Motion COT1 Final

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science for Grade Seven Students

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:
1. S7FE-IIIa-1. Describe the motion of an object in terms of
distance or displacement, speed or velocity, and acceleration

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Motion
B. Time Allotment: 1 hour
C. References: Teachers Guide p.119-125; Learners Materials p.
D. Materials: Pictures, visual aids, chalk, laptop, projector
E. Values Integration: Unity, Understanding, and Describe.
E. Subject Integration: MAPEH, Earth Science and
III. Procedure

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

A. Pre-assessment
Please stand for our prayer.
______________, please lead the _________ lead the prayer.
prayer. (Students are praying)

Good morning class? Good morning ma’am Evan Jane!

(student arrange their chairs and

Before you take your seats, kindly pick some pieces of papers)
arrange your chairs properly and
pick up some pieces of paper
under it.
(Class secretary checking who is
Secretary kindly check who is not around)
absent today in your class.
Very good!
B. Motivation
Do you want to play a game?

So, in this envelop it contain a

jigsaw puzzle picture. I will group
into four. What you will do is to
solve the jigsaw puzzle picture
and find out what is the hidden
word. The first group to form the
puzzle will be given additional
points. MOTION

What is the hidden word?

Very good!
It is all about MOTION.
C. Lesson Proper

What would be our lesson today? 1. describe the motion of an

Yes very good! This morning we object in terms of distance or
will be discussing about Motion. displacement, speed or velocity,
And our objective is: Everyone and acceleration
please read!

For our house rules:

1. Listen to the teacher.
2. Listen to others and
participate in class
Reference point a basis
(Teacher showing the diagram)
Basic3. Raise your
direction hand
South, North, before
speaking. West The scooter!
4. Respect
Elapsed time each
is other.
simply the
5. Concentrate. amount of time
6. Finish workthat passes from
on time.
the beginning of
7. Show manners at all times.
an event to its To the right, because the scooter
8. And enjoy learning
end.  passed by to the street lights!
We are done with
Scalar A our house rules
physical The street light.
let’s also unlocked some difficult with
magnitude only. Motion, therefore, is a continuous
terms. For this, I need some
Vector A physical
volunteers to match thewith
quantity following
change in position with respect to
words to the definition.
magnitude I’ll and give a fixed point or relative to a given
plus points for this activity.
direction. point of reference.
Ok, very good! This Placedis allat correct.
Plus points. beginning.

So now, I will show you a diagram Basketball, Volleyball, soccer,

which describes Motion. baseball, lawn tennis, and many
Which object moved? The scooter more.
or the street lights?
Very good!
In what direction did it move? How
did you know?
Which is the reference point?
That’s great!
So now, what do you think is
MOTION based on the diagram?

We experience motion in walking,
running, jumping and swimming.
Can you name a sport that you
think doing motion?

So you already know that the

motion is defined as the change in
position for a particular time
interval. You can then start
describing motion with the
questions, “HOW FAR DID THE
Motion can be describe by
distance or displacement, speed
or velocity, and acceleration.
Now let’s have an activity.
a. Divide the class into 4 groups.
b. Assign a facilitator, recorder, (Leader was given the rubrics by
and presenter or you can do this the teacher)
by rotation to maximized
c. Basing on the given problem,
follow the instruction and answer
the guide questions given in the
activity. Write your answer in None ma’am
Manila paper.
d. Assign somebody to report..
e. Group 1 and 2 you’re going to
solve a problem in distance and Yes ma’am.
displacement with different
f. Group 3 you’re going to solve a
problem in speed and velocity
also with different scenario.
g. Group 4 will be the
acceleration. (The activity will be solve
Each group is given 10 minutes according to the performance level
to do the activity and 5 minutes to of the students.)
present your work. The leader you G1:
will be the one to grade the other  Distance refers to the length
group reporter. You will be graded of the entire path that the
based on the rubric. The criteria object travelled.
includes: Time, Presentation,  Displacement refers to the
Content and Teamwork. shortest distance between
the object’s two positions,
Do you have any questions like the distance between its
regarding the activity? point of origin and its point
Be with your group now and of destination, no matter
discuss it silently. I will give extra what path it took to get to
points for those groups that can that destination.
finish first and cooperate well. Is On his way to school, Richmond
that clear? traveled a path as shown on the
Your 15 minutes starts now! map:
7 minutes left. Scale: 1 cm = 100 m
Time is up. You may go back to Total distance = 100m + 300 m +
your respective chairs silently. 100 m + 100m + 100 m = 700 m
Total displacement: ___m, __° north
Group representatives be ready. of east.
You can start presenting your
output G2: The student followed a path
traveling a distance of 400 m
Group 1 & 2: Distance and going east and 300 m going north
Displacement. from his home to school. As shown
Guide question: How will you on the map.
describe distance? Scale: 1cm=100m
How about displacement? Total distance= 500m + 300m=
What is the total distance did 800m
Richmond traveled? How about Total displacement= ___m,
the displacement? ___°north of east.

