name of the vault store in which the archive exists or is to be
Mandatory. Identifies the archive to which the permission settings are applied.
If there are multiple folders with the same name and you specify a name, Policy
Manager modifies only the first one that it finds. In this case, you must use archive
IDs to specify the archives.
Possible values:
■ The name of an archive
■ An archive ID
■ ALL (permissions are applied to all journal, shared, and mailbox archives in the
specified vault site)
■ ALL_JOURNAL (permissions are applied to all journal archives)
■ ALL_SHARED (permissions are applied to all shared archives)
■ ALL_MAILBOX (permissions are applied to all mailbox archives)
Policy Manager (EVPM) 194
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Optional. Removes the access to the specified archive. If DenyAccess is specified
with GrantAccess, DenyAccess is used and GrantAccess is ignored. You can have
many occurrences of DenyAccess within the same [ArchivePermissions] section.
Possible values:
■ A list of the permissions, followed by a comma and then a comma-delimited list
of groups or accounts that are denied the specified access. Permissions can
be any of read, write, and delete, followed by a comma. For example to deny
ourdomain\smith read and write access:
Optional. Grants to the specified Windows accounts the specified access to the
The new values supplement any existing access rights. You can have many
occurrences of GrantAccess within the same [ArchivePermissions] section.
Possible values:
■ A list of permissions, followed by a comma and then a comma-delimited list of
groups or accounts that are granted the specified permissions. Permissions can
be any of read, write, and delete, followed by a comma. For example, to grant
read and write access to ourdomain\smith:
Optional. Clears all permissions on the archive. If you specify Zap, GrantAccess
and DenyAccess are ignored.
Possible values:
■ true
■ false (default)
Note: The [Filter] section must be specified before the [Folder] section in the
initialization file.
Optional. This setting is equivalent to the number that you select for Never archive
items younger than on the Archiving Rules tab of the Exchange Mailbox Policy
dialog box.
If you use this setting, you must specify Name = mailboxroot in the [Folder] section
that references the filter.
If you specify ALargeItemThresholdPeriod, you must also set values for all the
■ UseInactivityPeriod (must be set to true)
■ APrioritizeLargeItems
■ APrioritizeItemsOver
■ ALargeItemThresholdUnits
Possible values:
■ A positive integer
Optional. This setting is equivalent to the units entry for Never archive items
younger than on the Archiving Rules tab of the Exchange Mailbox Policy dialog
If you use this setting, you must specify Name = mailboxroot in the [Folder] section
that references the filter.
If you specify ALargeItemThresholdUnits, you must also set values for all the
■ UseInactivityPeriod (must be set to true)
■ APrioritizeLargeItems
■ APrioritizeItemsOver
■ ALargeItemThresholdPeriod
Possible values:
■ Days
■ Weeks
■ Months
Policy Manager (EVPM) 196
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
■ Years
Optional. This setting is equivalent to the size that you select for Start with items
larger than on the Archiving Rules tab of the Exchange Mailbox Policy dialog box.
If you use this setting, you must specify Name = mailboxroot in the [Folder] section
that references the filter.
If you specify APrioritizeItemsOver, you must also set values for all the following:
■ UseInactivityPeriod (must be set to true)
■ APrioritizeLargeItems
■ ALargeItemThresholdUnits
■ ALargeItemThresholdPeriod
Possible values:
■ An integer that specifies the size of items in KB to which you want to give priority
Optional. This setting is equivalent to the Start with items larger than option on
the Archiving Rules tab of the Exchange Mailbox Policy dialog box.
If you use this setting, you must specify Name = mailboxroot in the [Folder] section
that references the filter.
If you specify APrioritizeLargeItems, you must also set values for all the following:
■ UseInactivityPeriod (must be set to true)
■ APrioritizeItemsOver
■ ALargeItemThresholdUnits
■ ALargeItemThresholdPeriod
Possible values:
■ true
■ false
Mandatory. Specifies whether Enterprise Vault is to create shortcuts to items that
are archived from the folder to which this filter is applied.
Possible values:
■ true
Policy Manager (EVPM) 197
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
■ false
Mandatory. Specifies whether Enterprise Vault is to delete the original items when
it archives from the folder to which this filter is applied.
Possible values:
■ true
■ false
Optional, but mandatory when you set UseInactivityPeriod to true. InactivityPeriod
is valid only when you specify UseInactivityPeriod. You must also specify
InactivityUnits to indicate how long an item can remain unmodified before it is eligible
for archiving. This is the same as the Archive items when they are older than
setting in the Archiving Rules tab of the Exchange Mailbox Policy dialog box.
Possible values:
■ An integer between 0 and 500
Optional, but mandatory when you set UseInactivityPeriod to true. Valid only when
you specify UseInactivityPeriod. When you use this setting, you must specify it with
InactivityPeriod to indicate how long an item can remain unmodified before it is
eligible for archiving. This is the same as the Archive items when they are older
than setting in the Archiving Rules tab of the Exchange Mailbox Policy dialog box.
Possible values:
■ Days
■ Weeks
■ Months
■ Years
Mandatory. Identifies the filter. This name applies only within this initialization file.
You refer to this filter section by name in any [Folder] section in the initialization
Policy Manager (EVPM) 198
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Optional, but mandatory when you set UsePercentageQuota to true. This setting
applies only when using quota-based archiving. Enterprise Vault archives from the
mailbox until this percentage of mailbox storage limit is free.
If you use this setting, you must specify Name = mailboxroot in the [Folder] section
that references the filter.
PercentageQuota is not valid for public folders.
Possible values:
■ An integer between 0 and 99
Optional. This setting is equivalent to the value that you select for Never archive
items younger than on the Archiving Rules tab of the Exchange Mailbox Policy
dialog box.
If you use this setting, you must specify Name = mailboxroot in the [Folder] section
that references the filter.
If you specify QMinimumAgeThresholdPeriod, you must also set values for the
■ UsePercentageQuota (must be set to true)
■ QMinimumAgeThresholdUnits.
QMinimumAgeThresholdPeriod is not valid for public folders.
Possible values:
■ An integer
Optional. This setting is equivalent to the units that you select for Never archive
items younger than on the Archiving Rules tab of the Exchange Mailbox Policy
dialog box.
If you use this setting, you must specify Name = mailboxroot in the [Folder] section
that references the filter.
If you specify QMinimumAgeThresholdUnits, you must also set values for the
■ UsePercentageQuota (must be set to true)
■ QMinimumAgeThresholdPeriod.
QMinimumAgeThresholdUnits is not valid for public folders.
Policy Manager (EVPM) 199
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Possible values:
■ Days
■ Weeks
■ Months
■ Years
Optional. This setting is equivalent to the Start with items larger than size entry
on the Archiving Rules tab of the Exchange Mailbox Policy dialog box.
If you use this setting, you must specify Name = mailboxroot in the [Folder] section
that references the filter.
