Risalyn A. Espanola
Risalyn A. Espanola
Risalyn A. Espanola
Accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject Research in Daily
Life 1.
Chairman, Interrogation Board
Date Signed
Approved by:
School Head
Date Signed
Theoretical Framework 3
Statement of the problem 5
Scope and Limitation 6
Significance of the Study 6
Definition of terms 8
Research Design 17
Respondents of the Study 17
Sampling Procedure 17
Data Gathering Procedure 18
References 21
like, and coping is to face and deal with responsibilities, problems, or difficulties
negotiating relationships with peers and family, and adapting to school transitions.
Most, students face different kind of stressors in terms of their studies. The
students are achieved with limited stress in order to cope up the difficulties that they
encounter kashden, Barrios, forsyth and steger suggest that students adopt self-protective
mechanism which are reflected in the types of coping strategies that they utilize. Where
the individual effectively applies such strategies so that they are able to resolve problem,
relieve emotional distress, and stay the tracks towards achieving their goals. “Brown
et.al:2005:792). So, coping stage is the problems that is difficult in your studies
Theoretical background
According to the Attribution theory, students need to feel in control over the
outcome of an academic task. Students who feel more in control over the outcome will
have more motivation to successfully complete that task (Lim, 2007). To feel in control,
students need to understand why a certain outcome happens. For example, as students
who never studies for a spelling test and fails each week might not understand the reason
for the poor performance. If the students understand that studying is important for on the
spelling test, the student will be more motivated to study and do will on the test.
controllable or uncontrollable. Internal reasons are something that students did. Someone
or something is controls external reasons. Stable causes are expected to occur again, and
unstable causes are changeable. Causes are something as student can change, but the
more on ability and other internal factors while females tend focus on effort and external
This study assesses the coping stage of grade 11 students in their core subjects of
1.What are the challenges you encountered as a grade 11 student towards the core
This study focuses on the coping stage of Grade 11 students in terms of their core
subjects. This research will be conducted at Bagtic Senior High School. The respondents
of this research are the Grade 11 students of Bagtic Senior High School of the school year
Teachers. They will have an update on how does the students cope their core
subject and what are their strategies, them to know how to help their students.
Students. Through this study the students will be able to watch their actions and
Parent. This will serve as an awareness for parents on how to help their students
Definition of Terms
For the clarity and convenience of the reader, the following terms are technically
Science, foreign languages, Civics and government, economics, Arts, History and
Coping Stage. Is to invest their own conscious effort, to solve personal and
decrease the amount of stress perceived and experienced, While the negative or
Maladaptive strategies diminish symptoms of stress with addressing the real problem.
prepare them for life outside of school. Unfortunately, there will be some subjects that
you will like and others that you dislike. Learning to cope with a school subject that you
dislike is an important part of progressing through school. You can do this by changing
your study habits and using motivational tools and incentives to change your approached
Contextualize the subjects. Sit down and ask yourself why you don’t enjoy this
particular subject when you’re able to identify and to contextualize what you don’t like
*Ask yourself why you’re having trouble with this subject or class. Is because you don’t
understand a particular concept? Do you dislike the instructor or your classmate? Are you
*If you dislike the instructor or your classmates, understand that classes do have time
limits. Even if you dislike the classes now, you may have a different instructor or
Speak to your instructor about your feelings. Be honest with your teacher and explain
you’ve never been very interested in the subject. Ask them if they can provide resources,
like newspaper articles, documentaries, website or YouTube videos, that can help you get
Your teacher may even be able to demonstrate how the subject applies to real –
world situations, which can help you see the value in the class.
Alleviated classroom boredom. If you are bored with the class, look for way to enhance
your understanding of the topic. You might, for example, ask the instructor for books or
materials that you can read and use outside of the classroom.
