Homework 1 MA20219 Analysis 2B Solutions
Homework 1 MA20219 Analysis 2B Solutions
Homework 1 MA20219 Analysis 2B Solutions
∂f x2 − x21 ∂f −2x1 x2
= 22 + ex1 sin x2 , = 2 + ex1 cos x2 .
∂x1 (x1 + x22 )2 ∂x2 (x1 + x22 )2
Since these exist and are continuous on the open set R2 \{0}, it follows from a theorem in the lecture
notes that f is differentiable on R2 \{0}.
Solution. a) We have
�� ��
∂f 0 f ([ 0t ]) − f ([ 00 ]) t−0
= lim = lim = 1.
∂x1 0 t→0 t t→0 t
By symmetry we have ∂x2 ([ 00 ]) = 1.
b) Let v = [ vv12 ] ∈ R2 be such that v1 v2 �= 0. Then
1 t �= 0,
f (tv) =
0 t = 0.
This function is not continuous at t = 0 and therefore it is not differentiable at t = 0. Hence the
directional derivative at 0 in the direction v does not exist.
Alternatively, by using the definition of directional derivative we have
f (tv) − f (0) 1−0
lim = lim ,
t→0 t t→0 t
which does not exist.
Solution. We have
∂f ∂f
= 2x1 + 3, = 1.
∂x1 ∂x2
Since these exist and are continuous on R2 it follows from a theorem in the lecture notes that f is
differentiable on R2 and therefore in particular in 0. The gradient of f at zero equals
� �
3 1 .
Changing bases from the standard basis to the given basis, we have that the matrix respresentation
of f � (0) with respect to the basis {[ 11 ] , [ 32 ]} is
� �
� � 1 3 � �
3 1 = 4 11 .
1 2
and �� ��
� � �� f − f (0)
� 3 2t (3t)2 + 9t + 2t − 0
f 0; = lim = lim = 11,
2 t→0 t t→0 t
� �
which also gives that the asked for matrix representation is 4 11 .
Homework 2 MA20219 Analysis 2B solutions
20. Let X be a normed space, let f : D ⊂ X → R2 and let x0 ∈ X . Define for j ∈ {1, 2} the function
fj : D ⊂ X → R by � �
f (x)
f (x) = 1 .
f2 (x)
Show that f is differentiable at x0 if and only for all j ∈ {1, 2} the functions fj are differentiable
at x0 . Moreover, show that the relationship between the derivatives is:
� � �
� f1 (x0 )
f (x0 ) = � .
f2 (x0 )
Since limx→x0 g(x) = 0 we have limx→x0 gj (x) = 0 for j ∈ {1, 2}. Therefore
which are first order Taylor formulas for f1 and f2 . Therefore, f1 is differentiable at x0 with
f1� (x0 ) = A1 and f2 is differentiable at x0 with f2� (x0 ) = A2 .
Conversely, assume that f1 and f2 are differentiable at x0 . Then (8) holds with A1 = f1� (x0 ) and
A2 = f2� (x0 ). Combining these in a vector equation gives (7) which in �turn� gives (6) (where the
condition on g follows from the conditions on g1 and g2 ). Defining A := A2 we have a first order
Taylor formula for f and we read off that A = f � (x0 ).
� �
2x01 x02 x201 + 3
− sin x01 ex02
Since all entries of the Jacobian matrix exist and are continuous on R2 , it follows from a result in
the lecture notes that f is differentiable on R2 .
� �
f1 (x)
22. A differentiable function f : D ⊂ R2 → R2 is called divergence-free if, writing f (x) = f2 (x)
, we
∂f1 ∂f2
have ∂x1 + = 0 on D. Define g := f ◦ h (with h the “polar coordinates to Cartesian coordinates
transformation” from above).
(a) Determine necessary and sufficient conditions on the partial derivatives of g for f to be
(b) Show that g : (0, ∞) × (−π, π) → R2 defined by
�� �� � − sin(ϕ) �
r r
g = cos(ϕ)
corresponds to a divergence-free f .
so that the Jacobian in zero equals J := [ 01 00 ]. The Hessian matrix of the first component of f is
� �
0 cos x2
cos x2 −x1 sin x2
�0 1
which in zero equals H2 := 1 −1 . For the first component of the second order Taylor polynomial
we then have
�� �� � � �� �� � � ��
� � 1 1 0 1 x1 x1 1 x2 x
f1 (0) + 0 0 x + �H1 x, x� = , = , 1 = x1 x 2 .