If you specify QPrioritizeItemsOver, you must also set values for the following:
■ UsePercentageQuota (must be set to true)
■ QPrioritizeLargeItems
QPrioritizeItemsOver is not valid for public folders.
Possible values:
■ An integer that specifies the size of items in KB to which you want to give priority.
Optional. This setting is equivalent to the Start with items larger than check box
on the Archiving Rules tab of the Exchange Mailbox Policy dialog box.
If you use this setting, you must specify Name = mailboxroot in the [Folder] section
that references the filter.
If you specify QPrioritizeLargeItems, you must also set values for the following:
■ UsePercentageQuota (must be set to true)
■ QPrioritizeItemsOver
QPrioritizeLargeItems is not valid for public folders.
Possible values:
■ true
■ false
Mandatory. Specifies whether Enterprise Vault archives unread mail items from the
folder to which you apply this filter.
Policy Manager (EVPM) 200
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Possible values:
■ true
■ false
Mandatory, unless Filtername in the [Folder] section is set to SystemDefault or
When you use UseInactivityPeriod and UsePercentageQuota, you must set at least
one of them to true.
UseInactivityPeriod specifies whether to use age-based archiving.
If you use this setting, you must specify Name = mailboxroot in the [Folder] section
that references the filter.
Possible values:
■ true (use age-based archiving)
■ false (do not use age-based archiving)
Optional. When you use UseInactivityPeriod and UsePercentageQuota, you must
set at least one of them to true.
UsePercentageQuota specifies whether to use quota-based archiving.
If you use this setting, you must specify Name = mailboxroot in the [Folder] section
that references the filter.
If you set UsePercentageQuota to true, you must also set a value for
UsePercentageQuota is not valid for public folders.
Possible values:
■ true (use quota-based archiving)
■ false (do not use quota-based archiving)
Optional. Identifies a mailbox.
Policy Manager (EVPM) 201
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Optional. Lets you select mailboxes by using LDAP attributes. The value uses
standard LDAP query syntax:
LDAPquery = StandardQuery
■ attribute is the LDAP attribute, such as "department".
■ operator is a valid LDAP operator. This operator is normally one of the following:
| logical or
! logical not
= equal to
When an operator follows an attribute, there must be no space between the operator
and the attribute. For example, "company=" is correct, whereas "company =" is not.
You can use the asterisk wildcard (*) in string values. For example, to select all
mailboxes with a surname that starts with the letter J:
LDAPquery = sn= j*
Policy Manager (EVPM) 202
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
■ If you specify an incorrect LDAP attribute, Policy Manager does not find the
mailbox and so does not make any changes.
■ The following are useful attributes:
cn [common name]
sn [surname]
■ To select mailboxes belonging to the users in the IT Guys security group in the
Texas organizational unit:
LDAPquery = (memberof= CN=IT Guys,OU=texas,DC=evdemo,DC=local)
Optional. Lets you select mailboxes that have been provisioned by a specific
provisioning target group.
For example, to select all the mailboxes that have been provisioned by a group
called “VIPs”:
Policy Manager (EVPM) 203
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Note: In this example, EVPM selects only the mailboxes that have actually been
provisioned by the provisioning target group. Other users may be eligible under the
same group, but not provisioned because they have already been provisioned by
a higher priority group. You must also run the provisioning task before running
EVPM scripts that use the ProvisioningGroup setting, to ensure that provisioning
is up to date.
Optional. Lets you reset the permissions on archive folders to the user's default
When it migrates the contents of a PST file to an archive, Enterprise Vault assigns
the same access permissions to the imported PST folders as it does to their parent
folder. The access permissions on the PST file itself are not transferred to the
newly-created folders. This is in line with standard Exchange policy, but it may give
rise to a possible security issue: Any user who has read permissions to the parent
folder in the Exchange mailbox can potentially access the migrated items in the
PST import folders. You can address this issue by resetting the permissions on the
archive folders and thereby stopping unqualified users from viewing the contents
of PST import folders.
Possible values:
■ 1. (Reset the archive permissions on all folders to the user's default permissions.)
■ 2. (As for 1, but also performs a mailbox synchronization when Policy Manager
has reset the archive folder permissions.)
Optional. Identifies the archive in which items from the folder are archived. The
default is the value that is set on the mailbox root.
Possible values:
■ An archive name or archive ID
Policy Manager (EVPM) 204
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Optional. Disassociates a mailbox from its related archive. Use
DisassociateArchiveFromMailbox in conjunction with Zap.
If you zap a mailbox and disassociate it from its archive, Enterprise Vault creates
a new archive for the mailbox when it is later enabled instead of relinking the mailbox
to its old archive.
DisassociateArchiveFromMailbox is valid only if:
■ Name=mailboxroot
■ zap=true
Possible values:
■ true
■ false
Optional. Specifies that the mailbox is enabled or disabled. If not specified, the
mailbox setting remains unchanged. Can be applied to the mailbox root folder only.
If you enable a mailbox that was once enabled but subsequently disabled, Policy
Manager automatically reconnects it to the existing mailbox archive.
Possible values:
■ true
■ false
Optional. Specifies the folder permissions that you want to add, change, or remove.
You can specify one of the following:
■ Author
■ Contributor
■ Editor
■ NoneditingAuthor
■ Owner
■ PublishingAuthor
■ PublishingEditor
■ Reviewer
Policy Manager (EVPM) 205
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
When you specify users, you can use either of the following forms:
■ The user’s display name from the Global Address List (GAL). For example, "Sue
■ The mailbox Distinguished Name. For example, "/o=Org1/ou=Admin
Group/cn=Recipients/cn=smith". Use this format if there are likely to be duplicate
display names in the GAL.
The distinguished name value required is the legacyExchangeDN property for
the mailbox in Active Directory.
See “[Mailbox] section of the Policy Manager initialization file” on page 200.
Possible values:
■ To grant access to a folder, use either of the following forms:
Where UserA is the first user and RoleA is the permission that you want to add.
■ To remove permissions, use either of the following forms:
Where UserA is the first user to remove and UserB is the second user to remove.
■ To replace the permissions of users who already have access to the folder:
ExchangePermissions = UserA:RoleA;UserB:RoleB;...
Where UserA is the first user and RoleA is the permission that you want to add
or modify.
Optional. Specifies the name of one of the standard filters, or the name of a filter
that you have defined within the initialization file. The filter defines the settings that
you want Policy Manager to apply to mailboxes.
Possible values:
■ SystemDefault. (Default. Use the default Enterprise Vault site settings, as defined
in the Administration Console.)
■ DoNotArchive. (Do not archive from the folder to which the filter is applied.)
■ Name of filter. (A filter that is defined within the initialization file.)
■ Parent. (Use the settings that are configured for the parent folder.)
Policy Manager (EVPM) 206
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Optional. Specifies a mailbox and restricts the [Folder] section so that it applies
only to the specified mailbox.
The distinguished name value required is the legacyExchangeDN property for the
mailbox in Active Directory.
Mandatory. If the specified folder hierarchy does not exist, Policy Manager creates
it and sets the specified properties.
