Computer Programming Using C' 3 Exam/Comp/It/Csc/0625/0362/Nov'17 Duration: 3Hrs. M.Marks.75 Section-A Q1. Do As Directed. 1.5X10 15
Computer Programming Using C' 3 Exam/Comp/It/Csc/0625/0362/Nov'17 Duration: 3Hrs. M.Marks.75 Section-A Q1. Do As Directed. 1.5X10 15
Computer Programming Using C' 3 Exam/Comp/It/Csc/0625/0362/Nov'17 Duration: 3Hrs. M.Marks.75 Section-A Q1. Do As Directed. 1.5X10 15
Q2. Attempt any five questions. 5x6=30
i. Explain various symbols used in Flowcharts.
ii. Difference between Call by value and Call by reference.
iii. Explain the role of break statement in switch case.
iv. Difference between Structure and Unions.
v. Discuss various Data Types are used in ‘c’.
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vi. Write a program to find factorial of a number.
vii. Write a short note on while loop statement.
viii. What is the role of pointer? Explain with example.
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Q3. Attempt any three questions. 3x10=30
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a. Write a program in ‘C’ to sort the elements of an array in descending order.
b. Explains various loops available in C with Example and syntax.
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c. Explain the various string manipulation functions in ‘C’.
d. What do you mean by operator? Explain various operator used in c language with example.
e. Explain various file operation function in C.
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