2 2 1 0 x2 x2 2 x1 x2
For the second component of the second order Taylor polynomial we have
�� � � � � ��
� � 1 1 0 1 x1 x
f2 (0) + 1 0 x + �H2 x, x� = 1 + x1 + , 1
2 2 1 −1 x2 x2
�� � � ��
1 x2 x 1
= 1 + x1 + , 1 = 1 + x1 + x1 x2 − x22 .
2 x1 − x2 x2 2
Homework 3 MA20219 Analysis 2B solutions
Solution. We first note that f is polynomial and therefore twice differentiable so that the results
from the lecture notes apply.
The gradient equals � �
6x21 − 150 + 6x22 12x1 x2 − 9x22 .
Solving 12x1 x2 − 9x22 = 0 shows that either x2 = 0 or x2 = 43 x1 . Substituting the first possibility
into 6x21 − 150 + 6x22 = 0 gives x1 = ±5. Substituting the second possibility into� 6x21�− 150 + 6x�22 = �0
gives x1 = ±3. Therefore the points where the gradient equals zero are [ 50 ], −5 3
0 , [ 4 ] and −4 .
The Hessian matrix equals � �
12x1 12x2
12x2 12x1 − 18x2
At the point [ 50 ] this equals � �
60 0
0 60
which is positive definite by Problem 24 (since the determinant is 3600, which is positive and �60 is�
positive), so that [ 50 ] is a local minimum by a theorem from the lecture notes. At the point −5
the Hessian matrix equals � �
−60 0
0 −60
� �by Problem 24 (since the determinant is 3600, which is positive and −60
which is negative definite
is negative), so that −5 0 is a local maximum by a theorem from the lecture notes. At the point
[ 34 ] the Hessian matrix equals � �
36 48
48 −36
which is neither positive nor negative semi-definite by Problem 24 (since its determinant is negative).
� −3 � [ 34 ] is not a local extremum by a theorem from the lecture notes. Similarly
� −3 � at the point
−4 the Hessian matrix is neither positive nor negative semi-definite. Hence −4 is not a local
34. Let X and Y be normed spaces and let B : X × X → Y be a continuous bilinear function. Define
f : X → Y by
f (x) := B(x, x).
Show that f is differentiable on X and that for x0 ∈ X
B(x−x0 ,x−x0 )
Hence, defining g(x) := �x−x0 � , we have
Since limx→x0 √x−x0 = 0 we have by continuity of B that indeed limx→x0 g(x) = B(0, 0) = 0.
�x−x0 �
We therefore see that the conditions in the definition of derivative are fulfilled. Hence f � (x0 ) = v �→
B(x0 , v) + B(v, x0 ).
Solution. We have f (x) = B(x, x) for (for example) the bilinear function B : R2 × R2 → R given
by �� � � ��
a1 b
B , 1 = a1 b1 + a 1 b2 + a 2 b 1 .
a2 b2
Therefore � �
f (x0 ) 1 = x01 v1 + x01 v2 + x02 v1 + v1 x01 + v1 x02 + v2 x01 .
This can alternatively be written as
� � � �
� v1 � � v1
f (x0 ) = 2x01 + 2x02 2x01 .
v2 v2
36. Let f : D ⊂ C → C and let z0 ∈ D. Show that f is complex differentiable at z0 if and only if z0 is
an interior point of D and there exists a a ∈ C and a g : D → C such that for all z ∈ D
Then the desired equation relating f and g is clearly satisfied. We have for z �= z0
� �
f (z) − f (z0 ) � z − z0
g(z) = − f (z0 ) .
z − z0 |z − z0 |
Now assume the first order Taylor formula condition. By assumption z0 is an interior point of D.
Rewriting the given relation between f and g gives for z �= z0
f (z) − f (z0 ) |z − z0 |
−a= g(z).
z − z0 z − z0
The right-hand side converges to zero as z → z0 by Algebra of Limits since the first term has
absolute value one and the second term by assumption converges to zero. Hence the left-hand side
converges to zero as z → z0 . This implies that f is complex differentiable at z0 with derivative a.
In particular this shows that a is unique and equals f � (z0 ).
37. Define the function f : C → C as the complex function corresponding to the real function
�� �� � �
x1 cos x1 cosh x2
fR = .
x2 − sin x1 sinh x2
Prove that f is complex differentiable on C. This function is called the complex cosine function
and will be denoted by z �→ cos z.