Possible values:
■ mailboxroot (specifies the root folder).
■ folder path. You do not need to specify a path for the following special folders
that Outlook creates: Inbox, Outbox, SentItems, DeletedItems, Drafts, Calendar,
Contacts, Journal, Notes, and Tasks. In these cases, specify only the folder
name without the leading backslash. These names work for all languages. For
example, you can specify "Inbox" on a Japanese system.
■ To create a folder that is called "xyz" in the root folder:
Name = \xyz
Name = DeletedItems
Optional. Specifies whether Outlook and OWA users can delete, move, or copy the
folder and all subfolders.
Possible values:
■ true
■ false
Caution: For information on known problems with this setting, see the following
article on the Veritas Support website:
Policy Manager (EVPM) 207
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Optional. Overrides all Administration Console lock settings. This setting forces
Policy Manager to modify folder settings even if the Administration Console has
Force Users To Use Site Settings For Archiving set on the Mailbox Actions property
Note: The default is for Policy Manager to obey all lock settings. If you want to
override lock settings, include OverrideArchiveLocks and set the value to true.
Possible values:
■ true
■ false (default)
Optional. Specifies the retention category to use when you archive from the folder.
If not specified, the site default retention category is used.
Note: Some Enterprise Vault features can override the specified retention category.
For example, the retention plan feature lets you set up one or more retention folders
in your users' archives. If a retention folder has the same name and place in the
folder hierarchy as the folder that you create with Policy Manager, the retention
folder's retention category can override the one that you have set with Policy
For more information on retention, see the Administrator's Guide.
Optional. Can be applied to the mailbox root folder only.
Optional. Specifies whether the mailbox is suspended. If not specified, the default
of false is applied. Can be applied only to the mailbox root folder.
Possible values:
■ true
■ false (default)
Policy Manager (EVPM) 208
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Optional. Specifies the URL of the web page that is displayed when a user opens
the folder in Outlook. For example, you can use this feature to create folders with
links to Enterprise Vault Search.
Optional. Identifies the vault store to use when you create a new archive. If the
mailbox is already enabled or disabled, VaultStoreName is ignored. If
VaultStoreName is not specified, Policy Manager uses the default vault store.
VaultStoreName is valid only if:
■ Name=mailboxroot
■ Enabled=true
■ ArchiveName is not specified
■ The mailbox has never been enabled
Possible values:
■ The name or ID of the vault store to use
Optional, but mandatory when you set DisassociateArchiveFromMailbox to true.
Removes all Enterprise Vault properties from the folder. If you apply this setting to
the mailbox root, it makes the mailbox appear as though it has never been enabled
for archiving. If Zap is specified, it overrides all other [Folder] keynames.
Possible values:
■ true
■ false (default)
Optional. Causes Policy Manager to modify all subfolders beneath the folder that
is specified in Name, regardless of which Exchange Public Folder Task processes
those public folders.
Optional. Specifies the folder permissions that you want to add, change, or remove.
Policy Manager (EVPM) 209
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Where UserA is the first user and RoleA is the permission that you want to add.
■ To remove permissions, use either of the following forms:
Where UserA is the first user to remove and UserB is the second user to remove.
■ To replace the permissions of users who already have access to the folder:
ExchangePermissions = UserA:RoleA;UserB:RoleB;...
Where UserA is the first user and RoleA is the permission that you want to add
or modify.
See “Policy Manager initialization file examples” on page 235.
Policy Manager (EVPM) 210
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Optional. Specifies the name of one of the standard filters, or the name of a filter
that you have defined in the initialization file. The filter defines the settings for Policy
Manager to apply to public folders.
Possible values:
■ SystemDefault. (Default. Use the default public folder settings, as defined in the
Administration Console.)
■ DoNotArchive. (Do not archive from the folder to which the filter is applied.)
■ Name of filter. (A filter that you have defined within the initialization file.)
Optional. Overrides all Administration Console lock settings. The default is for Policy
Manager to obey all lock settings. Since you almost always want to override lock
settings, you probably want to include OverrideArchiveLocks and set the value to
Possible values:
■ true
■ false (default)
Mandatory. Specifies the retention category to apply to the folder. The retention
category must already exist.
Optional. Controls whether Policy Manager migrates the unexpired calendar items.
If you choose to migrate unexpired calendar items, users must restore the items
before they can modify them.
Policy Manager (EVPM) 211
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Possible values:
■ True
■ False (default)
Optional. Controls whether Policy Manager turns off Outlook AutoArchiving for all
the folders in the target mailboxes. This stops Outlook from automatically archiving
items to PST files.
■ true
■ false (default)
Optional. Controls whether the PST file is compacted after successful migration of
its contents.
If you intend to use this PST compaction feature at the end of migrations, you may
need some spare disk capacity to provide room for the compaction to occur. You
may require as much as the size of the largest PST file, plus approximately 5% of
its size.
Possible values:
■ true
■ false (default)
Optional. Specifies the maximum number of concurrent PST migrations. This setting
takes effect only if MigrationMode is set to Process.
Possible values:
■ An integer in the range 1 to 25. The default is 10.
Optional. Controls whether the PST file is deleted after the successful migration of
its contents.
Possible values:
■ true
■ false (default)
Optional. Controls whether the PST Deleted Items folder is migrated.
Policy Manager (EVPM) 212
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Possible values:
■ true
■ false (default)
Optional. Identifies the top-level mailbox folder in which Policy Manager places
shortcuts to migrated items. If the folder does not exist, Policy Manager creates it.
Beneath this folder, PST Migrator duplicates the original folder structure and places
shortcuts in the appropriate folders.
If not specified in either the [PST] or [PSTDefaults] sections, the original folder
structure is recreated at the top level of the mailbox.
Possible values:
■ A folder name. For example, PST items.
Optional. Controls the placement of migrated folders in the target mailbox. When
set to true, migrating more than one PST file for the same user causes Policy
Manager to merge the identically-named folders.
When set to false, Policy Manager appends a number to the folder names, if
necessary, and thereby keeps the folders separate. For example, if two folders at
the same level are called "MyFolder", Policy Manager creates "MyFolder" and
"MyFolder 1".
Possible values:
■ true (default)
■ false
If MergePSTFolders is set to false and you migrate three PST files that have the
display name "Personal Folders", and all contain top-level folders "Inbox" and "Sent
Items", then you get a structure like this:
Sent Items
Mandatory. Specifies the modes in which to run.
The options are as follows.
■ Report mode. Policy Manager checks each listed PST file to determine whether
it is possible to migrate the file contents.
Policy Manager creates a new initialization file that shows any problems with
the listed PST files, such as files that are inaccessible or password-protected.
The new initialization file has the same name as the original, with a number
added to make it unique. For example, if the original script was called
PSTMigration.ini then the new script would be called PSTMigration_1.ini.
Policy Manager also creates a log file with the same name as the original
initialization file and a file type of .log. For example, if the original script was
called PSTMigration.ini then the log would be called PSTMigration.log.
