5 Enter o Coccus
5 Enter o Coccus
5 Enter o Coccus
79 886
2 authors, including:
Robert A Whiley
Queen Mary, University of London
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interactions between pseudomonas aeruginosa and oral streptococci cystic fibrosis isolates View project
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1. INTRODUCTION estic, farm and aquatic animals (Devriese and Pot 1995; Har-
die and Whiley 1995).
The genera Streptococcus and Enterococcus both consist of
The development of antibiotic resistance amongst strains
Gram-positive, spherical or ovoid cells which are typically
of pneumococci and other streptococci, and the increasing
arranged in pairs or chains. They are non-sporing, facul-
occurrence of vancomycin resistance amongst enterococci, are
tatively anaerobic, catalase negative, homofermentative, and
worrying trends which have attracted considerable attention
have complex nutritional requirements. As described below,
during the 1990s and will be addressed by other contributors
they were for many years considered to belong to the same
to this symposium. Clear definition of the taxa involved in
genus (Streptococcus), but are now clearly recognized as being
human or animal infections is required for meaningful studies
distinct, alongside a number of other genera of lactic acid
on their epidemiology, pathogenic mechanisms and resistance
bacteria (LAB) (Schleifer and Ludwig 1995).
to antimicrobial agents. In this paper, the taxonomic history
The 40 or so currently recognized species of Streptococcus
of the streptococci and enterococci is reviewed briefly and
and 17 species of Enterococcus are widely distributed, mainly
their current classification described.
on mucosal surfaces of man and animals, including the gastro-
intestinal tract, but some are also found in soil, water, dairy
products and other foods, and on plants. Some species, such
as Streptococcus pyogenes and Strep. pneumoniae, are well-
recognized as major human pathogens and many of the others
2.1 Early history
are capable of causing disease under appropriate circum-
stances. Similarly, there are many species within these genera It is over 100 years since the observation by Billroth (1874)
which are responsible for significant levels of disease in dom- of chain-forming cocci in wounds and his application of the
descriptive term streptococcos to these organisms. Since then
Correspondence to: Professor J. M. Hardie, Department of Oral
Microbiology, St Bartholomew’s and the Royal London School of Medicine and advances in our knowledge and understanding of each of the
Dentistry, Queen Mary and Westfield College, Turner Street, London E1 genera Streptococcus and Enterococcus have remained closely
2AD, UK. linked, largely because these bacteria were included within
© 1997 The Society for Applied Bacteriology
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one genus (Streptococcus) from 1906 until 1984. The recog- ‘lactic’ and ‘enterococci’. The other, mainly physiological,
nition of Streptococcus and Enterococcus as distinct genera was characteristics consisted of the haemolytic reaction on blood
eventually made possible through the application of modern agar, growth at 10°C and at 45°C, in the presence of 6·5%
molecular taxonomic approaches, as described below. For the NaCl, at pH 9·6 and in 0·1% methylene blue, strong reducing
purposes of this historical review the terms streptococci and ability, survival at 60°C for 30 min and the production of
Streptococcus are used to include species currently included ammonia from peptone. The species or groups within the
in both Streptococcus and Enterococcus. divisions were characterized further on the basis of bio-
By the end of the nineteenth century the importance of chemical tests. The ‘pyogenic’ division contained streptococci
Gram-positive, chain-forming cocci in infections of humans associated with infections in man and animals, which were
and animals had been established. The name Streptococcus strongly b-haemolytic and carried a Lancefield group antigen.
had been used in the generic sense by Rosenbach (1884) to The species included here were Streptococcus pyogenes (Lance-
describe such bacteria isolated from suppurative lesions in field group A), Strep. mastiditis (group B), Strep. equi (group
man which he called Streptococcus pyogenes (see Jones 1978 C), ‘animal pyogenes’ (group C), ‘human C’ (group C),
and Colman 1990 for reviews of the early literature). Thier- ‘minute haemolytic streptococci’ (group F) together with
celin and Jouhaud (1903) had proposed the genus Enterococcus streptococci belonging to Lancefield groups G, E and H. The
for a potentially pathogenic Gram-positive diplococcus (Ent. latter were considered to be of doubtful status with respect
proteiformis) isolated from the intestine. The ‘enterocoque’ of to haemolysis on blood agar and physiological characteristics.