From this we see that all partial derivatives exist and are continuous on R2 . Hence by a result from
the lecture notes fR is differentiable on R2 . Moreover, the Jacobian matrix has the form required
by the Cauchy–Riemann Theorem at every x ∈ R2 . Therefore, by the Cauchy–Riemann Theorem,
f is complex differentiable on C.
Homework 4 MA20219 Analysis 2B solutions
47. Let Γ be the boundary of the triangle with vertices 0, 1 and i (traversed in that order). Calculate
(using the convention from the lecture notes about how an oriented polygon is seen as a circuit)
z dz,
Therefore �
z dz = i.
(b) We have u(x, y) = x and v(x, y) = −y and that S (the set enclosed by Γ) is the triangle with
vertices 0, 1 and i. It follows that the assumptions from Problem 41 (b) are satisfied and therefore
� �� �� ��
∂v ∂u ∂u ∂v
z dz = − + dxdy + i − dxdy = i 2 dxdy = i,
γ S ∂x ∂y S ∂x ∂y S
where we have used that S 1 dxdy is the area of S, which equals 21 .
48. Let γ : [a, b] → C be continuously differentiable and let φ : [c, d] → [a, b] be a continuously
differentiable bijection with φ� (t) > 0 for all t ∈ [c, d]. Define γ1 : [c, d] → C by γ1 := γ ◦ φ. Prove
Solution. Let z ∈ Γ. Then there exists a t ∈ [a, b] such that z = γ(t). Since φ is onto, there exists
a θ ∈ [c, d] with t = φ(θ). Then z = γ(φ(θ)) = γ1 (θ). Hence z ∈ Γ1 .
Let z ∈ Γ1 . Then there exists a θ ∈ [c, d] such that z = γ1 (θ). Define t := φ(θ). Then z = γ(t), so
that z ∈ Γ. We conclude that Γ = Γ1 .
Since γ1 is the composition of two differentiable functions it is differentiable and γ1� (t) = γ � (φ(t)) φ� (t).
Since γ � and φ are continuous, so is their composition γ � ◦ φ. Combined with the fact that φ� is
continuous, it follows that the product of γ � ◦ φ and φ� is continuous. Hence γ1� is continuous.
We have, using the change of variables θ := φ(t) and the change of variables theorem for real
� d � d � d � b
� � � � �
|γ1 (t)| dt = |γ (φ(t)) φ (t)| dt = |γ (φ(t))| φ (t) dt = |γ � (θ)| dθ.
c c c a
Similarly we have [we could have split the integrals below into real and imaginary parts so as to
apply the change of variables theorem for real integrals rather than directly use it for complex
� � d � d
f (z) dz = f (γ1 (t)) γ1� (t) dt = f (γ(φ(t))) γ � (φ(t)) φ� (t) dt
γ1 c c
� b �
= f (γ(θ)) γ � (θ) dθ = f (z) dz.
a γ
Homework 5 MA20219 Analysis 2B solutions
54. Define a function which is complex differentiable on C\(−∞, 0] and coincides with the usual cube
root function on (0, ∞). [Hint: use polar coordinates. Formally applying the exponential rules will
tell you what the correct formula should be.]
� �1/3
Solution. We want f (reiϕ ) = reiϕ . Formally applying the exponential rules gives that this
equals 3 reiϕ/3 . So this is how we will define f (though we first write the complex exponential in
terms of real functions so as to be able to use Problem 49 later).
Define the function f : C\(−∞, 0] → C through f (reiϕ ) = u ([ ϕr ]) + iv ([ ϕr ]) with u, v : (0, ∞) ×
√ √
(−π, π) → R defined by u(r, ϕ) := 3 r cos ϕ3 and v(r, ϕ) := 3 r sin ϕ3 . We have
∂u r−2/3 ϕ ∂u 1 ϕ ∂v r−2/3 ϕ ∂v 1 ϕ
= cos , = −r1/3 sin , = sin , = r1/3 cos .
∂r 3 3 ∂ϕ 3 3 ∂r 3 3 ∂ϕ 3 3
We see that these partial derivatives exist and are continuous on (0, ∞) × (−π, π). Therefore, by
a theorem from the lecture notes, u and v are differentiable on (0, ∞) × (−π, π). We also see
that they satisfy the polar Cauchy–Riemann equations from Problem 49. Hence f is complex
differentiable on C\(−∞, 0]. The defined function coincides with the usual cube root on (0, ∞)
since f (r) = u(r, 0) + v(r, 0) = 3 r for all r > 0.
