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Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

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Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

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Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

VERICUT Converters

CAD Model Converter

CAD Model Converter window

In VERICUT: File menu > Convert > CAD Model

The CAD Model Converter converts (translates) CAD models in various formats to
Stereolithography (STL) or VERICUT Polygon model files. This converter is used to
import complex castings, clamps, fixtures, and other 3-D design models into VERICUT.
Converted data can also be used with AUTO-DIFF to verify the machined part is as
The following CAD model formats are currently supported:
CAD model data can be converted interactively in VERICUT (File menu > Convert >
CAD Model), via batch processing, or as a stand-alone utility outside of VERICUT by
running the CAD Model Converter "cad2v" command file located in the "commands"
directory of your VERICUT installation.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Input File — Name of the file containing the CAD data to convert (CATIA V4, CATIA
Output File — Name of the file to receive converted geometry.
Output File Type — Type of output file to create. Options are: VERICUT or STL.
Output File Format — Format of the output file. Options are: BINARY or ASCII.
Normal Direction — The direction in which surface normal vectors point, as viewed in
the CAD system. Feature only applicable to VERICUT output file types. Options:
Tolerance — Specifies the amount of chordal deviation allowed in 3-D space from the
CAD data when creating the converted surface. The converted surface is approximated
using "facets", or triangles.

Process — Processes (converts) the CAD data according to the current window settings.
Close — Closes the CAD Model Converter window.
Help — Displays this Help page. (You can also use the F1 key to display this Help page.)

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Converting CAD Model Data

Use the CAD Model Converter and the procedure below to convert CAD model data to
VERICUT or STL model files. Supported CAD model formats include: CATIA V4 R14,
CATIA V5 R14, STEP, and SAT.
NOTE: CAD model data can also be converted via batch processing.

To convert CAD model data to VERICUT or STL model files:

1. Access the CAD Model Converter window: in VERICUT select File menu >
Convert > CAD Model.
You can also run this converter outside of VERICUT via the "cad2v" command
file located in the CGTech "commands" directory, under the directory
representing your computer type.
2. Type the /path /filename in the text field, or use the Browse button and use the
file selection window that displays to select the Input File containing the CAD
model data to convert.
3. Type the /path /filename in the text field, or use the Browse button and use the
file selection window that displays to select the Output File to receive converted
4. Choose the Output File Type and Output Format Type in which to write the
converted geometry.
5. If the Output File Type = VERICUT, choose the Normal Direction in which
surface normal vectors point, as viewed in the CAD system.
6. Click Process.

Tip: When expecting to use CAD model data for models in VERICUT, ensure that
surface normals point uni-directionally outwards in the CAD model prior to outputting
the model data.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

IGES Converter

Introduction to the IGES Converter

The IGES Converter converts (translates) geometry conforming to the IGES (Initial
Graphics Exchange Specification) 5.0 specification to Stereolithography or VERICUT
Polygon model files. This converter lets you make the most of your existing CAD data by
enabling you to import complex castings, clamps, fixtures, and other 3-D design models
into VERICUT. IGES data can also be used with AUTO-DIFF to verify the machined
part is as expected. IGES data can be converted interactively in VERICUT, via batch
processing, or outside of VERICUT by running the "iges2v" command file.

IGES data and version support

CGTech's IGES Converter converts the IGES data types listed below. The IGES
Converter does not convert 2-D geometry data, however, this geometry is used to
determine boundaries and trimming curves. Only 3-D surfaces, solids, and their
supporting geometry is converted.

100: Circular arc

102: Composite curve
104: Conic arc (parabola, ellipse, hyperbola)
106: Copious data
108: Plane (bounded)
110: Line
112: Parametric spline curve
114: Parametric spline surface
116: Point
118: Ruled surface
120: Surface of revolution
122: Tabulated cylinder
124: Transformation Matrix
126: Rational B-spline curve
128: Rational B-spline surface
130: Offset curve

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

140: Offset surface

142: Curve on parametric surface
144: Trimmed parametric surface
150: Block
152: Right angular wedge
154: Right circular cylinder
156: Right circular cone frustum
158: Sphere
160: Torus
162: Solid of revolution
164: Solid of linear extrusion
168: Ellipsoid

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

IGES Converter window

In VERICUT: File menu > Convert > IGES

The IGES Converter converts (translates) IGES solid and surface geometry to
Stereolithography or VERICUT Polygon model files. This converter is used to import
complex castings, clamps, fixtures, and other 3-D design models into VERICUT. IGES
data can also be used with AUTO-DIFF to verify the machined part is as expected.
IGES data can be converted interactively in VERICUT, via batch processing, or as a
stand- alone utility outside of VERICUT by running the IGES Converter "iges2v"
command file located in the "commands" directory of your VERICUT installation.
1. When expecting to use IGES data for solid models in VERICUT, ensure that
surface normals point unidirectionally outwards in the CAD model prior to
outputting the IGES data.
2. The Stock Consistency Check option is recommended for use with converted
IGES models used to represent a stock workpiece.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Input File — Name of the file containing the IGES data to convert.
Output File — Name of the file to receive converted geometry.
Output File Type — Type of output file to create. Options are: VERICUT or STL.
Output File Format — Format of the output file. Options are: BINARY or ASCII.
Normal Direction — The direction in which surface normal vectors point, as viewed in
the CAD system. Feature only applicable to VERICUT output file types. Options:
Surface Input Mode — Controls which IGES surfaces to convert. Options:
ALL — Convert all surfaces. With this mode, base surfaces associated with trimmed
surfaces are only converted as trimmed surfaces; not in addition to trimmed surfaces.
BASE — Convert base surfaces only.
TRIMMED — Convert trimmed surfaces only.

Tolerance — Specifies the amount of chordal deviation allowed in 3-D space from the
IGES surface when creating the converted surface. The converted surface is
approximated using "facets", or triangles.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Process — Processes (converts) the IGES data according to the current window settings.
Converted geometry is written to the Output file. Error and informational messages from
the process are sent to the IGES Converter window message area, and to a log file named
"iges2v.log" created in the working directory.
Summary — Prints a summary of the Input file contents to the IGES Converter window
message area.
Clear — Clears the IGES Converter window message area.
Close — Closes the IGES Converter window.
Help — Displays this Help page. (You can also use the F1 key to display this Help page.)

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Converting IGES Data

Use the IGES Converter and the procedure below to interactively convert IGES data to
VERICUT or STL model files.
NOTE: IGES data can also be converted via batch processing.

To convert IGES data to VERICUT or STL model files:

1. Access the IGES Converter window: in VERICUT select File menu > Convert
You can also run this converter outside of VERICUT via the "iges2v" command
file located in the CGTech "commands" directory, under the directory
representing your computer type.
2. Type the /path /filename in the text field, or use the Browse button and use the
file selection window that displays to select the Input File containing the IGES
data to convert.
3. Type the /path /filename in the text field, or use the Browse button and use the
file selection window that displays to select the Output File to receive converted
4. Choose the Output File Type and Output Format Type in which to write the
converted geometry.
5. If the Output File Type = VERICUT, choose the Normal Direction in which
surface normal vectors point, as viewed in the CAD system. If unknown choose
6. Choose the desired Surface Input Mode (ALL—all surfaces, BASE—base
surfaces only, TRIMMED—trimmed surfaces only)
7. Enter the Tolerance allowed from the IGES surface for surface approximation.
8. Click Process.
Error and informational messages from the process are sent to the IGES Converter
window message area, and to a log file named "iges2v.log" created in the working
1. The IGES Converter does not convert 2-D geometry data, since this data is
useless in VERICUT. Only 3-D surfaces and solids, and their supporting
geometry is converted.
2. When expecting to use IGES data as solid models in VERICUT, ensure that
surface normals point uni-directionally outwards in the CAD model prior to
outputting the IGES data.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

PolyFix Converter

Introduction to the PolyFix Converter

The PolyFix Converter ensures the surface normals of Stereolithography (STL) and
VERICUT Polygon Model files point uniformly outward from the model surface. Model
files with inconsistent normals often appear okay in VERICUT - until the solid model
database is established, such as occurs when cutting is started or the model analyzed. It is
a one time effort to repair an inconsistent polygon model file. After repair, the model data
will be processed much faster and more reliably. Model files can be repaired interactively
in VERICUT, via batch processing, or outside of VERICUT by running the "polyfix"
command file.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

PolyFix Converter window

In VERICUT: File menu > Convert > PolyFix

The PolyFix Converter ensures the surface normals of Stereolithography (STL) and
VERICUT Polygon Model files point uniformly outward from the model surface. Model
files with inconsistent normals often appear OK in VERICUT until the solid model
database is established, such as occurs when cutting is started or the model analyzed. It is
a one time effort to repair an inconsistent polygon model file. After repair, the model data
will be processed much faster and more reliably. Model files can be repaired interactively
in VERICUT, via batch processing, or as a stand-alone utility outside of VERICUT by
running the "polyfix" command file located in the "commands" director of your
VERICUT installation.

Input File — Name of the file containing the surface normals to repair.
Output File — Name of the file to receive repaired geometry data. When a model file
containing multiple solids is processed, multiple output files are created-one per solid.
Each file output has the base file name specified by the Output File field, with a unique
number appended to it incremented by 1.
Input File Type — Type of input file to read. Options are: VERICUT or STL.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Output File Type — Same as Input File Type, except is applicable to the output file.
Output File Format — Format of the output file. Options are: BINARY or ASCII.
Process — Processes (repairs) the model file data according to the current window
settings. Repaired geometry is written to the Output File. Error and informational
messages from the process are sent to the PolyFix Converter window message area, and
to a log file named "polyfix.log" created in the working directory.
Clear — Clears the PolyFix Converter window message area.
Close — Closes the PolyFix Converter window.
Help — Displays this Help page. (You can also use the F1 key to display this Help page.)

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Repairing STL or VERICUT Model File Normals

Use the PolyFix Converter and the procedure below to repair surface normals of STL
and VERICUT model files. PolyFix repairs the normals to ensure they point uniformly
outward from the model surface.
NOTE: Normals can also be repaired via batch processing.

To repair STL/VERICUT model file normals:

1. Access the PolyFix Converter window: in VERICUT select File menu >
Convert > PolyFix.
You can also run this converter outside of VERICUT via the "polyfix" command
file located in the CGTech "commands" directory, under the directory
representing your computer type.
2. Type the /path /filename in the text field, or use the Browse button and use the
file selection window that displays to select the Input File containing the normals
to repair.
3. Type the /path /filename in the text field, or use the Browse button and use the
file selection window that displays to select the Output File to receive converted
4. Choose the Input File Type appropriate for the model being repaired.
5. Choose the Output File Type and Output Format Type in which to write the
repaired geometry.
6. Click Process.
Error and informational messages from the process are sent to the PolyFix window
message area, and to a log file named "polyfix.log" created in the working directory.
1. PolyFix-corrected model files can be used in VERICUT as solid stock, fixture,
design, or NC machine shapes. It is a one time effort to repair an inconsistent
model file.
2. After repair, use the "Outward" normals option when referring to the repaired
model file in VERICUT.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Surface to Solid Converter

Introduction to the Surface to Solid Converter

The Surface to Solid Converter creates solid models from open surface STL and
VERICUT Polygon Model files. Parent surface(s) can be offset, and then projected to a
plane to create a solid model. This converter is particularly useful to create
casting/forging stock models from design surface data. The Surface to Solid Converter
has the ability to output data as VERICUT or STL model files, in ASCII or binary file
format. Solid model files can be created from surfaces interactively in VERICUT, via
batch processing, or outside of VERICUT by running the "sur2stk" command file.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Surface to Solid Converter window

In VERICUT: File menu > Convert > Surface To Solid

The Surface to Solid Converter creates solid models from open surface STL and
VERICUT Polygon Model files. Parent surface(s) can be offset, and then projected to a
plane to create a solid model. This converter is particularly useful to create
casting/forging stock models from design surface data. The Surface to Solid Converter
has the ability to output data as VERICUT or STL model files, in ASCII or binary file
format. Solid model files can be created from surfaces interactively in VERICUT, via
batch processing, or as a stand-alone utility outside of VERICUT by running the
"sur2stk" command file located in the "commands" directory of your VERICUT

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Input File — Name of the file containing the surface data to create a solid from.
Output File — Name of the file to receive converted geometry.
Input File Type — Type of input file to read. Options are: VERICUT or STL.
Output File Type — Same as Input File Type, except applicable to the output file.
Output File Format — Format of the output file. Options are: BINARY or ASCII.
Tolerance — Specifies the tolerance used when offsetting and projecting the surface(s)
to create a solid model.
Offset — Distance and direction in which to offset the design surface, as applied in the Z
direction. For example: ".100" applies an offset of .100 to the surface in the Z+ direction.
A value like "-.100" applies the offset in the Z- direction, effectively "shrinking" the
Base Location — Specifies the Z value of the plane to become the base of the solid
model. The surface is projected along the Z-axis to this plane.
Project Rectangle — When active, expands surface edges to create a rectangular base.
The size of the rectangular base is determined by the X-Y bounding region of the surface

Transformation Matrix — Transforms the solid model. Use this feature is used when
Offset and Base Location values were entered with respect to a tool path coordinate
system instead of the model coordinate system. Matrix values correspond to MSYS
record values that appear in a UG CLS file: dx,dy,dz,Ivx,Jvx,Kvx,Ivy,Jvy,Kvy where
"dx,dy,dz" specify the distance to the local coordinate system origin, and "Ivx,Jvx,Kvx,
Ivy,Jvy,Kvy" specify the orientation of the local coordinate system X and Y axis vectors
with respect to the surface model coordinate system.
Process — Processes (converts) the surface data according to the current window
settings. Converted geometry is written to the Output File. Error and informational
messages from the process are sent to the Surface to Solid Converter window message
Clear — Clears the Surface to Solid Converter window message area.
Close — Closes the Surface to Solid Converter window.
Help — Displays this Help page. (You can also use the F1 key to display this Help page.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Converting Surface Data to Solid Models

Use the Surface to Solid Converter and the procedure below to create solid models from
open surface VERICUT or STL model files. This converter is particularly useful to create
casting/forging stock models from design surface data.
NOTE: Surface data can also be converted to solid models via batch processing.

To convert surface data to a solid model file:

1. Access the Surface to Solid Converter window: in VERICUT select File menu
> Convert > Surface to Solid.
You can also run this converter outside of VERICUT via the "sur2stk" command
file located in the CGTech "commands" directory, under the directory
representing your computer type.
2. Type the /path /filename in the text field, or use the Browse button and use the
file selection window that displays to select the Input File containing the IGES
data to convert.
3. Type the /path /filename in the text field, or use the Browse button and use the
file selection window that displays to select the Output File to receive converted
4. Choose the Input File Type appropriate for the surface model being converted to
a solid.
5. Choose the Output File Type and Output Format Type in which to write the
solid model geometry.
6. Enter the Tolerance for offsetting and projecting the surface to create the solid.
7. Enter any Offset amount to apply to the surface, for example to add stock for
machining on the converted solid model.
8. Enter the Base Location - Z value of the plane to project the surface to.
9. To expand the surface edges to create a rectangular base, click Project
10. To transform the solid model, enter 9 values separated by spaces in the
Transformation Matrix field. Format: dx,dy,dz,Ivx,Jvx,Kvx,Ivy,Jvy,Kvy where
"dx,dy,dz" specify the distance to the local coordinate system origin, and
"Ivx,Jvx,Kvx, Ivy,Jvy,Kvy" specify the orientation of the local coordinate system
X and Y axis vectors with respect to the surface model coordinate system.
Tip: Matrix values correspond to MSYS record values that appear in a UG CLS
11. Click Process.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Error and informational messages from the process are sent to the Surface to Solid
Converter window message area.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

VDASF Converter

Introduction to the VDASF Converter

The VDASF Converter converts (translates) geometry conforming to the VDA (Verband
der Automobilindustrie Surface Interface) 2.0 specification to Stereolithography or
VERICUT Polygon model files. This converter lets you make the most of your existing
CAD data by enabling you to import complex castings, clamps, fixtures, and other design
models into VERICUT, as well as generate design point data for use by the AUTO-DIFF
function in VERICUT. VDA data can be converted interactively in VERICUT, via batch
processing, or outside of VERICUT by running the "vda" command file.

