The document introduces the 3DQuickPress software, which is a SolidWorks add-on for 3D progressive die design. It allows die designers to leverage the power of 3D design. The intended audience are new 3DQuickPress users with basic SolidWorks skills and experience in progressive die design. The software can automatically recognize certain sheet metal features when unfolding a part and has tools for cleaning up imported data to prepare it for unfolding. It also outlines the typical workflow using 3DQuickPress, from unfolding the part to punch design, die set design, and detailing.
The document introduces the 3DQuickPress software, which is a SolidWorks add-on for 3D progressive die design. It allows die designers to leverage the power of 3D design. The intended audience are new 3DQuickPress users with basic SolidWorks skills and experience in progressive die design. The software can automatically recognize certain sheet metal features when unfolding a part and has tools for cleaning up imported data to prepare it for unfolding. It also outlines the typical workflow using 3DQuickPress, from unfolding the part to punch design, die set design, and detailing.
The document introduces the 3DQuickPress software, which is a SolidWorks add-on for 3D progressive die design. It allows die designers to leverage the power of 3D design. The intended audience are new 3DQuickPress users with basic SolidWorks skills and experience in progressive die design. The software can automatically recognize certain sheet metal features when unfolding a part and has tools for cleaning up imported data to prepare it for unfolding. It also outlines the typical workflow using 3DQuickPress, from unfolding the part to punch design, die set design, and detailing.
The document introduces the 3DQuickPress software, which is a SolidWorks add-on for 3D progressive die design. It allows die designers to leverage the power of 3D design. The intended audience are new 3DQuickPress users with basic SolidWorks skills and experience in progressive die design. The software can automatically recognize certain sheet metal features when unfolding a part and has tools for cleaning up imported data to prepare it for unfolding. It also outlines the typical workflow using 3DQuickPress, from unfolding the part to punch design, die set design, and detailing.
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To Enable Tooling Engineers To Use the Power of 3D Design
3 D Q U I C K P R E S S
Introducing! 3DQuickPress
3D QuickTools Limited Unit 126, 1 st Floor, Tech Center, 72 Tat Chee Ave., Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong Phone +852.2788 2832 Fax +852.2777 6676
3DQuickPress! is a registered trademark of 3DQuickTools Ltd."#$%&' SolidWorks! is a registered trademark of SolidWorks Corporation."#$%&' Other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. All Rights Reserved
i Table of Content() Introduction ! 1 The 3DQuickpress Software 3DQuickpress *+ 1 Intended Audience ,-"./ 1 System Requirements 0123 1 Chaper 1 "#$ 2 3DQuickPress Fundamentals 3DQuickPress 45 2 Design environment 6789 2 Data Flow :;<= 3 Design Trees 67> 4 Work Flow ?@<= 5 Chaper 2 "%$ 8 Unfold AB 8 OVERVIEW CD 8 Unfold capability ABEF 9 Data clean up :;GH 12 User Assist Recognition (UAR) -IJKLM 13 Bend allowance NOPQR 15 Alternate Work Flow ?@<= 16 Fixing unfold problems SHABTU 18 Chaper 3 "&$ 20 Strip Layout VW 20 Overview CD 20 Setup Station Layout 6X?Y 21 Edit Strip Parameters Z[\V]: 22 Design Change 67^_ 22 Create eDrawings `aeDrawings 24 Interface with FEA program -FEA =bcde 24 Design of Transfer Dies fghijk,fgjl67 24 Chapter 4 "'$ 25 Punch Design ml67 25 Overview CD 25 Punch & insert mlnop 27 Production Ready Library(PRL) qrstu 28 Chapter 5 "($ 30 Die set Design lv67 30 Die set structure lvwx 30 Die set library lvu 30 Create hole `ay 31 Hole clearance yz{ 31
The 3DQuickPress software is a SolidWorks! Add-on for 3D progressive die design. This software is used to enable progressive die designers to use the power of 3D design.
Introducing 3DquickPress discusses some basic concepts and terminology used throughout the 3DquickPress application. It familiarizes you with the commonly used functions of 3DquickPress and gives you an idea of the work flow for progressive die design using this software.
Intended Audience ,-"./
This book is for new 3DQuickPress user and it assumes that you have basic SolidWorks! skills and experience in progressive die design.
In this book, you are introduced to the concepts and work flow of 3D progressive die design using SolidWorks! and 3DQuickPress.
System Requirements0123
3DQuickPress Version 2 is an Add-on for SolidWorks! 2004 SP2 or above. For the most recent information about system requirements, refer to SolidWorks! Read This First, which is included in the box that contains the SolidWorks! software CDs. We suggest you install 1G of internal memory and a graphic card supporting OpenGL.