■ Process mode. Policy Manager processes PST files and migrates the contents
to the appropriate archives. Policy Manager migrates the file contents and writes
a log file with the same name as the initialization file and a file type of .log.
If any PST files fail the migration process, Policy Manager writes a new
initialization file with which you can process the failed files. Those files that were
successfully processed are commented out in the new initialization file.
Possible values:
■ Report
■ Process
Mandatory for Outlook 97 to Outlook 2002 PST files. Not required for Outlook 2003
or later PST files. Specifies the Windows codepage that was used when the PSTs
were created. You must specify the language here, in the [PSTdefaults] section,
or, for individual PST files, in the [PST] section.
Note the following if the language used was not Western European:
■ If the wrong codepage is used, limitations in Exchange Server mean that the
folder names may be corrupted. However, there will be no problems with items
within the folders.
■ If a folder name is corrupted, you may experience the following problems:
■ The corrupt folder name is used if a user ever chooses to restore an item to
its original folder.
Policy Manager (EVPM) 214
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
■ A user who wants to search for an item, and who enters the original location,
must enter the corrupt folder name.
To avoid these problems, specify the language that was used when the PSTs
were created.
■ The language that you specify here must be available on the Storage Service
computer that archives the contents of the PST files.
Possible values:
■ Arabic
■ Baltic
■ Central European
■ Cyrillic
■ Greek
■ Hebrew
■ Japanese
■ Korean
■ Simplified Chinese
■ Thai
■ Traditional Chinese
■ Turkish
■ Vietnamese
■ Western European (default)
Optional. Identifies the computer that is running the Storage Service. If you omit
ServerComputerName, Policy Manager uses the name of the computer on which
it is running.
Possible values:
■ A computer identification, which can be its LanMan name, DNS name, or IP
■ LanMan: SERVER2
■ DNS: server2.Veritas.com
■ IP address:
Policy Manager (EVPM) 215
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Optional. Controls whether the PST file is set as hidden after successful migration
of its contents. If you have set your desktop so that it does not show hidden files,
this hides PST files that you have migrated successfully. This option is provided
for compatibility with the PST Migrator wizard and is not likely to be used in scripted
Possible values:
■ true
■ false (default)
Optional. Controls whether the PST file is set to be read-only after the successful
migration of its contents. This prevents users from opening the files with Outlook.
Possible values:
■ true
■ false (default)
Optional. Defines the PST migration mode, which determines how Policy Manager
treats the contents of the PST at the end of the migration.
Possible values:
■ PSTShortcuts (default). Create shortcuts to the migrated items and leave the
shortcuts in the PST files.
■ MailboxShortcuts. Create shortcuts to the migrated items and put the shortcuts
into the designated Exchange mailbox. Also copies to the mailbox any items
that were excluded from archiving.
■ NoShortcuts. Do not create any shortcuts to migrated items. Any items that were
excluded from archiving remain in the PST files.
Optional for marked PST files. Mandatory for unmarked PST files.
Policy Manager (EVPM) 216
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Specifies the name or archive ID of the archive to which Policy Manager migrates
the items in the PST files.
■ You can make Policy Manager automatically determine the correct archive to
use, in which case you do not need to specify ArchiveName.
■ Policy Manager uses the first archive that has a matching name. If you have
archives with duplicate names, the result may not be what you want. To avoid
this problem, use the archive ID, which you can copy from the Advanced tab of
the archive’s properties in the Administration Console.
Possible values:
■ The name of the archive to process
■ The archive ID of the archive to process
Optional. Controls whether Policy Manager migrates the unexpired calendar items.
If you choose to migrate unexpired calendar items, users must restore the items
before they can modify them.
Possible values:
■ True
■ False (default)
Optional. Controls whether Policy Manager turns off Outlook AutoArchiving for all
the folders in the target mailboxes. This stops Outlook from automatically archiving
items to PST files.
■ true
■ false (default)
Optional. Controls whether the PST file is compacted after successful migration of
its contents.
If you intend to use this PST compaction feature at the end of migrations, you may
need some spare disk capacity to provide room for the compaction to take place.
This capacity is typically the size of the largest PST file plus approximately 5% of
that size.
Possible values:
■ true
Policy Manager (EVPM) 217
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
■ false (default)
Optional. Controls whether the PST file is deleted after the successful migration of
its contents.
Possible values:
■ true
■ false (default)
Optional. Indicates whether Policy Manager is to ignore this file when it processes
PST files. In report mode, Policy Manager ignores this setting and checks the status
of every PST file listed.
In the new initialization file that Policy Manager creates after a report mode run,
[PST] sections that have caused errors contain the entry DoNotProcess = True.
Possible values:
■ true
■ false (default)
Mandatory. Specifies the path to the PST file that you want to process.
Optional. Controls whether the PST Deleted Items folder is migrated.
Possible values:
■ true
■ false (default)
Optional. Do not use. Policy Manager inserts JobStatus when you run in process
mode. JobStatus indicates whether the file was successfully processed.
Possible values:
Policy Manager (EVPM) 218
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
■ Processed. The file has been successfully processed. Its [PST] section is
commented out to prevent reprocessing.
■ Unprocessed. Policy Manager cannot begin processing this file.
■ Incomplete. Policy Manager was processing this file when a failure occurred
that stopped all processing, such as a power cut.
■ Partially_Processed. Some items in the PST file cannot be processed. All these
items have been placed in a folder that is called PST Migration Failed Items in
the PST file. Policy Manager cannot migrate these items.
■ Failed. The file cannot be processed for some reason. For example, the Storage
Service may not be running, or the user may have opened the file.
Optional. Creates a log file with the same name as the original initialization file and
a file type of .log. For example, if the original script was called PSTMigration.ini
then the log would be called PSTMigration.log.
Optional. Specifies the distinguished name of the mailbox in which to place shortcuts
to the items that have been migrated. The distinguished name value required is the
legacyExchangeDN property for the mailbox in Active Directory.
The easiest way to determine a number of MailboxDN values is to run the Exchange
Mailbox Task in report mode. For instructions on how to use report mode to test
archiving, see the Administration Console help file. The output file then contains
the MailboxDN of each mailbox on that Exchange Server computer.
Possible values:
■ A distinguished name, such as the following:
Optional. Identifies the top-level mailbox folder in which Policy Manager places
shortcuts to migrated items. If the folder does not exist, Policy Manager creates it.
Beneath this folder, PST Migrator duplicates the original folder structure and places
shortcuts in the appropriate folders.
If not specified in either the [PST] or [PSTDefaults] sections, the original folder
structure is recreated at the top level of the mailbox.
Possible values:
■ A folder name. For example, PST items.
Policy Manager (EVPM) 219
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Optional. Controls the placement of migrated folders in the target mailbox. When
set to true, migrating more than one PST file for the same user causes Policy
Manager to merge the identically-named folders.