VDA data and version support

CGTech's VDASF Converter can convert the VDA data elements listed below. The
elements that are actually converted depend on the type of output file being generated by
the converter.
PSET (point set)
MDI (set of point/vectors)
SURF (base surface)
FACE (trimmed surface)

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

VDASF Converter window

In VERICUT: File menu > Convert > VDASF

The VDASF Converter converts (translates) VDA geometry to Stereolithography or

VERICUT Polygon model files. This converter is used to import complex castings,
clamps, fixtures, and other design models into VERICUT, as well as generate design
point data for use by the AUTO-DIFF function in VERICUT. VDA data can be
converted interactively in VERICUT, via batch processing, or as a stand-alone utility
outside of VERICUT by running the "vda" command file located in the "commands"
directory of your VERICUT installation.
Tip: When expecting to use VDA data for solid models in VERICUT, ensure that
surface normals all point outwards in the CAD model prior to outputting the VDA data.

Input File — Name of the file containing the VDA data to convert.
Output File — Name of the file to receive converted geometry.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Output File Type — Type of output file to create. Options are: VERICUT, STL or
POINT (Design Points file). The VDA data elements that are converted depend on the
type of file being generated.
Output File Format — Format of the output file. Options are: BINARY or ASCII.
Option not applicable to Point output file types.
Normal Direction — The direction in which surface normal vectors point, as viewed in
the CAD system. Feature only applicable to VERICUT output file types. Options:
Tolerance — Specifies the amount of chordal deviation allowed in 3-D space from the
VDA surface when creating the converted surface. The converted surface is
approximated using "facets", or triangles. This option not applicable to POINT Output
File Type.
Process — Processes (converts) the VDA data according to the current window settings.
Converted geometry is written to the Output File. Error and informational messages
from the process are sent to the VDA Converter window message area, and to a log file
named "vda.log" created in the working directory.
Clear — Clears the VDA Converter window message area.
Close — Closes the Surface to Solid Converter window.
Help — Displays this Help page. (You can also use the F1 key to display this Help page.)

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Converting VDA Data

Use the VDA Converter and the procedure below to convert VDA data to VERICUT or
STL model files, or Design Points files for use by the AUTO-DIFF function.
NOTE: VDA data can also be converted via batch processing.

To convert VDA data to VERICUT or STL model files, or Design Points files:
1. Access the VDA Converter window: in VERICUT select File menu > Convert
You can also run this converter outside of VERICUT via the "vda" command file
located in the CGTech "commands" directory, under the directory representing
your computer type.
2. Type the /path /filename in the text field, or use the Browse button and use the
file selection window that displays to select the Input File containing the VDA
data to convert.
3. Type the /path /filename in the text field, or use the Browse button and use the
file selection window that displays to select the Output File to receive converted
4. Choose the Output File Type and Output Format Type in which to write the
converted geometry.
5. If the Output File Type= VERICUT, choose the Normal Direction in which
surface normal vectors point, as viewed in the CAD system. If unknown choose
6. Enter the Tolerance allowed from the VDA surface for surface approximation.
7. Click Process.
Error and informational messages from the process are sent to the VDA Converter
window message area, and to a log file named "vda.log" created in the working directory.
Tip: When expecting to use VDA data for solid models in VERICUT, ensure that
surface normals point unidirectionally outwards in the CAD model prior to outputting the
VDA data.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Binary CL Converter

Binary to ASCII CL Converter window

In VERICUT: File menu > Convert > Binary CL

The Binary CL Converter converts binary APT CL data into ASCII low level APT tool
path files. Binary CL data is the pre-processed NC data typically sent to a post-processor.
Binary CL data files can be converted interactively in VERICUT, via batch processing,
or as a stand-alone utility outside of VERICUT by running the "bincl2v" command file
located in the "commands" directory of your VERICUT installation.

Input File — Name of the file containing the binary CL data to convert.
Output File — Name of the file to receive converted APT tool path records.
APT Table File — Name of the APT Table file containing information for converting
binary APT data into ASCII APT tool path records.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Input File Type — Type of binary input file to read.

Options are:
IBM Mainframe APT (APT/360, APT/370, APT/AC, or MDCAPT)
Workstation IBM APT
Workstation CATIA APT
Minimum Cutter Height — Default height used when cutter height is not defined in the
binary APT data.
Output Circles — When active, outputs CIRCLE records for circular motion. Clearing
this check box causes chordal GOTO points to be output representing each circle.
Process — Processes (converts) the binary CL data according to the current window
settings. Converted tool path records are written to the Output File. Error and
informational messages from the process are sent to the Binary CL Converter window
message area.
Clear — Clears the Binary CL Converter window message area.
Close — Closes the Surface to Solid Converter window.
Help — Displays this Help page. (You can also use the F1 key to display this Help page.)

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Converting Binary APT Data

Use the Binary CL Converter and the procedure below to convert binary APT CL data
into ASCII low level APT tool path files.
NOTE: Binary APT data can also be converted via batch processing.

To convert binary CL data to ASCII APT tool path files:

1. Access the Binary CL Converter window: in VERICUT select File menu >
Convert > Binary CL.
You can also run this converter outside of VERICUT via the "bincl2v" command
file located in the CGTech "commands" directory, under the directory
representing your computer type.
2. Type the /path /filename in the text field, or use the Browse button and use the
file selection window that displays to select the Input File containing the binary
CL data to convert.
3. Type the /path /filename in the text field, or use the Browse button and use the
file selection window that displays to select the Output File to receive converted
APT tool path records.
4. If required, Type the /path /filename in the text field, or use the Browse button
and use the file selection window that displays to select the APT Table File
containing the desired blocking factor and binary data to APT word table.
5. Choose the Input File Type that best describes the source of the binary CL data.
6. If cutter height is not specified in the binary CL data, enter a Minimum Cutter
Height value.
7. By default, circular motions will be output as CIRCLE records. To output GOTOs
instead of CIRCLEs, clear the Output Circles checkbox.
8. Click Process.
Error and informational messages from the process are sent to the Binary CL Converter
window message area. The APT CL-record number (not ISN) is placed in columns 73
through 80 on each output record of the tool path. This number can be useful when using
the History function to identify tool path records responsible for errors and other machine
cuts. (Ref. Analysis menu > X-Caliper in the VERICUT Help section, in the CGTech
Help Library)
1. If the output APT tool path file contains incorrect, little, or no APT record data,
verify that the blocking factor is correct for the binary data. Typical blocking
factors are: 512, 3228, 4628, 15476.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

2. If the output APT tool path file has major or minor words other than expected, try
editing the APT Table file to change the "Word" output for a specific APT

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

CAD/CAM Interfaces


Introduction to the CATIA-to-VERICUT Interface


The CATIA-to-VERICUT Interface, or "CATV", is a licensed software program that

provides a fully integrated CATIA-to-VERICUT interface. Using CATV, you can run
VERICUT directly from CATIA. The VERICUT process runs independently, so you can
work in CATIA while verifying a tool path. CATV transfers CATIA geometry to
VERICUT for stock, fixture, and design models. It converts CATIA line and arc elements
(2D tool profiles) into VERICUT cutter and holder tool definitions. Based on CATIA
coordinate systems, CATV automatically calculates translations and rotations. CATV
exports STL data so there is no need for expensive STL converters. Unlike converters
which only output STL from solids, CATV outputs faces, skins, surfaces, and volumes.

VERICUT has the ability to display and analyze geometric models as well as simulate
cutter motion and the material removal of an NC tool path. It also verifies the quality and
correctness of the tool path. Programming errors or inefficient motion are visually
detected during the simulation process, which aids the NC programmer in correcting the
tool path. Measurement tools are used at any time during the simulation process to verify
or compute the volume, distances and locations, as well as to compare various stages of
the "cut" part with other stages or with the "design" part.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Flow of information through CATV:

Starting CATIA with CATV

CATIA with CATV can be started using the "catv" command file, for example in an
operating system window type "catv". If the command is not found, include the full path,
for example: "/usr/cgtech5x/computertype/commands/catv" where "/usr/cgtech5x" is
where CGTech products are installed and "computertype" is a computer type capable of
running CATIA and CATV.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

The "catv" command file contains the UNIX export commands required to allow
VERICUT to be operated from CATIA. Site specific CATIA execution environments
should be modified to incorporate CATV by adding these commands to the CATIA
execution environment. When CATIA is executed via a command other than the "catv"
command file created during installation, then CATV may not be available during that
CATIA session.
After executing CATIA with CATV, select COLD ST and the CATIA main menu
appears with the "CATV" function included in the function list (right column). Use the
left mouse button to select CATV from the function list and the CATV menus are

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Installing the CATIA-to-VERICUT Interface (CATV)

This section documents supported versions of CATIA, and the procedure for installing

CATIA version support

CATV can be operated on the UNIX computers with the CATIA systems listed below.

Hardware Supported CATIA versions:


HP CATIA 4.1.4-4.1.5 (no patches required)

CATIA 4.1.6 or higher with "Best Available" PTF or latest "Refresh"

IBM CATIA 4.1.2 with PTF UB14570, UB14571

CATIA 4.1.3 with PTF UB14543 or UB16141
CATIA 4.1.4-4.1.5 (no patches required)
CATIA 4.1.6 or higher with "Best Available" PTF or latest "Refresh"

SGI CATIA 4.1.8 or higher with latest "Refresh" package

Solaris CATIA 4.1.8 or higher with latest "Refresh" package

CATIA load modules

The following programs or load modules are required to support the CATV product
within CATIA, and are listed in the suggested order of installation:
Exact Solids (CATIA 4.1.2 only)

CATV installation
Follow the general procedure below to install CATV. System-related steps may require
"root" permissions to accomplish-see your system administrator for assistance.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

1. Assuming CATIA has already been installed, install VERICUT (includes the
CATV software) per the VERICUT installation instructions.
IMPORTANT! CATIA requires that the directory path to CGTech
product licensing be a maximum of 24 characters. Choose an
installation directory for CGTech products that does not violate this
requirement or CATV may not operate correctly. For example,
installing VERICUT on an RS computer in the "/usr/cgtech" directory
provides a 22 character path: "/usr/cgtech/rs/license".
2. Edit the "CATIA.dcls" Declarations file (located in the "catv/dec" directory) to
declare directories CATV can write files to.
CATV must be able to write files during export and transfer operations. By
default, the user's home and present working directories are declared for CATV
access. Edit the "Output files for CATV" section in the CATIA.dcls file to add
any additional directories you want CATV to be able access.
Example edited "Output files for CATV" section in a CATIA.dcls file (added
directory "/users/user2/CATIA"):
/* Output files for CATV */
alias VCN00001 = catia.VCNFILES = ‘$PWD’;
alias VCN00002 = catia.VCNFILES = ‘$HOME’;
alias VCN00003 = catia.VCNFILES = `/users/user2/CATIA'; <== added
this entry
3. Incorporate CATV into your normal CATIA environment. One way to do this is
to append the Declarations file ".../catv/dcls/CATIA.dcls" to the "USRENV.dcls"
file in each user's local directory.
4. Start CATIA with CATV.
After completing the previous step and assuming VERICUT is licensed and
operational, you should be able to start CATIA with CATV via your usual means.
If CATIA does not start, DO NOT CONTINUE-see your CATIA system
adminstrator for assistance.
5. In CATIA, add the "CATV" function to the CATIA keyboard, for example:
a. From the CATIA FILE menu, select the KEYBOARD function.
b. Choose CATV from the list of available functions.
c. Choose a location on the CATIA keyboard where the CATV function is to

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Once configured in this manner, CATV should remain accessible for subsequent CATIA

Translating CATV text

The "VCNCATIN.dcls" Declarations file (located in the "catv/dec" directory) contains
declarations for text appearing in CATIA resulting from CATV usage. This file provides
the National Language Support ("NLS") capability for CATV. By default, the
VCNCATIN.dcls file provides English language text. However, the file can be edited
similar to editing CATIA NLS files to change the CATV user interface character set.

Configuring CATV to start VERICUT with a custom User file

By default, CATV initializes VERICUT with the "init.usr" (inch CATIA sessions) or
"initm.usr" (mm CATIA sessions) Library file, prior to adding CATIA data transferred
by the interface: models, tool path(s), etc. You can change the User file CATV starts
VERICUT with by setting the CGTECH_VCUSR environment variable in the "catv"
command file prior to the entry that executes CATIA. The command files are located in
the "computertype/commands" where "computertype" represents the computer type on
which CATV is to be run (e.g. "rs/commands")
Example edited "catv" command file (added CGTECH_VCUSR entry):
elif [ "`uname`" = "AIX" ] ; then
export LIBPATH
export STEPLIB
CGTECH_VCUSR=/usr/myfiles/myuserfile.usr; export CGTECH_VCUSR <==
added this entry
catini -XM
<end of file>

Configuring CATV to transfer non-CATIA binary tool paths

CATV has a built in Binary APT Converter. By default the converter processes CATIA
binary tool paths via the CAT CLF function in the TOOLPATH menu. Environment
variables in the "catv" command file control the type of binary tool path file that can be
processed, and other aspects of binary tool path conversion. The command files are

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

located in the "computertype/commands" where "computertype" represents the computer

type on which CATV is to be run (e.g. "rs/commands").
The environment variables listed below provide control over transferring binary tool
paths with CATV.
BINCL2V_CLTYPE={1 | 2 | 3 | 4} — Sets the binary tool path file type for interpreting
binary CL-file data, where “n” specifies the following tool path file types:
1= IBM Mainframe APT
2= Workstation IBM APT
3= Workstation CATIA APT (default)
When the default binary tool path type is specified (BINCL2V_CLTYPE=3), the
remaining binary conversion environment variables are ignored. When
BINCL2V_CLTYPE=1, 2 or 4, the variables below are applied.

BINCL2V_TABLE=<tablefile> — Specifies the APT Table file used to interpret the

binary CL data. The full directory path can be included with the file name. (Default:
BINCL2V_TABLE=$CGTECH_PRODUCTS/bincl2v/aptwords.tbl where the
CGTECH_PRODUCTS environment variable has been previously set to specify where
CGTech products have been installed)

BINCL2V_CIRCLES={YES | NO} — Controls if circular motions are to be represented

by CIRCLE records or chordal GOTO records. YES (default) uses CIRCLE records. No
uses chordal GOTO records.

BINCL2V_HEIGHT=<minimumcutterheight> — Specifies a minimum cutter height

to be used for cutter descriptions having height less than this value. (Default=0)

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Using the CATIA-to-VERICUT Interface (CATV)

Overview of using CATV

The following overview describes how CATV is used with VERICUT to simulate the
cutting action of CATIA-generated tool paths.
1. Prepare CATIA model/tool path data — In CATIA, create the necessary model
geometry and tool paths to simulate in VERICUT.
2. Select CATIA geometry to use in VERICUT — Use GEOMETRY menu
functions to select the CATIA geometry to use in VERICUT as stock, fixture, and
design models. Solids, volumes, faces, skins, and surfaces are selectable for these
models. You can also select 2-D lines and arcs that represent cutting tool profiles,
including non-cutting shanks and holders so VERICUT can check for
3. Select a tool path to simulate — Use TOOLPATH menu functions to select one
or more CATIA binary CL-files or ASCII APT source tool path files for
VERICUT to simulate.
4. Process (export) the CATIA data and run VERICUT — Use PROCESS menu
functions to process (export) selected CATIA data. After processing the CATIA
data, use functions in this menu to run VERICUT interactively or in batch mode.