Work Flow for 3DQuickPress ,-./ 1. Unfold Part AB}+
2. Station setup ?@H6X Unfolded part is inserted to strip layout document AB}+iIo*VW :?q
3. Set strip layout Pameters 6XVW]:
6 4. Process Design where all processes are activated fm6?YiJK "L/67?Y
5. Punch Design ml67 Punch Design in Assembly Document > To create 3D Punch and Die f,-:+q67ml M `a3DmlnNl 6. Clearance Design FY67
7. Die set Design lv67
8. Part drawings }+
7 Chapter45 2
Unfold AB
Most CAD or Finite Element Analysis programs assume that sheet metal should have constant thickness. OP:CADu6QRST=bUVQ5W6XVY_"Z[. Almost all FEA programs use the mid face and assign thickness attributes. \YPm6"FEA=brY-qE*89S-Z[5E. Since 3DQuickPress has to handle all the details of the metal part, ]3DQuickPress^_Q5}+"m6"G`V. we take the top and bottom faces of the metal part model in consideration throughout the design process. WXfab67"cde=qfgQ5}+lT"|hi&. All the recognized features can be switched to different states simply by using the shortcut menu (RMB). m6Benj"bcrFz"Y-#xyzGHIYk"( )'
Figure 6 Fully folded state of a 3DQuickPress unfolded part. l 3DQuickPressAB}+"K^NO()
Figure 7 Unfolded state of a sheet metal part. 07 123456789:
Unfold capability ABEF
3DQuickPress can handle native SolidWorks! sheet metal parts or an imported sheet metal part. An ideal sheet metal part should have constant thickness. 3DQuickPress is able to extract certain sheet metal features automatically. 3DQuickPressFmno'L"SolidWorks!Q5W}+u<7po"Q5W}+'<7 Hq"Q5}+rZ"'3DQuickPressFmhiLsT<tQ5bc'
9 Metal features that can be recognized automatically:FihisT"Q5bc
Linear Bend uvNO
Compound Bend wxNO
Lancing ky
Embossing !z
Round Extrusion {|
Form feature L}bc
For some features, which the material thickness is not even, the user has to manually select them. ~<tbc@NVZYrZ"@-I2i{6jX'
Semi-Automatic unfold features:!hiABbcD
Chamfer "#
Gusset .$%
Open end depression k&N'
For some complex and forming regions the process is not as straight forward. We suggest users to use a Finite Element Analysis application to work out the blank state. 3DQuickPress User Defined Feature is used to handle the resulting blank. ~<t()"nLT*Y+&"/,Y-,-'WXa.-IY-6QRST`-*/01? Yq'
Flanging 2|
Drawn part 34}+
Forming LT
Advanced Forming 56LT
Data clean up:;GH
Sometimes the tolerance inside the solid body is not perfect,especially for imported data.If the user starts to unfold a metal part and the Unfold tree is not show up properly the user must find out where the geometry error is located by using the functions provided by SolidWorks. 67RS8*"9\YK:@bM;o":;',<-IB=AB<7Q5}+>AB>? @YABC-IDEY-SolidWorks12";F3FGH-S"IJK4'
SolidWorks! functions to heal imported data: SolidWorks!S(;o:;";F
12 SW function: Usage: Import Diagnosis ;oST Face diagnosis can convert faces back to cylindrical faces or planar faces.This feature is activated by right-clicking the imported body feature from SW feature manager,and select Diagnosis.You must select each face independently to fix. &STFA&G_*LM&uN&'&7bc< SW bj [H\}~;oOSbc8{6STcJK"'@DE{6 +<7PQ"&3SH' To understand if a cylindrical face is in its simplest mathematical state you should View | Temporary Axis with SolidWorks. If you see an axis the face is in the proper state.If not, select the face and pick Fix Face while in Diagnosis. Note: If you do this twice to the same face it will revert to the non- analytical state which is not desirable. RST<7LM}&UfjVz":WvwX`Y- SolidWorks " View | Temporary Axis;Z) | [7\]', <X)^\C&4f,]"vw'UC@{6&8fST7 _{SH&' #`D,<@~k<7&@labn@jA O(*YHq"oSTvw' Another option is to File|Save As a STEP file and File|Open the STEP file in a new document. This loop test approach will sometimes automatically simplify the faces. c<7{df<7F":?qe{ File|Save As a STEP file n File|Open the STEP file'&gf8n@/,67hi LAg&' Check Model Geometry hilTH-S Check invalid geometry,minimum radius, gaps, bad faces, etc. hijkH-S@VlLm@n&@o&r' Thicken surface .Z.& Correct bend co-axial inconsistency. SAY<p"NOqE* Delete Face qr& Delete bad face; remove fillet face qro&streu&