Thiercelin was later transferred to the genus Streptococcus In contrast with the ‘pyogenic’ division, Lancefield grouping
and given the species epithet faecalis by Andrewes and Horder was not useful for discriminating between the ‘viridans’ strep-
(1906). The early part of the twentieth century was marked by tococci so that subdivision of these into species was based
several important technical developments and investigations entirely on biochemical and physiological characteristics.
which were to have a great impact on streptococcal classi- Sherman considered his ‘viridans’ division to be the least
fication and the understanding of the clinical and economic satisfactory of the four primary divisions with, he suspected,
importance of the genus. Most notable of these innovations only a fraction of the non-haemolytic (a- or g-) streptococci
were the demonstration of various types of haemolytic reac- outside the ‘lactic’ and ‘enterococci’ divisions being
tion given by different strains when cultured on whole blood- represented. The ‘viridans’ division was made up of species
containing agar, the use of carbohydrate fermentation reac- largely from the mouths and intestines of man and animals
tions together with physiological and morphological tests for and included Strep. salivarius, Strep. equinus, Strep. bovis,
characterization of streptococci from clinical, environmental ‘varieties of Strep. bovis’ and Strep. thermophilus. Streptococci
and dairy sources, and the detection of carbohydrate antigens from dairy sources comprised the ‘lactic’ division and
(‘c’ substance) in acid extracts of cell walls, by serological included Strep. lactis and Strep. cremoris. The fourth division
testing. The latter approach developed by Lancefield (1933) of Sherman termed ‘enterococci’ was made up of streptococci
demonstrated among the streptococci which cause complete of faecal origin and included Strep. faecalis, Strep. liquefaciens,
or b-haemolysis that the distribution of the so-called group Strep. zymogenes and Strep. durans. Sherman noted that the
antigens bore a relationship to the sources of the cultures and streptococci within the ‘enterococci’ division were markedly
gave excellent correlations with the groupings of streptococci different from the other species due to a combination of low
obtained by other workers using biochemical test reactions. minimum and high maximum growth temperatures, greater
Indeed, one reviewer remarked that an unfortunate conse- tolerance to both salt and alkali, high thermal death point,
quence of the early success and ease of this serological tech- resistance to methylene blue and greater reducing ability.
nique in differentiating several important (pyogenic) These observations anticipated by almost 50 years the event-
streptococci was to cause undue emphasis to be placed on the ual division of the genus Streptococcus along similar lines
possession of a Lancefield group antigen at the expense of into Streptococcus sensu stricto, Enterococcus and Lactococcus
other taxonomic criteria, a trend which ‘. . . has therefore (Schleifer and Kilpper-Bälz 1984; Schleifer et al. 1985).
hampered and is still hampering a better understanding of The early success of the Lancefield grouping system and
the relationships between these bacteria’ (Jones 1978). its subsequent wider application within the streptococci led
eventually to the realization that, in some instances, organ-
isms that were physiologically heterogeneous could possess
2.2 Early classifications
a common group antigen, a situation which was to cause
In 1937 Sherman published what was to become the most considerable confusion in streptococcal taxonomy (Jones
widely accepted general classification of the streptococci. In 1978). This difficulty was eventually overcome through the
his scheme he incorporated the presence of a Lancefield group application of alternative approaches to the problem by sev-
antigen as one of 10 characteristics for separating the genus eral workers, marking a major transition in the nature of
into four primary divisions designated ‘pyogenic’, ‘viridans’, studies undertaken on the streptococci. These new
© 1997 The Society for Applied Bacteriology, Journal of Applied Microbiology Symposium Supplement 83, 1S–11S
approaches included cell wall composition studies, the com- Twenty-seven streptococcal species were listed in the
parison of strain collections by numerical taxonomy, meta- Approved List of Bacterial Names (Skerman et al. 1980),
bolic studies, DNA base composition determinations, base representing those species considered to be adequately
sequence homology (DNA–DNA hybridization) and DNA described and for which a type, neotype or reference strain
transformation. In the series of reports by Colman and Wil- was available. These included: 17 of the named species in
liams during this period (for a review of their studies see Deibel and Seeley (1974) (Strep. equisimilis and Strep. zoo-
Colman and Williams 1972) considerable progress was made epidemicus, Strep. dysgalactiae and Strep. avium were
on the classification of the streptococci, in particular the excluded), three of the five (then) genospecies of ‘mutans
viridans group, which, until then, had remained problematic. streptococci’ (Strep. mutans, Strep. rattus and Strep. cricetus;
Indeed, the early difficulties encountered in classifying and Coykendall 1977), the five species of the ‘anaerobic strep-
identifying the viridans streptococci, particularly those from tococci’ listed by Jones (1978), Strep. iniae and Strep. raf-
the oral cavity, had led many workers to refer to these simply finolactis.