55. Let γ : [0, π] → C be defined by γ(t) = eit . Calculate γ ez dz.
� wk
Solution. We have ew = ∞ , and this series converges uniformly on B R (0) for any R > 0.
k=0 k! �
Substituting w = 1/z gives e = ∞1/z 1 −k
k=0 k! z , where this series converges uniformly on the exterior
of Br (0) for any r > 0. In particular, we obtain uniform convergence on ∂B1 (0). By a theorem
from the lecture notes we can then interchange the infinite sum and the integral to obtain
� � ∞
� �∞ �
1 −k 1
e dz = z dz = z −k dz.
∂B1 (0) ∂B1 (0) k! k! ∂B1 (0)
k=0 k=0
57. Given an example of a function f : W ⊂ C → C with W open and non-empty which is holomorphic
on W with derivative zero, but which is not constant.
Homework 6 MA20219 Analysis 2B solutions
(i) B1 (0);
(ii) C\R.
Solution. (i) B1 (0) is convex, so star-shaped with respect to any z0 ∈ B1 (0). To show that this set
is convex, consider z0 , z1 ∈ B1 (0). Then for t ∈ [0, 1]
Solution. By the chain rule, z �→ ecos(z) is holomorphic on C. Since C is star-shaped, it follows from
the local version of Cauchy’s theorem that z �→ ecos(z) has an anti-derivative on C. The fundamental
� cos(z)
theorem of complex integration then shows that γ e dz = 0 since γ is a circuit.
Solution. Denote this star-shaped set by W . Let z0 ∈ W be a point with respect to which W is
star-shaped. Let z1 , z2 ∈ W . By star-shapedness we have that the line segments [z0 , z1 ] and [z0 , z2 ]
are contained in W . It follows that the contour −[z0 , z1 ] + [z0 , z2 ] which has initial point z1 and
terminal point z2 is contained in W . Therefore W is contour-connected.
�∞ 1 k
67. Consider the power series k=1 k2 z .
(b) By the Weierstrass M -test with majorizing sequence Mk := k2
we have that the power series
does converge uniformly on B 1 (0).
68. Consider the power series k=0 (2 + (−1)k )k z k .
(a) What happens if we try to apply the ratio test for the radius of convergence?
(b) Determine the radius of convergence.
Solution. We have �
3k k even
ak =
1 k odd.
It follows that �
ak 3k k even
ak+1 3−k−1
k odd,
� � � �
� ak � � ak �
which implies that lim inf k→∞ � ak+1 � = 0 and lim supk→∞ � ak+1 � = ∞. It follows that the conditions
of the ratio test are not satisfied.
We have �
k 3 k even
|ak | =
1 k odd,
so that lim supk→∞ k
|ak | = 3. It follows that the radius of convergence is 13 .
Homework 7 MA20219 Analysis 2B solutions
79. Determine the radius of convergence of the power series of z 2 −1
centred at z0 = 3 without calculating
the series.
Solution. The given function is complex differentiable on C\{−1, 1}. In particular, it is holomorphic
on B2 (3). Therefore the radius of convergence of its power series centred at z0 = 3 is at least 2
by the Radius of Convergence Corollary. Since the singularity 1 is on the boundary of B2 (3), the
radius of convergence cannot be larger than 2. Therefore the radius of convergence equals 2.
lim |p(z)| = ∞.
We conclude that
|an |
|p(z)| ≥ |z n |
Since the right-hand side converges to infinity as |z| → ∞, so does the left-hand side.
(b) We prove this by contradiction. Assume that the non-constant complex polynomial p does not
have a complex zero. Then f := 1/p is entire. Additionally, lim|z|→∞ f (z) = 0 since lim|z|→∞ |p(z)| =
∞. It follows that f is bounded on C: since lim|z|→∞ f (z) = 0 there exists an R > 0 such that
outside of BR (0) we have |f (z)| ≤ 1; by Weierstrass’ Extreme Value Theorem, there exists a M > 0
such that on B R (0) we have |f (z)| ≤ M ; so |f (z)| ≤ max{1, M } for all z ∈ C. So f is a bounded
entire function, so by Liouville’s theorem it is constant. This is the desired contradiction.