User Assist Recognition (UAR) - IJ K LM
All metal stamping starts from a flat pattern, progressive die design cannot be started without it. However, lots of Sheet metal parts have erratic or complex forming features, which cannot be covered by the program. User Assist Recognition is used to handle all those features manually by categorizing the region into a UAR Form, Gusset or User Defined Feature. m6Q5bcr<<7NvB=@w6j6xl67YFB='y>@?PzvQ5} +!6=bY]F{|"YDCu()"}vbc'-IJKLM-c4H}tii S-*UAR }v@.$%u-IV~"bc8"m6&tbc'
" UAR Form smashes all selected faces into a planar face. The calculation is simply a projection. UAR}0!om6{6"&L<7N&' "#zL$%'
Figure 8 UAR Form can handle Region B. Region A has a non-planar adjacent face which can not be handled by UAR Form. 8 UAR}vF4HB4'A46<7YFiUAR}v4H"jN&d&"&'
" Gusset can be converted with three options: During bending, before bending, and after bending. .$%F6'g{6cGHDNO7@NO+nNOh'
Figure 9 Left is a gusset, which is formed before bending. The upper is a gusset which is formed after bending. 9 (|.$%NO+"}v'|&.$%NOh"}v'
14 " User Defined Feature is a generic tool to handle free form features not adjacent to a planar face. -IV~bc<7z-c4Hw6&)*<7N&"h*}vSc"?!' Blank State +=vw Possible stamping process ]F"bce= Fully Folded State K^NOvw
Bend allowance NOPQR
You can choose either bend allowance or K-factor calculations to determine the flat length of sheet stock to give the desired dimension of the bent part. 3DQuickPress has a database to store the bend allowance. The key to searching the database for a matching bend allowance is: XF{6NOPQRu K ,pq"<g/0c7#BV-VR3./"NO}+"+0 V"AB./'3DquickPress 6<7:;u-c12NOPQR"'f:;uqi3 4\"NOPQR"$%D Material + Thickness + Internal Bend Radius + Bend Angle 05 6 Z[ 6 NO8L!7 6 NO#[ If we cannot find the bend allowance based on above search criteria, the software interpolates the values to calculate the bend allowance based on the thickness of the part or bend angle falling between values in the table. ,<WXYF<i8&||3*NOPQR4|@*+f.q:;KzIo:9:e }+Z[uNO#[7#NOPQR4|' The following equation is used to determine the total flat length when bend allowance values are used: ]NOPQRY-7@;hr0-BV<AB=[9D
Lt = A + B + BA
where: 0qD
L t is the total flat length Lt<AB./ A and B are shown in the illustration AnB,m@ BA is the bend allowance value BANOPQR
K-Factor is a ratio that represents the location of the neutral sheet with respect to the thickness of the sheet metal part. Bend allowance with a K-Factor is calculated as follows: K,p>.0VqE*(d~}+0VZ[>?)YXmV~"}+C:'-K,pc 7#NOPQR"90,hD BA =;R+KT<A/180
where: 0qD
BA = bend allowance BA=NOPQR R = inside bend radius R@8ANO!7 K = K-Factor, which is t / T K=K,p@Bt / T T = material thickness T=0VZ[
t = distance from inside face to neutral sheet t =8A*qE*"CD A = bend angle in degrees (the angle through which the material is bent) A = NO#[E:eNO0V"#[]
Alternate Work Flow(Insert Part) ?@<=EIo}+]
We have a standard work flow in 3DQuickPress. Instead of relying on 3DQuickPress-Unfold to extract metal features and create the blank, we can use a simple blank as the input for the strip layout design and model the intermediate steps manually. We need to use this alternate work flow when we encounter the following situations in the unfold process: f3DquickPressqWX6<7&|?@<='>YFG3DQuickPressAB1fQ5 benUH+V@WX];Y-z"+V@IIIJ67";o@89iKHqz "#']WXfABe=q7@L*;h()WX2RY-&72{6?@<=D
" Imported data cannot be converted to solid;oYFGH*RS":;
M For simple part, we suggest user to re-model it. It is not justified to re-model a very complex part. ~z"}[email protected]'WXY]FNa<7O()"} +'