* If you are bored in class because you already understand the material, inquire with your
*Try studying with a friend who is interested in the subject and enjoys learning about the
Recognize the importance of the subject. School curriculums are designed to teach a
broad scope of subject but every subject you learn is important in some way. Ask a friend,
relative or even a teacher why they enjoy the subject. Their answer may help you to
change your perspective on the class. When we identify the importance of the subject, we
are more likely to devote time to learning the subject and its concepts that are important
For example, if you dislike English as subject, understanding that English classes are
Identify translatable skills. Translatable skills are concepts that one subject teaches that
Identifying translatable skills helps you to understand how the subject fits in the big
picture. While you may not need to know the noble glass outside of chemistry class,
studying chemistry will teach you in identifying reasons and to understand the
substances interact with each another. This is important when your cooking or mixing
cleaning products.
Translatable skills that you learn in one subject can help you to succeed in other
Look for the things that you do enjoy about the class or subject. By focusing on the
negative aspects of the subject, you can change your approach to learning and studying
the subject. And while great teachers can make even subjects you find dull more
interesting, even if you do not enjoy the teacher’s style, you can change you’re on
For example, if you are struggling with English, look for books and papers to read
and write reports on that are dedicated to the subjects that you do enjoy, like history
or arts.
learn the subject or certain key concepts. When we try to cope the disliking a subject,
we can ignore the fact that we still have to learn the subject.
An action plan is essentially a plan to ensure that you will pass the course and
complete the all of your work. While changing your feelings about the subject may
take time, you need to continue to follow the class syllabus and to complete your
assigned work.
Work with your instructor to create a schedule that you’ll follow to make any missed
Set a study schedule that uses incentives to positively reinforce your studying habits.
Follow this study schedule and ask the instructor for the outside sources to enhance
2. Incentivize learning the subject. Incentivizing the subject goes hand in hand with
identifying your motivators. When you incentivize doing your tasks that you dislike,
Economics argue that the higher incentives lead to more effort and higher
performance levels.
that come from within the students, are also motivating. An example of an intrinsic
incentives would be a positive feeling you can get when you receive a good grade on
3. Associate the subject with something you do like. If you struggling to incentives
yourself to study the subjects, try to draw a positive association with the subject that
A positive mood can help your brain to think more creatively and helps with your
When you consistently incentives yourself and motivate yourself to learn a subject
you dislike, you begin to associate studying the subject with positive things you do
like. For example, if you treat yourself to your disliked subject, eventually you may
associate studying with the happy feelings you get when you have your favorite
4. Hire a tutor if necessary. If you dislike the subject because you are struggling to
learn a concept, ask the instructor for the extra help or consider hiring a tutor.
If your school offers tutoring services or if there is a Teaching Assistant (TA) for the
A tutor can help to explain complicated concepts if you are having trouble grasping
Teaching Assistants are usually found in advanced college courses. They often hold
office hours where students are able to come by ask them questions about the course
material. Take advantage of this resource if it is available to you. Professors may also
1.Identify your learning style. Your learning style refers to the ways that you learn
things the best, and you can use your style to try different studying methods for the best
results. Once you’ve identified what you’re learning style is, you can experiment with it.
* There are a number of different learning styles, and people can have different subjects.
Work with an instructor or a school counselor to identify your learning style, if you do
* If you find that you are struggling to learn the subject the way the instructor teaches it,
you’re learning style may be different that the way the instructor teaches.
* It may be difficult to completely change your learning change your learning style to
adapt to the instructor’s style. However, you can work around this issue by using different
learning styles to approach a subject outside of the classroom. For example, if you are a
verbal learner, and you can learn best by listening to lectures, you can use the internet to
* If you are a social learner, and you can learn best in groups and working with others,
form a study group with other with social learners to study for a particular subject.
2. Find motivation. When you feel motivated to learn a subject or concept, you are more
likely to devote time to it. You should determine whether you are more motivated by
* If you’re more motivated by long-term successes, remember that your grade in this
course has an impact on your overall GPA. Your GPA will influence the higher education
programs you’re accepted to, internship opportunities, job opportunities, and your
rewards yourself. For example, if you spend one hour studying the subject you dislikes
* when you begin to feel frustrated with the subject, it is helpful to remind yourself that
your success in this course will have positive consequences later on.
