Nadia Belu, Agnieszka Misztal and Laurentiu Mihai Ionescu
Nadia Belu, Agnieszka Misztal and Laurentiu Mihai Ionescu
Nadia Belu, Agnieszka Misztal and Laurentiu Mihai Ionescu
1 Introduction
The growing requirements of car users cause that in recent years more and more
manufacturers make efforts to ensure product reliability. The companies have to adapt their
products precisely to customer needs, and therefore parameters of manufactured products are
adjusted to the individual requirements of customers. Different customers determine their
specific requirements based on their special market strategy in order to satisfy customers’
needs [1]. This involves technologically advanced process design, quality planning and
quality control throughout the production cycle [2, 3, 4]. Existing tools and methods have
become inadequate because they do not meet all additional requirements. It is therefore
necessary to look for new solutions or improve old and trusted methods. A new quality
control tool risk-based thinking in the procedural approach has the goal of achieving
improved results and preventing negative effects. Thus, Quality Assurance Matrix is a modern
identification tool of the problems, a standardized process that takes potential or actual quality
concerns, ranks their importance to customer satisfaction and evaluates the robustness of the
manufacturing and inspection processes against the potential or actual seriousness of the
concern. Management of the processes can be achieved using the PDCA cycle.
Quality Assessment Matrix is suitable for the continuous control of the parameters of the
3 Quality Assurance Matrix
Quality Assurance Matrix (QAM) is a quality tool that is based on the principle that any
failure (noncompliance) to a manufacturing process that affects a customer (who may be the
next process or final customer) must imperatively be eradicated. The method ranks, for
potential and existing defects, the reliability limits of the control systems in the manufacturing
process, thus allowing the implementation a necessary corrective measures and achieving in
this way a quality objectives [11]. Quality Assurance Matrix (QM) helps to achieve the goal
of meeting Customer Quality Expectations such as [12]:
1. QM enables control of all critical, significant and / or important items on the vehicle;
2. QM is a useful problem identification tool.
This tool is used for:
1. new model process planning,
2. current model quality concerns.
Quality Mapping uses some of the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) thought
processes – Risk Assessment. Ultimate aims of this tool are:
- robust products and design,
- robust manufacturing processes delivered through In-Station Process Control,
- operator interface with process and product which assures quality of output,
- engaging the intelligence of the total organization in pursuit of customer satisfaction.
QA matrix reflecting the declination product / process is in general in a single physical
manufacturing line. The Matrix QA is a land management tool under the guidance of the first
management level (after the operator).
To capitalize more easily from one project to another, a matrix QA will be conducted by
vehicle / body / piece.
The matrix may be used:
- in life series on proven cases to synthesize the actual situation and improve it,
- in life series on potential problems when the actual situation is sufficiently controlled,
- project to identify the establishment of controls on the identification of risks.
Note: in order of priority, the MQA POE first concern problems found, but wait for the goals
of a few ppm (parts per million), it is important to integrate the potential problems in
connection with the risk analysis. Shape of QA Matrix is showed on picture 1.
Fig. 1. Shape of QAM
We can distinguish many similarities but also major differences between the traditional
quality control and modern control using QAM. These characteristics are summarized in
Table 1.
Table 1. Comparison of traditional and contemporary quality control
Characteristics Traditional quality control QAM
aim - minimizing the number of - to master the delivery rate of conformity
non-conforming products (ppm)
- adjustment of the production - to insure the robust treatment of the
process product’s quality problems
- performed to meet a customer
requirement and/or to comply with safety
and quality requirements
assumption process monitoring and any failure with a potential effect on the
eliminating the causes of customer must be eradicated
unsatisfactory performance at
all stages of the life cycle of the
condition the process must be stable - in the serial production on the proven
defect, analysis and improvement of real
- in the serial production on the potential
defects when the real situation is stable
- in the projects during the definition phase
and startup of the production process
principle of action assess variability of process interactive method for dealing with the
parameters already arisen defects in the production
interaction object - product (quality features) - product (quality features)
- machine (ability qualitative) - production process parameters
using methods - Shewarts sheets - PDCA
- histogram - Poka Yoke
- risk assessment
- QRQC - Quick Response Quality
Control, Quality Control Story
- Fault tree analysis, Control Plan
measured values - average value -unlimited number of characteristics
- variety - overall level quality guarantee
- standard deviation
- median
type of evaluation subjective objective
flexibility of tests low high
response to only those that correspond to unlimited range
problems measured characteristics
possibility of no yes
actors involved quality engineers multidisciplinary team (quality,
maintenance, engineering)
costs reduces the number of rejects decreases development time and re-design
and saves the cost of material costs
customer improves the relationship with enhanced customer satisfaction
the customer
5 Conclusions
The enterprise from the automotive sector must use the methods which will help them to
enhance processes and activities in the whole production cycle, for a new level of
performance regarding employees, products, processes and management. The employees
should be encouraged and trained to use the new tools especially in the automotive sector due
to the growing demand and expectation of customers. The application and benefits of Quality
Assurance Matrix can be further explored in the automotive industry.
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