16 " Very complex part O()"}+
M Complex parts rely on very experienced Designers to use User Defined Features to handle the unfolding. This method is straight forward. ()}+FGPCQR"67SY--IV~"bc4HAB' &7 /,ueT+"
An Example of alternate work flow (Insert Part) Up
A very simple part representing the Blank is used in unfolding. The blank is a result from a FEA program or working it out manually. d]+V"<7PC z"}+-cAB' +V<FEA=bu ?.?9k"w<'
An intermediate step is created in another SolidWorks! part document. qz"#fc<7 SolidWorks!}+:?q` a'
Finished part KL}+
17 Fixing unfold problems SHABTU If you are not able to create a blank from the part, you cannot move to next design stage > strip layout design. The easiest way to check unfold problems is by using Unfold All. Then figure out the reason for the unfold failure and finally fix it by UAR functions. The following table shows a typical procedure to unfold a part. Unfold -- Check=Set Top & Bottom Faces=Check=UAR=Check=UAR=Check>; ,<@YF<}+Vk1V@@YFxWh<678'MVW67'Vz"/,A B^*chiABTU'yhXYkABZ["+,8-UAR;FK^SAK'h.? @lAB<7}+"\Te='AB-hi-6X]ni&-hi-UAR-hi-UAR-hi Part to be unfolded }+AB
Unfold the part to create the unfold tree. AB}+`aAB> Check the Unfold Tree and locate all the Unknown and Invalid features. hiAB>83kYS"n 6TU"bc'
Go to User Assist Recognition and properly set Top and Bottom faces. xoUAR8ABL6V] ni&
UAR - Use User Defined Feature to fix the Invalid Compound Form. UAR!Y--IV~bc cS(6TU"wx}v
19 Use Unfold All and change to the side view. It is easily to find regions, which are difficult to unfold. Successful unfold will display 2 parallel lines only.
Y-AB^*89GLA^ '&J'(FG_AB" YX' L;"ABA``?@a\ NWv'
Use UAR Form to fix all V- grooves.
Y-URA}03S(m6V }a'
Use Unfold All and change to side view. OK if only 2 parallel lines are shown.
Y-AB^*89GLA^ ',<``?@a\NW v}bOKl'
Chapter45 3
Strip Layout VW
Overview CD
Strip Layout Design Tree is the key feature of 3DQuickPress. We can manipulate the process simply by dragging and dropping or selecting the commands from short cut menu(RMB). The strip layout in the graphic area is a virtual strip layout for visualization and selection purposes only. The reason for this is that our goal is to provide a progressive die design solution which assists die designers to design the stamping process rather than to assist them to do modeling. The instant feedback is a key benefit to the designer! VW67>3DquickPress"$%bc'WXFm:ez"cdne~u<#xyz{ 6efcgWe='?@hi"VW``<7Il]^n]{6I(""jkVW' 7q+*WX"(&12<gJKl!67S67bce=>YJK:XU@l !"6xl!67sl/m'~67/cn#$O`d]6o4"'
Figure 10 Drag & Drop to allocate features to the stations in Strip Layout Design Tree. 10 cdue~cS-bc*VW67>q"?Yq
Setup Station Layout 6X?Y
3DQuickPress has its own constrain engine to handle the station layout. For one out die, horizontal and vertical relations can be added to the selected line segments. 3DquickPress6hp"<g4H?Y"q0/m'~<k<"l!@r Nnsu$0].*{6"u||'
F i g u r e
1 1
T h i s Figure 11 This example shows how an inclined line is horizontally aligned. 11 &7Up?@l,-Y<\tv_LrNv'
For 2 out die or more, parallel; perpendicular; distance relationships can be added to the selected elements. ~<kuuEP"l!@NW; vu; CD$0];w.*{6"Rx
Relation ?@ Entity 1 RS 1 Entity 2 RS 2 Parallel NW Line uv Line uv Perpendicular vu Line uv Line uv Distance CD Line/Point uv/e Point e Angle #[ Line uv Line uv
Figure 12 --A 2 up unlike parts station layout and strip layout 12MA a7Yk}+?YyznVW
Edit Strip Parameters Z[\V]:
The Edit Strip Parameter Properties Manager is like a calculator to iterate the best strip layout parameters. It provides optimization functions to let you fix the dimensions of the strip layout and provides feedback for the material utilization. Z[\V]:bE[H\b{N(V|VW]:"7#\'j12l}@SAVW. /"~g;F8I0V-12l!"'