3. Prioritize your schedule. When we dislike a subject, it can be tempting to ignore the
problem and to avoid working subject. Prioritize learning the subject that you dislike or
*Always complete your homework. Homework is a great way to test your knowledge on
*Participate in the class discussion and during lessons. Actively engaging with the subject
can help you confront you dislike and to understand what concepts you having trouble.
Research Methodology
This chapter presents the research design, the respondents of the study, the
sampling procedure, the data gathering Instrument, and the data gathering procedure.
Research Design
This study uses the Qualitative design since it holds mainly on the coping stage of
The respondents of this study are the Grade eleven (11) students of Bagtic Senior
High School, Bagtic, Mabinay, Negros Oriental, who are officially enrolled in the school
year 2018-2019.
Sampling Procedure
The researchers will use sampling procedure since this study tackles about the
First, the researchers will ask permission from the school head of Bagtic National
High School. The approved letter of the school head is attach to the individual letter that
will be send to every participant, thus imposing plausibility of the research conduct.
Second, the researchers will approach the Grade eleven adviser and shall be given
an approved letter from the school head. Nevertheless, this method will use to get
permission from the said adviser for the researchers to fully conduct a survey from the
said curriculum.
Brown, S. P., Westbrook, R. A. & Challagala, G. (2005) good cope, bad cope: Adaptive
and maladaptive coping strategies following a critical negative work event. Journal of
http://www. Science direct. Com/ topics/ medicine and dentistry/ coping strategies.
Lim, H. (2007). Effect of attribution of task values on foreign language use anxiety.
Journal of education and human development, 1(2), 1-20, Retrieved form http://www.
McClure, J., Meyer, L.H., Garisch, J., fischer, R., Weir, K. F., & Walkey, F. H. (2011).
Students attributions for their best and work marks:Do they relate to achievement?
Kim, k., Oh, I.-S., Chiaburu, D. S., & Brown, k. G. (2012). Does positive perception of
one self bosst learning motivation and performance? Internal journal of selection of
Appendix 1
September, 2018
Teacher-In-Charge (TIC)
Bagtic National High School
Bagtic, Mabinay, Negros Oriental
May we have the honor to ask permission from your good Office to allow us to administer to
conduct an interview to the Senior High School students for our research study entitled “Coping Stage of
grade 11 students in terms of their core Subjects”as our partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
subject Research in Daily Life 1.
It is our sincere and humble belief that this study will contribute pool of knowledge in the school
pursuit for quality and excellence.
Noted by:
Subject Teacher
Approved by:
School Head
Chapter 4
This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data collected in this study.
The gathering data will the “Coping stage of grade 11 students in terms of their core
subject”. In this study the researcher found that some students in grade 11 encountered
different challenges towards their core subjects that they offered in this curriculum.
However, the difficulties that they encountered are math, hard to understand some
English language, handwritten Output like making poem, stories, and etc.., making
projects, and also the reporting. So the ways of students so that she or he have a power or
strength to cope up that kind of difficulties or challenges that they encountered is they
must need to focus and study hard. And in this study some students say that there coping
strategies is praying to God, always be a positive thinker and never loosing hope, ask for
help, and strive hard. Therefore, in this studies the researcher know that the students
encountered different challenges in his or her life towards their core subjects that they
Chapter 5
Based on the result of the study, we conclude that the core subject that they
encounter as a students of grade 11 are the Math subject, English language, and making a
poem stories. Therefore, the solutions to cope up the difficulties that you encounter in the
different subjects is must study hard, ask the teachers, or our classmates.
Based on the conclusion of this study, the researchers recommend the following;
1. The school of Bagtic National High School, Bagtic Senior High School,
should be learn more about coping stage in terms of their core subject.
2. All students must be presence of mind when we took about the core subject.