When VERICUT is run interactively, all that's left to do is press Play to End ( ) to
start the simulation.
When VERICUT is run from CATIA, the view orientation is the same as it was in
CATIA. Both application windows are available for you to work in at the same time.
For information on errors encountered while operating CATV/VERICUT,
consult ERRORS and Problem Solving for problem descriptions and possible solutions.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Selecting stock, fixture, or design models to transfer

Part geometry can be selected in any order, for example: stock-fixture-design, fixture-
stock-design, etc. CATIA highlights selected geometry. Selections for each of the part
geometry options can be reviewed by re-selecting the corresponding PART option.
Geometry is unselected by selecting it again. Unselected entities return to their original
color in CATIA.
NOTE: It is not recommended to use the CATIA "MULTI-SELECT" feature because
hidden (invisible) geometry may also be selected.

To select CATIA geometry to represent the stock, fixture, or design models:

1. Click GEOMETRY menu > PART.
2. Click STOCK, then select 3-D geometry (solids, volumes, surfaces, faces, skins,
or entity labels corresponding to any of these geometry types) to represent the
stock workpiece. Selected geometry must be a solid, or composed of watertight
3. (Optional) Click FIXTURE, and then select 3-D geometry to represent the
fixture. (Same rules as for STOCK.)
4. (Optional) Click DESIGN, and then select the design model geometry. (Same
rules as for STOCK, except Design Surface models do not have to be solids or
After selecting tool geometry, use the CATV TRANSFER function to export the
selected CATIA geometry.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Selecting cutter, shank, or holder profiles to transfer

Selection of tool geometry begins by choosing a line to represent the tool AXIS
(centerline), followed by selecting the profiles of up to three components in a tool
assembly: CUTTER, SHANK, and HOLDER.

To select CATIA geometry to represent a tool assembly (cutter, shank, holder):

1. Verify the current axis system contains the tool geometry to select.
2. Click GEOMETRY menu > TOOL.
3. Click AXIS, and then select a line to represent the tool axis. When selecting
geometry in the XY plane, the axis line must be parallel to the Y-axis. When tool
geometry is in the ZX or YZ planes, the axis line must be parallel to the Z-axis.
NOTE: The AXIS must be selected before CUTTER, SHANK or HOLDER geometry.
4. Click CUTTER, and then select 2-D geometry (lines and circles only) to
represent the cutting portion of the tool.
The figure below illustrates correct and incorrect examples of selecting tool
profile geometry.

5. (Optional) Click SHANK, and then select the shank profile geometry (lines and
6. (Optional) Click HOLDER, and then select the tool holder profile geometry
(lines and circles).
After selecting tool geometry, use the CATV TRANSFER function to export the
selected CATIA geometry.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Importing VERICUT cut model data into CATIA

VERICUT FastMill or turned part models can easily be imported into CATIA. Prior to
importing, the VERICUT model must first be exported from VERICUT via the File
menu > Export Model function. The imported VERICUT model can be a CATIA exact
solid, or net surface.

To import a VERICUT FastMill model:

1. Ensure the VERICUT FastMill cut model has been exported from VERICUT, for
example: File menu > Export Model: File Type=IGES.
2. Click GEOMETRY menu > PART.
3. Click IMPORT.
4. Enter the file name of the VERICUT FastMill model to import.
5. Choose the appropriate Creation Type (Surface- NET surface, Solid- exact
solid), then Apply.

To import a turned model:

1. Ensure the turned model has been exported from VERICUT Machine Simulation,
for example: File menu > Export Model: File Type=IGES, Process=Turned.
2. Click GEOMETRY menu > PART.
3. Click IMPORT.
4. Enter the file name of the Machine Simulation turned model to import.
5. Choose Creation Type=Solid, then Apply.

Tip: If "Vector length too small" is reported during an import operation, try reducing the
CATIA "Intersection Projection" geometric standard value (e.g. .001 -> .0000001), then

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Select tool paths to transfer

You can select one or more CATIA-generated APT source or binary CL-file tool paths to
transfer to VERICUT for simulation. Multiple tool paths are concatenated during transfer
in the order of selection into one tool path file.

To select CATIA tool paths for VERICUT to simulate:

1. Ensure tool paths to be transferred have been exported via the CATUTIL
"CATNC" utility.
2. Click TOOLPATH menu > APT CLF or CAT CLF, depending on which tool
path type you want to simulate: APT source ("*.aptsource") or CATIA binary
APT ("*.clfile"), respectively.
3. In the TOOL PATH window, select directory where the desired tool path resides.
4. As installed with no alterations, CATV only shows the present working and home
directories. To add directories to this list, edit the CATIA.dcls file as described
under "Installing the CATIA-to-VERICUT Interface (CATV)".
5. In the TOOL PATH FILES window, select the tool path(s) to simulate.

After selecting tool geometry, use the CATV TRANSFER function to export the
selected CATIA geometry.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Transferring selected CATIA data to VERICUT


Follow the procedure below to transfer selected CATIA data to VERICUT. The terms
"transfer" and "export" are synonymous since the transfer process exports selected
CATIA data to VERICUT files. Output files are stored in the directory specified by the
OUTPATH function, therefore, set the outpath before transferring CATIA data to

To transfer selected CATIA data to VERICUT:

1. Use GEOMETRY menu and TOOLPATH menu functions to select CATIA
geometry and tool path(s) to transfer.
2. Select PROCESS menu > TRANSFER.
3. Enter the project FILE NAME, press <Enter>.

Part geometry:
4. Set the MAXIMUM SAG deviation tolerance to triangulate part geometry, press
5. Choose the desired FILE TYPE for part geometry model files.
6. Choose FILE FORMAT for part geometry model files - BINARY is
recommended for fastest processing, and smallest file sizes.
describes the CATIA defined surface normal vector directions for the models.
8. Choose the AXES SYSTEM in which to transfer geometry - REFERENCE is
recommended for VERICUT to automatically align transferred CATIA tool paths
to models.
All transfer processes:
9. Choose a TRANSFER option that specifies the desired data to transfer.
10. Verify the VERICUT OUTPATH directory where files will be stored is correct.
To change, use the PROCESS menu > OUTPATH function.
11. Verify that the CLFILE INPUT PATH and TOOLPATH FILE shown in
window below the TRANSFER window are correct. To change, use functions in
the TOOLPATH menu.
12. Select "YES" to approve, and begin the transfer process.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

CATIA notifies you when the transfer process is finished with a message similar to
"TRANSFER COMPLETE". After transferring CATIA data, use the VERICUT or
BATCH functions to run VERICUT interactively or in batch mode.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Setting the outpath for CATV-generated files

During a transfer operation, files are generated by CATV containing the selected CATIA
part, tool, and/or tool path data. You can set the "outpath" to any directory that has been
declared to receive files output from CATV. (See how to declare a directory) You must
have appropriate permissions to write files in the directory designated as the outpath, or
CATV will not be able to process selected CATIA data.

To set the outpath for CATV-generated files:

1. Select PROCESS menu > OUTPATH.
2. In the VERICUT DIRECTORIES window, select the directory to receive files
output by CATV.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Running VERICUT from CATIA

You can run VERICUT from CATIA interactively, or in batch mode. VERICUT
automatically finds previously transferred data to provide immediate verification of
CATIA - generated geometry and tool path data. While VERICUT is running, the
CATIA window is stall accessible.
Run interactively — to open the VERICUT window for access to all VERICUT
functions and capabilities.
Run in batch mode — to run VERICUT unattended in the background. When the
simulation is finished, the VERICUT window “pops open” to show you the results.
The following procedures assume CATIA geometry and tool paths have already been
transferred for access by VERICUT.

To run VERICUT interactively:

1. Click PROCESS menu > VERICUT.

2. The VERICUT window opens. Press Play to End ( ) to start the simulation.

To run VERICUT in batch:

1. Click PROCESS menu > BATCH.

The VERICUT window does not open immediately. When the simulation is finished, the
VERICUT window "pops open" to show you the results.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

CATV Menus and Functions


Functions in this menu indicate how VERICUT uses CATIA geometry selected for
transfer, or imports VERICUT simulated cut part geometry into CATIA.
Menu functions:

Location: GEOMETRY menu > PART
This function controls how selected CATIA geometry will be used in VERICUT as stock,
fixture, or design models, or to import VERICUT simulated cut part geometry into

Selectable PART geometry includes: solids, volumes, surfaces, faces, skins, or entity
labels corresponding to any of these geometry types.
STOCK — Click this option to select geometry to represent the raw stock workpiece
to be machined.
FIXTURE — Click this option to select geometry to represent the fixture used to
hold the stock for machining.
DESIGN — Click this option to select geometry to represent the design model, or
theoretical finished part. Design models are used by VERICUT's AUTO-DIFF
function to detect gouges and excess material conditions. Geometry for use as a
"Design Surface" model does not have to be solid or watertight.
IMPORT — Click this option to import VERICUT cut part geometry into CATIA.
The VERICUT cut model must have been exported from VERICUT via the File
menu > Export Model function prior to importing into CATIA. Also, ensure CATIA
has adequate Table Space to receive imported model data, otherwise an error similar
to "TABLES FULL" may be issued by CATIA.

About selecting part geometry

In general, click the desired option then select corresponding CATIA geometry. Select
part geometry in any order, for example: stock-fixture-design, fixture-stock-design, etc.
CATIA highlights selected geometry. Selections for each of the part geometry options
can be reviewed by re-selecting the corresponding PART option. Geometry is unselected
by selecting it again. Unselected entities return to their original color in CATIA.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

1. It is not recommended to use the CATIA "MULTI-SELECT" feature because
hidden (invisible) geometry may also be selected.
2. Exact solids (SOLIDE, or "*SOLE") transfer much more reliably than Mockup
solids (SOLIDM, or "*SOLM"). Try converting a Mockup solid to an Exact solid
before transferring to VERICUT.
3. Non-solid models composed of surfaces, faces and skins must form a watertight
skin to be useful as solid models in VERICUT. If gaps or overlaps exist in
CATIA geometry, the resulting solid may have holes, or portions (possible all) of
the model may fail.

Location: GEOMETRY menu > TOOL
This function controls how selected CATIA geometry will be used in VERICUT as 2-D
tool profile descriptions. When selected tool geometry is transferred to VERICUT, a Tool
Library file is created containing the tool assemblies. CATV automatically assigns tool
IDs (pocket numbers) in sequential order of transfer. For example, the first tool assembly
transferred receives Tool Library ID "1". The next tool transferred receives ID "2", and
so on. To use the transferred tools in the simulation, VERICUT must be configured to
access the tools in the Tool Library.

Selectable TOOL geometry includes: 2-D lines and circles. (Composite curves are
NOT selectable, even when composed of lines and circles.) Tool geometry must be
defined in CATIA in "SPACE" mode (not "2D-DRAW" mode), and drawn in a plane
parallel to either the XY, ZX, or YZ plane of the current axis system (e.g. AXS1). When
multiple axis systems are defined, verify the current axis system contains the tool
geometry to select.
AXIS — Click this option to select a line representing the tool axis. When selecting
geometry in the XY plane, the axis line must be parallel to the Y-axis. When tool
geometry is in the ZX or YZ planes, the axis line must be parallel to the Z-axis.
NOTE: The AXIS must be selected before CUTTER, SHANK or HOLDER
geometry. Selection order of profile entities is significant-see "Selecting tool
geometry" below.
CUTTER — Click this option to select geometry to represent the profile of the cutter
(cutting portion of the tool).
SHANK — Click this option to select geometry to represent the profile of the non-
cutting shank.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

HOLDER — Click this option to select geometry to represent the profile of the tool
holder; also considered to be non-cutting.

About selecting tool geometry

In general, click the desired option then select corresponding CATIA geometry. Selection
of tool geometry begins by choosing a line to represent the tool AXIS (centerline),
followed by selecting the profiles of up to three components in a tool assembly:
CUTTER, SHANK, and HOLDER. CATIA highlights selected geometry. Selections for
each of the tool geometry options can be reviewed by re-selecting the corresponding
TOOL option. Geometry is unselected by selecting it again. Unselected entities return to
their original color in CATIA.
Selection of a profile begins at the tool axis. Select lines and arcs in connected order. (See
below) Selection can be from the bottom of the profile towards the top, or from the top
downwards. If a line or arc is selected out of order, unselect all and start over.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces


Functions in this menu are used to select CATIA-generated APT source or binary CL-file
tool paths for transfer to VERICUT.
NOTE: The tool paths must first be processed from the CATIA model using the
CATUTIL "CATNC" utility before they can be selected.
When an option is selected, a TOOL PATH window shows the location(s) of selectable
tool path files. Use the left mouse button to select the desired directory in the window.
Another window is displayed listing the APT SOURCE or CLFILE files in the selected
directory, depending on the option selected. Use the left mouse button to select the
desired tool path(s). Multiple tool paths are concatenated during transfer in the order of
selection into one tool path file.
APT CLF — Click this option to select one or more ASCII APT SOURCE tool paths
CAT CLF — Click this option to select one or more binary CATIA CLFILE tool
paths ("*.clfile"). Binary tool paths are automatically converted by a Binary APT
Converter to its ASCII APT equivalent during the transfer process.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces


Functions in this menu process (export) selected CATIA data, and run VERICUT
interactively or in "batch" mode.

Menu functions:
Location: PROCESS menu > TRANSFER
This function exports or transfers selected CATIA data to VERICUT. Tolerances, file
formats used during part geometry transfer, and the base filename for files created during
the transfer process are controlled by this function. Be sure to press <Enter> after editing
any of the data fields.

FILE NAME — Specifies the base filename of files created during the transfer process.
During a transfer, files patterned after the project FILE NAME are created in the
directory specified by the OUTPATH function. For example, assuming the project name
is "PROJ", the table below shows the files that could be created, depending on what was
selected for transfer. Subsequent transfer operations with the same file name causes
project files to be overwritten. An exception is made for transferring tool geometry,
where the new tools are added to the existing VERICUT Tool Library file (see below).

CATIA data selected for transfer: File name (VERICUT file type):

Stock part geometry PROJ.stk (VERICUT model file) or

PROJ_stk.stl (STL model file)

Fixture part geometry PROJ.fxt (VERICUT model file) or

PROJ_fxt.stl (STL model file)

Design part geometry PROJ.dsn (VERICUT model file) or

PROJ_dsn.stl (STL model file)

Tool geometry PROJ.tls (Tool Library file)

APT source tool path (.aptsource) PROJ.tp (ASCII APT toolpath file)

CATIA binary CL-file tool path (.clfile) PROJ.tp (converted ASCII APT toolpath

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

PROJ.usr (Add-user file referencing above


MAXIMUM SAG — Specifies the chordal deviation tolerance for outputting part
geometry. The default value corresponds to the CATIA "INDENTICAL CURVES"
model standards tolerance. Small values result in more accurate, but larger geometry files
that require more system resources.
MAXIMUM DISTANCE — Specifies the maximum distance in which part geometry
selected for transfer will be processed. The default value corresponds to the CATIA
"INFINITY" model standards tolerance. This value rarely affects the quality of
transferred models and does not typically require modification. If modified, it is
recommended to specify a value that is as large as possible, e.g. 99999999.
FILE TYPE — Specifies the type (VERICUT or STL) of part geometry model files
output from a transfer process. Note that binary VERICUT Model files are platform
specific, and are usable only on the type of computer on which they were created.
FILE FORMAT — Specifies the format (ASCII or BINARY) in which part geometry
model files are output. Binary files are recommended because they process faster and
more efficiently than an ASCII equivalent.
NORMAL DIRECTION — Identifies the CATIA-defined surface normal direction
relative to the surface of part geometry (INWARD, OUTWARD, or INCONSISTENT).
This feature is applicable only to part geometry transferred via FILE TYPE=VERICUT
(see above). Models with inconsistent normals require significantly more processing time
and computer resources than those with consistent inward or outward-pointing normals.
For best performance, it is recommended to orient inconsistent normals in CATIA to be
outward pointing.
AXES SYSTEM — Specifies the coordinate system, or "AXS" system, in which part
geometry is transferred. Options:
REFERENCE — transfers part geometry with respect to the CATIA reference
coordinate system "AXS1". When used, CATV automatically sets VERICUT
Process Matrix=Yes to align the CATIA tool paths and the models.
CURRENT — transfers part geometry with respect to the current work coordinate
system. When used, CATIA models and tool paths are not automatically aligned, and
may require orientation in VERICUT.
TRANSFER — Controls what selected CATIA data is transferred. You can transfer all
selected data at once, or any single data type.
VERICUT OUTPATH — Uneditable data field showing the directory in which files
created during the transfer process will be saved. To change this directory, use the
OUTPATH function.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

CLFILE INPUT PATH — Uneditable data field showing the directory in which
selected tool path files reside. If the directory shown is not as expected, use the
TOOLPATH menu to select tool paths from the desired directory.