When set to false, Policy Manager appends a number to the folder names, if
necessary, and thereby keeps the folders separate. For example, if two folders at
the same level are called "MyFolder", Policy Manager creates "MyFolder" and
"MyFolder 1".
Possible values:
■ true (default)
■ false
If MergePSTFolders is set to false and you migrate three PST files that have the
display name "Personal Folders", and all contain top-level folders "Inbox" and "Sent
Items", then you get a structure like the following:
Mandatory for Outlook 97 to Outlook 2002 PST files. Not required for Outlook 2003
or later PST files. Specifies the Windows codepage that was used when the PSTs
were created. You must specify the language here, in the [PSTdefaults] section,
or, for individual PST files, in the [PST] section.
Note the following if the language used was not Western European:
■ If the wrong codepage is used, limitations in Exchange Server mean that the
folder names may be corrupted. However, there are no problems with items
within the folders.
■ If a folder name is corrupted, you may experience the following problems:
■ The corrupt folder name is used if a user ever chooses to restore an item to
its original folder.
Policy Manager (EVPM) 220
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
■ A user who wants to search for an item, and who enters the original location,
must enter the corrupt folder name.
To avoid these problems, specify the language that was used when the PSTs
were created.
■ The language that you specify here must be available on the Storage Service
computer that archives the contents of the PST files.
Possible values:
■ Arabic ■ Korean
■ Baltic ■ Simplified Chinese
■ Central European ■ Thai
■ Cyrillic ■ Traditional Chinese
■ Greek ■ Turkish
■ Hebrew ■ Vietnamese
■ Japanese ■ Western European (default)
Optional for marked PST files. Mandatory for unmarked PST files.
Specifies the name or ID of the retention category to apply to the migrated PST
Although RetentionCategory is optional, Policy Manager must be able to obtain a
retention category from somewhere. Policy Manager takes the first retention category
it finds in the following:
■ The file’s RetentionCategory setting in the [PST] section.
■ If MailboxDN is specified in the [PST] section, the default retention category for
that mailbox.
■ If ArchiveName is specified in the [PST] section, the default retention category
for the mailbox that is associated with that archive.
Possible values:
■ A retention category name
■ A retention category ID
Policy Manager (EVPM) 221
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Note: Some Enterprise Vault features can override the specified retention category.
For example, the retention plan feature lets you set up one or more retention folders
in your users' archives. If a retention folder has the same name and place in the
folder hierarchy as a migrated folder, the retention folder's retention category can
override the one that you have set here.
For more information on retention, see the Administrator's Guide.
Optional. Identifies the computer that is running the Storage Service. If you omit
ServerComputerName, Policy Manager uses the name of the computer on which
it is running.
Possible values:
A computer identification, which can be its LanMan name, DNS name, or IP address.
■ LanMan: SERVER2
■ DNS: server2.Veritas.com
■ IP address:
Optional. Defines the PST migration mode, which determines how Policy Manager
treats the contents of the PST at the end of the migration.
Possible values:
PSTShortcuts (default) Create shortcuts to the migrated items and leave the shortcuts in
the PST files.
MailboxShortcuts Create shortcuts to the migrated items and put the shortcuts into
the designated Exchange mailbox. Also copies to the mailbox any
items that were excluded from archiving.
NoShortcuts Do not create any shortcuts to migrated items. Any items that were
excluded from archiving remain in the PST files.
Optional. Controls whether the PST file is set as hidden after successful migration
of its contents. If you have set your desktop so that it does not show hidden files,
this hides the PST files that you have migrated successfully. This option is provided
for compatibility with the PST Migrator wizard and is not likely to be used in scripted
Policy Manager (EVPM) 222
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Possible values:
■ true
■ false (default)
Optional. Controls whether the PST file is set to be read-only after the successful
migration of its contents. This prevents users from opening the files with Outlook.
Possible values:
■ true
■ false (default)
Specifies the creation date and time of the new initialization file generated by Policy
Provides a number that indicates the restart sequence number. This number is
incremented each time you run the initialization file. It is also appended to the name
of the initialization file to make the name of the new initialization file.
For example, suppose that your original initialization file is called
migrate-these.ini. If you run Policy Manager with this file, you produce a new
file that is called migrate-these_1.ini and that contains details of any problems.
You can fix the problems that are indicated in this new file and then run it as before.
Specifies the path and file name of the original Policy Manager initialization file.
Shows the total number of PST files that are listed in this initialization file and that
cannot be migrated. Each of these migrated files also has a JobStatus entry of
Policy Manager (EVPM) 223
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Generated by a process mode run. Shows the number of PST files that were being
processed when Policy Manager was interrupted. This number is never more than
Each of these migrated files also has a JobStatus entry of Incomplete.
Generated by a report mode run. A problem with this PST file has prevented
processing. Policy Manager has added a DONOTPROCESS = TRUE line to the [PST]
Generated by a process mode run. Shows the number of PSTs that contain one or
more items that cannot be migrated. All these items have been placed in a folder
that is called PST Migration Failed Items in the PST file.
Each of these migrated files also has a JobStatus entry of Partially_Processed.
Generated by a process mode run. Shows the number of PST files that were
successfully migrated on the previous run of the script. These files are still listed in
the restart script, but their sections are commented out.
Each of these migrated files also has a JobStatus entry of Processed.
Generated by a process mode run. Shows the number of PST files that were listed
in this file and that were ignored in the last run.
Each of these migrated files also has a JobStatus entry of Unprocessed.
Generated by a report mode run. Shows the number of marked PST files whose
marked settings are being overridden in the initialization file. You can find these
files by searching for "Report_Status: Warning".
See “[NSF] section in the Policy Manager initialization file” on page 228.
If you do not specify a value for an optional keyname in the [NSFDefaults] section,
Policy Manager uses the value that is marked as "default" as the default setting.
Optional. Controls whether Policy Manager migrates the unexpired calendar items
that are contained in the NSF files. If you choose to migrate unexpired calendar
items, users must restore the items before they can modify them.
Possible values:
■ True
■ False (default)
Optional. Controls whether the NSF files are compacted after successful migration.
Possible values:
■ True (default)
■ False
Optional. Sets the maximum number of concurrent NSF migrations. This setting
takes effect only when MigrationMode is set to Process.
Possible values:
■ An integer in the range 1 (default) to 5
Optional. Controls whether the NSF files are deleted after successful migration.
Possible values:
■ True
■ False (default)
Optional. By default, EVPM does not process an NSF file if the Domino archiving
user does not have sufficient access set the ACL of the corresponding mail file. Set
this keyname to True to override this default behavior.
Possible values:
■ True
Policy Manager (EVPM) 225
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
■ False (default)
Optional. By default, EVPM does not process an NSF file if the Domino archiving
user does not have manager access set in the ACL of the corresponding mail file.
Set this keyname to True to override this default behavior.