as ‘Streptococcus viridans’ with the result that this so-called
‘species’ was ill-defined, being biochemically and sero-
2.3 Division of the genus Streptococcus and creation
logically diverse. Using cell wall sugar analysis, numerical
of Streptococcus sensu stricto, Enterococcus
taxonomy and DNA transformation, Colman and Williams
and Lactococcus
were able to recognize several species of viridans streptococci
that included Strep. mutans, Strep. sanguis, Strep. mitior, Strep. The introduction of DNA-based approaches during the 1960s
salivarius, Strep. milleri and Strep. pneumoniae. Although some heralded an era when genotypic studies combined with
of these species were not validly published and have sub- chemotaxonomic data allowed major developments to be
sequently been re-classified, the proposals did introduce made in the classification of bacteria in general, and of Gram-
order into a previously confused area and allowed working positive cocci in particular. DNA–DNA base pairing experi-
identification schemes to be developed (Hardie and Bowden ments enabled genetic relationships within and between small
1976; Jones 1978). groups of species or within single species to be measured
In the 8th edition of Bergey’s Manual of Determinative while DNA–ribosomal (r)RNA homology studies and com-
Bacteriology (Deibel and Seeley 1974) the genus Streptococcus parative oligonucleotide cataloguing of 16S rRNA provided
was divided into four groups (I–IV) containing 21 named information concerning the genetic relationships of a wide
species. Although these authors omitted Sherman’s original range of species of Streptococcus both intra- and inter-
designations ‘pyogenic’, ‘viridans’, ‘lactic’ and ‘enterococcus’ generically (Hardie and Whiley 1992, 1994, 1995). The mid-
because some of the newly recognized species cut across these 1980s marked a transition in streptococcal classification dur-
divisions, nevertheless growth and tolerance tests, haemolytic ing which several major studies were reported that, together,
reaction and Lancefield grouping, supported by biochemical can now be seen to reflect the shift away from traditional
reactions, were retained as major criteria in the classification approaches, including numerical taxonomy, towards chemo-
scheme and species groups formed therein. Several species taxonomic techniques and, ultimately, nucleic acid hybrid-
incertae sedis also described by these authors were listed prin- ization and comparative gene sequence analyses. These
cipally according to possession of a Lancefield group antigen studies include, on the one hand, the large numerical taxo-
and, where possible, serotype, thus underlining the influence nomic study by Bridge and Sneath (1983) resulting in the
that serological approaches still exerted in streptococcal division of the genus into ‘pyogenic’, ‘parapyogenic’, ‘pneu-
classification at this time. mococci’, ‘thermophilic’, ‘viridans’, ‘paraviridans’, ‘entero-
Despite the considerable volume of literature accumulated coccal’ and ‘lactic’ species groups on biochemical and
on the streptococci a classification reflecting the natural physiological grounds (see Table 1) and, on the other, a series
relationships of the species was still required at the time that of studies (reviewed by Schleifer and Kilpper-Bälz 1987) in
Jones (1978) wrote her review of the genus. In this she which data from cell wall and lipid chemical analyses, whole
included ‘. . . the 21 named species in Deibel and Seeley genomic DNA–DNA base pairing, DNA–rRNA hybrid-
(1974), streptococci of serological groups T, U and V, the ization and 16S rRNA oligonucleotide cataloguing were to
group of oral streptococci referred to as Strep. mutans and in result in a major revision of the genus. This transition is
addition the aerotolerant and the strictly anaerobic species of also evident in the description of the genus Streptococcus
Holdeman and Moore (1974) and Barnes et al. (1977)’ (the in Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (Hardie 1986)
anaerobic species comprised Strep. intermedius, Strep. con- which includes the traditional ‘pyogenic’, ‘oral’, ‘entero-
stellatus, Strep. morbillorum, Strep. hansenii and Strep. pleo- coccal’, ‘lactic acid’ and ‘anaerobic’ species but which also
morphus). For convenience Jones proposed purely artificial carries an editorial note acknowledging publication of the
divisions designated ‘pyogenic’, ‘pneumococci’, ‘oral’, ‘fae- description of the genus Enterococcus at around the same time.