 Speed is defined as distance

travelled divided by the time
of travel.
 Velocity is similar to speed
except that it not only tells
how fast or how slow a
motion is; it also indicates
the direction.
 The units of speed can be
miles per hour (mi/h),
kilometers per hour (km/h),
or meters per second (m/s)

“Mary drove to church. From his

house, he travelled 250 meters
going west and 400 meters going
north to get to church. It took him
Group 3: Speed and Velocity. 20 minute drive to reach the
Guide Questions: place. What was the speed of
What is Speed? Mary’s travel? How about velocity?
What is Velocity? To find the speed of Mary’s travel:
What are the units of speed? Formula: Speed= distance
What was the speed of Mary’s travelled
travel? Elapsed time
How about velocity? V=displacement
Given: d i = 250 m; d f = 400
m; t=20 min Find speed=? Find
Solution: Speed= 250 m + 400 m
20 min
Speed= 32.5 m/min
For velocity: Find the displacement first.
Scale 1 cm: 100m
250m x 1cm = 2.5cm
400m x 1cm = 4cm
Using ruler you can measure the displacement
d= 4.7 cm in ruler it is equal to 470m.
v= displacement
v= 470 m
20 min

v= 23.5 m/min, 58°NW

 Acceleration is defined as
the rate of change in
velocity of a moving objects.
Martin rides a bicycle at 2m/s
south. 10 seconds later, he is
pedaling at 3m/s south. What is
Martin’s acceleration?
Acceleration=change in velocity
a= v f - v i
Group 4: Acceleration. Given: v i = 2m/s; v f =3m/s;
Guide questions: t=10s
What is acceleration? Find: a=?
What is Martin’s acceleration? Solution: a= v f - v i
= 3m/s-2m/s = 1m/s
=0.1m/ s 2
10s 10s

(The leader give their score for each of the


Let’s give 10 claps to each group.

(The teacher will discuss about
the presentation)
It is important to know the
. following about a typhoon:
-original position
Do you have any questions? -acceleration
D. Application radius
The sample weather bulletin will
show you the importance of
knowing not just the speed of the
storm but also its direction. What
information is needed to track the
movement of a typhoon?

E. Generalization
What is Motion?
How about distance and

Also the speed and the velocity?

And lastly, what is acceleration?

F. Evaluation: Multiple Choice

Directions: In a ¼ sheet of paper.
Choose the best answer and write
the letter only.

1. What do you call that refers

to the length of the entire
path that the object
a. Distance
b. Displacement
c. Speed
d. Acceleration
2. It is defined as distance
travelled divided by the
time of travel.
a. Distance
b. Displacement
c. Speed
d. Acceleration
3. What do you call that refers
to the shortest distance
between the object’s two
a. Distance
b. Displacement
c. Speed
d. Acceleration
4. Why speedometer is
a. because they need to
know how fast they are
b. because it shortens the
distance of a car
c. because it will divide the
time travel
d. because it will determine
the length of the entire
5. Which of the following is
NOT an example of unit of
a. km/h
b. mi/h
c. sec/min
d. m/s
Write it in a ½ crosswise.
Why are some people,
particularly children and young
adults, encouraged not to sit in
seats protected by an air bag?

5 3 1
All members are All members are Few members are
cooperating, slightly cooperating,
TEAM WORK participating, and cooperating, participating, and
coordinating with participating, and coordinating with
one another coordinating with one another
one another
All members All members are Few members
perform well and slightly working only work and
PERFORMANCE have even task and have uneven have uneven task
and duties task and duty and duties
Contents are Contents are Contents are not
explain explain explain
PRESENTATION accordingly, accordingly, accordingly,
precise, accurate understandable, unclear and
and complete and complete incomplete
presentation of presentation of presentation of
answer answer answer
The group finished The group finished The group finished
TIME the task on time the task but late the task but late
for 2 minutes for 4 minutes.

Prepared by: Checked


Evan Jane J. Daga-ang Nilo G. Tubio

Teacher-I HT1/SIC

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