M1 Post-Task1

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Noemi M.

Course/Section: DMD-DENT1O-1
Dental Informatics

Digital Health System Function/Purpose

mHealth (mobile health) is a general term for the use of

mHealth (mobile health) mobile phones and other wireless technology in medical
care. The most common application of mHealth is the use
of mobile devices to educate consumers about
https://www.techtarget.com/searchhealthit/definition/mHealth preventive healthcare services. However, mHealth is also
utilized for managing chronic diseases, tracking epidemic
outbreaks, supporting treatment, and disease

e-Health eHealth refers to the delivery of medical services via

contemporary electronic information and communication
https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and- technologies when patients and medical professionals
dentistry/e-health are not in close proximity to one another and their
communication is mediated by technology. These
services include, among others, telepathology, vital sign
monitoring, electronic prescription, teleconsultation, and
physical and psychological diagnosis and treatment.

WAH (Wireless Access for Health) is a Digital Private

partnership on digital health in the Philippines. Local
governments and healthcare professionals can get
knowledge and technological support on health
governance, facility management, and PhilHealth funding
through the WAH Partnership. Working with LGUs and
facilities, WAH implements tried-and-true change
management techniques to transform the health sector.

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