cal’, ‘lactic’, ‘anaerobic’ and ‘other streptococci’ (Table 1). The studies briefly mentioned above finally revealed that
© 1997 The Society for Applied Bacteriology, Journal of Applied Microbiology Symposium Supplement 83, 1S–11S
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the streptococci consisted of three genetically distinct groups 2.5 Phenotypic characteristics of Enterococcus
at the generic level. The first, Streptococcus sensu stricto,
Cells are Gram-positive, ovoid and non-sporing, occurring
contained the majority of species and included the pyogenic,
either singly, in pairs or as short chains. Some species are
‘mutans-like’, ‘milleri-like’ and viridans streptococci. The
motile. Enterococci are facultatively anaerobic chemo-organ-
second group, formed by members of the Lancefield group
otrophs with complex nutritional requirements and a fer-
D streptococci, conformed to the ‘enterococci’ division of
mentative metabolism resulting in L(¦) lactic acid as the
Sherman (1937) and were subsequently transferred to a new
major product of glucose fermentation. They are benzidine
genus Enterococcus (Schleifer and Kilpper-Bälz 1984). The
and catalase negative with some strains producing pseudo-
third group included the lactic streptococci which were also
catalase. The majority of enterococcal species are able to grow
transferred to a new genus, Lactococcus (Schleifer et al. 1985)
at 10°C, at 45°C and in the presence of 6·5% NaCl but with
(Table 1).
some species unable to do so. Most species are characterized
by the possession of the Lancefield group D antigen with the
2.4 Phenotypic characteristics of Streptococcus notable exceptions of Ent. cecorum, Ent. columbae and Ent.
(sensu stricto) dispar. The cell walls of the enterococci contain the lysine-D-
asparagine peptidoglycan type (with the exception of Ent.
Cells are Gram-positive cocci or short rods occurring in faecalis) and the membrane-derived long-chain fatty acids of
pairs or in chains. Species are non-motile and non-sporing.
this genus are predominantly straight-chain or mono-unsatu-
Streptococci are facultatively anaerobic (some require CO2) rated types, although some have cyclo-propane ring acids.
chemo-organotrophs with complex nutritional requirements Pyrrolidonylarylamidase is produced by most species. The
and a fermentative metabolism resulting in L(¦) lactic acid as guanine plus cytosine content is ¼38–45mol%.
the major product of glucose fermentation. They are catalase
negative. Several peptidoglycan types are found within the
genus, which include Lys–Ala1–2, Lys–Ala1–3, Lys–Ala2–3,
2.6 Phylogeny of Streptococcus and Enterococcus
Lys–Ala2(Ser), Lys–Thr–Ala, Lys–Thr–Gly, Lys–Thr–
Ala(Ser) and Lys-direct. The long-chain fatty acids of this The results of the extensive 16S rRNA gene sequence analy-
genus are made up of predominantly straight-chain or mono- ses carried out in recent years among streptococci, enterococci
unsaturated types. Pyrrolidonylarylamidase is not produced and other Gram-positive bacteria have included the descrip-
by the majority of species of Streptococcus. The guanine plus tion of several new lactic acid bacterial genera and the deter-
cytosine content is from ¼33% to 46% although the majority mination of their phylogenetic positions. All belong in the low
of reported values lie in the range of 35–43mol%. G ¦ C (Clostridium–Bacillus) branch of the Gram-positive
© 1997 The Society for Applied Bacteriology, Journal of Applied Microbiology Symposium Supplement 83, 1S–11S
eubacteria and besides Streptococcus and Enterococcus include species R. flavefaciens and exhibited a far closer association
Lactococcus, Aerococcus, Carnobacterium, Globicatella, Lacto- with Clostridium cluster XIVa (Collins et al. 1994) along
bacillus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus, Tetragenococcus, Vagococcus, with several Clostridium, Eubacterium and Coprococcus species.
Dolosigranulum, Alloiococcus, Atopobium, Gemella and Helco- However, these authors have pointed out that the amount of
coccus (Schleifer and Ludwig 1995). In contrast with the close work necessary in order to clarify the taxonomy of Clostridium
historical link between them, Streptococcus and Enterococcus cluster XIVa is such that the name Strep. hansenii should
are geneologically well separated from each other relative to be retained for the time being. Therefore Strep. hansenii is
these other genera, with Streptococcus more closely related currently listed in the genus Streptococcus but will almost
to Lactococcus and with Enterococcus closer to Aerococcus, certainly be transferred elsewhere in the future. Similarly,
Vagococcus, Dolosigranulum, Carnobacterium and Abiotrophia. another of the anaerobic species, Strep. pleomorphus, has been
The differential characteristics and clinical importance of shown to be only distantly related to the streptococci by
these genera have been reviewed recently (Hardie and Whiley 16S rDNA sequence comparison and waits to be validly
1994, 1995; Facklam and Elliott 1995). transferred (Ludwig et al. 1988).
One other recent, short-lived, species designation, Strep.
shiloi, was given to a coccus causing septicaemic infection
(meningoencephalitis) in fish. However, this name has since
been shown to be a junior synonym of Strep. iniae (Eldar et
al. 1995). Streptococcus iniae is now recognized as a major
3.1 Species and species groups
worldwide pathogen of fish and of captive freshwater dolphins.