81. Let f be an entire function with the property that there exists a M > 0 such that |f (z)| ≤ M eRe(z)
for all z ∈ C. Prove that f (z) = Cez for some constant C.
Solution. The given inequality is equivalent to |e−z f (z)| ≤ M for all z ∈ C. Since as the product
of two entire functions, z �→ e−z f (z) is entire, we have by Liouville’s Theorem that it is constant.
Hence there exists a C ∈ C such that e−z f (z) = C. This gives the desired conclusion.
Homework 8 MA20219 Analysis 2B solutions
Solution. (a) By the definition of order of a zero with g ≡ 1 it follows that the order is 2.
(b) We use Problem 82. We have f (0) = 0, f � (z) = 2 sin(z) cos(z) so that f � (0) = 0 and f �� (z) =
2 cos2 (z) − 2 sin2 (z) so that f �� (0) = 2 �= 0. It follows that the order is 2.
93. Use the identity theorem to show that there is precisely one function which is holomorphic on C
and coincides with z 2 on (0, 1).
[You may use the fact that the equality is true for z, w ∈ R and that the sine and the cosine are
holomorphic on C.]
Solution. Fix w ∈ R. Both the left-hand side and the right-hand side of the equality are holomorphic
on C as functions of z. By assumption they are equal for z ∈ R. Since R contains an accumulation
point it follows that the equality holds for all z ∈ C. We conclude that the equality holds for all
z ∈ C and w ∈ R.
Now fix z ∈ C. Both the left-hand side and the right-hand side of the equality are holomorphic on
C as functions of w. By the first part of the proof, they are equal for w ∈ R. Since R contains an
accumulation point it follows that the equality holds for all w ∈ C.
Therefore the inequality holds for all z, w ∈ C.
Solution. By the maximum modulus theorem for a compact set (Problem 83) we have that the
maximum is reached on the unit circle B 1 (0) (and by the maximum modulus theorem, it is reached
only there). Writing z = x + iy with x, y ∈ R, we have
This is a real-valued function of one real variable which we are maximizing over [−1, 1]. The
maximum is reached at x = 0. We then have y = ±1 and therefore z = ±i.
96. Use the Minimum Modulus Theorem to prove the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra.
Solution. Let p be a non-constant complex polynomial. Since lim|z|→∞ |p(z)| = ∞ by Problem 80,
by the Weierstrass Extreme Value Theorem, |p| has a minimum on C. The details of that are as
follows. That lim|z|→∞ |p(z)| = ∞ by definition means that for all M ≥ 0 there exists a R > 0 such
that for all z with |z| ≥ R we have |p(z)| ≥ M . Letting M := |p(0)| we obtain a R > 0 such that for
all z with |z| ≥ R we have |p(z)| ≥ |p(0)|. By the Weierstrass Extreme Value Theorem, there exists
a z0 ∈ B R (0) such that |p(z)| ≥ |p(z0 )| for all z ∈ B R (0). In particular, |p(0)| ≥ |p(z0 )|. Combined
with the earlier inequality, this shows that for all z with |z| ≥ R we have |p(z)| ≥ |p(0)| ≥ |p(z0 )|.
Therefore, we have |p(z)| ≥ |p(z0 )| for all z ∈ C, i.e. |p| has a minimum on C.
Let z0 be a point where this minimum is reached. Since p is not constant, it then follows from the
Minimum Modulus Theorem applied with W = C that p(z0 ) = 0.
97. Let z0 , z1 , z2 ∈ C and let r > 0 be such that |z1 − z0 |, |z2 − z0 | �= r. Let W := C\{z1 , z2 }. Determine
when ∂Br (z0 ) is homologous to zero in W .
Solution. We have C\W = {z1 , z2 }. Therefore, the condition that ∂Br (z0 ) is homologous to zero
in W is n∂Br (z0 ) (z1 ) = 0 = n∂Br (z0 ) (z2 ). This condition is satisfied if and only if |z1 − z0 |, |z2 − z0 | >
98.∗ Let f be a continuous function on the unit circle. Show that f is the uniform limit of a sequence of
polynomials if and only if f has a continuous extension to the closed unit disc which is holomorphic
on the open unit disc.
