Interim Report ON Human Resource: Bba Program of Ibs Hyderabad

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A Report submitted in partial of the
Requirements of





I would like to Express my gratitude to all those who gave me the

Possibility to do this wonderful project . I want to thank IBS Hyderabad

for giving me permission to commence this project in the first necessary

research work and use the available data . I am bound to senior batch

students for their stimulating support .

I am deeply indented to my superiors prof.pankaj Kumar Singh ( faculty

guide ) and Srinivas ( company guide ) for their help , stimulating

suggestions and encouragement in all the time of internship

Especially , I would like to give my special thanks to parents and friends

for holding my back all the time . this experience is successful only

because of your people and your support . I would also thank all my

Colleagues for being such nice persons and giving me a memorable

experience to cherish
As a part of my BBA curriculam . I have done my summer internship

programme at AUROBINDO PHARMA LIMITED . In this report I am

To going to share my experience in my company for the period of 28

Days . during this period , I have understood the company profile ,

Organization policies .

Also I have understood it’s services and the work carried out in the

Business unit . I have gone through standard operation procedure

Of the company which should be followed by each employee and

Labour in the factory premises also by them

Not only employee and labour also visitors who visit APL should

Also follow some rules and here the work carried in each department

Is different from another department , during this I have done analysis

Of work which is carried out and human resource related support to

My current team numbers . I also got a chance to work with the

Department and understand the processes


As I was working with the human resource team in the company of

AUROBINDO PHARMA LIMITED , and understanding the current

Procedure and work carried out by the employee in the organization

,understanding the relation between employee and labour and that to

The organization , reward management and understood it and helped

The team with the following same as expected

I was assigned below tasks to perform my internship in the line with the

Objectives provided .

* Knowing about the company profile , about their their activities carried

Down And understanding the work

* maintaining the employee performance record and attendance in the excel


* observing the client discussion and noting their requirement for the

Proper functioning of organization

* employee and labour relationship in company their individual relationship to

In the today’s turbulent times , organizations are very conscious about their

Human resource management because as it is the combination HR ,

Accounting , management , financial management and economics.

Globalization to would economy has exposed the corporate business

Organization to world wide competition , mobilization of professional man -

Power and modern quantitative management practice for the means of

Understanding and the implications of globalization,technological change

Work force diversity HR operations is a significant part of hr activities in

An organization. So to perform the operations successfully proper planning

And formulation are mandatory

The primary objective of aurobindo is to expand it’s product portfolio with

High value products in oncology, hormones,biosimilars and novel

Delivary solutions in new territories as genetic penetration in poland , italy

Spain and many more countries is low

In 2017 APL incked a pact to acquire portugal’s generis farmaceutica SA from

Magnum capital partners for a consideration of 135 million dollars



Aurobindo pharma limited is a pharmaceutical manufacturing company

headquartered in HITEC City, Hyderabad,India. The company manufactures
genetic pharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients . the
company manufactures generic pharmaceutical ingredients . the company’s
area of activity includes six major product areas(i.e) antibiotics,anti-
retrovirals ,cardiovascular products,central nervous system,
gastroenterologicals,and anti-allergics . the company markets these products
over 125 countries
APL Marketing patners include astrazeneca and pfizer and many more

The company commenced operations in 1988-89 with single manufacturing

Semi-synthetic penicillin in puducherry . Aurobindo pharma became a public

Company in 1992 and listed its shares in the indian stock exchanges in 1995

Aurobindo Pharma limited features among the top 10 companies In india In the

Terms of consolidated revenues .

Its revenue was rised to 136.50 billion in 2017 and in 2016 december , the

Attorneys general of 20 states filed a civil complaint accusting aurobindo

Pharma of coordinated scheme to artificially maintain high prices for a drug.

On 11 April 2018 AUROBINDO was featured in dutch documentary television

Program zembla . it details accusations against the company of both

Environmental damage and poor working conditions of their employees in

Hyderabad , INDIA .

* To provide excellent customer service and service delivery

* The supply novel and needed genetics to the south African pharmaceutical


* To educate health-care professionals and add value to their practices or



* To recognize that all people are different , that all are important , and

Lastly that all are individual

* To understand thus the importance of fitting products to individuals

* Primary data ( collecting data/information from the business heads(I.e) HR

Department )

* Secondary data (collecting data through internet and other sources )

* Personal observation ( using the primary and secondary sources I
have made

Certain observation and analysis required for the project)

* Communication with the head of the organization and with the deputy

H R Manager and senior executive ( company guide )

Main objectives of the study are as follows :

* To critically analyze the process and the work carried out in the organization

* To analyze the performance of the employees and also reward them accordingly

This makes to perform employees better than before

* To identify the relation between employee to the organization and labour to the

Organization and also relation between employee and labour

* The study is based on the data provided by the company statements so ,

limitations of the company ‘s employees remaining are equally applicable

* In some cases data is collected from the past records and conflicts between

Employee and labour at the work place

* performance expectations are unclear and are misunderstood

Our internship program was started on 06 / 05 / 2019 in the first week we are

Introduced to the organization policies and to Aurobindo pharma limited . it’s

Business and the services offered by the company . I was asked to go through

The SOP ‘s of APL so that I can understand the their procedure and the well

Involved in the work in the feild of my internship programme . I have

Understood the work carried out in the company and during my internship

I have came to know about on what basis employee should be rewarded and

Mostly I have worked with the department to understand the work easily and

Quickly and know about few more details in depth.

Organization policies :
* Policies On preservation of documents

* Archival policy

* Policy for Determination of materiality

* Policy on Material subsidies

* Whistle Blower Policy

*Corporate social responsibility policy

* Environment , Health and Safety policy


* When an Employee joins in an any organization , they enter the organization

With some as well as some benefits which they have been thought . in today’s

World , one of the basic changes regarding the organization in changing the

Attitude of the numbers of the organization

Here in the organization every one is assigned with some or the other work

Related to the study in the past few years and each of them have to maintain

Some values and norms in the work place they should have to follow . mainly

Employee and organization should maintain a healthy relation with the

Employees to get the work done effectively , here by maintaining a good

Relation with the employees company may have many benefits so by this

Organisation works efficiently


* Here not only the employee’s of the organization have certain relation in

Our organization also who are appointed as a contact labour also have certain

Relation with the organization and also on their performance during the work
They will be graded so that that these labour will not be having
any promotion

And many more but they will be provided in the increase in

their salary and

They may be promoted as a permanent employee

Performance and reward management -

* In our organization we have a good reward system which helps in keeping

Employees happy , loyal to the company , and eager to move up the ladder.

Rewards like public recognition and additional pay , motivate employees to work


There are various appraisal methods they are -

Rank and Yank

Critical incident technique

And many more by which employees in the organization are rewarded In one or

The other way this helps the human resource department having a clear eye on

Organization work and workers working in the work place .

Here the work carried out in each department is different from another

Department but the final marketing material is same and it offer many Services to
the people

From these 28 days of experience in corporate experience , I got a good

Exposure to the corporate life and the work environment . working with

The HR team and the business heads make me understand the challenges

That the business face , code of business conduct

Working with the vertical heads in the company has added advantage in

Learning certain leadership skills.

I have learn t now of certain areas which help me to develop the knowledge

In the terms of human resource .

Walking along with targets and mind stress every day . A person who is able

To accomplish the targets with the mind stress is the one who achieve success

It thought me a lesson that whatever I have experienced till know is the

Beginning , and there is a lot’s coming in the near future .

I would like to conclude that my internship is worth in learning and I have learnt

Many things that can be learn through experience . thank you for making us

Dedicate our time in internship which helped me to gain valuable experience .


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