There are currently ¼40 species within this genus of which The species of Streptococcus that are currently of uncertain
the majority have been shown to form six species groups by species grouping or genus are listed in Table 3.
16S rDNA comparative sequence analysis (Kawamura et al.
1995a). These are the ‘pyogenic’, ‘mitis’, ‘salivarius’, ‘bovis’,
3.2 Identification of Streptococcus species
‘anginosus’ and ‘mutans’ groups. Table 2 lists those species
presently included in the genus arranged according to their Although no comprehensive identification scheme currently
species groups. Two species, Strep. suis and Strep. acido- exists for the streptococci, the use of chromogenic or fluoro-
minimus, have failed to cluster with any other streptococcal genic substrate tests for detecting preformed enzymes com-
species so far tested although they do exhibit a loose mutual bined with more traditional biochemical tests such as
association by this method on the basis of rRNA sequence carbohydrate fermentation, aesculin and arginine hydrolysis
analysis. The main 16S rDNA-based study of the genus was and acetoin production, has been particularly useful,
by Bentley et al. (1991) and the database has recently been especially with the viridans species (Kilian et al. 1989; Beigh-
extended by the inclusion within the ‘mitis species group’ of ton et al. 1991; Kikuchi et al. 1995). The standardization of
both Strep. mitis and Strep. gordonii and by the determination these differential tests as well as the attempt at a com-
of the phylogenetic positions of the pyridoxal-dependent prehensive scheme for the identification of all streptococcal
(nutritionally variant, NVS) streptococci, Strep. adjacens and species has been through the development of commercial
Strep. defectivus (Kawamura et al. 1995a,b). The latter two identification test kits (Freney et al. 1992). However, there is
species have subsequently been transferred to a new genus still some improvement required before a completely satis-
Abiotrophia as Abiotrophia adiacens and Abiotrophia defectiva, factory scheme is achieved.
respectively (Kawamara et al. 1995b). The position of several The development of a comprehensive set of species gene
newly recognized species, including Strep. caprinus from the probes for identification is still awaited. Approaches centred
rumen of feral goats (Brooker et al. 1994), Strep. gallactolyticus on the small (16)rRNA subunit hold most promise with
from the alimentary canal of various animals and from human sequence data now available on most, but not all, species
cases of endocarditis and septicaemia (Osawa et al. 1995), (Bentley et al. 1991; Kawamura et al. 1995a) and some species-
Strep. difficile, a bacterium causing meningoencephalitis in specific oligonucleotide probes have been described (Bentley
farmed fish (Eldar et al. 1994), and Strep. phocae, isolated et al. 1993; Bentley and Leigh 1995).
from seals with pneumonia (Skaar et al. 1994), along with the
well established species Strep. ferus, Strep. crista and Strep.
intestinalis, remain to be determined by 16S rDNA sequencing.
In addition, the transfer of the ‘anaerobic streptococcus’,
Strep. hansenii, to the genus Ruminococcus as Ruminococcus
4.1 Ecology
hansenii (Ezaki et al. 1994) has been called into question by
Willems and Collins (1995) who have suggested that R. The streptococci are characteristically found on the mucous
(Strep.) hansenii is remotely related to the Ruminococcus-type membranes of the mouth, upper respiratory tract, alimentary
© 1997 The Society for Applied Bacteriology, Journal of Applied Microbiology Symposium Supplement 83, 1S–11S
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tract and genitourinary tract, as well as on the skin, of man pneumoniae are particularly notable as causes of serious acute
and other animals (Skinner and Quesnel 1978). Some strepto- infections in man, but several other species are frequently
coccal species are particularly associated with humans, whilst involved in infective endocarditis, abscesses and other con-
others have only been reported from other animals, although ditions (Hardie and Whiley 1995). Some of the less highly
information on the distribution of streptococci throughout virulent species, such as those in the Strep. mitis group, may
the animal kingdom is limited (Devriese 1991; Hardie and become more aggressively pathogenic in immunologically
Whiley 1994). compromised individuals, giving rise to septicaemia or the
adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) (Hardie and
Whiley 1994). The Strep. anginosus group streptococci (also
4.2 Human diseases
known as ‘Strep. milleri’ group) are commonly associated with
Many streptococci are known to cause human disease, some abscesses in various parts of the body, including the mouth,
species being highly virulent and responsible for major brain, liver and various other organs (Gossling 1988; Whiley
diseases. Streptococcus pyogenes, Strep. agalactiae and Strep. et al. 1992). Species in the Strep. mutans group, especially
© 1997 The Society for Applied Bacteriology, Journal of Applied Microbiology Symposium Supplement 83, 1S–11S
Table 3 Streptoccal species of uncertain grouping or changed penicillin is a particularly worrying trend (Spika et al. 1991;
designation see also Dowson et al., pp. 42S–51S).