Figure 13 Parameters define a strip layout. 13 ]:V~<7VW'
Figure 14 Optimization tools can easily set the distance between stock and part margin Was well as minimum distance C between parts. 14 ~g?!FO'("6Xa7OSz"CD89}+|#a/KzV$C D"Vow<'
Design Change 67^_
After the strip layout is defined, 3DQuickPress allows the following changes during strip layout design: VWV;h@3DquickPressfVW67e=q>?;h_iD " Progression ?Y":
" Stock Width V%
22 " Remove and insert stations tinIo?Y
" Modifying the station metal features S^?YQ5bc
" Process / Un-process features 4H/Y4Hbc
These capabilities let users evaluate the processes to iterate the best scenario for the strip layout design. Although 3DQuickPress is designed for progressive die design, single operation dies can also be designed by turning off the stock and treating each station as the individual die set. &tF&}-IYYIVW6783V|67'(k/m')[3DquickPress I6xl67"@zjl*F:e$+0V8,z<lv<J~-+< "c67'
Some of the native sheet metal feature may need to be separated into multiple stages due to physical conditions. Bends and Cutting operation can be split up. <thy"Q5bc*?*OH\+2RiSD*P7./'sNn k&n@];iSD'
Figure 15 A hole is pierced by 2 operations instead of 1 due to the weakness of the middle groove. This can be done by using Split Punch. 15*qzNa"zzm;<7y*a"n@jb>Y <"'&];-SB"mlcKL'
Figure 16 Right angle bend is split into 2 operations by using Create Split Bend. 16 }|"#[NOY-a"n@`aS"NO'
Create eDrawings `aeDrawings
The data in 3DQuickPress strip layout is not SolidWorks! Geometry, Export strip layout and Punch is the function to convert 3DQuickPress data to SolidWorks! data so eDrawings can be created. 3DquickPressVW":;YSolidWorks!"H-S';kVWnml GH3DquickPress:;*SolidWorks!:;";F@,0eDrawingsF `a'
Interface with FEA program -FEA=bcde
For complex parts, we suggest the user to use a FEA program to work out the blank and intermediate steps. 3DQuickPress Insert Part and X- Form Part are useful to handle complex parts by using the alternate workflow as mentioned in Chapter 2 Unfold. ~()}[email protected]=bU@01Vnqz"#' 3DquickPressIo}+nX-Form}+~:eY-2{6?@<=E, 1u41*"AB]c4H()}+6@-"'
Design of Transfer Dies z?Yfgjl67
3DQuickPress uses the progressive die design workflow for transfer dies. As 1 st transfer die will blank off the part and the blank will be transformed when it is transferred from one die to another. 3DQuickPress X-Form Part function is able to translate or rotate the part. 3DquickPressIz?YfgjlY-fgl67<='1<"z?Yl A/h}+"01V@89]01V<<7l!G*c<7l!AxW _}'3DQuickPress X-Form}+;FFmtiu2G}+"'
24 Chapter 45 4
Punch Design ml67
Overview CD
Strip layout is only used to design the process and the output is only for collaboration. However, modeling of punches and die inserts are the final most useful output. 3DQuickPress produces cutting punches based on the virtual strip layout. Other tooling components for bending and forming are difficult to automatically create while fulfilling every users3 requirement. The role of 3DQuickPress punch design is to provide a communication between 3DQuickPress virtual strip layout and SolidWorks! by using Production Ready Library items. VW4-67e=@89qr``Il5<']ml"HTnl! Io~}+6OP-4'3DquickPressfjkVW45|q6j7'f 89+<Y-IR3"k7@,NOnLTrN:}+RhiVLb6: _l'3DquickPressml67b-qrstud(f3DquickPressV WnSolidWorks!Kz12<7;<'
The die set structure, also reference to as the DSS, controls the dimension and the spatial position of all the components.3DquickPress uses a SolidWorks! part document DieSetStructure.sldprt to represent the die set structure. This part will be copied and renamed to =DSS (project name)(project number).sldprt> upon creating the punch design assembly. The original location this is copied from depends on the die set library you select upon starting Punch Design. lvxH?DSS,oU@m6*+"./nAzYX'3DquickPress- SolidWorks!"<7}+:?DieSetStructure.sldprtc.@lvxH' ]`aml,-67&7}+Ai(UnNeBI=DSS (project ' name)(project number).sldprt>']ml67B=7@Ni(U+eY XF;@{6"lvuqlV"'
Figure 17 Datum planes in DieSetStructure.sldprt representing die set structure. The die set is composed of 3 main sub-assemblies-Upper Die set; Middle Die set and Lower Die set. 17 DieSetStructure.sldprtq"4|&>.llvwx'lv*37CR"p,-xL M|lv@qzlv@hlv'
Once the die set structure is defined, a new SolidWorks! assembly document is created and the punch design environment is ready to use. <lvwxlVh@<7F"SolidWorks!,-:?baQl@89ml6789DB]D |tY-'
Figure 18 Punch Design environment is in assembly context 18 ml6789f,-89q'
All components created by 3DQuickPress are fixed and associated to the strip layout. Any change in the strip layout will update the punches. So, never use SolidWorks! functions to re-locate the component unless you are intentionally doing for certain purposes like a shift of a bend line. Holes bodies are also attached to the components to make design more straightforward. m63DQuickPress`a"wx];wxn$;fVWE'VW"m6^_rMYmlE F'm;@YR--SolidWorks!";F3NFxHwx@rP@6`"I,NOv"_ i&J"BV("3V'yRS*iF.*wxqY67ESB'
Figure 19 Example of a piercing punch. Hole air volume is created automatically by extruding the offset punch profile. The opening for Lower Die set is modified manually by 3DQuickPress Sketch Tools- Bounding Rectangle. 19 jyml"Up'y"z{G!ml"H&hiq6"'hlI"JVy-3DquickPress" Sketch Tools- Bounding Rectangle?!iS^"'
Punch & insert mlnop
All punches and inserts have data structure attached to the part document for creating and editing purposes. m6"mlnopIl`anZ["("r6:;wxKL}+:?'