[Hint: Use Problems 71, 83 and an idea from the proof of Problem Problem 59]
Solution. First assume that f is the uniform limit (on the unit circle) of a sequence of polynomials
(pn )n∈N . This sequence of polynomials is well-defined on the closed unit disc. By the Maximum
Modulus Theorem for compact sets (Problem 83), and the fact that (pn )n∈N is convergent and
therefore Cauchy in the space of continuous functions on the unit circle, we have that (pn )n∈N is
Cauchy in the space of continuous functions on the closed unit disc. Since that space is complete,
the (pn )n∈N converges to a limit g which is a continuous function on the closed unit disc. By
uniqueness of limits, it follows that g coincides with f on the unit circle. Since the uniform limit on
an open set of holomorphic functions is holomorphic (by Problem 71), we have that g is holomorphic
on the open unit disc.
Now assume that f has a continuous extension g to the closed unit disc which is holomorphic on
the open unit disc. For r ∈ (0, 1), define gr : B 1/r (0) → C by gr (z) = g(rz). Then gr is holomorphic
on B1/r (0) and as in Problem 59, we have that gr converges uniformly to g on ∂B1 (0) as r ↑ 1.
Since gr is holomorphic on B1/r (0), it is analytic on that set and therefore it has a power series
expansion which converges uniformly on B 1 (0). The partial sums of this power series expansion
gives a sequence of polynomials (pn )n∈N which converges uniformly to gr on B 1 (0).
Let ε > 0. Consider a sequence (rk )k∈N with rk ∈ (0, 1) and rk → 1. Then there exists a K ∈ N
such that for all k ≥ K we have (the norm here is the maximum norm on the closed unit disc)
�g − grk �∞ ≤ ε/2.
Let (pn,k )n∈N be the partial sum sequence for grk . Then there exists a Nk ∈ N such that for all
n ≥ Nk we have
�grk − pn,k �∞ ≤ ε/2.
Define the sequence of polynomials (qn )n∈N by qn := pn,K and define N := NK . We then have for
all n ≥ N
�g − qn �∞ ≤ �g − grK �∞ + �grK − pn,K �∞ ≤ ε.
This shows that (qn )n∈N converges to g uniformly on the unit circle.
Homework 9 MA20219 Analysis 2B solutions
� cos z �
106. Calculate Res sin z , 0 .
(c) Calculate
ΓR cosh z
where ΓR is the boundary of the rectangle with vertices −R, R, R + iπ and −R + iπ (in that
order). Denote the top, bottom, left and right of this rectangle by ΓTR , ΓB L R
R , ΓR , ΓR .
(d) Show that the function f (z) := cosh z satisfies
(e) Use 107d to write the integral of f over ΓTR as a constant times the integral over ΓB
(f) Show that |eiz | ≤ 1 for z ∈ {x + iy : x ∈ R, y ≥ 0}.
(g) Show that | cosh z| ≥ | sinh x|, where z = x + iy and x, y ∈ R.
(h) Conclude that we have |f (z)| ≤ | sinh x| for z ∈ {x + iy : x ∈ R, y ≥ 0, x �= 0}.
(i) Use the ML-inequality and the result from (107h) to show that
� �
lim f (z) dz = 0 = lim f (z) dz.
R→∞ ΓL R→∞ ΓR
�∞ cos x
and the above established results to determine −∞ cosh x dx.
Solution. (a) Multiplying by ez , we see that ez + e−z = 0 if and only if e2z + 1 = 0. So we want
to solve e2z = −1. Writing −1 in polar coordinates this gives e2z = eiπ+2iπk with k ∈ Z, i.e.
2z = iπ + 2iπk, which gives
z = i + iπk.
(b) Using a result from the lecture notes, we have
� iz �
e π e−π/2 e−π/2
Res ,i = = ,
cosh z 2 sinh(i π2 ) i
(c) i π2 is the only singularity inside the contour, so by the Residue Theorem (using that nγ (i π2 ) = 1,
which is geometrically clear):
� � iz �
eiz e π
dz = i2πRes ,i = 2πe−π/2 .
ΓR cosh z cosh z 2
(d) We have
(e) A parametrization of ΓB B T T
R is γR (θ) = −R + 2θR and a parametrization of ΓR is γR (t) =
R − 2tR + iπ. We have (using part 107d for the second equality and using the change of
variables θ = 1 − t):
� � 1 � 1 � 1
f (z) dz = −2Rf (R−2tR+iπ)dt = 2Re f (R−2tR)dt = 2Re−π f (−R+2θR)dθ.
R 0 0 0
So we see that � �
f (z) dz = e f (z) dz.