Species Comments
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 4.3 Animal diseases
Strep. acidominimus Ungrouped by 16S rRNA sequence
Streptococci of various species are known to be associated
Strep. suis Ungrouped by 16S rRNA sequence with infections of cattle, pigs, horses, sheep, birds, aquatic
homology* mammals and fish (Wilson and Salt 1978). In most instances
Strep. pleomorphus Ungrouped by 16S rRNA sequence the streptococcal species involved are different from those
homology* responsible for human disease although in a few cases, includ-
(Cl. innocuum-like)† ing Strep. agalactiae, Strep. bovis and Strep. dysgalactiae, the
pathogens do cause both animal and human infections. Bovine
Strep. hansenii Clostridium Cluster XIVa‡ mastitis is one condition of considerable economic sig-
nificance to dairy farmers which can be caused by several
Strep. ferus Phylogenetic relationships not known streptococcal species, including Strep. canis, Strep. agalactiae,
Strep. crista Phylogenetic relationships not known
Strep. dysgalactiae, Strep. parauberis and Strep. uberis. Pigs are
Strep. intestinalis Phylogenetic relationships not known
particularly susceptible to streptococcal infections which may
Strep. caprinus Phylogenetic relationships not known
Strep. difficile Phylogenetic relationships not known present as arthritis, meningoencephalitis, cervical lymph-
Strep. gallolyticus Phylogenetic relationships not known adenitis, endocarditis, abscesses, pneumonia or septicaemia.
Strep. phocae Phylogenetic relationships not known Such infections are commonly due to Strep. porcinus or Strep.
suis (Devriese 1991; see also Chanter, pp. 100S–109S).
Strep. adjacens Transferred to genus Abiotrophia§
Strep. defectivus Transferred to genus Abiotrophia§
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 5. CURRENT CLASSIFICATION OF
* Kawamura et al. (1995a). ENTEROCOCCUS
† Ludwig et al. (1988).
‡ Willems and Collins (1995). 5.1 Species and species groups
§ Kawamura et al. (1995b).
Since the transfer of Strep. faecalis and Strep. faecium to the
revived genus Enterococcus (Schleifer and Kilpper-Bälz 1984),
Strep. mutans and Strep. sobrinus, are implicated in the aeti- the total number of species presently included here is 17.
ology of dental caries (Hamada and Slade 1980; Loesche The status of Ent. seriolicida was in doubt for some time
1986). Further information on streptococcal infections in (Devriese and Pot 1995) but this species has now been shown
humans is given in the papers in this supplement by Cart- to be the same as Lactococcus garvieae which is a senior
wright and Efstratiou (pp. 52S–61S; 72S–79S). subjective synonym (Teixeira et al. 1996). The taxonomic
One of the enigmas of streptococcal diseases in humans is status within the genus of another species, Ent. flavescens, is
that many of the potentially pathogenic species can be found also uncertain in that strains of this species display a very
as part of the resident microflora, either as a commensal or close relationship to Ent. casseliflavus (Devriese and Pot 1995).
as a transient colonizer, without causing apparent ill-effects. A further reduction in the number of species within the genus
In the case of Strep. pyogenes (Lancefield group A) infections, was caused by the transfer of Ent. solitarius to the genus
the initial acute infection may be followed by subsequent Tetragenococcus (Collins et al. 1990).
complications such as rheumatic fever or glomerulonephritis, 16S rDNA comparative sequence analysis has revealed that
both of which occur as a result of harmful immunological most of the species within Enterococcus fall into one of four
responses to the original infection (Brooks et al. 1995). Con- species groups (Williams et al. 1991). These are referred to
siderable progress has been made in understanding the patho- as the Ent. faecium-, Ent. avium-, Ent. gallinarum- and Ent.
genesis of disease caused by Strep. pyogenes (Kehoe 1991) and cecorum- species groups by Devriese and Pot (1995) and are
Strep. pneumoniae (Boulnois 1992), and a number of their listed in Table 4. The four species which remain unlinked
virulence determinants have been characterized by molecular to any species group are Ent. faecalis, Ent. sulfureus, Ent.
methods (see Mitchell et al., pp. 62S–71S). saccharolyticus and Ent. dispar.