" Punch Holding level ml<5[
" Punch lock type mlXV/0
" Profile type > Round or irregular H&-^Huz*H
" Step M.
Production Ready Library(PRL) qrstu
Production Ready Library allows the user to customize the punch & die according to user preferences. It eliminates the need to edit the automatically created generic component by 3DQuickPress (version1). This also makes the associativity between die set and component much better. Tool Sets supported by this includes: qrstu>?-INhp"OoV~mlnNl'&bPrlZ[- 3DQuickPress (version1)hi`a"Q:4x"DR'&*Ylvn*rK zwx9Eo'~?!6X"RS*{|f8'
28 Step M. Punch Holding Level ml<5[ Lock type XVUT Profile type H&UT Cutting punch jVml W W W W Die insert Nlop X W W W Bending punch NOml X W W W Bending die NONl X W W W User Defined Component -IV~*r X W W W
Figure 20 PRL allows users to reuse data down to fully detailed drawing. 20 PRL>?-IN(Y-:;*^*""Gq'
29 Chapter45 5
Die set Design lv67
Die set structure lvwx
The 3 sub-assemblies from punch design are inserted to the die set, which contains corresponding components. The die set is set to the die close position. Don3t try to create an open book representation in this assembly as it will rebuild everything and can lead to disaster. '7bYxS<ml67Io*Z6d`wx"lvq'lv 6Xf+xYX'f&7,-SEYR[@3`a<7\B" vw@}ANa+<7]O8]F^FTU'
Die set library lvu
3DQuickPress Die set library will create a die set from a series of pre- defined die sets. These die sets can contain standard components. The user can create their own libraries from the exist libraries. 3DQuickPress Die set libraryA<<_sVlvq`alv'&t lv];{Z&|*+'-I]<G6"uq`ahp"u'
Figure 21 Plain die set that contains only die plates without any components. 21 NC"lv``{Zlv@w6`-*+'
Figure 22 Die set with standard components and holes can be re-used. It saves a lot of effort. 22 Z6&|*+ny"lvFN(Y-'ja2lOPBbL<'
Create hole `ay
At the beginning the die set assembly is created, all the plates are plain. 3DQuickPress will automate the creation of hole by automating the selection and use SolidWorks! Cavity to subtract the plates. For standard components, holes are created by revolving or extruding. Recess can be designed in punch design assembly. flv,-B=`a7@m6"vrNv'3DQuickPressM:ehi{6chiLx Wy"`a@8-SolidWorks!y;F3fv|rV'~&|*+@NyMi2GuT !kc'fml,-67qFcz{67kc'
Hole clearance yz{
When creating holes for the plates, fitting clearance can be created as with an additional solid per plate. Variables for the clearance can be set as C1-C6 as sketch dimension names. The user can specify clearances by using 3DquickPress |Die Set Structure| Component Hole Clearance. . fv|`ay7@];:ef++v.<7F.RSc`ax,"z{'YBV"z{ 9]V~L,./B?"C1-C6. -I]-3DquickPress |Die Set Structure| Component Hole Clearance;Fc/kz{9"Gz'
Figure 23 Left > SC and LC are small and large clearances which can be created by the Hole Bodies. Middle > Cutting punch P and Holes Bodies in part document. Others are Hole Bodies which are created by offsetting the punch cutting profile and cut. On the Right > Holes are created by cavity. 23 (-SCnLCFm:eyRS`a"lnOz{'qz-}+:?q"jVmlPnyRS'cde6:eNtmlY&8kr>` a"yRS'}|"yfA`a"'
31 Standard component &|}+
3DQuickPress provides 2 catalogs for english and metric units from Danly and Misumi.. Other catalogs can be derived from the existing 2 catalogs manually. 3DQuickPress<Danly and Misumi9g12hUn9Uag()'N:()]<&a7( )qipk'
Figure 24 Standard components can be driven by a SolidWorks Design Table and must contain a Sketch and reference axis namely Hole and ComponentDatumAxis respectively. 24 &|}+Fi<7SolidWorks67.pk89DESM{Z<7nyeB"]c\;i}+4|\'
Die set drawing lv~
The new die set assembly subdivide the die set into 3 sub-assemblies which allows user to create drawing view with different state F"lvjxkSlvI37p*S@jX]>?-I`a!6Ykvw"^'
Close state is the default configuration +xvwnl"-X'
Open state can be easily created by setting the explode view properly :e6Xx,"mn^O'(`aBlvw'
Open Book state is simply done by inserting the individual UD, MD, LD die set into drawing and no need to have a configuration inside the die set assembly. Open Book vw:eAzP"UD,MD,LDlvIo*qcz"V*'>Y2R6< 7-Xflvj,q'
32 Chapter45 6
Sketch Tools ?!