Location: PROCESS menu > OUTPATH
This function sets the directory where VERICUT files generated by CATV will be stored.
As installed with no alterations, CATV only shows the present working and home
directories. To add directories to this list, edit the CATIA.dcls file as described under
"Installing the CATIA-to-VERICUT Interface (CATV)".

Location: PROCESS menu > VERICUT
This function runs VERICUT from CATIA for interactive use. Assuming you previously
transferred the necessary CATIA data (part/tool geometry, tool paths, etc.), VERICUT is
automatically configured to use the transferred CATIA data. Even the view is the same as
it was in CATIA. All that is left to do is press Play to End ( ) in VERICUT to start
the simulation.
CATIA transfers control to the VERICUT window, however, CATIA can still be
accessed by iconifying or minimizing the VERICUT window. When VERICUT is exited,
control is returned to CATIA.

Location: PROCESS menu > BATCH
This function uses the "batchp" command line option to run VERICUT unattended in the
background. When the simulation is finished, the VERICUT window "pops open" to
show you the results. Batch allows the user to continue working in CATIA while
VERICUT processes the tool path.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Using CATV Example

This example demonstrates how to execute CATIA with CATV and interact with CATV
via standard CATIA user actions. Follow the steps in this example to transfer CATIA
data and use VERICUT to simulate the cutting action of a CATIA tool path.
NOTE: This example assumes VERICUT sample files have been installed ("samples"
directory in your VERICUT installation).

Example Steps:
1. Run CATIA with CATV
A. Access CATIA with CATV via the usual means. For example, in a terminal
window type "catv". After a few seconds, the CATIA window appears.
B. Select COLD ST (cold start)

2. Open the "CATVSAMP" sample CATIA model supplied by CGTech

A. Press <Enter> when "CATIA NEWS" window displays.
B. Close the "Prism" window.
C. Close the "Manage" window.
D. Select the "SOLIDE" menu option.
E. Select the "File" menu option.
F. Press <Enter> to expose the list of available CATIA model directories.
G. Select the "CATV_SAMPLES" model directory, press <Enter> to expose the
list of available CATIA model files.
H. Select the "CATVSAMP" model file.
The sample CATIA model is loaded.

3. Access the CATV menu

A. Select the first "File" menu in the list.
B. Select the "CATV" choice.

4. Select CATIA geometry to be stock, fixture, and design models

A. Select GEOMETRY menu > PART.
B. Click STOCK, and then select the "STOCK VOLUME" label. The stock part
geometry is selected.
C. Click FIXTURE, and then select the "FIXTURE BASE VOLUME" and the 4
"CLAMP" labels.
D. Click DESIGN, and then select then "DESIGN VOLUME" label.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

5. Select the CATIA tool path to simulate

A. Select the TOOLPATH menu > APT CLF.
B. Select the "CATV_SAMPLES" tool path directory.
C. Select "CATVSMP3" (3-axis tool path file) or "CATVSAMP5" (5-axis tool
path file).
D. "YES" to approve selection.

6. Transfer the selected CATIA data to VERICUT

A. Select the PROCESS menu > TRANSFER.
B. By default, the TRANSFER window is set to transfer all selected CATIA
C. "YES" to approve selection, and begin the transfer process.
D. A message similar to "TRANSFER COMPLETE" indicates the data has been

7. Run VERICUT and perform the tool path simulation

B. Select "Yes" to Run VERICUT.
C. In VERICUT, press Play to End ( ) to start the simulation.
An error message similar to "SET ACCESS NOT ALLOWED" indicates the
directory from which CATV has been executed does not have write permission
for you. Exit the CATIA/CATV session, change directories to one that files can
be written to, then re-execute CATIA/CATV and redo the steps in this session.

8. Use VERICUT's "AUTO-DIFF" function to check for gouges and excess

Check for gouges:
A. Select Analysis menu > AUTO-DIFF.
B. By default, AUTO-DIFF will identify gouges deeper than .015".
C. Press Compare - VERICUT displays material gouged in error by the tool

Check for excess material:

D. On the Settings tab, choose Comparison Type=Excess.
E. Press Compare - VERICUT displays excess material greater than .015" that
was left by the tool path.

A. From the VERICUT File menu, select Exit.
B. "Save changes to usr file" prompt, select No.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Congratulations on completing your first CATV session! This example provided

experience using the CATIA/CATV/VERICUT system and interacting with CATV using
standard CATIA user actions. VERICUT was used to display CATIA geometry and
simulate the cutting action of an APT source tool path. VERICUT's AUTO-DIFF
function identified errors in the tool path responsible for gouging the expected finished
part, and leaving too much excess material. If left uncorrected, this tool path will
probably produce a scrap part.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

CATIA V5-to-VERICUT Interface

Installing the CATIA V5-to-VERICUT Interface

CATV 6.1 requires CATIA V5 (R10 or later) and VERICUT 6.0 (or later. It is only
available for the 32bit and 64bit Windows platforms.

It also requires two elements of Windows.

1. "Windows Script" should be version 5.6 or later. The latest version of Windows
Script is available from Microsoft's download site. Search for "Windows Script"
and pick the latest version offered. Note that there is one download for Windows
2000 and XP, and another for 98, ME and NT.
2. A dynamic link library, FM20.dll, which is distributed with Microsoft Office. If
some portion of Office is installed then FM20.dll should already be present (in the
"Windows/System32" folder) and registered.

The CGTech software installation procedure places the files required by CATV in a sub-
folder. If you elected to install the software in the default folder "C:\CGTech61" (which
will be assumed in the balance of this document), then the CATV folder will be

One of the files is "CATV.bat", which sets at least two environment variables before
invoking the executable "CATV.exe". The first environment variable is
CGTECH_PRODUCTS and it points to the platform specific folder of the CGTech
software. For CATV the platform is either "windows" or "windows64". The second
environment variable is CGTECH_LIBRARY and it points to the folder containing
VERICUT specific files distributed with the product. These include "init.VcProject" and
"initm.VcProject" which are used by "CATV.exe" as project and setup templates if no
other file is specified by the user. "CATV.bat" is generated during the installation
procedure and there should be no need to edit the definition of either of these mandatory
environment variables.

The first of the optional environment variables in the batch file is

CGTECH_CATV_LANGUAGE. If you want CATV's interface to use something other
than US English, the variable can specify a file of localized text. Versions for French and
German are supplied.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

The second optional environment variable is CGTECH_CATV_FOLDER. CATV

generates a number of files when it communicates the details of a CATIA CATProcess
file to VERICUT. These include tool libraries, STL or VRML model files, and NC
programs in APT or G-Code. Normally CATV will offer to place these files in the same
folder as the CATProcess file. You can override this behavior interactively, but if you
typically want all generated files to be placed in a single (perhaps temporary) folder, you
can use this environment variable to specify it.

You can place a shortcut to the CATV batch file on your Windows Desktop. If you do
so, we suggest that you alter the properties of the shortcut so that it runs in a minimized
window. This will avoid having an almost empty command window on screen for the
batch process. An alternative is to trigger the batch file from an icon on one or more of
CATIA's toolbars. To assist in setting this up, there is a CATIA macro script in the
CATV5 folder, called "CATV.CATScript". There are two icon files in sub-folders,
"Small\I_CATV.bmp" and "Normal\I_CATV.bmp".

If you wish to have an icon ( ) on a CATIA toolbar, the two icon files must be placed
where CATIA expects to find them. The paths depend on where you have CATIA
installed, but typically you will find a "small" and "normal" folder under "C:\Program
Files\Dassault Systemes\B16\intel_a\resources\graphic\icons". Place the two versions of
the CATV icon, both called "I_CATV.bmp", in the appropriate folders.

Adding the CATV icon ( ) to a CATIA toolbar is a multi-step process;

1. Get CATIA V5 running.

2. Make the "Advanced Machining" workbench active, either by accessing an
existing CATProcess file, or by initializing a new one. One or more of the
Manufacturing toolbars are likely to be suitable locations for the CATV icon.
3. Pick "Tools" > "Macro" > "Macros" from CATIA's menus.
4. In the "Macros" dialog, pick "Macro Libraries".
5. In the "Macro Libraries" dialog, set the "Library Type" to "Directories".
6. Pick "Add existing library ..." and select the folder containing the
CATV.CATScript file (for example "C:\CGTech61\Windows\CATV5").
7. "Close" the "Macro Libraries" dialog.
8. "Close" the "Macros" dialog.
9. Pick "Tools" > "Customize ..." from CATIA's menus.
10. In the "Customize" dialog, bring the "Commands" tab to the front.
11. Select "Macros" from the left-hand list of "Categories".
12. Pick "CATV.CATScript" from the right-hand list of "Commands".
13. Click on the "Show Properties ..." button.
14. Pick the "..." button to the right of the "Icon:" label.
15. In the "Icon Browser" dialog you need to step through the pages of icons until you
find the one for CATV ( ). The icons are presented in alphabetic order of their
names, which you can see by allowing the mouse cursor to sit over an icon for a
brief period. The CATV icon ( ) will probably be on the twelfth page. Pick it
and "Close" the "Icon Browser".

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

16. Back on the "Customize" dialog, position the mouse cursor over the name of the
macro, CATV.CATScript, in the right-hand list, depress the left mouse button,
and drag the cursor to the toolbar where you want the icon to appear. It's counter-
intuitive, but you drag the macro name, not the icon! Repeat this step if you want
the icon to appear on more than one toolbar.
17. "Close" the "Customize" dialog.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Using the CATIA V5-to-VERICUT Interface

When you trigger CATV, either with the toolbar icon ( ) or from the operating system
level, you should see a window similar to this;

The remainder of this document explains each element of the interface.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

CATIA can have more than one CATProcess file open at once. CATV is not aware when
you switch between files in CATIA. This button forces the program to refresh the
interface content from the currently active CATProcess file. If the active CATIA file is
not a CATProcess (it could be a CATPart for example) the program will display a
warning message.

CATV will generate several files to pass CATIA information to VERICUT. For
verification or simulation of one CATProcess file, the following can be created;

• Several temporary files (with the ".VcTmp" extension)

• tool libraries (with the ".tls" extension)
• model files (in STL or VRML format)
• NC programs (in APT or G-Code)

All these files will be placed in a single folder. If you have defined the
CGTECH_CATV_FOLDER environment variable, the folder it references will appear in
the upper text field of this pair. If not, the location of the CATProcess file will be
presented so that you can keep all the related files in one place. In either case you can
override the suggested folder, by entering a different location, or by browsing ( ) for

The names of created tool libraries, model files and NC programs depend on the names of
the corresponding CATIA objects (CATParts, and Part Operations). But the temporary
files, the final VERICUT project, and its log file are given the same name, which is
provided by the lower text field of this pair. By default it will be filled in with the
CATProcess name, but you can override it if you wish.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

The files generated by CATV are intended to be "add-ons" for existing VERICUT
projects that contain much more detail than is present in a CATProcess file. For example,
you may have a machine and control fully specified in a project file, and simply wish to
place the CATProcess stock and fixtures on this machine before verifying the new NC
programs. In this field you can specify a template file for the project. Normally such a file
has the extension ".VcProject". Note that you can also specify a different template for
each CATIA part operation (called a "Setup" in VERICUT). If you do not specify a
project template, either "init.VcProject" or "initm.VcProject" will be used, depending on
whether CATIA has the unit of length set to "inch" or "millimeter".

If you wish to append the part operations from a CATProcess file to the setups that are
already defined in your project template, you can click on the check-box under the
template field. Otherwise, and more typically, the imported part operations will be the
only setups in the generated project.

This list contains the names of all the part operations found in the CATProcess file.
Typically you would leave each setup "checked" so that they will all be simulated, but
you could cause any of them to be skipped by unchecking their names. When you select a
setup name, most of the other elements of the interface will change to reflect the choices
made for that setup. Items with blue labels are "project wide" and do not change.

If all part operations in the CATProcess use the same machine, and that machine is
defined in the project template file, you could leave this field blank. If there are several

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

machines involved, you will need to have a VERICUT project file for each one, and will
specify which file each setup should use in this field.

Typically you would have CATV generate tool libraries (with the ".tls" extension) from
the tool data in the CATProcess file. But you can elect to use an existing tool library
which is referenced by your setup (or project) template file, by clicking on the first of
these two check-boxes. Using this option implies that you are sure that the tool geometry
present in the CATProcess file is accurately represented in the referenced library.

CATV can generate a single VERICUT view for each setup, with the stock in the same
orientation as it appears in CATIA. Alternatively, if you wish to use the view (or views)
already established in the setup (or project) template file, you can click on the second

Within the CATProcess file you can define the cutting geometry of a wide variety of tool
types, and for milling tools define their holders as a stack of up to five cylinders and
cones. If this is not adequate, you can define a milling tool's cutter and holder with a
CATPart or CATProduct. A CATPart would contain two sketches, with names "CUT"
and "NOCUT" to define the half cross-section which is rotated around the tool's axis.
Typically the part can have shafts defined by the rotated sketches, but this is not essential.

A CATProduct can reference multiple CATParts, each with a named attribute,

"CuttingType". Values of these attributes can be "CUTTER", "SHANK" or "HOLDER"
and each CATPart should contain a sketch to define the half cross-section which is
rotated around the tool's axis. Shafts can be defined by the rotated sketches, but this is not
a requirement.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

To make CATV aware of these custom milling tool profiles, click on the "Custom Tools"
button, which is blue to reflect the fact that the connections that you make between tool
names and CATParts or CATProducts will be "project wide". If the same tool is used in
more than one setup, it is only necessary to specify once the CATPart or CATProduct
containing its sketches. When you click on the blue button, another dialog is displayed;

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

To make the connection between a tool and its CATPart or CATProduct, select the tool's
name in the list on the left, then click on the icon. You will be offered the usual file
selection dialog to pick a CATPart or CATProduct, and the file's name will then be
displayed in the list on the right.

Repeat this sequence for all the tools that have corresponding CATParts or CATProducts.
If you wish to break a connection, and revert to using the CATProcess file's definition of
a tool's geometry, you can select the tool in the list and click on the icon. When you
have all the pairings established, click on the "OK" button and the dialog will disappear.

CATProcess files with multiple part operations seem to exhibit two different operator
styles. In the first style, the stock is represented just once and each setup contains a
different set of fixtures, some of which will typically be instances of the same
CATProduct or CATPart. The second style may or may not use a common set of fixtures,
but will have multiple instances of the stock, probably in different orientations and
locations. In VERICUT, we need to know what happens to the stock between setups.

You need to pick an axis system in each setup which has the same relationship to the
stock. Thus if the stock needs to be flipped over between setup one and two, you would
pick an axis system for both, but two of the axes will probably be reversed in the second
one. Typically the same axis system in the two instances of the stock model is adequate.
To graphically select an axis system, click on the button, then pick a machining axis
system or an axis system on a part. To exit selection mode without making a choice, use
CATIA's "Edit" > "Undo" option. Note that you can reverse the selection sequence by
picking an axis system first, then clicking the button. The name of the selected axis
system will appear in the field.