Until comparatively recently, antibiotic resistance amongst
streptococci was rarely observed and selection of anti-
5.2 Identification of Enterococcus species
microbial agents for treatment was not a major problem.
The increasing number of reported pneumococcal isolates As with the streptococci, species identification using stan-
reported in the USA and elsewhere that are resistant to dardized commercial biochemical test identification kits that
© 1997 The Society for Applied Bacteriology, Journal of Applied Microbiology Symposium Supplement 83, 1S–11S
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Table 4 Currently recognized species groups in genus commonly and in higher numbers than Ent. faecium in most
Enterococcus studies (Murray 1990). Although they are less commonly
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– found at other body sites, enterococci can also be recovered
Group* Species included from the vagina and the oral cavity. Enterococcal carriage
rates in the mouth appear to vary between different study
Ent. faecalis Ent. faecalis
groups, and may be increased in hospitalized patients and
Ent. faecium Ent. durans those on long-term haemodialysis (Campbell et al. 1983;
Ent. faecium Smyth et al. 1987).
Ent. hirae The involvement of enterococci in human clinical infec-
Ent. mundtii tions has been reviewed very thoroughly by Murray (1990),
who points out that their pathogenic potential was first recog-
Ent. avium Ent. avium nized around the turn of the century, the earlier studies being
Ent. pseudoavium discussed by Sherman (1937). The most common infections
Ent. malodoratus are those involving the urinary tract, in which enterococci
Ent. raffinosus are implicated in about 10% of cases (Felmingham et al.
1992), and up to 16% of nosocomial urinary tract infections
Ent. gallinarium Ent. gallinarum
(Schaberg et al. 1991).
Ent. casseliflavus
Ent. flavescens (similar to Ent. Enterococci are often found in intra-abdominal and pelvic
casseliflavus) wound infections, but since these are usually polymicrobial
it is difficult to assess their role in such conditions (Nicols and
Ent. cecorum Ent. cecorum Muzik 1992). Isolates of enterococci from wound infections
Ent. columbae appear to be on the increase, and this trend is associated
with the problem of antibiotic resistance amongst these cocci
Miscellaneous species Ent. saccharolyticus (Moellering 1992).
Ent. sulfureus Enterococci, especially Ent. faecalis, are responsible for
Ent. dispar a significant proportion of cases of bacterial endocarditis,
accounting for 5–20% of reported series (Megran 1992; Wat-
Altered taxonomic status Ent. solitarius (Tetragenococcus
anakunakorn and Burkert 1993). Bacteraemias due to entero-
Ent. seriolicida (Lactococcus species) cocci are more common than infective endocarditis, often
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– occurring in elderly patients with serious underlying medical
* Devriese and Pot (1995) ; Williams et al. (1991). conditions or in immunocompromised individuals who have
undergone antimicrobial therapy (Awada et al. 1992; Gran-
inger and Ragette 1992). The source of infection in entero-
include a combination of rapid preformed enzyme detection coccal bacteraemia not associated with endocarditis is often
tests with more traditional biochemical tests have shown the urinary tract (Maki and Agger 1988).
considerable promise (Freney et al. 1992). The delineation of Enterococci are also known to cause neonatal, central nervous
species and species groups within the enterococci on the basis system and respiratory tract infection on occasions, although
of 16S rRNA gene sequences (Williams et al. 1991) indicates these are comparatively rare (Murray 1990). Of particular con-
that a DNA probe approach may be feasible. cern is the increasing prevalence of enterococci in hospital-
acquired infections and their increasing levels of resistance to
antimicrobial agents (Murray 1990; Facklam and Sahm 1995).
Considerable attention is now being focused on the putative
virulence determinants of enterococci, which include a cytolysin,
Enterococci are typically found in the intestinal tract and aggregation substance, pheromones, lipoteichoic acid, a protease,
faeces of man and other animals (Murray 1990; Devriese and hyaluronidase and a bacteriocin, 45-48 (Jett et al. 1994).
Pot 1995). Some species have also been isolated from soil, As well as being well adapted for survival in the body,
food, water and plants, and their ability to grow and survive enterococci have an ability to exchange extrachromosomal
under a wide range of environmental conditions, including elements which encode virulence determinants or antibiotic
extremes of temperature and salt concentrations, probably resistance genes, by several genetic mechanisms (Schaberg
accounts for the almost ubiquitous distribution of the genus and Zervos 1986; Clewell 1990). It is clear that the increasing
(Facklam and Sahm 1995). difficulty of treating patients with resistant strains of entero-
In humans, enterococci can be isolated from almost 100% cocci necessitates the continuing study of these important
of faecal samples, with Ent. faecalis being reported more bacteria (Murray 1990; Jett et al. 1994).
