3D SSS Assignment F1M 01

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NAME: Abhedya Jakkanwar Div.

/Roll#: F1M/01

SSS Assignment Report 3 d: Activity on CSR/Sustainability/Triple bottom line

Company Name: Atlas Coco
Activities undertaken under CSR initiative: use bulleted list for each year

2016 2017 2018

 The Company spent  The company has spent  Smile Train India: To
20.98 cr. Rs. 16.90 crore in provide 3,333 safe,
 Thematic Areas are: Maharashtra in the year. quality and total free
 Eradication Hunger, Some of the key projects cleft surgeries Rs.6 cr.
Poverty, Malnutrition. were on:  Association of Rural and
 Education Urban: Starting One
 Preventive Healthcare,
 Vocational skills training Rainbow Home in Pune.
Water and Sanitation.
 Healthcare Rs.0.30 cr.
 Education, Employability 
 Environmental SOS Children’s Villages of
and Livelihoods. sustainability. India: To construct and
 Enhancement in equip three family
Environmental homes at SOS children
Sustainability village at Latur. Rs.1 cr

Standard Reporting in Annual Report schedules:

Item 2016 2017 2018

Carbon Emission: use 328000 353000 329000
numbers as in reports.

Solid Waste: use 72cr 61 cr 85 cr

numbers as in reports.

Reported Nil Nil nil

Transgression: # of
pending cases

Your Comment on Company’s effort/Activity:

 ATLAS COPCO Company is the donor to corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in
Maharashtra as per the provisional data released by the Government of India for FY2017.
 During the year 2015-16, the company has spent more than 2% of the average net profit of the
last three Financial years on CSR projects.
 The Company would carry out its CSR activities with the objective of overall National and
Community Development. At the same time, the Company would give preference to the local
areas around the locations where it operates in India for spending the amount earmarked for
CSR activities.
 The company will undertake CSR activities to do overall good to the community, with special
emphasis on activities for the benefit of the poor and needy sections of the society.

Status (X -mark): Yellow (Average)

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