Delhi Public School in Bangalore East wished parents and children a happy Raksha Bandhan. The management and principal sent their greetings to all families celebrating the Hindu festival of brother-sister love and protection. They kept their message short and sweet for the holiday.
Delhi Public School in Bangalore East wished parents and children a happy Raksha Bandhan. The management and principal sent their greetings to all families celebrating the Hindu festival of brother-sister love and protection. They kept their message short and sweet for the holiday.
Delhi Public School in Bangalore East wished parents and children a happy Raksha Bandhan. The management and principal sent their greetings to all families celebrating the Hindu festival of brother-sister love and protection. They kept their message short and sweet for the holiday.
Delhi Public School in Bangalore East wished parents and children a happy Raksha Bandhan. The management and principal sent their greetings to all families celebrating the Hindu festival of brother-sister love and protection. They kept their message short and sweet for the holiday.