Possible values:
■ True
■ False (default)
Optional. By default, EVPM does not migrate the contents of NSF files whose
associated mail file is not available. Set this keyname to True to override this default
Possible values:
■ True
■ False (default)
Optional. By default, EVPM does not process an NSF file that is based on a
non-standard template. The list of standard templates is determined by a registry
string value which is called DominoMailTemplates under the following registry key
on all the storage servers:
\Enterprise Vault
Set this keyname to True to override this default behavior and migrate the contents
of NSF files that are based on non-standard templates.
Possible values:
■ True
■ False (default)
Policy Manager (EVPM) 226
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Optional. Controls whether Policy Manager migrates the deleted items from the
Trash folders in the NSF files.
Possible values:
■ True
■ False (default)
Optional. Sets the name of the migration target folder. Policy Manager creates this
folder beneath the Folders view in each user’s mail file, if it does not exist already.
Policy Manager then places shortcuts and migrated content in this folder.
Possible values:
■ A folder name. For example, NSF items. If you do not specify a folder name,
Policy Manager uses the default name Notes Archive.
Optional. For users who have multiple NSF files, MergeNSFFolders controls whether
the NSF files’ folder structures are merged or kept separate in the users’ mail files.
Possible values:
■ True (default). Merge the folder structures that are contained in multiple NSF
files. For example, two NSF files that belong to one user, both contain a folder
called Personal. Policy Manager places the shortcuts to the contents of these
folders in a merged Personal folder in the user’s mail file.
■ False. Keep separate the folder structures from multiple NSF files. In the user’s
mail file, a new folder is created for each NSF file, and the shortcuts to its
contents are placed in the folders.
Mandatory. Controls whether Policy Manager runs in report mode or in process
Possible values:
■ Report. Policy Manager checks each NSF file listed in the [NSF] sections of the
initialization file, to determine whether it can migrate the file’s contents. Policy
Manager creates a new initialization file, which contains a count of all the files
that are not ready for migration. In the new initialization file, any NSF file which
cannot be migrated has the entry DoNotProcess=True added to its [NSF] section.
This setting prevents Policy Manager from attempting to process the file when
it is next run in process mode.
Policy Manager (EVPM) 227
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
The new initialization file has the same name as the original, with a number
appended to make it unique. For example, if the original file was called
NSFMigration.ini, the new file is called NSFMigration_1.ini.
■ Process. Policy Manager migrates items from the NSF files that are listed in the
[NSF] section, and generates summary and detailed reports. Policy Manager
also writes a new initialization file. You can use the new file to migrate any failed
files when you have corrected the problems that prevented their migration. Each
NSF file has a JobStatus entry added to its [NSF] section of the new initialization
file. For example, the files that were successfully migrated have
JobStatus=Processed added to the [NSF] section. Policy Manager does not
attempt to migrate these files again when you use the new initialization file for
the next migration run.
The new initialization file has the same name as the original, with a number
appended to make it unique. For example, if the original file was called
NSFMigration.ini, the new file is called NSFMigration_1.ini.
Mandatory. Specifies the name of the default retention category that is applied to
items during migration.
Possible values:
■ A retention category name
■ A retention category ID
Optional. Controls whether Policy Manager sets the hidden attribute on NSF files
after successful migration. This option is provided for compatibility with the NSF
migrator wizard and is not likely to be used in scripted migrations.
Possible values:
■ True
■ False (default)
Optional. Controls whether Policy Manager sets the read-only attribute on NSF files
after successful migration. This setting prevents users from adding new items to
the NSF files after migration.
Possible values:
■ True
■ False (default)
Policy Manager (EVPM) 228
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Optional. Controls what Policy Manager does with the contents of the NSF files
after migration.
Possible values:
■ MailFileShortcuts (default). Creates shortcuts to the migrated items and puts
them in the users’ mail files.
■ NSFShortcuts. Creates shortcuts to the migrated items and leaves the shortcuts
in the NSF files.
■ NoShortcuts. Does not create any shortcuts to migrated items. Any items that
were excluded from archiving remain in the NSF files.
Optional. Specifies the name or the ID of the archive to which Policy Manager
migrates the items from the current the NSF file.
Note: In the [NSF] section, you can set either the ArchiveName or the UserCN.
You cannot set both. See the details for the UserCN setting.
This keyname is optional because Policy Manager can automatically match archives
to NSF files. However, it always uses the first archive that has a matching name.
If there are archives with duplicate names, items can be migrated to the wrong
archives. To avoid this issue, use ArchiveName to specify the ID of an archive for
each NSF file.
You can find the ID of an archive on the Advanced tab of the archive’s properties
page in the administration console.
Possible values:
■ The ID of the target archive
■ The name of the target archive
Policy Manager (EVPM) 229
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Optional. Controls whether Policy Manager migrates unexpired calendar items from
the current NSF file. If you choose to migrate unexpired calendar items, users must
restore the items before they can modify them.
Possible values:
■ True
■ False
Optional. Controls whether the current NSF file is compacted after successful
Possible values:
■ True
■ False
Optional. Controls whether the current NSF file is deleted after successful migration.
Possible values:
■ True
■ False
Optional. When Policy Manager runs in report mode (MigrationMode=Report), it
writes a new initialization file. In the new file, it sets DoNotProcess to True for any
NSF file on which it encounters errors. This setting prevents Policy Manager from
processing the NSF file when you run it again in process mode
(MigrationMode=Process), using the new initialization file.
Policy Manager ignores this setting when it runs in report mode.
Possible values:
■ True
■ False (default)
Mandatory. Specifies the path and the file name of each NSF file.
Policy Manager (EVPM) 230
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Note: You should use UNC paths to specify the locations of the NSF files. The NSF
migrator server that processes the NSF files might be on a different computer from
the one on which you run EVPM. Additionally, the NSF migrator server might run
under a different user context from the one under which you run EVPM. In both
these cases, only full UNC paths provide a reliable way for the NSF migrator server
to access the files.
■ \\Server1\home\JohnDoe\quarter1.nsf
■ E:\data\backup.nsf
Optional. By default, EVPM does not process an NSF file if the Domino archiving
user does not have sufficient access set the ACL of the corresponding mail file. Set
this keyname to True to override this default behavior for the current NSF file.
Possible values:
■ True
■ False (default)
Optional. By default, EVPM does not process an NSF file if the Domino archiving
user does not have manager access set in the ACL of the corresponding mail file.
Set this keyname to True to override this default behavior for the current NSF file.
Possible values:
■ True
■ False (default)
Optional. By default, EVPM does not migrate the contents of NSF files whose
associated mail file is not available. Set this keyname to True to override this default
behavior for the current NSF file.
Possible values:
■ True
■ False (default)
Policy Manager (EVPM) 231
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Optional. By default, EVPM does not process an NSF file that is based on a
non-standard template. The list of standard templates is determined by a registry
string value which is called DominoMailTemplates under the following registry key
on all the storage servers:
\Enterprise Vault
Set this keyname to True to override this default behavior and migrate the contents
of the current NSF files if it is not based on non-standard templates.