(f) We have
|eiz | = |ei(x+iy) | = |eix−y | = |eix e−y | = |eix | |e−y | = |e−y | ≤ 1,
where in the last step we have used that y ≥ 0.
(g) We have by the reverse triangle inequality
� � � �
|ez + e−z | ≥ �|ez | − |e−z |� = �ex − e−x � .
(h) Since we bounded the numerator from above by 1 and the denominator from below by the
positive number | sinh x| the desired inequality between fractions follows.
(i) The ML-inequality gives (using that the length of ΓR R is π)
�� �
� � 1
� �
� f (z) dz � ≤ π max |f (z)| ≤ π .
� ΓR � R
z∈ΓR | sinh R|
The right-hand side converges to zero as R → ∞ and therefore (by the squeezing principle) so
does the left-hand side.
Similarly we have
�� �
� � 1 1
� �
� f (z) dz � ≤ π max |f (z)| ≤ π =π ,
� ΓL � L
z∈ΓR | sinh(−R)| | sinh R|
(j) Taking limits in the mentioned equality gives (using the above results):
� ∞
(1 + e−π ) dx = 2πe−π/2 ,
−∞ cosh x
Homework 10 MA20219 Analysis 2B solutions
114. Calculate the Laurent series of the following functions with the given centre and determine its
punctured disc of convergence.
(a) (z+1)(z+2) with centre z0 = −1,
(b) (z−1)(z+1) with centre z0 = 1,
(c) z 2 (z+1)
with centre z0 = −1.
Solution. (a) The function has poles at z = −1 and z = −2, so the punctured disc of convergence
is {z : 0 < |z + 1| < 1}. The partial fraction expansion is
−1 2
+ .
z+1 z+2
By the geometric series
� ∞
2 2
= =2 (−z − 1)k ,
z+2 1 − (−z − 1)
for |z + 1| < 1. It follows that
� ∞
z −1
= +2 (−1)k (z + 1)k .
(z + 1)(z + 2) z+1
(b) The function has poles at z = −1 and z = 1, so the punctured disc of convergence is {z : 0 <
|z − 1| < 2}. The partial fraction expansion is
1 1
− .
z−1 z+1
By the geometric series
∞ � �
1 1 1 1� z−1 k
= = −
z+1 2 1 + z−1
2 2
for |z − 1| < 2. It follows that
∞ � �k ∞ � �
2 1 1� −1 k
� −1 k+1
= − (z − 1) = (z − 1)k .
(z − 1)(z + 1) z−1 2 2 2
k=0 k=−1
(c) The function has poles at z = 0 and z = −1, so the punctured disc of convergence is {z : 0 <
|z + 1| < 1}. The partial fraction expansion is
1 1 1
− + .
z2 z z + 1
By the geometric series
� ∞
1 −1
= =− (z + 1)k ,
z 1 − (z + 1)
1 �∞ k
which converges for |z + 1| < 1. Differentiating the geometric series equality 1−w = k=0 w gives
for |w| < 1
= kwk−1 .
(1 − w)2
Using this gives
� ∞ � ∞
1 1 k−1
= = k(z + 1) = (n + 1)(z + 1)n .
z2 (1 − [z + 1])2
k=1 n=0
It follows that
� ∞
1 1 k
= + (k + 2)(z + 1) = (k + 2)(z + 1)k .
z 2 (z + 1) z+1
k=0 k=−1
115. Classify zero as a removable singularity, pole or essential singularity of the following functions
(a) z3
− cos z,
(b) ze1/z ,
sin z
(c) z ,
cos z
(d) z .
Solution. (a) Since cos z is analytic in zero we can ignore it and only consider the non-analytic part
. It follows that zero is a pole.
� (−1)n 2n
In more detail, using that cos z = ∞ n=0 (2n)! z we have that the Laurent series with centre zero
�∞ k
is k=−∞ ak z with
0 k < 0 and k �= −3
1 k = −3
ak = (−1)k/2
k ≥ 0 and k even
0 k ≥ 0 and k odd.
� �∞ 1 −n+1 �1
(b) The power series expansion of ew is ∞ 1 n
n=0 n! w so that ze
1/z =
n=0 n! z = j=−∞ 1 j
(1−j)! z .
It follows that zero is an essential singularity.
In more detail, we have that the Laurent series with centre zero is ∞ k
k=−∞ ak z with
(1−k)! k≤1
ak =
0 k > 1.