© 1997 The Society for Applied Bacteriology, Journal of Applied Microbiology Symposium Supplement 83, 1S–11S
Further information about enterococcal infections in hybridization protocol for identification of streptococcal species.
humans is given in the paper by Morrison et al. in this Journal of Clinical Microbiology 33, 1296–1301.
supplement, and on animal infections by Chanter (pp. 89S– Bentley, R.W., Leigh, J.A. and Collins, M.D. (1991) Intrageneric
99S; 100S–109S). structure of Streptococcus based on comparative analysis of small-
subunit rRNA sequences. International Journal of Systematic Bac-
teriology 41, 487–494.
7. CONCLUSIONS Bentley, R.W., Leigh, J.A. and Collins, M.D. (1993) Development
and use of species-specific oligonucleotide probes for dif-
After more than 100 years of investigation since the first ferentiation of Streptococcus uberis and Streptococcus parauberis.
published descriptions of streptococci, it is now clear that Journal of Clinical Microbiology 31, 57–60.
the chain-forming, catalase-negative, Gram-positive cocci fall Billroth, T. (1874) Untersuchungen uber die Vegetationsformen von
into several distinct genera which include Streptococcus and Coccobacteria Septica. Berlin: G. Reimer.
Enterococcus. Both of these genera can be subdivided into Boulnois, G.J. (1992) Pneumococcal proteins and the pathogenesis
species groups on the basis of 16S rRNA sequence analyses, of disease caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae. Journal of General
supported by other taxonomic data. Microbiology 138, 249–259.
Identification of individual species of streptococci and Bridge, P.G. and Sneath, P.H.A. (1983) Numerical taxonomy of
Streptococcus. Journal of General Microbiology 129, 565–597.
enterococci by conventional phenotypic tests is possible in
Brooker, J.D., O’Donovan, L.A., Skene, I., Clarke, K., Blackall, L.
most cases, although difficulties do occur within some species and Muslera, P. (1994) Streptococcus caprinus sp. nov., a tannin-
groups. The development of species-specific oligonucleotide resistant ruminal bacterium from feral goats. Letters in Applied
probes, based on 16S rRNA sequence data, and the use of Microbiology 18, 313–316.
PCR-based techniques, would seem to offer the best prospect Brooks, G.F., Butel, J.S. and Ornston, L.N. (1995) Jawetz, Melnick
of improved identification methods for the future. and Adelberg’s Medical Microbiology, 20th edn. East Norwalk, CT:
Species of Streptococcus and Enterococcus are widely dis- Appleton and Lange.
tributed, most of them being found on mucous membranes Campbell, J., McGowan, D.A. and MacFarlane, T.W. (1983) The
of man and other animals. Many of these species are associ- prevalance of enterococci in the dental plaque of chronic hospital
ated with human infections, either in the form of acute con- patients. British Journal of Oral Surgery 21, 171–174.
ditions caused by species such as Strep. pyogenes, Strep. Clewell, D.B. (1990) Movable genetic elements and antibiotic resist-
ance in enterococci. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and
pneumoniae and Strep. agalactiae, or as opportunistic patho-
Infectious Disease 9, 90–102.
gens in infective endocarditis, urinary tract infections and Collins, M.D., Williams, A.M. and Wallbanks, S. (1990) The phy-
in many other situations. A number of important animal logeny of Aerococcus and Pediococcus as determined by 16S rRNA
infections are also caused by streptococci, but the role of sequence analysis: description of Tetragenococcus gen. nov. FEMS
enterococci as pathogens in animals is less clear. Microbiology Letters 70, 255–262.
Interest is currently focused on the molecular epidemiology Collins, M.D., Lawson, P.L., Willems, A. et al. (1994) The phylo-
and virulence determinants of some of the major disease- geny of the genus Clostridium: proposal of five new genera and
causing species of Streptococcus and Enterococcus, and on the eleven new species combinations. International Journal of
worrying emergence of antibiotic resistance within these Systematic Bacteriology 44, 812–826.
genera. As mentioned earlier, several aspects of these issues Colman, G. (1990) Streptococcus and Lactobacillus. In Topley and
Wilson’s Principles of Bacteriology, Virology and Immunity, Vol. 2:
are considered in greater detail by other contributors to this
Systematic Bacteriology, 8th edn, ed. Parker, M.T. and Collier,
symposium. L.H. pp. 119–159. London, Melbourne Auckland: Edward
Arnold (a division of Hodder and Stoughton).
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