Sketch Tools ~?!
3DQuickPress Sketch Tools are used to do final touch up of die plates and eases the creations of small details. As the die plates are only 2 1/2D models, a set of 2D tools is the most efficient way to design details like openings, die inserts and corner clearances. 3DQuickPress~?!-cKLNlv|"VoG5@8(l""G"`a'~ lv``2.5Dl0@<_2D?!67,FY@opnG#"G5"p6k"/,'
Figure 25 Bounding box and circle are created in sketch and Extrude Cut the lower die set to create a bigger opening for scrap clearance. 25 /"nL"%Q-~V"@89qkhlIIGrrV`a<7O"FY'
Figure 26 Another example- Bounding box is created and edited. This sketch is used as input for SolidWorks! Split part feature to create die insert. 26 N:UpM`anZ[%Qs'&7i-cISolidWorks!kt}+bcc`aNlu+xW;o'
Figure 27 Rectangles or circles are created automatically at concave corners. This sketch is used to cut the corners of those plates to have punches pass through. 27 fv#4hi`a/uL'&7-ckrv|"v#;YmlFm:e'
Figure 28 Wire Threading hole is created based on normal distance to the selected edge. 28 vtbvyF;{V"|I4|N&|CD`a'
35 Chapter45 7
Detailing "
Quick Drawing #$~
QuickDrawing is used to create part drawings automatically if the automatic templates method was not used. ,<hilv/0w-9w@QuickDrawingi-chi`a}+'
3DQuickPress is designed to create 3D solid models but to fully detail drawings SolidWorks detail drafting functions and knowledge is required. 3DQuickPress users should consult SolidWorks! user guide for the following functions. 3DQuickPressI`a3DRS67"@x~"G@SolidWorks" "GU;FnCLDE"'~;h;F3DQuickPress-IR]y SolidWorks!-I$'
" Hole Table y/.
" Auto-Dimensioning hi&#
" Revision table Sz/.
" BOM }+.
Figure 29 A detailed drawing with holes table 29 Wy/.""G
Figure 30 Assembly drawing with BOM and balloons 30 W}+.n{|&#",-
37 Chapter45 8
3DQuickPress for 2D users 3DQuickPress 2D-I%&
Background 4'()
2D and 3D approaches in progressive die design are two extremes. 2D design aims at producing part drawing for manufacturing and assembly drawing to let craftsman understand the design. They have dozens of utilities to deal with blocks, layers, auto-dimensioning, wire frame editing, etc. f6xl67q"2Dn3DZea7}~'2D67#NIUH~U}+ @89,-F}?Hs67`':X6?P6k/,-+@ *@hi&#@vsZ[r34H'
3D design is straightforward since the design is in 3D solid which is a very clear presentation of the parts. When parts are put together they become an assembly. The whole picture of the design is easy to understand since it is a digital virtual prototype. <f!6}+".@PCSB"3DRSq677@3D67_9PC( ']}+!f<=7_L,-S'<jLI<7:"jklT767" ^*WbPC'(STl'
Layers *
2D users use layers to manage the die set structure. In the 3D design environment, we use parts and assemblies which is emulates the real world. 2D-IY-*c[Hl!wx'f3D6789q@WX-#$"}+n, -'
Figure 31 Typical 2D layer. Display of a part is controlled by layers on/off 31 \T"2D*':e$+nB%*coU}+"?@'
Figure 32 A 3D die set assembly has the whole picture of the die set in 3D. By selecting the component from the graphic view, a component can be opened. 32 f3Dq3Dl!,-!6l!"^*}':e<^q{<7*+@NFm\B'
Blocks +
Blocks are used in 2D for standard components and to group entities together. A typical block in 2D contains all information related to the components with attributes. If blocks are used properly, it will automate a lot of detailing tasks like hole tables and BOMs. f2Dq+~&|}+nRSj&*<=76-'2Dq"\T+{Zm6$W5 E}+"'(',,]Y-+@MY?P,y/.n}+.<J"G5`)hig'