If the first of these two fields is left blank the setup's machining axis system will be
placed on one of the VERICUT machine's "attach" components. Note that a setup's
machining axis system is the last such system encountered in CATIA's process tree

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

before the setup's first active tool change. This is not always the axis system of the
CATIA machine. If the setup's machining axis system does not coincide with one of the
VERICUT "attach" components, you can pick a different axis system for the setup.

To graphically select an axis system, click on the button, then pick a machining axis
system or an axis system on a part. To exit selection mode without making a choice, use
CATIA's "Edit" > "Undo" option. Note that you can reverse the selection sequence by
picking an axis system first, then clicking the button. The name of the selected axis
system will appear in the first of these two fields.

In the second field you can specify the name of the corresponding "attach" component. If
left blank, the default name "Attach" will be used.

This field will only be enabled when you elect to generate G-Code programs. It should
specify the post-processor to be used to convert APT to G-Code. Posts from three
vendors are supported by CATIA; Cenit, IMS and ICAM. Their location is dependent on
where CATIA was installed, but will typically be in folders under "C:\Program
Files\Dassault Systemes\B16\intel_a\startup\Manufacturing". Cenit posts have the
extension ".pp", IMS uses ".lib" and ICAM's have ".dmp". You can paste a post's full
path and name into this field, or browse ( ) for it.

For each setup you should specify which of the CATParts represent the design, the stock
and fixtures. Normally it is only necessary to have a stock model for the first setup, as it
will get passed to subsequent ones in VERICUT. Likewise you will probably only
nominate a design model in the last setup, to be used with AUTODIFF. But fixturing will
often be different in each setup.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

To graphically select design, stock or fixture models, click on the corresponding

button. Then you can pick a product from any level in CATIA's product list tree, or from
the picture of the models. Note that the product must be within the major branch of the
tree that is referenced by the setup's part operation. All instance names of all CATParts
under the selected product in the tree will be placed in CATV's list for this setup. To exit
selection mode without making a choice, use CATIA's "Edit" > "Undo" option. Note that
you can reverse the selection sequence by picking a product first, then clicking the

If you decide that you don't want all the detailed parts, such as bolts, transferred to
VERICUT, you can remove names from any of the three lists by selecting them and
clicking on the appropriate button. The "Shift" and "Ctrl" keys can be used in the
normal way to select multiple names from the list so they can be removed together.

VERICUT can accept part models in a variety of formats, including STL, VRML and
native CATPart files. You can adjust the precision of STL and VRML model types by
performing the following procedure in CATIA. This only needs to be done once.

1. Pick "Tools" > "Options ..." from the CATIA menus.

2. In the "Options" dialog, expand the "General" branch of the tree.
3. Pick the "Display" sub-branch.
4. Bring the "Performances" tab to the front.
5. Under "3D Accuracy" pick "Proportional", and move the corresponding slider to
the extreme left. The displayed value will then be "0.01".
6. Click on the "OK" button.

The ability to generate VRML files is license dependent in CATIA, so if your site does
not have the feature, elect to use STL or CATPart files. STL models are handled faster
than VRML models by both CATIA and VERICUT, but VRML models can give
superior graphics provided the following procedure has been performed once in CATIA;

1. Pick "Tools" > "Options ..." from the CATIA menus.

2. In the "Options" dialog, expand the "General" branch of the tree.
3. Pick the "Compatibility" sub-branch.
4. Bring the "VRML" tab to the front (it is on the extreme right of the tabs).
5. Select the "VRML 97" export version.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

6. Select the "Save Normals" export option.

7. Click on the "OK" button.

Using CATParts is the fastest choice for CATV because the files are simply referenced,
but there is a performance penalty when VERICUT has to first access these files.
Because some models may be used in several setups, this is a "project wide" parameter,
so that we avoid having more than one version of the same model.

Specify here whether the NC programs to be passed to VERICUT are APT or G-Code.
APT programs can be generated more quickly, since the post-processing step is not
required, and are fine for initial program verification. G-Code is one of the prerequisites
for machine simulation.

Determination of the fast feedrate, which will be set in the VERICUT project file, is
dependent on this choice. For APT programs, the first 5000 lines of the first program are
scanned, and the fastest of the encountered feedrates is used, with the addition of a small
increment (0.05 when the linear unit is "inch", 1.0 when it is "millimeter"). For G-Code
programs, all the active machines in the CATProcess file are scanned, and the largest of
their maximum fast feedrates is used.

CATV can cause CATIA to generate the NC programs defined in the CATProcess file.
Alternatively you can choose to select NC programs that have already been created. G-
Code programs produced by a post that is not accessible within CATIA would be a good

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Specify here whether the NC programs to be generated by CATIA, or those selected,

have the tip of the tool as the driven point, or a point on the tool axis inset from the tip by
the corner radius. The third choice "Ball Center" will use the center of any ball-end
cutters, and the tip for any other style.

For each CATIA part operation, the machining axis system defines the origin of the
coordinates in the NC programs. Typically this origin will be used to define the content
of the "Program Zero" table in VERICUT. But there other tables that you could use to

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

locate the NC programs relative to the machine axes. For example, you may wish to use a
"Work Offsets" table for register 54. And you could associate the machining axis system
to a different component of the machine, such as a head or turret. In the first of the three
boxes in this dialog, you can enter the required parameters. There are four choices of
table name in the drop-down list, but you can enter a different name if necessary.

When CATIA uses a post to generate the NC programs, the tool identifiers within the G-
Code can be extracted from several of the tool or assembly's parameters. Typically the
tool number (for a milling tool) or the assembly number (for a turning tool) are used. But
a post could access names or comment fields too. In the second of the three boxes you
can select which field contains the tool identifiers, and in the lowest box you can specify
how identifiers are to be extracted from the chosen field.

The "Defaults" button can be used to revert to the "Program Zero" table and using the
entire number field as the source of tool identifiers.

Press the "OK" button when you have defined the table parameters and/or the source of
the G-Code tool identifiers, and the extra "Options" dialog will disappear.

If you choose to have CATV and CATIA generate the NC programs, they will be listed
here as they are created. Alternatively you can browse ( ) for existing programs. If you
do so, it is important to ensure that the list is in the order of cutting. You can erase ( )
programs from the list, or re-arrange ( or ) them.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

If you have G-Code programs that reference subroutines, you can browse ( ) to select
the existing subroutine files. You can also erase ( ) subroutines from the list.

When you have provided CATV with all the information it needs, you can perform the
transfer of data to, and triggering of, VERICUT. Click on the "Generate files" button to
create the tool libraries, models and NC programs without triggering VERICUT. Once
you have all the files needed, you can fire up VERICUT with the "Run VERICUT"
button. You can perform both of these steps at once with the "Generate and run" button.
Data transfer, particularly if you are generating and post-processing large NC programs,
can be time consuming, so a dialog is presented which provides a simple indication of
progress. The "Exit CATV" button terminates the program.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

EdgeCAM-to-VERICUT Interface

Installing the EdgeCAM-to-VERICUT Interface

Six files are required to install the VERICUT interface in an existing EdgeCAM 10.0
system. Four of these files are language dependent and must be copied from the
appropriate English, French, or German folder. The distributed files are:

VericutPDI.dfn (language dependent)
VericutPDI.pdi (language dependent)
VericutSetPDI.pdi (language dependent)
VericutPDI.lan (language dependent)

Assuming EdgeCAM is installed at C:\Program Files\EdgeCAM , move the following

files to the EdgeCAM folders indicated.

C: \Program Files\EdgeCam\Cam\pdi\Menu-Run\VericutPDI.exe (Vericut interface

PDI executable)
C: \Program Files\EdgeCam\Cam\pdi\Menu-Run\ VericutSetPDI.exe (Reset PDI
C: \Program Files\EdgeCam\Cam\pdi\src\VericutPDI.pdi (Vericut interface dialog
C: \Program Files\EdgeCam\Cam\pdi\src\ VericutSetPDI.pdi (Vericut Reset dialog
C:\Program Files\EdgeCam\Language\VericutPDI.dfn (Drop down menu
C: \Program Files\EdgeCam\Language\VericutPDI.lan – Language specific file

EdgeCAM checks file dates of "dfn" and "pdi" each time it executes and updates the
master menu file when new files are detected. The file date for the VericutPDI.dfn,
VericutPDI.pdi, and VericutSetPDI.pdi files must be newer than the last time EdgeCAM
updated its master menu file. After moving the above files to their proper locations, use a

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

text editor to force the VericutPDI.dfn, VericutPDI.pdi, and VericutSetPDI.pdi file dates
to a current value. You only need to do this once before starting EdgeCAM.
The folder path where Vericut is installed must be defined in an environment variable for
the EdgeCAM interface PDI to spawn the VERICUT process. For example:


Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Using the EdgeCAM-to-VERICUT Interface

Starting with EdgeCAM Version 10 and VERICUT Version 6.0, this interface transfers
multiple EdgeCAM Machining Sequences to corresponding VERICUT Setups.
The interface is divided into two steps. The first step collects and saves options for each
Machining Sequence. The second step transfers the data and executes VERICUT.

Vericut Setup Options

In the EdgeCAM main menu bar select Options > Manufacture to switch to
manufacturing mode. Once in manufacturing mode, select Custom > Extras > Vericut
Setup Options.
The following dialog should display:

Enter or modify the dialog features to define options and where the working files are
located. This data is retained as an attribute associated with the EdgeCAM machining
sequence name and saved in the EdgeCAM part file. The last values entered will be
recalled when the EdgeCAM-to-VERICUT Interface is reused.

Active — When toggled "On", this machining sequence will be transferred to

VERICUT. When toggled "Off" the machining sequence is skipped, but the data is

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

FastMill Cut Mode — When toggled "On", runs VERICUT in the "FastMill" cut
mode where all toolpath records are processed as quickly as possible without
displaying animated cutting, then the final machined workpiece is displayed.
Create Tool Library — When toggled "On", the interface creates a VERICUT tool
library. Otherwise, the tool library associated with the VERICUT User File Template.
Output User File — Path to where the VERICUT tool library and addusr file should
be written. The file name entered will be used for the addusr file, the tool library, and
any stock files created. Defaults to the current EdgeCAM part name.
ToolPath File — Path and name of the G-code file being simulated. Defaults to the
last file postprocessed by EdgeCAM.
Vericut Template — Path and name of a VERICUT user file containing the correct
machine and control to be simulated. This Template File must also define the "Input
Program Zero" table from component "Tool" to CSYS "Prog_Zero".

The EdgeCAM dialog text entries are limited to a fixed width. You can scroll to enter a
long path name or use the Browse button.
The Offsets tab enables the EdgeCAM stock (also fixtures and the design model) to be
translated from the component attach point on the VERICUT machine. The default
"Apply to Program Zero" relationship with the values allows the program zero to follow
the XYZ offset values. The EdgeCAM stock can be attached at the center of rotation for
multi-axis programs or at the initial CPL defined with EdgeCAM's machining sequence
for most 3-axis programs.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Attach Stock at Center of Rotation — When toggled "On", stock is attached at the
center of rotation.
Apply to Program Zero — When toggled "On", the XYZ offset values are applied
to the Program Zero.
X-Shift (Stock and Program Zero) — Use to specify the X offset value.
Y-Shift — Use to specify the Y offset value.
Z-Shift — Use to specify the Z offset value.

Click OK when entries on all tabs are complete to save the information. Repeat this step
to define or modify options associated with each EdgeCAM machining sequence.

In the EdgeCAM main menu bar select Options > Manufacture to switch to
manufacturing mode. Once in manufacturing mode, select Custom > Extras > Run
Vericut Setup.
The following dialog should display:

Batch Mode — When toggled "On", runs VERICUT unattended in the background.
When the VERICUT window opens, the toolpath verification process is complete and
the part is displayed in its processed state.
Click OK when entries on all tabs are complete to transfer information and control to the
VERICUT process.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Mastercam-to-VERICUT Interface (MCAMV)

Introduction to the Mastercam-toVERICUT Interface


The Mastercam-to-VERICUT Interface, or "MCAMV", is a licensed software program

that provides a fully integrated Mastercam-to-VERICUT interface. The interface
streamlines the verification and optimization of Mastercam-generated tool paths.
Verify individual paths, a series of selected paths, or a complete sequence of operations.
Stock models are automatically transferred to VERICUT, along with tool path and
tooling information.
VERICUT runs independently from Mastercam, so you can work in Mastercam while
verifying a tool path.
VERICUT has the ability to display and analyze geometric models as well as simulate
cutter motion and the material removal of an NC tool path. It also verifies the quality and
correctness of the tool path. Programming errors or inefficient motion are visually
detected during the simulation process, which aids the NC programmer in correcting the
tool path. Measurement tools are used at any time during the simulation process to verify
or compute the volume, distances and locations, as well as to compare various stages of
the "cut" part with other stages or with the "design" part.

Flow of information through MCAMV:

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

The Mastercam-to-VERICUT Interface is a Mastercam C-Hook application. It can be

invoked while running Mastercam, transfers internal Mastercam data to files recognized
by VERICUT, and fires up VERICUT ready to perform verification of the tool paths.
You can opt to verify Mastercam's Intermediate NC data (NCI) or the G-code files
produced by Mastercam's post-processors.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Installing the Mastercam-to-VERICUT Interface

(MCAMV - Versions 8 & 9)

Using Mastercam's terminology, the interface between Mastercam and VERICUT is a C-

Hook. It can be invoked while running Mastercam, transfers internal Mastercam data to
files recognized by VERICUT, and fires up VERICUT ready to perform verification of
the toolpaths. You can opt to verify Mastercam's Intermediate NC data (NCI) or the G-
code files produced by Mastercam's post-processors.

The VERICUT C-Hook is for Mastercam V9. It is distributed as three files;
VERICUT.dll (the code)
VERICUT.txt (message text)
VERICUT.scr (dialog script)
The text and script files can be localized where desired. All three files should be placed in
Mastercam's "chooks" folder, which is one level down from the Mastercam installation
folder (for example C:\Mcam9\chooks).

Mastercam V8 does not carry as much information about units in an ".MC8" file as
version 9 does in its ".MC9" files. Before using the VERICUT C-Hook with a Mastercam
V8 file, you need to ensure that it will be able interpret the units correctly. Having
retrieved an ".MC8" file with "File > Get", use "Screen > Configure" to bring up the
"System Configuration" dialog. In the low-left corner you will see a choice box labeled
"Current Configuration File" and each choice has "(English)" or "(Metric)" after the file
name. You need to ensure that the selected file has the same units as the job's stock. For
example, if you are using "Mill 9", you could select "Mill9.cfg (English)" or "Mill9M.cfg
(Metric)" depending on whether the job's units are inches or millimeters.

Start Mastercam using one of the mastercamx.bat files located in the "commands" folder
of your VERICUT installation. Included are .bat files for the Mastercam MILL8 and
MILL9 modules. To access VERICUT from another Mastercam module, for example
LATHE, create a separate .bat file (using the included .bat files as an example) for each
additional Mastercam module that you want to access VERICUT from.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

NOTE: If you choose to use the "standard" Mastercam icon to start Mastercam, instead
of using one of the mastercamx.bat files provided, you also need to define the following
environment variables to enable the C-Hook to find VERICUT and the license

Environment Variable
Variable Value


LSHOST server_name

Where CGTECH_INSTALL is set to the top level folder where VERICUT 6.0.x is
installed. And LSHOST is set to the name of the license server computer.
To trigger the C-Hook while in Mastercam, hold down the Alt key and click the C key
(referred to as Alt-C). You will see a file selection dialog offering all the installed C-
Hooks. Pick VERICUT.dll and click on the Open button.
Alternatively, you can add a reference to the C-Hook in Mastercam's menu structure,
either in an empty space, or by replacing a choice that you are unlikely to exercise.
Mastercam's documentation covers this process, but you would potentially need to edit
three files (mill9.txt, lathe9.txt and wire9.txt) if you intend to trigger VERICUT from all
three Mastercam applications. These files are located in Mastercam's installation folder
(for example C:\Mcam9).
To place a C-Hook in an empty menu location, between the double quotes enter the name
of the C-Hook, followed by an asterisk. So for this C-Hook it could read "VERICUT*".
Keep in mind that a menu cannot have more than ten choices. If you wish to use a key-
stroke to pick a menu item, you can precede the trigger letter with an ampersand, after
first checking that no other item in the menu uses the same letter. So if V is available, you
could enter "&VERICUT*".

