Ai Cat I

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1. What is Intelligence?

[2 Marks]
Intelligence is the computational part of the ability to achieve goals in the world. Varying kinds
and degrees of intelligence occur in people, animals and some machines.

2. Describe the four categories under which AI is classified with examples. [2 Marks]

3. Define Artificial Intelligence. [2 Marks]

This is the study of how to make computers do things which at the moment, people do better.
It is also the science and engineering of making intelligent machines especially intelligent computer
It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does
not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable.

4. List the fields that form the basis for AI. [2 Marks]
Human resource
Computer science- researchers have created many tools to solve the most difficult problems in computer
science. Many of their inventions have been adopted by mainstream computer science
Linguistic- communication
Biology- Human /animals brain activity
Psychology- the study of rule of reasoning

5. What is a Knowledge Based System? Explain.

Knowledge base is the central component of knowledge base agent and it is described as a set of
representations of facts about the world.
6. List a few of the task domains of AI. [2 Marks]

7. Describe the components of a KBS. [2 Marks]

 Knowledge Base: A declarative representation of the expertise often in the IF THEN rules.
 Working Storage: The data which is specified to a problem being solved
 Inference Engine: The code at the core of the system which derives recommendations from the
knowledge base and problem specific data in working storage
 User Interface: it allows interactive communication with the system for the problem to be solved
by supplying the responses of the user to the inference engine
 Explanation module-enables users to inquire about the system
8. What is meta- knowledge
Meta-knowledge is knowledge about the use and control of domain knowledge in an expert system
 In an expert system, ontology is the meta knowledge that describes everything known about the
problem domain.
 Wisdom is the Meta knowledge of determining the best goals of life and how to obtain them
9. Expand LISP and PROLOG. [2 Marks]
Prolog is a language based on first order predicate logic.
10. What is a Production System? [2 Marks]
Production systems provide search structures that forms the core of many intelligent processes. Hence it is
useful to structure AI programs in a way that facilitates describing and performing the search process. The
production system consist of set of rules, a knowledge database, a control strategy and a rule applier
11. Define state-space search technique. [2 Marks]
This is the set of all possible states reachable from initial state by any form of sequence of action.
12. List the steps in performing a state-space search. [2 Marks]

13. What is heuristic search? [2 Marks]

Heuristic search is a knowledge given and problem specification solution that uses domain-
specific information to decide where to search next. Heuristic search is an AI search technique
employs heuristics for its move. Heuristic is a rule of thumb probably leads to solution. It plays a
major role in search strategies because of exponential nature of the most problems. It is also
helps to reduce the number of alternatives from an exponential number to a polynomial number

14. Differentiate Informed & Uninformed search. Give examples. [2 Marks]

Uninformed search Informed search

No information about the number of steps The path cost from the current state to goal state

(or) path cost from the current state to goal state is calculated, to select the minimum path cost as the
next state
12 Less effective in search method More effective

3 Problem to be solved with the given Additional information can be added as

information assumption to solve the problem

4 E.g. a)Breadth first search E.g. a) Best first search

b)Uniform cost search c) Depth first search b) Greedy search

d) Depth limited search c) A* searchs

e) Interactive deepening search

f) Bi-directional search

15. Define the logic behind – Hill climbing, Best-First Search, BFS and DFS. [2 Marks]
Hill climbing is a search technique that moves in the direction of increasing value to reach a peak state. It
terminates when it reaches a peak where no neighbor has a higher value. The Hill-climbing algorithm is
simply a loop that continually moves in the direction of increasing value –that is uphill. It terminates
when it reaches its peak where no neighbor has a higher value. The algorithm does not maintain a search
tree so the current node data structure need only record the state and its objective function value. Hill-
climbing does not look ahead beyond the immediate neighbors of the current state.
Best-first Search is a combination of depth-first and breadth-first search algorithms. Forward motion is
from the best open node so far, no matter where it is on the partially developed tree. The second step of
the algorithm changes as:

 Until the queue is empty or the goal has been reached, determine if the first element in the queue
is the goal node.
 If the first element is the goal do nothing.
 If the first element is not the goal node remove the first element from the queue and add the first
element's children if any to the queue and sort the entire queue by estimated remaining distance.

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