C (1st) May2019

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Roll No. Total No.

of Pages : 02
Total No. of Questions : 07

B.Sc. (IT) (2015 & Onward)/BCA (2013 & Onward) (Sem.–1)

Subject Code : BSIT/BSBC-102
M.Code : 10044
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60

1. SECTION-A is COMPULSORY consisting of TEN questions carrying T WO marks
2. SECTION-B contains SIX questions carrying T EN marks each and a student has
to attempt any FOUR questions.


Q1. Answer briefly :

o m
a. Discuss the need of flowchart.
.r c
b. What is debugging and why is it important?
p m
a o
.r c
c. Write data types available in C.

r p
d. Define user defined functions.

e. What are the benefits of arrays?

p e
p a
f. Distinguish between structure and union.

g. Discuss the use of nested structure. b r

h. Why we use storage classes in C?

i. What is Recursion?

j. What is meant by formatted output in C?

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Q2. Define expressions List various types of operators also give their precedence.

Q3. Write the general syntax and working of Switch and goto statement in C Language.

Q4. Write a C program to find the factorial of a given number using recursion.

Q5. What are strings? Explain the syntax to copy one string to another.

Q6. What is the use of pointers? Discuss concept of declaration and initialization of pointers.

Q7. What is file processing in C++? Write syntax for opening the file using file operations.

o m
.r c
p e m
a o
r p .r c
b p e
p a
b r

NOTE : Disclosure of identity by writing mobile number or making passing request on any
page of Answer sheet will lead to UMC case against the Student.

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