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Installing the Mastercam-to-VERICUT Interface

(MCAMV - Version X)

Using Mastercam's terminology, the interface between MastercamX and VERICUT is a

Net-Hook. It can be invoked while running Mastercam, transfers internal Mastercam data
to files recognized by VERICUT, and fires up VERICUT ready to perform verification of
the toolpaths. You can opt to verify Mastercam's Intermediate NC data (NCI) or the G-
code files produced by Mastercam's post-processors.

The VERICUT C-Hook is for Mastercam X. It is distributed as four files;
VERICUT.dll (the code)
VericutSupport.dll (supporting code)
mcRes.local (language translation)
VERICUT.ft (used to map an Icon into the Mastercam menu interface)

The two .dll files and the .ft file should be placed in Mastercam's "chooks" folder, which
is one level down from the Mastercam installation folder (for example
C:\McamX\chooks). The file mcRes.local should be placed in the Mastercam installation
To enable the C-Hook to find VERICUT, you also need to define two environment
For example;

Environment Variable
Variable Value


LSHOST server_name

Where CGTECH_INSTALL is set to the top level folder where VERICUT 6.1 is
installed. And LSHOST is set to the name of the license server computer.
Use the Microsoft Windows Control Panel > System Properties: Advanced tab,
Environment Variables feature to define these environment variables. See Microsoft
Windows Help for more information.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

To trigger the Net-Hook while in Mastercam, hold down the Alt key and click the C key
(referred to as Alt-C). Alternatively, you could select Settings > Run User Application.
You will see a file selection dialog offering all the installed C-Hooks. Pick
VERICUT.dll and click on the Open button.

Setting up a VERICUT icon in MasterCam X user interface

In Mastercam main window, select Settings > Customize

1. In Customize window, change Category to NET Hook
2. Select the VERICUT icon in the "Commands" area, and drag and drop it onto the
toolbar in the Mastercam main window
3. In the Customize window, in the Toolbars list, right click on "New Toolbar" and
select Rename Toolbar, rename it to something like Run VERICUT, then Enter.
4. Select the Diskette (Save As) icon, save as filename.mtb , OK
5. Click on the checkmark (OK) button to close the Customize window.

In Mastercam main window, select Settings > Configuration

1. In the System Configuration window, under Topics, select Start / Exit.
2. Under Startup Settings, point Toolbars to the filename.mtb file that you created
above. Either enter the /path/filename in the text field or click on the File Cabinet
icon (Select) and use the window that displays to select the file.
3. Click on the checkmark (OK) button to close the System Configuration window.
4. If prompted: "Save Settings to Configuration File?", Yes.
See the Mastercam Help for additional information.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Accessing and Using the Mastercam-to-VERICUT

Interface (MCAMV - Versions 8 & 9)

Mastercam V8 does not carry as much information about units in an ".MC8" file as
version 9 does in its ".MC9" files. Before using the VERICUT C-Hook with a Mastercam
V8 file, you need to ensure that it will be able interpret the units correctly. Having
retrieved an ".MC8" file with "File > Get", use "Screen > Configure" to bring up the
"System Configuration" dialog. In the low-left corner you will see a choice box labeled
"Current Configuration File" and each choice has "(English)" or "(Metric)" after the file
name. You need to ensure that the selected file has the same units as the job's stock. For
example, if you are using "Mill 9", you could select "Mill9.cfg (English)" or "Mill9M.cfg
(Metric)" depending on whether the job's units are inches or millimeters.

To trigger the C-Hook while in Mastercam, hold down the Alt key and click the C key
(referred to as Alt-C). You will see a file selection dialog offering all the installed C-
Hooks. Pick VERICUT.dll and click on the Open button.
Alternatively, you can add a reference to the C-Hook in Mastercam's menu structure,
either in an empty space, or by replacing a choice that you are unlikely to exercise.
Mastercam's documentation covers this process, but you would potentially need to edit
three files (mill9.txt, lathe9.txt and wire9.txt) if you intend to trigger VERICUT from all
three Mastercam applications. These files are located in Mastercam's installation folder
(for example C:\Mcam9).
To place a C-Hook in an empty menu location, between the double quotes enter the name
of the C-Hook, followed by an asterisk. So for this C-Hook it could read "VERICUT*".
Keep in mind that a menu cannot have more than ten choices. If you wish to use a key-
stroke to pick a menu item, you can precede the trigger letter with an ampersand, after
first checking that no other item in the menu uses the same letter. So if V is available, you
could enter "&VERICUT*".

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

When you invoke the C-Hook the following dialog will display:

To verify NCI data, all you need to do is click the OK button. By default the files needed
by VERICUT will be generated in the same folder as the currently accessed Mastercam
file. You can nominate a different folder in the "Working Directory" section of the
dialog. If you wish to use a single folder for all the files generated by the interface,
regardless of the location of the Mastercam files, you can define an environment variable
to specify the folder. For example;

Environment Variable Name Variable Value


Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

If you wish to verify G-code data previously generated by one of Mastercam's post-
processors, select the "Verify G-Code" option. This will enable the last five input fields
in the dialog, for the specification of the G-code files and location of the stock on the
In Mastercam's "Operation Manager" you can select multiple operations, by clicking on
their names while holding the shift or control key down. The operations' icons will be
tagged with blue ticks. You can use this mechanism, and the C-Hook's "Selected
Operations" choice to restrict verification to a set of operations.
You can also specify a template user file (.usr) or in-process (.ip) file that the output of
the interface will be merged with in VERICUT. If you do not specify such a file, the
library copy of "init.usr" or "initm.usr" will be used, depending on the units of the
Mastercam data. If you specify a template file, you can also opt to use the tool library
which it references, instead of having the interface generate one.
If you elected to verify G-code files you can specify one or two by entering their paths
and names, or by browsing for them. The template user file or in-process file will need to
contain a machine and control definition. To assist you in placing the stock at the correct
location on the VERICUT machine, the delta X, Y and Z values can be specified and will
be applied to the stock.
Regardless of whether you are verifying NCI or G-Code data, you can nominate an STL
file to be used in VERICUT for the stock, instead of the block or cylinder which would
otherwise be derived from the Mastercam job setup information.

1. Custom tool geometry is not supported.
2. Direct 4-axis wire EDM toolpaths are not supported for NCI verification, but their G-
codes can be verified if a suitable control and machine are defined.
3. When performing roll-die toolpath verification, you will probably find it desirable to
adjust the size and shape of the stock in VERICUT.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Accessing and Using the Mastercam-to-VERICUT

Interface (MCAMV - Version X)

To trigger the Net-Hook while in Mastercam X, hold down the Alt key and click the C
key (referred to as Alt-C). Alternatively, you could select Settings -> Run User
Application. You will see a file selection dialog offering all the installed C-Hooks. Pick
VERICUT.dll and click on the Open button.
When you invoke the C-Hook the following dialog will display:

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

To verify NCI data, all you need to do is click the OK button. By default the files needed
by VERICUT will be generated in the same folder as the currently accessed Mastercam
file. You can nominate a different folder in the "Working Directory" section of the
dialog. If you wish to use a single folder for all the files generated by the interface,
regardless of the location of the Mastercam files, you can define an environment variable
to specify the folder.
For example,

Environment Variable Name Variable Value


If you wish to verify G-code data previously generated by one of Mastercam's post-
processors, select the "Verify G-Code" option. This will enable five additional input
fields in the dialog, for the specification of the G-code files and location of the stock on
the machine.
In Mastercam's "Operation Manager" you can select multiple operations, by clicking on
their names while holding the shift or control key down. The operations' icons will be
tagged with blue check marks. You can use this mechanism, and the C-Hook's "Selected
Operations" choice to restrict verification to a set of operations.
You can also specify a template user file (.usr) or in-process (.ip) file that the output of
the interface will be merged with in VERICUT. If you do not specify such a file, the
library copy of "init.usr" or "initm.usr" will be used, depending on the units of the
Mastercam data. If you specify a template file, you can also opt to use the tool library
which it references, instead of having the interface generate one.
If you elected to verify G-code files you can specify one or two by entering their paths
and names, or by browsing for them. The template user file or in-process file will need to
contain a machine and control definition. To assist you in placing the stock at the correct
location on the VERICUT machine, the delta X, Y and Z values can be specified and will
be applied to the stock.
Regardless of whether you are verifying NCI or G-Code data, you can nominate an STL
file to be used in VERICUT for the stock, instead of the block or cylinder which would
otherwise be derived from the Mastercam job setup information.
The data on the dialog is saved in the Mastercam part file as blanked notes on a specified
level so that when you save the part and later load it again, the values in the VERICUT
dialog will be restored. By default, this level is 3987 but you can change it by setting the
environment variable CGTECH_MCAM_NOTE_LEVEL.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

For example,

Environment Variable Name Variable Value


1. Custom tool geometry is not supported.
2. Direct 4 axis wire EDM toolpaths are not supported for NCI verification, but their G-
codes can be verified if a suitable control and machine are defined.
3. When performing roll-die toolpath verification, you will probably find it desirable to
adjust the size and shape of the stock in VERICUT.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces


Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Working Directory — Enter the /path/ to the directory where you want the VERICUT
files output ( .VcProject, .tls. CGTPart.stk, CGTStock.stk)
File Name — Enter the "base" name for VERICUT files that will be created. By default
the name of the Mastercam .MCX file is used.
Project Template — Enter the /path/filename of the "template" .VcProject file that you
want loaded in the text field, or use the "Browse" button to display a file selection
window and use it to specify the /path/filename. A "template" .VcProject file is a
previously defined VERICUT project file. For more information, see Introduction to
Project Setup in the VERICUT Help section, in the CGTech Help Library.
Operations — All of the program groups shown in the Operations Manager are
available in this list. Use the list to select the operation that you want selected settings to
pertain to. When an operation is selected from the list, the Settings for Operation field is
updated so you can see at a glance which operation you are selecting settings for.
Options — Displays the MCAMV Options window enabling you to set parameters
related to the models that are passed to VERICUT and to set parameters related to
VERICUT processing.

The following features are specific to the operation specified by Settings for Operation
opname, where opname is the name of the operations that the settings apply to.
Setup Template — Enter the /path/filename of the Setup "template" file that you
want loaded in the text field, or use the "Browse" button to display a file selection
window and use it to specify the /path/filename. A setup "template" is a previously
defined VERICUT .VcProject file that containing files and settings required for
VERICUT simulation. For more information, see Introduction to Project Setup in
the VERICUT Help section, in the CGTech Help Library.
Use Tools from the Setup Template — When toggled "On", VERICUT will use the
tool library file stored in the Setup Template rather than one created by MCAMV.
Use Views from the Setup Template — When toggled "On", VERICUT will use the
views stored in the Setup Template rather than the views created by MCAMV.
Stock STL File — Enter the /path/filename in the Stock STL File text field, or use
the "Browse" button to display a file selection window and use it to specify the
/path/filename of the STL file to be used in VERICUT for the stock, instead of the
block or cylinder which would otherwise be derived from the Mastercam job setup
Stock Deltas — Use to position the stock at the correct location on the VERICUT
machine. Enter the offset values in the X, Y and Z text fields. The values specified
will be applied to the stock.
Attach Component Name — Enter the name of the VERICUT attach component
that is to be used for the current operation.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Program Zero From Component — Enter the name of the component that
represents the "from" point for determining the program zero offset. VERICUT will
use the origin of the specified component. The default "From Component" is "tool".
Program Zero to CSYS — Enter the name of a CSYS to represent the "to" point for
determining the program zero offset. VERICUT will use the origin of the specified
CSYS. The default "To CSYS" is a CSYS named "Program_Zero".
NC Program Type — Use to specify the NC program type. Select either NCI or
NC Program File(s) — Displays a list of NC Program files that will be passed to
Add — Use to add tool path files to the NC Program File(s) list.
Remove — Use to remove the highlighted tool path(s) from the NC Program
File(s) list.
Run VERICUT — launches VERICUT with the files created by Output Files.
Output Files — outputs all files, for all operations, including the selected models, tool
library files, updated project and setup files, and the "operations" file that assembles all of
this information into a VERICUT "project" file.

OK — Saves values that you set in the MCAMV windows as attributes the Mastercam
part file and closes the MCAMV VERICUT window.
Apply — Saves values that you set in the MCAMV windows as attributes the Mastercam
part file and leaves the MCAMV VERICUT window open to enable you to continue.
Cancel — Closes the MCAMV VERICUT window without saving any of the settings in
the Mastercam part file.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

MCAMV Options Window

Process — Controls the processing mode in which VERICUT is run.

Interactive — Opens the VERICUT window for access to all VERICUT functions
and capabilities. When the VERICUT window opens, all of the required VERICUT
files are loaded and ready for processing. The stock is displayed in its unprocessed
state and you need to need to press the "Play to End" icon, , in VERICUT to start
the verification process.
Batch — Runs VERICUT unattended in the background. When the VERICUT
window opens, the toolpath verification process is complete and the part is displayed
in its processed state.
NOTE: In either case, both application windows (VERICUT and Mastercam) are
available to work in at the same time.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Cut Mode — Controls the cut mode in which VERICUT is run (ref. Project menu >
Processing Options > Motion: Fastmill option in the VERICUT Help section, in the
CGTech Help Library for more information).
Standard — Runs VERICUT in the "Standard" cut mode where each cut made by
each tool motion is seen (full cutting animation).
FastMill — Runs VERICUT in the "FastMill" cut mode where all tool path records
are processed as quickly as possible without displaying animated cutting, and then the
final machined workpiece is displayed.
Operations — Use to specify the operations to process.
All Operations — Process all operations in the Operations list in the MCAMV
VERICUT window.
Selected Operations — Process only selected operations in the Operations list in the

OK — Updates the Mastercam part file with the current settings and closes the MCAMV
Options window and returns to the MCAMV VERICUT window.
Apply — Updates the Mastercam part file with the current settings and leaves the
MCAMV Options window open for further setting changes.
Cancel — Closes the MCAMV Options window and returns to the MCAMV VERICUT
window without updating the settings in the UG part file.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

TDM Interface

Introduction to the TDM Interface

The VERICUT to TDM interface "pulls" information out of TDM Systems', Tool Data
Management (TDM) system, unlike all our other CAD/CAM interfaces which "push" the
information out of the CAD/CAM system. A running VERICUT session connects to the
TDM database through Oracle (version 8i is the latest version supported by TDM), then
retrieves information from TDM using a series of database "queries". TDM replaces the
VERICUT tool library, thus when using TDM there is no tool library file. TDM tool
information is loaded directly into VERICUT's memory, without intermediate files being
created or used.
VERICUT finds the desired TDM tool information using a TDM "list". The TDM "list"
is a list of tool assemblies for a specific job. The list simply contains references to tool
assemblies, which in turn contain references to the individual pieces of the tool (holders,
inserts, clamps, screws, etc.).
The tool geometry (which we are mostly interested in) is contained in a DXF file
(Drawing eXchange Format, originally invented by AutoCAD) referenced by the tool
assembly. The DXF file contains an assembly drawing, a 2D representation of the tool
assembly. VERICUT reads the DXF file, unravels the 2D information and creates a 3D
tool. This scheme requires the tool assembly information to reside on specific layers,
created in a specific way. The layers and format is loosely defined and controlled by
TDM when it is created. It is possible to ignore or avoid TDM's recommendations when
creating the tool assembly DXF drawing. This causes the DXF tool geometry to be
invalid for VERICUT.
However, assuming valid DXF arrangement and geometry, VERICUT automatically
creates tools from the DXF assembly drawings. Creation occurs on-the-fly when
VERICUT is reading the TDM tool list. VERICUT's user file only contains a reference to
the list name. Thus, each time VERICUT refreshes tool information (such as when
opening the user file), the TDM data is re-read and the tool geometry is re-created. This is
the "live" connection to the TDM database.
It is possible to save the TDM tool information as a VERICUT tool library file. Doing
this breaks the connection to TDM and the "list", and replaces it with a normal
VERICUT tool library file, referenced in the user file. It is also possible to import
individual TDM tool assemblies. This also breaks the connection to TDM, since the
connection is based on the TDM "list", not individual tools.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Installing the TDM interface

Copy the WalterTDM.dll, supplied by TDM Systems, into the vericut folder of your
VERICUT installation (for example, C:\cgtech60\windows\vericut). The TDM Interface
can then be accessed from the Tool Manager > File menu.
The complete TDM interface installation instructions are part of the TDM install
documents provided by TDM Systems.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Using the TDM Interface

The TDM Interface provides access to the information stored in TDM Systems', Tool
Data Management (TDM) system database. The TDM Interface is accessed from the
VERICUT Tool Manager > File menu.