SolidWorks! only uses blocks in drawing mode so that SolidWorks! drawing is compatible with imported dwg. Another use of blocks that is similar to a 2D system is to provide an easier way to insert annotations, tables and title blocks. Instead of assigning attributes in Blocks, the file properties in part document allow users to input attribute which can be displayed automatically in title block, annotations and BOM. SolidWorks!`f~l0q-+@m6}a;o"dwgd*''+c<-+de f2D01q12<7Io#s@/.n&U+"z/,'>Yf+qS-5E@f }+:?q":+5E>?-I;oFf&U+@#sn}+.qhi?@"5E'
Assigning attributes to a part/block is to automate documentation afterward. ;h:?AhiS-5E*}+n+'
Figure 33 Left - A 2D block for a Socket Head Screw Counter Bore. Attributes inside will store the part no. and size of the counter bore. Right > A 3D Socket Head Screw, information related to it is assigned to the file properties. 33 (M<78l#,-"2D+'5EE12}'}M<73D"8l#,-'$j"'(S-f:+bcq'
Figure 34 An assembly tree in SolidWorks 34 SolidWorksq",->'
Assembly drawings ,-
Assembly drawings in 2D are manual tasks and take a long time to prepare. A bottom up approach is used in 2D. Part drawings are created first and then the 2D views are grouped by blocks and inserted to the assembly drawing which can vary in accuracy and difficult to expl ore. 2Dq",-?@/8R|tO=7z'2DqY-0""/,'1`a}+@yh- +jx2D^8Io*FmAB^_2Y(3V",-q'
40 Assembly drawing in 3D is an output from the 3D assembly4its simple. The purpose of an assembly drawing is for BOM and assembly instruction to let shop floor people know how the components are put together. If we design in 2D, it is quite impossible to automatically create isometric views for a die set. Section views are also time-consuming to construct. In SolidWorks, we can create eDrawings which is much easier to understand. EDrawings also provide tools to measure, markup and section. eDrawings 2005 is also able to run avi data from SolidWorks! Animator. 3D,-<3D,-S;k@Oz',-"`~Il:e}+.n,-wx}?56 pZ}+,-jx*<=9',<WXf2D89q67@Il!hi`ar\^K^V Y*"'H&*R77"`a'fSolidWorksq@WXFm`aO'(Hs"eDrawings' eDrawingse63R@&8nHk?!'eDrawings2005eFm<SolidWorksi9q:Wavi: ;'
BOMs }+.
Bill of Material in 2D is created manually if no customization is done. BOM creation can be automated by extracting block or layer information. In any case, it is very difficult to create an accurate BOM in 2D. To create BOM automatically, programming or significant detail preparation is required. ,<w6VU@2Dq"05.zRi`a'}+."`a]:e1f+n*'(chi g'fOP()q@2D89h`a<7;B"}+.PC:_'Rhi`a}+.@D<u6 k"G5|t6DR"'
In a 3D CAD system, since the assembly is already well defined, the BOM creation is automatic. Customization is also possible by adding items to file properties of the part documents. Changes to parts and assemblies are also maintained in the BOMs. f3D CAD01q@<,-SDBOo"V~B=@}+."`ahiL':ew.d(* }+:?q":+bEqcV~*]W"'^_}+n,-S*Ff}+.qaS<p'
Hole charts y/.
Hole chartss are automatically created in 2D system by extracting information from blocks. SolidWorks! extracts hole information directly from solid model and create the hole table automatically without programming. f2D01qy/.:e1f+q'(hi`a'SolidWorks!ue<RSlTq1 fy'(@89Y2D<b]hi`ay/.'
41 Title blocks &U+
2D uses blocks and attributes as title block info while SolidWorks! links annotations with file properties and part properties. 2DY-+n5EV~&U+'(>SolidWorks!:e:+5En}+5E= e#s'
Conclusion w01
Time spent in modeling is the only obstacle for 2D users to migrate to 3D; primarily are a beginner. Mastering part modeling is the key to success for the migration. Surfacing is also important as parts today are complicated. With the help of 3DQuickPress, 3D Progressive Die Design is made easier, more accurate and productive. ~2D-IG*3D><"?@bal"7zA7|@CRBW/';:}+al L;GH"$%'.&~CD()"}+*NR"'6l3DQuickPress"E K@3D6xl67_9'(@E|Bn5q'