Possible values:
■ True
■ False (default)
Optional. Controls whether Policy Manager migrates the deleted items from the
Trash folder in the current NSF file.
Possible values:
■ True
■ False
Policy Manager writes a JobStatus in each [NSF] section of the new initialization
file when it runs in process mode. This value indicates the status of each NSF file
after the last process run. See also the details for MigrationMode.
Possible values:
■ Failed. The NSF file failed migration.
■ Partially_Processed. The NSF file contains items that Policy Manager was
unable to migrate.
■ Processed. Policy Manager migrated the NSF file successfully.
■ Unprocessed. Policy Manager ignored the NSF file.
Policy Manager (EVPM) 232
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Optional. Sets the name of the migration target folder. Policy Manager creates this
folder beneath the Folders view in the user’s mail file, if it does not exist already.
Policy Manager then places shortcuts and migrated content in this folder.
Possible values:
■ A folder name. For example, NSF items. If you do not specify a folder name,
Policy Manager uses the default name that the setting in the [NSFDefaults]
section of the initialization file determines.
Optional. For a user who has multiple NSF files, MergeNSFFolders controls whether
the folder structures they contain are merged or kept separate in the user’s mail
Possible values:
■ True. Merge the folder structures that are contained in multiple NSF files. For
example, two NSF files that belong to one user, both contain a folder that is
called Personal. The shortcuts to the contents of these folders are placed in a
merged Personal folder in the user’s mail file.
■ False. Keep separate the folder structures from multiple NSF files. Beneath the
Folders view in the user’s mail file, a new folder is created for each NSF file.
The shortcuts to the contents of these NSF files are placed in the corresponding
Optional. Specifies the name of the retention category that is applied to items from
the current NSF file during migration.
Possible values:
■ A retention category name
■ A retention category ID
Optional. Controls whether Policy Manager sets the hidden attribute on the current
NSF file after successful migration. This option is provided for compatibility with the
NSF migrator wizard and is not likely to be used in scripted migrations.
Possible values:
■ True
■ False
Policy Manager (EVPM) 233
Sections and keynames in Policy Manager initialization file
Optional. Controls whether Policy Manager sets the read-only attribute on the current
NSF file after successful migration. This prevents the user from adding new items
to the NSF file after migration.
Possible values:
■ True
■ False
Optional. Controls what Policy Manager does with the contents of the current NSF
file after migration.
Possible values:
■ MailFileShortcuts. Create shortcuts to the migrated items and put them in the
user’s mail file. Also copies to the mail file any items that were excluded from
■ NSFShortcuts. Create shortcuts to the migrated items and leave the shortcuts
in the NSF file.
■ NoShortcuts. Do not create any shortcuts to migrated items. Any items that were
excluded from archiving remain in the NSF file.
Optional. Specifies the canonical name (CN) of the user whose archive and mail
file are the targets for the migration of the current NSF file.
Note: In the [NSF] section, you can set either the ArchiveName or the UserCN.
You cannot set both. See also the details for ArchiveName
Possible values:
■ Canonical form of the user name in the user's person record. For example for
user John Doe/Acme, the canonical name form is cn=John Doe/o=Acme
In some cases the values that Policy Manager writes to the new initialization file
depend on the setting of MigrationMode on the [NSFDefaults] section.
Shows the creation date and time of the new initialization file.
Shows the number that was appended to the name of the new initialization file that
Policy Manager generates. This number is incremented each time you run Policy
Shows the path and the file name of the original initialization file.
This value is generated when Policy Manager runs in Process mode.
Shows the number of NSF files that are listed in this initialization file, but cannot be
migrated. For each NSF file that cannot be migrated, Policy Manager writes
JobStatus = Failed in the relevant [NSF] section of the new initialization file.
This value is generated when Policy Manager runs in Report mode.
Shows the number of NSF files that are listed in this initialization file, but are not
ready. For each NSF file that is not ready, Policy Manager writes DoNotProcess =
True in the relevant [NSF] section of the new initialization file.
This value is generated when Policy Manager runs in Process mode.
Shows the number of NSF files that are listed in the initialization file, and contain
one or more items that cannot be migrated. All these items have been placed in a
folder that is called NSF Migration Failed Items in the NSF file. If Policy Manager
is interrupted, NSFPartialCount also includes the number of NSF files that were
being processed when the interruption took place.
For each NSF file that is partially processed, Policy Manager writes JobStatus =
Partially_Processed in the relevant [NSF] section of the new initialization file.
This value is generated when Policy Manager runs in Process mode.
Shows the number of NSF files that are listed in the initialization file, and were
successfully migrated on the previous Policy Manager run. These files are still listed
Policy Manager (EVPM) 235
Policy Manager initialization file examples
in the initialization file. However, for each NSF file that is processed, Policy Manager
writes JobStatus = Processed in the relevant [NSF] section of the new initialization
file. This setting prevents Policy Manager from processing the files again when you
use the new initialization file.
This value is generated when Policy Manager runs in Process mode.
Shows the number of NSF files that were listed in this file but ignored in the last
Policy Manager run. Policy Manager ignores any NSF files with the following settings:
■ JobStatus = Processed
■ DoNotProcess = True
For each NSF file that is ignored because DoNotProcess is set to True, Policy
Manager writes JobStatus = Unprocessed in the relevant [NSF] section of the new
initialization file.
DirectoryComputerName= myserver
SiteName = MattSite
DistinguishedName = /o=Org1/ou=Admin Group/cn=Recipients/cn=jones
Name = mailboxroot
Enabled = true
■ Creates a "Personal Archive" folder in all mailboxes and applies the filter to the
■ Applies the Personal retention category to the new Personal Archive folder.
Enterprise Vault may override this retention category with the one that you have
associated with a retention folder, if you have chosen to create a retention folder
called "Personal Archive" in the same place in the folder hierarchy.