Selecting Access TDM displays of the following window.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

The Account and Password text fields refer to your TDM account. If the TDM database is
installed on your computer the Database text field can be left blank. Otherwise enter the
name of the server where the database is located. Then click on the Connect button to log
into the account. If there are any problems, an error message will display in the text field
to the right of the Connect button. The values you supply for Account, Password and
Database are saved and automatically re-used next time you enter this dialog, so it should
not be necessary to click on the Connect button again.
Typically the TDM database will contain lists of tools that pertain to jobs or machines.
To select such a list, you can specify a filter for the list names in the Filter text field and
then click on the Load button. If you do not enter a filter, all the lists will be placed in the
table above, and there can be thousands. You can use "*" and "?" as wild cards in the
filter (in the normal VERICUT manner) or use "%" as you would with TDM. The lists
that match the filter will display in the table on the left.

Now pick the list you need from the left table, and the tools contained in the list will
display in the table on the right.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

The column headings in this right table correspond to the TDM field names, but it is
worth noting that the content of the "Tool No." column gets used as the tool ID in
ToolManager, and the TDM "Tool ID" and "Description" fields are combined to form the
Tool Manager description.
If you click on the "OK" or "Apply" button, without changing the content of the tool table
in any way, the tool data is transferred to Tool Manager and the user file will reference
the TDM list. To indicate this, Tool Manager's title bar will display the TDM list name
instead of a VERICUT tool library name;

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

However, if you alter the tool data, by editing text, deleting tools or adding more, the
changes will not be reflected in the TDM database. A reference in the user file to a TDM
tool list is thus no longer viable. In this situation when you click on the "OK" or "Apply"
button, ToolManager's title bar will not include a list name and you will be expected to
save the tool data in a VERICUT tool library.
Even if you make no changes, you can save the tool data to a VERICUT tool library and
the link between the user file and the TDM tool list will be severed.
By turning on the "Append to Tool Library" option, you can add the tools from the
selected TDM list to those present in the currently accessed library. If there is a conflict
between tool IDs, the tools already in the library will prevail. With this option there will
be no link between the user file and the TDM list, because the set of tools accessed by the
user file is more comprehensive than the content of the list.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Unigraphics-to-VERICUT Interface (UGV)

Introduction to the Unigraphics-to-VERICUT Interface


The Unigraphics-to-VERICUT Interface, or "UGV", is a licensed software program that

provides a fully integrated Unigraphics-to-VERICUT interface. The interface streamlines
the verification and optimization of UG-generated tool paths.
Verify individual paths, a series of selected paths, or a complete sequence of operations.
Stock, fixture, and design models are automatically transferred to VERICUT, along with
tool path and tooling information.
VERICUT runs independently from UG, so you can work in UG while verifying a tool
VERICUT has the ability to display and analyze geometric models as well as simulate
cutter motion and the material removal of an NC tool path. It also verifies the quality and
correctness of the tool path. Programming errors or inefficient motion are visually
detected during the simulation process, which aids the NC programmer in correcting the
tool path. Measurement tools are used at any time during the simulation process to verify
or compute the volume, distances and locations, as well as to compare various stages of
the "cut" part with other stages or with the "design" part.

Flow of information through UGV:

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Starting UG with UGV

The UGV command file ...<computertype>/commands/ugv_v17 (ugv_vXX.bat for
windows) sets the environment for CGTech's UG to VERICUT interface, then runs
Unigraphics. When integrated into your normal Unigraphics start-up environment as
described under Installing the Unigraphics-to-VERICUT Interface (UGV), UGV is
automatically included when you run Unigraphics.
Depending on the version of UG in use, UGV is accessed differently. See "Overview of
using UGV" for details. UGV's "Run VERICUT" window is used to select the geometry
and tool path(s) used in the simulation, then run VERICUT. Options are available to run
VERICUT interactively or in batch mode (unattended in the background). When
VERICUT is run interactively, all that's left to do is press Play to End ( ) to start the

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Installing the Unigraphics-to-VERICUT Interface


This section documents supported versions of UG, and the procedure for installing the
Unigraphics-to-VERICUT Interface (UGV). These instructions apply only when
VERICUT will be run via the Unigraphics to VERICUT interface (UGV). If VERICUT
will only be run outside of UG, then ignore this section.

Unigraphics version support

UGV can be operated on UNIX and Windows computers with the following UG
Unigraphics V17, V18, NX, NX2, NX3

UGV installation
Follow the general procedure below to install UGV. Integrating UGV into your standard
UG startup may require "root" or administrator permissions - see your system
administrator for assistance.
NOTE: The following Unigraphics products, ufunc_execute (P2_ufunc_execute for
NX2), (product name "UG/Open API Execute") and the grip_execute (product name
"UG/Open Grip Execute") are required prerequisites for the Unigraphics-to-VERICUT
Assuming UG has already been installed, install VERICUT (includes the UGV software)
per the VERICUT installation instructions.

Preparing to run Unigraphics with the Unigraphics-to-VERICUT Interface:

1. Locate the appropriate UGV run script -
The run script ...<computertype>/commands/ugv_nx2 (ugv_xx.bat for windows),
in your VERICUT installation, sets the environment for CGTech's UG to
VERICUT interface, then runs Unigraphics. Access the appropriate script for the
desired version of Unigraphics (ugv_nx2). For example, to run UGV for
Unigraphics NX2 on Windows, the run script is:
2. Create a desktop shortcut or copy the run script -
For windows, create a desktop shortcut that points to the appropriate UGV run
script. Be sure to set the shortcut's start-in property to a directory where you have
write permission.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

For UNIX systems (and optionally for Windows) you can copy the run script to a
directory where you have write permission and run it from there.

NOTE: The UGV run script will NOT run correctly from its installation
location in the commands directory, since users usually do not have write
permissions there. You must either create a desktop shortcut (windows platforms)
with a start-in path where you have write permissions, or copy it to a directory
where you have permissions to write files.


integrate the UGV interface into your normal UG startup process, copy the
environment settings from the appropriate ugv_xx(.bat) file into your normal UG
startup process. Do not copy the line that runs Unigraphics, as your start
environment should already be configured to do this.

Start Unigraphics with UGV.

After completing the previous step and assuming VERICUT is licensed and operational,
UGV is automatically included when you run Unigraphics. If UG does not start, DO
NOT CONTINUE - see your UG system administrator for assistance.
Depending on the version of UG in use, UGV is accessed differently. See "Overview of
using UGV" for details.

Configuring UGV to start VERICUT with a custom User file

By default, UGV initialized VERICUT with the "ug_init.VcProject" (inch UG sessions)
or "ug_initm.VcProject" (mm UG sessions) Library file, prior to adding UG data
transferred by the interface: models, tool path(s), etc.
You can change the default VERICUT session settings by modifying the ug_init.Vc
Project/ug_initm.VcProject initialization Project files. We highly recommend that you
save a backup copy of these files before modifying them. The library files are located in
the "library" directory in your VERICUT installation.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Overview of Using UGV

The following overview describes how UGV is used with VERICUT and UG to simulate
the cutting action of UG-generated tool paths. Exact user actions in UG may vary,
depending on the UG version being used.

UG V17, V18, NX, NX2, NX3 overview

1. Prepare UG model/tool path data.

In UG, create the necessary model geometry and tool paths to simulate in VERICUT.

2. Start the Unigraphics-to-VERICUT Interface (UGV).

A. Click Application menu > Manufacturing.
B. Click on any program group in the UG Operations Navigator to activate the

C. Click the VERICUT icon ( ) on the UG Toolbar, or click Tools

>VERICUT (or Ctrl + Alt + V).

The UGV VERICUT window opens. (See window features)

3. Specify the location and base name for the VERICUT files.
A. In the Output Directory text field, enter the /path/ to the directory where you
want the VERICUT files ( .VcProject, .tls. CGTPart.stk, CGTStock.stk, etc.)
output. By default, the output directory is the "start in" directory of the
B. In the File Name text field, enter the "base" name for the VERICUT files that
will be created. By default the name of the UG .prt file is used.
C. If desired, specify a Project Template file. Enter the /path/filename of the
"template" .VcProject file that you want loaded, in the text field, or use the
"Browse" button to display a file selection window and use it to specify the
/path/filename. A "template" .VcProject file is a previously defined
VERICUT project file. For more information, see Introduction to Project
Setup in the VERICUT Help section, in the CGTech Help Library.
D. Select the name of the program group, from the Program Group(s) list, that
you want to specify settings for. The "Settings For Program Group:
program group name" will update to confirm your selection. Any settings that

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

you make will apply to this program group until another program group is

4. Provide UGV with information related to the model files that will be passed to
A. Select Options to display the UGV Options window.

a. Specify the Output Model File Type. Choose VERICUT Model or

b. Specify the Output Model File Format. Choose ASCII or Binary.
c. Specify the Output Model Tolerances. Enter the desired tolerance
values in the Part, Blank and Fixture text fields.
d. Specify the coordinate system that the model files output are relative
to. Choose Absolute or MCS/Coordinate System.

5. Specify the VERICUT program attributes.

A. Specify the Process mode in which VERICUT is to run. Choose Interactive
or Batch.
B. If NC Program Type will be set to G-code, select the Machine Type, from
the pull-down list, that UGV is to use for creating G-code files from the UG
internal toolpath files. This list is the same as the Available Machines list in
the UG Post Process window. This feature is used in conjunction with the
Automatically Output NC Program feature on the UGV VERICUT
C. Specify the Cut Mode in which VERICUT is to run. Choose Standard or
D. Specify the type of NC program files that are to be passed VERICUT. Choose
either CLSF or G-code. This feature is used in conjunction with the
Automatically Output NC Program feature on the UGV VERICUT
E. Select OK to apply the settings and return to the VERICUT window.

6. If necessary, select UG geometry to transfer to VERICUT.

By default, UGV automatically creates a "stock" block enclosing the bounds of the
operation's part model. However, you can use the Geometry options to select alternate
geometry to use in the simulation.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

A. If you wish to output Part, Stock and Fixture models relative to a coordinate

system, click ( Model Location ), then select the coordinate system

representing the orientation of the of the stock on the machine in VERICUT.
You must do this before selecting the Part, Stock or Fixture models and you
must have previously set Output Model Relative To, on the Options
window, to MCS/Coordinate System. All models will be output relative to
the selected coordinate system until another coordinate system is selected or
the coordinate system is removed by selecting the Model Location icon and
clicking the Remove button.

B. Click (Part), and then select geometry to represent the design model,
or theoretical finished part. (Only applicable if using AUTO-DIFF in

C. Click (Stock/Blank), and then select geometry to represent the raw

stock workpiece to be machined.

D. Click (Fixture/Check), and then select geometry to represent the

fixture used to hold the stock for machining.

7. Provide VERICUT with information related to this setup.

A. If desired, enter the /path/filename of the Setup Template file that you want
loaded, in the text field, or use the Browse button to display a file selection
window and use it to specify the /path/filename. A setup "template" is a
previously defined VERICUT .VcProject file that containing files and settings
required for VERICUT simulation. For more information, see Introduction
to Project Setup in the VERICUT Help section, in the CGTech Help
B. Toggle "On" Use Tools from the Setup Template if you want VERICUT to
use the tool library file stored in the Setup Template rather than one created
by UGV.
C. Toggle "On" Use Views from the Setup Template if you want VERICUT to
use the views stored in the Setup Template rather than the views created by

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

8. Select the toolpath files to be simulated in VERICUT.

To create a new NC program file to add to the NC Program File(s) list, select
Automatically Output NC Program, and then Add. UGV will automatically create
a new .cls or .ptp file containing the operations related to the selected Program Group.
UGV uses the settings in the Options window to determine whether a .cls file, or a
.ptp file, is created for simulation.
To add an existing NC program file(s) to the NC Program File(s) list, select Existing
NC Program, and then Add. UGV displays a standard file selection window
enabling you to select existing .cls or .ptp files.

9. Select settings for any additional program groups that you want VERICUT to
Select another program group from the Program Group(s) list and repeat the above
steps to specify setting changes for this new setup. Continue for each program group
(setup) that you want VERICUT to simulate.

10. Output files and start VERICUT.

A. Select Output Files to output all files, for all Program Groups, including the
selected models, tool library files, updated project and setup files, and the
"operations" file that assembles all of this information into a VERICUT
"project" file.
B. Select Run VERICUT to dismiss the UGV VERICUT window and start

When VERICUT is run from UG, both application windows are available to work in at
the same time.
NOTE: The values that you set in any of the UGV windows are saved as attributes in
the UG part file for each Program Name. Use Apply at any time to save your settings in
the UG part file. When you re-open the UG part file, the UGV settings are recalled as
they where when you saved the file.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces


Features in this window are used to select the geometry and tool path(s) to simulate, and
then run VERICUT. In UG V16-NX3 this window is opened via clicking the VERICUT
icon ( ) on the UG Toolbar, Tools menu > Operation Navigator > Toolpath >
VERICUT or Tools menu > VERICUT.
NOTE: The values that you set in any of the UGV windows are saved as attributes
when you save the UG part file. When you re-open the UG part file, the UGV settings are
recalled as they where when you saved the file.
Sample VERICUT window:

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Output Directory — Enter the /path/ to the directory where you want the VERICUT
files output ( .usr, .tls. CGTPart.stk, CGTStock.stk)

File Name — Enter the "base" name for VERICUT files that will be created. By default
the name of the UG .prt file is used.

Project Template — Enter the /path/filename of the "template" .VcProject file that you
want loaded in the text field, or use the "Browse" button to display a file selection
window and use it to specify the /path/filename. A "template" .VcProject file is a
previously defined VERICUT project file. For more information, see Introduction to
Project Setup in the VERICUT Help section, in the CGTech Help Library.

Retain Setups in Project Template — When toggled "On", UGV will append the
operations in the Unigraphics part file, to the setups that are already defined in your
Project Template file, and setups from both files will be contained in the generated
project file. Otherwise, and more typically, the imported Unigraphics part operations will
be the only setups in the generated project file.

Program Group(s) — All of the program groups shown in the Operations Navigator
are available in this list. Use the list to select the program group that you want selected
settings to pertain to. When a program group is selected from the list, the Settings for
Program Group field is updated so you can see at a glance which program group you
are selecting settings for.

Options — Displays the UGV Options window enabling you to set parameters related
to the models that are passed to VERICUT and to set parameters related to VERICUT

Geometry — By default, UGV automatically selects models associated with your NC

operations. However, the following options can be used to select alternate geometry to
use in the simulation:

(Part) — Click this option to select geometry to represent the design

model, or theoretical finished part. Design models are used by VERICUT's
AUTO-DIFF function to detect gouges and excess material conditions. Geometry
for use as a "Design Surface" model does not have to be solid or watertight.

(Stock/Blank) — Click this option to select geometry to represent the

raw stock workpiece to be machined.

(Fixture/Check) — Click this option to select geometry to represent the

fixture used to hold the stock for machining.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

About selecting geometry:

In general, click the desired Geometry icon, then click Select and select the
corresponding UG geometry. A window also display containing standard Unigraphics
"Class Selection" tools to assist you in selecting geometry. Geometry items can be
selected in any order, for example: stock-fixture-part, fixture-stock-part, etc. UG
highlights selected geometry. Selections for each of the geometry options can be re-
selected or cleared by selecting the corresponding geometry option, then clicking
Reselect or Remove, respectively. Reselect and None are only available when geometry
was previously selected.

1. Non-solid models composed of surfaces, faces, etc. must form a watertight skin to
be useful as solid models in VERICUT. If gaps or overlaps exist in UG geometry,
the resulting solid may have holes, or portions (possible all) of the model may

2. If a stock blank is not defined or selected via the Stock/Blank option, then
VERICUT automatically creates a stock block based on the bounds of the Part in

(Model Location) — Click this option to select a coordinate system

representing the orientation of the stock on the machine. You can either enter the name of
the appropriate coordinate system in the window that displays or select the coordinate
system in the Unigraphics graphics area.

Setup Template — Enter the /path/filename of the Setup "template" file that you want
loaded in the text field, or use the "Browse" button to display a file selection window and
use it to specify the /path/filename. A setup "template" is a previously defined VERICUT
.VcProject file that containing files and settings required for VERICUT simulation. For
more information, see Introduction to Project Setup in the VERICUT Help section, in
the CGTech Help Library.

Use Tools from the Setup Template — When toggled "On", VERICUT will use the
tool library file stored in the Setup Template rather than one created by UGV.

Use Views from the Setup Template — When toggled "On", VERICUT will use the
views stored in the Setup Template rather than the views created by UGV.

Automatically Output NC Program — Use this feature to create new .cls or .ptp files
from the selected UG operations.

Select Existing NC Program — Use this feature to select existing .cls or .ptp files.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

NC Program File(s) — Displays a list of NC Program files that will be passed to


Add — Use to add tool path files to the NC Program File(s) list.

If Create for selected operations is selected, UGV will automatically create a new
.cls or .ptp file containing the operations selected in the UG Operations Navigator.
UGV uses the features in the Process Options window to determine whether a .cls
file or a .ptp file is created for simulation.

If Use existing files is selected, UGV displays a standard file selection window
enabling you to select existing .cls or .ptp files.

Remove — Use to remove the highlighted tool path(s) from the NC Program File(s)

Run VERICUT — launches VERICUT with the files created by Output Files.

Output Files — outputs all files, for all Program Groups, including the selected
models, tool library files, updated project and setup files, and the "operations" file that
assembles all of this information into a VERICUT "project" file.

OK — Saves values that you set in the UGV windows as attributes the UG part file and
closes the UGV VERICUT window.

Apply — Saves values that you set in the UGV windows as attributes the UG part file
and leaves the UGV VERICUT window open to enable you to continue.

Cancel — Closes the UGV VERICUT window without saving any of the settings in the
UG part file.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

UGV Options Window

Use the features of the UGV Options window to pass information specific to the model
files (Part, Blank, and Fixture) to VERICUT.
NOTE: The values that you set in any of the UGV windows are saved as attributes
when you save the UG part file. When you re-open the UG part file, the UGV settings are
recalled as they where when you saved the file.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Output Model File Type — Use to specify the type of model files that are being passed
to VERICUT. Choose either VERICUT Model (VERICUT polygon file) or STL
(Stereolithography model file).

Output Model File Format — Use to specify the file format of the model files. Choose
either ASCII or Binary.

NOTE: "Binary" VERICUT polygon files are platform specific.

Model Output Tolerance — Use to specify tolerance values for Part, Blank and
Fixture models.

Output Model Relative To — Use to specify the coordinate system that the model files
are to be output in. Choose either Absolute or MCS/Coordinate System.

Absolute — This choice is typically used for CLSF files because the CL file MSYS
record takes care of tool point location transformation. If Absolute is selected, the
following is output in the setup file for this program group:

Models are output relative to absolute.

VERICUT Process Matrix is turned-on.
VERICUT CSYS's are created for each MCS in each Program Group, attached to
the stock component.

MCS/Coordinate System — The MCS/Coordinate System choice outputs the

models relative to the MCS of the first operation in the program group, or relative to
the selected coordinate system (new), if one exists. This choice is typically used for
G-Code processing since there is no MSYS equivalent in the G-Code data. It is
sometimes used by CLSF users when they only have one setup, and want the models
located relative to the MCS, rather than absolute. If MCS/Coordinate System is
selected, the following is output in the setup file for this program group:

Models are output relative to the selected Program Group's MCS, or …

Models are output relative to the selected coordinate system.
VERICUT Process Matrix is turned-off
VERICUT CSYS's are created for each MCS in each Program Group, attached to
the stock component.

MCS/Coordinate System output is sometimes used for a single-position CLSF where

the user wants the models in the same coordinates as the MCS.

Process — Controls the processing mode in which VERICUT is run.

Interactive — Opens the VERICUT window for access to all VERICUT functions
and capabilities. When the VERICUT window opens, all of the required VERICUT
files are loaded and ready for processing. The stock is displayed in its unprocessed

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

state and you need to need to press the "Play to End" icon, , in VERICUT to start
the verification process.

Batch — Runs VERICUT unattended in the background. When the VERICUT

window opens, the toolpath verification process is complete and the part is displayed
in its processed state.

NOTE: In either case, both application windows (VERICUT and UG) are available to
work in at the same time.

Machine Type — Enables you to select the machine type that UGV is to use for creating
G-code files from the UG internal toolpath files.

Cut Mode — Controls the cut mode in which VERICUT is run (ref. Project menu >
Processing Options > Motion: Fastmill option in the VERICUT Help section, in the
CGTech Help Library for more information).

Standard — Runs VERICUT in the "Standard" cut mode where each cut made by
each tool motion is seen (full cutting animation).

FastMill — Runs VERICUT in the "FastMill" cut mode where all tool path records
are processed as quickly as possible without displaying animated cutting, and then the
final machined workpiece is displayed.

NC Program Type — Use to specify the type of NC program files that are to be passed
VERICUT. Choose either CLSF or G-Code. This feature is used in conjunction with the
Create for selected operations feature on the UGV VERICUT window.

Attach Component Name — Enter the name of the VERICUT attach component that is
to be used for the current program group.

Program Zero From Component — Enter the name of the component that represents
the "from" point for determining the program zero offset. VERICUT will use the origin
of the specified component. The default "From Component" is "tool".

Program Zero to CSYS — Enter the name of a CSYS to represent the "to" point for
determining the program zero offset. VERICUT will use the origin of the specified
CSYS. The default "To CSYS" is a CSYS named "Program_Zero".

OK — Updates the UG part file with the current settings and closes the UGV Options
window and returns to the UGV VERICUT window.

Apply — Updates the UG part file with the current settings and leaves the UGV Options
window open for further setting changes.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Cancel — Closes the UGV Options window and returns to the UGV VERICUT window
without updating the settings in the UG part file.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

840D Virtual NC Kernel and Interface (VNCK)

General Description
The Siemen's Virtual NCK (VNCK) system is used to drive a VERICUT simulation by
providing the functions of a target Sinumerik 840D control. The VNCK uses the actual
840D machine parameter (ARC) file when processing NC program (MPF) and subroutine
(SPF) files. A VNC Server works with the VNCK to control NC program execution and
obtain the processed 840D status and axis motion results. VERICUT interfaces to this
VNC Server and receives the axis positions resulting from NC commands as well as data
from the program processing within the VNCK. VERICUT uses this VNCK data to
simulate stock cutting, machine axis motions, and to keep various status displays

Siemen's VNCK
Users should follow Siemen's directions for installing the VNCK and obtaining the
necessary operating license. For each machine control being simulated, the user must
obtain a Sinumerik 840D ARC (archive) file. The ARC file contains machine parameter
setting, axis definitions, NC programs, subprograms, and tool definitions. Since 840D
control space is limited, all unnecessary NC programs and tool definitions should be
deleted from the 840D control before the ARC file is saved.
Considerable time is normally required to boot the VNCK from an ARC file. However,
after the VNCK is booted, the VNCKView utility can save a binary version of the
VNCK's memory and use it to quickly boot on subsequent occasions. This binary version
of the VNCK's memory is called an SRAM file and is recommended for VERICUT
applications. Note that all SRAM files should be rebuilt whenever a new version of the
VNCK is installed.

VERICUT Implementation
When the VNCK is used with VERICUT, the major difference is that VERICUT does
not read and parse the NC programs. Instead, the VNCK processes the NC programs and
provides axis positions to VERICUT. Tool change events, messages, alarms, M-codes,
and speed-feed settings are also provided to VERICUT by the VNCK. VERICUT still
requires a control file (CTL), but it is only used to process macros associated with the
tool changes, M-codes, or speeds and feeds.
The initial implementation does not support VERICUT sub-systems or control file
The VERICUT-VNCK system is distributed with VERICUT as a special DLL. The
"cgtvnck.dll" file should be placed in the C:\CGTech60\windows\vericut folder and the
following line inserted in the vericut.bat file:
set CGTECH_VNCKAPI=C:\CGTech60\windows\vericut\cgtvnck.dll

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

A special file folder structure is also used by VERICUT-VNCK applications. The

Siemen's 840D expects a KONFIG.DIR folder containing the machine's definition (ARC
and SRAM files) and any subroutine (SPF) files shared by multiple projects. Multiple
project folders (e.g. PROJECT_1.WPD, PROJECT_2.WPD) can be defined at the same
level as the KONFIG.DIR folder. Each Working Project Directory (WPD) contains the
main part programs and associated subprograms (MPF and SPF files).
In VERICUT, the VNCK option is selected by setting the "NC Program Type" to
"Siemens VNC 840D". The following dialog will appear if VERICUT has a license for
the VNCK interface:

NC Program Type — Type of NC program file for VERICUT to simulate.

Initial Tool — When active, VERICUT loads an initial tool from a Tool Library file.
This action occurs automatically when the Project file is loaded, the NC program is
rewound, or the model is reset. Choose the ID of desired tool using the option list next to
this feature. This feature is useful when simulating NC programs for machines that have a
tool loaded at the time tool processing is started, therefore do not have information about
the first tool.

VNCK Control File — Selects a DAT, ARC or INI file from the konfig.dir folder
associated with the machine and project being simulated. As described above, a SRAM
(.dat) file is recommended, however ARC and INI files can also be directly used.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

Main Toolpath (MPF) — Selects the NC program being simulated. The main program
must have a "mpf" extension and should reside in the "project.wpd" folder if it is not an
external MPF.

External MPF — Indicates the MPF does not reside in the WPD folder. The 840D has
additional restrictions regarding "external files" defined in Siemen's documentation.

Working Project Directory — Select the WPD folder for the application being
simulated. Note that this folder must have a ".wpd" appended to its name and must have
the same parent folder as the "konfig.dir" folder.

Stop VNCK — This button will kill the VNCK process. It should only be used if
communications between VERICUT and the VNCK is lost.

The VNCK is booted the first time PLAY or SINGLE-STEP is requested in VERICUT.
Normally there is a several second delay before control returns to VERICUT. The status
of the boot operation is displayed in the VERICUT logger.
The RESET operation in VERICUT initializes the system for a new simulation. During a
RESET, the VNCK is shutdown and rebooted to reset its memory to the initial state. This
typically adds several seconds to the normal VERICUT RESET operation.
VERICUT tool definitions and offset registers are passed to the VNCK during the VNCK
boot phase. This information is written to a "VericutVNCK.ini" file residing in the
"konfig.dir" folder. All tools including any compensation values (D2, D3, etc.) used in
the MPF must be defined in VERICUT's tool manager before starting a VNCK
simulation. The VNCK will generate an alarm if a tool is not defined when referenced in
the MPF. Future versions of the VNCK will allow direct interface calls to replace the
need for the VericutVNCK.ini file.
VNCK messages and alarms are displayed in the logger and written to the VERICUT log
file. In addition, interactions between VERICUT and the VNCK can be recorded in the
G-code log file. This trace information is recorded when the "Debug Marco Arguments"
option is selected.
During simulation, a "Single Step" request in VERICUT might result in several blocks of
the NC program being processed. This is because the VNCK reports motion, tool change,
and M-code events, but does not report all program blocks being processed. Non-motion
blocks (variable assignments, conditional statements, subroutine calls, etc.) may be
combined into a single step before results are reported to VERICUT.
During a VNCK simulation the VERICUT Toolpath window shows a pointer to the
current block of the MPF being processed. When subroutines are called, the Toolpath
window will only display the SPF file if it has been declared as a subroutine in G-Code
Settings (ref. Project menu > Processing Options > G-Code > Settings > Subroutine
tab in the VERICUT Help section, in the CGTech Help Library).
Most VNCK alarms need to be resolved before simulation can be completed. The
Siemen's diagnostic document "840d_da.pdf" provides additional problem descriptions

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

which may be helpful resolving alarms. The VNCK error identification is displayed in the
logger window and can be used with the "840d_da.pdf" to obtain the complete error
During a VNCK simulation the VERICUT dialog for variables (ref. Project menu >
Processing Options > G-Code > Variables in the VERICUT Help section, in the
CGTech Help Library) will display updated values for Tracking Variables. Note that the
VNCK reports variable values when they are processed in the "Preparatory" phase. Since
the Preparatory phase may be several blocks ahead of the current motion block, the
values may change before the toolpath window indicates the block has been processed.
Also see the restriction below for variables.
The VNCK calculates the time during a simulation and this time value is used to update
the VERICUT status information.

VERICUT Control Files

The VERICUT CTL file is used to process tool change events, M-codes, and speed-feed
settings. The initial implementation does not support VERICUT sub-systems and control
file subroutines. Two special CTL words have been used to handle tool selection and tool
changes. These are "VNCK_TOOLSELECT" and "VNCK_TOOLCHANGE". The
CTL file must be modified to define these words and associate the correct macros with
them for VERICUT tool changes.

Machine File Changes

The machine tool builder chooses names for the axes defined in the 840D ARC file.
During the VNCK boot phase, the VNCK provides these configuration names to
VERICUT so they can be matched with VERICUT axes components. The VERICUT
components should be renamed to agree with the ARC file names.

Converters and CAD/CAM Interfaces

If the axes names are not known, they can be located in the ARC file by searching for
definitions similar to those shown below:



1. In-Process (IP) files are not operational with the VNCK since the VNCK can not
again be synchronized with VERICUT when the IP file is later restored. An error
message is displayed if a VNCK session attempts to save an IP file.

2. The VNCK supports turning applications, however, turning has not been
implemented in the initial VERICUT-VNCK interface.

3. The VNCK supports multiple channels, however, the relation between multiple
channels and VERICUT sub-systems has not been implemented in the initial
VERICUT-VNCK interface.

4. During the VNCK boot process, all MPF and SPF files in the WPD folder are loaded
into the VNCK's memory. Large programs may overflow the available VNCK
memory producing a "NC Memory Full" alarm and truncating the file. If this occurs,
move the files to a separate folder and check the "External MPF" box on the Toolpath

5. During simulation, VERICUT and the VNCK exchange asynchronous messages.

Errors have occurred causing the VERICUT to lose its connection with the VNC
Server. VERICUT will wait for 30 seconds before admitting a failure. Report this
problem and restart your job.

6. OptiPath and Curve Fit are not supported in the VERICUT-VNCK system. These
options require the original tool path file which is not being read and parsed by
VERICUT when the VNCK is active.

7. The number of variables being watched is limited to 5 with VNCK version
This limitation should be removed in future versions of the VNCK.


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