directorycomputername = myserver
sitename = MattSite
name = filter1
CreateShortcut = true
DeleteOriginal = true
unreadMAIL = false
UseInactivityPeriod = true
InactivityUnits = months
InactivityPeriod = 1
distinguishedname = all
name = \Personal Archive
filtername = filter1
retentioncategory = Personal
directorycomputername = myserver
sitename = MattSite
name = filter1
CreateShortcut = true
DeleteOriginal = true
unreadMAIL = false
UseInactivityPeriod = true
InactivityUnits = weeks
InactivityPeriod = 3
ArchiveName = Shared Finance Archive
description = Shared archive for all finance users
billingOwner = enterprise\smithj
ArchiveName = Shared Finance Archive
GrantAccess = write, enterprise\financeusers
ldapquery = (department= finance)
name = mailboxroot
enabled = true
suspended = false
filtername = systemdefault
RetentionCategory = business
name = \Finance Archive Folder
filtername = filter1
retentioncategory = Business
ArchiveName = Shared Finance Archive
directorycomputername = myserver
sitename = vs1
; Default option settings applicable to all PST migrations
PSTLanguage=Western European
servercomputername = myserver.kvsinc.com
MailboxFolder = PST Migrations
MigrationMode = PROCESS
IncludeDeletedItems = true
SetPSTHidden = false
SetPSTReadOnly = true
CompactPST = true
DeletePST = false
CancelMbxAutoArchive = true
; Individual PST migration settings
fileName = \\myserver\share\test1.pst
fileName = \\myserver\share\test2.pst
fileName = \\myserver\share\test3.pst
ArchiveName = SharedArchive1
fileName = \\myserver\share\unmarked.pst
RetentionCategory = Business
Policy Manager (EVPM) 239
Policy Manager initialization file examples
DirectoryComputerName = DominoServer
sitename = EV1
MigrationMode = Process
ConcurrentMigrations = 2
RetentionCategory = Business
IncludeTrash = True
SetNSFReadOnly = True
FileName = \\FileServer\e$\Users\UserA\Archive.nsf
DeleteNSF = True
IncludeTrash = False
FileName = \\FileServer\e$\Users\UserB\Q1.nsf
ArchiveName = User B/Veritas
SetNSFReadOnly = False
FileName = \\FileServer\e$\Users\UserC\Personal.nsf
UserCN = CN=John Doe/O=Veritas
RetentionCategory = Personal
Policy Manager (EVPM) 240
Policy Manager initialization file examples
; 1. Apply initial permissions to a new folder
Name = \New Folder
; User specified as Mailbox DN
; Add additional user specified by GAL user name
ExchangePermissions = Charles Parker:Contributor; John Gillespie:
; 2. Modify existing user permissions on an existing folder
Name = \Existing Folder
; Modify existing user
ExchangePermissions = +; John Gillespie:Editor
; 3. Remove existing user permissions on an existing folder
Policy Manager (EVPM) 241
About using the Provisioning API to run Policy Manager scripts
Name = \Existing Folder
; Remove existing users
ExchangePermissions = -; Charles Parker; John Gillespie
; 4. Apply permissions to public folder
Name = \Our Public Folder
ExchangePermissions =Charles Parker:reviewer
' Disable a mailbox
Dim Enabler
Set Enabler = CreateObject("EnterpriseVault.ExchangeArchivePoint")
Policy Manager (EVPM) 243
About using the Provisioning API to run Policy Manager scripts
Enabler.Directory = "MACHINE1"
Enabler.Site = "site1" '(Entry Id or Site Name)
Enabler.ExchangeServer = "DITTO" '(Entry Id or Exchange Name)
Enabler.SystemMailbox = "[email protected]"
Enabler.MailboxDN = "/o=Eng2000/ou=First Administrative
After the script has been run, the read-only properties ReportText and LastScript
are available to return information on the script.
SetScriptText(Text, ArryOfParameters)
SetScriptFile(Filename, ArryOfParameters)
The SetScript methods allow a custom string or file to be passed in and used as a
template. The array of parameters lets you use a list of substitutions on the template,
if required.
#DIRECTORY# Directory
#SITE# Site
The value #1# is replaced by the first item in the ArrayOfParameters array passed
into the SetScriptFile or SetScriptText method. If more items are added to the array,
the values #2#, #3#, and so on are replaced.
Dim Enabler
Set Enabler = CreateObject("EnterpriseVault.ExchangeArchivePoint")
Enabler.Directory = "MACHINE1"
Enabler.Site = "site1" '(Entry Id or Site Name)
Enabler.ExchangeServer = "DITTO" '(Entry Id or Exchange Name)
Enabler.SystemMailbox = "[email protected]"
Enabler.MailboxDN = "/o=Eng2000/ou=First Administrative
Enabler.SetScriptFile ("C:\MyScripts\Script1.ini", ArrayOfParameters)
The Disable method takes no arguments. The Directory, SiteId, ExchangeServer,
SystemMailbox, and MailboxDN/LDAPQuery properties must be set before this
method is called.
HRESULT Disable()
The Enable method takes no arguments. The Directory, SiteId, ExchangeServer,
SystemMailbox, and MailboxDN/LDAPQuery properties must be set before this
method is called.
HRESULT Enable()
The ExecuteScript method takes no arguments. Instead, it uses text or a file as
specified with the SetScriptFile or SetScriptText method and runs that script. The
Directory, SiteId, ExchangeServer, SystemMailbox, and MailboxDN/LDAPQuery
properties must be set before this method is called.
HRESULT ExecuteScript()
The SetScriptFile method specifies the file name of a Policy Manager script that
you want to run.
Argument Description
The SetScriptText method specifies a Policy Manager script to run.
Argument Description
Table 23-5 describes the standard set of errors that the API returns.
■ About ResetEVClient
■ ResetEVClient syntax
About ResetEVClient
The ResetEVClient utility fixes a number of problems with the Enterprise Vault
Outlook Add-In. To do this, the utility does the following:
■ Deletes the Outlook data files frmcache.dat, and frmdata64.dat. The following
table describes the function of these files.
frmcache.dat Stores the forms for the 32-bit version of Outlook 2010 and later.
frmdata64.dat Stores the forms for the 64-bit version of Outlook 2010 and later.
ResetEVClient is an exception to the rule that you must always run Enterprise Vault
command-line utilities with Administrator privileges. For ResetEVClient to do the
following, you must start it as the user who has the problems with the Outlook
■ Delete the correct .dat files
■ Empty the user’s Temporary Internet Files folder
If necessary, ResetEVClient then prompts for the name and password of an account
with Administrator privileges before it performs the remaining actions. If the current
user has Administrator privileges or the computer does not have User Account
Control (UAC) enabled, ResetEVClient does not prompt for these credentials.
ResetEVClient syntax
Chapter 25
Vault Store Usage
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ Checking that the IIS authentication method is correctly set for Vault Store Usage
For example:
Note: If you have configured Enterprise Vault Reporting, Vault Store Usage
Reporter is only available from the shortcut menu of a vault store.
6 Type a name for the new link, such as "Usage Reporter", and then click Finish.
Vault Store Usage Reporter 253
Understanding the usage summary from Vault Store Usage Reporter
Column Description
Vault Store Identifies the vault stores. Click the name of a vault store to view more
detailed reports on it.
Save Report By Provides some links with which you can save the reports in
tab-separated files. You can choose to sort the data by archive name
or billing account.
Active Archives Shows the number of archives in the vault store that contain archived
Total Items Shows the total number of archived items in each vault store.
Total Size (MB) Shows the total size after archiving of all the items in each vault store.
Awaiting Backup Shows the number of archived items in the vault store that have not
been backed up. This entry applies only if the vault store is configured
to keep safety copies until after backup or replication.
SQL Server Identifies the SQL Server that hosts the vault store.
6 After you have checked and amended the authentication method for both files,
restart IIS.
ResetEVClient 12, 249
syntax 250
Savesets, deleting duplicates 56
tracing 46
Undelete placeholders 148
Utilities 10
running 12
Vault Store Usage Reporter 12
XML file
for Domino retention plan 38